#!/usr/local/bin/python3.8 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2003 - 2021 Detlev Offenbach # """ eric API Generator. This is the main Python script of the API generator. It is this script that gets called via the API generation interface. This script can be used via the commandline as well. """ import os import sys import glob import fnmatch sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(__file__)) import Utilities.ModuleParser from DocumentationTools.APIGenerator import APIGenerator from UI.Info import Version import Utilities import DocumentationTools def usage(): """ Function to print some usage information. It prints a reference of all commandline parameters that may be used and ends the application. """ print("eric6_api") print() print("Copyright (c) 2004 - 2021 Detlev Offenbach" " .") print() print("Usage:") print() print(" eric6_api [options] files...") print() print("where files can be either python modules, package") print("directories or ordinary directories.") print() print("Options:") print() print(" -b name or --base=name") print(" Use the given name as the name of the base package.") print(" -e eol-type or --eol=eol-type") print(" Use the given eol type to terminate lines.") print(" Valid values are 'cr', 'lf' and 'crlf'.") print(" --exclude-file=pattern") print(" Specify a filename pattern of files to be excluded.") print(" This option may be repeated multiple times.") print(" -h or --help") print(" Show this help and exit.") print(" -i or --ignore") print(" Ignore the set of builtin modules") print(" -l language or --language=language") print(" Generate an API file for the given programming language.") print(" Supported programming languages are:") for lang in sorted( DocumentationTools.supportedExtensionsDictForApis.keys()): print(" * {0}".format(lang)) print(" The default is 'Python3'.") print(" This option may be repeated multiple times.") print(" -o filename or --output=filename") print(" Write the API information to the named file." " A '%L' placeholder") # __IGNORE_WARNING_M601__ print(" is replaced by the language of the API file" " (see --language).") print(" -p or --private") print(" Include private methods and functions.") print(" -R, -r or --recursive") print(" Perform a recursive search for source files.") print(" -t ext or --extension=ext") print(" Add the given extension to the list of file extensions.") print(" This option may be given multiple times.") print(" -V or --version") print(" Show version information and exit.") print(" -x directory or --exclude=directory") print(" Specify a directory basename to be excluded.") print(" This option may be repeated multiple times.") sys.exit(1) def version(): """ Function to show the version information. """ print( """eric6_api {0}\n""" """\n""" """eric API generator.\n""" """\n""" """Copyright (c) 2004 - 2021 Detlev Offenbach""" """ \n""" """This is free software; see the LICENSE.GPL3 for copying""" """ conditions.\n""" """There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS""" """ FOR A\n""" """PARTICULAR PURPOSE.""".format(Version)) sys.exit(1) def main(): """ Main entry point into the application. """ global supportedExtensions import getopt try: opts, args = getopt.getopt( sys.argv[1:], "b:e:hil:o:pRrt:Vx:", ["base=", "eol=", "exclude=", "exclude-file=", "extension=", "help", "ignore", "language=", "output=", "private", "recursive", "version", ]) except getopt.error: usage() excludeDirs = [".svn", ".hg", ".git", ".ropeproject", ".eric6project", "dist", "build", "doc", "docs"] excludePatterns = [] outputFileName = "" recursive = False basePackage = "" includePrivate = False progLanguages = [] extensions = [] newline = None ignoreBuiltinModules = False for k, v in opts: if k in ["-o", "--output"]: outputFileName = v elif k in ["-R", "-r", "--recursive"]: recursive = True elif k in ["-x", "--exclude"]: excludeDirs.append(v) elif k == "--exclude-file": excludePatterns.append(v) elif k in ["-h", "--help"]: usage() elif k in ["-i", "--ignore"]: ignoreBuiltinModules = True elif k in ["-V", "--version"]: version() elif k in ["-t", "--extension"]: if not v.startswith("."): v = ".{0}".format(v) extensions.append(v) elif k in ["-b", "--base"]: basePackage = v elif k in ["-p", "--private"]: includePrivate = True elif k in ["-l", "--language"]: if v not in progLanguages: if v not in DocumentationTools.supportedExtensionsDictForApis: sys.stderr.write( "Wrong language given: {0}. Aborting\n".format(v)) sys.exit(1) else: progLanguages.append(v) elif k in ["-e", "--eol"]: if v.lower() == "cr": newline = '\r' elif v.lower() == "lf": newline = '\n' elif v.lower() == "crlf": newline = '\r\n' if not args: usage() if outputFileName == "": sys.stderr.write("No output file given. Aborting\n") sys.exit(1) if len(progLanguages) == 0: progLanguages = ["Python3"] for progLanguage in sorted(progLanguages): basename = "" apis = [] basesDict = {} supportedExtensions = ( DocumentationTools.supportedExtensionsDictForApis[progLanguage] ) supportedExtensions.extend(extensions) if "%L" in outputFileName: outputFile = outputFileName.replace("%L", progLanguage) else: if len(progLanguages) == 1: outputFile = outputFileName else: root, ext = os.path.splitext(outputFileName) outputFile = "{0}-{1}{2}".format(root, progLanguage.lower(), ext) basesFile = os.path.splitext(outputFile)[0] + '.bas' for arg in args: if os.path.isdir(arg): if os.path.exists(os.path.join( arg, Utilities.joinext("__init__", ".py"))): basename = os.path.dirname(arg) if arg == '.': sys.stderr.write("The directory '.' is a package.\n") sys.stderr.write( "Please repeat the call giving its real name.\n") sys.stderr.write("Ignoring the directory.\n") continue else: basename = arg if basename: basename = "{0}{1}".format(basename, os.sep) if recursive and not os.path.islink(arg): names = [arg] + Utilities.getDirs(arg, excludeDirs) else: names = [arg] else: basename = "" names = [arg] for filename in sorted(names): inpackage = False if os.path.isdir(filename): files = [] for ext in supportedExtensions: files.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join( filename, Utilities.joinext("*", ext)))) initFile = os.path.join( filename, Utilities.joinext("__init__", ext)) if initFile in files: inpackage = True files.remove(initFile) files.insert(0, initFile) elif progLanguage != "Python3": # assume package inpackage = True else: if ( Utilities.isWindowsPlatform() and glob.has_magic(filename) ): files = glob.glob(filename) else: files = [filename] for file in files: skipIt = False for pattern in excludePatterns: if fnmatch.fnmatch(os.path.basename(file), pattern): skipIt = True break if skipIt: continue try: module = Utilities.ModuleParser.readModule( file, basename=basename, inpackage=inpackage, ignoreBuiltinModules=ignoreBuiltinModules) apiGenerator = APIGenerator(module) api = apiGenerator.genAPI(True, basePackage, includePrivate) bases = apiGenerator.genBases(includePrivate) except OSError as v: sys.stderr.write("{0} error: {1}\n".format(file, v[1])) continue except ImportError as v: sys.stderr.write("{0} error: {1}\n".format(file, v)) continue for apiEntry in api: if apiEntry not in apis: apis.append(apiEntry) for basesEntry in bases: if bases[basesEntry]: basesDict[basesEntry] = bases[basesEntry][:] sys.stdout.write("-- {0} -- {1} ok\n".format( progLanguage, file)) outdir = os.path.dirname(outputFile) if outdir and not os.path.exists(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) try: with open(outputFile, "w", encoding="utf-8", newline=newline) as out: out.write("\n".join(sorted(apis)) + "\n") except OSError as v: sys.stderr.write("{0} error: {1}\n".format(outputFile, v[1])) sys.exit(3) try: with open(basesFile, "w", encoding="utf-8", newline=newline) as out: for baseEntry in sorted(basesDict.keys()): out.write("{0} {1}\n".format( baseEntry, " ".join(sorted(basesDict[baseEntry])))) except OSError as v: sys.stderr.write("{0} error: {1}\n".format(basesFile, v[1])) sys.exit(3) sys.stdout.write('\nDone.\n') sys.exit(0) if __name__ == '__main__': main() # # eflag: noqa = M801