Oliver Kowalke 2014 Oliver Kowalke Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) C++ Library for swiching different user ctx Context
<link linkend="context.overview">Overview</link> Boost.Context is a foundational library that provides a sort of cooperative multitasking on a single thread. By providing an abstraction of the current execution state in the current thread, including the stack (with local variables) and stack pointer, all registers and CPU flags, and the instruction pointer, a execution context represents a specific point in the application's execution path. This is useful for building higher-level abstractions, like coroutines, cooperative threads (userland threads) or an equivalent to C# keyword yield in C++. callcc()/continuation provides the means to suspend the current execution path and to transfer execution control, thereby permitting another context to run on the current thread. This state full transfer mechanism enables a context to suspend execution from within nested functions and, later, to resume from where it was suspended. While the execution path represented by a continuation only runs on a single thread, it can be migrated to another thread at any given time. A context switch between threads requires system calls (involving the OS kernel), which can cost more than thousand CPU cycles on x86 CPUs. By contrast, transferring control vias callcc()/continuation requires only few CPU cycles because it does not involve system calls as it is done within a single thread. All functions and classes are contained in the namespace boost::context. This library requires C++11! Windows using fcontext_t: turn off global program optimization (/GL) and change /EHsc (compiler assumes that functions declared as extern "C" never throw a C++ exception) to /EHs (tells compiler assumes that functions declared as extern "C" may throw an exception).
<link linkend="context.requirements">Requirements</link> If Boost.Context uses fcontext_t (the default) as its implementation, it must be built for the particular compiler(s) and CPU architecture(s) being targeted. Using fcontext_t, Boost.Context includes assembly code and, therefore, requires GNU as and GNU preprocessor for supported POSIX systems, MASM for Windows/x86 systems and ARMasm for Windows/arm systems. MASM64 (ml64.exe) is a part of Microsoft's Windows Driver Kit. Please note that address-model=64 must be given to bjam command line on 64bit Windows for 64bit build; otherwise 32bit code will be generated. For cross-compiling the lib you must specify certain additional properties at bjam command line: target-os, abi, binary-format, architecture and address-model. Windows using fcontext_t: for safe SEH the property 'asmflags=\safeseh' must be specified at bjam command line. Windows using fcontext_t: turn off global program optimization (/GL) and change /EHsc (compiler assumes that functions declared as extern "C" never throw a C++ exception) to /EHs (tells compiler assumes that functions declared as extern "C" may throw an exception). Because this library uses C++11 extensively, it requires a compatible compiler. Known minimum working versions are as follows: Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 (msvc-14.0), GCC 4.8 (with -std=c++11), Clang 3.4 (with -std=c++11). Other compilers may work, if they support the following language features: auto declarations, constexpr, defaulted functions, final, hdr thread, hdr tuple, lambdas, noexcept, nullptr, rvalue references, template aliases. thread local, variadic templates.
<anchor id="ff"/><link linkend="context.ff">Context switching with fibers</link> fiber is the reference implementation of C++ proposal P0876R0: fibers without scheduler. A fiber represents the state of the control flow of a program at a given point in time. Fibers can be suspended and resumed later in order to change the control flow of a program. Modern micro-processors are registers machines; the content of processor registers represent a fiber of the executed program at a given point in time. Operating systems simulate parallel execution of programs on a single processor by switching between programs (context switch) by preserving and restoring the fiber, e.g. the content of all registers. fiber fiber captures the current fiber (the rest of the computation; code after fiber) and triggers a context switch. The context switch is achieved by preserving certain registers (including instruction and stack pointer), defined by the calling convention of the ABI, of the current fiber and restoring those registers of the resumed fiber. The control flow of the resumed fiber continues. The current fiber is suspended and passed as argument to the resumed fiber. fiber expects a context-function with signature 'fiber(fiber && f)'. The parameter f represents the current fiber from which this fiber was resumed (e.g. that has called fiber). On return the context-function of the current fiber has to specify an fiber to which the execution control is transferred after termination of the current fiber. If an instance with valid state goes out of scope and the context-function has not yet returned, the stack is traversed in order to access the control structure (address stored at the first stack frame) and fiber's stack is deallocated via the StackAllocator. Segmented stacks are supported by fiber using ucontext_t. fiber represents a fiber; it contains the content of preserved registers and manages the associated stack (allocation/deallocation). fiber is a one-shot fiber - it can be used only once, after calling continuation::resume() or continuation::resume_with() it is invalidated. fiber is only move-constructible and move-assignable. As a first-class object fiber can be applied to and returned from a function, assigned to a variable or stored in a container. A fiber is continued by calling resume()/resume_with(). Usage namespace ctx=boost::context; int a; ctx::fiber source{[&a](ctx::fiber&& sink){ a=0; int b=1; for(;;){ sink=std::move(sink).resume(); int next=a+b; a=b; b=next; } return std::move(sink); }}; for (int j=0;j<10;++j) { source=std::move(source).resume(); std::cout << a << " "; } output: 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 This simple example demonstrates the basic usage of fiber as a generator. The fiber sink represents the main-fiber (function main()). sink is captured (current-fiber) by invoking fiber and passed as parameter to the lambda. Because the state is invalidated (one-shot fiber) by each call of continuation::resume(), the new state of the fiber, returned by continuation::resume(), needs to be assigned to sink after each call. In order to express the invalidation of the resumed fiber, the member functions resume() and resume_with() are rvalue-ref qualified. Both functions bind only to rvalues. Thus an lvalue fiber must be casted to an rvalue via std::move(). The lambda that calculates the Fibonacci numbers is executed inside the fiber represented by source. Calculated Fibonacci numbers are transferred between the two fibers via variable a (lambda capture reference). The locale variables b and next remain their values during each context switch. This is possible due source has its own stack and the stack is exchanged by each context switch. Parameter passing Data can be transferred between two fibers via global pointers, calling wrappers (like std::bind) or lambda captures. namespace ctx=boost::context; int i=1; ctx::fiber f1{[&i](ctx::fiber&& f2){ std::printf("inside f1,i==%d\n",i); i+=1; return std::move(f2).resume(); }}; f1=std::move(f1).resume(); std::printf("i==%d\n",i); output: inside c1,i==1 i==2 f1.resume() enters the lambda in fiber represented by f1 with lambda capture reference i=1. The expression f2.resume() resumes the fiber f2. On return of f1.resume(), the variable i has the value of i+1. Exception handling If the function executed inside a context-function emits ans exception, the application is terminated by calling std::terminate(). std::exception_ptr can be used to transfer exceptions between different fibers. Do not jump from inside a catch block and then re-throw the exception in another fiber. Executing function on top of a fiber Sometimes it is useful to execute a new function on top of a resumed fiber. For this purpose continuation::resume_with() has to be used. The function passed as argument must accept a rvalue reference to fiber and return void. namespace ctx=boost::context; int data=0; ctx::fiber f1{[&data](ctx::fiber&& f2) { std::cout << "f1: entered first time: " << data << std::endl; data+=1; f2=std::move(f2).resume(); std::cout << "f1: entered second time: " << data << std::endl; data+=1; f2=std::move(f2).resume(); std::cout << "f1: entered third time: " << data << std::endl; return std::move(f2); }}; f1=std::move(f1).resume(); std::cout << "f1: returned first time: " << data << std::endl; data+=1; f1=std::move(f1).resume(); std::cout << "f1: returned second time: " << data << std::endl; data+=1; f1=f1.resume_with([&data](ctx::fiber&& f2){ std::cout << "f2: entered: " << data << std::endl; data=-1; return std::move(f2); }); std::cout << "f1: returned third time" << std::endl; output: f1: entered first time: 0 f1: returned first time: 1 f1: entered second time: 2 f1: returned second time: 3 f2: entered: 4 f1: entered third time: -1 f1: returned third time The expression f1.resume_with(...) executes a lambda on top of fiber f1, e.g. an additional stack frame is allocated on top of the stack. This lambda assigns -1 to data and returns to the second invocation of f1.resume(). Another option is to execute a function on top of the fiber that throws an exception. namespace ctx=boost::context; struct my_exception : public std::runtime_error { ctx::fiber f; my_exception(ctx::fiber&& f_,std::string const& what) : std::runtime_error{ what }, f{ std::move(f_) } { } }; ctx::fiber f{[](ctx::fiber && f) ->ctx::fiber { std::cout << "entered" << std::endl; try { f=std::move(f).resume(); } catch (my_exception & ex) { std::cerr << "my_exception: " << ex.what() << std::endl; return std::move(ex.f); } return {}; }); f=std::move(f).resume(); f=std::move(f).resume_with([](ctx::fiber && f) ->ctx::fiber { throw my_exception(std::move(f),"abc"); return {}; }); output: entered my_exception: abc In this exception my_exception is throw from a function invoked on-top of fiber f and catched inside the for-loop. Stack unwinding On construction of fiber a stack is allocated. If the context-function returns the stack will be destructed. If the context-function has not yet returned and the destructor of an valid fiber instance (e.g. fiber::operator bool() returns true) is called, the stack will be destructed too. Code executed by context-function must not prevent the propagation ofs the detail::forced_unwind exception. Absorbing that exception will cause stack unwinding to fail. Thus, any code that catches all exceptions must re-throw any pending detail::forced_unwind exception. Allocating control structures on top of stack Allocating control structures on top of the stack requires to allocated the stack_context and create the control structure with placement new before fiber is created. The user is responsible for destructing the control structure at the top of the stack. namespace ctx=boost::context; // stack-allocator used for (de-)allocating stack fixedsize_stack salloc(4048); // allocate stack space stack_context sctx(salloc.allocate()); // reserve space for control structure on top of the stack void * sp=static_cast<char*>(sctx.sp)-sizeof(my_control_structure); std::size_t size=sctx.size-sizeof(my_control_structure); // placement new creates control structure on reserved space my_control_structure * cs=new(sp)my_control_structure(sp,size,sctx,salloc); ... // destructing the control structure cs->~my_control_structure(); ... struct my_control_structure { // captured fiber ctx::fiber f; template< typename StackAllocator > my_control_structure(void * sp,std::size_t size,stack_context sctx,StackAllocator salloc) : // create captured fiber f{std::allocator_arg,preallocated(sp,size,sctx),salloc,entry_func} { } ... }; Inverting the control flow namespace ctx=boost::context; /* * grammar: * P ---> E '\0' * E ---> T {('+'|'-') T} * T ---> S {('*'|'/') S} * S ---> digit | '(' E ')' */ class Parser{ char next; std::istream& is; std::function<void(char)> cb; char pull(){ return std::char_traits<char>::to_char_type(is.get()); } void scan(){ do{ next=pull(); } while(isspace(next)); } public: Parser(std::istream& is_,std::function<void(char)> cb_) : next(), is(is_), cb(cb_) {} void run() { scan(); E(); } private: void E(){ T(); while (next=='+'||next=='-'){ cb(next); scan(); T(); } } void T(){ S(); while (next=='*'||next=='/'){ cb(next); scan(); S(); } } void S(){ if (isdigit(next)){ cb(next); scan(); } else if(next=='('){ cb(next); scan(); E(); if (next==')'){ cb(next); scan(); }else{ throw std::runtime_error("parsing failed"); } } else{ throw std::runtime_error("parsing failed"); } } }; std::istringstream is("1+1"); // user-code pulls parsed data from parser // invert control flow char c; bool done=false; // execute parser in new fiber ctx::fiber source{[&is,&c,&done](ctx::fiber&& sink){ // create parser with callback function Parser p(is, [&sink,&c](char c_){ // resume main fiber c=c_; sink=std::move(sink).resume(); }); // start recursive parsing p.run(); // signal termination done=true; // resume main fiber return std::move(sink); }}; source=std::move(source).resume(); while(!done){ printf("Parsed: %c\n",c); source=std::Move(source).resume(); } output: Parsed: 1 Parsed: + Parsed: 1 In this example a recursive descent parser uses a callback to emit a newly passed symbol. Using fiber the control flow can be inverted, e.g. the user-code pulls parsed symbols from the parser - instead to get pushed from the parser (via callback). The data (character) is transferred between the two fibers.
<anchor id="implementation"/><link linkend="context.ff.implementations__fcontext_t__ucontext_t_and_winfiber">Implementations: fcontext_t, ucontext_t and WinFiber</link> fcontext_t The implementation uses fcontext_t per default. fcontext_t is based on assembler and not available for all platforms. It provides a much better performance than ucontext_t (the context switch takes two magnitudes of order less CPU cycles; see section performance) and WinFiber. Because the TIB (thread information block on Windows) is not fully described in the MSDN, it might be possible that not all required TIB-parts are swapped. Using WinFiber implementation migh be an alternative. ucontext_t As an alternative, ucontext_t can be used by compiling with BOOST_USE_UCONTEXT and b2 property context-impl=ucontext. ucontext_t might be available on a broader range of POSIX-platforms but has some disadvantages (for instance deprecated since POSIX.1-2003, not C99 conform). fiber supports Segmented stacks only with ucontext_t as its implementation. WinFiber With BOOST_USE_WINFIB and b2 property context-impl=winfib Win32-Fibers are used as implementation for fiber. The first call of fiber converts the thread into a Windows fiber by invoking ConvertThreadToFiber(). If desired, ConvertFiberToThread() has to be called by the user explicitly in order to release resources allocated by ConvertThreadToFiber() (e.g. after using boost.context).
<link linkend="context.ff.class__fiber_">Class <code><phrase role="identifier">fiber</phrase></code></link> #include <boost/context/fiber.hpp> class fiber { public: fiber() noexcept; template<typename Fn> fiber(Fn && fn); template<typename StackAlloc, typename Fn> fiber(std::allocator_arg_t, StackAlloc && salloc, Fn && fn); ~fiber(); fiber(fiber && other) noexcept; fiber & operator=(fiber && other) noexcept; fiber(fiber const& other) noexcept = delete; fiber & operator=(fiber const& other) noexcept = delete; fiber resume() &&; template<typename Fn> fiber resume_with(Fn && fn) &&; explicit operator bool() const noexcept; bool operator!() const noexcept; bool operator==(fiber const& other) const noexcept; bool operator!=(fiber const& other) const noexcept; bool operator<(fiber const& other) const noexcept; bool operator>(fiber const& other) const noexcept; bool operator<=(fiber const& other) const noexcept; bool operator>=(fiber const& other) const noexcept; template<typename charT,class traitsT> friend std::basic_ostream<charT,traitsT> & operator<<(std::basic_ostream<charT,traitsT> & os,fiber const& other) { void swap(fiber & other) noexcept; }; Constructor fiber() noexcept; Effects: Creates a invalid fiber. Throws: Nothing. Constructor template<typename Fn> fiber(Fn && fn); template<typename StackAlloc, typename Fn> fiber(std::allocator_arg_t, StackAlloc && salloc, Fn && fn); Effects: Creates a new fiber and prepares the context to execute fn. fixedsize_stack is used as default stack allocator (stack size == fixedsize_stack::traits::default_size()). The constructor with argument type preallocated, is used to create a user defined data (for instance additional control structures) on top of the stack. Destructor ~fiber(); Effects: Destructs the associated stack if *this is a valid fiber, e.g. fiber::operator bool() returns true. Throws: Nothing. Move constructor fiber(fiber && other) noexcept; Effects: Moves underlying capture fiber to *this. Throws: Nothing. Move assignment operator fiber & operator=(fiber && other) noexcept; Effects: Moves the state of other to *this using move semantics. Throws: Nothing. Member function operator()() fiber resume() &&; template<typename Fn> fiber resume_with(Fn && fn) &&; Effects: Captures current fiber and resumes *this. The function resume_with, is used to execute function fn in the execution context of *this (e.g. the stack frame of fn is allocated on stack of *this). Returns: The fiber representing the fiber that has been suspended. Note: Because *this gets invalidated, resume() and resume_with() are rvalue-ref qualified and bind only to rvalues. Note: Function fn needs to return fiber. Note: The returned fiber indicates if the suspended fiber has terminated (return from context-function) via bool operator(). Member function operator bool() explicit operator bool() const noexcept; Returns: true if *this points to a captured fiber. Throws: Nothing. Member function operator!() bool operator!() const noexcept; Returns: true if *this does not point to a captured fiber. Throws: Nothing. Member function operator==() bool operator==(fiber const& other) const noexcept; Returns: true if *this and other represent the same fiber, false otherwise. Throws: Nothing. Member function operator!=() bool operator!=(fiber const& other) const noexcept; Returns: ! (other == * this) Throws: Nothing. Member function operator<() bool operator<(fiber const& other) const noexcept; Returns: true if *this != other is true and the implementation-defined total order of fiber values places *this before other, false otherwise. Throws: Nothing. Member function operator>() bool operator>(fiber const& other) const noexcept; Returns: other < * this Throws: Nothing. Member function operator<=() bool operator<=(fiber const& other) const noexcept; Returns: ! (other < * this) Throws: Nothing. Member function operator>=() bool operator>=(fiber const& other) const noexcept; Returns: ! (* this < other) Throws: Nothing. Non-member function operator<<() template<typename charT,class traitsT> std::basic_ostream<charT,traitsT> & operator<<(std::basic_ostream<charT,traitsT> & os,fiber const& other); Effects: Writes the representation of other to stream os. Returns: os
<anchor id="cc"/><link linkend="context.cc">Context switching with call/cc</link> call/cc is the reference implementation of C++ proposal P0534R3: call/cc (call-with-current-continuation): A low-level API for stackful context switching. call/cc (call with current continuation) is a universal control operator (well-known from the programming language Scheme) that captures the current continuation as a first-class object and pass it as an argument to another continuation. A continuation (abstract concept of functional programming languages) represents the state of the control flow of a program at a given point in time. Continuations can be suspended and resumed later in order to change the control flow of a program. Modern micro-processors are registers machines; the content of processor registers represent a continuation of the executed program at a given point in time. Operating systems simulate parallel execution of programs on a single processor by switching between programs (context switch) by preserving and restoring the continuation, e.g. the content of all registers. callcc() callcc() is the C++ equivalent to Scheme's call/cc operator. It captures the current continuation (the rest of the computation; code after callcc()) and triggers a context switch. The context switch is achieved by preserving certain registers (including instruction and stack pointer), defined by the calling convention of the ABI, of the current continuation and restoring those registers of the resumed continuation. The control flow of the resumed continuation continues. The current continuation is suspended and passed as argument to the resumed continuation. callcc() expects a context-function with signature 'continuation(continuation && c)'. The parameter c represents the current continuation from which this continuation was resumed (e.g. that has called callcc()). On return the context-function of the current continuation has to specify an continuation to which the execution control is transferred after termination of the current continuation. If an instance with valid state goes out of scope and the context-function has not yet returned, the stack is traversed in order to access the control structure (address stored at the first stack frame) and continuation's stack is deallocated via the StackAllocator. Segmented stacks are supported by callcc() using ucontext_t. continuation continuation represents a continuation; it contains the content of preserved registers and manages the associated stack (allocation/deallocation). continuation is a one-shot continuation - it can be used only once, after calling continuation::resume() or continuation::resume_with() it is invalidated. continuation is only move-constructible and move-assignable. As a first-class object continuation can be applied to and returned from a function, assigned to a variable or stored in a container. A continuation is continued by calling resume()/resume_with(). Usage namespace ctx=boost::context; int a; ctx::continuation source=ctx::callcc( [&a](ctx::continuation && sink){ a=0; int b=1; for(;;){ sink=sink.resume(); int next=a+b; a=b; b=next; } return std::move(sink); }); for (int j=0;j<10;++j) { std::cout << a << " "; source=source.resume(); } output: 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 This simple example demonstrates the basic usage of call/cc as a generator. The continuation sink represents the main-continuation (function main()). sink is captured (current-continuation) by invoking callcc() and passed as parameter to the lambda. Because the state is invalidated (one-shot continuation) by each call of continuation::resume(), the new state of the continuation, returned by continuation::resume(), needs to be assigned to sink after each call. The lambda that calculates the Fibonacci numbers is executed inside the continuation represented by source. Calculated Fibonacci numbers are transferred between the two continuations via variable a (lambda capture reference). The locale variables b and next remain their values during each context switch. This is possible due source has its own stack and the stack is exchanged by each context switch. Parameter passing Data can be transferred between two continuations via global pointers, calling wrappers (like std::bind) or lambda captures. namespace ctx=boost::context; int i=1; ctx::continuation c1=callcc([&i](ctx::continuation && c2){ std::printf("inside c1,i==%d\n",i); i+=1; return c2.resume(); }); std::printf("i==%d\n",i); output: inside c1,i==1 i==2 callcc(<lambda>) enters the lambda in continuation represented by c1 with lambda capture reference i=1. The expression c2.resume() resumes the continuation c2. On return of callcc(<lambda>), the variable i has the value of i+1. Exception handling If the function executed inside a context-function emits an exception, the application is terminated by calling std::terminate(). std::exception_ptr can be used to transfer exceptions between different continuations. Do not jump from inside a catch block and then re-throw the exception in another continuation. Executing function on top of a continuation Sometimes it is useful to execute a new function on top of a resumed continuation. For this purpose continuation::resume_with() has to be used. The function passed as argument must accept a rvalue reference to continuation and return void. namespace ctx=boost::context; int data=0; ctx::continuation c=ctx::callcc([&data](ctx::continuation && c) { std::cout << "f1: entered first time: " << data << std::endl; data+=1; c=c.resume(); std::cout << "f1: entered second time: " << data << std::endl; data+=1; c=c.resume(); std::cout << "f1: entered third time: " << data << std::endl; return std::move(c); }); std::cout << "f1: returned first time: " << data << std::endl; data+=1; c=c.resume(); std::cout << "f1: returned second time: " << data << std::endl; data+=1; c=c.resume_with([&data](ctx::continuation && c){ std::cout << "f2: entered: " << data << std::endl; data=-1; return std::move( c); }); std::cout << "f1: returned third time" << std::endl; output: f1: entered first time: 0 f1: returned first time: 1 f1: entered second time: 2 f1: returned second time: 3 f2: entered: 4 f1: entered third time: -1 f1: returned third time The expression c.resume_with(...) executes a lambda on top of continuation c, e.g. an additional stack frame is allocated on top of the stack. This lambda assigns -1 to data and returns to the second invocation of c.resume(). Another option is to execute a function on top of the continuation that throws an exception. namespace ctx=boost::context; struct my_exception : public std::runtime_error { ctx::continuation c; my_exception(ctx::continuation && c_,std::string const& what) : std::runtime_error{ what }, c{ std::move( c_) } { } }; ctx::continuation c=ctx::callcc([](ctx::continuation && c) { for (;;) { try { std::cout << "entered" << std::endl; c=c.resume(); } catch (my_exception & ex) { std::cerr << "my_exception: " << ex.what() << std::endl; return std::move(ex.c); } } return std::move(c); }); c = c.resume_with( [](ctx::continuation && c){ throw my_exception(std::move(c),"abc"); return std::move( c); }); output: entered my_exception: abc In this exception my_exception is throw from a function invoked on-top of continuation c and catched inside the for-loop. Stack unwinding On construction of continuation a stack is allocated. If the context-function returns the stack will be destructed. If the context-function has not yet returned and the destructor of an valid continuation instance (e.g. continuation::operator bool() returns true) is called, the stack will be destructed too. Code executed by context-function must not prevent the propagation ofs the detail::forced_unwind exception. Absorbing that exception will cause stack unwinding to fail. Thus, any code that catches all exceptions must re-throw any pending detail::forced_unwind exception. Allocating control structures on top of stack Allocating control structures on top of the stack requires to allocated the stack_context and create the control structure with placement new before continuation is created. The user is responsible for destructing the control structure at the top of the stack. namespace ctx=boost::context; // stack-allocator used for (de-)allocating stack fixedsize_stack salloc(4048); // allocate stack space stack_context sctx(salloc.allocate()); // reserve space for control structure on top of the stack void * sp=static_cast<char*>(sctx.sp)-sizeof(my_control_structure); std::size_t size=sctx.size-sizeof(my_control_structure); // placement new creates control structure on reserved space my_control_structure * cs=new(sp)my_control_structure(sp,size,sctx,salloc); ... // destructing the control structure cs->~my_control_structure(); ... struct my_control_structure { // captured continuation ctx::continuation c; template< typename StackAllocator > my_control_structure(void * sp,std::size_t size,stack_context sctx,StackAllocator salloc) : // create captured continuation c{} { c=ctx::callcc(std::allocator_arg,preallocated(sp,size,sctx),salloc,entry_func); } ... }; Inverting the control flow namespace ctx=boost::context; /* * grammar: * P ---> E '\0' * E ---> T {('+'|'-') T} * T ---> S {('*'|'/') S} * S ---> digit | '(' E ')' */ class Parser{ char next; std::istream& is; std::function<void(char)> cb; char pull(){ return std::char_traits<char>::to_char_type(is.get()); } void scan(){ do{ next=pull(); } while(isspace(next)); } public: Parser(std::istream& is_,std::function<void(char)> cb_) : next(), is(is_), cb(cb_) {} void run() { scan(); E(); } private: void E(){ T(); while (next=='+'||next=='-'){ cb(next); scan(); T(); } } void T(){ S(); while (next=='*'||next=='/'){ cb(next); scan(); S(); } } void S(){ if (isdigit(next)){ cb(next); scan(); } else if(next=='('){ cb(next); scan(); E(); if (next==')'){ cb(next); scan(); }else{ throw std::runtime_error("parsing failed"); } } else{ throw std::runtime_error("parsing failed"); } } }; std::istringstream is("1+1"); // execute parser in new continuation ctx::continuation source; // user-code pulls parsed data from parser // invert control flow char c; bool done=false; source=ctx::callcc( [&is,&c,&done](ctx::continuation && sink){ // create parser with callback function Parser p(is, [&sink,&c](char c_){ // resume main continuation c=c_; sink=sink.resume(); }); // start recursive parsing p.run(); // signal termination done=true; // resume main continuation return std::move(sink); }); while(!done){ printf("Parsed: %c\n",c); source=source.resume(); } output: Parsed: 1 Parsed: + Parsed: 1 In this example a recursive descent parser uses a callback to emit a newly passed symbol. Using call/cc the control flow can be inverted, e.g. the user-code pulls parsed symbols from the parser - instead to get pushed from the parser (via callback). The data (character) is transferred between the two continuations.
<anchor id="implementation0"/><link linkend="context.cc.implementations__fcontext_t__ucontext_t_and_winfiber">Implementations: fcontext_t, ucontext_t and WinFiber</link> fcontext_t The implementation uses fcontext_t per default. fcontext_t is based on assembler and not available for all platforms. It provides a much better performance than ucontext_t (the context switch takes two magnitudes of order less CPU cycles; see section performance) and WinFiber. Because the TIB (thread information block on Windows) is not fully described in the MSDN, it might be possible that not all required TIB-parts are swapped. Using WinFiber implementation migh be an alternative. ucontext_t As an alternative, ucontext_t can be used by compiling with BOOST_USE_UCONTEXT and b2 property context-impl=ucontext. ucontext_t might be available on a broader range of POSIX-platforms but has some disadvantages (for instance deprecated since POSIX.1-2003, not C99 conform). callcc() supports Segmented stacks only with ucontext_t as its implementation. WinFiber With BOOST_USE_WINFIB and b2 property context-impl=winfib Win32-Fibers are used as implementation for callcc(). The first call of callcc() converts the thread into a Windows fiber by invoking ConvertThreadToFiber(). If desired, ConvertFiberToThread() has to be called by the user explicitly in order to release resources allocated by ConvertThreadToFiber() (e.g. after using boost.context).
<link linkend="context.cc.class__continuation_">Class <code><phrase role="identifier">continuation</phrase></code></link> #include <boost/context/continuation.hpp> class continuation { public: continuation() noexcept = default; ~continuation(); continuation(continuation && other) noexcept; continuation & operator=(continuation && other) noexcept; continuation(continuation const& other) noexcept = delete; continuation & operator=(continuation const& other) noexcept = delete; continuation resume(); template<typename Fn> continuation resume_with(Fn && fn); explicit operator bool() const noexcept; bool operator!() const noexcept; bool operator==(continuation const& other) const noexcept; bool operator!=(continuation const& other) const noexcept; bool operator<(continuation const& other) const noexcept; bool operator>(continuation const& other) const noexcept; bool operator<=(continuation const& other) const noexcept; bool operator>=(continuation const& other) const noexcept; template<typename charT,class traitsT> friend std::basic_ostream<charT,traitsT> & operator<<(std::basic_ostream<charT,traitsT> & os,continuation const& other) { void swap(continuation & other) noexcept; }; Constructor continuation() noexcept; Effects: Creates a invalid continuation. Throws: Nothing. Destructor ~continuation(); Effects: Destructs the associated stack if *this is a valid continuation, e.g. continuation::operator bool() returns true. Throws: Nothing. Move constructor continuation(continuation && other) noexcept; Effects: Moves underlying capture continuation to *this. Throws: Nothing. Move assignment operator continuation & operator=(continuation && other) noexcept; Effects: Moves the state of other to *this using move semantics. Throws: Nothing. Member function operator()() continuation resume(); template<typename Fn> continuation resume_with(Fn && fn); Effects: Captures current continuation and resumes *this. The function resume_with, is used to execute function fn in the execution context of *this (e.g. the stack frame of fn is allocated on stack of *this). Returns: The continuation representing the continuation that has been suspended. Note: Function fn needs to return continuation. Note: The returned continuation indicates if the suspended continuation has terminated (return from context-function) via bool operator(). Member function operator bool() explicit operator bool() const noexcept; Returns: true if *this points to a captured continuation. Throws: Nothing. Member function operator!() bool operator!() const noexcept; Returns: true if *this does not point to a captured continuation. Throws: Nothing. Member function operator==() bool operator==(continuation const& other) const noexcept; Returns: true if *this and other represent the same continuation, false otherwise. Throws: Nothing. Member function operator!=() bool operator!=(continuation const& other) const noexcept; Returns: ! (other == * this) Throws: Nothing. Member function operator<() bool operator<(continuation const& other) const noexcept; Returns: true if *this != other is true and the implementation-defined total order of continuation values places *this before other, false otherwise. Throws: Nothing. Member function operator>() bool operator>(continuation const& other) const noexcept; Returns: other < * this Throws: Nothing. Member function operator<=() bool operator<=(continuation const& other) const noexcept; Returns: ! (other < * this) Throws: Nothing. Member function operator>=() bool operator>=(continuation const& other) const noexcept; Returns: ! (* this < other) Throws: Nothing. Non-member function operator<<() template<typename charT,class traitsT> std::basic_ostream<charT,traitsT> & operator<<(std::basic_ostream<charT,traitsT> & os,continuation const& other); Effects: Writes the representation of other to stream os. Returns: os Call with current continuation #include <boost/context/continuation.hpp> template<typename Fn> continuation callcc(Fn && fn); template<typename StackAlloc,typename Fn> continuation callcc(std::allocator_arg_t,StackAlloc salloc,Fn && fn); template<typename StackAlloc,typename Fn> continuation callcc(std::allocator_arg_t,preallocated palloc,StackAlloc salloc,Fn && fn); Effects: Captures current continuation and creates a new continuation prepared to execute fn. fixedsize_stack is used as default stack allocator (stack size == fixedsize_stack::traits::default_size()). The function with argument type preallocated, is used to create a user defined data (for instance additional control structures) on top of the stack. Returns: The continuation representing the contexcontinuation that has been suspended. Note: The returned continuation indicates if the suspended continuation has terminated (return from context-function) via bool operator().
<anchor id="stack"/><link linkend="context.stack">Stack allocation</link> The memory used by the stack is allocated/deallocated via a StackAllocator which is required to model a stack-allocator concept. stack-allocator concept A StackAllocator must satisfy the stack-allocator concept requirements shown in the following table, in which a is an object of a StackAllocator type, sctx is a stack_context, and size is a std::size_t: expression return type notes a(size) creates a stack allocator a.allocate() stack_context creates a stack a.deallocate( sctx) void deallocates the stack created by a.allocate() The implementation of allocate() might include logic to protect against exceeding the context's available stack size rather than leaving it as undefined behaviour. Calling deallocate() with a stack_context not set by allocate() results in undefined behaviour. Depending on the architecture allocate() stores an address from the top of the stack (growing downwards) or the bottom of the stack (growing upwards).
<link linkend="context.stack.protected_fixedsize">Class <emphasis>protected_fixedsize</emphasis></link> Boost.Context provides the class protected_fixedsize_stack which models the stack-allocator concept. It appends a guard page at the end of each stack to protect against exceeding the stack. If the guard page is accessed (read or write operation) a segmentation fault/access violation is generated by the operating system. Using protected_fixedsize_stack is expensive. That is, launching a new coroutine with a new stack is expensive; the allocated stack is just as efficient to use as any other stack. The appended guard page is not mapped to physical memory, only virtual addresses are used. #include <boost/context/protected_fixedsize.hpp> template< typename traitsT > struct basic_protected_fixedsize { typedef traitT traits_type; basic_protected_fixesize(std::size_t size = traits_type::default_size()); stack_context allocate(); void deallocate( stack_context &); } typedef basic_protected_fixedsize< stack_traits > protected_fixedsize stack_context allocate() Preconditions: traits_type::minimum:size() <= size and ! traits_type::is_unbounded() && ( traits_type::maximum:size() >= size). Effects: Allocates memory of at least size Bytes and stores a pointer to the stack and its actual size in sctx. Depending on the architecture (the stack grows downwards/upwards) the stored address is the highest/lowest address of the stack. void deallocate( stack_context & sctx) Preconditions: sctx.sp is valid, traits_type::minimum:size() <= sctx.size and ! traits_type::is_unbounded() && ( traits_type::maximum:size() >= sctx.size). Effects: Deallocates the stack space.
<link linkend="context.stack.pooled_fixedsize">Class <emphasis>pooled_fixedsize_stack</emphasis></link> Boost.Context provides the class pooled_fixedsize_stack which models the stack-allocator concept. In contrast to protected_fixedsize_stack it does not append a guard page at the end of each stack. The memory is managed internally by boost::pool<>. #include <boost/context/pooled_fixedsize_stack.hpp> template< typename traitsT > struct basic_pooled_fixedsize_stack { typedef traitT traits_type; basic_pooled_fixedsize_stack(std::size_t stack_size = traits_type::default_size(), std::size_t next_size = 32, std::size_t max_size = 0); stack_context allocate(); void deallocate( stack_context &); } typedef basic_pooled_fixedsize_stack< stack_traits > pooled_fixedsize_stack; basic_pooled_fixedsize_stack(std::size_t stack_size, std::size_t next_size, std::size_t max_size) Preconditions: ! traits_type::is_unbounded() && ( traits_type::maximum:size() >= stack_size) and 0 < nest_size. Effects: Allocates memory of at least stack_size Bytes and stores a pointer to the stack and its actual size in sctx. Depending on the architecture (the stack grows downwards/upwards) the stored address is the highest/lowest address of the stack. Argument next_size determines the number of stacks to request from the system the first time that *this needs to allocate system memory. The third argument max_size controls how many memory might be allocated for stacks - a value of zero means no uper limit. stack_context allocate() Preconditions: ! traits_type::is_unbounded() && ( traits_type::maximum:size() >= stack_size). Effects: Allocates memory of at least stack_size Bytes and stores a pointer to the stack and its actual size in sctx. Depending on the architecture (the stack grows downwards/upwards) the stored address is the highest/lowest address of the stack. void deallocate( stack_context & sctx) Preconditions: sctx.sp is valid, ! traits_type::is_unbounded() && ( traits_type::maximum:size() >= sctx.size). Effects: Deallocates the stack space.
<link linkend="context.stack.fixedsize">Class <emphasis>fixedsize_stack</emphasis></link> Boost.Context provides the class fixedsize_stack which models the stack-allocator concept. In contrast to protected_fixedsize_stack it does not append a guard page at the end of each stack. The memory is simply managed by std::malloc() and std::free(). #include <boost/context/fixedsize_stack.hpp> template< typename traitsT > struct basic_fixedsize_stack { typedef traitT traits_type; basic_fixesize_stack(std::size_t size = traits_type::default_size()); stack_context allocate(); void deallocate( stack_context &); } typedef basic_fixedsize_stack< stack_traits > fixedsize_stack; stack_context allocate() Preconditions: traits_type::minimum:size() <= size and ! traits_type::is_unbounded() && ( traits_type::maximum:size() >= size). Effects: Allocates memory of at least size Bytes and stores a pointer to the stack and its actual size in sctx. Depending on the architecture (the stack grows downwards/upwards) the stored address is the highest/lowest address of the stack. void deallocate( stack_context & sctx) Preconditions: sctx.sp is valid, traits_type::minimum:size() <= sctx.size and ! traits_type::is_unbounded() && ( traits_type::maximum:size() >= sctx.size). Effects: Deallocates the stack space.
<anchor id="segmented"/><link linkend="context.stack.segmented">Class <emphasis>segmented_stack</emphasis></link> Boost.Context supports usage of a segmented_stack, e. g. the size of the stack grows on demand. The coroutine is created with a minimal stack size and will be increased as required. Class segmented_stack models the stack-allocator concept. In contrast to protected_fixedsize_stack and fixedsize_stack it creates a stack which grows on demand. Segmented stacks are currently only supported by gcc from version 4.7 clang from version 3.4 onwards. In order to use a segmented_stack Boost.Context must be built with property segmented-stacks, e.g. toolset=gcc segmented-stacks=on and applying BOOST_USE_SEGMENTED_STACKS at b2/bjam command line. Segmented stacks can only be used with callcc() (using ucontext_t) . #include <boost/context/segmented_stack.hpp> template< typename traitsT > struct basic_segmented_stack { typedef traitT traits_type; basic_segmented_stack(std::size_t size = traits_type::default_size()); stack_context allocate(); void deallocate( stack_context &); } typedef basic_segmented_stack< stack_traits > segmented_stack; stack_context allocate() Preconditions: traits_type::minimum:size() <= size and ! traits_type::is_unbounded() && ( traits_type::maximum:size() >= size). Effects: Allocates memory of at least size Bytes and stores a pointer to the stack and its actual size in sctx. Depending on the architecture (the stack grows downwards/upwards) the stored address is the highest/lowest address of the stack. void deallocate( stack_context & sctx) Preconditions: sctx.sp is valid, traits_type::minimum:size() <= sctx.size and ! traits_type::is_unbounded() && ( traits_type::maximum:size() >= sctx.size). Effects: Deallocates the stack space. If the library is compiled for segmented stacks, segmented_stack is the only available stack allocator.
<link linkend="context.stack.stack_traits">Class <emphasis>stack_traits</emphasis></link> stack_traits models a stack-traits providing a way to access certain properites defined by the enironment. Stack allocators use stack-traits to allocate stacks. #include <boost/context/stack_traits.hpp> struct stack_traits { static bool is_unbounded() noexcept; static std::size_t page_size() noexcept; static std::size_t default_size() noexcept; static std::size_t minimum_size() noexcept; static std::size_t maximum_size() noexcept; } static bool is_unbounded() Returns: Returns true if the environment defines no limit for the size of a stack. Throws: Nothing. static std::size_t page_size() Returns: Returns the page size in bytes. Throws: Nothing. static std::size_t default_size() Returns: Returns a default stack size, which may be platform specific. If the stack is unbounded then the present implementation returns the maximum of 64 kB and minimum_size(). Throws: Nothing. static std::size_t minimum_size() Returns: Returns the minimum size in bytes of stack defined by the environment (Win32 4kB/Win64 8kB, defined by rlimit on POSIX). Throws: Nothing. static std::size_t maximum_size() Preconditions: is_unbounded() returns false. Returns: Returns the maximum size in bytes of stack defined by the environment. Throws: Nothing.
<link linkend="context.stack.stack_context">Class <emphasis>stack_context</emphasis></link> Boost.Context provides the class stack_context which will contain the stack pointer and the size of the stack. In case of a segmented_stack, stack_context contains some extra control structures. struct stack_context { void * sp; std::size_t size; // might contain additional control structures // for segmented stacks } void * sp Value: Pointer to the beginning of the stack. std::size_t size Value: Actual size of the stack.
<link linkend="context.stack.valgrind">Support for valgrind</link> Running programs that switch stacks under valgrind causes problems. Property (b2 command-line) valgrind=on let valgrind treat the memory regions as stack space which suppresses the errors. Users must define BOOST_USE_VALGRIND before including any Boost.Context headers when linking against Boost binaries compiled with valgrind=on.
<link linkend="context.stack.sanitizers">Support for sanitizers</link> Sanitizers (GCC/Clang) are confused by the stack switches. The library is required to be compiled with property (b2 command-line) context-impl=ucontext and compilers santizer options. Users must define BOOST_USE_ASAN before including any Boost.Context headers when linking against Boost binaries.
<link linkend="context.struct__preallocated_">Struct <code><phrase role="identifier">preallocated</phrase></code></link> struct preallocated { void * sp; std::size_t size; stack_context sctx; preallocated( void * sp, std:size_t size, stack_allocator sctx) noexcept; }; Constructor preallocated( void * sp, std:size_t size, stack_allocator sctx) noexcept; Effects: Creates an object of preallocated.
<anchor id="performance"/><link linkend="context.performance">Performance</link> Performance measurements were taken using std::chrono::highresolution_clock, with overhead corrections. The code was compiled with gcc-6.3.1, using build options: variant = release, optimization = speed. Tests were executed on dual Intel XEON E5 2620v4 2.2GHz, 16C/32T, 64GB RAM, running Linux (x86_64). Performance of context switch callcc()/continuation (fcontext_t) callcc()/continuation (ucontext_t) callcc()/continuation (Windows-Fiber) 9 ns / 19 CPU cycles 547 ns / 1130 CPU cycles 49 ns / 98 CPU cycles
<link linkend="context.architectures">Architectures</link> Boost.Context, using fcontext_t, supports following architectures: Supported architectures (<ABI|binary format>) Architecture LINUX (UNIX) Windows MacOS X iOS arm (aarch32) AAPCS|ELF AAPCS|PE - AAPCS|MACH-O arm (aarch64) AAPCS|ELF - - AAPCS|MACH-O i386 SYSV|ELF MS|PE SYSV|MACH-O - mips1 O32|ELF - - - ppc32 SYSV|ELF,XCOFF - SYSV|MACH-O - ppc64 SYSV|ELF,XCOFF - SYSV|MACH-O - riscv64 SYSV|ELF - SYSV - s390x SYSV|ELF - - - sparc - - - - x86_64 SYSV,X32|ELF MS|PE SYSV|MACH-O -
If the architecture is not supported but the platform provides ucontext_t, Boost.Context should be compiled with BOOST_USE_UCONTEXT and b2 property context-impl=ucontext.
<link linkend="context.architectures.crosscompiling">Cross compiling</link> Cross compiling the library requires to specify the build properties <architecture>, <address-model>, <binary-format> and <abi> at b2 command line.
<link linkend="context.rationale">Rationale</link> No inline-assembler Some newer compiler (for instance MSVC 10 for x86_64 and itanium) do not support inline assembler. MSDN article 'Inline Assembler' . Inlined assembler generates code bloating which is not welcome on embedded systems. fcontext_t Boost.Context provides the low level API fcontext_t which is implemented in assembler to provide context swapping operations. fcontext_t is the part to port to new platforms. Context switches do not preserve the signal mask on UNIX systems. fcontext_t is an opaque pointer.
<link linkend="context.rationale.other_apis_">Other APIs </link> setjmp()/longjmp() C99 defines setjmp()/longjmp() to provide non-local jumps but it does not require that longjmp() preserves the current stack frame. Therefore, jumping into a function which was exited via a call to longjmp() is undefined ISO/IEC 9899:1999, 2005, . ucontext_t Since POSIX.1-2004 ucontext_t is deprecated and was removed in POSIX.1-2008! The function signature of makecontext() is: void makecontext(ucontext_t *ucp, void (*func)(), int argc, ...); The third argument of makecontext() specifies the number of integer arguments that follow which will require function pointer cast if func will accept those arguments which is undefined in C99 ISO/IEC 9899:1999, 2005, J.2 . The arguments in the var-arg list are required to be integers, passing pointers in var-arg list is not guaranteed to work, especially it will fail for architectures where pointers are larger than integers. ucontext_t preserves signal mask between context switches which involves system calls consuming a lot of CPU cycles (ucontext_t is slower; a context switch takes two magnitutes of order more CPU cycles more than fcontext_t). Windows fibers A drawback of Windows Fiber API is that CreateFiber() does not accept a pointer to user allocated stack space preventing the reuse of stacks for other context instances. Because the Windows Fiber API requires to call ConvertThreadToFiber() if SwitchFiber() is called for a thread which has not been converted to a fiber. For the same reason ConvertFiberToThread() must be called after return from SwitchFiber() if the thread was forced to be converted to a fiber before (which is inefficient). if ( ! is_a_fiber() ) { ConvertThreadToFiber( 0); SwitchToFiber( ctx); ConvertFiberToThread(); } If the condition _WIN32_WINNT >= _WIN32_WINNT_VISTA is met function IsThreadAFiber() is provided in order to detect if the current thread was already converted. Unfortunately Windows XP + SP 2/3 defines _WIN32_WINNT >= _WIN32_WINNT_VISTA without providing IsThreadAFiber().
<link linkend="context.rationale.x86_and_floating_point_env">x86 and floating-point env</link> i386 "The FpCsr and the MxCsr register must be saved and restored before any call or return by any procedure that needs to modify them ..." 'Calling Conventions', Agner Fog . x86_64 Windows MxCsr - "A callee that modifies any of the non-volatile fields within MxCsr must restore them before returning to its caller. Furthermore, a caller that has modified any of these fields must restore them to their standard values before invoking a callee ..." MSDN article 'MxCsr' . FpCsr - "A callee that modifies any of the fields within FpCsr must restore them before returning to its caller. Furthermore, a caller that has modified any of these fields must restore them to their standard values before invoking a callee ..." MSDN article 'FpCsr' . "The MMX and floating-point stack registers (MM0-MM7/ST0-ST7) are preserved across context switches. There is no explicit calling convention for these registers." MSDN article 'Legacy Floating-Point Support' . "The 64-bit Microsoft compiler does not use ST(0)-ST(7)/MM0-MM7". 'Calling Conventions', Agner Fog . "XMM6-XMM15 must be preserved" MSDN article 'Register Usage' SysV "The control bits of the MxCsr register are callee-saved (preserved across calls), while the status bits are caller-saved (not preserved). The x87 status word register is caller-saved, whereas the x87 control word (FpCsr) is callee-saved." SysV ABI AMD64 Architecture Processor Supplement Draft Version 0.99.4, 3.2.1 .
<link linkend="context.reference">Reference</link> ARM AAPCS ABI: Procedure Call Standard for the ARM Architecture AAPCS/LINUX: ARM GNU/Linux Application Binary Interface Supplement MIPS O32 ABI: SYSTEM V APPLICATION BINARY INTERFACE, MIPS RISC Processor Supplement PowerPC32 SYSV ABI: SYSTEM V APPLICATION BINARY INTERFACE PowerPC Processor Supplement PowerPC64 SYSV ABI: PowerPC User Instruction Set Architecture, Book I X86-32 SYSV ABI: SYSTEM V APPLICATION BINARY INTERFACE, Intel386TM Architecture Processor Supplement MS PE: Calling Conventions X86-64 SYSV ABI: System V Application Binary Interface, AMD64 Architecture Processor Supplement MS PE: x64 Software Conventions
<link linkend="context.acknowledgements">Acknowledgments</link> I'd like to thank Adreas Fett, Artyom Beilis, Daniel Larimer, David Deakins, Evgeny Shapovalov, Fernando Pelliccioni, Giovanni Piero Deretta, Gordon Woodhull, Helge Bahmann, Holger Grund, Jeffrey Lee Hellrung (Jr.), Keith Jeffery, Martin Husemann, Phil Endecott, Robert Stewart, Sergey Cheban, Steven Watanabe, Vicente J. Botet Escriba, Wayne Piekarski.