/* "CodeWorker": a scripting language for parsing and generating text. Copyright (C) 1996-1997, 1999-2002 Cédric Lemaire This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA To contact the author: codeworker@free.fr */ #ifdef WIN32 #pragma warning (disable : 4786) #endif #include "ScpStream.h" #include "CppCompilerEnvironment.h" #include "CGRuntime.h" #include "DtaScriptVariable.h" #include "ExprScriptVariable.h" #include "DtaBNFScript.h" #include "DtaVisitor.h" #include "BNFPushItem.h" namespace CodeWorker { BNFPushItem::BNFPushItem(DtaBNFScript* pBNFScript, GrfBlock* pParent) : _pBNFScript(pBNFScript), GrfBlock(pParent), _pVariable(NULL) {} BNFPushItem::~BNFPushItem() { } void BNFPushItem::accept(DtaVisitor& visitor, DtaVisitorEnvironment& env) { visitor.visitBNFPushItem(*this, env); } bool BNFPushItem::isABNFCommand() const { return true; } SEQUENCE_INTERRUPTION_LIST BNFPushItem::execute(DtaScriptVariable& visibility) { SEQUENCE_INTERRUPTION_LIST result; DtaScriptVariable* pVariable = visibility.getExistingVariable(*_pVariable); bool bCreation = (pVariable == NULL); if (bCreation) { pVariable = visibility.getVariable(*_pVariable); if (pVariable->isLocal()) CGRuntime::throwBNFExecutionError("declare the local variable '" + _pVariable->toString() + "' before calling '#pushItem'"); } pVariable->pushItem(""); int iCursor = CGRuntime::getInputLocation(); int iImplicitCopyPosition = ((_pBNFScript->implicitCopy()) ? CGRuntime::getOutputLocation() : -1); result = GrfBlock::executeInternal(visibility); if (result != NO_INTERRUPTION) { if (bCreation && !pVariable->isLocal()) CGRuntime::removeVariable(pVariable); else CGRuntime::removeLastElement(pVariable); CGRuntime::setInputLocation(iCursor); if (iImplicitCopyPosition >= 0) CGRuntime::resizeOutputStream(iImplicitCopyPosition); } return result; } void BNFPushItem::compileCpp(CppCompilerEnvironment& theCompilerEnvironment) const { std::vector::const_iterator i = getCommands().begin(); if (i != getCommands().end()) { CW_BODY_INDENT << "// " << toString(); CW_BODY_ENDL; int iCursor = theCompilerEnvironment.newCursor(); CW_BODY_INDENT << "int _compilerClauseCursor_" << iCursor << " = CGRuntime::getInputLocation();"; CW_BODY_ENDL; CW_BODY_INDENT << "bool _compilerClauseCreation_" << iCursor << " = CGRuntime::existVariable("; _pVariable->compileCpp(theCompilerEnvironment); CW_BODY_STREAM << ");"; CW_BODY_ENDL; CW_BODY_INDENT; _pVariable->compileCppForSet(theCompilerEnvironment); CW_BODY_STREAM << ".pushItem(\"\");";CW_BODY_ENDL; CW_BODY_INDENT << "if (_compilerClauseCreation_" << iCursor << " && "; _pVariable->compileCpp(theCompilerEnvironment); CW_BODY_STREAM << ".isLocal()) CGRuntime::throwBNFExecutionError(\"declare the local variable '" << _pVariable->toString() << "' before calling '#pushItem'\");";CW_BODY_ENDL; GrfBlock::compileCppBNFSequence(theCompilerEnvironment); CW_BODY_INDENT << "if (!_compilerClauseSuccess) {";CW_BODY_ENDL; CW_BODY_INDENT << "\tif (!_compilerClauseCreation_" << iCursor << ") CGRuntime::removeVariable("; _pVariable->compileCpp(theCompilerEnvironment); CW_BODY_STREAM << ");";CW_BODY_ENDL; CW_BODY_INDENT << "\telse CGRuntime::removeLastElement("; _pVariable->compileCpp(theCompilerEnvironment); CW_BODY_STREAM << ");";CW_BODY_ENDL; CW_BODY_INDENT << "\tCGRuntime::setInputLocation(_compilerClauseCursor_" << iCursor << ");";CW_BODY_ENDL; CW_BODY_INDENT << "}";CW_BODY_ENDL; } } std::string BNFPushItem::toString() const { std::string sText = "#pushItem(" + _pVariable->toString() + ")"; for (std::vector::const_iterator i = getCommands().begin(); i != getCommands().end(); i++) { if ((*i)->isABNFCommand()) { if (i != getCommands().begin()) sText += " "; sText += (*i)->toString(); } } return sText; } }