VcsPage 0 0 576 554 <b>Configure Version Control Systems</b> QFrame::HLine QFrame::Sunken Qt::Horizontal Close VCS dialog automatically, if no error occured Commit Select, if files should be saved before a commit Save files upon commit Select, if project should be saved before a commit Save project upon commit Status Monitor Select the interval in seconds for VCS status updates (0 to disable) sec 3600 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Select to monitor local status only (if supported by VCS) Monitor local status only Select to enable automatic updates Automatic updates enabled Colors VCS status "added": 100 0 Select the background color for entries with VCS status "added". VCS status "conflict": 100 0 Select the background color for entries with VCS status "conflict". Qt::Horizontal 40 20 VCS status "modified": 100 0 Select the background color for entries with VCS status "modified". VCS status "replaced": 100 0 Select the background color for entries with VCS status "replaced". VCS status "needs update": 100 0 Select the background color for entries with VCS status "needs update". VCS status "removed": 100 0 Select the background color for entries with VCS status "removed". Toolbars Select to show VCS specific toolbars Show VCS Toolbar Qt::Vertical 512 81 vcsAutoCloseCheckBox vcsAutoSaveCheckBox vcsAutoSaveProjectCheckBox vcsStatusMonitorIntervalSpinBox vcsMonitorLocalStatusCheckBox autoUpdateCheckBox pbVcsAddedButton pbVcsModifiedButton pbVcsUpdateButton pbVcsConflictButton pbVcsReplacedButton