Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ require_once('compat.php'); require_once('datastore.php'); require_once('product.php'); require_once('restexception.php'); require_once('schemaentry.php'); require_once('schemaentryelement.php'); /** Represents a data sample received from a user. */ class Sample { /** JSON for all data of the given product. */ public static function dataAsJson(DataStore $db, Product $product) { $data = array(); $sampleIdIndex = array(); $i = 0; // query scalar table $scalarSql = 'SELECT col_id, col_timestamp '; foreach ($product->schema as $entry) { if (!$entry->isScalar()) continue; foreach ($entry->elements as $elem) $scalarSql .= ', ' . $elem->dataColumnName(); } $scalarSql .= ' FROM ' . $product->dataTableName() . ' ORDER BY col_timestamp ASC'; $scalarStmt = $db->prepare($scalarSql); $db->execute($scalarStmt); foreach ($scalarStmt as $scalarRow) { $rowData = array(); $rowData['id'] = intval($scalarRow['col_id']); $rowData['timestamp'] = $scalarRow['col_timestamp']; foreach ($product->schema as $entry) { if (!$entry->isScalar()) continue; $entryData = null; foreach ($entry->elements as $elem) { $value = self::valueFromDb($elem, $scalarRow[$elem->dataColumnName()]); if (!is_null($value)) $entryData[$elem->name] = $value; } if (!is_null($entryData)) $rowData[$entry->name] = $entryData; } array_push($data, $rowData); $sampleIdIndex[$rowData['id']] = $i++; } // query each non-scalar table foreach ($product->schema as $entry) { if ($entry->isScalar()) continue; $sql = 'SELECT col_sample_id'; if ($entry->type == SchemaEntry::MAP_TYPE) $sql .= ', col_key'; foreach ($entry->elements as $elem) $sql .= ', ' . $elem->dataColumnName(); $sql .= ' FROM ' . $entry->dataTableName() . ' ORDER BY col_id ASC'; $stmt = $db->prepare($sql); $db->execute($stmt); foreach ($stmt as $row) { $entryData = null; foreach ($entry->elements as $elem) { $value = self::valueFromDb($elem, $row[$elem->dataColumnName()]); if (!is_null($value)) $entryData[$elem->name] = $value; } $idx = $sampleIdIndex[$row['col_sample_id']]; if (!array_key_exists($entry->name, $data[$idx])) $data[$idx][$entry->name] = array(); if ($entry->type == SchemaEntry::MAP_TYPE) $data[$idx][$entry->name][$row['col_key']] = $entryData; else array_push($data[$idx][$entry->name], $entryData); } } return json_encode($data); } /** Insert a received sample for @p product into the data store. */ public static function insert(DataStore $db, $jsonData, Product $product) { $jsonObj = json_decode($jsonData); if (!is_object($jsonObj)) throw new RESTException('Invalid data sample format.', 400); if (property_exists($jsonObj, 'id') || property_exists($jsonObj, 'timestamp')) throw new RESTException('Invalid data sample.', 400); $sampleId = self::insertScalar($db, $jsonObj, $product); foreach ($product->schema as $entry) { if ($entry->isScalar()) continue; self::insertNonScalar($db, $jsonObj, $entry, $sampleId); } } /** Insert a array of samples previously exported for @p product. * Unlike Sample::insert, this will preserve ids and timestamps. */ public static function import(DataStore $db, $jsonData, Product $product) { $jsonArray = json_decode($jsonData); if (!is_array($jsonArray)) throw new RESTException('Invalid data sample format.', 400); foreach ($jsonArray as $sampleObj) { if (property_exists($sampleObj, 'id') || !property_exists($sampleObj, 'timestamp')) throw new RESTException('Invalid data sample.', 400); $sampleId = self::insertScalar($db, $sampleObj, $product); foreach ($product->schema as $entry) { if ($entry->isScalar()) continue; self::insertNonScalar($db, $sampleObj, $entry, $sampleId); } } } /** Insert scalar data for @p product. * @return The sample id for use in non-scalar data tables. */ private static function insertScalar(DataStore $db, $jsonObj, Product $product) { $columns = array(); $binds = array(); $values = array(); if (property_exists($jsonObj, 'timestamp')) { array_push($columns, 'col_timestamp'); array_push($binds, ':timestamp'); $values[':timestamp'] = array($jsonObj->timestamp, PDO::PARAM_STR); } foreach ($product->schema as $entry) { if (!$entry->isScalar()) continue; if (!property_exists($jsonObj, $entry->name) || !is_object($jsonObj->{$entry->name})) continue; foreach ($entry->elements as $elem) { if (!property_exists($jsonObj->{$entry->name}, $elem->name)) continue; $v = $jsonObj->{$entry->name}->{$elem->name}; if (!self::isCorrectType($elem, $v)) continue; $bind = ':' . $elem->dataColumnName(); array_push($columns, $elem->dataColumnName()); array_push($binds, $bind); $values[$bind] = array($v, self::pdoParamType($elem)); } } $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $product->dataTableName(); if (count($columns) > 0) { $sql .= ' (' . implode(', ', $columns) . ') VALUES ('; $sql .= implode(', ', $binds) . ')'; } else { if ($db->driver() == 'sqlite') $sql .= ' DEFAULT VALUES'; else $sql .= ' VALUES ()'; } $stmt = $db->prepare($sql); foreach ($values as $key => $data) { $stmt->bindValue($key, $data[0], $data[1]); } $db->execute($stmt); return $db->pdoHandle()->lastInsertId(); } /** Insert non-scalar elements in seconadary data tables. */ private static function insertNonScalar(DataStore $db, $jsonObj, SchemaEntry $schemaEntry, $sampleId) { if (!property_exists($jsonObj, $schemaEntry->name)) return; $data = $jsonObj->{$schemaEntry->name}; switch ($schemaEntry->type) { case SchemaEntry::LIST_TYPE: if (!is_array($data)) return; break; case SchemaEntry::MAP_TYPE: if (!is_object($data)) return; break; default: Utils::httpError(500, "Unknown non-scalar schema entry type."); } $columns = array('col_sample_id'); $binds = array(':sampleId'); if ($schemaEntry->type == SchemaEntry::MAP_TYPE) { array_push($columns, 'col_key'); array_push($binds, ':key'); } foreach ($schemaEntry->elements as $elem) { array_push($columns, $elem->dataColumnName()); array_push($binds, ':' . $elem->dataColumnName()); } $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $schemaEntry->dataTableName() . ' (' . implode(', ', $columns) . ') VALUES (' . implode(', ', $binds) . ')'; $stmt = $db->prepare($sql); foreach ($data as $key => $entry) { if (!is_object($entry)) continue; $stmt->bindValue(':sampleId', $sampleId, PDO::PARAM_INT); if ($schemaEntry->type == SchemaEntry::MAP_TYPE) { if (!is_string($key) || strlen($key) == 0) continue; $stmt->bindValue(':key', $key, PDO::PARAM_STR); } foreach ($schemaEntry->elements as $elem) { $stmt->bindValue(':' . $elem->dataColumnName(), null, self::pdoParamType($elem)); if (!property_exists($entry, $elem->name)) continue; $v = $entry->{$elem->name}; if (!self::isCorrectType($elem, $v)) continue; $stmt->bindValue(':' . $elem->dataColumnName(), $v, self::pdoParamType($elem)); } $db->execute($stmt); } } /** Fix database output that lost the correct type for a schema entry element. */ private static function valueFromDb(SchemaEntryElement $elem, $dbValue) { if (is_null($dbValue)) return null; switch ($elem->type) { case SchemaEntryElement::STRING_TYPE: return strval($dbValue); case SchemaEntryElement::INT_TYPE: return intval($dbValue); case SchemaEntryElement::NUMBER_TYPE: return floatval($dbValue); case SchemaEntryElement::BOOL_TYPE: return boolval($dbValue); } Utils::httpError(500, "Invalid schema entry element type."); } /** Check if the given input value @p $v matches the expected type for element @p $elem. */ private static function isCorrectType(SchemaEntryElement $elem, $v) { switch ($elem->type) { case SchemaEntryElement::STRING_TYPE: if (!is_string($v)) return false; break; case SchemaEntryElement::INT_TYPE: if (!is_int($v)) return false; break; case SchemaEntryElement::NUMBER_TYPE: if (!is_float($v)) return false; break; case SchemaEntryElement::BOOL_TYPE: if (!is_bool($v)) return false; break; } return true; } /** Determine PDO column type for the given element. */ private static function pdoParamType(SchemaEntryElement $elem) { switch ($elem->type) { case SchemaEntryElement::STRING_TYPE: return PDO::PARAM_STR; case SchemaEntryElement::INT_TYPE: return PDO::PARAM_INT; case SchemaEntryElement::NUMBER_TYPE: return PDO::PARAM_STR; // yes, really... case SchemaEntryElement::BOOL_TYPE: return PDO::PARAM_BOOL; } throw new RESTException('Unsupported element type.', 500); } } ?>