package org.coolreader.crengine; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import org.coolreader.CoolReader; import org.coolreader.R; import org.coolreader.crengine.InputDialog.InputHandler; import; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Build; import android.text.ClipboardManager; import android.util.Log; import android.util.SparseArray; import android.view.GestureDetector; import android.view.GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.SurfaceHolder; import android.view.SurfaceView; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnFocusChangeListener; import android.view.View.OnKeyListener; import android.view.View.OnTouchListener; public class ReaderView implements android.view.SurfaceHolder.Callback, Settings, DocProperties, OnKeyListener, OnTouchListener, OnFocusChangeListener { public static final Logger log = L.create("rv", Log.VERBOSE); public static final Logger alog = L.create("ra", Log.WARN); private final SurfaceView surface; private final BookView bookView; public SurfaceView getSurface() { return surface; } public interface BookView { void draw(); void draw(boolean isPartially); void invalidate(); void onPause(); void onResume(); } public class ReaderSurface extends SurfaceView implements BookView { public ReaderSurface(Context context) { super(context); // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub } @Override public void onPause() { } @Override public void onResume() { } @Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { try { log.d("onDraw() called"); draw(); } catch (Exception e) { log.e("exception while drawing", e); } } @Override protected void onDetachedFromWindow() { super.onDetachedFromWindow(); log.d("View.onDetachedFromWindow() is called"); } @Override public boolean onTrackballEvent(MotionEvent event) { log.d("onTrackballEvent(" + event + ")"); if (mSettings.getBool(PROP_APP_TRACKBALL_DISABLED, false)) { log.d("trackball is disabled in settings"); return true; } mActivity.onUserActivity(); return super.onTrackballEvent(event); } @Override protected void onSizeChanged(final int w, final int h, int oldw, int oldh) { log.i("onSizeChanged(" + w + ", " + h + ")" + " activity.isDialogActive=" + getActivity().isDialogActive()); super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh); requestResize(w, h); } @Override public void onWindowVisibilityChanged(int visibility) { if (visibility == VISIBLE) { if (DeviceInfo.EINK_SCREEN) mEinkScreen.refreshScreen(surface); startStats(); checkSize(); } else stopStats(); super.onWindowVisibilityChanged(visibility); } @Override public void onWindowFocusChanged(boolean hasWindowFocus) { if (hasWindowFocus) { if (DeviceInfo.EINK_SCREEN) BackgroundThread.instance().postGUI(() -> mEinkScreen.refreshScreen(surface), 400); startStats(); checkSize(); } else stopStats(); super.onWindowFocusChanged(hasWindowFocus); } protected void doDraw(Canvas canvas) { try { log.d("doDraw() called"); if (isProgressActive()) { log.d("onDraw() -- drawing progress " + (currentProgressPosition / 100)); drawPageBackground(canvas); doDrawProgress(canvas, currentProgressPosition, currentProgressTitle); } else if (mInitialized && mCurrentPageInfo != null && mCurrentPageInfo.bitmap != null) { log.d("onDraw() -- drawing page image"); if (currentAutoScrollAnimation != null) { currentAutoScrollAnimation.draw(canvas); } else if (currentAnimation != null) { currentAnimation.draw(canvas); } else { Rect dst = new Rect(0, 0, canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight()); Rect src = new Rect(0, 0, mCurrentPageInfo.bitmap.getWidth(), mCurrentPageInfo.bitmap.getHeight()); if (dontStretchWhileDrawing) { if (dst.right > src.right) dst.right = src.right; if (dst.bottom > src.bottom) dst.bottom = src.bottom; if (src.right > dst.right) src.right = dst.right; if (src.bottom > dst.bottom) src.bottom = dst.bottom; if (centerPageInsteadOfResizing) { int ddx = (canvas.getWidth() - dst.width()) / 2; int ddy = (canvas.getHeight() - dst.height()) / 2; dst.left += ddx; dst.right += ddx; += ddy; dst.bottom += ddy; } } if (dst.width() != canvas.getWidth() || dst.height() != canvas.getHeight()) canvas.drawColor(Color.rgb(32, 32, 32)); drawDimmedBitmap(canvas, mCurrentPageInfo.bitmap, src, dst); } if (isCloudSyncProgressActive()) { // draw progressbar on top doDrawCloudSyncProgress(canvas, currentCloudSyncProgressPosition); } } else { log.d("onDraw() -- drawing empty screen"); drawPageBackground(canvas); if (isCloudSyncProgressActive()) { // draw progressbar on top doDrawCloudSyncProgress(canvas, currentCloudSyncProgressPosition); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.e("exception while drawing", e); } } @Override public void draw() { draw(false); } @Override public void draw(boolean isPartially) { drawCallback(this::doDraw, null, isPartially); } @Override public void invalidate() { super.invalidate(); } } private DocView doc; // additional key codes for Nook public static final int NOOK_KEY_PREV_LEFT = 96; public static final int NOOK_KEY_PREV_RIGHT = 98; public static final int NOOK_KEY_NEXT_RIGHT = 97; public static final int NOOK_KEY_SHIFT_UP = 101; public static final int NOOK_KEY_SHIFT_DOWN = 100; // nook 1 & 2 public static final int NOOK_12_KEY_NEXT_LEFT = 95; // Nook touch buttons public static final int KEYCODE_PAGE_BOTTOMLEFT = 0x5d; // fwd = 93 ( // public static final int KEYCODE_PAGE_BOTTOMRIGHT = 158; // 0x5f; // fwd = 95 public static final int KEYCODE_PAGE_TOPLEFT = 0x5c; // back = 92 public static final int KEYCODE_PAGE_TOPRIGHT = 0x5e; // back = 94 public static final int SONY_DPAD_UP_SCANCODE = 105; public static final int SONY_DPAD_DOWN_SCANCODE = 106; public static final int SONY_DPAD_LEFT_SCANCODE = 125; public static final int SONY_DPAD_RIGHT_SCANCODE = 126; public static final int KEYCODE_ESCAPE = 111; // KeyEvent constant since API 11 // public static final int SONY_MENU_SCANCODE = 357; // public static final int SONY_BACK_SCANCODE = 158; // public static final int SONY_HOME_SCANCODE = 102; public static final int PAGE_ANIMATION_NONE = 0; public static final int PAGE_ANIMATION_PAPER = 1; public static final int PAGE_ANIMATION_SLIDE = 2; public static final int PAGE_ANIMATION_SLIDE2 = 3; public static final int PAGE_ANIMATION_MAX = 3; public static final int SEL_CMD_SELECT_FIRST_SENTENCE_ON_PAGE = 1; public static final int SEL_CMD_NEXT_SENTENCE = 2; public static final int SEL_CMD_PREV_SENTENCE = 3; // Double tap selections within this radius are are assumed to be attempts to select a single point public static final int DOUBLE_TAP_RADIUS = 60; private final static int BRIGHTNESS_TYPE_COMMON = 0; private final static int BRIGHTNESS_TYPE_WARM = 1; private ViewMode viewMode = ViewMode.PAGES; private void execute(Engine.EngineTask task) { mEngine.execute(task); } private void post(Engine.EngineTask task) {; } private abstract class Task implements Engine.EngineTask { public void done() { // override to do something useful } public void fail(Exception e) { // do nothing, just log exception // override to do custom action log.e("Task " + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " is failed with exception " + e.getMessage(), e); } } static class Sync extends Object { private volatile T result = null; private volatile boolean completed = false; public void set(T res) { log.d("sync.set() called from " + Thread.currentThread().getName()); result = res; completed = true; synchronized (this) { notify(); } log.d("sync.set() returned from notify " + Thread.currentThread().getName()); } public T get() { log.d("sync.get() called from " + Thread.currentThread().getName()); while (!completed) { try { log.d("sync.get() before wait " + Thread.currentThread().getName()); synchronized (this) { if (!completed) wait(); } log.d("sync.get() after wait wait " + Thread.currentThread().getName()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.d("sync.get() exception", e); // ignore } catch (Exception e) { log.d("sync.get() exception", e); // ignore } } log.d("sync.get() returning " + Thread.currentThread().getName()); return result; } } private final CoolReader mActivity; private final Engine mEngine; private final EinkScreen mEinkScreen; private BookInfo mBookInfo; private Properties mSettings = new Properties(); public Engine getEngine() { return mEngine; } public CoolReader getActivity() { return mActivity; } private int lastResizeTaskId = 0; public boolean isBookLoaded() { return mOpened; } public int getOrientation() { int angle = mSettings.getInt(PROP_APP_SCREEN_ORIENTATION, 0); if (angle == 4) angle = mActivity.getOrientationFromSensor(); return angle; } private int overrideKey(int keyCode) { return keyCode; } public int getTapZone(int x, int y, int dx, int dy) { int x1 = dx / 3; int x2 = dx * 2 / 3; int y1 = dy / 3; int y2 = dy * 2 / 3; int zone = 0; if (y < y1) { if (x < x1) zone = 1; else if (x < x2) zone = 2; else zone = 3; } else if (y < y2) { if (x < x1) zone = 4; else if (x < x2) zone = 5; else zone = 6; } else { if (x < x1) zone = 7; else if (x < x2) zone = 8; else zone = 9; } return zone; } public ReaderAction findTapZoneAction(int zone, int tapActionType) { ReaderAction action = ReaderAction.NONE; boolean isSecondaryAction = (secondaryTapActionType == tapActionType); if (tapActionType == TAP_ACTION_TYPE_SHORT) { action = ReaderAction.findForTap(zone, mSettings); } else { if (isSecondaryAction) action = ReaderAction.findForLongTap(zone, mSettings); else if (doubleTapSelectionEnabled || tapActionType == TAP_ACTION_TYPE_LONGPRESS) action = ReaderAction.START_SELECTION; } return action; } public FileInfo getOpenedFileInfo() { if (isBookLoaded() && mBookInfo != null) return mBookInfo.getFileInfo(); return null; } public final int LONG_KEYPRESS_TIME = 900; public final int AUTOREPEAT_KEYPRESS_TIME = 700; public final int DOUBLE_CLICK_INTERVAL = 400; private ReaderAction currentDoubleClickAction = null; private ReaderAction currentSingleClickAction = null; private long currentDoubleClickActionStart = 0; private int currentDoubleClickActionKeyCode = 0; // boolean VOLUME_KEYS_ZOOM = false; //private boolean backKeyDownHere = false; private long statStartTime; private long statTimeElapsed; public void startStats() { if (statStartTime == 0) { statStartTime = android.os.SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); log.d("stats: started reading"); } } public void stopStats() { if (statStartTime > 0) { statTimeElapsed += android.os.SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - statStartTime; statStartTime = 0; log.d("stats: stopped reading"); } } public long getTimeElapsed() { if (statStartTime > 0) return statTimeElapsed + android.os.SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - statStartTime; else return statTimeElapsed++; } public void setTimeElapsed(long timeElapsed) { statTimeElapsed = timeElapsed; } public void onAppPause() { stopTracking(); if (currentAutoScrollAnimation != null) stopAutoScroll(); Bookmark bmk = getCurrentPositionBookmark(); if (bmk != null) savePositionBookmark(bmk); log.i("calling bookView.onPause()"); bookView.onPause(); } private long lastAppResumeTs = 0; public void onAppResume() { lastAppResumeTs = System.currentTimeMillis(); log.i("calling bookView.onResume()"); bookView.onResume(); } private boolean startTrackingKey(KeyEvent event) { if (event.getRepeatCount() == 0) { stopTracking(); trackedKeyEvent = event; return true; } return false; } private void stopTracking() { trackedKeyEvent = null; actionToRepeat = null; repeatActionActive = false; if (currentTapHandler != null) currentTapHandler.cancel(); } private boolean isTracked(KeyEvent event) { if (trackedKeyEvent != null) { int tkeKc = trackedKeyEvent.getKeyCode(); int eKc = event.getKeyCode(); // check if tracked key and current key are the same if (tkeKc == eKc) { long tkeDt = trackedKeyEvent.getDownTime(); long eDt = event.getDownTime(); // empirical value (could be changed or moved to constant) long delta = 300l; // time difference between tracked and current event long diff = eDt - tkeDt; // needed for correct function on HTC Desire for CENTER_KEY if (delta > diff) return true; } else { log.v("isTracked( trackedKeyEvent=" + trackedKeyEvent + ", event=" + event + " )"); } } stopTracking(); return false; } private KeyEvent trackedKeyEvent = null; private ReaderAction actionToRepeat = null; private boolean repeatActionActive = false; private SparseArray keyDownTimestampMap = new SparseArray(); private int translateKeyCode(int keyCode) { if (DeviceInfo.REVERT_LANDSCAPE_VOLUME_KEYS && (mActivity.getScreenOrientation() & 1) != 0) { if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN) return KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP; if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP) return KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN; } return keyCode; } private int nextUpdateId = 0; private void updateSelection(int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY, final boolean isUpdateEnd) { final Selection sel = new Selection(); final int myId = ++nextUpdateId; sel.startX = startX; sel.startY = startY; sel.endX = endX; sel.endY = endY; mEngine.execute(new Task() { @Override public void work() throws Exception { if (myId != nextUpdateId && !isUpdateEnd) return; doc.updateSelection(sel); if (!sel.isEmpty()) { invalidImages = true; BitmapInfo bi = preparePageImage(0); if (bi != null) { bookView.draw(true); } } } @Override public void done() { if (isUpdateEnd) { String text = sel.text; if (text != null && text.length() > 0) { onSelectionComplete(sel); } else { clearSelection(); } } } }); } public static boolean isMultiSelection(Selection sel) { String str = sel.text; if (str != null) { for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { if (Character.isWhitespace(str.charAt(i))) { return true; } } } return false; } private int mSelectionAction = SELECTION_ACTION_TOOLBAR; private int mMultiSelectionAction = SELECTION_ACTION_TOOLBAR; private void onSelectionComplete(Selection sel) { int iSelectionAction; iSelectionAction = isMultiSelection(sel) ? mMultiSelectionAction : mSelectionAction; switch (iSelectionAction) { case SELECTION_ACTION_TOOLBAR: SelectionToolbarDlg.showDialog(mActivity, ReaderView.this, sel); break; case SELECTION_ACTION_COPY: copyToClipboard(sel.text); clearSelection(); break; case SELECTION_ACTION_DICTIONARY: mActivity.findInDictionary(sel.text); if (!getSettings().getBool(PROP_APP_SELECTION_PERSIST, false)) clearSelection(); break; case SELECTION_ACTION_BOOKMARK: clearSelection(); showNewBookmarkDialog(sel); break; case SELECTION_ACTION_FIND: clearSelection(); showSearchDialog(sel.text); break; default: clearSelection(); break; } } public void showNewBookmarkDialog(Selection sel) { if (mBookInfo == null) return; Bookmark bmk = new Bookmark(); bmk.setType(Bookmark.TYPE_COMMENT); bmk.setPosText(sel.text); bmk.setStartPos(sel.startPos); bmk.setEndPos(sel.endPos); bmk.setPercent(sel.percent); bmk.setTitleText(sel.chapter); BookmarkEditDialog dlg = new BookmarkEditDialog(mActivity, this, bmk, true);; } public void sendQuotationInEmail(Selection sel) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); if (mBookInfo.getFileInfo().authors != null) buf.append("|" + mBookInfo.getFileInfo().authors + "\n"); if (mBookInfo.getFileInfo().title != null) buf.append("|" + mBookInfo.getFileInfo().title + "\n"); if (sel.chapter != null && sel.chapter.length() > 0) buf.append("|" + sel.chapter + "\n"); buf.append(sel.text + "\n"); mActivity.sendBookFragment(mBookInfo, buf.toString()); } public void copyToClipboard(String text) { if (text != null && text.length() > 0) { ClipboardManager cm = mActivity.getClipboardmanager(); cm.setText(text); log.i("Setting clipboard text: " + text); mActivity.showToast("Selection text copied to clipboard"); } } // private void cancelSelection() { // // // selectionInProgress = false; // clearSelection(); // } private int isBacklightControlFlick = 1; private int isWarmBacklightControlFlick = 2; private boolean isTouchScreenEnabled = true; // private boolean isManualScrollActive = false; // private boolean isBrightnessControlActive = false; // private int manualScrollStartPosX = -1; // private int manualScrollStartPosY = -1; // volatile private boolean touchEventIgnoreNextUp = false; // volatile private int longTouchId = 0; // volatile private long currentDoubleTapActionStart = 0; // private boolean selectionInProgress = false; // private int selectionStartX = 0; // private int selectionStartY = 0; // private int selectionEndX = 0; // private int selectionEndY = 0; private boolean doubleTapSelectionEnabled = false; private int mGesturePageFlipsPerFullSwipe; private boolean mIsPageMode; private int secondaryTapActionType = TAP_ACTION_TYPE_LONGPRESS; private boolean selectionModeActive = false; public void toggleSelectionMode() { selectionModeActive = !selectionModeActive; mActivity.showToast(selectionModeActive ? R.string.action_toggle_selection_mode_on : R.string.action_toggle_selection_mode_off); } private ImageViewer currentImageViewer; private class ImageViewer extends SimpleOnGestureListener { private ImageInfo currentImage; final GestureDetector detector; int oldOrientation; public ImageViewer(ImageInfo image) { lockOrientation(); detector = new GestureDetector(this); if (image.bufHeight / image.height >= 2 && image.bufWidth / image.width >= 2) { image.scaledHeight *= 2; image.scaledWidth *= 2; } centerIfLessThanScreen(image); currentImage = image; } private void lockOrientation() { oldOrientation = mActivity.getScreenOrientation(); if (oldOrientation == 4) mActivity.setScreenOrientation(mActivity.getOrientationFromSensor()); } private void unlockOrientation() { if (oldOrientation == 4) mActivity.setScreenOrientation(oldOrientation); } private void centerIfLessThanScreen(ImageInfo image) { if (image.scaledHeight < image.bufHeight) image.y = (image.bufHeight - image.scaledHeight) / 2; if (image.scaledWidth < image.bufWidth) image.x = (image.bufWidth - image.scaledWidth) / 2; } private void fixScreenBounds(ImageInfo image) { if (image.scaledHeight > image.bufHeight) { if (image.y < image.bufHeight - image.scaledHeight) image.y = image.bufHeight - image.scaledHeight; if (image.y > 0) image.y = 0; } if (image.scaledWidth > image.bufWidth) { if (image.x < image.bufWidth - image.scaledWidth) image.x = image.bufWidth - image.scaledWidth; if (image.x > 0) image.x = 0; } } private void updateImage(ImageInfo image) { centerIfLessThanScreen(image); fixScreenBounds(image); if (!currentImage.equals(image)) { currentImage = image; drawPage(); } } public void zoomIn() { ImageInfo image = new ImageInfo(currentImage); if (image.scaledHeight >= image.height) { int scale = image.scaledHeight / image.height; if (scale < 4) scale++; image.scaledHeight = image.height * scale; image.scaledWidth = image.width * scale; } else { int scale = image.height / image.scaledHeight; if (scale > 1) scale--; image.scaledHeight = image.height / scale; image.scaledWidth = image.width / scale; } updateImage(image); } public void zoomOut() { ImageInfo image = new ImageInfo(currentImage); if (image.scaledHeight > image.height) { int scale = image.scaledHeight / image.height; if (scale > 1) scale--; image.scaledHeight = image.height * scale; image.scaledWidth = image.width * scale; } else { int scale = image.height / image.scaledHeight; if (image.scaledHeight > image.bufHeight || image.scaledWidth > image.bufWidth) scale++; image.scaledHeight = image.height / scale; image.scaledWidth = image.width / scale; } updateImage(image); } public int getStep() { ImageInfo image = currentImage; int max = image.bufHeight; if (max < image.bufWidth) max = image.bufWidth; return max / 10; } public void moveBy(int dx, int dy) { ImageInfo image = new ImageInfo(currentImage); image.x += dx; image.y += dy; updateImage(image); } public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, final KeyEvent event) { if (keyCode == 0) keyCode = event.getScanCode(); switch (keyCode) { case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP: zoomIn(); return true; case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN: zoomOut(); return true; case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER: case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK: case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENDCALL: close(); return true; case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT: moveBy(getStep(), 0); return true; case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT: moveBy(-getStep(), 0); return true; case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP: moveBy(0, getStep()); return true; case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN: moveBy(0, -getStep()); return true; } return false; } public boolean onKeyUp(int keyCode, final KeyEvent event) { if (keyCode == 0) keyCode = event.getScanCode(); switch (keyCode) { case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK: case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENDCALL: close(); return true; } return false; } public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { // int aindex = event.getActionIndex(); // if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN) { // log.v("ACTION_POINTER_DOWN"); // } return detector.onTouchEvent(event); } @Override public boolean onFling(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float velocityX, float velocityY) { log.v("onFling()"); return true; } @Override public boolean onScroll(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float distanceX, float distanceY) { log.v("onScroll() " + distanceX + ", " + distanceY); int dx = (int) distanceX; int dy = (int) distanceY; moveBy(-dx, -dy); return true; } @Override public boolean onSingleTapConfirmed(MotionEvent e) { log.v("onSingleTapConfirmed()"); ImageInfo image = new ImageInfo(currentImage); int x = (int) e.getX(); int y = (int) e.getY(); int zone = 0; int zw = mActivity.getDensityDpi() / 2; int w = image.bufWidth; int h = image.bufHeight; if (image.rotation == 0) { if (x < zw && y > h - zw) zone = 1; if (x > w - zw && y > h - zw) zone = 2; } else { if (x < zw && y < zw) zone = 1; if (x < zw && y > h - zw) zone = 2; } if (zone != 0) { if (zone == 1) zoomIn(); else zoomOut(); return true; } close(); return super.onSingleTapConfirmed(e); } @Override public boolean onDown(MotionEvent e) { return true; } public void close() { if (currentImageViewer == null) return; currentImageViewer = null; unlockOrientation(); BackgroundThread.instance().postBackground(() -> doc.closeImage()); drawPage(); } public BitmapInfo prepareImage() { // called from background thread ImageInfo img = currentImage; img.bufWidth = internalDX; img.bufHeight = internalDY; if (mCurrentPageInfo != null) { if (img.equals(mCurrentPageInfo.imageInfo)) return mCurrentPageInfo; mCurrentPageInfo.recycle(); mCurrentPageInfo = null; } PositionProperties currpos = doc.getPositionProps(null, false); BitmapInfo bi = new BitmapInfo(); bi.imageInfo = new ImageInfo(img); bi.bitmap = factory.get(internalDX, internalDY); bi.position = currpos; doc.drawImage(bi.bitmap, bi.imageInfo); mCurrentPageInfo = bi; return mCurrentPageInfo; } } private void startImageViewer(ImageInfo image) { currentImageViewer = new ImageViewer(image); drawPage(); } private boolean isImageViewMode() { return currentImageViewer != null; } private void stopImageViewer() { if (currentImageViewer != null) currentImageViewer.close(); } private TapHandler currentTapHandler = null; public class TapHandler { private final static int STATE_INITIAL = 0; // no events yet private final static int STATE_DOWN_1 = 1; // down first time private final static int STATE_SELECTION = 3; // selection is started private final static int STATE_FLIPPING = 4; // flipping is in progress private final static int STATE_WAIT_FOR_DOUBLE_CLICK = 5; // flipping is in progress private final static int STATE_DONE = 6; // done: no more tracking private final static int STATE_BRIGHTNESS = 7; // brightness change in progress private final static int STATE_FLIP_TRACKING = 8; // pages flip tracking in progress private final static int EXPIRATION_TIME_MS = 180000; int state = STATE_INITIAL; int brightness_type = BRIGHTNESS_TYPE_COMMON; int start_x = 0; int start_y = 0; int width = 0; int height = 0; ReaderAction shortTapAction = ReaderAction.NONE; ReaderAction longTapAction = ReaderAction.NONE; ReaderAction doubleTapAction = ReaderAction.NONE; long firstDown; /// handle unexpected event for state: stop tracking private boolean unexpectedEvent() { cancel(); return true; // ignore } public boolean isInitialState() { return state == STATE_INITIAL; } public void checkExpiration() { if (state != STATE_INITIAL && Utils.timeInterval(firstDown) > EXPIRATION_TIME_MS) cancel(); } /// cancel current action and reset touch tracking state private boolean cancel() { if (state == STATE_INITIAL) return true; switch (state) { case STATE_DOWN_1: case STATE_SELECTION: clearSelection(); break; case STATE_FLIPPING: stopAnimation(-1, -1); break; case STATE_WAIT_FOR_DOUBLE_CLICK: case STATE_DONE: case STATE_BRIGHTNESS: case STATE_FLIP_TRACKING: stopBrightnessControl(-1, -1, brightness_type); break; } state = STATE_DONE; unhiliteTapZone(); currentTapHandler = new TapHandler(); return true; } private void adjustStartValuesOnDrag(int swipeDistance, int distanceForFlip) { if (Math.abs(swipeDistance) < distanceForFlip) { return; // Nothing to do } int direction = swipeDistance > 0 ? 1 : -1; // Left-to-right or right-to-left swipe? int value = direction * distanceForFlip; while (Math.abs(swipeDistance) >= distanceForFlip) { if (mIsPageMode) { start_x += value; } else { start_y += value; } swipeDistance -= value; } } private void updatePageFlipTracking(final int x, final int y) { if (!mOpened) return; final int swipeDistance = mIsPageMode ? x - start_x : y - start_y; final int distanceForFlip = surface.getWidth() / mGesturePageFlipsPerFullSwipe; int pagesToFlip = swipeDistance / distanceForFlip; if (pagesToFlip == 0) { return; // Nothing to do } adjustStartValuesOnDrag(swipeDistance, distanceForFlip); ReaderAction action = pagesToFlip > 0 ? ReaderAction.PAGE_DOWN : ReaderAction.PAGE_UP; while (pagesToFlip != 0) { onAction(action); if (pagesToFlip > 0) { pagesToFlip--; } else { pagesToFlip++; } } } /// perform action and reset touch tracking state private boolean performAction(final ReaderAction action, boolean checkForLinks) { log.d("performAction on touch: " + action); state = STATE_DONE; currentTapHandler = new TapHandler(); if (!checkForLinks) { onAction(action); return true; } // check link before executing action mEngine.execute(new Task() { String link; ImageInfo image; Bookmark bookmark; public void work() { image = new ImageInfo(); image.bufWidth = internalDX; image.bufHeight = internalDY; image.bufDpi = mActivity.getDensityDpi(); if (doc.checkImage(start_x, start_y, image)) { return; } image = null; link = doc.checkLink(start_x, start_y, mActivity.getPalmTipPixels() / 2); if (link != null) { if (link.startsWith("#")) { log.d("go to " + link); doc.goLink(link); drawPage(); } return; } bookmark = doc.checkBookmark(start_x, start_y); if (bookmark != null && bookmark.getType() == Bookmark.TYPE_POSITION) bookmark = null; } public void done() { if (bookmark != null) bookmark = mBookInfo.findBookmark(bookmark); if (link == null && image == null && bookmark == null) { onAction(action); } else if (image != null) { startImageViewer(image); } else if (bookmark != null) { BookmarkEditDialog dlg = new BookmarkEditDialog(mActivity, ReaderView.this, bookmark, false);; } else if (!link.startsWith("#")) { log.d("external link " + link); if (link.startsWith("http://") || link.startsWith("https://")) { mActivity.openURL(link); } else { // absolute path to file FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(link); if (fi.exists()) { mActivity.loadDocument(fi, true); return; } File baseDir = null; if (mBookInfo != null && mBookInfo.getFileInfo() != null) { if (!mBookInfo.getFileInfo().isArchive) { // relatively to base directory File f = new File(mBookInfo.getFileInfo().getBasePath()); baseDir = f.getParentFile(); String url = link; while (baseDir != null && url != null && url.startsWith("../")) { baseDir = baseDir.getParentFile(); url = url.substring(3); } if (baseDir != null && url != null && url.length() > 0) { fi = new FileInfo(baseDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + url); if (fi.exists()) { mActivity.loadDocument(fi, true); return; } } } else { // from archive fi = new FileInfo(mBookInfo.getFileInfo().getArchiveName() + FileInfo.ARC_SEPARATOR + link); if (fi.exists()) { mActivity.loadDocument(fi, true); return; } } } mActivity.showToast("Cannot open link " + link); } } } }); return true; } private boolean startSelection() { state = STATE_SELECTION; // check link before executing action mEngine.execute(new Task() { ImageInfo image; Bookmark bookmark; public void work() { image = new ImageInfo(); image.bufWidth = internalDX; image.bufHeight = internalDY; image.bufDpi = mActivity.getDensityDpi(); if (!doc.checkImage(start_x, start_y, image)) image = null; bookmark = doc.checkBookmark(start_x, start_y); if (bookmark != null && bookmark.getType() == Bookmark.TYPE_POSITION) bookmark = null; } public void done() { if (bookmark != null) bookmark = mBookInfo.findBookmark(bookmark); if (image != null) { cancel(); startImageViewer(image); } else if (bookmark != null) { cancel(); BookmarkEditDialog dlg = new BookmarkEditDialog(mActivity, ReaderView.this, bookmark, false);; } else { updateSelection(start_x, start_y, start_x, start_y, false); } } }); return true; } private boolean trackDoubleTap() { state = STATE_WAIT_FOR_DOUBLE_CLICK; BackgroundThread.instance().postGUI(() -> { if (currentTapHandler == TapHandler.this && state == STATE_WAIT_FOR_DOUBLE_CLICK) performAction(shortTapAction, false); }, DOUBLE_CLICK_INTERVAL); return true; } private boolean trackLongTap() { BackgroundThread.instance().postGUI(() -> { if (currentTapHandler == TapHandler.this && state == STATE_DOWN_1) { if (longTapAction == ReaderAction.START_SELECTION) startSelection(); else performAction(longTapAction, true); } }, LONG_KEYPRESS_TIME); return true; } public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { int x = (int) event.getX(); int y = (int) event.getY(); if ((DeviceInfo.getSDKLevel() >= 19) && mActivity.isFullscreen() && (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN)) { if ((y < 30) || (y > (getSurface().getHeight() - 30))) return unexpectedEvent(); } if (state == STATE_INITIAL && event.getAction() != MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) return unexpectedEvent(); // ignore unexpected event // Uncomment to disable user interaction during cloud sync //if (isCloudSyncProgressActive()) // return unexpectedEvent(); if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) { long duration = Utils.timeInterval(firstDown); switch (state) { case STATE_DOWN_1: if (hiliteTapZoneOnTap) { hiliteTapZone(true, x, y, width, height); scheduleUnhilite(LONG_KEYPRESS_TIME); } if (duration > LONG_KEYPRESS_TIME) { if (longTapAction == ReaderAction.START_SELECTION) return startSelection(); return performAction(longTapAction, true); } if (doubleTapAction.isNone()) return performAction(shortTapAction, false); // start possible double tap tracking return trackDoubleTap(); case STATE_FLIPPING: stopAnimation(x, y); state = STATE_DONE; return cancel(); case STATE_BRIGHTNESS: stopBrightnessControl(x, y, brightness_type); state = STATE_DONE; return cancel(); case STATE_SELECTION: // If the second tap is within a radius of the first tap point, assume the user is trying to double tap on the same point if (start_x - x <= DOUBLE_TAP_RADIUS && x - start_x <= DOUBLE_TAP_RADIUS && y - start_y <= DOUBLE_TAP_RADIUS && start_y - y <= DOUBLE_TAP_RADIUS) updateSelection(start_x, start_y, start_x, start_y, true); else updateSelection(start_x, start_y, x, y, true); selectionModeActive = false; state = STATE_DONE; return cancel(); case STATE_FLIP_TRACKING: updatePageFlipTracking(x, y); state = STATE_DONE; return cancel(); } } else if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { switch (state) { case STATE_INITIAL: start_x = x; start_y = y; width = surface.getWidth(); height = surface.getHeight(); int zone = getTapZone(x, y, width, height); shortTapAction = findTapZoneAction(zone, TAP_ACTION_TYPE_SHORT); longTapAction = findTapZoneAction(zone, TAP_ACTION_TYPE_LONGPRESS); doubleTapAction = findTapZoneAction(zone, TAP_ACTION_TYPE_DOUBLE); firstDown = Utils.timeStamp(); if (selectionModeActive) { startSelection(); } else { state = STATE_DOWN_1; trackLongTap(); } return true; case STATE_DOWN_1: case STATE_BRIGHTNESS: case STATE_FLIPPING: case STATE_SELECTION: case STATE_FLIP_TRACKING: return unexpectedEvent(); case STATE_WAIT_FOR_DOUBLE_CLICK: if (doubleTapAction == ReaderAction.START_SELECTION) return startSelection(); return performAction(doubleTapAction, true); } } else if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) { int dx = x - start_x; int dy = y - start_y; int adx = dx > 0 ? dx : -dx; int ady = dy > 0 ? dy : -dy; int distance = adx + ady; int dragThreshold = mActivity.getPalmTipPixels(); switch (state) { case STATE_DOWN_1: if (distance < dragThreshold) return true; if ((!DeviceInfo.EINK_SCREEN || DeviceInfo.EINK_HAVE_FRONTLIGHT) && isBacklightControlFlick != BACKLIGHT_CONTROL_FLICK_NONE && ady > adx) { // backlight control enabled if (start_x < dragThreshold * 170 / 100 && isBacklightControlFlick == 1 || start_x > width - dragThreshold * 170 / 100 && isBacklightControlFlick == 2) { // brightness state = STATE_BRIGHTNESS; brightness_type = BRIGHTNESS_TYPE_COMMON; startBrightnessControl(start_x, start_y, brightness_type); return true; } } if (DeviceInfo.EINK_HAVE_NATURAL_BACKLIGHT && isWarmBacklightControlFlick != BACKLIGHT_CONTROL_FLICK_NONE && ady > adx) { // warm backlight control enabled if (start_x < dragThreshold * 170 / 100 && isWarmBacklightControlFlick == 1 || start_x > width - dragThreshold * 170 / 100 && isWarmBacklightControlFlick == 2) { // warm backlight brightness state = STATE_BRIGHTNESS; brightness_type = BRIGHTNESS_TYPE_WARM; startBrightnessControl(start_x, start_y, brightness_type); return true; } } int dir = mIsPageMode ? x - start_x : y - start_y; if (mGesturePageFlipsPerFullSwipe == 1) { if (pageFlipAnimationSpeedMs == 0 || DeviceInfo.EINK_SCREEN) { // no animation return performAction(dir < 0 ? ReaderAction.PAGE_DOWN : ReaderAction.PAGE_UP, false); } startAnimation(start_x, start_y, width, height, x, y); updateAnimation(x, y); state = STATE_FLIPPING; } if (mGesturePageFlipsPerFullSwipe > 1) { state = STATE_FLIP_TRACKING; updatePageFlipTracking(start_x, start_y); } return true; case STATE_FLIPPING: updateAnimation(x, y); return true; case STATE_BRIGHTNESS: updateBrightnessControl(x, y, brightness_type); return true; case STATE_FLIP_TRACKING: updatePageFlipTracking(x, y); return true; case STATE_WAIT_FOR_DOUBLE_CLICK: return true; case STATE_SELECTION: updateSelection(start_x, start_y, x, y, false); break; } } else if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_OUTSIDE) { return unexpectedEvent(); } return true; } } public void showTOC() { BackgroundThread.ensureGUI(); final ReaderView view = this; Task() { TOCItem toc; PositionProperties pos; public void work() { BackgroundThread.ensureBackground(); toc = doc.getTOC(); pos = doc.getPositionProps(null, false); } public void done() { BackgroundThread.ensureGUI(); if (toc != null && pos != null) { TOCDlg dlg = new TOCDlg(mActivity, view, toc, pos.pageNumber);; } else { mActivity.showToast("No Table of Contents found"); } } }); } public void showSearchDialog(String initialText) { if (initialText != null && initialText.length() > 40) initialText = initialText.substring(0, 40); BackgroundThread.ensureGUI(); SearchDlg dlg = new SearchDlg(mActivity, this, initialText);; } public void findText(final String pattern, final boolean reverse, final boolean caseInsensitive) { BackgroundThread.ensureGUI(); final ReaderView view = this; mEngine.execute(new Task() { public void work() throws Exception { BackgroundThread.ensureBackground(); boolean res = doc.findText(pattern, 1, reverse ? 1 : 0, caseInsensitive ? 1 : 0); if (!res) res = doc.findText(pattern, -1, reverse ? 1 : 0, caseInsensitive ? 1 : 0); if (!res) { doc.clearSelection(); throw new Exception("pattern not found"); } } public void done() { BackgroundThread.ensureGUI(); drawPage(); FindNextDlg.showDialog(mActivity, view, pattern, caseInsensitive); } public void fail(Exception e) { BackgroundThread.ensureGUI(); mActivity.showToast("Pattern not found"); } }); } public void findNext(final String pattern, final boolean reverse, final boolean caseInsensitive) { BackgroundThread.ensureGUI(); mEngine.execute(new Task() { public void work() throws Exception { BackgroundThread.ensureBackground(); boolean res = doc.findText(pattern, 1, reverse ? 1 : 0, caseInsensitive ? 1 : 0); if (!res) res = doc.findText(pattern, -1, reverse ? 1 : 0, caseInsensitive ? 1 : 0); if (!res) { doc.clearSelection(); throw new Exception("pattern not found"); } } public void done() { BackgroundThread.ensureGUI(); // drawPage(); drawPage(true); } }); } private boolean flgHighlightBookmarks = false; public void clearSelection() { BackgroundThread.ensureGUI(); if (mBookInfo == null || !isBookLoaded()) return; Task() { public void work() throws Exception { doc.clearSelection(); invalidImages = true; } public void done() { if (surface.isShown()) drawPage(true); } }); } public void highlightBookmarks() { BackgroundThread.ensureGUI(); if (mBookInfo == null || !isBookLoaded()) return; int count = mBookInfo.getBookmarkCount(); final Bookmark[] list = (count > 0 && flgHighlightBookmarks) ? new Bookmark[count] : null; for (int i = 0; i < count && flgHighlightBookmarks; i++) list[i] = mBookInfo.getBookmark(i); Task() { public void work() throws Exception { doc.hilightBookmarks(list); invalidImages = true; } public void done() { if (surface.isShown()) drawPage(true); } }); } public void goToBookmark(Bookmark bm) { BackgroundThread.ensureGUI(); final String pos = bm.getStartPos(); mEngine.execute(new Task() { public void work() { BackgroundThread.ensureBackground(); doc.goToPosition(pos, true); } public void done() { BackgroundThread.ensureGUI(); drawPage(); } }); } public boolean goToBookmark(final int shortcut) { BackgroundThread.ensureGUI(); if (mBookInfo != null) { Bookmark bm = mBookInfo.findShortcutBookmark(shortcut); if (bm == null) { addBookmark(shortcut); return true; } else { // go to bookmark goToBookmark(bm); return false; } } return false; } public Bookmark removeBookmark(final Bookmark bookmark) { Bookmark removed = mBookInfo.removeBookmark(bookmark); if (removed != null) { if (removed.getId() != null) { mActivity.getDB().deleteBookmark(removed); } highlightBookmarks(); } return removed; } public Bookmark updateBookmark(final Bookmark bookmark) { Bookmark bm = mBookInfo.updateBookmark(bookmark); if (bm != null) { scheduleSaveCurrentPositionBookmark(DEF_SAVE_POSITION_INTERVAL); highlightBookmarks(); } return bm; } public void addBookmark(final Bookmark bookmark) { mBookInfo.addBookmark(bookmark); highlightBookmarks(); scheduleSaveCurrentPositionBookmark(DEF_SAVE_POSITION_INTERVAL); } public void addBookmark(final int shortcut) { BackgroundThread.ensureGUI(); // set bookmark instead mEngine.execute(new Task() { Bookmark bm; public void work() { BackgroundThread.ensureBackground(); if (mBookInfo != null) { bm = doc.getCurrentPageBookmark(); bm.setShortcut(shortcut); } } public void done() { if (mBookInfo != null && bm != null) { if (shortcut == 0) mBookInfo.addBookmark(bm); else mBookInfo.setShortcutBookmark(shortcut, bm); mActivity.getDB().saveBookInfo(mBookInfo); String s; if (shortcut == 0) s = mActivity.getString(R.string.toast_position_bookmark_is_set); else { s = mActivity.getString(R.string.toast_shortcut_bookmark_is_set); s.replace("$1", String.valueOf(shortcut)); } highlightBookmarks(); mActivity.showToast(s); scheduleSaveCurrentPositionBookmark(DEF_SAVE_POSITION_INTERVAL); } } }); } public boolean onMenuItem(final int itemId) { BackgroundThread.ensureGUI(); ReaderAction action = ReaderAction.findByMenuId(itemId); if (action.isNone()) return false; onAction(action); return true; } public void onAction(final ReaderAction action) { onAction(action, null); } public void onAction(final ReaderAction action, final Runnable onFinishHandler) { BackgroundThread.ensureGUI(); if (action.cmd != ReaderCommand.DCMD_NONE) onCommand(action.cmd, action.param, onFinishHandler); } public void toggleDayNightMode() { Properties settings = getSettings(); OptionsDialog.toggleDayNightMode(settings); //setSettings(settings, mActivity.settings()); mActivity.setSettings(settings, 60000, true); invalidImages = true; } public boolean isNightMode() { return mSettings.getBool(PROP_NIGHT_MODE, false); } public String getSetting(String name) { return mSettings.getProperty(name); } public void setSetting(String name, String value, boolean invalidateImages, boolean save, boolean apply) { mActivity.setSetting(name, value, apply); invalidImages = true; } public void setSetting(String name, String value) { setSetting(name, value, true, false, true); } public void setViewModeNonPermanent(ViewMode mode) { if (mode != viewMode) { if (mode == ViewMode.SCROLL) { doc.doCommand(ReaderCommand.DCMD_TOGGLE_PAGE_SCROLL_VIEW.nativeId, 0); viewMode = mode; mIsPageMode = false; } else { doc.doCommand(ReaderCommand.DCMD_TOGGLE_PAGE_SCROLL_VIEW.nativeId, 0); viewMode = mode; mIsPageMode = true; } } } public void saveSetting(String name, String value) { setSetting(name, value, true, true, true); } public void toggleScreenOrientation() { int orientation = mActivity.getScreenOrientation(); orientation = (orientation == 0) ? 1 : 0; saveSetting(PROP_APP_SCREEN_ORIENTATION, String.valueOf(orientation)); mActivity.setScreenOrientation(orientation); } public void toggleFullscreen() { boolean newBool = !mActivity.isFullscreen(); String newValue = newBool ? "1" : "0"; saveSetting(PROP_APP_FULLSCREEN, newValue); mActivity.setFullscreen(newBool); } public void showReadingPositionPopup() { if (mBookInfo == null) return; final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); // if (mActivity.isFullscreen()) { buf.append(Utils.formatTime(mActivity, System.currentTimeMillis()) + " "); if (mBatteryState >= 0) buf.append(" [" + mBatteryState + "%]\n"); // } execute(new Task() { Bookmark bm; @Override public void work() { bm = doc.getCurrentPageBookmark(); if (bm != null) { PositionProperties prop = doc.getPositionProps(bm.getStartPos(), true); if (prop.pageMode != 0) { buf.append("" + (prop.pageNumber + 1) + " / " + prop.pageCount + " "); } int percent = (int) (10000 * (long) prop.y / prop.fullHeight); buf.append("" + (percent / 100) + "." + (percent % 100) + "%"); // Show chapter details if book has more than one chapter TOCItem toc = doc.getTOC(); if (toc != null && toc.getChildCount() > 1) { TOCItem chapter = toc.getChapterAtPage(prop.pageNumber); String chapterName = chapter.getName(); if (chapterName != null && chapterName.length() > 30) chapterName = chapterName.substring(0, 30) + "..."; TOCItem nextChapter = chapter.getNextChapter(); int iChapterEnd = (nextChapter != null) ? nextChapter.getPage() : prop.pageCount; String chapterPos = null; if (prop.pageMode != 0) { int iChapterStart = chapter.getPage(); int iChapterLen = iChapterEnd - iChapterStart; int iChapterPage = prop.pageNumber - iChapterStart + 1; chapterPos = " (" + iChapterPage + " / " + iChapterLen + ")"; } if (chapterName != null && chapterName.length() > 0) buf.append("\n" + chapterName); if (chapterPos != null && chapterPos.length() > 0) buf.append(chapterPos); } } } public void done() { mActivity.showToast(buf.toString()); } }); } public void toggleTitlebar() { boolean newBool = "1".equals(getSetting(PROP_STATUS_LINE)); String newValue = !newBool ? "1" : "0"; mActivity.setSetting(PROP_STATUS_LINE, newValue, true); } public void toggleDocumentStyles() { if (mOpened && mBookInfo != null) { log.d("toggleDocumentStyles()"); boolean disableInternalStyles = mBookInfo.getFileInfo().getFlag(FileInfo.DONT_USE_DOCUMENT_STYLES_FLAG); disableInternalStyles = !disableInternalStyles; mBookInfo.getFileInfo().setFlag(FileInfo.DONT_USE_DOCUMENT_STYLES_FLAG, disableInternalStyles); doEngineCommand(ReaderCommand.DCMD_SET_INTERNAL_STYLES, disableInternalStyles ? 0 : 1); doEngineCommand(ReaderCommand.DCMD_REQUEST_RENDER, 1); mActivity.getDB().saveBookInfo(mBookInfo); } } public void toggleEmbeddedFonts() { if (mOpened && mBookInfo != null) { log.d("toggleEmbeddedFonts()"); boolean enableInternalFonts = mBookInfo.getFileInfo().getFlag(FileInfo.USE_DOCUMENT_FONTS_FLAG); enableInternalFonts = !enableInternalFonts; mBookInfo.getFileInfo().setFlag(FileInfo.USE_DOCUMENT_FONTS_FLAG, enableInternalFonts); doEngineCommand(ReaderCommand.DCMD_SET_DOC_FONTS, enableInternalFonts ? 1 : 0); doEngineCommand(ReaderCommand.DCMD_REQUEST_RENDER, 1); mActivity.getDB().saveBookInfo(mBookInfo); } } public boolean isTextAutoformatEnabled() { if (mOpened && mBookInfo != null) { boolean disableTextReflow = mBookInfo.getFileInfo().getFlag(FileInfo.DONT_REFLOW_TXT_FILES_FLAG); return !disableTextReflow; } return true; } public boolean isTextFormat() { if (mOpened && mBookInfo != null) { DocumentFormat fmt = mBookInfo.getFileInfo().format; return fmt == DocumentFormat.TXT || fmt == DocumentFormat.HTML || fmt == DocumentFormat.PDB; } return false; } public boolean isFormatWithEmbeddedFonts() { if (mOpened && mBookInfo != null) { DocumentFormat fmt = mBookInfo.getFileInfo().format; return fmt == DocumentFormat.EPUB; } return false; } public boolean isFormatWithEmbeddedStyles() { if (mOpened && mBookInfo != null) { DocumentFormat fmt = mBookInfo.getFileInfo().format; return fmt == DocumentFormat.EPUB || fmt == DocumentFormat.HTML || fmt == DocumentFormat.CHM || fmt == DocumentFormat.FB2 || fmt == DocumentFormat.FB3; } return false; } public boolean isHtmlFormat() { if (mOpened && mBookInfo != null) { DocumentFormat fmt = mBookInfo.getFileInfo().format; return fmt == DocumentFormat.EPUB || fmt == DocumentFormat.HTML || fmt == DocumentFormat.PDB || fmt == DocumentFormat.CHM; } return false; } public int getDOMVersion() { if (mOpened && mBookInfo != null) { return mBookInfo.getFileInfo().domVersion; } return Engine.DOM_VERSION_CURRENT; } public void setDOMVersion(int version) { if (null != mBookInfo) { mBookInfo.getFileInfo().domVersion = version; doEngineCommand(ReaderCommand.DCMD_SET_REQUESTED_DOM_VERSION, version); mActivity.getDB().saveBookInfo(mBookInfo); if (mOpened) reloadDocument(); } } public int getBlockRenderingFlags() { if (mOpened && mBookInfo != null) { return mBookInfo.getFileInfo().blockRenderingFlags; } return 0; } public void setBlockRenderingFlags(int flags) { if (null != mBookInfo) { mBookInfo.getFileInfo().blockRenderingFlags = flags; doEngineCommand(ReaderCommand.DCMD_SET_RENDER_BLOCK_RENDERING_FLAGS, flags); mActivity.getDB().saveBookInfo(mBookInfo); if (mOpened) reloadDocument(); } } public void toggleTextFormat() { if (mOpened && mBookInfo != null) { log.d("toggleDocumentStyles()"); if (!isTextFormat()) return; boolean disableTextReflow = mBookInfo.getFileInfo().getFlag(FileInfo.DONT_REFLOW_TXT_FILES_FLAG); disableTextReflow = !disableTextReflow; mBookInfo.getFileInfo().setFlag(FileInfo.DONT_REFLOW_TXT_FILES_FLAG, disableTextReflow); mActivity.getDB().saveBookInfo(mBookInfo); reloadDocument(); } } public boolean getDocumentStylesEnabled() { if (mOpened && mBookInfo != null) { boolean flg = !mBookInfo.getFileInfo().getFlag(FileInfo.DONT_USE_DOCUMENT_STYLES_FLAG); return flg; } return true; } public boolean getDocumentFontsEnabled() { if (mOpened && mBookInfo != null) { boolean flg = mBookInfo.getFileInfo().getFlag(FileInfo.USE_DOCUMENT_FONTS_FLAG); return flg; } return true; } static private SimpleDateFormat timeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm", Locale.getDefault()); public void showBookInfo() { final ArrayList items = new ArrayList(); items.add("section=section.system"); items.add("system.version=Cool Reader " + mActivity.getVersion()); items.add("system.battery=" + mBatteryState + "%"); items.add("system.time=" + Utils.formatTime(mActivity, System.currentTimeMillis())); final BookInfo bi = mBookInfo; if (bi != null) { FileInfo fi = bi.getFileInfo(); items.add("section=section.file"); String fname = new File(fi.pathname).getName(); items.add("" + fname); if (new File(fi.pathname).getParent() != null) items.add("file.path=" + new File(fi.pathname).getParent()); items.add("file.size=" + fi.size); if (fi.arcname != null) { items.add("file.arcname=" + new File(fi.arcname).getName()); if (new File(fi.arcname).getParent() != null) items.add("file.arcpath=" + new File(fi.arcname).getParent()); items.add("file.arcsize=" + fi.arcsize); } items.add("file.format=" +; } execute(new Task() { Bookmark bm; @Override public void work() { bm = doc.getCurrentPageBookmark(); if (bm != null) { PositionProperties prop = doc.getPositionProps(bm.getStartPos(), true); items.add("section=section.position"); if (prop.pageMode != 0) { items.add("" + (prop.pageNumber + 1) + " / " + prop.pageCount); } int percent = (int) (10000 * (long) prop.y / prop.fullHeight); items.add("position.percent=" + (percent / 100) + "." + (percent % 100) + "%"); String chapter = bm.getTitleText(); if (chapter != null && chapter.length() > 100) chapter = chapter.substring(0, 100) + "..."; items.add("position.chapter=" + chapter); } } public void done() { FileInfo fi = bi.getFileInfo(); items.add(""); if (fi.authors != null || fi.title != null || fi.series != null) { items.add("book.authors=" + fi.authors); items.add("book.title=" + fi.title); if (fi.series != null) { String s = fi.series; if (fi.seriesNumber > 0) s = s + " #" + fi.seriesNumber; items.add("book.series=" + s); } } if (fi.language != null) { items.add("book.language=" + fi.language); } if (fi.format == DocumentFormat.FB2) { if (fi.genres != null && fi.genres.length() > 0) { items.add("book.genres=" + fi.genres); } } BookInfoDialog dlg = new BookInfoDialog(mActivity, items);; } }); } private int autoScrollSpeed = 1500; // chars / minute private int autoScrollNotificationId = 0; private AutoScrollAnimation currentAutoScrollAnimation = null; private boolean isAutoScrollActive() { return currentAutoScrollAnimation != null; } private void stopAutoScroll() { if (!isAutoScrollActive()) return; log.d("stopAutoScroll()"); //notifyAutoscroll("Autoscroll is stopped"); currentAutoScrollAnimation.stop(); } public static final int AUTOSCROLL_START_ANIMATION_PERCENT = 5; private void startAutoScroll() { if (isAutoScrollActive()) return; log.d("startAutoScroll()"); currentAutoScrollAnimation = new AutoScrollAnimation(AUTOSCROLL_START_ANIMATION_PERCENT * 100); nextHiliteId++; hiliteRect = null; } private void toggleAutoScroll() { if (isAutoScrollActive()) stopAutoScroll(); else startAutoScroll(); } private final static boolean AUTOSCROLL_SPEED_NOTIFICATION_ENABLED = false; private void notifyAutoscroll(final String msg) { if (DeviceInfo.EINK_SCREEN) return; // disable toast for eink if (AUTOSCROLL_SPEED_NOTIFICATION_ENABLED) { final int myId = ++autoScrollNotificationId; BackgroundThread.instance().postGUI(() -> { if (myId == autoScrollNotificationId) mActivity.showToast(msg); }, 1000); } } private void notifyAutoscrollSpeed() { final String msg = mActivity.getString(R.string.lbl_autoscroll_speed).replace("$1", String.valueOf(autoScrollSpeed)); notifyAutoscroll(msg); } private void changeAutoScrollSpeed(int delta) { if (autoScrollSpeed < 300) delta *= 10; else if (autoScrollSpeed < 500) delta *= 20; else if (autoScrollSpeed < 1000) delta *= 40; else if (autoScrollSpeed < 2000) delta *= 80; else if (autoScrollSpeed < 5000) delta *= 200; else delta *= 300; autoScrollSpeed += delta; if (autoScrollSpeed < 200) autoScrollSpeed = 200; if (autoScrollSpeed > 10000) autoScrollSpeed = 10000; setSetting(PROP_APP_VIEW_AUTOSCROLL_SPEED, String.valueOf(autoScrollSpeed), false, true, false); notifyAutoscrollSpeed(); } class AutoScrollAnimation { boolean isScrollView; BitmapInfo image1; BitmapInfo image2; PositionProperties currPos; int progress; int pageCount; int charCount; int timerInterval; long pageTurnStart; int nextPos; Paint[] shadePaints; Paint[] hilitePaints; final int startAnimationProgress; public static final int MAX_PROGRESS = 10000; public final static int ANIMATION_INTERVAL_NORMAL = 30; public final static int ANIMATION_INTERVAL_EINK = 5000; public AutoScrollAnimation(final int startProgress) { progress = startProgress; startAnimationProgress = AUTOSCROLL_START_ANIMATION_PERCENT * 100; currentAutoScrollAnimation = this; final int numPaints = 32; shadePaints = new Paint[numPaints]; hilitePaints = new Paint[numPaints]; for (int i = 0; i < numPaints; i++) { shadePaints[i] = new Paint(); hilitePaints[i] = new Paint(); hilitePaints[i].setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); shadePaints[i].setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); if (mActivity.isNightMode()) { shadePaints[i].setColor(Color.argb((i + 1) * 128 / numPaints, 0, 0, 0)); hilitePaints[i].setColor(Color.argb((i + 1) * 128 / numPaints, 128, 128, 128)); } else { shadePaints[i].setColor(Color.argb((i + 1) * 128 / numPaints, 0, 0, 0)); hilitePaints[i].setColor(Color.argb((i + 1) * 128 / numPaints, 255, 255, 255)); } } BackgroundThread.instance().postBackground(() -> { if (initPageTurn(startProgress)) { log.d("AutoScrollAnimation: starting autoscroll timer"); timerInterval = DeviceInfo.EINK_SCREEN ? ANIMATION_INTERVAL_EINK : ANIMATION_INTERVAL_NORMAL; startTimer(timerInterval); } else { currentAutoScrollAnimation = null; } }); } private int calcProgressPercent() { long duration = Utils.timeInterval(pageTurnStart); long estimatedFullDuration = 60000 * charCount / autoScrollSpeed; int percent = (int) (10000 * duration / estimatedFullDuration); // if (duration > estimatedFullDuration - timerInterval / 3) // percent = 10000; if (percent > 10000) percent = 10000; if (percent < 0) percent = 0; return percent; } private boolean onTimer() { int newProgress = calcProgressPercent(); alog.v("onTimer(progress = " + newProgress + ")"); mActivity.onUserActivity(); progress = newProgress; if (progress == 0 || progress >= startAnimationProgress) { if (image1 != null && image2 != null) { if (image1.isReleased() || image2.isReleased()) { log.d("Images lost! Recreating images..."); initPageTurn(progress); } draw(); } } if (progress >= 10000) { if (!donePageTurn(true)) { stop(); return false; } initPageTurn(0); } return true; } class AutoscrollTimerTask implements Runnable { final long interval; public AutoscrollTimerTask(long interval) { this.interval = interval; mActivity.onUserActivity(); BackgroundThread.instance().postGUI(this, interval); } @Override public void run() { if (currentAutoScrollAnimation != AutoScrollAnimation.this) { log.v("timer is cancelled - GUI"); return; } BackgroundThread.instance().postBackground(() -> { if (currentAutoScrollAnimation != AutoScrollAnimation.this) { log.v("timer is cancelled - BackgroundThread"); return; } if (onTimer()) BackgroundThread.instance().postGUI(AutoscrollTimerTask.this, interval); else log.v("timer is cancelled - onTimer returned false"); }); } } private void startTimer(final int interval) { new AutoscrollTimerTask(interval); } private boolean initPageTurn(int startProgress) { cancelGc(); log.v("initPageTurn(startProgress = " + startProgress + ")"); pageTurnStart = Utils.timeStamp(); progress = startProgress; currPos = doc.getPositionProps(null, true); charCount = currPos.charCount; pageCount = currPos.pageMode; if (charCount < 150) charCount = 150; isScrollView = currPos.pageMode == 0; log.v("initPageTurn(charCount = " + charCount + ")"); if (isScrollView) { image1 = preparePageImage(0); if (image1 == null) { log.v("ScrollViewAnimation -- not started: image is null"); return false; } int pos0 = image1.position.y; int pos1 = pos0 + image1.position.pageHeight * 9 / 10; if (pos1 > image1.position.fullHeight - image1.position.pageHeight) pos1 = image1.position.fullHeight - image1.position.pageHeight; if (pos1 < 0) pos1 = 0; nextPos = pos1; image2 = preparePageImage(pos1 - pos0); if (image2 == null) { log.v("ScrollViewAnimation -- not started: image is null"); return false; } } else { int page1 = currPos.pageNumber; int page2 = currPos.pageNumber + 1; if (page2 < 0 || page2 >= currPos.pageCount) { currentAnimation = null; return false; } image1 = preparePageImage(0); image2 = preparePageImage(1); if (page1 == page2) { log.v("PageViewAnimation -- cannot start animation: not moved"); return false; } if (image1 == null || image2 == null) { log.v("PageViewAnimation -- cannot start animation: page image is null"); return false; } } long duration = android.os.SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - pageTurnStart; log.v("AutoScrollAnimation -- page turn initialized in " + duration + " millis"); currentAutoScrollAnimation = this; draw(); return true; } private boolean donePageTurn(boolean turnPage) { log.v("donePageTurn()"); if (turnPage) { if (isScrollView) doc.doCommand(ReaderCommand.DCMD_GO_POS.nativeId, nextPos); else doc.doCommand(ReaderCommand.DCMD_PAGEDOWN.nativeId, 1); } progress = 0; //draw(); return currPos.canMoveToNextPage(); } public void draw() { draw(true); } public void draw(boolean isPartially) { // long startTs = android.os.SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); drawCallback(this::draw, null, isPartially); } public void stop() { currentAutoScrollAnimation = null; BackgroundThread.instance().executeBackground(() -> { donePageTurn(wantPageTurn()); //redraw(); drawPage(null, false); scheduleSaveCurrentPositionBookmark(DEF_SAVE_POSITION_INTERVAL); }); scheduleGc(); } private boolean wantPageTurn() { return (progress > (startAnimationProgress + MAX_PROGRESS) / 2); } private void drawGradient(Canvas canvas, Rect rc, Paint[] paints, int startIndex, int endIndex) { //log.v("drawShadow"); int n = (startIndex < endIndex) ? endIndex - startIndex + 1 : startIndex - endIndex + 1; int dir = (startIndex < endIndex) ? 1 : -1; int dx = rc.bottom -; Rect rect = new Rect(rc); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { int index = startIndex + i * dir; int x1 = + dx * i / n; int x2 = + dx * (i + 1) / n; if (x1 < 0) x1 = 0; if (x2 > canvas.getHeight()) x2 = canvas.getHeight(); = x1; rect.bottom = x2; if (x2 > x1) { //log.v("drawShadow : " + x1 + ", " + x2 + ", " + index); canvas.drawRect(rect, paints[index]); } } } private void drawShadow(Canvas canvas, Rect rc) { drawGradient(canvas, rc, shadePaints, shadePaints.length * 3 / 4, 0); } void drawPageProgress(Canvas canvas, int scrollPercent, Rect dst, Rect src) { int shadowHeight = 32; int h = dst.height(); int div = (h + shadowHeight) * scrollPercent / 10000 - shadowHeight; //log.v("drawPageProgress() div = " + div + ", percent = " + scrollPercent); int d = Math.max(div, 0); if (d > 0) { Rect src1 = new Rect(src.left,, src.right, + d); Rect dst1 = new Rect(dst.left,, dst.right, + d); drawDimmedBitmap(canvas, image2.bitmap, src1, dst1); } if (d < h) { Rect src2 = new Rect(src.left, + d, src.right, src.bottom); Rect dst2 = new Rect(dst.left, + d, dst.right, dst.bottom); drawDimmedBitmap(canvas, image1.bitmap, src2, dst2); } if (scrollPercent > 0 && scrollPercent < 10000) { Rect shadowRect = new Rect(src.left, + div, src.right, + div + shadowHeight); drawShadow(canvas, shadowRect); } } public void draw(Canvas canvas) { if (currentAutoScrollAnimation != this) return; alog.v("AutoScrollAnimation.draw(" + progress + ")"); if (progress != 0 && progress < startAnimationProgress) return; // don't draw page w/o started animation int scrollPercent = 10000 * (progress - startAnimationProgress) / (MAX_PROGRESS - startAnimationProgress); if (scrollPercent < 0) scrollPercent = 0; int w = image1.bitmap.getWidth(); int h = image1.bitmap.getHeight(); if (isScrollView) { // scroll drawPageProgress(canvas, scrollPercent, new Rect(0, 0, w, h), new Rect(0, 0, w, h)); } else { if (image1.isReleased() || image2.isReleased()) return; if (pageCount == 2) { if (scrollPercent < 5000) { // < 50% scrollPercent = scrollPercent * 2; drawPageProgress(canvas, scrollPercent, new Rect(0, 0, w / 2, h), new Rect(0, 0, w / 2, h)); drawPageProgress(canvas, 0, new Rect(w / 2, 0, w, h), new Rect(w / 2, 0, w, h)); } else { // >=50% scrollPercent = (scrollPercent - 5000) * 2; drawPageProgress(canvas, 10000, new Rect(0, 0, w / 2, h), new Rect(0, 0, w / 2, h)); drawPageProgress(canvas, scrollPercent, new Rect(w / 2, 0, w, h), new Rect(w / 2, 0, w, h)); } } else { drawPageProgress(canvas, scrollPercent, new Rect(0, 0, w, h), new Rect(0, 0, w, h)); } } } } public void onCommand(final ReaderCommand cmd, final int param) { onCommand(cmd, param, null); } private void navigateByHistory(final ReaderCommand cmd) { BackgroundThread.instance().postBackground(() -> { final boolean res = doc.doCommand(cmd.nativeId, 0); BackgroundThread.instance().postGUI(() -> { if (res) { // successful drawPage(); } else { // cannot navigate - no data on stack if (cmd == ReaderCommand.DCMD_LINK_BACK) { // TODO: exit from activity in some cases? if (mActivity.isPreviousFrameHome()) mActivity.showRootWindow(); else mActivity.showBrowser(!mActivity.isBrowserCreated() ? getOpenedFileInfo() : null); } } }); }); } public void onCommand(final ReaderCommand cmd, final int param, final Runnable onFinishHandler) { BackgroundThread.ensureGUI(); log.i("On command " + cmd + (param != 0 ? " (" + param + ")" : " ")); switch (cmd) { case DCMD_FILE_BROWSER_ROOT: mActivity.showRootWindow(); break; case DCMD_ABOUT: mActivity.showAboutDialog(); break; case DCMD_SWITCH_PROFILE: showSwitchProfileDialog(); break; case DCMD_TOGGLE_AUTOSCROLL: toggleAutoScroll(); break; case DCMD_AUTOSCROLL_SPEED_INCREASE: changeAutoScrollSpeed(1); break; case DCMD_AUTOSCROLL_SPEED_DECREASE: changeAutoScrollSpeed(-1); break; case DCMD_SHOW_DICTIONARY: mActivity.showDictionary(); break; case DCMD_OPEN_PREVIOUS_BOOK: mActivity.loadPreviousDocument(() -> { // do nothing }); break; case DCMD_BOOK_INFO: if (isBookLoaded()) showBookInfo(); break; case DCMD_USER_MANUAL: showManual(); break; case DCMD_TTS_PLAY: { log.i("DCMD_TTS_PLAY: initializing TTS"); if (!mActivity.initTTS(tts -> { log.i("TTS created: opening TTS toolbar"); ttsToolbar = TTSToolbarDlg.showDialog(mActivity, ReaderView.this, tts); ttsToolbar.setOnCloseListener(() -> ttsToolbar = null); ttsToolbar.setAppSettings(mSettings, null); })) { log.e("Cannot initialize TTS"); } } break; case DCMD_TOGGLE_DOCUMENT_STYLES: if (isBookLoaded()) toggleDocumentStyles(); break; case DCMD_SHOW_HOME_SCREEN: mActivity.showHomeScreen(); break; case DCMD_TOGGLE_ORIENTATION: toggleScreenOrientation(); break; case DCMD_TOGGLE_FULLSCREEN: toggleFullscreen(); break; case DCMD_TOGGLE_TITLEBAR: toggleTitlebar(); break; case DCMD_SHOW_POSITION_INFO_POPUP: if (isBookLoaded()) showReadingPositionPopup(); break; case DCMD_TOGGLE_SELECTION_MODE: if (isBookLoaded()) toggleSelectionMode(); break; case DCMD_TOGGLE_TOUCH_SCREEN_LOCK: isTouchScreenEnabled = !isTouchScreenEnabled; if (isTouchScreenEnabled) mActivity.showToast(R.string.action_touch_screen_enabled_toast); else mActivity.showToast(R.string.action_touch_screen_disabled_toast); break; case DCMD_LINK_BACK: case DCMD_LINK_FORWARD: navigateByHistory(cmd); break; case DCMD_ZOOM_OUT: doEngineCommand(ReaderCommand.DCMD_ZOOM_OUT, param); syncViewSettings(getSettings(), true, true); break; case DCMD_ZOOM_IN: doEngineCommand(ReaderCommand.DCMD_ZOOM_IN, param); syncViewSettings(getSettings(), true, true); break; case DCMD_FONT_NEXT: switchFontFace(1); break; case DCMD_FONT_PREVIOUS: switchFontFace(-1); break; case DCMD_MOVE_BY_CHAPTER: if (isBookLoaded()) doEngineCommand(cmd, param, onFinishHandler); drawPage(); break; case DCMD_PAGEDOWN: if (isBookLoaded()) { if (param == 1 && !DeviceInfo.EINK_SCREEN) animatePageFlip(1, onFinishHandler); else doEngineCommand(cmd, param, onFinishHandler); } break; case DCMD_PAGEUP: if (isBookLoaded()) { if (param == 1 && !DeviceInfo.EINK_SCREEN) animatePageFlip(-1, onFinishHandler); else doEngineCommand(cmd, param, onFinishHandler); } break; case DCMD_BEGIN: case DCMD_END: if (isBookLoaded()) doEngineCommand(cmd, param); break; case DCMD_RECENT_BOOKS_LIST: mActivity.showRecentBooks(); break; case DCMD_SEARCH: if (isBookLoaded()) showSearchDialog(null); break; case DCMD_EXIT: mActivity.finish(); break; case DCMD_BOOKMARKS: if (isBookLoaded()) mActivity.showBookmarksDialog(); break; case DCMD_GO_PERCENT_DIALOG: if (isBookLoaded()) showGoToPercentDialog(); break; case DCMD_GO_PAGE_DIALOG: if (isBookLoaded()) showGoToPageDialog(); break; case DCMD_TOC_DIALOG: if (isBookLoaded()) showTOC(); break; case DCMD_FILE_BROWSER: mActivity.showBrowser(!mActivity.isBrowserCreated() ? getOpenedFileInfo() : null); break; case DCMD_CURRENT_BOOK_DIRECTORY: mActivity.showBrowser(getOpenedFileInfo()); break; case DCMD_OPTIONS_DIALOG: mActivity.showOptionsDialog(OptionsDialog.Mode.READER); break; case DCMD_READER_MENU: mActivity.showReaderMenu(); break; case DCMD_TOGGLE_DAY_NIGHT_MODE: toggleDayNightMode(); break; case DCMD_TOGGLE_DICT_ONCE: log.i("Next dictionary will be the 2nd for one time"); mActivity.showToast("Next dictionary will be the 2nd for one time"); mActivity.mDictionaries.setiDic2IsActive(2); break; case DCMD_TOGGLE_DICT: if (mActivity.mDictionaries.isiDic2IsActive() > 0) { mActivity.mDictionaries.setiDic2IsActive(0); } else { mActivity.mDictionaries.setiDic2IsActive(1); } log.i("Switched to dictionary: " + Integer.toString(mActivity.mDictionaries.isiDic2IsActive() + 1)); mActivity.showToast("Switched to dictionary: " + Integer.toString(mActivity.mDictionaries.isiDic2IsActive() + 1)); break; case DCMD_BACKLIGHT_SET_DEFAULT: setSetting(PROP_APP_SCREEN_BACKLIGHT, "-1"); // system default backlight level break; case DCMD_SHOW_SYSTEM_BACKLIGHT_DIALOG: if (DeviceInfo.EINK_HAVE_FRONTLIGHT) { if (DeviceInfo.EINK_ONYX) { mActivity.sendBroadcast(new Intent("")); } else { // TODO: other eink devices with frontlight } } break; case DCMD_GOOGLEDRIVE_SYNC: if (0 == param) { // sync to mActivity.forceSyncToGoogleDrive(); } else if (1 == param) { // sync from mActivity.forceSyncFromGoogleDrive(); } break; case DCMD_SAVE_LOGCAT: mActivity.createLogcatFile(); break; default: // do nothing break; } } boolean firstShowBrowserCall = true; private TTSToolbarDlg ttsToolbar; public void stopTTS() { if (ttsToolbar != null) ttsToolbar.pause(); } public boolean isTTSActive() { return ttsToolbar != null; } public TTSToolbarDlg getTTSToolbar() { return ttsToolbar; } public void doEngineCommand(final ReaderCommand cmd, final int param) { doEngineCommand(cmd, param, null); } public void doEngineCommand(final ReaderCommand cmd, final int param, final Runnable doneHandler) { BackgroundThread.ensureGUI(); log.d("doCommand(" + cmd + ", " + param + ")"); post(new Task() { boolean res; boolean isMoveCommand; public void work() { BackgroundThread.ensureBackground(); res = doc.doCommand(cmd.nativeId, param); switch (cmd) { case DCMD_BEGIN: case DCMD_LINEUP: case DCMD_PAGEUP: case DCMD_PAGEDOWN: case DCMD_LINEDOWN: case DCMD_LINK_FORWARD: case DCMD_LINK_BACK: case DCMD_LINK_NEXT: case DCMD_LINK_PREV: case DCMD_LINK_GO: case DCMD_END: case DCMD_GO_POS: case DCMD_GO_PAGE: case DCMD_MOVE_BY_CHAPTER: case DCMD_GO_SCROLL_POS: case DCMD_LINK_FIRST: case DCMD_SCROLL_BY: isMoveCommand = true; break; default: // do nothing break; } if (isMoveCommand && isBookLoaded()) updateCurrentPositionStatus(); } public void done() { if (res) { invalidImages = true; drawPage(doneHandler, false); } if (isMoveCommand && isBookLoaded()) scheduleSaveCurrentPositionBookmark(DEF_SAVE_POSITION_INTERVAL); } }); } // update book and position info in status bar private void updateCurrentPositionStatus() { if (mBookInfo == null) return; // in background thread final FileInfo fileInfo = mBookInfo.getFileInfo(); if (fileInfo == null) return; final Bookmark bmk = doc != null ? doc.getCurrentPageBookmark() : null; final PositionProperties props = bmk != null ? doc.getPositionProps(bmk.getStartPos(), false) : null; if (props != null) BackgroundThread.instance().postGUI(() -> { mActivity.updateCurrentPositionStatus(fileInfo, bmk, props); String fname = mBookInfo.getFileInfo().getBasePath(); if (fname != null && fname.length() > 0) setBookPositionForExternalShell(fname, props.pageNumber, props.pageCount); }); } public void doCommandFromBackgroundThread(final ReaderCommand cmd, final int param) { log.d("doCommandFromBackgroundThread(" + cmd + ", " + param + ")"); BackgroundThread.ensureBackground(); boolean res = doc.doCommand(cmd.nativeId, param); if (res) { BackgroundThread.instance().executeGUI(this::drawPage); } } volatile private boolean mInitialized = false; volatile private boolean mOpened = false; //private File historyFile; private void updateLoadedBookInfo() { BackgroundThread.ensureBackground(); // get title, authors, genres, etc. doc.updateBookInfo(mBookInfo); updateCurrentPositionStatus(); // check whether current book properties updated on another devices // TODO: fix and reenable //syncUpdater.syncExternalChanges(mBookInfo); } private void applySettings(Properties props) { props = new Properties(props); // make a copy props.remove(PROP_TXT_OPTION_PREFORMATTED); props.remove(PROP_EMBEDDED_STYLES); props.remove(PROP_EMBEDDED_FONTS); props.remove(PROP_REQUESTED_DOM_VERSION); props.remove(PROP_RENDER_BLOCK_RENDERING_FLAGS); BackgroundThread.ensureBackground(); log.v("applySettings()"); boolean isFullScreen = props.getBool(PROP_APP_FULLSCREEN, false); props.setBool(PROP_SHOW_BATTERY, isFullScreen); props.setBool(PROP_SHOW_TIME, isFullScreen); String backgroundImageId = props.getProperty(PROP_PAGE_BACKGROUND_IMAGE); int backgroundColor = props.getColor(PROP_BACKGROUND_COLOR, 0xFFFFFF); setBackgroundTexture(backgroundImageId, backgroundColor); int statusLocation = props.getInt(PROP_STATUS_LOCATION, VIEWER_STATUS_PAGE_HEADER); int statusLine = 0; switch (statusLocation) { case VIEWER_STATUS_PAGE_HEADER: statusLine = 1; break; case VIEWER_STATUS_PAGE_FOOTER: statusLine = 2; break; } props.setInt(PROP_STATUS_LINE, statusLine); if (!inDisabledFullRefresh()) { // If this function is called when new settings loaded from the cloud are applied, // we must prohibit changing the e-ink screen refresh mode, as this will lead to // a periodic full screen refresh when drawing the next phase of the progress bar. int updModeCode = props.getInt(PROP_APP_SCREEN_UPDATE_MODE, EinkScreen.EinkUpdateMode.Clear.code); int updInterval = props.getInt(PROP_APP_SCREEN_UPDATE_INTERVAL, 10); mActivity.setScreenUpdateMode(EinkScreen.EinkUpdateMode.byCode(updModeCode), surface); mActivity.setScreenUpdateInterval(updInterval, surface); } if (null != mBookInfo) { FileInfo fileInfo = mBookInfo.getFileInfo(); final String bookLanguage = fileInfo.getLanguage(); final String fontFace = props.getProperty(PROP_FONT_FACE); String fcLangCode = null; if (null != bookLanguage && bookLanguage.length() > 0) { fcLangCode = Engine.findCompatibleFcLangCode(bookLanguage); if (props.getBool(PROP_TEXTLANG_EMBEDDED_LANGS_ENABLED, false)) props.setProperty(PROP_TEXTLANG_MAIN_LANG, bookLanguage); } if (null != fcLangCode && fcLangCode.length() > 0) { boolean res = Engine.checkFontLanguageCompatibility(fontFace, fcLangCode); log.d("Checking font \"" + fontFace + "\" for compatibility with language \"" + bookLanguage + "\" fcLangCode=" + fcLangCode + ": res=" + res); if (!res) { BackgroundThread.instance().executeGUI(() -> mActivity.showToast(R.string.font_not_compat_with_language, fontFace, bookLanguage)); } } else { if (null != bookLanguage) log.d("Can't find compatible language code in embedded FontConfig catalog: language=\"" + bookLanguage + "\" bookInfo=" + fileInfo); } } doc.applySettings(props); //syncViewSettings(props, save, saveDelayed); drawPage(); } public static boolean eq(Object obj1, Object obj2) { if (obj1 == null && obj2 == null) return true; if (obj1 == null || obj2 == null) return false; return obj1.equals(obj2); } public void saveSettings(Properties settings) { mActivity.setSettings(settings, 0, false); } /** * Read JNI view settings, update and save if changed */ private void syncViewSettings(final Properties currSettings, final boolean save, final boolean saveDelayed) { post(new Task() { Properties props; public void work() { BackgroundThread.ensureBackground(); java.util.Properties internalProps = doc.getSettings(); props = new Properties(internalProps); } public void done() { Properties changedSettings = props.diff(currSettings); for (Map.Entry entry : changedSettings.entrySet()) { currSettings.setProperty((String) entry.getKey(), (String) entry.getValue()); } mSettings = currSettings; if (save) { mActivity.setSettings(mSettings, saveDelayed ? 5000 : 0, false); } else { mActivity.setSettings(mSettings, -1, false); } } }); } public Properties getSettings() { return new Properties(mSettings); } static public int stringToInt(String value, int defValue) { if (value == null) return defValue; try { return Integer.valueOf(value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return defValue; } } private String getManualFileName() { Scanner s = Services.getScanner(); if (s != null) { FileInfo fi = s.getDownloadDirectory(); if (fi != null) { File bookDir = new File(fi.getPathName()); return HelpFileGenerator.getHelpFileName(bookDir, mActivity.getCurrentLanguage()).getAbsolutePath(); } } log.e("cannot get manual file name!"); return null; } private File generateManual() { HelpFileGenerator generator = new HelpFileGenerator(mActivity, mEngine, getSettings(), mActivity.getCurrentLanguage()); FileInfo downloadDir = Services.getScanner().getDownloadDirectory(); File bookDir; if (downloadDir != null) bookDir = new File(Services.getScanner().getDownloadDirectory().getPathName()); else { log.e("cannot download directory file name!"); bookDir = new File("/tmp/"); } int settingsHash = generator.getSettingsHash(); String helpFileContentId = mActivity.getCurrentLanguage() + settingsHash + "v" + mActivity.getVersion(); String lastHelpFileContentId = mActivity.getLastGeneratedHelpFileSignature(); File manual = generator.getHelpFileName(bookDir); if (!manual.exists() || lastHelpFileContentId == null || !lastHelpFileContentId.equals(helpFileContentId)) { log.d("Generating help file " + manual.getAbsolutePath()); mActivity.setLastGeneratedHelpFileSignature(helpFileContentId); manual = generator.generateHelpFile(bookDir); } return manual; } /** * Generate help file (if necessary) and show it. * * @return true if opened successfully */ public boolean showManual() { return loadDocument(getManualFileName(), null, () -> mActivity.showToast("Error while opening manual")); } private boolean hiliteTapZoneOnTap = false; private boolean enableVolumeKeys = true; static private final int DEF_PAGE_FLIP_MS = 300; public void applyAppSetting(String key, String value) { boolean flg = "1".equals(value); if (key.equals(PROP_APP_TAP_ZONE_HILIGHT)) { hiliteTapZoneOnTap = flg; } else if (key.equals(PROP_APP_DOUBLE_TAP_SELECTION)) { doubleTapSelectionEnabled = flg; } else if (key.equals(PROP_APP_GESTURE_PAGE_FLIPPING)) { mGesturePageFlipsPerFullSwipe = Integer.valueOf(value); } else if (key.equals(PROP_PAGE_VIEW_MODE)) { mIsPageMode = flg; } else if (key.equals(PROP_APP_SECONDARY_TAP_ACTION_TYPE)) { secondaryTapActionType = flg ? TAP_ACTION_TYPE_DOUBLE : TAP_ACTION_TYPE_LONGPRESS; } else if (key.equals(PROP_APP_FLICK_BACKLIGHT_CONTROL)) { isBacklightControlFlick = "1".equals(value) ? 1 : ("2".equals(value) ? 2 : 0); } else if (key.equals(PROP_APP_FLICK_WARMLIGHT_CONTROL)) { isWarmBacklightControlFlick = "1".equals(value) ? 1 : ("2".equals(value) ? 2 : 0); } else if (PROP_APP_HIGHLIGHT_BOOKMARKS.equals(key)) { flgHighlightBookmarks = !"0".equals(value); clearSelection(); } else if (PROP_APP_VIEW_AUTOSCROLL_SPEED.equals(key)) { autoScrollSpeed = Utils.parseInt(value, 1500, 200, 10000); } else if (PROP_PAGE_ANIMATION.equals(key)) { pageFlipAnimationMode = Utils.parseInt(value, PAGE_ANIMATION_SLIDE2, PAGE_ANIMATION_NONE, PAGE_ANIMATION_MAX); pageFlipAnimationSpeedMs = pageFlipAnimationMode != PAGE_ANIMATION_NONE ? DEF_PAGE_FLIP_MS : 0; } else if (PROP_CONTROLS_ENABLE_VOLUME_KEYS.equals(key)) { enableVolumeKeys = flg; } else if (PROP_APP_SELECTION_ACTION.equals(key)) { mSelectionAction = Utils.parseInt(value, SELECTION_ACTION_TOOLBAR); } else if (PROP_APP_MULTI_SELECTION_ACTION.equals(key)) { mMultiSelectionAction = Utils.parseInt(value, SELECTION_ACTION_TOOLBAR); } else { //mActivity.applyAppSetting(key, value); } // } public void setAppSettings(Properties newSettings, Properties oldSettings) { log.v("setAppSettings()"); //|| keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT BackgroundThread.ensureGUI(); if (oldSettings == null) oldSettings = mSettings; Properties changedSettings = newSettings.diff(oldSettings); for (Map.Entry entry : changedSettings.entrySet()) { String key = (String) entry.getKey(); String value = (String) entry.getValue(); applyAppSetting(key, value); if (PROP_APP_FULLSCREEN.equals(key)) { boolean flg = mSettings.getBool(PROP_APP_FULLSCREEN, false); newSettings.setBool(PROP_SHOW_BATTERY, flg); newSettings.setBool(PROP_SHOW_TIME, flg); } else if (PROP_PAGE_VIEW_MODE.equals(key)) { boolean flg = "1".equals(value); viewMode = flg ? ViewMode.PAGES : ViewMode.SCROLL; } else if (PROP_APP_SCREEN_ORIENTATION.equals(key) || PROP_PAGE_ANIMATION.equals(key) || PROP_PAGE_VIEW_MODE.equals(key) || PROP_CONTROLS_ENABLE_VOLUME_KEYS.equals(key) || PROP_APP_SHOW_COVERPAGES.equals(key) || PROP_APP_COVERPAGE_SIZE.equals(key) || PROP_APP_SCREEN_BACKLIGHT.equals(key) || PROP_APP_SCREEN_WARM_BACKLIGHT.equals(key) || PROP_APP_BOOK_PROPERTY_SCAN_ENABLED.equals(key) || PROP_APP_SCREEN_BACKLIGHT_LOCK.equals(key) || PROP_APP_TAP_ZONE_HILIGHT.equals(key) || PROP_APP_DICTIONARY.equals(key) || PROP_APP_DOUBLE_TAP_SELECTION.equals(key) || PROP_APP_FLICK_BACKLIGHT_CONTROL.equals(key) || PROP_APP_FLICK_WARMLIGHT_CONTROL.equals(key) || PROP_APP_FILE_BROWSER_HIDE_EMPTY_FOLDERS.equals(key) || PROP_APP_FILE_BROWSER_HIDE_EMPTY_GENRES.equals(key) || PROP_APP_SELECTION_ACTION.equals(key) || PROP_APP_FILE_BROWSER_SIMPLE_MODE.equals(key) || PROP_APP_GESTURE_PAGE_FLIPPING.equals(key) || PROP_APP_HIGHLIGHT_BOOKMARKS.equals(key) || PROP_HIGHLIGHT_SELECTION_COLOR.equals(key) || PROP_HIGHLIGHT_BOOKMARK_COLOR_COMMENT.equals(key) || PROP_HIGHLIGHT_BOOKMARK_COLOR_CORRECTION.equals(key) // TODO: redesign all this mess! ) { newSettings.setProperty(key, value); } } } public ViewMode getViewMode() { return viewMode; } /** * Change settings. * * @param newSettings are new settings */ public void updateSettings(Properties newSettings) { log.v("updateSettings() " + newSettings.toString()); log.v("oldNightMode=" + mSettings.getProperty(PROP_NIGHT_MODE) + " newNightMode=" + newSettings.getProperty(PROP_NIGHT_MODE)); BackgroundThread.ensureGUI(); final Properties currSettings = new Properties(mSettings); if (null != ttsToolbar) { // ignore all non TTS options if TTS is active... ttsToolbar.setAppSettings(newSettings, currSettings); Properties changedSettings = newSettings.diff(currSettings); currSettings.setAll(changedSettings); mSettings = currSettings; } else { setAppSettings(newSettings, currSettings); Properties changedSettings = newSettings.diff(currSettings); currSettings.setAll(changedSettings); mSettings = currSettings; BackgroundThread.instance().postBackground(() -> applySettings(currSettings)); } } private void setBackgroundTexture(String textureId, int color) { BackgroundTextureInfo[] textures = mEngine.getAvailableTextures(); for (BackgroundTextureInfo item : textures) { if ( { setBackgroundTexture(item, color); return; } } setBackgroundTexture(Engine.NO_TEXTURE, color); } private void setBackgroundTexture(BackgroundTextureInfo texture, int color) { log.v("setBackgroundTexture(" + texture + ", " + color + ")"); if (!currentBackgroundTexture.equals(texture) || currentBackgroundColor != color) { log.d("setBackgroundTexture( " + texture + " )"); currentBackgroundColor = color; currentBackgroundTexture = texture; byte[] data = mEngine.getImageData(currentBackgroundTexture); doc.setPageBackgroundTexture(data, texture.tiled ? 1 : 0); currentBackgroundTextureTiled = texture.tiled; if (data != null && data.length > 0) { if (currentBackgroundTextureBitmap != null) currentBackgroundTextureBitmap.recycle(); try { currentBackgroundTextureBitmap =, 0, data.length); } catch (Exception e) { log.e("Exception while decoding image data", e); currentBackgroundTextureBitmap = null; } } else { currentBackgroundTextureBitmap = null; } } } BackgroundTextureInfo currentBackgroundTexture = Engine.NO_TEXTURE; Bitmap currentBackgroundTextureBitmap = null; boolean currentBackgroundTextureTiled = false; int currentBackgroundColor = 0; class CreateViewTask extends Task { Properties props = new Properties(); public CreateViewTask(Properties props) { this.props = props; Properties oldSettings = new Properties(); // may be changed by setAppSettings setAppSettings(props, oldSettings); props.setAll(oldSettings); mSettings = props; } public void work() throws Exception { BackgroundThread.ensureBackground(); log.d("CreateViewTask - in background thread"); // BackgroundTextureInfo[] textures = mEngine.getAvailableTextures(); // byte[] data = mEngine.getImageData(textures[3]); byte[] data = mEngine.getImageData(currentBackgroundTexture); doc.setPageBackgroundTexture(data, currentBackgroundTexture.tiled ? 1 : 0); //File historyDir = activity.getDir("settings", Context.MODE_PRIVATE); //File historyDir = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(), ".cr3"); //historyDir.mkdirs(); //File historyFile = new File(historyDir, "cr3hist.ini"); //File historyFile = new File(activity.getDir("settings", Context.MODE_PRIVATE), "cr3hist.ini"); //if ( historyFile.exists() ) { //log.d("Reading history from file " + historyFile.getAbsolutePath()); //readHistoryInternal(historyFile.getAbsolutePath()); //} String css = mEngine.loadResourceUtf8(R.raw.fb2); if (css != null && css.length() > 0) doc.setStylesheet(css); applySettings(props); mInitialized = true; log.i("CreateViewTask - finished"); } public void done() { log.d("InitializationFinishedEvent"); //BackgroundThread.ensureGUI(); //setSettings(props, new Properties()); } public void fail(Exception e) { log.e("CoolReader engine initialization failed. Exiting.", e); mEngine.fatalError("Failed to init CoolReader engine"); } } public void closeIfOpened(final FileInfo fileInfo) { if (this.mBookInfo != null && this.mBookInfo.getFileInfo().pathname.equals(fileInfo.pathname) && mOpened) { close(); } } public boolean reloadDocument() { if (this.mBookInfo != null && this.mBookInfo.getFileInfo() != null) { save(); // save current position post(new LoadDocumentTask(this.mBookInfo, null, null, null)); return true; } return false; } public boolean loadDocument(final FileInfo fileInfo, final Runnable doneHandler, final Runnable errorHandler) { log.v("loadDocument(" + fileInfo.getPathName() + ")"); if (this.mBookInfo != null && this.mBookInfo.getFileInfo().pathname.equals(fileInfo.pathname) && mOpened) { log.d("trying to load already opened document"); mActivity.showReader(); if (null != doneHandler); drawPage(); return false; } Services.getHistory().getOrCreateBookInfo(mActivity.getDB(), fileInfo, bookInfo -> { log.v("posting LoadDocument task to background thread"); BackgroundThread.instance().postBackground(() -> { log.v("posting LoadDocument task to GUI thread"); BackgroundThread.instance().postGUI(() -> { log.v("synced posting LoadDocument task to GUI thread"); post(new LoadDocumentTask(bookInfo, null, doneHandler, errorHandler)); }); }); }); return true; } public boolean loadDocumentFromStream(final InputStream inputStream, final FileInfo fileInfo, final Runnable doneHandler, final Runnable errorHandler) { log.v("loadDocument(" + fileInfo.getPathName() + ")"); if (this.mBookInfo != null && this.mBookInfo.getFileInfo().pathname.equals(fileInfo.pathname) && mOpened) { log.d("trying to load already opened document"); mActivity.showReader(); if (null != doneHandler); drawPage(); return false; } Services.getHistory().getOrCreateBookInfo(mActivity.getDB(), fileInfo, bookInfo -> { log.v("posting LoadDocument task to background thread"); BackgroundThread.instance().postBackground(() -> { log.v("posting LoadDocument task to GUI thread"); BackgroundThread.instance().postGUI(() -> { log.v("synced posting LoadDocument task to GUI thread"); post(new LoadDocumentTask(bookInfo, inputStream, doneHandler, errorHandler)); }); }); }); return true; } public boolean loadDocument(String fileName, final Runnable doneHandler, final Runnable errorHandler) { BackgroundThread.ensureGUI(); save(); log.i("loadDocument(" + fileName + ")"); if (fileName == null) { log.v("loadDocument() : no filename specified"); if (errorHandler != null); return false; } if ("@manual".equals(fileName)) { fileName = getManualFileName(); log.i("Manual document: " + fileName); } String normalized = mEngine.getPathCorrector().normalize(fileName); if (normalized == null) { log.e("Trying to load book from non-standard path " + fileName); mActivity.showToast("Trying to load book from non-standard path " + fileName); hideProgress(); if (errorHandler != null); return false; } else if (!normalized.equals(fileName)) { log.w("Filename normalized to " + normalized); fileName = normalized; } if (fileName.equals(getManualFileName())) { // ensure manual file is up to date if (generateManual() == null) { log.v("loadDocument() : no filename specified"); if (errorHandler != null); return false; } } BookInfo book = Services.getHistory().getBookInfo(fileName); if (book != null) log.v("loadDocument() : found book in history : " + book); FileInfo fi = null; if (book == null) { log.v("loadDocument() : book not found in history, looking for location directory"); FileInfo dir = Services.getScanner().findParent(new FileInfo(fileName), Services.getScanner().getRoot()); if (dir != null) { log.v("loadDocument() : document location found : " + dir); fi = dir.findItemByPathName(fileName); log.v("loadDocument() : item inside location : " + fi); } if (fi == null) { log.v("loadDocument() : no file item " + fileName + " found inside " + dir); if (errorHandler != null); return false; } if (fi.isDirectory) { log.v("loadDocument() : is a directory, opening browser"); mActivity.showBrowser(fi); return true; } } else { fi = book.getFileInfo(); log.v("loadDocument() : item from history : " + fi); } return loadDocument(fi, doneHandler, errorHandler); } public boolean loadDocumentFromStream(InputStream inputStream, String contentPath, final Runnable doneHandler, final Runnable errorHandler) { BackgroundThread.ensureGUI(); save(); log.i("loadDocument(" + contentPath + ")"); if (contentPath == null || inputStream == null) { log.v("loadDocument() : no filename or stream specified"); if (errorHandler != null); return false; } BookInfo book = Services.getHistory().getBookInfo(contentPath); if (book != null) log.v("loadDocument() : found book in history : " + book); FileInfo fi = null; if (book == null) { log.v("loadDocument() : book not found in history, building FileInfo by Uri..."); fi = new FileInfo(contentPath); } else { fi = book.getFileInfo(); log.v("loadDocument() : item from history : " + fi); } return loadDocumentFromStream(inputStream, fi, doneHandler, errorHandler); } public BookInfo getBookInfo() { BackgroundThread.ensureGUI(); return mBookInfo; } private int mBatteryState = 100; public void setBatteryState(int state) { if (state != mBatteryState) { log.i("Battery state changed: " + state); mBatteryState = state; if (!DeviceInfo.EINK_SCREEN && !isAutoScrollActive()) { drawPage(); } } } public int getBatteryState() { return mBatteryState; } private static final VMRuntimeHack runtime = new VMRuntimeHack(); private static class BitmapFactory { public static final int MAX_FREE_LIST_SIZE = 2; ArrayList freeList = new ArrayList(); ArrayList usedList = new ArrayList(); public synchronized Bitmap get(int dx, int dy) { for (int i = 0; i < freeList.size(); i++) { Bitmap bmp = freeList.get(i); if (bmp.getWidth() == dx && bmp.getHeight() == dy) { // found bitmap of proper size freeList.remove(i); usedList.add(bmp); //log.d("BitmapFactory: reused free bitmap, used list = " + usedList.size() + ", free list=" + freeList.size()); return bmp; } } for (int i = freeList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Bitmap bmp = freeList.remove(i); runtime.trackAlloc(bmp.getWidth() * bmp.getHeight() * 2); //log.d("Recycling free bitmap "+bmp.getWidth()+"x"+bmp.getHeight()); //bmp.recycle(); //20110109 } Bitmap bmp = Bitmap.createBitmap(dx, dy, DeviceInfo.BUFFER_COLOR_FORMAT); runtime.trackFree(dx * dy * 2); //bmp.setDensity(0); usedList.add(bmp); //log.d("Created new bitmap "+dx+"x"+dy+". New bitmap list size = " + usedList.size()); return bmp; } public synchronized void compact() { while (freeList.size() > 0) { //freeList.get(0).recycle();//20110109 Bitmap bmp = freeList.remove(0); runtime.trackAlloc(bmp.getWidth() * bmp.getHeight() * 2); } } public synchronized void release(Bitmap bmp) { for (int i = 0; i < usedList.size(); i++) { if (usedList.get(i) == bmp) { freeList.add(bmp); usedList.remove(i); while (freeList.size() > MAX_FREE_LIST_SIZE) { //freeList.get(0).recycle(); //20110109 Bitmap b = freeList.remove(0); runtime.trackAlloc(b.getWidth() * b.getHeight() * 2); //b.recycle(); } log.d("BitmapFactory: bitmap released, used size = " + usedList.size() + ", free size=" + freeList.size()); return; } } // unknown bitmap, just recycle //bmp.recycle();//20110109 } } ; BitmapFactory factory = new BitmapFactory(); class BitmapInfo { Bitmap bitmap; PositionProperties position; ImageInfo imageInfo; void recycle() { factory.release(bitmap); bitmap = null; position = null; imageInfo = null; } boolean isReleased() { return bitmap == null; } @Override public String toString() { return "BitmapInfo [position=" + position + "]"; } } private BitmapInfo mCurrentPageInfo; private BitmapInfo mNextPageInfo; /** * Prepare and cache page image. * Cache is represented by two slots: mCurrentPageInfo and mNextPageInfo. * If page already exists in cache, returns it (if current page requested, * ensures that it became stored as mCurrentPageInfo; if another page requested, * no mCurrentPageInfo/mNextPageInfo reordering made). * * @param offset is kind of page: 0==current, -1=previous, 1=next page * @return page image and properties, null if requested page is unavailable (e.g. requested next/prev page is out of document range) */ private BitmapInfo preparePageImage(int offset) { BackgroundThread.ensureBackground(); log.v("preparePageImage( " + offset + ")"); //if (offset == 0) { // // DEBUG stack trace // try { // if (currentAutoScrollAnimation!=null) // log.v("preparePageImage from autoscroll"); // throw new Exception("stack trace"); // } catch (Exception e) { // Log.d("cr3", "stack trace", e); // } //} if (invalidImages) { if (mCurrentPageInfo != null) mCurrentPageInfo.recycle(); mCurrentPageInfo = null; if (mNextPageInfo != null) mNextPageInfo.recycle(); mNextPageInfo = null; invalidImages = false; } if (internalDX == 0 || internalDY == 0) { if (requestedWidth > 0 && requestedHeight > 0) { internalDX = requestedWidth; internalDY = requestedHeight; doc.resize(internalDX, internalDY); } else { internalDX = surface.getWidth(); internalDY = surface.getHeight(); doc.resize(internalDX, internalDY); } // internalDX=200; // internalDY=300; // doc.resize(internalDX, internalDY); // BackgroundThread.instance().postGUI(new Runnable() { // @Override // public void run() { // log.d("invalidating view due to resize"); // //ReaderView.this.invalidate(); // drawPage(null, false); // //redraw(); // } // }); } if (currentImageViewer != null) return currentImageViewer.prepareImage(); PositionProperties currpos = doc.getPositionProps(null, false); if (null == currpos) return null; boolean isPageView = currpos.pageMode != 0; BitmapInfo currposBitmap = null; if (mCurrentPageInfo != null && mCurrentPageInfo.position != null && mCurrentPageInfo.position.equals(currpos) && mCurrentPageInfo.imageInfo == null) currposBitmap = mCurrentPageInfo; else if (mNextPageInfo != null && mNextPageInfo.position != null && mNextPageInfo.position.equals(currpos) && mNextPageInfo.imageInfo == null) currposBitmap = mNextPageInfo; if (offset == 0) { // Current page requested if (currposBitmap != null) { if (mNextPageInfo == currposBitmap) { // reorder pages BitmapInfo tmp = mNextPageInfo; mNextPageInfo = mCurrentPageInfo; mCurrentPageInfo = tmp; } // found ready page image return mCurrentPageInfo; } if (mCurrentPageInfo != null) { mCurrentPageInfo.recycle(); mCurrentPageInfo = null; } BitmapInfo bi = new BitmapInfo(); bi.position = currpos; bi.bitmap = factory.get(internalDX > 0 ? internalDX : requestedWidth, internalDY > 0 ? internalDY : requestedHeight); doc.setBatteryState(mBatteryState); doc.getPageImage(bi.bitmap); mCurrentPageInfo = bi; //log.v("Prepared new current page image " + mCurrentPageInfo); return mCurrentPageInfo; } if (isPageView) { // PAGES: one of next or prev pages requested, offset is specified as param int cmd1 = offset > 0 ? ReaderCommand.DCMD_PAGEDOWN.nativeId : ReaderCommand.DCMD_PAGEUP.nativeId; int cmd2 = offset > 0 ? ReaderCommand.DCMD_PAGEUP.nativeId : ReaderCommand.DCMD_PAGEDOWN.nativeId; if (offset < 0) offset = -offset; if (doc.doCommand(cmd1, offset)) { // can move to next page PositionProperties nextpos = doc.getPositionProps(null, false); BitmapInfo nextposBitmap = null; if (mCurrentPageInfo != null && mCurrentPageInfo.position != null && mCurrentPageInfo.position.equals(nextpos)) nextposBitmap = mCurrentPageInfo; else if (mNextPageInfo != null && mNextPageInfo.position != null && mNextPageInfo.position.equals(nextpos)) nextposBitmap = mNextPageInfo; if (nextposBitmap == null) { // existing image not found in cache, overriding mNextPageInfo if (mNextPageInfo != null) mNextPageInfo.recycle(); mNextPageInfo = null; BitmapInfo bi = new BitmapInfo(); bi.position = nextpos; bi.bitmap = factory.get(internalDX, internalDY); doc.setBatteryState(mBatteryState); doc.getPageImage(bi.bitmap); mNextPageInfo = bi; nextposBitmap = bi; //log.v("Prepared new current page image " + mNextPageInfo); } // return back to previous page doc.doCommand(cmd2, offset); return nextposBitmap; } else { // cannot move to page: out of document range return null; } } else { // SCROLL next or prev page requested, with pixel offset specified int y = currpos.y + offset; if (doc.doCommand(ReaderCommand.DCMD_GO_POS.nativeId, y)) { PositionProperties nextpos = doc.getPositionProps(null, false); BitmapInfo nextposBitmap = null; if (mCurrentPageInfo != null && mCurrentPageInfo.position != null && mCurrentPageInfo.position.equals(nextpos)) nextposBitmap = mCurrentPageInfo; else if (mNextPageInfo != null && mNextPageInfo.position != null && mNextPageInfo.position.equals(nextpos)) nextposBitmap = mNextPageInfo; if (nextposBitmap == null) { // existing image not found in cache, overriding mNextPageInfo if (mNextPageInfo != null) mNextPageInfo.recycle(); mNextPageInfo = null; BitmapInfo bi = new BitmapInfo(); bi.position = nextpos; bi.bitmap = factory.get(internalDX, internalDY); doc.setBatteryState(mBatteryState); doc.getPageImage(bi.bitmap); mNextPageInfo = bi; nextposBitmap = bi; } // return back to prev position doc.doCommand(ReaderCommand.DCMD_GO_POS.nativeId, currpos.y); return nextposBitmap; } else { return null; } } } private int lastDrawTaskId = 0; private class DrawPageTask extends Task { final int id; BitmapInfo bi; Runnable doneHandler; boolean isPartially; DrawPageTask(Runnable doneHandler, boolean isPartially) { // // DEBUG stack trace // try { // throw new Exception("DrawPageTask() stack trace"); // } catch (Exception e) { // Log.d("cr3", "stack trace", e); // } = ++lastDrawTaskId; this.doneHandler = doneHandler; this.isPartially = isPartially; cancelGc(); } public void work() { BackgroundThread.ensureBackground(); if ( != lastDrawTaskId) { log.d("skipping duplicate drawPage request"); return; } nextHiliteId++; if (currentAnimation != null) { log.d("skipping drawPage request while scroll animation is in progress"); return; } log.e("" + internalDX + "," + internalDY + ")"); bi = preparePageImage(0); if (bi != null) { bookView.draw(isPartially); } } @Override public void done() { BackgroundThread.ensureGUI(); // log.d("drawPage : bitmap is ready, invalidating view to draw new bitmap"); // if ( bi!=null ) { // setBitmap( bi.bitmap ); // invalidate(); // } // if (mOpened) //hideProgress(); if (doneHandler != null); scheduleGc(); } @Override public void fail(Exception e) { hideProgress(); } } ; static class ReaderSurfaceView extends SurfaceView { public ReaderSurfaceView(Context context) { super(context); } } // private boolean mIsOnFront = false; private int requestedWidth = 0; private int requestedHeight = 0; // public void setOnFront(boolean front) { // if (mIsOnFront == front) // return; // mIsOnFront = front; // log.d("setOnFront(" + front + ")"); // if (mIsOnFront) { // checkSize(); // } else { // // save position immediately // scheduleSaveCurrentPositionBookmark(0); // } // } private void requestResize(int width, int height) { requestedWidth = width; requestedHeight = height; if (requestedWidth <= 0) requestedWidth = 80; if (requestedHeight <= 0) requestedHeight = 80; checkSize(); } private void checkSize() { boolean changed = (requestedWidth != internalDX) || (requestedHeight != internalDY); if (!changed) return; if (getActivity().isDialogActive()) { log.d("checkSize() : dialog is active, skipping resize"); return; } // if (mIsOnFront || !mOpened) { log.d("checkSize() : calling resize"); resize(); // } else { // log.d("Skipping resize request"); // } } private void resize() { final int thisId = ++lastResizeTaskId; // if ( w { if (thisId != lastResizeTaskId) { log.d("skipping duplicate resize request in GUI thread"); return; } post(new Task() { public void work() { BackgroundThread.ensureBackground(); if (thisId != lastResizeTaskId) { log.d("skipping duplicate resize request"); return; } internalDX = requestedWidth; internalDY = requestedHeight; log.d("ResizeTask: resizeInternal(" + internalDX + "," + internalDY + ")"); doc.resize(internalDX, internalDY); // if ( mOpened ) { // log.d("ResizeTask: done, drawing page"); // drawPage(); // } } public void done() { clearImageCache(); drawPage(null, false); //redraw(); } }); }; long timeSinceLastResume = System.currentTimeMillis() - lastAppResumeTs; int delay = 300; if (timeSinceLastResume < 1000) delay = 1000; if (mOpened) { log.d("scheduling delayed resize task id=" + thisId + " for " + delay + " ms"); BackgroundThread.instance().postGUI(task, delay); } else { log.d("executing resize without delay");; } } int hackMemorySize = 0; // SurfaceView callbacks @Override public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, final int width, final int height) { log.i("surfaceChanged(" + width + ", " + height + ")"); if (hackMemorySize <= 0) { hackMemorySize = width * height * 2; runtime.trackFree(hackMemorySize); } surface.invalidate(); //if (!isProgressActive()) bookView.draw(); //requestResize(width, height); //draw(); } boolean mSurfaceCreated = false; @Override public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) { log.i("surfaceCreated()"); mSurfaceCreated = true; //draw(); } @Override public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder holder) { log.i("surfaceDestroyed()"); mSurfaceCreated = false; if (hackMemorySize > 0) { runtime.trackAlloc(hackMemorySize); hackMemorySize = 0; } } enum AnimationType { SCROLL, // for scroll mode PAGE_SHIFT, // for simple page shift } private ViewAnimationControl currentAnimation = null; private int pageFlipAnimationSpeedMs = DEF_PAGE_FLIP_MS; // if 0 : no animation private int pageFlipAnimationMode = PAGE_ANIMATION_SLIDE2; //PAGE_ANIMATION_PAPER; // if 0 : no animation // private void animatePageFlip( final int dir ) { // animatePageFlip(dir, null); // } private void animatePageFlip(final int dir, final Runnable onFinishHandler) { if (!mOpened) return; BackgroundThread.instance().executeBackground(() -> { BackgroundThread.ensureBackground(); if (currentAnimation == null) { PositionProperties currPos = doc.getPositionProps(null, false); if (currPos == null) return; if (mCurrentPageInfo == null) return; int w = currPos.pageWidth; int h = currPos.pageHeight; int dir2 = dir; // if ( currPos.pageMode==2 ) // if ( dir2==1 ) // dir2 = 2; // else if ( dir2==-1 ) // dir2 = -2; int speed = pageFlipAnimationSpeedMs; if (onFinishHandler != null) speed = pageFlipAnimationSpeedMs / 2; if (currPos.pageMode != 0) { int fromX = dir2 > 0 ? w : 0; int toX = dir2 > 0 ? 0 : w; new PageViewAnimation(fromX, w, dir2); if (currentAnimation != null) { nextHiliteId++; hiliteRect = null; currentAnimation.update(toX, h / 2); currentAnimation.move(speed, true); currentAnimation.stop(-1, -1); if (onFinishHandler != null) BackgroundThread.instance().executeGUI(onFinishHandler); } } else { //new ScrollViewAnimation(startY, maxY); int fromY = dir > 0 ? h * 7 / 8 : 0; int toY = dir > 0 ? 0 : h * 7 / 8; new ScrollViewAnimation(fromY, h); if (currentAnimation != null) { nextHiliteId++; hiliteRect = null; currentAnimation.update(w / 2, toY); currentAnimation.move(speed, true); currentAnimation.stop(-1, -1); if (onFinishHandler != null) BackgroundThread.instance().executeGUI(onFinishHandler); } } } }); } static private Rect tapZoneBounds(int startX, int startY, int maxX, int maxY) { if (startX < 0) startX = 0; if (startY < 0) startY = 0; if (startX > maxX) startX = maxX; if (startY > maxY) startY = maxY; int dx = (maxX + 2) / 3; int dy = (maxY + 2) / 3; int x0 = startX / dx * dx; int y0 = startY / dy * dy; return new Rect(x0, y0, x0 + dx, y0 + dy); } volatile private int nextHiliteId = 0; private final static int HILITE_RECT_ALPHA = 32; private Rect hiliteRect = null; private void unhiliteTapZone() { hiliteTapZone(false, 0, 0, surface.getWidth(), surface.getHeight()); } private void hiliteTapZone(final boolean hilite, final int startX, final int startY, final int maxX, final int maxY) { alog.d("highliteTapZone(" + startX + ", " + startY + ")"); final int myHiliteId = ++nextHiliteId; int txcolor = mSettings.getColor(PROP_FONT_COLOR, Color.BLACK); final int color = (txcolor & 0xFFFFFF) | (HILITE_RECT_ALPHA << 24); BackgroundThread.instance().executeBackground(() -> { if (myHiliteId != nextHiliteId || (!hilite && hiliteRect == null)) return; if (currentAutoScrollAnimation != null) { hiliteRect = null; return; } BackgroundThread.ensureBackground(); final BitmapInfo pageImage = preparePageImage(0); if (pageImage != null && pageImage.bitmap != null && pageImage.position != null) { //PositionProperties currPos = pageImage.position; final Rect rc = hilite ? tapZoneBounds(startX, startY, maxX, maxY) : hiliteRect; if (hilite) hiliteRect = rc; else hiliteRect = null; if (rc != null) drawCallback(canvas -> { if (mInitialized && mCurrentPageInfo != null) { log.d("onDraw() -- drawing page image"); drawDimmedBitmap(canvas, mCurrentPageInfo.bitmap, rc, rc); if (hilite) { Paint p = new Paint(); p.setColor(color); // if ( true ) { canvas.drawRect(new Rect(rc.left,, rc.right - 2, + 2), p); canvas.drawRect(new Rect(rc.left, + 2, rc.left + 2, rc.bottom - 2), p); canvas.drawRect(new Rect(rc.right - 2 - 2, + 2, rc.right - 2, rc.bottom - 2), p); canvas.drawRect(new Rect(rc.left + 2, rc.bottom - 2 - 2, rc.right - 2 - 2, rc.bottom - 2), p); // } else { // canvas.drawRect(rc, p); // } } } }, rc, false); } }); } private void scheduleUnhilite(int delay) { final int myHiliteId = nextHiliteId; BackgroundThread.instance().postGUI(() -> { if (myHiliteId == nextHiliteId && hiliteRect != null) unhiliteTapZone(); }, delay); } int currentBrightnessValueIndex = -1; int currentBrightnessValue = -1; int currentBrightnessPrevYPos = -1; private void startBrightnessControl(final int startX, final int startY, int type) { switch (type) { case BRIGHTNESS_TYPE_COMMON: currentBrightnessValue = mActivity.getScreenBacklightLevel(); if (!DeviceInfo.EINK_SCREEN) { currentBrightnessValueIndex = OptionsDialog.findBacklightSettingIndex(currentBrightnessValue); if (0 == currentBrightnessValueIndex) { // system backlight level // A trick that allows you to reduce the brightness of the backlight // if the brightness is set to the same as in the system. currentBrightnessValue = 50; currentBrightnessValueIndex = OptionsDialog.findBacklightSettingIndex(currentBrightnessValue); } } else if (DeviceInfo.EINK_HAVE_FRONTLIGHT) currentBrightnessValueIndex = Utils.findNearestIndex(mEinkScreen.getFrontLightLevels(mActivity), currentBrightnessValue); break; case BRIGHTNESS_TYPE_WARM: currentBrightnessValue = mActivity.getWarmBacklightLevel(); if (DeviceInfo.EINK_HAVE_NATURAL_BACKLIGHT) currentBrightnessValueIndex = Utils.findNearestIndex(mEinkScreen.getWarmLightLevels(mActivity), currentBrightnessValue); break; default: return; } currentBrightnessPrevYPos = startY; updateBrightnessControl(startX, startY, type); } private void updateBrightnessControl(final int x, final int y, int type) { List levelList = null; int count = 0; switch (type) { case BRIGHTNESS_TYPE_COMMON: if (!DeviceInfo.EINK_SCREEN) count = OptionsDialog.mBacklightLevels.length; else if (null != mEinkScreen) { levelList = mEinkScreen.getFrontLightLevels(mActivity); if (null != levelList) count = levelList.size(); else return; } break; case BRIGHTNESS_TYPE_WARM: if (null != mEinkScreen) { levelList = mEinkScreen.getWarmLightLevels(mActivity); if (null != levelList) count = levelList.size(); else return; } break; default: return; } if (0 == count) return; int diff = count*(currentBrightnessPrevYPos - y)/surface.getHeight(); int index = currentBrightnessValueIndex + diff; if (index < 0) index = 0; else if (index >= count) index = count - 1; if (!DeviceInfo.EINK_SCREEN) { if (index == 0) { // ignore system brightness level on non eink devices currentBrightnessPrevYPos = y; return; } } if (index != currentBrightnessValueIndex) { currentBrightnessValueIndex = index; if (!DeviceInfo.EINK_SCREEN) currentBrightnessValue = OptionsDialog.mBacklightLevels[currentBrightnessValueIndex]; else { // Here levelList already != null currentBrightnessValue = levelList.get(currentBrightnessValueIndex); } switch (type) { case BRIGHTNESS_TYPE_COMMON: mActivity.setScreenBacklightLevel(currentBrightnessValue); break; case BRIGHTNESS_TYPE_WARM: mActivity.setScreenWarmBacklightLevel(currentBrightnessValue); break; } currentBrightnessPrevYPos = y; } } private void stopBrightnessControl(final int x, final int y, int type) { if (currentBrightnessValueIndex >= 0) { if (x >= 0 && y >= 0) { updateBrightnessControl(x, y, type); } switch (type) { case BRIGHTNESS_TYPE_COMMON: mSettings.setInt(PROP_APP_SCREEN_BACKLIGHT, currentBrightnessValue); break; case BRIGHTNESS_TYPE_WARM: mSettings.setInt(PROP_APP_SCREEN_WARM_BACKLIGHT, currentBrightnessValue); break; default: return; } if (showBrightnessFlickToast) { OptionsDialog.mBacklightLevelsTitles[0] = mActivity.getString(R.string.options_app_backlight_screen_default); String s = OptionsDialog.mBacklightLevelsTitles[currentBrightnessValueIndex]; mActivity.showToast(s); } if (!DeviceInfo.EINK_SCREEN) saveSettings(mSettings); currentBrightnessValue = -1; currentBrightnessValueIndex = -1; currentBrightnessPrevYPos = -1; } } private static final boolean showBrightnessFlickToast = false; private void startAnimation(final int startX, final int startY, final int maxX, final int maxY, final int newX, final int newY) { if (!mOpened) return; alog.d("startAnimation(" + startX + ", " + startY + ")"); BackgroundThread.instance().executeBackground(() -> { BackgroundThread.ensureBackground(); PositionProperties currPos = doc.getPositionProps(null, false); if (currPos != null && currPos.pageMode != 0) { //int dir = startX > maxX/2 ? currPos.pageMode : -currPos.pageMode; //int dir = startX > maxX/2 ? 1 : -1; int dir = newX - startX < 0 ? 1 : -1; int sx = startX; // if ( dir<0 ) // sx = 0; new PageViewAnimation(sx, maxX, dir); } else { new ScrollViewAnimation(startY, maxY); } if (currentAnimation != null) { nextHiliteId++; hiliteRect = null; } }); } private volatile int updateSerialNumber = 0; private class AnimationUpdate { private int x; private int y; //ViewAnimationControl myAnimation; public void set(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } public AnimationUpdate(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; //this.myAnimation = currentAnimation; scheduleUpdate(); } private void scheduleUpdate() { BackgroundThread.instance().postBackground(() -> { alog.d("updating(" + x + ", " + y + ")"); boolean animate = false; synchronized (AnimationUpdate.class) { if (currentAnimation != null && currentAnimationUpdate == AnimationUpdate.this) { currentAnimationUpdate = null; currentAnimation.update(x, y); animate = true; } } if (animate) currentAnimation.animate(); }); } } private AnimationUpdate currentAnimationUpdate; private void updateAnimation(final int x, final int y) { if (!mOpened) return; alog.d("updateAnimation(" + x + ", " + y + ")"); synchronized (AnimationUpdate.class) { if (currentAnimationUpdate != null) currentAnimationUpdate.set(x, y); else currentAnimationUpdate = new AnimationUpdate(x, y); } try { // give a chance to background thread to process event faster Thread.sleep(0); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // ignore } } private void stopAnimation(final int x, final int y) { if (!mOpened) return; alog.d("stopAnimation(" + x + ", " + y + ")"); BackgroundThread.instance().executeBackground(() -> { if (currentAnimation != null) { currentAnimation.stop(x, y); } }); } DelayedExecutor animationScheduler = DelayedExecutor.createBackground("animation"); private void scheduleAnimation() { if (!mOpened) return; -> { if (currentAnimation != null) { currentAnimation.animate(); } }); } interface ViewAnimationControl { public void update(int x, int y); public void stop(int x, int y); public void animate(); public void move(int duration, boolean accelerated); public boolean isStarted(); abstract void draw(Canvas canvas); } // private Object surfaceLock = new Object(); private static final int[] accelerationShape = new int[]{ 0, 6, 24, 54, 95, 146, 206, 273, 345, 421, 500, 578, 654, 726, 793, 853, 904, 945, 975, 993, 1000 }; static public int accelerate(int x0, int x1, int x) { if (x < x0) x = x0; if (x > x1) x = x1; int intervals = accelerationShape.length - 1; int pos = x1 > x0 ? 100 * intervals * (x - x0) / (x1 - x0) : x1; int interval = pos / 100; int part = pos % 100; if (interval < 0) interval = 0; else if (interval > intervals) interval = intervals; int y = interval == intervals ? 100000 : accelerationShape[interval] * 100 + (accelerationShape[interval + 1] - accelerationShape[interval]) * part; return x0 + (x1 - x0) * y / 100000; } private interface DrawCanvasCallback { void drawTo(Canvas c); } private void drawCallback(DrawCanvasCallback callback, Rect rc, boolean isPartially) { if (!mSurfaceCreated) return; //synchronized(surfaceLock) { } //log.v("draw() - in thread " + Thread.currentThread().getName()); final SurfaceHolder holder = surface.getHolder(); //log.v("before synchronized(surfaceLock)"); if (holder != null) //synchronized(surfaceLock) { Canvas canvas = null; long startTs = android.os.SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); try { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) canvas = holder.lockHardwareCanvas(); else canvas = holder.lockCanvas(rc); //log.v("before draw(canvas)"); if (canvas != null) { if (DeviceInfo.EINK_SCREEN) { // pre draw update //BackgroundThread.instance().executeGUI(() -> EinkScreen.PrepareController(surface, isPartially)); mEinkScreen.prepareController(surface, isPartially); } callback.drawTo(canvas); } } finally { //log.v("exiting finally"); if (canvas != null && surface.getHolder() != null) { //log.v("before unlockCanvasAndPost"); if (canvas != null && holder != null) { holder.unlockCanvasAndPost(canvas); //if ( rc==null ) { long endTs = android.os.SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); updateAnimationDurationStats(endTs - startTs); //} if (DeviceInfo.EINK_SCREEN) { // post draw update mEinkScreen.updateController(surface, isPartially); } } //log.v("after unlockCanvasAndPost"); } } } //log.v("exiting draw()"); } abstract class ViewAnimationBase implements ViewAnimationControl { //long startTimeStamp; boolean started; public boolean isStarted() { return started; } ViewAnimationBase() { //startTimeStamp = android.os.SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); cancelGc(); } public void close() { animationScheduler.cancel(); currentAnimation = null; scheduleSaveCurrentPositionBookmark(DEF_SAVE_POSITION_INTERVAL); lastSavedBookmark = null; updateCurrentPositionStatus(); scheduleGc(); } public void draw() { draw(false); } public void draw(boolean isPartially) { // long startTs = android.os.SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); drawCallback(this::draw, null, isPartially); } } //private static final int PAGE_ANIMATION_DURATION = 3000; class ScrollViewAnimation extends ViewAnimationBase { int startY; int maxY; int pageHeight; int fullHeight; int pointerStartPos; int pointerDestPos; int pointerCurrPos; BitmapInfo image1; BitmapInfo image2; ScrollViewAnimation(int startY, int maxY) { super(); this.startY = startY; this.maxY = maxY; long start = android.os.SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); log.v("ScrollViewAnimation -- creating: drawing two pages to buffer"); PositionProperties currPos = doc.getPositionProps(null, false); int pos = currPos.y; int pos0 = pos - (maxY - startY); if (pos0 < 0) pos0 = 0; pointerStartPos = pos; pointerCurrPos = pos; pointerDestPos = startY; pageHeight = currPos.pageHeight; fullHeight = currPos.fullHeight; doc.doCommand(ReaderCommand.DCMD_GO_POS.nativeId, pos0); image1 = preparePageImage(0); if (image1 == null) { log.v("ScrollViewAnimation -- not started: image is null"); return; } image2 = preparePageImage(image1.position.pageHeight); doc.doCommand(ReaderCommand.DCMD_GO_POS.nativeId, pos); if (image2 == null) { log.v("ScrollViewAnimation -- not started: image is null"); return; } long duration = android.os.SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - start; log.v("ScrollViewAnimation -- created in " + duration + " millis"); currentAnimation = this; } @Override public void stop(int x, int y) { if (currentAnimation == null) return; //if ( started ) { if (y != -1) { int delta = startY - y; pointerCurrPos = pointerStartPos + delta; } if (pointerCurrPos < 0) pointerCurrPos = 0; if (pointerCurrPos > fullHeight - pageHeight) pointerCurrPos = fullHeight - pageHeight; pointerDestPos = pointerCurrPos; draw(); doc.doCommand(ReaderCommand.DCMD_GO_POS.nativeId, pointerDestPos); //} scheduleSaveCurrentPositionBookmark(DEF_SAVE_POSITION_INTERVAL); close(); } @Override public void move(int duration, boolean accelerated) { if (duration > 0 && pageFlipAnimationSpeedMs != 0) { int steps = (int) (duration / getAvgAnimationDrawDuration()) + 2; int x0 = pointerCurrPos; int x1 = pointerDestPos; if ((x0 - x1) < 10 && (x0 - x1) > -10) steps = 2; for (int i = 1; i < steps; i++) { int x = x0 + (x1 - x0) * i / steps; pointerCurrPos = accelerated ? accelerate(x0, x1, x) : x; if (pointerCurrPos < 0) pointerCurrPos = 0; if (pointerCurrPos > fullHeight - pageHeight) pointerCurrPos = fullHeight - pageHeight; draw(); } } pointerCurrPos = pointerDestPos; draw(); } @Override public void update(int x, int y) { int delta = startY - y; pointerDestPos = pointerStartPos + delta; if (pointerDestPos < 0) pointerDestPos = 0; if (pointerDestPos > fullHeight - pageHeight) pointerDestPos = fullHeight - pageHeight; } public void animate() { //log.d("animate() is called"); if (pointerDestPos != pointerCurrPos) { if (!started) started = true; if (pageFlipAnimationSpeedMs == 0) pointerCurrPos = pointerDestPos; else { int delta = pointerCurrPos - pointerDestPos; if (delta < 0) delta = -delta; long avgDraw = getAvgAnimationDrawDuration(); //int maxStep = (int)(maxY * PAGE_ANIMATION_DURATION / avgDraw); int maxStep = pageFlipAnimationSpeedMs > 0 ? (int) (maxY * 1000 / avgDraw / pageFlipAnimationSpeedMs) : maxY; int step; if (delta > maxStep * 2) step = maxStep; else step = (delta + 3) / 4; //int step = delta<3 ? 1 : (delta<5 ? 2 : (delta<10 ? 3 : (delta<15 ? 6 : (delta<25 ? 10 : (delta<50 ? 15 : 30))))); if (pointerCurrPos < pointerDestPos) pointerCurrPos += step; else pointerCurrPos -= step; log.d("animate(" + pointerCurrPos + " => " + pointerDestPos + " step=" + step + ")"); } //pointerCurrPos = pointerDestPos; draw(); if (pointerDestPos != pointerCurrPos) scheduleAnimation(); } } public void draw(Canvas canvas) { // BitmapInfo image1 = mCurrentPageInfo; // BitmapInfo image2 = mNextPageInfo; if (image1 == null || image1.isReleased() || image2 == null || image2.isReleased()) return; int h = image1.position.pageHeight; int rowsFromImg1 = image1.position.y + h - pointerCurrPos; int rowsFromImg2 = h - rowsFromImg1; Rect src1 = new Rect(0, h - rowsFromImg1, mCurrentPageInfo.bitmap.getWidth(), h); Rect dst1 = new Rect(0, 0, mCurrentPageInfo.bitmap.getWidth(), rowsFromImg1); drawDimmedBitmap(canvas, image1.bitmap, src1, dst1); if (image2 != null) { Rect src2 = new Rect(0, 0, mCurrentPageInfo.bitmap.getWidth(), rowsFromImg2); Rect dst2 = new Rect(0, rowsFromImg1, mCurrentPageInfo.bitmap.getWidth(), h); drawDimmedBitmap(canvas, image2.bitmap, src2, dst2); } //log.v("anim.drawScroll( pos=" + pointerCurrPos + ", " + src1 + "=>" + dst1 + ", " + src2 + "=>" + dst2 + " )"); } } private final static int SIN_TABLE_SIZE = 1024; private final static int SIN_TABLE_SCALE = 0x10000; private final static int PI_DIV_2 = (int) (Math.PI / 2 * SIN_TABLE_SCALE); /// sin table, for 0..PI/2 private static int[] SIN_TABLE = new int[SIN_TABLE_SIZE + 1]; private static int[] ASIN_TABLE = new int[SIN_TABLE_SIZE + 1]; // mapping of 0..1 shift to angle private static int[] SRC_TABLE = new int[SIN_TABLE_SIZE + 1]; // mapping of 0..1 shift to sin(angle) private static int[] DST_TABLE = new int[SIN_TABLE_SIZE + 1]; // for dx=0..1 find such alpha (0..pi/2) that alpha - sin(alpha) = dx private static double shiftfn(double dx) { double a = 0; double b = Math.PI / 2; double c = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) { c = (a + b) / 2; double cq = c - Math.sin(c); if (cq < dx) a = c; else b = c; } return c; } static { for (int i = 0; i <= SIN_TABLE_SIZE; i++) { double angle = Math.PI / 2 * i / SIN_TABLE_SIZE; int s = (int) Math.round(Math.sin(angle) * SIN_TABLE_SCALE); SIN_TABLE[i] = s; double x = (double) i / SIN_TABLE_SIZE; s = (int) Math.round(Math.asin(x) * SIN_TABLE_SCALE); ASIN_TABLE[i] = s; double dx = i * (Math.PI / 2 - 1.0) / SIN_TABLE_SIZE; angle = shiftfn(dx); SRC_TABLE[i] = (int) Math.round(angle * SIN_TABLE_SCALE); DST_TABLE[i] = (int) Math.round(Math.sin(angle) * SIN_TABLE_SCALE); } } class PageViewAnimation extends ViewAnimationBase { int startX; int maxX; int page1; int page2; int direction; int currShift; int destShift; int pageCount; Paint divPaint; Paint[] shadePaints; Paint[] hilitePaints; private final boolean naturalPageFlip; private final boolean flipTwoPages; BitmapInfo image1; BitmapInfo image2; PageViewAnimation(int startX, int maxX, int direction) { super(); this.startX = startX; this.maxX = maxX; this.direction = direction; this.currShift = 0; this.destShift = 0; this.naturalPageFlip = (pageFlipAnimationMode == PAGE_ANIMATION_PAPER); this.flipTwoPages = (pageFlipAnimationMode == PAGE_ANIMATION_SLIDE2); long start = android.os.SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); log.v("PageViewAnimation -- creating: drawing two pages to buffer"); PositionProperties currPos = mCurrentPageInfo == null ? null : mCurrentPageInfo.position; if (currPos == null) currPos = doc.getPositionProps(null, false); page1 = currPos.pageNumber; page2 = currPos.pageNumber + direction; if (page2 < 0 || page2 >= currPos.pageCount) { currentAnimation = null; return; } this.pageCount = currPos.pageMode; image1 = preparePageImage(0); image2 = preparePageImage(direction); if (image1 == null || image2 == null) { log.v("PageViewAnimation -- cannot start animation: page image is null"); return; } if (page1 == page2) { log.v("PageViewAnimation -- cannot start animation: not moved"); return; } page2 = image2.position.pageNumber; currentAnimation = this; divPaint = new Paint(); divPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); divPaint.setColor(mActivity.isNightMode() ? Color.argb(96, 64, 64, 64) : Color.argb(128, 128, 128, 128)); final int numPaints = 16; shadePaints = new Paint[numPaints]; hilitePaints = new Paint[numPaints]; for (int i = 0; i < numPaints; i++) { shadePaints[i] = new Paint(); hilitePaints[i] = new Paint(); hilitePaints[i].setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); shadePaints[i].setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); if (mActivity.isNightMode()) { shadePaints[i].setColor(Color.argb((i + 1) * 96 / numPaints, 0, 0, 0)); hilitePaints[i].setColor(Color.argb((i + 1) * 96 / numPaints, 64, 64, 64)); } else { shadePaints[i].setColor(Color.argb((i + 1) * 96 / numPaints, 0, 0, 0)); hilitePaints[i].setColor(Color.argb((i + 1) * 96 / numPaints, 255, 255, 255)); } } long duration = android.os.SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - start; log.d("PageViewAnimation -- created in " + duration + " millis"); } private void drawGradient(Canvas canvas, Rect rc, Paint[] paints, int startIndex, int endIndex) { int n = (startIndex < endIndex) ? endIndex - startIndex + 1 : startIndex - endIndex + 1; int dir = (startIndex < endIndex) ? 1 : -1; int dx = rc.right - rc.left; Rect rect = new Rect(rc); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { int index = startIndex + i * dir; int x1 = rc.left + dx * i / n; int x2 = rc.left + dx * (i + 1) / n; if (x2 > rc.right) x2 = rc.right; rect.left = x1; rect.right = x2; if (x2 > x1) { canvas.drawRect(rect, paints[index]); } } } private void drawShadow(Canvas canvas, Rect rc) { drawGradient(canvas, rc, shadePaints, shadePaints.length / 2, shadePaints.length / 10); } private final static int DISTORT_PART_PERCENT = 30; private void drawDistorted(Canvas canvas, Bitmap bmp, Rect src, Rect dst, int dir) { int srcdx = src.width(); int dstdx = dst.width(); int dx = srcdx - dstdx; int maxdistortdx = srcdx * DISTORT_PART_PERCENT / 100; int maxdx = maxdistortdx * (PI_DIV_2 - SIN_TABLE_SCALE) / SIN_TABLE_SCALE; int maxdistortsrc = maxdistortdx * PI_DIV_2 / SIN_TABLE_SCALE; int distortdx = dx < maxdistortdx ? dx : maxdistortdx; int distortsrcstart = -1; int distortsrcend = -1; int distortdststart = -1; int distortdstend = -1; int distortanglestart = -1; int distortangleend = -1; int normalsrcstart = -1; int normalsrcend = -1; int normaldststart = -1; int normaldstend = -1; if (dx < maxdx) { // start int index = dx >= 0 ? dx * SIN_TABLE_SIZE / maxdx : 0; if (index > DST_TABLE.length) index = DST_TABLE.length; int dstv = DST_TABLE[index] * maxdistortdx / SIN_TABLE_SCALE; distortdststart = distortsrcstart = dstdx - dstv; distortsrcend = srcdx; distortdstend = dstdx; normalsrcstart = normaldststart = 0; normalsrcend = distortsrcstart; normaldstend = distortdststart; distortanglestart = 0; distortangleend = SRC_TABLE[index]; distortdx = maxdistortdx; } else if (dstdx > maxdistortdx) { // middle distortdststart = distortsrcstart = dstdx - maxdistortdx; distortsrcend = distortsrcstart + maxdistortsrc; distortdstend = dstdx; normalsrcstart = normaldststart = 0; normalsrcend = distortsrcstart; normaldstend = distortdststart; distortanglestart = 0; distortangleend = PI_DIV_2; } else { // end normalsrcstart = normaldststart = normalsrcend = normaldstend = -1; distortdx = dstdx; distortsrcstart = 0; int n = maxdistortdx >= dstdx ? maxdistortdx - dstdx : 0; distortsrcend = ASIN_TABLE[SIN_TABLE_SIZE * n / maxdistortdx] * maxdistortsrc / SIN_TABLE_SCALE; distortdststart = 0; distortdstend = dstdx; distortangleend = PI_DIV_2; n = maxdistortdx >= distortdx ? maxdistortdx - distortdx : 0; distortanglestart = ASIN_TABLE[SIN_TABLE_SIZE * (maxdistortdx - distortdx) / maxdistortdx]; } Rect srcrc = new Rect(src); Rect dstrc = new Rect(dst); if (normalsrcstart < normalsrcend) { if (dir > 0) { srcrc.left = src.left + normalsrcstart; srcrc.right = src.left + normalsrcend; dstrc.left = dst.left + normaldststart; dstrc.right = dst.left + normaldstend; } else { srcrc.right = src.right - normalsrcstart; srcrc.left = src.right - normalsrcend; dstrc.right = dst.right - normaldststart; dstrc.left = dst.right - normaldstend; } drawDimmedBitmap(canvas, bmp, srcrc, dstrc); } if (distortdststart < distortdstend) { int n = distortdx / 5 + 1; int dst0 = SIN_TABLE[distortanglestart * SIN_TABLE_SIZE / PI_DIV_2] * maxdistortdx / SIN_TABLE_SCALE; int src0 = distortanglestart * maxdistortdx / SIN_TABLE_SCALE; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { int angledelta = distortangleend - distortanglestart; int startangle = distortanglestart + i * angledelta / n; int endangle = distortanglestart + (i + 1) * angledelta / n; int src1 = startangle * maxdistortdx / SIN_TABLE_SCALE - src0; int src2 = endangle * maxdistortdx / SIN_TABLE_SCALE - src0; int dst1 = SIN_TABLE[startangle * SIN_TABLE_SIZE / PI_DIV_2] * maxdistortdx / SIN_TABLE_SCALE - dst0; int dst2 = SIN_TABLE[endangle * SIN_TABLE_SIZE / PI_DIV_2] * maxdistortdx / SIN_TABLE_SCALE - dst0; int hiliteIndex = startangle * hilitePaints.length / PI_DIV_2; Paint[] paints; if (dir > 0) { dstrc.left = dst.left + distortdststart + dst1; dstrc.right = dst.left + distortdststart + dst2; srcrc.left = src.left + distortsrcstart + src1; srcrc.right = src.left + distortsrcstart + src2; paints = hilitePaints; } else { dstrc.right = dst.right - distortdststart - dst1; dstrc.left = dst.right - distortdststart - dst2; srcrc.right = src.right - distortsrcstart - src1; srcrc.left = src.right - distortsrcstart - src2; paints = shadePaints; } drawDimmedBitmap(canvas, bmp, srcrc, dstrc); canvas.drawRect(dstrc, paints[hiliteIndex]); } } } @Override public void move(int duration, boolean accelerated) { if (duration > 0 && pageFlipAnimationSpeedMs != 0) { int steps = (int) (duration / getAvgAnimationDrawDuration()) + 2; int x0 = currShift; int x1 = destShift; if ((x0 - x1) < 10 && (x0 - x1) > -10) steps = 2; for (int i = 1; i < steps; i++) { int x = x0 + (x1 - x0) * i / steps; currShift = accelerated ? accelerate(x0, x1, x) : x; draw(); } } currShift = destShift; draw(); } @Override public void stop(int x, int y) { if (currentAnimation == null) return; alog.v("PageViewAnimation.stop(" + x + ", " + y + ")"); //if ( started ) { boolean moved = false; if (x != -1) { int threshold = mActivity.getPalmTipPixels() * 7 / 8; if (direction > 0) { // | <===== | int dx = startX - x; if (dx > threshold) moved = true; } else { // | =====> | int dx = x - startX; if (dx > threshold) moved = true; } int duration; if (moved) { destShift = maxX; duration = 300; // 500 ms forward } else { destShift = 0; duration = 200; // 200 ms cancel } move(duration, false); } else { moved = true; } doc.doCommand(ReaderCommand.DCMD_GO_PAGE_DONT_SAVE_HISTORY.nativeId, moved ? page2 : page1); //} scheduleSaveCurrentPositionBookmark(DEF_SAVE_POSITION_INTERVAL); close(); // preparing images for next page flip preparePageImage(0); preparePageImage(direction); updateCurrentPositionStatus(); //if ( started ) // drawPage(); } @Override public void update(int x, int y) { alog.v("PageViewAnimation.update(" + x + ", " + y + ")"); int delta = direction > 0 ? startX - x : x - startX; if (delta <= 0) destShift = 0; else if (delta < maxX) destShift = delta; else destShift = maxX; } public void animate() { alog.v("PageViewAnimation.animate(" + currShift + " => " + destShift + ") speed=" + pageFlipAnimationSpeedMs); //log.d("animate() is called"); if (currShift != destShift) { started = true; if (pageFlipAnimationSpeedMs == 0) currShift = destShift; else { int delta = currShift - destShift; if (delta < 0) delta = -delta; long avgDraw = getAvgAnimationDrawDuration(); int maxStep = pageFlipAnimationSpeedMs > 0 ? (int) (maxX * 1000 / avgDraw / pageFlipAnimationSpeedMs) : maxX; int step; if (delta > maxStep * 2) step = maxStep; else step = (delta + 3) / 4; //int step = delta<3 ? 1 : (delta<5 ? 2 : (delta<10 ? 3 : (delta<15 ? 6 : (delta<25 ? 10 : (delta<50 ? 15 : 30))))); if (currShift < destShift) currShift += step; else if (currShift > destShift) currShift -= step; alog.v("PageViewAnimation.animate(" + currShift + " => " + destShift + " step=" + step + ")"); } //pointerCurrPos = pointerDestPos; draw(); if (currShift != destShift) scheduleAnimation(); } } public void draw(Canvas canvas) { alog.v("PageViewAnimation.draw(" + currShift + ")"); // BitmapInfo image1 = mCurrentPageInfo; // BitmapInfo image2 = mNextPageInfo; if (image1.isReleased() || image2.isReleased()) return; int w = image1.bitmap.getWidth(); int h = image1.bitmap.getHeight(); int div; if (direction > 0) { // FORWARD div = w - currShift; Rect shadowRect = new Rect(div, 0, div + w / 10, h); if (naturalPageFlip) { if (this.pageCount == 2) { int w2 = w / 2; if (div < w2) { // left - part of old page Rect src1 = new Rect(0, 0, div, h); Rect dst1 = new Rect(0, 0, div, h); drawDimmedBitmap(canvas, image1.bitmap, src1, dst1); // left, resized part of new page Rect src2 = new Rect(0, 0, w2, h); Rect dst2 = new Rect(div, 0, w2, h); //canvas.drawBitmap(image2.bitmap, src2, dst2, null); drawDistorted(canvas, image2.bitmap, src2, dst2, -1); // right, new page Rect src3 = new Rect(w2, 0, w, h); Rect dst3 = new Rect(w2, 0, w, h); drawDimmedBitmap(canvas, image2.bitmap, src3, dst3); } else { // left - old page Rect src1 = new Rect(0, 0, w2, h); Rect dst1 = new Rect(0, 0, w2, h); drawDimmedBitmap(canvas, image1.bitmap, src1, dst1); // right, resized old page Rect src2 = new Rect(w2, 0, w, h); Rect dst2 = new Rect(w2, 0, div, h); //canvas.drawBitmap(image1.bitmap, src2, dst2, null); drawDistorted(canvas, image1.bitmap, src2, dst2, 1); // right, new page Rect src3 = new Rect(div, 0, w, h); Rect dst3 = new Rect(div, 0, w, h); drawDimmedBitmap(canvas, image2.bitmap, src3, dst3); if (div > 0 && div < w) drawShadow(canvas, shadowRect); } } else { Rect src1 = new Rect(0, 0, w, h); Rect dst1 = new Rect(0, 0, w - currShift, h); //log.v("drawing " + image1); //canvas.drawBitmap(image1.bitmap, src1, dst1, null); drawDistorted(canvas, image1.bitmap, src1, dst1, 1); Rect src2 = new Rect(w - currShift, 0, w, h); Rect dst2 = new Rect(w - currShift, 0, w, h); //log.v("drawing " + image1); drawDimmedBitmap(canvas, image2.bitmap, src2, dst2); if (div > 0 && div < w) drawShadow(canvas, shadowRect); } } else { if (flipTwoPages) { Rect src1 = new Rect(currShift, 0, w, h); Rect dst1 = new Rect(0, 0, w - currShift, h); //log.v("drawing " + image1); drawDimmedBitmap(canvas, image1.bitmap, src1, dst1); Rect src2 = new Rect(0, 0, currShift, h); Rect dst2 = new Rect(w - currShift, 0, w, h); //log.v("drawing " + image1); drawDimmedBitmap(canvas, image2.bitmap, src2, dst2); } else { Rect src1 = new Rect(currShift, 0, w, h); Rect dst1 = new Rect(0, 0, w - currShift, h); //log.v("drawing " + image1); drawDimmedBitmap(canvas, image1.bitmap, src1, dst1); Rect src2 = new Rect(w - currShift, 0, w, h); Rect dst2 = new Rect(w - currShift, 0, w, h); //log.v("drawing " + image1); drawDimmedBitmap(canvas, image2.bitmap, src2, dst2); } } } else { // BACK div = currShift; Rect shadowRect = new Rect(div, 0, div + 10, h); if (naturalPageFlip) { if (this.pageCount == 2) { int w2 = w / 2; if (div < w2) { // left - part of old page Rect src1 = new Rect(0, 0, div, h); Rect dst1 = new Rect(0, 0, div, h); drawDimmedBitmap(canvas, image2.bitmap, src1, dst1); // left, resized part of new page Rect src2 = new Rect(0, 0, w2, h); Rect dst2 = new Rect(div, 0, w2, h); //canvas.drawBitmap(image1.bitmap, src2, dst2, null); drawDistorted(canvas, image1.bitmap, src2, dst2, -1); // right, new page Rect src3 = new Rect(w2, 0, w, h); Rect dst3 = new Rect(w2, 0, w, h); drawDimmedBitmap(canvas, image1.bitmap, src3, dst3); } else { // left - old page Rect src1 = new Rect(0, 0, w2, h); Rect dst1 = new Rect(0, 0, w2, h); drawDimmedBitmap(canvas, image2.bitmap, src1, dst1); // right, resized old page Rect src2 = new Rect(w2, 0, w, h); Rect dst2 = new Rect(w2, 0, div, h); //canvas.drawBitmap(image2.bitmap, src2, dst2, null); drawDistorted(canvas, image2.bitmap, src2, dst2, 1); // right, new page Rect src3 = new Rect(div, 0, w, h); Rect dst3 = new Rect(div, 0, w, h); drawDimmedBitmap(canvas, image1.bitmap, src3, dst3); if (div > 0 && div < w) drawShadow(canvas, shadowRect); } } else { Rect src1 = new Rect(currShift, 0, w, h); Rect dst1 = new Rect(currShift, 0, w, h); drawDimmedBitmap(canvas, image1.bitmap, src1, dst1); Rect src2 = new Rect(0, 0, w, h); Rect dst2 = new Rect(0, 0, currShift, h); //canvas.drawBitmap(image2.bitmap, src2, dst2, null); drawDistorted(canvas, image2.bitmap, src2, dst2, 1); if (div > 0 && div < w) drawShadow(canvas, shadowRect); } } else { if (flipTwoPages) { Rect src1 = new Rect(0, 0, w - currShift, h); Rect dst1 = new Rect(currShift, 0, w, h); drawDimmedBitmap(canvas, image1.bitmap, src1, dst1); Rect src2 = new Rect(w - currShift, 0, w, h); Rect dst2 = new Rect(0, 0, currShift, h); drawDimmedBitmap(canvas, image2.bitmap, src2, dst2); } else { Rect src1 = new Rect(currShift, 0, w, h); Rect dst1 = new Rect(currShift, 0, w, h); drawDimmedBitmap(canvas, image1.bitmap, src1, dst1); Rect src2 = new Rect(w - currShift, 0, w, h); Rect dst2 = new Rect(0, 0, currShift, h); drawDimmedBitmap(canvas, image2.bitmap, src2, dst2); } } } if (div > 0 && div < w) { canvas.drawLine(div, 0, div, h, divPaint); } } } private static final class RingBuffer { private long [] mArray; private long mSum; private long mAvg; private int mPos; private int mCount; private int mSize; public RingBuffer(int size, long initialAvg) { mSize = size; mArray = new long[size]; mPos = 0; mCount = 0; mAvg = initialAvg; mSum = 0; } public long average() { return mAvg; } public void add(long val) { if (mCount < mSize) mCount++; else // array is full mSum -= mArray[mPos]; // subtract from sum the value to replace mArray[mPos] = val; // write new value mSum += val; // update sum mAvg = mSum /mCount; // calculate average value mPos++; if (mPos >= mSize) mPos = 0; } } RingBuffer mAvgDrawAnimationStats = new RingBuffer(16, 50); private long getAvgAnimationDrawDuration() { return mAvgDrawAnimationStats.average(); } private void updateAnimationDurationStats(long duration) { if (duration <= 0) duration = 1; else if (duration > 1000) return; mAvgDrawAnimationStats.add(duration); } private void drawPage() { drawPage(null, false); } private void drawPage(boolean isPartially) { drawPage(null, isPartially); } private void drawPage(Runnable doneHandler, boolean isPartially) { if (!mInitialized) return; log.v("drawPage() : submitting DrawPageTask"); if (mOpened) scheduleSaveCurrentPositionBookmark(DEF_SAVE_POSITION_INTERVAL); post(new DrawPageTask(doneHandler, isPartially)); } private int internalDX = 0; private int internalDY = 0; private byte[] coverPageBytes = null; private void findCoverPage() { log.d("document is loaded succesfull, checking coverpage data"); byte[] coverpageBytes = doc.getCoverPageData(); if (coverpageBytes != null) { log.d("Found cover page data: " + coverpageBytes.length + " bytes"); coverPageBytes = coverpageBytes; } } private int currentProgressPosition = 1; private int currentProgressTitleId = R.string.progress_loading; private String currentProgressTitle = null; private int currentCloudSyncProgressPosition = -1; private int savedEinkUpdateInterval = -1; private final HashSet einkModeClients = new HashSet(); private void requestDisableFullRefresh(int id) { if (-1 == savedEinkUpdateInterval) { savedEinkUpdateInterval = mEinkScreen.getUpdateInterval(); // current e-ink screen update mode without full refresh mEinkScreen.setupController(mEinkScreen.getUpdateMode(), 0, surface); } einkModeClients.add(id); } private void releaseDisableFullRefresh(int id) { einkModeClients.remove(id); if (einkModeClients.isEmpty()) { // restore e-ink full screen refresh period mEinkScreen.setupController(mEinkScreen.getUpdateMode(), savedEinkUpdateInterval, surface); savedEinkUpdateInterval = -1; } } private boolean inDisabledFullRefresh() { return !einkModeClients.isEmpty(); } private void showProgress(int position, int titleResource) { log.v("showProgress(" + position + ")"); boolean first = currentProgressTitleId == 0; boolean update = false; if (null == currentProgressTitle || currentProgressTitleId != titleResource) { currentProgressTitleId = titleResource; currentProgressTitle = mActivity.getString(currentProgressTitleId); update = true; } if (currentProgressPosition != position || currentProgressTitleId != titleResource) { currentProgressPosition = position; update = true; } if (update) { if (DeviceInfo.EINK_SCREEN) requestDisableFullRefresh(1); bookView.draw(!first); } } private void hideProgress() { log.v("hideProgress()"); if (currentProgressTitleId != 0) { currentProgressPosition = -1; currentProgressTitleId = 0; currentProgressTitle = null; if (DeviceInfo.EINK_SCREEN) releaseDisableFullRefresh(1); bookView.draw(false); } } private boolean isProgressActive() { return currentProgressPosition > 0; } public void showCloudSyncProgress(int progress) { log.v("showClodSyncProgress(" + progress + ")"); if (currentCloudSyncProgressPosition != progress) { currentCloudSyncProgressPosition = progress; if (DeviceInfo.EINK_SCREEN) requestDisableFullRefresh(2); bookView.draw(true); } } public void hideCloudSyncProgress() { log.v("hideCloudSyncProgress()"); if (currentCloudSyncProgressPosition != -1) { currentCloudSyncProgressPosition = -1; if (DeviceInfo.EINK_SCREEN) releaseDisableFullRefresh(2); bookView.draw(false); } } private boolean isCloudSyncProgressActive() { return currentCloudSyncProgressPosition > 0; } private class LoadDocumentTask extends Task { String filename; String path; InputStream inputStream; Runnable doneHandler; Runnable errorHandler; String pos; int profileNumber; boolean disableInternalStyles; boolean disableTextAutoformat; LoadDocumentTask(BookInfo bookInfo, InputStream inputStream, Runnable doneHandler, Runnable errorHandler) { BackgroundThread.ensureGUI(); mBookInfo = bookInfo; FileInfo fileInfo = bookInfo.getFileInfo(); log.v("LoadDocumentTask for " + fileInfo); if (fileInfo.getTitle() == null && inputStream == null) { // As a book 'should' have a title, no title means we should // retrieve the book metadata from the engine to get the // book language. // Is it OK to do this here??? Should we use isScanned? // Should we use another fileInfo flag or a new flag? mEngine.scanBookProperties(fileInfo); } String language = fileInfo.getLanguage(); log.v("update hyphenation language: " + language + " for " + fileInfo.getTitle()); this.filename = fileInfo.getPathName(); this.path = fileInfo.arcname != null ? fileInfo.arcname : fileInfo.pathname; this.inputStream = inputStream; this.doneHandler = doneHandler; this.errorHandler = errorHandler; //FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(filename); disableInternalStyles = mBookInfo.getFileInfo().getFlag(FileInfo.DONT_USE_DOCUMENT_STYLES_FLAG); disableTextAutoformat = mBookInfo.getFileInfo().getFlag(FileInfo.DONT_REFLOW_TXT_FILES_FLAG); profileNumber = mBookInfo.getFileInfo().getProfileId(); //Properties oldSettings = new Properties(mSettings); // TODO: enable storing of profile per book mActivity.setCurrentProfile(profileNumber); if (mBookInfo != null && mBookInfo.getLastPosition() != null) pos = mBookInfo.getLastPosition().getStartPos(); log.v("LoadDocumentTask : book info " + mBookInfo); log.v("LoadDocumentTask : last position = " + pos); if (mBookInfo != null && mBookInfo.getLastPosition() != null) setTimeElapsed(mBookInfo.getLastPosition().getTimeElapsed()); //mBitmap = null; //showProgress(1000, R.string.progress_loading); //draw(); BackgroundThread.instance().postGUI(() -> bookView.draw(false)); //init(); // close existing document log.v("LoadDocumentTask : closing current book"); close(); final Properties currSettings = new Properties(mSettings); //setAppSettings(props, oldSettings); BackgroundThread.instance().postBackground(() -> { log.v("LoadDocumentTask : switching current profile"); applySettings(currSettings); //enforce settings reload log.i("Switching done"); }); } @Override public void work() throws IOException { BackgroundThread.ensureBackground(); coverPageBytes = null; log.i("Loading document " + filename); doc.doCommand(ReaderCommand.DCMD_SET_INTERNAL_STYLES.nativeId, disableInternalStyles ? 0 : 1); doc.doCommand(ReaderCommand.DCMD_SET_TEXT_FORMAT.nativeId, disableTextAutoformat ? 0 : 1); doc.doCommand(ReaderCommand.DCMD_SET_REQUESTED_DOM_VERSION.nativeId, mBookInfo.getFileInfo().domVersion); if (0 == mBookInfo.getFileInfo().domVersion) { doc.doCommand(ReaderCommand.DCMD_SET_RENDER_BLOCK_RENDERING_FLAGS.nativeId, 0); } else { doc.doCommand(ReaderCommand.DCMD_SET_RENDER_BLOCK_RENDERING_FLAGS.nativeId, mBookInfo.getFileInfo().blockRenderingFlags); } boolean success; if (null != inputStream) success = doc.loadDocumentFromStream(inputStream, filename); else success = doc.loadDocument(filename); if (success) { log.v("loadDocumentInternal completed successfully"); doc.requestRender(); findCoverPage(); log.v("requesting page image, to render"); if (internalDX == 0 || internalDY == 0) { internalDX = surface.getWidth(); internalDY = surface.getHeight(); log.d("LoadDocument task: no size defined, resizing using widget size"); doc.resize(internalDX, internalDY); } preparePageImage(0); log.v("updating loaded book info"); updateLoadedBookInfo(); log.i("Document " + filename + " is loaded successfully"); if (pos != null) { log.i("Restoring position : " + pos); restorePositionBackground(pos); } CoolReader.dumpHeapAllocation(); } else { log.e("Error occurred while trying to load document " + filename); throw new IOException("Cannot read document"); } } @Override public void done() { BackgroundThread.ensureGUI(); log.d("LoadDocumentTask, GUI thread is finished successfully"); if (!Services.isStopped()) { Services.getHistory().updateBookAccess(mBookInfo, getTimeElapsed()); final BookInfo finalBookInfo = new BookInfo(mBookInfo); mActivity.waitForCRDBService(() -> mActivity.getDB().saveBookInfo(finalBookInfo)); if (coverPageBytes != null && mBookInfo.getFileInfo() != null) { // TODO: fix it /* DocumentFormat format = mBookInfo.getFileInfo().format; if (null != format) { if (format.needCoverPageCaching()) { // if (mActivity.getBrowser() != null) // mActivity.getBrowser().setCoverpageData(new FileInfo(mBookInfo.getFileInfo()), coverPageBytes); } } */ if (DeviceInfo.EINK_NOOK) updateNookTouchCoverpage(mBookInfo.getFileInfo().getPathName(), coverPageBytes); //mEngine.setProgressDrawable(coverPageDrawable); } if (DeviceInfo.EINK_SONY) { SonyBookSelector selector = new SonyBookSelector(mActivity); long l = selector.getContentId(path); if (l != 0) { selector.setReadingTime(l); selector.requestBookSelection(l); } } mOpened = true; highlightBookmarks(); hideProgress(); drawPage(); BackgroundThread.instance().postGUI(() -> { mActivity.showReader(); if (null != doneHandler); }); // Save last opened book ONLY if book opened from real file not stream. if (null == inputStream) mActivity.setLastBook(filename); } } public void fail(Exception e) { BackgroundThread.ensureGUI(); close(); log.v("LoadDocumentTask failed for " + mBookInfo, e); final FileInfo finalFileInfo = new FileInfo(mBookInfo.getFileInfo()); mActivity.waitForCRDBService(() -> { if (!Services.isStopped()) Services.getHistory().removeBookInfo(mActivity.getDB(), finalFileInfo, true, false); }); mBookInfo = null; log.d("LoadDocumentTask is finished with exception " + e.getMessage()); mOpened = false; BackgroundThread.instance().executeBackground(() -> { doc.createDefaultDocument(mActivity.getString(R.string.error), mActivity.getString(R.string.error_while_opening, filename)); doc.requestRender(); preparePageImage(0); drawPage(); }); hideProgress(); mActivity.showToast("Error while loading document"); if (errorHandler != null) { log.e("LoadDocumentTask: Calling error handler");; } } } private final static boolean dontStretchWhileDrawing = true; private final static boolean centerPageInsteadOfResizing = true; private void dimRect(Canvas canvas, Rect dst) { if (DeviceInfo.EINK_SCREEN) return; // no backlight int alpha = dimmingAlpha; if (alpha != 255) { Paint p = new Paint(); p.setColor((255 - alpha) << 24); canvas.drawRect(dst, p); } } private void drawDimmedBitmap(Canvas canvas, Bitmap bmp, Rect src, Rect dst) { canvas.drawBitmap(bmp, src, dst, null); dimRect(canvas, dst); } protected void drawPageBackground(Canvas canvas, Rect dst, int side) { Bitmap bmp = currentBackgroundTextureBitmap; if (bmp != null) { int h = bmp.getHeight(); int w = bmp.getWidth(); Rect src = new Rect(0, 0, w, h); if (currentBackgroundTextureTiled) { // TILED for (int x = 0; x < dst.width(); x += w) { int ww = w; if (x + ww > dst.width()) ww = dst.width() - x; for (int y = 0; y < dst.height(); y += h) { int hh = h; if (y + hh > dst.height()) hh = dst.height() - y; Rect d = new Rect(x, y, x + ww, y + hh); Rect s = new Rect(0, 0, ww, hh); drawDimmedBitmap(canvas, bmp, s, d); } } } else { // STRETCHED if (side == VIEWER_TOOLBAR_LONG_SIDE) side = canvas.getWidth() > canvas.getHeight() ? VIEWER_TOOLBAR_TOP : VIEWER_TOOLBAR_LEFT; else if (side == VIEWER_TOOLBAR_SHORT_SIDE) side = canvas.getWidth() < canvas.getHeight() ? VIEWER_TOOLBAR_TOP : VIEWER_TOOLBAR_LEFT; switch (side) { case VIEWER_TOOLBAR_LEFT: { int d = dst.width() * dst.height() / h; if (d > w) d = w; src.left = src.right - d; } break; case VIEWER_TOOLBAR_RIGHT: { int d = dst.width() * dst.height() / h; if (d > w) d = w; src.right = src.left + d; } break; case VIEWER_TOOLBAR_TOP: { int d = dst.height() * dst.width() / w; if (d > h) d = h; = src.bottom - d; } break; case VIEWER_TOOLBAR_BOTTOM: { int d = dst.height() * dst.width() / w; if (d > h) d = h; src.bottom = + d; } break; } drawDimmedBitmap(canvas, bmp, src, dst); } } else { canvas.drawColor(currentBackgroundColor | 0xFF000000); } } protected void drawPageBackground(Canvas canvas) { Rect dst = new Rect(0, 0, canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight()); drawPageBackground(canvas, dst, VIEWER_TOOLBAR_NONE); } public class ToolbarBackgroundDrawable extends Drawable { private int location = VIEWER_TOOLBAR_NONE; private int alpha; public void setLocation(int location) { this.location = location; } @Override public void draw(Canvas canvas) { Rect dst = new Rect(0, 0, canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight()); try { drawPageBackground(canvas, dst, location); } catch (Exception e) { L.e("Exception in ToolbarBackgroundDrawable.draw", e); } } @Override public int getOpacity() { return 255 - alpha; } @Override public void setAlpha(int alpha) { this.alpha = alpha; } @Override public void setColorFilter(ColorFilter cf) { // not supported } } public ToolbarBackgroundDrawable createToolbarBackgroundDrawable() { return new ToolbarBackgroundDrawable(); } protected void doDrawProgress(Canvas canvas, int position, String title) { log.v("doDrawProgress(" + position + ")"); if (null == title) return; int w = canvas.getWidth(); int h = canvas.getHeight(); int mins = Math.min(w, h) * 7 / 10; int ph = mins / 20; int textColor = mSettings.getColor(PROP_FONT_COLOR, 0x000000); int fontSize = 15; // 15pt float factor = mActivity.getDensityFactor(); Rect rc = new Rect(w / 2 - mins / 2, h / 2 - ph / 2, w / 2 + mins / 2, h / 2 + ph / 2); Utils.drawFrame(canvas, rc, Utils.createSolidPaint(0xC0000000 | textColor)); //canvas.drawRect(rc, createSolidPaint(0xFFC0C0A0)); rc.left += 2; rc.right -= 2; += 2; rc.bottom -= 2; int x = rc.left + (rc.right - rc.left) * position / 10000; Rect rc1 = new Rect(rc); rc1.right = x; canvas.drawRect(rc1, Utils.createSolidPaint(0x80000000 | textColor)); Paint textPaint = Utils.createSolidPaint(0xFF000000 | textColor); textPaint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.CENTER); textPaint.setTextSize(fontSize*factor); textPaint.setSubpixelText(true); canvas.drawText(title, (rc.left + rc.right) / 2, - fontSize * factor, textPaint); //canvas.drawText(String.valueOf(position * 100 / 10000) + "%", rc.left + 4, rc1.bottom - 4, textPaint); // Rect rc2 = new Rect(rc); // rc.left = x; // canvas.drawRect(rc2, createSolidPaint(0xFFC0C0A0)); } protected void doDrawCloudSyncProgress(Canvas canvas, int position) { log.v("doDrawCloudSyncProgress(" + position + ")"); int w = canvas.getWidth(); int h = canvas.getHeight(); int ph = Math.min(w, h)/100; if (ph < 5) ph = 5; int textColor = mSettings.getColor(PROP_FONT_COLOR, 0x000000); int pageHeaderPos = mSettings.getInt(PROP_STATUS_LOCATION, VIEWER_STATUS_PAGE_HEADER); Rect rc; if (VIEWER_STATUS_PAGE_FOOTER == pageHeaderPos) rc = new Rect(0, h - ph, w - 1, h - 2); else rc = new Rect(0, 1, w - 1, ph); int x = rc.left + (rc.right - rc.left) * position / 10000; Rect rc1 = new Rect(rc); rc1.right = x; canvas.drawRect(rc1, Utils.createSolidPaint(0x40000000 | textColor)); } private int dimmingAlpha = 255; // no dimming public void setDimmingAlpha(int alpha) { if (alpha > 255) alpha = 255; if (alpha < 32) alpha = 32; if (dimmingAlpha != alpha) { dimmingAlpha = alpha; mEngine.execute(new Task() { @Override public void work() throws Exception { bookView.draw(); } }); } } private void restorePositionBackground(String pos) { BackgroundThread.ensureBackground(); if (pos != null) { BackgroundThread.ensureBackground(); doc.goToPosition(pos, false); preparePageImage(0); drawPage(); updateCurrentPositionStatus(); } } private int lastSavePositionTaskId = 0; private final static int DEF_SAVE_POSITION_INTERVAL = 180000; // 3 minutes private void scheduleSaveCurrentPositionBookmark(final int delayMillis) { // GUI thread required BackgroundThread.instance().executeGUI(() -> { final int mylastSavePositionTaskId = ++lastSavePositionTaskId; if (isBookLoaded() && mBookInfo != null) { final Bookmark bmk = getCurrentPositionBookmark(); if (bmk == null) return; final BookInfo bookInfo = mBookInfo; if (delayMillis <= 1) { if (bookInfo != null && mActivity.getDB() != null) { log.v("saving last position immediately"); savePositionBookmark(bmk); Services.getHistory().updateBookAccess(bookInfo, getTimeElapsed()); } } else { BackgroundThread.instance().postGUI(() -> { if (mylastSavePositionTaskId == lastSavePositionTaskId) { if (bookInfo != null) { log.v("saving last position"); if (!Services.isStopped()) { // this delayed task can be completed after calling CoolReader.onDestroy(), // which in turn calls Services.stopServices(). savePositionBookmark(bmk); Services.getHistory().updateBookAccess(bookInfo, getTimeElapsed()); } } } }, delayMillis); } } }); // if (DeviceInfo.EINK_SONY && isBookLoaded()) { // getCurrentPositionProperties(new PositionPropertiesCallback() { // @Override // public void onPositionProperties(PositionProperties props, // String positionText) { // // update position for Sony T2 // if (props != null && mBookInfo != null) { // String fname = mBookInfo.getFileInfo().getBasePath(); // if (fname != null && fname.length() > 0) // setBookPositionForExternalShell(fname, props.pageNumber, props.pageCount); // } // } // }); // } } // Sony T2 update position method - by Jotas public void setBookPositionForExternalShell(String filename, long current_page, long total_pages) { if (DeviceInfo.EINK_SONY) { log.d("Trying to update last book and position in Sony T2 shell: file=" + filename + " currentPage=" + current_page + " totalPages=" + total_pages); File f = new File(filename); if (f.exists()) { String file_path = f.getAbsolutePath(); try { file_path = f.getCanonicalPath(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.d("cr3Sony", "setBookPosition getting filename/path", e); } try { Uri uri = Uri.parse("content:// ding"); ContentValues contentvalues = new ContentValues(); contentvalues.put("file_path", file_path); contentvalues.put("current_page", current_page); contentvalues.put("total_pages", total_pages); if (mActivity.getContentResolver().insert(uri, contentvalues) != null) Log.d("cr3Sony", "setBookPosition: filename = " + filename + "start=" + current_page + "end=" + total_pages); else Log.d("crsony", "setBookPosition : error inserting in database!"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.d("cr3Sony", "setBookPositon parse/values!", e); } } } } public interface PositionPropertiesCallback { void onPositionProperties(PositionProperties props, String positionText); } public void getCurrentPositionProperties(final PositionPropertiesCallback callback) { BackgroundThread.instance().postBackground(() -> { final Bookmark bmk = (doc != null) ? doc.getCurrentPageBookmarkNoRender() : null; final PositionProperties props = (bmk != null) ? doc.getPositionProps(bmk.getStartPos(), true) : null; BackgroundThread.instance().postBackground(() -> { String posText = null; if (props != null) { int percent = (int) (10000 * (long) props.y / props.fullHeight); String percentText = "" + (percent / 100) + "." + (percent % 10) + "%"; posText = "" + props.pageNumber + " / " + props.pageCount + " (" + percentText + ")"; } callback.onPositionProperties(props, posText); }); }); } public Bookmark getCurrentPositionBookmark() { if (!mOpened) return null; Bookmark bmk = doc.getCurrentPageBookmarkNoRender(); if (bmk != null) { bmk.setTimeStamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); bmk.setType(Bookmark.TYPE_LAST_POSITION); if (mBookInfo != null) mBookInfo.setLastPosition(bmk); } return bmk; } Bookmark lastSavedBookmark = null; public void savePositionBookmark(Bookmark bmk) { if (bmk != null && mBookInfo != null && isBookLoaded()) { //setBookPosition(); if (lastSavedBookmark == null || !lastSavedBookmark.getStartPos().equals(bmk.getStartPos())) { if (!Services.isStopped()) { Services.getHistory().updateRecentDir(); mActivity.getDB().saveBookInfo(mBookInfo); mActivity.getDB().flush(); lastSavedBookmark = bmk; } } } } public Bookmark saveCurrentPositionBookmarkSync(final boolean saveToDB) { ++lastSavePositionTaskId; Bookmark bmk = BackgroundThread.instance().callBackground(new Callable() { @Override public Bookmark call() throws Exception { if (!mOpened) return null; return doc.getCurrentPageBookmark(); } }); if (bmk != null) { //setBookPosition(); bmk.setTimeStamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); bmk.setType(Bookmark.TYPE_LAST_POSITION); if (mBookInfo != null) mBookInfo.setLastPosition(bmk); if (saveToDB) { Services.getHistory().updateRecentDir(); mActivity.getDB().saveBookInfo(mBookInfo); mActivity.getDB().flush(); } } return bmk; } public void save() { BackgroundThread.ensureGUI(); if (isBookLoaded() && mBookInfo != null) { if (!Services.isStopped()) { log.v("saving last immediately"); log.d("bookmark count 1 = " + mBookInfo.getBookmarkCount()); Services.getHistory().updateBookAccess(mBookInfo, getTimeElapsed()); log.d("bookmark count 2 = " + mBookInfo.getBookmarkCount()); mActivity.getDB().saveBookInfo(mBookInfo); log.d("bookmark count 3 = " + mBookInfo.getBookmarkCount()); mActivity.getDB().flush(); } } //scheduleSaveCurrentPositionBookmark(0); //post( new SavePositionTask() ); } public void close() { BackgroundThread.ensureGUI(); log.i("ReaderView.close() is called"); if (!mOpened) return; cancelSwapTask(); stopImageViewer(); save(); //scheduleSaveCurrentPositionBookmark(0); //save(); post(new Task() { public void work() { BackgroundThread.ensureBackground(); if (mOpened) { mOpened = false; log.i("ReaderView().close() : closing current document"); doc.doCommand(ReaderCommand.DCMD_CLOSE_BOOK.nativeId, 0); } } public void done() { BackgroundThread.ensureGUI(); if (currentAnimation == null) { if (mCurrentPageInfo != null) { mCurrentPageInfo.recycle(); mCurrentPageInfo = null; } if (mNextPageInfo != null) { mNextPageInfo.recycle(); mNextPageInfo = null; } } else invalidImages = true; factory.compact(); mCurrentPageInfo = null; } }); } public void destroy() { log.i("ReaderView.destroy() is called"); if (mInitialized) { //close(); BackgroundThread.instance().postBackground(() -> { BackgroundThread.ensureBackground(); if (mInitialized) { log.i("ReaderView.destroyInternal() calling"); doc.destroy(); mInitialized = false; currentBackgroundTexture = Engine.NO_TEXTURE; } }); //engine.waitTasksCompletion(); if (null != ttsToolbar) ttsToolbar.stopAndClose(); } } private String getCSSForFormat(DocumentFormat fileFormat) { if (fileFormat == null) fileFormat = DocumentFormat.FB2; File[] dataDirs = Engine.getDataDirectories(null, false, false); String defaultCss = mEngine.loadResourceUtf8(fileFormat.getCSSResourceId()); for (File dir : dataDirs) { File file = new File(dir, fileFormat.getCssName()); if (file.exists()) { String css = Engine.loadFileUtf8(file); if (css != null) { int p1 = css.indexOf("@import"); if (p1 < 0) p1 = css.indexOf("@include"); int p2 = css.indexOf("\";"); if (p1 >= 0 && p2 >= 0 && p1 < p2) { css = css.substring(0, p1) + "\n" + defaultCss + "\n" + css.substring(p2 + 2); } return css; } } } return defaultCss; } boolean enable_progress_callback = true; ReaderCallback readerCallback = new ReaderCallback() { public boolean OnExportProgress(int percent) { log.d("readerCallback.OnExportProgress " + percent); return true; } public void OnExternalLink(String url, String nodeXPath) { } public void OnFormatEnd() { log.d("readerCallback.OnFormatEnd"); //mEngine.hideProgress(); hideProgress(); drawPage(); scheduleSwapTask(); } public boolean OnFormatProgress(final int percent) { if (enable_progress_callback) { log.d("readerCallback.OnFormatProgress " + percent); showProgress(percent * 4 / 10 + 5000, R.string.progress_formatting); } // executeSync( new Callable() { // public Object call() { // BackgroundThread.ensureGUI(); // log.d("readerCallback.OnFormatProgress " + percent); // showProgress( percent*4/10 + 5000, R.string.progress_formatting); // return null; // } // }); return true; } public void OnFormatStart() { log.d("readerCallback.OnFormatStart"); } public void OnLoadFileEnd() { log.d("readerCallback.OnLoadFileEnd"); if (internalDX == 0 && internalDY == 0) { internalDX = requestedWidth; internalDY = requestedHeight; log.d("OnLoadFileEnd: resizeInternal(" + internalDX + "," + internalDY + ")"); doc.resize(internalDX, internalDY); } } public void OnLoadFileError(String message) { log.d("readerCallback.OnLoadFileError(" + message + ")"); } public void OnLoadFileFirstPagesReady() { log.d("readerCallback.OnLoadFileFirstPagesReady"); } public String OnLoadFileFormatDetected(final DocumentFormat fileFormat) { log.i("readerCallback.OnLoadFileFormatDetected " + fileFormat); if (fileFormat != null) { return getCSSForFormat(fileFormat); } return null; // // String res = executeSync( new Callable() { // public String call() { // BackgroundThread.ensureGUI(); // log.i("readerCallback.OnLoadFileFormatDetected " + fileFormat); // if (fileFormat != null) { // String s = getCSSForFormat(fileFormat); // log.i("setting .css for file format " + fileFormat + " from resource " + fileFormat.getCssName()); // return s; // } // return null; // } // }); //// int internalStyles = mBookInfo.getFileInfo().getFlag(FileInfo.DONT_USE_DOCUMENT_STYLES_FLAG) ? 0 : 1; //// int txtReflow = mBookInfo.getFileInfo().getFlag(FileInfo.DONT_REFLOW_TXT_FILES_FLAG) ? 0 : 2; //// log.d("internalStyles: " + internalStyles); //// doc.doCommand(ReaderCommand.DCMD_SET_INTERNAL_STYLES.nativeId, internalStyles | txtReflow); // return res; } public boolean OnLoadFileProgress(final int percent) { BackgroundThread.ensureBackground(); if (enable_progress_callback) { log.d("readerCallback.OnLoadFileProgress " + percent); showProgress(percent * 4 / 10 + 1000, R.string.progress_loading); } // executeSync( new Callable() { // public Object call() { // BackgroundThread.ensureGUI(); // log.d("readerCallback.OnLoadFileProgress " + percent); // showProgress( percent*4/10 + 1000, R.string.progress_loading); // return null; // } // }); return true; } public void OnLoadFileStart(String filename) { cancelSwapTask(); BackgroundThread.ensureBackground(); log.d("readerCallback.OnLoadFileStart " + filename); if (enable_progress_callback) { showProgress(1000, R.string.progress_loading); } } /// Override to handle external links public void OnImageCacheClear() { //log.d("readerCallback.OnImageCacheClear"); clearImageCache(); } public boolean OnRequestReload() { //reloadDocument(); return true; } }; private volatile SwapToCacheTask currentSwapTask; private void scheduleSwapTask() { currentSwapTask = new SwapToCacheTask(); currentSwapTask.reschedule(); } private void cancelSwapTask() { currentSwapTask = null; } private class SwapToCacheTask extends Task { boolean isTimeout; long startTime; public SwapToCacheTask() { startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public void reschedule() { if (this != currentSwapTask) return; BackgroundThread.instance().postGUI(() -> post(SwapToCacheTask.this), 2000); } @Override public void work() throws Exception { if (this != currentSwapTask) return; int res = doc.swapToCache(); isTimeout = res == DocView.SWAP_TIMEOUT; long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; if (!isTimeout) { log.i("swapToCacheInternal is finished with result " + res + " in " + duration + " ms"); } else { log.d("swapToCacheInternal exited by TIMEOUT in " + duration + " ms: rescheduling"); } } @Override public void done() { if (isTimeout) reschedule(); } } private boolean invalidImages = true; public void clearImageCache() { BackgroundThread.instance().postBackground(() -> invalidImages = true); } public void setStyleSheet(final String css) { BackgroundThread.ensureGUI(); if (css != null && css.length() > 0) { post(new Task() { public void work() { doc.setStylesheet(css); } }); } } public void goToPosition(int position) { BackgroundThread.ensureGUI(); doEngineCommand(ReaderCommand.DCMD_GO_POS, position); } public void moveBy(final int delta) { BackgroundThread.ensureGUI(); log.d("moveBy(" + delta + ")"); post(new Task() { public void work() { BackgroundThread.ensureBackground(); doc.doCommand(ReaderCommand.DCMD_SCROLL_BY.nativeId, delta); scheduleSaveCurrentPositionBookmark(DEF_SAVE_POSITION_INTERVAL); } public void done() { drawPage(); } }); } public void goToPage(int pageNumber) { BackgroundThread.ensureGUI(); doEngineCommand(ReaderCommand.DCMD_GO_PAGE, pageNumber - 1); } public void goToPercent(final int percent) { BackgroundThread.ensureGUI(); if (percent >= 0 && percent <= 100) post(new Task() { public void work() { PositionProperties pos = doc.getPositionProps(null, true); if (pos != null && pos.pageCount > 0) { int pageNumber = pos.pageCount * percent / 100; doCommandFromBackgroundThread(ReaderCommand.DCMD_GO_PAGE, pageNumber); } } }); } public interface MoveSelectionCallback { // selection is changed public void onNewSelection(Selection selection); // cannot move selection public void onFail(); } public void moveSelection(final ReaderCommand command, final int param, final MoveSelectionCallback callback) { post(new Task() { private boolean res; private Selection selection = new Selection(); @Override public void work() throws Exception { res = doc.moveSelection(selection, command.nativeId, param); } @Override public void done() { if (callback != null) { clearImageCache(); surface.invalidate(); drawPage(); if (res) callback.onNewSelection(selection); else callback.onFail(); } } @Override public void fail(Exception e) { if (callback != null) callback.onFail(); } }); } private void showSwitchProfileDialog() { SwitchProfileDialog dlg = new SwitchProfileDialog(mActivity, this);; } // private int currentProfile = 0; // public int getCurrentProfile() { // if (currentProfile == 0) { // currentProfile = mSettings.getInt(PROP_PROFILE_NUMBER, 1); // if (currentProfile < 1 || currentProfile > MAX_PROFILES) // currentProfile = 1; // } // return currentProfile; // } public void setCurrentProfile(int profile) { if (mActivity.getCurrentProfile() == profile) return; if (mBookInfo != null && mBookInfo.getFileInfo() != null) { mBookInfo.getFileInfo().setProfileId(profile); mActivity.getDB().saveBookInfo(mBookInfo); } log.i("Apply new profile settings"); mActivity.setCurrentProfile(profile); } private final static String NOOK_TOUCH_COVERPAGE_DIR = "/media/screensavers/currentbook"; private void updateNookTouchCoverpage(String bookFileName, byte[] coverpageBytes) { try { String imageFileName; int lastSlash = bookFileName.lastIndexOf("/"); // exclude path and extension if (lastSlash >= 0 && lastSlash < bookFileName.length()) { imageFileName = bookFileName.substring(lastSlash); } else { imageFileName = bookFileName; } int lastDot = imageFileName.lastIndexOf("."); if (lastDot > 0) { imageFileName = imageFileName.substring(0, lastDot); } // guess image type if (coverpageBytes.length > 8 // PNG signature length && coverpageBytes[0] == (byte) 0x89 // PNG signature start 4 bytes && coverpageBytes[1] == 0x50 && coverpageBytes[2] == 0x4E && coverpageBytes[3] == 0x47) { imageFileName += ".png"; } else if (coverpageBytes.length > 3 // Checking only the first 3 // bytes of JPEG header && coverpageBytes[0] == (byte) 0xFF && coverpageBytes[1] == (byte) 0xD8 && coverpageBytes[2] == (byte) 0xFF) { imageFileName += ".jpg"; } else if (coverpageBytes.length > 3 // Checking only the first 3 // bytes of GIF header && coverpageBytes[0] == 0x47 && coverpageBytes[1] == 0x49 && coverpageBytes[2] == 0x46) { imageFileName += ".gif"; } else if (coverpageBytes.length > 2 // Checking only the first 2 // bytes of BMP signature && coverpageBytes[0] == 0x42 && coverpageBytes[1] == 0x4D) { imageFileName += ".bmp"; } else { imageFileName += ".jpg"; // default image type } // create directory if it does not exist File d = new File(NOOK_TOUCH_COVERPAGE_DIR); if (!d.exists()) { d.mkdir(); } // create file only if file with same name does not exist File f = new File(d, imageFileName); if (!f.exists()) { // delete other files in directory so that only current cover is // shown all the time File[] files = d.listFiles(); for (File oldFile : files) { oldFile.delete(); } // write the image file FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(f); fos.write(coverpageBytes); fos.close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.e("Error writing cover page: ", ex); } } private static final int GC_INTERVAL = 15000; // 15 seconds DelayedExecutor gcTask = DelayedExecutor.createGUI("gc"); public void scheduleGc() { try { gcTask.postDelayed(() -> { log.v("Initiating garbage collection"); System.gc(); }, GC_INTERVAL); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore } } public void cancelGc() { try { gcTask.cancel(); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore } } private void switchFontFace(int direction) { String currentFontFace = mSettings.getProperty(PROP_FONT_FACE, ""); String[] mFontFaces = Engine.getFontFaceList(); int index = 0; int countFaces = mFontFaces.length; for (int i = 0; i < countFaces; i++) { if (mFontFaces[i].equals(currentFontFace)) { index = i; break; } } index += direction; if (index < 0) index = countFaces - 1; else if (index >= countFaces) index = 0; saveSetting(PROP_FONT_FACE, mFontFaces[index]); syncViewSettings(getSettings(), true, true); } public void showInputDialog(final String title, final String prompt, final boolean isNumberEdit, final int minValue, final int maxValue, final int lastValue, final InputHandler handler) { BackgroundThread.instance().executeGUI(() -> { final InputDialog dlg = new InputDialog(mActivity, title, prompt, isNumberEdit, minValue, maxValue, lastValue, handler);; }); } public void showGoToPageDialog() { getCurrentPositionProperties((props, positionText) -> { if (props == null) return; String pos = mActivity.getString(R.string.dlg_goto_current_position) + " " + positionText; String prompt = mActivity.getString(R.string.dlg_goto_input_page_number); showInputDialog(mActivity.getString(R.string.mi_goto_page), pos + "\n" + prompt, true, 1, props.pageCount, props.pageNumber, new InputHandler() { int pageNumber = 0; @Override public boolean validate(String s) { pageNumber = Integer.parseInt(s); return pageNumber > 0 && pageNumber <= props.pageCount; } @Override public void onOk(String s) { goToPage(pageNumber); } @Override public void onCancel() { } }); }); } public void showGoToPercentDialog() { getCurrentPositionProperties((props, positionText) -> { if (props == null) return; String pos = mActivity.getString(R.string.dlg_goto_current_position) + " " + positionText; String prompt = mActivity.getString(R.string.dlg_goto_input_percent); showInputDialog(mActivity.getString(R.string.mi_goto_percent), pos + "\n" + prompt, true, 0, 100, props.y * 100 / props.fullHeight, new InputHandler() { int percent = 0; @Override public boolean validate(String s) { percent = Integer.valueOf(s); return percent >= 0 && percent <= 100; } @Override public void onOk(String s) { goToPercent(percent); } @Override public void onCancel() { } }); }); } @Override public boolean onKey(View v, int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub if (event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN) return onKeyDown(keyCode, event); else if (event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_UP) return onKeyUp(keyCode, event); return false; } @Override public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) { return onTouchEvent(event); } public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, final KeyEvent event) { if (keyCode == 0) keyCode = event.getScanCode(); keyCode = translateKeyCode(keyCode); mActivity.onUserActivity(); if (currentImageViewer != null) return currentImageViewer.onKeyDown(keyCode, event); // backKeyDownHere = false; if (event.getRepeatCount() == 0) { log.v("onKeyDown(" + keyCode + ", " + event + ")"); keyDownTimestampMap.put(keyCode, System.currentTimeMillis()); if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK) { // force saving position on BACK key press scheduleSaveCurrentPositionBookmark(1); } } if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_POWER || keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENDCALL) { mActivity.releaseBacklightControl(); return false; } if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP || keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN) { if (isAutoScrollActive()) { if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP) changeAutoScrollSpeed(1); else changeAutoScrollSpeed(-1); return true; } if (!enableVolumeKeys) { return false; } } if (isAutoScrollActive()) return true; // autoscroll will be stopped in onKeyUp keyCode = overrideKey(keyCode); ReaderAction action = ReaderAction.findForKey(keyCode, mSettings); ReaderAction longAction = ReaderAction.findForLongKey(keyCode, mSettings); //ReaderAction dblAction = ReaderAction.findForDoubleKey( keyCode, mSettings ); if (event.getRepeatCount() == 0) { if (keyCode == currentDoubleClickActionKeyCode && currentDoubleClickActionStart + DOUBLE_CLICK_INTERVAL > android.os.SystemClock.uptimeMillis()) { if (currentDoubleClickAction != null) { log.d("executing doubleclick action " + currentDoubleClickAction); onAction(currentDoubleClickAction); } currentDoubleClickActionStart = 0; currentDoubleClickActionKeyCode = 0; currentDoubleClickAction = null; currentSingleClickAction = null; return true; } else { if (currentSingleClickAction != null) { onAction(currentSingleClickAction); } currentDoubleClickActionStart = 0; currentDoubleClickActionKeyCode = 0; currentDoubleClickAction = null; currentSingleClickAction = null; } } if (event.getRepeatCount() > 0) { if (!isTracked(event)) return true; // ignore // repeating key down boolean isLongPress = (event.getEventTime() - event.getDownTime()) >= AUTOREPEAT_KEYPRESS_TIME; if (isLongPress) { if (actionToRepeat != null) { if (!repeatActionActive) { log.v("autorepeating action : " + actionToRepeat); repeatActionActive = true; onAction(actionToRepeat, () -> { if (trackedKeyEvent != null && trackedKeyEvent.getDownTime() == event.getDownTime()) { log.v("action is completed : " + actionToRepeat); repeatActionActive = false; } }); } } else { stopTracking(); log.v("executing action on long press : " + longAction); onAction(longAction); } } return true; } if (!action.isNone() && action.canRepeat() && longAction.isRepeat()) { // start tracking repeat startTrackingKey(event); actionToRepeat = action; log.v("running action with scheduled autorepeat : " + actionToRepeat); repeatActionActive = true; onAction(actionToRepeat, () -> { if (trackedKeyEvent == event) { log.v("action is completed : " + actionToRepeat); repeatActionActive = false; } }); return true; } else { actionToRepeat = null; } /* if ( keyCode>=KeyEvent.KEYCODE_0 && keyCode<=KeyEvent.KEYCODE_9 ) { // will process in keyup handler startTrackingKey(event); return true; }*/ if (action.isNone() && longAction.isNone()) return false; startTrackingKey(event); return true; } public boolean onKeyUp(int keyCode, final KeyEvent event) { if (keyCode == 0) keyCode = event.getScanCode(); mActivity.onUserActivity(); keyCode = translateKeyCode(keyCode); if (currentImageViewer != null) return currentImageViewer.onKeyUp(keyCode, event); if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN || keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP) { if (isAutoScrollActive()) return true; if (!enableVolumeKeys) return false; } if (isAutoScrollActive()) { stopAutoScroll(); return true; } if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_POWER || keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENDCALL) { mActivity.releaseBacklightControl(); return false; } boolean tracked = isTracked(event); // if ( keyCode!=KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK ) // backKeyDownHere = false; if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK && !tracked) return true; //backKeyDownHere = false; // apply orientation keyCode = overrideKey(keyCode); boolean isLongPress = false; Long keyDownTs = keyDownTimestampMap.get(keyCode); if (keyDownTs != null && System.currentTimeMillis() - keyDownTs >= LONG_KEYPRESS_TIME) isLongPress = true; ReaderAction action = ReaderAction.findForKey(keyCode, mSettings); ReaderAction longAction = ReaderAction.findForLongKey(keyCode, mSettings); ReaderAction dblAction = ReaderAction.findForDoubleKey(keyCode, mSettings); stopTracking(); /* if ( keyCode>=KeyEvent.KEYCODE_0 && keyCode<=KeyEvent.KEYCODE_9 && tracked ) { // goto/set shortcut bookmark int shortcut = keyCode - KeyEvent.KEYCODE_0; if ( shortcut==0 ) shortcut = 10; if ( isLongPress ) addBookmark(shortcut); else goToBookmark(shortcut); return true; }*/ if (action.isNone() || !tracked) { return false; } if (!action.isNone() && action.canRepeat() && longAction.isRepeat()) { // already processed by onKeyDown() return true; } if (isLongPress) { action = longAction; } else { if (!dblAction.isNone()) { // wait for possible double click currentDoubleClickActionStart = android.os.SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); currentDoubleClickAction = dblAction; currentSingleClickAction = action; currentDoubleClickActionKeyCode = keyCode; final int myKeyCode = keyCode; BackgroundThread.instance().postGUI(() -> { if (currentSingleClickAction != null && currentDoubleClickActionKeyCode == myKeyCode) { log.d("onKeyUp: single click action " + + " found for key " + myKeyCode + " single click"); onAction(currentSingleClickAction); } currentDoubleClickActionStart = 0; currentDoubleClickActionKeyCode = 0; currentDoubleClickAction = null; currentSingleClickAction = null; }, DOUBLE_CLICK_INTERVAL); // posted return true; } } if (!action.isNone()) { log.d("onKeyUp: action " + + " found for key " + keyCode + (isLongPress ? " (long)" : "")); onAction(action); return true; } // not processed return false; } public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { if (!isTouchScreenEnabled) { return true; } if (event.getX() == 0 && event.getY() == 0) return true; mActivity.onUserActivity(); if (currentImageViewer != null) return currentImageViewer.onTouchEvent(event); if (isAutoScrollActive()) { //if (currentTapHandler != null && currentTapHandler.isInitialState()) { if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { int x = (int) event.getX(); int y = (int) event.getY(); int z = getTapZone(x, y, surface.getWidth(), surface.getHeight()); if (z == 7) changeAutoScrollSpeed(-1); else if (z == 9) changeAutoScrollSpeed(1); else stopAutoScroll(); } return true; } if (currentTapHandler == null) currentTapHandler = new TapHandler(); currentTapHandler.checkExpiration(); return currentTapHandler.onTouchEvent(event); } @Override public void onFocusChange(View arg0, boolean arg1) { stopTracking(); if (currentAutoScrollAnimation != null) stopAutoScroll(); } public void redraw() { //BackgroundThread.instance().executeBackground(new Runnable() { BackgroundThread.instance().executeGUI(() -> { surface.invalidate(); invalidImages = true; //preparePageImage(0); bookView.draw(); }); } public ReaderView(CoolReader activity, Engine engine, Properties props) { //super(activity); log.i("Creating normal SurfaceView"); surface = new ReaderSurface(activity); bookView = (BookView) surface; surface.setOnTouchListener(this); surface.setOnKeyListener(this); surface.setOnFocusChangeListener(this); doc = new DocView(Engine.lock); doc.setReaderCallback(readerCallback); SurfaceHolder holder = surface.getHolder(); holder.addCallback(this); BackgroundThread.ensureGUI(); this.mActivity = activity; this.mEngine = engine; this.mEinkScreen = activity.getEinkScreen(); surface.setFocusable(true); surface.setFocusableInTouchMode(true); // set initial size to exclude java.lang.IllegalArgumentException in Bitmap.createBitmap(0, 0) // surface.getWidth() at this point return 0 requestedWidth = 100; requestedHeight = 100; BackgroundThread.instance().postBackground(() -> { log.d("ReaderView - in background thread: calling createInternal()"); doc.create(); mInitialized = true; }); log.i("Posting create view task"); post(new CreateViewTask(props)); } }