VirtualenvConfigurationDialog 0 0 700 654 Virtual Environment Configuration true Environment Creator 75 true Select to use 'virtualenv' 0.0 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 75 true Select to use 'pyvenv' 0.0 75 true Select to use 'conda' 0.0 Logical Name: Enter a unique name for the virtual environment Name for the virtual environment 0 0 0 0 0 Paths Target Directory: 0 0 Qt::WheelFocus Enter the target directory for the virtual environment Extra Search Path: 0 0 Qt::WheelFocus Enter the extra search path to look for setuptools/pip Prompt Prefix: Enter the prompt prefix for the virtual environment Prompt prefix for the virtual environment Python Executable: 0 0 Qt::WheelFocus Enter the Python interpreter for the virtual environment Options Verbosity: Select the verbosity (-1: quiet, 0: normal, 1: verbose) Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter -1 1 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Python Version: Select the Python version (empty for current) 3.10 3.9 3.8 3.7 3.6 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Select to give the virtualenv access to the global site-packages System-wide Python Packages Select to unzip setuptools when installing it Unzip Setuptool to virtualenv true Select to not install setuptools (or pip) in the new virtualenv Don't install 'setuptool' (or pip) in the virtualenv Select to not install pip in the new virtualenv Don't install 'pip' in the virtualenv Select to clear the target first Clear out the target directory Select to always copy files rather than symlinking Always copy files Select to use symlinks instead of copies Use Symbolic Links Select to upgrade a virtual environment Upgrade Select to generate a log file in the target directory Save a log file in the target directory after creation true Select to write a shell script/batch file to regenerate the virtualenv Save virtualenv generation script true Open the newly created virtualenv in a file manager window Open target directory after creation Target Environment Specification Name: Enter the name for the environment Path: 0 0 Qt::WheelFocus Enter the target directory for the conda environment <b>Note:</b> Only one of the above entries is mandatory. Special Operations true false Select to clone an environment Clone Environment true Select to create the environment from a requirements file from Requirements QFrame::StyledPanel QFrame::Raised Name: Enter the name of the environment to be cloned Path: 0 0 Qt::WheelFocus Enter the directory of the environment to be cloned false QFrame::StyledPanel QFrame::Raised 0 0 Qt::StrongFocus Qt::Vertical 20 37 Package Specs: Enter the package specifications for the environment Options Python Version: Enter the Python version for the environment Allow insecure SSL connections Select to perform just a dry-run Perform dry-run Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok E5ClearableLineEdit QLineEdit
E5PathPicker QWidget
virtualenvButton pyvenvButton condaButton nameEdit targetDirectoryPicker extraSearchPathPicker promptPrefixEdit pythonExecPicker verbositySpinBox versionComboBox systemCheckBox unzipCheckBox noSetuptoolsCheckBox noPipCcheckBox clearCheckBox copyCheckBox symlinkCheckBox upgradeCheckBox logCheckBox scriptCheckBox openCheckBox condaNameEdit condaTargetDirectoryPicker condaSpecialsGroup condaCloneButton condaCloneNameEdit condaCloneDirectoryPicker condaRequirementsButton condaRequirementsFilePicker condaPackagesEdit condaPythonEdit condaInsecureCheckBox condaDryrunCheckBox buttonBox accepted() VirtualenvConfigurationDialog accept() 257 644 157 274 buttonBox rejected() VirtualenvConfigurationDialog reject() 325 644 286 274 condaCloneButton toggled(bool) condaCloneFrame setEnabled(bool) 108 361 78 380 condaRequirementsButton toggled(bool) condaRequirementsFrame setEnabled(bool) 431 359 427 381