/* Copyright (c) 2003, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is also distributed with certain software (including but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, as designated in a particular file or component or in included license documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional permission to link the program and your derivative works with the separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef HUGO_OPERATIONS_HPP #define HUGO_OPERATIONS_HPP #include #include #include #include class HugoOperations : public UtilTransactions { public: HugoOperations(const NdbDictionary::Table&, const NdbDictionary::Index* idx = 0); ~HugoOperations(); int startTransaction(Ndb*, const NdbDictionary::Table *table= 0, const char *keyData= 0, Uint32 keyLen= 0); int startTransaction(Ndb*, Uint32 node_id, Uint32 instance_id); int setTransaction(NdbTransaction*,bool not_null_ok= false); int closeTransaction(Ndb*); NdbTransaction* getTransaction(); void refresh(); void setTransactionId(Uint64); int pkInsertRecord(Ndb*, int recordNo, int numRecords = 1, int updatesValue = 0, int row_step = 1); int pkWriteRecord(Ndb*, int recordNo, int numRecords = 1, int updatesValue = 0); int pkWritePartialRecord(Ndb*, int recordNo, int numRecords = 1); int pkReadRecord(Ndb*, int record, int numRecords = 1, NdbOperation::LockMode lm = NdbOperation::LM_Read, NdbOperation::LockMode * lmused = 0, bool noWait = false); int pkReadRandRecord(Ndb*, int records, int numRecords = 1, NdbOperation::LockMode lm = NdbOperation::LM_Read, NdbOperation::LockMode * lmused = 0); int pkReadRecordLockHandle(Ndb*, Vector& lockHandles, int record, int numRecords = 1, NdbOperation::LockMode lm = NdbOperation::LM_Read, NdbOperation::LockMode * lmused = 0); int pkUnlockRecord(Ndb*, Vector& lockHandles, int offset = 0, int numRecords = ~(0), NdbOperation::AbortOption ao = NdbOperation::AbortOnError); int pkUpdateRecord(Ndb*, int recordNo, int numRecords = 1, int updatesValue = 0); int pkDeleteRecord(Ndb*, int recordNo, int numRecords = 1, int step = 1); int pkRefreshRecord(Ndb*, int recordNo, int numRecords = 1, int anyValueInfo = 0); /* 0 - none, 1+ Val | record */ int execute_Commit(Ndb*, AbortOption ao = AbortOnError); int execute_NoCommit(Ndb*, AbortOption ao = AbortOnError); int execute_Rollback(Ndb*); int saveCopyOfRecord(int numRecords = 1); int compareRecordToCopy(int numRecords = 1); BaseString getRecordStr(int recordNum); int getRecordGci(int recordNum); int setValueForAttr(NdbOperation*, int attrId, int rowId, int updateId); int equalForAttr(NdbOperation*, int attrId, int rowId); int equalForRow(NdbOperation*, int rowid); bool getPartIdForRow(const NdbOperation* pOp, int rowid, Uint32& partId); int setValues(NdbOperation*, int rowId, int updateId); int setNonPkValues(NdbOperation*, int rowId, int updateId); int verifyUpdatesValue(int updatesValue, int _numRows = 0); int indexReadRecords(Ndb*, const char * idxName, int recordNo, bool exclusive = false, int records = 1); int indexUpdateRecord(Ndb*, const char * idxName, int recordNo, int numRecords = 1, int updatesValue = 0); int scanReadRecords(Ndb*, NdbScanOperation::LockMode = NdbScanOperation::LM_CommittedRead, int numRecords = 1); NdbIndexScanOperation* pIndexScanOp; NDBT_ResultRow& get_row(Uint32 idx) { return *rows[idx];} int execute_async(Ndb*, NdbTransaction::ExecType, NdbOperation::AbortOption = NdbOperation::AbortOnError); int execute_async_prepare(Ndb*, NdbTransaction::ExecType, NdbOperation::AbortOption = NdbOperation::AbortOnError); int wait_async(Ndb*, int timeout = -1); int releaseLockHandles(Ndb*, Vector& lockHandles, int offset = 0, int numRecords = ~(0)); const NdbError& getNdbError() const; void setQuiet() { m_quiet = true; } typedef Uint32 (*AnyValueCallback)(Ndb*, NdbTransaction*, int rowid, int updVal); void setAnyValueCallback(AnyValueCallback); protected: void allocRows(int rows); void deallocRows(); Vector rows; Vector indexScans; HugoCalculator calc; Vector savedRecords; struct RsPair { NdbScanOperation* m_result_set; int records; }; Vector m_result_sets; Vector m_executed_result_sets; int m_async_reply; int m_async_return; friend void HugoOperations_async_callback(int, NdbTransaction*, void*); void callback(int res, NdbTransaction*); Uint32 getAnyValueForRowUpd(int row, int update); void setNdbError(const NdbError& error); NdbError m_error; bool m_quiet; AnyValueCallback avCallback; }; #endif