AboutDialog About Eric &About A&uthors &Thanks To &License Agreement <p>{0} is an Integrated Development Environment for the Python programming language. It is written using the PyQt Python bindings for the Qt GUI toolkit and the QScintilla editor widget.</p><p>For more information see <a href="{1}">{1}</a>.</p><p>Please send bug reports to <a href="mailto:{2}">{2}</a>.</p><p>To request a new feature please send an email to <a href="mailto:{3}">{3}</a>.</p><p>{0} uses third party software which is copyrighted by its respective copyright holder. For details see the copyright notice of the individual package.</p> AboutPlugin About {0} &About {0} Display information about this software <b>About {0}</b><p>Display some information about this software.</p> About Qt About &Qt Display information about the Qt toolkit <b>About Qt</b><p>Display some information about the Qt toolkit.</p> AdBlockDialog AdBlock Configuration Enable AdBlock Enter search term for subscriptions and rules Actions Default Update Period (days): Enter the update period (1 to 14 days) Use only essential part of EasyList (for performance reasons) Search... Add Rule Remove Rule Browse Subscriptions... Remove Subscription Disable Subscription Enable Subscription Update Subscription Update All Subscriptions Learn more about writing rules... <p>Do you really want to remove subscription <b>{0}</b> and all subscriptions requiring it?</p><ul><li>{1}</li></ul> <p>Do you really want to remove subscription <b>{0}</b>?</p> AdBlockExceptionsDialog AdBlock Exceptions Enter a host to block AdBlock for Press to add the host &Add Press to delete the selected hosts &Delete Enter host to be added... AdBlockIcon AdBlock lets you block unwanted content on web pages. Disable AdBlock Enable AdBlock Remove AdBlock Exception Add AdBlock Exception AdBlock Exceptions... AdBlock Configuration... AdBlock AdBlockManager Custom Rules Subscribe? <p>Subscribe to this AdBlock subscription?</p><p>{0}</p> AdBlockSubscription Load subscription rules AdBlock file '{0}' does not start with [Adblock. Downloading subscription rules <p>Subscription rules could not be downloaded.</p><p>Error: {0}</p> Got empty subscription rules. <p>AdBlock subscription <b>{0}</b> has a wrong checksum.<br/>Found: {1}<br/>Calculated: {2}<br/>Use it anyway?</p> Saving subscription rules Unable to open AdBlock file '{0}' for reading. Unable to open AdBlock file '{0}' for writing. AdBlockTreeWidget Add Custom Rule Write your rule here: Add Rule Remove Rule {0} (recently updated) AddBookmarkDialog Add Bookmark Name: Enter the name Address: Enter the address Description: Enter a description Folder: Url Title Add Folder AddDirectoryDialog Add Directory Add a directory to the current project <b>Add Directory Dialog</b> <p>This dialog is used to add a directory to the current project.</p> &File Type: &Source Directory: Enter the name of the directory to add <b>Source Directory</b> <p>Enter the name of the directory to add to the current project. You may select it with a dialog by pressing the button to the right.</p> &Target Directory: Enter the target directory for the file <b>Target Directory</b> <p>Enter the target directory. You may select it with a dialog by pressing the button to the right.</p> Select, whether a recursive add should be performed &Recurse into subdirectories Source Files Forms Files Resource Files Interface Files Other Files (*) Protocol Files AddEditDevicesDialog Add Unknown Device Vendor ID: Product ID: Description: Device Type: Select the device type Data Volume: Enter the volume name used for direct acces to the device Flash Volume: Enter the volume name used for flashing if this device supports UF2 Press to report the entered data via email Report Data AddFileDialog Add Files <b>Add Files Dialog</b> <p>This dialog is used to add files to the current project.</p> &Source Files: Enter the name of files to add separated by ";" <b>Source Files</b> <p>Enter the name of files to add to the current project separated by ";". You may select them with a dialog by pressing the button to the right.</p> &Target Directory: Enter the target directory for the file <b>Target Directory</b> <p>Enter the target directory. You may select it with a dialog by pressing the button to the right.</p> Select, if the files should be added as sourcecode (overriding automatic detection) Is source&code files Alt+C Source Files ({0});;Forms Files ({1});;Resource Files ({2});;Interface Files ({3});;Protocol Files ({4});;Translation Files ({5});;All Files (*) Select Files Forms Files ({0}) Select user-interface files Resource Files ({0}) Select resource files Source Files ({0});;All Files (*) Select source files Interface Files ({0}) Select interface files Translation Files ({0}) Select translation files All Files (*) Select files Protocol Files ({0}) Select protocol files AddFoundFilesDialog Add found files to project Adds the found files to the current project. List of found files. Add All Add all files. Add Selected Add selected files only. AddLanguageDialog Add Language Add a language to the current project <b>Add Language Dialog</b> <p>This dialog is used to add a language to the current project.</p> &Language: Select a language to add to the current project <b>Language</b> <p>Select a language to add to the current project.</p> af ar bg bo br bs ca cs cy da de el en en_GB en_US eo es et eu fi fr ga gl gu he hi hu id is it ja km ko lt lv mi mk mr nl no no_NY oc pl pt pt_BR ro ru sk sl sr sv ta th tr uk vn wa zh_CN.GB2312 zh_TW.Big5 AddProjectDialog Add Project &Name: Enter the name of the project Project&file: Enter the name of the project file &Description: Enter a short description for the project &Category: Select a project category Select to make this project the main project Is &main project Project Properties Project Files (*.epj);;XML Project Files (*.e4p) AnnotationsChecker missing type annotation for function argument '{0}' missing type annotation for '*{0}' missing type annotation for '**{0}' missing return type annotation for public function missing return type annotation for protected function missing return type annotation for private function missing return type annotation for special method missing return type annotation for staticmethod missing return type annotation for classmethod missing type annotation for 'self' in method missing type annotation for 'cls' in classmethod type annotation coverage of {0}% is too low type annotation is too complex ({0} > {1}) PEP 484 disallows both type annotations and type comments type annotation is too long ({0} > {1}) ApplicationDiagramBuilder Application Diagram {0} Parsing modules... %v/%m Modules Application Diagram <<Application>> <<Others>> Load Diagram <p>The diagram belongs to the project <b>{0}</b>. Shall this project be opened?</p> Select the application directory: No application package could be detected. Aborting... <p>The diagram belongs to project <b>{0}</b>. Please open it and try again.</p> ApplicationPage <b>Configure the application</b> Select, if only one instance of the application should be running Single Application Mode Select to show the startup splash screen Show Splash Screen at startup Open at startup Select to not open anything None Select to open the most recently opened file Last File Select to open the most recently opened project Last Project Select to open the most recently opened multiproject Last Multiproject Select to restore the global session Global Session Check for updates Select to disable update checking Select to check for updates at every startup Always Select to check for updates once a day Daily Select to check for updates once a week Weekly Select to check for updates once a month Monthly Reporting Select to use the system email client to send reports Use System Email Client Error Log Select to check the existence of an error log upon startup Check for Error Log at Startup Keyboard Input Interval Enter the keyboard input interval, '0' for default ms Select to look for a crash session file first Load Crash Session Select to enable the generation of a crash session file Enable Crash Session System Default Background Services max. Processes: Automatic eric is using background services for certain things like syntax checks or code style checks. Per default the number of processes to use for these checks is determined automatically based on the number of CPUs. Please note, that this is an advanced setting. Select to use the global application menu bar Use Global Menu Bar Minimum Severity for message dialog: Select the minimum message severity shown Debug Warning Critical Fatal Error Never AuthenticationDialog Authentication Required Icon Info Username: Enter username Password: Enter password Select to save the login data Save login data BackgroundService {0} not configured. Restart background client? <p>The background client for <b>{0}</b> has stopped due to an exception. It's used by various plug-ins like the different checkers.</p><p>Select<ul><li><b>'Yes'</b> to restart the client, but abort the last job</li><li><b>'Retry'</b> to restart the client and the last job</li><li><b>'No'</b> to leave the client off.</li></ul></p><p>Note: The client can be restarted by opening and accepting the preferences dialog or reloading/changing the project.</p> Eric's background client disconnected because of an unknown reason. Background client disconnected. The background client for <b>{0}</b> disconnected because of an unknown reason.<br>Should it be restarted? An error in Eric's background client stopped the service. Initialization of Background Service <p>Initialization of Background Service <b>{0}</b> failed.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> BookmarkActionSelectionDialog <b>Add/Edit Bookmark</b> Add Bookmark Edit Bookmark Remove from Speed Dial Add to Speed Dial BookmarkInfoDialog Edit Bookmark Edit this Bookmark Press to remove this bookmark Remove this Bookmark Title: BookmarkPropertiesDialog Bookmark Properties Name: Enter the name Address: Enter the address Description: Enter a description Visited <b>{0}</b> times. Last visit on <b>{1}</b>. BookmarkedFilesDialog Configure Bookmarked Files Menu Add a new bookmarked file <b>Add</b> <p>Add a new bookmarked file with the value entered below.</p> &Add Alt+A Change the value of the selected entry <b>Change</b> <p>Change the value of the selected entry.</p> C&hange Alt+H Delete the selected entry <b>Delete</b> <p>Delete the selected entry.</p> &Delete Alt+D Move up <b>Move Up</b> <p>Move the selected entry up.</p> &Up Alt+U Move down <b>Move Down</b> <p>Move the selected entry down.</p> &Down &File: Enter the filename of the file <b>File</b> <p>Enter the filename of the bookmarked file.</p> BookmarksDialog Manage Bookmarks Enter search term for bookmarks Press to delete the selected entries &Delete Press to add a new bookmarks folder Add &Folder &Open Open in New &Tab Edit &Name Edit &Address &Properties... New Folder Open in New &Background Tab Open in New &Window Open in New Pri&vate Window New &Folder... New Bookmark Folder Enter title for new bookmark folder: BookmarksImportDialog Import Bookmarks Choose source from which you want to import bookmarks: Choose the source to import from Enter the name of the bookmarks file or directory Next > Cancel <b>Importing from {0}</b> Finish Error importing bookmarks BookmarksImporters XBEL File HTML File BookmarksManager Bookmarks Bar Bookmarks Menu Loading Bookmarks Error when loading bookmarks on line {0}, column {1}: {2} Toolbar Bookmarks Menu Saving Bookmarks Error saving bookmarks to <b>{0}</b>. Export Bookmarks XBEL bookmarks (*.xbel);;XBEL bookmarks (*.xml);;HTML Bookmarks (*.html) Exporting Bookmarks Error exporting bookmarks to <b>{0}</b>. Remove Bookmark Insert Bookmark Name Change Address Change BookmarksMenu Open all in Tabs Open Open in New TabCtrl+LMB Open in New Window Open in New Private Window Remove Properties... BookmarksMenuBarMenu Default Home Page Speed Dial Open all in Tabs BookmarksModel Title Address BookmarksToolBar Bookmarks Open Open in New TabCtrl+LMB Open in New Window Open in New Private Window Remove Properties... Add Bookmark... Add Folder... BreakPointModel Filename Line Condition Temporary Enabled Ignore Count BreakPointViewer Breakpoints Add Edit... Enable Enable all Disable Disable all Delete Delete all Goto Configure... Enable selected Disable selected Delete selected Browser File-Browser <b>The Browser Window</b><p>This allows you to easily navigate the hierarchy of directories and files on your system, identify the Python programs and open them up in a Source Viewer window. The window displays several separate hierarchies.</p><p>The first hierarchy is only shown if you have opened a program for debugging and its root is the directory containing that program. Usually all of the separate files that make up a Python application are held in the same directory, so this hierarchy gives you easy access to most of what you will need.</p><p>The next hierarchy is used to easily navigate the directories that are specified in the Python <tt>sys.path</tt> variable.</p><p>The remaining hierarchies allow you navigate your system as a whole. On a UNIX system there will be a hierarchy with <tt>/</tt> at its root and another with the user home directory. On a Windows system there will be a hierarchy for each drive on the system.</p><p>Python programs (i.e. those with a <tt>.py</tt> file name suffix) are identified in the hierarchies with a Python icon. The right mouse button will popup a menu which lets you open the file in a Source Viewer window, open the file for debugging or use it for a unittest run.</p><p>The context menu of a class, function or method allows you to open the file defining this class, function or method and will ensure, that the correct source line is visible.</p><p>Qt-Designer files (i.e. those with a <tt>.ui</tt> file name suffix) are shown with a Designer icon. The context menu of these files allows you to start Qt-Designer with that file.</p><p>Qt-Linguist files (i.e. those with a <tt>.ts</tt> file name suffix) are shown with a Linguist icon. The context menu of these files allows you to start Qt-Linguist with that file.</p> Open Run unittest... Show Mime-Type Copy Path to Clipboard Open in Hex Editor Open in Icon Editor New toplevel directory... Add as toplevel directory Remove from toplevel Refresh directory Find in this directory Goto Line {0} The mime type of the file could not be determined. The file has the mime type <b>{0}</b>. The file has the mime type <b>{0}</b>.<br/> Shall it be added to the list of text mime types? New toplevel directory Find && Replace in this directory Refresh Source File Show Hidden Files New Directory File Delete New Directory Name for new directory: A file or directory named <b>{0}</b> exists already. Aborting... <p>The directory <b>{0}</b> could not be created.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> New File Name for new file: <p>The file <b>{0}</b> could not be created.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> Do you really want to move this file to the trash? Do you really want to delete this file? Delete File <p>The selected file <b>{0}</b> could not be deleted.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> Do you really want to move this directory to the trash? Do you really want to delete this directory? Delete Directory <p>The selected directory <b>{0}</b> could not be deleted.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> Do you really want to move these files to the trash? Do you really want to delete these files? Delete Files BrowserModel Name Coding: {0} Globals Imports Attributes Class Attributes CallStackViewer Call Stack Show source Clear Save File: {0} Line: {1} {2}{3} File: {0} Line: {1} Save Call Stack Info Text Files (*.txt);;All Files (*) <p>The file <b>{0}</b> already exists. Overwrite it?</p> Error saving Call Stack Info <p>The call stack info could not be written to <b>{0}</b></p><p>Reason: {1}</p> Call Stack of '{0}' CallTraceViewer Call Trace Press to start tracing calls and returns Press to stop tracing calls and returns Select to stop recording the call trace when the client exits Stop recording on exit Press to resize the columns to their contents Press to clear the call trace Press to save the call trace as a text file From To Save Call Trace Info Text Files (*.txt);;All Files (*) <p>The file <b>{0}</b> already exists. Overwrite it?</p> Error saving Call Trace Info <p>The call trace info could not be written to <b>{0}</b></p><p>Reason: {1}</p> Call Trace Info of '{0}' ChatWidget Chat Users Enter the text to send Press to send the text above Send Share Editor Press to toggle the shared status of the current editor Press to start a shared edit Press to end the edit and send the changes Press to cancel the shared edit Connection Host: Enter the host and port to connect to in the form "host@port" Press to clear the hosts list Clear Shows the connection status Server Port: Enter the server port Shows the status of the server Start Server ! Unknown command: {0} * {0} has joined. New User {0} has joined. * {0} has left. User Left {0} has left. Message from <{0}> Stop Server ! Server Error: {0} Disconnect Connect Copy Cut all Copy all Save Save Chat Text Files (*.txt);;All Files (*) <p>The file <b>{0}</b> already exists. Overwrite it?</p> Error saving Chat <p>The chat contents could not be written to <b>{0}</b></p><p>Reason: {1}</p> Kick User Ban User Ban and Kick User * {0} has been kicked. * {0} has been banned. * {0} has been banned and kicked. CheckerCategories Annotations Code Complexity Documentation Errors Miscellaneous Naming Warnings Security 'pathlib' Usage Simplify Code ChromeImporter Google Chrome stores its bookmarks in the <b>Bookmarks</b> text file. This file is usually located in Please choose the file to begin importing bookmarks. Chromium stores its bookmarks in the <b>Bookmarks</b> text file. This file is usually located in File '{0}' does not exist. File '{0}' cannot be read. Reason: {1} Google Chrome Import Chromium Import Imported {0} CircuitPythonDevice CircuitPython Workspace Directory Flash CircuitPython Firmware Install Library Files The device volume "<b>{0}</b>" is not available. Ensure it is mounted properly and try again. Compiled Python Files (*.mpy);;Python Files (*.py);;All Files (*) Python files for CircuitPython can be edited in place, if the device volume is locally available. Such a volume was not found. In place editing will not be available. CircuitPython Firmware CircuitPython Libraries <p>Teensy 4.0 and Teensy 4.1 do not support the UF2 bootloader. Please use the 'Teensy Loader' application to flash CircuitPython. Make sure you downloaded the CircuitPython .hex file.</p><p>See <a href="{0}">the PJRC Teensy web site</a> for details.</p> ClassItem Class Attributes: none Instance Attributes: Methods: ClearPrivateDataDialog Clear Private Data Select to clear the list of recently opened files Recently opened files Select to clear the list of recently opened projects and project related histories Recently opened projects and project histories Select to clear the list of recently opened multi projects Recently opened multi projects Select to clear the debug histories Debug histories Select to clear the shell histories Shell histories Select to clear the VCS related histories Version Control System histories Select to clear the private data of plug-ins not covered above Plug-in private data Closehead Revision <{0}> closed. Revisions <{0}> closed. Closing Heads CloseheadProjectHelper Close Heads Close arbitrary heads without checking them out first <b>Close Heads</b><p>This closes arbitrary heads without the need to check them out first.</p> CodeDocumentationViewer Code Info Provider: Select the code info provider <disabled> No documentation available No source code documentation provider has been registered. This function has been disabled. This function has been disabled. No further documentation available <p><b>Definition:</b> <span class="def">@NAME@@ARGSPEC@</span></p> Just translate 'Definition:' and leave the rest intact. <p><b>Note:</b> @NOTE@</p> Just translate 'Note:' and leave the rest intact. <p><b>Type:</b> @TYPE@</p> Just translate 'Type:' and leave the rest intact. CodeMetricsDialog Code Metrics <b>Code Metrics</b> <p>This dialog shows some code metrics.</p> Exclude Files: Enter filename patterns of files to be excluded separated by a comma Press to start the code metrics run Start <b>Code metrics</b> <p>This list shows some code metrics.</p> Name End Lines Lines of code Comments Empty <b>Summary</b> <p>This shows some overall code metrics.</p> Summary # Shows the progress of the code metrics action %v/%m Files files lines bytes comments comment lines empty lines non-commentary lines Collapse All Expand All CodeStyleAddBuiltinIgnoreDialog Add Built-in Assignment Enter the data for a built-in assignment to be ignored: Left Side: Enter left hand side of assignment Right Side: Enter right hand side of assignment CodeStyleChecker No message defined for code '{0}'. CodeStyleCheckerDialog Code Style Check Result <b>Code Style Check Results</b> <p>This dialog shows the results of the code style check. Double clicking an entry will open an editor window and position the cursor at the respective line and position.</p> Global Options Exclude Files: Enter filename patterns of files to be excluded separated by a comma Exclude Messages: Press to select the message codes from a list Included Messages: Fix Issues: Enter message codes of issues to be fixed automatically (leave empty to fix all) Don't Fix Issues: Enter message codes of issues not to be fixed automatically Select to repeat each message type Repeat messages Select to fix some issues Fix issues automatically Select to show ignored issues Show ignored Specific Options Source Style Max. Line Length: Enter the maximum allowed line length (PEP-8: 79 characters) Select to allow hanging closing brackets Allow hanging closing brackets Documentation Style Docstring Type: Select the rule set for docstrings Coding Line Valid Encodings: Enter valid encodings separated by a comma (leave empty to use defaults) Copyright Min. File Size: Enter the minimum size a file must have to be checked (0 for all files) Author: Enter a copyright author name to check for (leave empty to omit this check) Future Imports Expected Imports: Code Complexity Enter the maximum allowed code complexity (McCabe: 10) Press to start the code style check run &Start Press to fix the selected issues &Fix Selected Press to load the default values &Load Defaults Press to store the current values as defaults St&ore Defaults Press to reset the default values &Reset Defaults <b>Result List</b> <p>This list shows the results of the code style check. Double clicking an entry will open this entry in an editor window and position the cursor at the respective line and position.</p> File/Line Code Message Shows the progress of the code style check %v/%m Files PEP-257 Eric Statistics... Press to show some statistics for the last run Show Press to show all files containing an issue Errors Error: {0} Preparing files... Transferring data... {0} (ignored) No issues found. Fix: {0} No files found (check your ignore list). Ignore Built-ins Assignment Left Right Press to add a built-in assignment to be ignored Press to delete the selected entries Max. McCabe Complexity: Max. Line Complexity: Enter the maximum complexity (number of nodes) for a line of code Max. Line Complexity Score: Enter the maximum allowed median for line complexity Blank Lines Before Top Level Classes and Functions: Enter the number of blank lines before top level classes and functions Methods and Nested Classes and Functions: Enter the number of blank lines before methods and nested classes or functions Max. Documentation Line Length: Commented Code Select to search for commented code more aggressively. This may increase the number of false positives. Search aggressively Type Annotations Min. Coverage: Enter the minimum percentage of type annotations off % Max. Complexity: Enter the maximum type annotation complexity Configure Press to restart the code style check run Restart Categories: Select the categories of checks to be performed. Enter message codes to be excluded separated by a comma Enter message codes to be included separated by a comma Security Options Hardcoded 'tmp' Directories: Weak Cryptographic Keys DSA High Risk: Select the bit length below which a DSA key is to be considered very weak Medium Risk: Select the bit length below which a DSA key is to be considered weak RSA Select the bit length below which a RSA key is to be considered very weak Select the bit length below which a RSA key is to be considered weak Elliptic Curves Select the bit length below which an Elliptic Curve is to be considered very weak Select the bit length below which an Elliptic Curve is to be considered weak Enter the names of insecure SSL protocols and methods (one per line) Insecure SSL Protocols: Insecure Hashes: Enter a list of hash methods to be considered insecure separated by comma Select to also check for insecure exception handling for typed exceptions Check Typed Exceptions Enter directory names (one per line) to be checked for <b>Note:</b> Mark reviewed security issues with a "<b># secok</b>" comment. Progress Shows the list of files still to be checked Cancel Results Whitelist: Press to add a commented code whitelist pattern Commented Code Whitelist Pattern Enter a Commented Code Whitelist Pattern Code Filter: Select the message code to be shown (empty for all) Press to filter the list of messages Filter Max. Length: Enter the maximum type annotation length Select to not report functions without returns or with only bare returns Suppress 'None' return Suppress Dummy Arguments Select to not report dynamically typed functions Allow Untyped Functions Select to not report dynamically typed nested functions Allow Untyped Nested Functions Select to not report unhinted '__init__' return Allow Untyped '__init__' function Dispatch Decorators: Enter the list of dispatch decorators separated by comma Overload Decorators: Enter the list of typing.overload decorators separated by comma Select to not report dummy (i.e. '_') arguments CodeStyleCheckerPlugin Python 3 batch check Check Code Style &Code Style... Check code style. <b>Check Code Style...</b><p>This checks Python files for compliance to the code style conventions given in various PEPs.</p> CodeStyleCodeSelectionDialog Code Style Message Codes Select the message codes from the list: Select the message codes from this table Code Message CodeStyleFixer Triple single quotes converted to triple double quotes. Introductory quotes corrected to be {0}""" Single line docstring put on one line. Period added to summary line. Blank line before function/method docstring removed. Blank line inserted before class docstring. Blank line inserted after class docstring. Blank line inserted after docstring summary. Blank line inserted after last paragraph of docstring. Leading quotes put on separate line. Trailing quotes put on separate line. Blank line before class docstring removed. Blank line after class docstring removed. Blank line after function/method docstring removed. Blank line after last paragraph removed. Tab converted to 4 spaces. Indentation adjusted to be a multiple of four. Indentation of continuation line corrected. Indentation of closing bracket corrected. Missing indentation of continuation line corrected. Closing bracket aligned to opening bracket. Indentation level changed. Indentation level of hanging indentation changed. Visual indentation corrected. Extraneous whitespace removed. Missing whitespace added. Whitespace around comment sign corrected. %n blank line(s) inserted. %n superfluous lines removed Superfluous blank lines removed. Superfluous blank lines after function decorator removed. Imports were put on separate lines. Long lines have been shortened. Redundant backslash in brackets removed. Compound statement corrected. Comparison to None/True/False corrected. '{0}' argument added. '{0}' argument removed. Whitespace stripped from end of line. newline added to end of file. Superfluous trailing blank lines removed from end of file. '<>' replaced by '!='. Could not save the file! Skipping it. Reason: {0} CodeStyleStatisticsDialog Code Style Checker Statistics Code Message %n issue(s) found %n issue(s) ignored %n issue(s) fixed %n file(s) checked %n file(s) with issues found %n security issue(s) acknowledged Open Ignored CodingError The coding '{0}' is wrong for the given text. ColorDialogWizard QColorDialog Wizard Q&ColorDialog Wizard... <b>QColorDialog Wizard</b><p>This wizard opens a dialog for entering all the parameters needed to create a QColorDialog. The generated code is inserted at the current cursor position.</p> No current editor Please open or create a file first. ColorDialogWizardDialog QColorDialog Wizard Type Select to generate a QColorDialog.getColor dialog Select to generate a QColorDialog.getRgba dialog RGBA Result Enter the result variable name Title Enter the dialog title Parent Select "self" as parent self Select "None" as parent None Select to enter a parent expression Expression: Enter the parent expression Qt.red Qt.darkRed Qt.green Qt.darkGreen Qt.blue Qt.darkBlue Qt.cyan Qt.darkCyan Qt.magenta Qt.darkMagenta Qt.yellow Qt.darkYellow Qt.white Qt.lightGray Qt.gray Qt.darkGray Qt.black Qt.transparent Qt.color0 Qt.color1 Enter a variable name Enter the alpha value Enter the blue value Enter the green value Enter the red value Alpha Blue Red Green Test QColorDialog Wizard Error Color Enter a variable name or a color Color Variable <p>The color <b>{0}</b> is not valid.</p> CompareDialog File Comparison Files to be compared: File &1: Enter the name of the first file File &2: Enter the name of the second file Press to move to the first difference Press to move to the previous difference Press to move to the next difference Press to move to the last difference Select, if the horizontal scrollbars should be synchronized &Synchronize horizontal scrollbars Alt+S Compare Press to perform the comparison of the two files Total: {0} Changed: {0} Added: {0} Deleted: {0} Compare Files <p>The file <b>{0}</b> could not be read.</p> ComplexityChecker '{0}' is too complex ({1}) source code line is too complex ({0}) overall source code line complexity is too high ({0}) Conda <root> conda remove The conda executable could not be started. The conda executable returned invalid data. <p>The conda executable returned an error.</p><p>{0}</p> Uninstall Packages Do you really want to uninstall these packages and their dependencies? conda exited with an error ({0}). conda did not finish within 30 seconds. conda could not be started. CondaExecDialog Conda Execution Messages <b>conda Execution</b> <p>This shows the output of the conda command.</p> Errors <b>conda Execution</b> <p>This shows the errors of the conda command.</p> The conda executable could not be started. Is it configured correctly? Operation started. Operation finished. Conda command '{0}' did not return success. Conda Message: {0} {0} (Size: {1}) Fetching {0} ... Done. CondaExportDialog Generate Requirements Conda Environment: Requirements File: Press to save to the requirements file Save Save to a new file Save To Copy the requirements text to the clipboard Copy Insert the requirements text at the cursor position Insert Replace the current selection with the requirements text Replace Selection Replace all text with the requirements text Replace All &Refresh Text Files (*.txt);;All Files (*) The requirements were changed. Do you want to overwrite these changes? No output generated by conda. The file <b>{0}</b> already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? <p>The requirements could not be written to <b>{0}</b>.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> CondaInfoDialog Conda Information <h2>Conda Information</h2> conda Version: conda-build Version: python Version: Active Environment: User Configuration: System Configuration: Populated Configurations: Base Environment: Channel URLs: Package Cache: Environment Directories: Platform: User-Agent: UID:GID: netrc File: Offline Mode: conda-env Version: None {0} (writable) CondaInterface <conda not found or not configured.> <conda returned invalid data.> <conda returned an error: {0}.> CondaNewEnvironmentDataDialog Logical Name: Enter a unique name for the virtual environment to register it with the Virtual Environment Manager Name for registration of the virtual environment Conda Name: Enter the name of the virtual environment in Conda Name of the virtual environment in Conda Requirements File: Text Files (*.txt);;All Files (*) New Conda Environment CondaPackageDetailsDialog Package Details CondaPackageDetailsWidget Filename: Size: Channel: URL: MD5: Timestamp: License: Platform: Dependencies: <b>{0} / {1} / {2}</b> unknown CondaPackagesWidget <h2>conda is not available</h2> Press to re-check the availability of conda Re-Check Package Installed Version Available Version Press to refresh the lists Press to upgrade the selected packages Press to upgrade all listed packages Press to uninstall the selected package Toggle to show or hide the search window Enter search specification Press to start the search Search string is a pattern (default) Search Pattern Search string is a full name Full Name Search string is a package specification Package Specification Platform: Select the platform Version Build Platform Press to install the selected package (by name or package specification) Press to show details for the selected entry Conda Menu Clean All Cache Lock Files Packages Tarballs About Conda... Update Conda Install Packages Install Requirements Generate Requirements Create Environment from Requirements Clone Environment Delete Environment Edit User Configuration... Configure... Getting installed packages... Getting outdated packages... {0} (Build: {1}) Conda Search Package Error Package Specifications (separated by whitespace): Text Files (*.txt);;All Files (*) Create Environment <p>Shall the environment <b>{0}</b> really be deleted?</p> Edit Configuration The configuration file "{0}" does not exist or is not writable. CondaPage <b>Configure "conda" support</b> conda Executable Enter the path to the conda executable. <b>Note:</b> Leave this entry empty to use the default value (conda or conda.exe). Press to select the conda executable via a file selection dialog. ConfigurationWidget Application Cooperation CORBA Email Graphics Hex Editor Icons IRC Log-Viewer Mimetypes Network Notifications Plugin Manager Printer Python Qt Security Shell Tasks Templates Tray Starter Version Control Systems Debugger General Python3 Editor APIs Autocompletion QScintilla Calltips Filehandling Searching Spell checking Style Code Checkers Typing Exporters Highlighters Filetype Associations Styles Keywords Properties Mouse Click Handlers Help Help Documentation Help Viewers Project Project Viewer Multiproject Interface Viewmanager Web Browser Appearance VirusTotal Interface Enter search text... Preferences Please select an entry of the list to display the configuration page. Configuration Page Error <p>The configuration page <b>{0}</b> could not be loaded.</p> Diff Documentation Viewer Protobuf Conda Python Package Management MicroPython eric Web Browser Connection undefined unknown * Connection attempted by banned user '{0}'. New Connection <p>Accept connection from <strong>{0}@{1}</strong>?</p> * Connection to {0}:{1} refused. ConnectionSelectionDialog Port and Device Type Selection Serial Port Name: Select the serial port name to connect Device Type: Select the device type {0} - {1} description - port name CookieDetailsDialog Cookie Details Domain: Name: Path: Secure: Expires: Contents: CookieExceptionsModel Website Status Allow Block Allow For Session CookiesConfigurationDialog Configure cookies <b>Configure cookies</b> &Accept Cookies: Select the accept policy Always Never Only from sites you navigate to Show a dialog to configure exceptions &Exceptions... &Keep until: Select the keep policy They expire I exit the application Show a dialog listing all cookies &Show Cookies... Select to filter tracking cookies &Filter Tracking Cookies CookiesDialog Cookies Enter search term for cookies Remove &All Press to open the cookies exceptions dialog to add a new rule Add R&ule... Search Server Cookie Name Domain: <no cookie selected> Name: Path: Secure: Expiration: Value: Press to remove the selected cookie or list of cookies &Remove Cookies Press to remove all cookies Remove All Cookies Do you really want to remove all stored cookies? Remove Cookies Secure connections only All connections Session Cookie Remove Cookie CookiesExceptionsDialog Cookie Exceptions New Exception &Domain: Enter the domain name Press to always reject cookies for the domain &Block Press to accept cookies for the domain for the current session Allow For &Session Press to always accept cookies for the domain Allo&w Exceptions Enter search term for exceptions Press to remove the selected entries &Remove Press to remove all entries Remove &All Allow For Session CooperationClient unknown Illegal address: {0}@{1} No servers present. CooperationPage <b>Configure cooperation settings</b> Server Select to start the server automatically Start server automatically Server Port: Enter the port number to listen on Select to incrementally try other ports for the server Try other ports for server No. ports to try: Enter the maximum number of additional ports to try Connections Select to accept incomming connections automatically Accept connections automatically Banned Users Delete the selected entries from the list of banned users Delete Enter the user and host of the banned user Add the user to the list of banned users Add CorbaPage <b>Configure CORBA support</b> IDL Compiler Enter the path to the IDL compiler. <b>Note:</b> Leave this entry empty to use the default value (omniidl or omniidl.exe). Press to select the IDL compiler via a file selection dialog. CreateDialogCodeDialog Forms code generator &Classname: Select the class that should get the forms code Press to generate a new forms class &New... &Filename: Displays the name of the file containing the code Filter &with: Enter a regular expression to filter the list below Create Dialog Code The file <b>{0}</b> exists but does not contain any classes. uic error <p>There was an error loading the form <b>{0}</b>.</p><p>{1}</p> Code Generation <p>Could not open the code template file "{0}".</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> <p>Could not open the source file "{0}".</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> <p>Could not write the source file "{0}".</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> <p>The project specific Python interpreter <b>{0}</b> could not be started or did not finish within 30 seconds.</p> <p>Code generation for project language "{0}" is not supported.</p> <p>No code template file available for project type "{0}".</p> Crypto Master Password Enter the master password: The given password is incorrect. There is no master password registered. DebugServer created must be same as in EditWatchpointDialog changed must be same as in EditWatchpointDialog Register Debugger Interface <p>The debugger interface <b>{0}</b> has already been registered. Ignoring this request.</p> Connection from illegal host <p>A connection was attempted by the illegal host <b>{0}</b>. Accept this connection?</p> Not connected Passive debug connection received Passive debug connection closed Start Debugger <p>The debugger type <b>{0}</b> is not supported or not configured.</p> DebugUI Run Script &Run Script... Run the current Script <b>Run Script</b><p>Set the command line arguments and run the script outside the debugger. If the file has unsaved changes it may be saved first.</p> Run Project Run &Project... Run the current Project <b>Run Project</b><p>Set the command line arguments and run the current project outside the debugger. If files of the current project have unsaved changes they may be saved first.</p> Coverage run of Script Coverage run of Script... Perform a coverage run of the current Script <b>Coverage run of Script</b><p>Set the command line arguments and run the script under the control of a coverage analysis tool. If the file has unsaved changes it may be saved first.</p> Coverage run of Project Coverage run of Project... Perform a coverage run of the current Project <b>Coverage run of Project</b><p>Set the command line arguments and run the current project under the control of a coverage analysis tool. If files of the current project have unsaved changes they may be saved first.</p> Profile Script Profile Script... Profile the current Script <b>Profile Script</b><p>Set the command line arguments and profile the script. If the file has unsaved changes it may be saved first.</p> Profile Project Profile Project... Profile the current Project <b>Profile Project</b><p>Set the command line arguments and profile the current project. If files of the current project have unsaved changes they may be saved first.</p> Debug Script &Debug Script... Debug the current Script <b>Debug Script</b><p>Set the command line arguments and set the current line to be the first executable Python statement of the current editor window. If the file has unsaved changes it may be saved first.</p> Debug Project Debug &Project... Debug the current Project <b>Debug Project</b><p>Set the command line arguments and set the current line to be the first executable Python statement of the main script of the current project. If files of the current project have unsaved changes they may be saved first.</p> Restart Restart the last debugged script <b>Restart</b><p>Set the command line arguments and set the current line to be the first executable Python statement of the script that was debugged last. If there are unsaved changes, they may be saved first.</p> Stop Stop the running script. <b>Stop</b><p>This stops the script running in the debugger backend.</p> Continue &Continue Continue running the program from the current line <b>Continue</b><p>Continue running the program from the current line. The program will stop when it terminates or when a breakpoint is reached.</p> Continue to Cursor Continue &To Cursor Continue running the program from the current line to the current cursor position <b>Continue To Cursor</b><p>Continue running the program from the current line to the current cursor position.</p> Single Step Sin&gle Step Execute a single Python statement <b>Single Step</b><p>Execute a single Python statement. If the statement is an <tt>import</tt> statement, a class constructor, or a method or function call then control is returned to the debugger at the next statement.</p> Step Over Step &Over Execute a single Python statement staying in the current frame <b>Step Over</b><p>Execute a single Python statement staying in the same frame. If the statement is an <tt>import</tt> statement, a class constructor, or a method or function call then control is returned to the debugger after the statement has completed.</p> Step Out Step Ou&t Execute Python statements until leaving the current frame <b>Step Out</b><p>Execute Python statements until leaving the current frame. If the statements are inside an <tt>import</tt> statement, a class constructor, or a method or function call then control is returned to the debugger after the current frame has been left.</p> &Stop Stop debugging <b>Stop</b><p>Stop the running debugging session.</p> Variables Type Filter Varia&bles Type Filter... Configure variables type filter <b>Variables Type Filter</b><p>Configure the variables type filter. Only variable types that are not selected are displayed in the global or local variables window during a debugging session.</p> Exceptions Filter &Exceptions Filter... Configure exceptions filter <b>Exceptions Filter</b><p>Configure the exceptions filter. Only exception types that are listed are highlighted during a debugging session.</p><p>Please note, that all unhandled exceptions are highlighted indepent from the filter list.</p> Ignored Exceptions &Ignored Exceptions... Configure ignored exceptions <b>Ignored Exceptions</b><p>Configure the ignored exceptions. Only exception types that are not listed are highlighted during a debugging session.</p><p>Please note, that unhandled exceptions cannot be ignored.</p> Toggle Breakpoint Shift+F11 Debug|Toggle Breakpoint <b>Toggle Breakpoint</b><p>Toggles a breakpoint at the current line of the current editor.</p> Edit Breakpoint Edit Breakpoint... Shift+F12 Debug|Edit Breakpoint <b>Edit Breakpoint</b><p>Opens a dialog to edit the breakpoints properties. It works at the current line of the current editor.</p> Next Breakpoint Ctrl+Shift+PgDown Debug|Next Breakpoint <b>Next Breakpoint</b><p>Go to next breakpoint of the current editor.</p> Previous Breakpoint Ctrl+Shift+PgUp Debug|Previous Breakpoint <b>Previous Breakpoint</b><p>Go to previous breakpoint of the current editor.</p> Clear Breakpoints <b>Clear Breakpoints</b><p>Clear breakpoints of all editors.</p> &Debug &Breakpoints Start Debug Message: {0} Program terminated The program being debugged contains an unspecified syntax error. <p>The file <b>{0}</b> contains the syntax error <b>{1}</b> at line <b>{2}</b>, character <b>{3}</b>.</p> An unhandled exception occured. See the shell window for details. <p>The debugged program raised the exception <b>{0}</b><br>"<b>{1}</b>"<br>File: <b>{2}</b>, Line: <b>{3}</b></p><p>Break here?</p> <p>The debugged program raised the exception <b>{0}</b><br>"<b>{1}</b>"</p> <p>The program generate the signal "{0}".<br/>File: <b>{1}</b>, Line: <b>{2}</b></p> The program being debugged has terminated unexpectedly. Breakpoint Condition Error <p>The condition of the breakpoint <b>{0}, {1}</b> contains a syntax error.</p> Watch Expression Error <p>The watch expression <b>{0}</b> contains a syntax error.</p> <p>A watch expression '<b>{0}</b>' already exists.</p> <p>A watch expression '<b>{0}</b>' for the variable <b>{1}</b> already exists.</p> Watch expression already exists Coverage of Project Coverage of Script There is no main script defined for the current project. Aborting Profile of Project Profile of Script There is no main script defined for the current project. No debugging possible. Move Instruction Pointer to Cursor &Jump To Cursor Skip the code from the current line to the current cursor position <b>Move Instruction Pointer to Cursor</b><p>Move the Python internal instruction pointer to the current cursor position without executing the code in between.</p><p>It's not possible to jump out of a function or jump in a code block, e.g. a loop. In these cases, a error message is printed to the log window.</p> No locals available. Sta&rt Notification Continue Until Continue &Until Continue running the program from the current line to the current cursor position or until leaving the current frame <b>Continue Until</b><p>Continue running the program from the current line to the cursor position greater than the current line or until leaving the current frame.</p> <p>The program has terminated with an exit status of {0}.</p><p>{1}</p> <p><b>{0}</b> has terminated with an exit status of {1}.</p><p>{2}</p> DebugViewer Enter regular expression patterns separated by ';' to define variable filters. Enter regular expression patterns separated by ';' to define variable filters. All variables and class attributes matched by one of the expressions are not shown in the list above. Set Source ID State waiting at breakpoint running waiting at exception unknown state ({0}) <p>Debugger with ID <b>{0}</b> has been connected.</p> Shows the list of local variables and their values. Shows the current call stack. Shows a trace of the program flow. Shows a list of defined breakpoints. Shows a list of defined watchpoints. Shows a list of raised exceptions. Shows a code disassembly in case of an exception. Shows the list of global variables and their values. Debuggers and Threads: syntax error DebuggerGeneralPage <b>Configure general debugger settings</b> Network Interface <font color="#FF0000"><b>Note:</b> These settings are activated at the next startup of the application.</font> Select to listen on all available network interfaces (IPv4 mode) All network interfaces (IPv4) Select to listen on all available network interfaces (IPv6 mode) All network interfaces (IPv6) Select to listen on the configured interface Only selected interface Select the network interface to listen on Allowed hosts Delete Edit... Add... Passive Debugger Enables the passive debug mode <b>Passive Debugger Enabled</b> <p>This enables the passive debugging mode. In this mode the debug client (the script) connects to the debug server (the IDE). The script is started outside the IDE. This way mod_python or Zope scripts can be debugged.</p> Passive Debugger Enabled Debug Server Port: Enter the port the debugger should listen on <b>Debug Server Port</b> <p>Enter the port the debugger should listen on.</p> Debugger Type: Select the debugger type of the backend Remote Debugger Remote Execution: Enter the remote execution command. <b>Remote Execution</b> <p>Enter the remote execution command (e.g. ssh). This command is used to log into the remote host and execute the remote debugger.</p> Enter the hostname of the remote machine. <b>Remote Host</b> <p>Enter the hostname of the remote machine.</p> Remote Host: Perform Path Translation Local Path: Enter the local path Enter the remote path Remote Path: Console Debugger Enter the console command (e.g. xterm -e) <b>Console Command</b> <p>Enter the console command (e.g. xterm -e). This command is used to open a command window for the debugger.</p> Console Command: Select, if the environment should be replaced. <b>Replace Environment</b> <p>If this entry is checked, the environment of the debugger will be replaced by the entries of the environment variables field. If it is unchecked, the environment will be ammended by these settings.</p> Enter the environment variables to be set. Start Debugging Select, whether changed scripts should be saved upon a debug, run, ... action. Autosave changed scripts Debug Client Exit Select, whether a reset of the debug client should be performed after a client exit Automatic Reset after Client Exit Breakpoints Select to change the breakpoint toggle order from Off->On->Off to Off->On (permanent)->On (temporary)->Off Three state breakpoint Exceptions Select to always break at exceptions Always break at exceptions Select to show exception information in the shell window Show exceptions in Shell Local Variables Viewer Automatically view source code when user changes the callstack frame in the callstack viewer. Automatically view source code Add allowed host Enter the IP address of an allowed host <p>The entered address <b>{0}</b> is not a valid IP v4 or IP v6 address. Aborting...</p> Edit allowed host Max. Variable Size: Enter the maximum size of a variable to be shown (0 = no limit) no limit Bytes Variables Viewer Number of recent files and conditions: Enter the number of recent files and breakpoint conditions to remember Select, if path translation for remote debugging should be done Select, if the debugger should be executed in a console window Environment Variables for Debug Client Replace Environment Variables Environment Variables: <b>Environment Variables</b> <p>Enter the environment variables to be set for the debugger. The individual settings must be separated by whitespace and be given in the form 'var=value'.</p> <p>Example: var1=1 var2="hello world"</p> Select, if the debugger should be run remotely Changed elements: First time opened elements: Background Colors Select the background color for changed items. Select the background color for elements which are loaded for the first time. Multi Process Debugging Select to enable multiprocess debugging support globally Enable Multi Process Debugging Support DebuggerInterfacePython Start Debugger <p>The debugger backend could not be started.</p> Debug Protocol Error <p>The response received from the debugger backend could not be decoded. Please report this issue with the received data to the eric bugs email address.</p><p>Error: {0}</p><p>Data:<br/>{1}</p> <p>No suitable Python3 environment configured.</p> DebuggerPropertiesDialog Debugger Properties Debug Client Enter the path of the Debug Client to be used. Leave empty to use the default. Select, if the environment of the debug client should be replaced Enter the environment variables to be set. Select, if the debugger should be run remotely Remote Debugger Select, if path translation for remote debugging should be done Perform Path Translation Local Path: Enter the local path Enter the remote path Remote Path: Remote Host: Enter the remote execution command. <b>Remote Execution</b> <p>Enter the remote execution command (e.g. ssh). This command is used to log into the remote host and execute the remote debugger.</p> Remote Execution: Enter the hostname of the remote machine. <b>Remote Host</b> <p>Enter the hostname of the remote machine.</p> Select, if the debugger should be executed in a console window Console Debugger Console Command: Enter the console command (e.g. xterm -e) <b>Console Command</b> <p>Enter the console command (e.g. xterm -e). This command is used to open a command window for the debugger.</p> Redirect stdin/stdout/stderr Select to not set the debug client encoding Don't set the encoding of the debug client All Files (*) Press to clear the history of entered debug clients Virtual Environment Select the virtual environment to be used Environment Variables for Debug Client Replace Environment Variables <b>Environment Variables</b> <p>Enter the environment variables to be set for the debugger. The individual settings must be separated by whitespace and be given in the form 'var=value'.</p> <p>Example: var1=1 var2="hello world"</p> Environment Variables: Select to redirect stdin, stdout and stderr of the program being debugged to the eric IDE DebuggerPropertiesFile Save Debugger Properties <p>The project debugger properties file <b>{0}</b> could not be written.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> Read Debugger Properties <p>The project debugger properties file <b>{0}</b> could not be read.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> DebuggerPython3Page <b>Configure Python3 Debugger</b> Python3 Virtual Environment Debug Client Type Select the standard debug client Standard Select the custom selected debug client Custom Enter the path of the Debug Client to be used. Leave empty to use the default. Source association Redirect stdin/stdout/stderr Select to not set the debug client encoding Don't set the encoding of the debug client Press to select the Debug Client via a file selection dialog Python Files (*.py *.py3) Select the virtual environment to be used Press to open the virtual environment manager dialog Please configure the associated file extensions on the 'Python' page. Press to update the display of the source associations Refresh Select, to redirect stdin, stdout and stderr of the program being debugged to the eric IDE DeepLEngine Invalid response received from DeepL DeepL call returned an unknown result A valid DeepL Pro key is required. DeepL: Text to be translated exceeds the translation limit of {0} characters. <p>DeepL: No translation found</p> DeleteFilesConfirmationDialog Dummy DiffColoursPage Header Line Normal Text Added Text Removed Text Replaced Text Context Line <b>Configure Diff colors</b> Select the background color for header lines Header Color Select the background color for bad whitespace Whitespace Color Select the text foreground color Text Color Select the background color for additions Added Color Select the background color for removed text Removed Color Select the background color for replaced text Replaced Color Select the background color for context lines Context Color DiffDialog File Differences File &1: Enter the name of the first file File &2: Enter the name of the second file Select Diff Kind Select to generate a unified diff &Unified Diff Alt+U Select to generate a context diff Co&ntext Diff Alt+N Compare Press to perform the comparison of the two files Save Save the output to a patch file Save Diff Patch Files (*.diff) <p>The patch file <b>{0}</b> already exists. Overwrite it?</p> <p>The patch file <b>{0}</b> could not be saved.<br />Reason: {1}</p> Compare Files <p>The file <b>{0}</b> could not be read.</p> There is no difference. DirectorySyncHandler Error creating the shared directory. {0} Cannot read remote file. {0} Cannot write remote file. {0} Synchronization finished DocStyleChecker module is missing a docstring public function/method is missing a docstring private function/method may be missing a docstring public class is missing a docstring private class may be missing a docstring docstring not surrounded by """ docstring containing \ not surrounded by r""" one-liner docstring on multiple lines docstring has wrong indentation docstring does not contain a summary docstring summary does not end with a period docstring summary is not in imperative mood (Does instead of Do) docstring summary looks like a function's/method's signature docstring does not mention the return value type function/method docstring is separated by a blank line class docstring is not preceded by a blank line class docstring is not followed by a blank line docstring summary is not followed by a blank line last paragraph of docstring is not followed by a blank line private function/method is missing a docstring private class is missing a docstring leading quotes of docstring not on separate line trailing quotes of docstring not on separate line docstring summary does not start with '{0}' docstring does not contain a @return line but function/method returns something docstring contains a @return line but function/method doesn't return anything docstring does not contain enough @param/@keyparam lines docstring contains too many @param/@keyparam lines keyword only arguments must be documented with @keyparam lines order of @param/@keyparam lines does not match the function/method signature class docstring is preceded by a blank line class docstring is followed by a blank line function/method docstring is preceded by a blank line function/method docstring is followed by a blank line last paragraph of docstring is followed by a blank line docstring does not contain a @exception line but function/method raises an exception docstring contains a @exception line but function/method doesn't raise an exception raised exception '{0}' is not documented in docstring documented exception '{0}' is not raised docstring does not contain a @signal line but class defines signals docstring contains a @signal line but class doesn't define signals defined signal '{0}' is not documented in docstring documented signal '{0}' is not defined class docstring is still a default string function docstring is still a default string module docstring is still a default string docstring does not contain a @yield line but function/method yields something docstring contains a @yield line but function/method doesn't yield anything function docstring still contains some placeholders DocstringGenerator Eric NumPy Google Sphinx DotDesktopListSelectionDialog Select Entries Select applicable entries: DotDesktopWizard .desktop Wizard .&desktop Wizard... <b>.desktop Wizard</b><p>This wizard opens a dialog for entering all the parameters needed to create the contents of a .desktop file. The generated code replaces the text of the current editor. Alternatively a new editor is opened.</p> No current editor Please open or create a file first. The current editor contains text. Shall this be replaced? DotDesktopWizardDialog .desktop Wizard .desktop File Type: Select a target .desktop file format Basic Type: Enter the type Mandatory Version: Enter the version of the .desktop specification Name: Enter the application name Generic Name: Enter the generic application name Comment: Enter a comment Icon: Enter the icon file name Try Exec: Enter an executable command used to determine the application's presence Exec: Enter the executable command Path: Enter the working directory Execute in Terminal: Select to execute the application in a terminal Mimetype: Enter the mime type Categories: Enter the list of categories separated by ';' Press to select the categories via a dialog Actions: Enter the list of actions separated by ';' Only Show In: Enter the list of environments to show in separated by ';' Only one of 'Only Show In' or 'Not Show In' allowed Press to select the environments via a dialog Not Show In: Enter the list of environments to not show in separated by ';' KDE Plasma Encoding: Select the encoding of the file API: Select the Plasma API Service Type: Enter the service type Main Script: Enter the main script name Author: Enter the author's name Email: Enter the auhor email Enter the version number in the form 'major.minor[.patch[.sub]]' Website: Enter the URL of the website Category: Select a category Depends: Enter the list of dependancies separated by ';' License: Enter the license type Enabled by Default: Select to enable this by default Unity X-Ayatana-Desktop-Shortcuts: Enter the desktop shortcuts separated by ';' Press to populate entry fields from project data Populate from Project FreeDesktop Standard .desktop KDE Plasma MetaData .desktop Ubuntu Unity QuickList .desktop Only one of 'Only Show In' or 'Not Show In' allowed. DownloadAskActionDialog What to do? You are about to download this file: Type: From: Select to open the downloaded file &Open File Select to scan the file with VirusTotal Scan with &VirusTotal Select to save the file &Save File <b>What do you want to do?</b> DownloadItem Icon Filename Press to pause the download Press to cancel the download Press to open the downloaded file Download canceled: {0} VirusTotal scan scheduled: {0} Save File Download directory ({0}) couldn't be created. ? {0} of {1} - Stopped {0} downloaded Date and Time {0} of {1} ({2}/sec) {3} DownloadManager Press to clean up the list of downloads Clear List Open Cancel Open Containing Folder Go to Download Page Copy Download Link Select All Remove From List There are %n downloads in progress. Do you want to quit anyway? Suspicuous URL detected <p>The URL <b>{0}</b> was found in the Safe Browsing database.</p>{1} Download Manager Downloads finished All files have been downloaded. {0}% of %n file(s) ({1}) {2} {0}% - Download Manager DownloadManagerButton Open Download Manager DownloadUtilities %n seconds remaining Unknown speed {0:.1f} KiB/s {0:.2f} MiB/s {0:.2f} GiB/s {0:.1f} Bytes {0:.1f} KiB {0:.2f} MiB {0:.2f} GiB %n hours remaining few seconds remaining %n minutes remaining E5ComboSelectionDialog Select from List Select from the list below: E5ErrorMessageFilterDialog Error Messages Filter <b>Error Message Filters</b><p>This list shows the configured message filters used to suppress error messages from within Qt.</p><p>A default list of message filters is added to this user list.</p> E5FileSaveConfirmDialog The given file exists already. Overwrite Rename E5GoogleMail The client secrets file is not present. Has the Gmail API been enabled? OAuth2 Authorization Code Enter the OAuth2 authorization code: No authorized session available. Message #{0} sent. E5GraphicsView <b>Graphics View</b> <p>This graphics view is used to show a diagram. There are various actions available to manipulate the shown items.</p> <ul> <li>Clicking on an item selects it.</li> <li>Ctrl-clicking adds an item to the selection.</li> <li>Ctrl-clicking a selected item deselects it.</li> <li>Clicking on an empty spot of the canvas resets the selection.</li> <li>Dragging the mouse over the canvas spans a rubberband to select multiple items.</li> <li>Dragging the mouse over a selected item moves the whole selection.</li> </ul> E5JsonServer JSON Protocol Error <p>The response received from the client could not be decoded. Please report this issue with the received data to the eric bugs email address.</p><p>Error: {0}</p><p>Data:<br/>{1}</p> E5ListSelectionDialog Select from List Select from the list below: E5MainWindow Loading Style Sheet <p>The Qt Style Sheet file <b>{0}</b> could not be read.<br>Reason: {1}</p> E5MessageBoxWizard E5MessageBox Wizard &E5MessageBox Wizard... <b>E5MessageBox Wizard</b><p>This wizard opens a dialog for entering all the parameters needed to create an E5MessageBox. The generated code is inserted at the current cursor position.</p> No current editor Please open or create a file first. E5MessageBoxWizardDialog E5MessageBox Wizard Type Generate an Information message box Information Generate a Question message box Question Generate a Warning message box Warning Generate a Critical message box Critical Generate a Yes/No message box Yes/No Generate a retry/abort message box Retry/Abort Generate an "ok to clear data" message box OK to clear data Generate an About message box About Generate an AboutQt message box About Qt Generate a standard message box Standard message box Result: Enter the result variable name Title Enter the title for the message box Message Enter the message to be shown in the message box Parent Select "self" as parent self Select "None" as parent None Select to enter a parent expression Expression: Enter the parent expression Standard Buttons Abort Apply Cancel Close Discard Help Ignore No No to all Ok Open Reset Restore defaults Retry Save Save all Yes Yes to all Default Button Select the default button Icon Show an Information icon Show a Question icon Show a Warning icon Show a Critical icon Select to generate a modal message box Modal Message Box Select to make 'Yes' the default Yes is default Save function: Enter the name of the save function No button Test E5NetworkHeaderDetailsDialog Header Details Name: Value: E5NetworkProxyFactory <b>Connect to proxy '{0}' using:</b> Proxy Configuration Error Proxy usage was activated but no proxy host for protocol '{0}' configured. E5PathPickerBase Enter Path Name Enter Path Names separated by ';' Choose a file to open Choose files to open Choose a file to save Choose a directory E5PlainTextDialog Copy to Clipboard E5ProcessDialog Output Errors Input Press to send the input to the running process &Send Alt+S Enter data to be sent to the running process Select to switch the input field to password mode &Password Mode Alt+P Process canceled. Process finished successfully. Process crashed. Process finished with exit code {0} Process Generation Error <p>The process <b>{0}</b> could not be started.</p> E5SideBar Deselect to activate automatic collapsing E5SslCertificateSelectionDialog SSL Certificate Selection Select a SSL certificate: Certificate name Expiry Date Press to view the selected certificate &View... (Unknown) (Unknown common name) E5SslCertificatesDialog SSL Certificate Manager &Servers You have saved certificates identifying these servers: Certificate name Server Expiry Date Press to view the selected certificate &View... Press to import a certificate &Import... Press to export the selected certificate &Export... Press to delete the selected certificate &Delete... Certificate &Authorities You have saved certificates identifying these certification authorities: (Unknown) (Unknown common name) Delete Server Certificate <p>Shall the server certificate really be deleted?</p><p>{0}</p><p>If the server certificate is deleted, the normal security checks will be reinstantiated and the server has to present a valid certificate.</p> Import Certificate <p>The certificate <b>{0}</b> already exists. Skipping.</p> Delete CA Certificate <p>Shall the CA certificate really be deleted?</p><p>{0}</p><p>If the CA certificate is deleted, the browser will not trust any certificate issued by this CA.</p> Export Certificate Certificate File (PEM) (*.pem);;Certificate File (DER) (*.der) <p>The file <b>{0}</b> already exists. Overwrite it?</p> <p>The certificate could not be written to file <b>{0}</b></p><p>Error: {1}</p> Certificate Files (*.pem *.crt *.der *.cer *.ca);;All Files (*) <p>The certificate could not be read from file <b>{0}</b></p><p>Error: {1}</p> E5SslCertificatesInfoDialog SSL Certificate Info E5SslCertificatesInfoWidget <h2>Certificate Information</h2> Certificate Chain: This certificated has been blacklisted. <b>Issued for:</b> Common Name (CN): Organization (O): Organizational Unit (OU): Serialnumber: <b>Issued by:</b> <b>Validity:</b> Issued on: Expires on: This certificate is not valid yet or has expired. <b>Fingerprints:</b> SHA1-Fingerprint: MD5-Fingerprint: <not part of the certificate> E5SslErrorHandler SSL Errors <p>SSL Errors for <br /><b>{0}</b><ul><li>{1}</li></ul></p><p>Do you want to ignore these errors?</p> Certificates <p>Certificates:<br/>{0}<br/>Do you want to accept all these certificates?</p> Name: {0} <br/>Organization: {0} <br/>Issuer: {0} <br/>Not valid before: {0}<br/>Valid Until: {1} E5SslInfoWidget Identity Warning: this site is NOT carrying a certificate. The certificate for this site is valid and has been verified by: {0} The certificate for this site is NOT valid. Certificate Information Encryption Your connection to "{0}" is NOT encrypted. Your connection to "{0}" is encrypted. unknown It uses protocol: {0} It is encrypted using {0} at {1} bits, with {2} for message authentication and {3} as key exchange mechanism. E5StringListEditWidget Enter search term for strings Press to add an entry &Add... Press to remove the selected entries &Remove Press to remove all entries R&emove All Add Entry Enter the entry to add to the list: Press to set the default list of values &Default E5TextEditSearchWidget Find: Match case Whole word Press to find the previous occurrence Press to find the next occurrence '{0}' was not found. E5TldExtractor TLD Data File not found <p>The file 'effective_tld_names.dat' was not found!<br/>You can download it from '<a href="{0}"><b>here</b></a>' to one of the following paths:</p><ul>{1}</ul> <p>The file 'test_psl.txt' was not found!<br/>You can download it from '<a href="{0}"><b>here</b></a>' to one of the following paths:</p><ul>{1}</ul> E5ToolBarDialog Configure Toolbars &Toolbar: Select the toolbar to configure Press to create a new toolbar &New Press to remove the selected toolbar &Remove Press to rename the selected toolbar R&ename Actions: Current Toolbar Actions: Select the action to add to the current toolbar Select the action to work on <b>Current Toolbar Actions</b><p>This list shows the actions of the selected toolbar. Select an action and use the up or down button to change the order of actions or the left button to delete it. To add an action to the toolbar, select it in the list of available actions and press the right button.</p> Press to move the selected action up. Press to delete the selected action from the toolbar Press to add the selected action to the toolbar Press to move the selected action down. --Separator-- New Toolbar Toolbar Name: A toolbar with the name <b>{0}</b> already exists. Remove Toolbar Should the toolbar <b>{0}</b> really be removed? Rename Toolbar New Toolbar Name: E5XmlRpcClient SSL Error E5ZoomWidget Zoom out Drag to zoom Zoom in Zoom reset EditBreakpointDialog Edit Breakpoint Filename: Enter the filename of the breakpoint Linenumber: Enter the linenumber of the breakpoint Condition: Enter or select a condition for the breakpoint Ignore Count: Enter an ignore count for the breakpoint Select whether this is a temporary breakpoint Temporary Breakpoint Select, whether the breakpoint is enabled Enabled Add Breakpoint EditWatchpointDialog Edit Watch Expression Enter an ignore count for the watch expression Ignore Count: Select, whether the watch expression is enabled Enabled Select whether this is a temporary watch expression Temporary Watch Expression Variable: Expression: Enter a variable and select the special condition below Select a special condition created changed Enter the expression for the watch expression Editor Open File <p>The size of the file <b>{0}</b> is <b>{1} KB</b>. Do you really want to load it?</p> <b>A Source Editor Window</b><p>This window is used to display and edit a source file. You can open as many of these as you like. The name of the file is displayed in the window's titlebar.</p><p>In order to set breakpoints just click in the space between the line numbers and the fold markers. Via the context menu of the margins they may be edited.</p><p>In order to set bookmarks just Shift click in the space between the line numbers and the fold markers.</p><p>These actions can be reversed via the context menu.</p><p>Ctrl clicking on a syntax error marker shows some info about this error.</p> Undo Redo Revert to last saved state Cut Copy Paste Indent Unindent Comment Uncomment Stream Comment Box Comment Select to brace Select all Deselect all Check spelling... Check spelling of selection... Remove from dictionary Shorten empty lines Use Monospaced Font Autosave enabled Typing aids enabled Automatic Completion enabled Calltip New Document View New Document View (with new split) Close Save Save As... Save Copy... Open 'rejection' file Print Preview Print Complete Complete from Document Complete from APIs Complete from Document and APIs Check Tools Show Code metrics... Code coverage... Show code coverage annotations Hide code coverage annotations Profile data... Diagrams Class Diagram... Package Diagram... Imports Diagram... Application Diagram... Load Diagram... Languages No Language Guessed Alternatives Encodings Re-Open With Encoding End-of-Line Type Unix Windows Macintosh Export as Toggle bookmark Next bookmark Previous bookmark Clear all bookmarks Toggle breakpoint Toggle temporary breakpoint Edit breakpoint... Enable breakpoint Next breakpoint Previous breakpoint Clear all breakpoints Goto syntax error Show syntax error message Clear syntax error Next warning Previous warning Show warning message Clear warnings Next uncovered line Previous uncovered line Next task Previous task Next change Previous change Export source <p>No exporter available for the export format <b>{0}</b>. Aborting...</p> No export format given. Aborting... Alternatives ({0}) Pygments Lexer Select the Pygments lexer to apply. Modification of Read Only file You are attempting to change a read only file. Please save to a different file first. Printing... Printing completed Error while printing Printing aborted File Modified <p>The file <b>{0}</b> has unsaved changes.</p> <p>The file <b>{0}</b> could not be opened.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> Save File <p>The file <b>{0}</b> could not be saved.<br/>Reason: {1}</p> <p>The file <b>{0}</b> already exists. Overwrite it?</p> Autocompletion Autocompletion is not available because there is no autocompletion source set. Auto-Completion Provider The completion list provider '{0}' was already registered. Ignoring duplicate request. Call-Tips Provider The call-tips provider '{0}' was already registered. Ignoring duplicate request. Disable breakpoint Code Coverage Please select a coverage file Show Code Coverage Annotations All lines have been covered. There is no coverage file available. Profile Data Please select a profile file Syntax Error No syntax error message available. Warning No warning messages available. Style: {0} Warning: {0} Error: {0} Macro Name Select a macro name: Load macro file Macro files (*.macro) Error loading macro <p>The macro file <b>{0}</b> could not be read.</p> <p>The macro file <b>{0}</b> is corrupt.</p> Save macro file Save macro <p>The macro file <b>{0}</b> already exists. Overwrite it?</p> Error saving macro <p>The macro file <b>{0}</b> could not be written.</p> Start Macro Recording Macro recording is already active. Start new? Macro Recording Enter name of the macro: <br><b>Warning:</b> You will lose your changes upon reopening it. File changed {0} (ro) Drop Error <p><b>{0}</b> is not a file.</p> Resources Add file... Add files... Add aliased file... Add localized resource... Add resource frame Add file resource Add file resources Add aliased file resource Alias for file <b>{0}</b>: Package Diagram Include class attributes? Imports Diagram Include imports from external modules? Application Diagram Include module names? Add to dictionary Ignore All Sort Lines The selection contains illegal data for a numerical sort. Register Mouse Click Handler A mouse click handler for "{0}" was already registered by "{1}". Aborting request by "{2}"... Clear Completions Cache Code Info Clear changes Execute Selection In Console EditorConfig Properties <p>The EditorConfig properties for file <b>{0}</b> could not be loaded.</p> Toggle all folds Toggle all folds (including children) Toggle current fold Expand (including children) Collapse (including children) Clear all folds Spell Check Languages <p>The file <b>{0}</b> has been changed while it was opened in eric. Reread it?</p> Generate Docstring EditorAPIsPage <b>Configure API files</b> Select to compile the APIs automatically upon loading Compile APIs automatically Language: Select the language to be configured. APIs List of API files Press to delete the selected file from the list Delete Press to add the entered file to the list Add Press to select an API file from the list of installed API files Add from installed APIs Press to select an API file from the list of API files installed by plugins Add from Plugin APIs Press to compile the selected APIs definition Compile APIs Press to select an API file via a selection dialog API File (*.api);;All Files (*) Select from the list of installed API files There are no APIs installed yet. Selection is not available. Select from the list of API files installed by plugins Cancel compilation Project Type: Select the project type to be configured EditorAutocompletionPage <b>Configure Completion Support</b> Select this to enable autocompletion <b>Autocompletion Enabled</b><p>Select to enable autocompletion. In order to get autocompletion from alternative autocompletion providers (if installed), these have to be enabled on their respective configuration page. Only one alternative provider might be enabled.</p> Automatic Completion Enabled General Select this to have case sensitive auto-completion lists Case sensitive Select this, if the word to the right should be replaced by the selected entry Replace word Threshold: Move to set the threshold for display of an autocompletion list Displays the selected autocompletion threshold Select to show completions of type 'public' first Show 'public' completions first Enter the time in milliseconds after which a list with completion proposals shall be shown ms Completions Cache Size: Enter the maximum number of entries to be kept in the completions cache entries Timeout: Enter the time in seconds after which a cached completion entry should be removed from the completions cache s Time to start completion: Plug-In Behavior Select to show QScintilla provided completions, if the selected plug-ins fail Show QScintilla completions, if plug-ins fail Maximum time to wait: Enter the time in seconds after which QSintilla should be used QScintilla provided completions are shown, if this option is enabled and completions shall be provided by plug-ins (see completions sub-page of the plug-in) and the plugin-ins don't deliver any completions. Maximum visible characters: Maximum visible lines: Move to set the maximum number of lines shown in a autocomplete list. Displays the maximum number of lines. Move to set the maximum number of characters visible in one line. Displays the approximate number of characters per line. Select to enable caching of completion results EditorAutocompletionQScintillaPage <b>Configure QScintilla Completion</b> Select this, if single entries shall be inserted automatically Show single Select to enable the use of fill-up characters to autocomplete the current word <b>Use fill-up characters</b><p>Select to enable the use of fill-up characters to autocomplete the current word. A fill-up character is one that, when entered while an auto-completion list is being displayed, causes the currently selected item from the list to be added to the text followed by the fill-up character.</p> Use fill-up characters Source Select this to get autocompletion from current document from Document Select this to get autocompletion from installed APIs from API files Select this to get autocompletion from current document and installed APIs from Document and API files EditorButtonsWidget Bold Italic Strike Through Header 1 Header 2 Header 3 Header Inline Code Code Block Quote Add Hyperlink Add Horizontal Line Add Image Add Bulleted List Add Numbered List Level {0} EditorCalltipsPage <b>Configure Calltips</b> Select this to enable calltips Automatic Calltips Enabled Visible Calltips Move to set the maximum number of calltips shown (0 = all available) Displays the maximum number of calltips to be shown Calltips Position Select the position for the calltips Plug-In Behavior Select to show QScintilla provided calltips, if the selected plug-ins fail Qscintilla provided calltips are shown, if this option is enabled and calltips shall be provided by plug-ins (see calltips sub-page of the plug-in) and the plugin-ins don't deliver any calltips. Show QScintilla calltips, if plug-ins fail Below Text Above Text Colors Background color: Select the background color for calltips. Foreground color: Select the foreground color for calltips. Highlight color: Select the highlight color for calltips. EditorCalltipsQScintillaPage <b>Configure QScintilla Calltips</b> Context display options Select to display calltips without a context Don't show context information Select to display calltips with a context only if the user hasn't already implicitly identified the context using autocompletion Show context information, if no prior autocompletion Select to display calltips with a context Show context information A context is any scope (e.g. a C++ namespace or a Python module) prior to the function/method name. EditorDocViewerPage <b>Configure Documentation Viewer Settings</b> Select to enable the display of code documentation Enable Documentation Viewer Select to show documentation when entering a '(' character Show documentation upon '(' Documentation Provider: Select the documentation provider to be used The Documentation Viewer is disabled globally. Re-enable it on the Interface/Interface configuration page and restart the eric. EditorExportersPage <b>Configure exporters</b> Exporter Type: Select the exporter to be configured. Select to export in WYSIWYG mode Use WYSIWYG mode Select to include folding functionality Include folding functionality Select to include only used styles Include only used styles Select to use the full pathname as the document title Use full pathname as document title Select to use tabs in the generated file Use tabs Magnification: Select the magnification value to be added to the font sizes of the styles Displays the selected magnification value Font: Select the font from the list Pagesize: Select the page size from the list Margins Select the top margin in points (72 pt == 1") Select the left margin in points (72 pt == 1") Select the right margin in points (72 pt == 1") Select the bottom margin in points (72 pt == 1") Press to select the font for the RTF export Select Font Font for RTF export Courier Helvetica Times A4 Letter EditorFilePage <b>Configure file handling settings</b> Open && Close Select, whether breakpoint belonging to an editor should be cleared, when the editor is closed Clear Breakpoints upon closing Select to reread the file automatically, if it was changed externally Reread automatically when changed externally Warn, if file is greater than Enter the filesize, a warning dialog should be shown. KB End of Line End of Line Characters Select Unix type end of line Unix Select Macintosh type end of line Macintosh Select Windows type end of line Windows/DOS Select whether the eol type should be converted upon opening the file. Automatic End of Line Conversion Save Select, whether trailing whitespace should be removed upon save Strip trailing whitespace upon save Select, whether a backup file shall be generated upon save Create backup file upon save Autosave interval: Move to set the autosave interval in minutes (0 to disable) Displays the selected autosave interval. Encoding Select to use the advanced encoding detection <b>Advanced encoding detection</b> <p>Select to use the advanced encoding detection based on the &quot;universal character encoding detector&quot; from <a href="http://chardet.feedparser.org">http://chardet.feedparser.org</a>.</p> Use advanced encoding detection Default Encoding: Select the string encoding to be used. Default File Filters Open Files: Save Files: Additional File Filters <b>Note:</b> Save file filters must contain one wildcard pattern only. Select to edit the open file filters Open Files Select to edit the save file filters Save Files Add... Edit... Delete File Preview Enter the filename extensions of HTML files that may be previewed (separated by a space) Enter the filename extensions of Markdown files that may be previewed (separated by a space) Enter the filename extensions of ReStructuredText files that may be previewed (separated by a space) Enter the filename extensions of Qt Stylesheet files that may be previewed (separated by a space) Select to use 'sphinx' to generate the ReST preview Use 'sphinx' for ReST preview Add File Filter A Save File Filter must contain exactly one wildcard pattern. Yours contains {0}. A File Filter must contain at least one wildcard pattern. Enter the file filter entry: HTML Files Markdown Files Select this to convert a new line character to an HTML &lt;br/&gt; tag. Convert New Line to HTML Break HTML Format: Select the HTML format to be generated ReST Files Docutils QSS Files Select to insert a final newline if none is there Insert final newline upon save Select to enable the use of the PyMdown extensions <b>Enable PyMdown Extensions</b> <p>Select this entry to enable the use of the PyMdown extensions. These have to be installed with <code>pip install pymdown-extensions</code>.</p> Enable PyMdown Extensions Select to enable Math support using MathJax Enable Math support Select to enable Graph support using Mermaid Enable Graph support Refresh Timeout: Enter the timeout in milliseconds until the preview is refreshed ms File Extensions: Press to install the PyMdown extensions Install PyMdown Extensions EditorGeneralPage <b>Configure general editor settings</b> Tabs && Indentation Tab width: Move to set the tab width. Displays the selected tab width. Indentation width: Move to set the indentation width. Displays the selected indentation width. Select whether autoindentation shall be enabled Auto indentation Select whether tab characters are used for indentations. Use tabs for indentations Select whether pressing the tab key indents. Tab key indents Select whether tabs shall be converted upon opening the file Convert tabs upon open Comments Select to insert the comment sign at column 0 <b>Insert comment at column 0</b><p>Select to insert the comment sign at column 0. Otherwise, the comment sign is inserted at the first non-whitespace position.</p> Insert comment at column 0 Virtual Space Virtual space is the space after the last character of a line. It is not allocated unless some text is entered or copied into it. Usage of virtual space can be configured with these selections. Select to enable a rectangular selection to extend into virtual space Selection may access virtual space Select to allow the cursor to be moved into virtual space Cursor can move into virtual space Language Tab Width Indent Width Press to add a language specific override Press to delete the selected language specific override Press to edit the selected language specific override Tab and Indent Override Shall the selected entries really be removed? Select to enable the source code outline view Source Code Outline Default Width: Enter the default width of the source code outline view Width Step Size: Enter the amount of pixels the width of the outline should be increased or decreased Select to show the source code encoding Show source file encoding Docstring Docstring Style: Select the docstring style to be used Select this to generate a docstring when the docstring start sequence was entered (e.g. """ for Python). Generate Docstring when Docstring start is entered EditorHighlightersPage <b>Configure syntax highlighters</b> Filename Pattern Lexer Language Filename Pattern: Enter the filename pattern to be associated Press to add or change the entered association Add/Change Lexer Language: Select the lexer language to associate Press to delete the selected association Delete Alternative Lexer: Select the alternative lexer to associate Alternative EditorHighlightingStylesPage <b>Configure syntax highlighting</b> Lexer Language: Select the lexer language to be configured. Style Element Select the font. Font Select end of line fill. Fill to end of line Press to set the current style to its default values to Default Press to show only monospaced fonts Monospaced Fonts Only Select the font for all styles. All Fonts Select the eol fill for all styles All Fill to end of line Press to set all styles to their default values All to Default Sample Text <b>Note:</b> The tick in the list above indicates the entrie's 'fill to end of line' setting. Import styles Export styles Imports all styles of all languages Import all styles Exports all styles of all languages Export all styles Family and Size only Family only Size only Enabled Disabled Select fill to end of line for all styles Export Highlighting Styles Import Highlighting Styles Press to add a sub-style to the selected style Press to to delete the selected sub-style Press to edit the selected sub-style Press to copy the selected sub-style Delete Sub-Style <p>Shall the sub-style <b>{0}</b> really be deleted?</p> {0} - Copy Reset Sub-Styles to Default <p>Do you really want to reset all defined sub-styles of <b>{0}</b> to the default values?</p> Press to set all sub-styles to default values Select the foreground color. Foreground Color Select the background color. Background Color Select the background color for all styles All Background Colors Imports all styles of languages to be selected Exports all styles of languages to be selected Highlighting Styles File (*.ehj);;XML Highlighting Styles File (*.e6h) <p>The highlighting styles file <b>{0}</b> exists already. Overwrite it?</p> <p>The highlighting styles file <b>{0}</b> could not be written.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> Highlighting Styles File (*.ehj);;XML Highlighting Styles File (*.e6h *.e4h) <p>The highlighting styles file <b>{0}</b> could not be read.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> EditorHighlightingStylesSelectionDialog Select All Import Highlighting Styles Select the highlighting styles to be imported Export Highlighting Styles Select the highlighting styles to be exported EditorKeywordsPage <b>Configure syntax highlighter keywords</b> Language: Select the language to be configured. Set: Enter the keywords separated by a blank Press to set the current keyword set to the default value to Default Press to set all keyword sets of the selected language to default values All to Defaults Reset to Default Shall the current keyword set really be reset to default values? Reset All to Default Shall all keyword sets of the current language really be reset to default values? EditorLanguageTabIndentOverrideDialog Tab and Indent Override Tab Width: Enter the tab width Indentation width: Enter the indentation width Lexer Language: Select the lexer language to override Alternative Lexer: Select the alternative lexer to override Alternative EditorMarkerMap <b>Editor Map</b><p>This shows a 'map' of the editor. The visible area is highlighted by the box and all markers like bookmarks, breakpoints, errors or changed lines are indicated by differently colored lines configurable via the Editoru279dStyle page of the configuration dialog.</p> EditorMouseClickHandlerPage <b>Configure Mouse Click Handler Support</b> Select this to enable support for mouse click handlers <b>Mouse Click Handlers Enabled</b><p>Select to enable support for mouse click handlers. Individual mouse click handlers may be configured on subordinate pages, if such have been installed and registered. This is usually done by plug-ins.</p> Mouse Click Handlers Enabled EditorOutlineModel Name Coding: {0} Globals Imports EditorOutlineView Goto Refresh Copy Path to Clipboard Expand All Collapse All Increment Width Decrement Width Line {0} Set Default Width EditorPropertiesPage <b>Configure lexer properties</b> All Lexers Properties Select to include trailing blank lines in a fold block Fold compact (except CMake, Python) Bash Lexer Properties Select whether folding of comments shall be possible Fold comments C++ , C# , IDL, Java and JavaScript Lexer Properties Select whether folding at else statement should be possible Fold at else Select whether folding of preprocessor directives shall be possible Fold preprocessor directives Select, whether the line containing the opening brace should be indented Indent opening brace Select, whether the line containing the closing brace should be indented Indent closing brace Select to use case insensitive keywords Case insensitive keywords (C/C++ only) Select to allow '$' characters in identifier names Allow '$' in identifier names Select to style preprocessor lines Style preprocessor lines Select to highlight triple quoted strings Highlight triple quoted strings Select to highlight hash quoted strings Highlight hash quoted strings Select to highlight back quoted strings Highlight back quoted strings Select to highlight escape sequences Highlight escape sequences Select to allow verbatim string escape sequences Allow verbatim string escape sequences CMake Lexer Properties CoffeeScript CSS Lexer Properties Select to activate HSS support HSS support Select to activate Less CSS support Less CSS support Select to activate Sassy CSS support Sassy CSS support D Lexer Properties Gettext Lexer Properties HTML Lexer Properties Select to enable folding of script comments Fold script comments Select to enable folding of script heredocs Fold script heredocs Select whether HTML tags should be case sensitive Case sensitive tags Select to enable support for Django templates Enable Django templates Select to enable support for Mako templates Enable Mako templates XML Lexer Properties Select to enable styling of scripts Style scripts Pascal Lexer Properties Select to enable smart highlighting of keywords Smart Highlighting Perl Lexer Properties Select to enable folding of Perl packages Fold packages Select to enable folding of Perl POD blocks Fold POD blocks PostScript Lexer Properties Select to mark tokens Mark Tokens PostScript Level: Select the PostScript level Povray Lexer Properties Select whether folding of directives shall be possible Fold directives Properties Lexer Properties Select to allow initial spaces in a line Allow initial spaces Python Lexer Properties Select whether folding of strings shall be possible Fold strings Select whether folding of triple quoted strings shall be possible Fold triple quoted strings Select whether text should be autoindented after a ':' Auto indentation after ':' Select to allow strings to span newline characters Strings may span newline characters Select to allow Python v2 unicode string literals (e.g. u"utf8") Allow v2 unicode string literals Select to allow Python v3 binary and octal literals (e.g. 0b1011, 0o712) Allow v3 binary and octal literals Select to allow Python v3 bytes string literals (e.g. b"bytes") Allow v3 bytes string literals Select to highlight sub-identifiers defined in keyword set 2 Highlight sub-identifiers Highlight bad indentation: Select whether bad indentation shall be highlighted Ruby Lexer Properties SQL Lexer Properties Select whether only BEGIN blocks can be folded Only BEGIN blocks can be folded Select to enable Backslash Escapes Backslash Escapes Select if words may contain dots Words may contain dots Select to allow '#' as a comment character Allow '#' as comment character Select to enable quoted identifiers Enable quoted identifiers TCL Lexer Properties TeX Lexer Properties Select to treat comments as TeX source Treat comments as TeX source Select to treat \if<unknown> as a command Treat \if<unknown> as command VHDL Lexer Properties Select whether folding of blocks at a parenthesis shall be possible Fold at parenthesis Select whether folding of begin blocks shall be possible Fold at begin YAML Lexer Properties No Warning Inconsistent Tabs after Spaces Spaces Tabs JSON Select to enable highlighting of line/block comments Highlight comments Select to enable highlighting of escape sequences in strings EditorSearchPage <b>Configure editor search options</b> Search Markers Select, whether markers for all occurrences of the current word shall be shown Highlight all occurrences of current word Select, whether search markers shall be shown for a standard search Highlight all occurrences of search text Select, whether search markers shall be shown for a quicksearch Highlight all occurrences of quicksearch text Timeout for current word highlighting: Enter the time in milliseconds after which occurrences of the current word shall be highlighted ms Regular Expression Type Select to used the QScintilla POSIX alike regular expression mode. QScintilla Regular Mode (POSIX) Select to used the QScintilla extended (C++11) regular expression mode. QScintilla Extended Mode (C++11) Marker Color: Select the color for the search markers. EditorSpellCheckingPage <b>Configure editor spell checking options</b> <font color="#FF0000">Spell checking with PyEnchant is not available.</font> Select to enable spell checking Spell checking enabled Defaults Default language: Select the default language Spell checking options Select to check strings only Spell check strings only Minimum word size: Move to set the minimum size of words to be checked Displays the minimum size of words to be checked Personal lists Personal word list file: Personal exclude list file: <b>Note:</b> leave these entries empty to use the default <b>Note:</b> valid for all newly opened editors Automatic spell checking Select to enable spellchecking Automatic spell checking enabled Amount of lines to autocheck at once: Enter the number of lines to check per go. Higher values increase checking speed but decrease GUI responsivenes Dictionary File (*.dic);;All Files (*) Select to perform a complete check of files without extension Spell check unknown files Textfiles: Enter the file extensions of pure text files (separated by a space) <b>Textfiles</b> <p>Enter the file extension of pure text files. The complete contents of files with these extensions will be checked.</p> Colors Marker Color: Select the color for the spelling markers. EditorStylesPage <b>Configure editor styles</b> <b>Note:</b> Fonts and colors of the syntax highlighters have to be configured on the syntax highlighter styles page. Edit area foreground: Edit area background: Fonts Select, whether the monospaced font should be used as default Use monospaced as default Default Text Press to select the default font for the editor's text Default Text Font Press to select the font to be used as the monospaced font Monospaced Font Monospaced Text Margins Select whether line numbers margin should be shown. Show Line Numbers Margin Select whether the fold margin should be shown. Show Fold Margin Folding style: Select the folding style to be used in the folding margin <b>Folding style</b> <p>Select the desired folding style to be used in the folding margin.</p> <p>The available styles are: <ul> <li>Plain - simple plus and minus symbols</li> <li>Circled - circled plus and minus symbols</li> <li>Boxed - boxed plus and minus symbols</li> <li>Circled Tree - circled plus and minus symbols and flattened tree with rounded corners</li> <li>Boxed Tree - boxed plus and minus symbols and flattened tree with rectangled corners</li> </ul> </p> Plain Circled Boxed Circled Tree Boxed Tree Arrow Arrow Tree Margins foreground: Margins background: Foldmargin background: Foldmarkers foreground: Foldmarkers background: Press to select the font for the editor line numbers Line Numbers Font 2345 Selection Select to extend selection to end of line Extend selection to end of line Selection foreground: Selection background: Caret Select caret width (1, 2 or 3 pixels) Caret line visible Braces Select whether matching and bad braces shall be highlighted. Highlight braces Matched braces: Matched braces background: Unmatched brace: Unmatched brace background: End of Line Select whether end of line shall be shown Show End of Line Wrap long lines Mode: Select the wrap mode for long lines Indication: Select, how wrapped lines are indicated Edge Mode Move to set the edge column. Displays the selected tab width. Column number: Disabled Draw Line Zoom Initial zoom factor: Move to set the initial zoom factor Displays the selected initial zoom factor Annotations Select to enable the display of annotations Show annotations Warnings Foreground Background Warning: There might be an issue. Errors Error: There is an issue. Style Style: There is a style issue. Change Tracing Select to mark changed lines Mark changed lines Timeout for marking changed lines: Enter the time in milliseconds after which changed lines will be marked ms Whitespace Select whether whitspace characters shall be shown Show Whitespace Whitespace size: Select the size of the dots used to represent visible whitespace Whitespace foreground: Whitespace background: Indentation Guides Select whether indentation guides should be shown. Show Indentation Guides Indentation Guides foreground: Indentation Guides background: Marker Map Errors: Warnings: Bookmarks: Breakpoints: Tasks: Changes: Coverage: Current Line: Search Markers: Background: Various Select to show a minimalistic context menu Show minimal context menu Word Boundary Character Boundary No Indicator Indicator by Text Indicator by Margin Indicator in Line Number Margin Select to hide the Format Buttons bar when formatting is not supported Hide Format Buttons bar when not supported Debugging Line Markers Current line marker: Error line marker: Conflict Marker Line: Select to show the marker map right of the editor <b>Show Marker Map Right of the Editor</b> <p>If this entry is selected (default), the marker map is show on the right side of the editor. If it is unselected, it is shown on the left side right before the margins.</p> Show Marker Map Right of the Editor Shown Markers Select to show change markers Changes Select to show coverage markers Coverage Select to show search markers Search Markers <b>Note</b>: Marker types not listed are always shown. Width: Foreground: Caret Line Select, whether the caret line should be highlighted Select, whether the caret line should be highlighted even if the editor doesn't have the focus Caret line always visible Frame Width: Select caret line frame width (off, 1, 2 or 3 pixels) Off Indentation: Select, how wrapped lines are indented Enter the number of characters to indent (only used for 'Fixed') characters Fixed Aligned Aligned plus One Aligned plus Two Highlighting: Colors Select to set the color of the edit area different to the default style Override edit area colors Select the foreground color for the edit area. Select the background color for the edit area. Select the color for the caret. Select the foreground color for the margins Select the background color for the margins Select the background color for the foldmargin Select the foreground color of the foldmarkers Select the background color of the foldmarkers Select to use custom selection colors <b>Use custom selection colors</b><p>Select this entry in order to use custom selection colors in the editor and shell windows. The colors for the selection foreground and background are defined on the colors page.</p> Use custom selection colors Select, if selected text should be colorized by the lexer. Colorize selected text Select the foreground color for the selection. Select the background color for the selection. Select the background color for the line containing the caret. Select to indicate the debug markers using colored line backgrounds, arrow indicators otherwise Use background colors Select the color for the current line marker. Select the color for the error line marker. Select the color for highlighting matching braces. Select the background color for highlighting matching braces. Select the color for highlighting nonmatching braces. Select the background color for highlighting nonmatching braces. Select the color for the edge marker. Background color: Change Background Color Press to select the foreground color Press to select the background color Unsaved changes color: Select the color for the change marker for unsaved changes. Saved changes color: Select the color for the change marker for saved changes. Select the foreground color for visible whitespace Select the background color for visible whitespace Select the foreground color for indentation guides Select the background color for indentation guides Marker Colors Select the color for error markers Select the color for warning markers Select the color for bookmark markers Select the color for breakpoint markers Select the color for task markers Select the color for change markers Select the color for coverage markers Select the color for the current line marker Select the color for the search marker Select the color for the conflict marker line marker Select the background color for the marker map EditorSyntaxPage <b>Configure Code Checker settings</b> Select, whether source files should be checked automatically for syntax errors <b>Automatic Syntax Check</b><p>Select to enable the automatic syntax checker. The syntax is checked, when a file is loaded or saved or the programming language of the editor is selected.</p> Automatic Syntax Check Select to enable the online syntax checker <b>Online Syntax Check</b><p>Select this to enable syntax checks while typing. The check is performed, if typing is interrupted for the configured timeout period.</p> Online Syntax Check Timeout Interval: Enter the timeout for the online syntax checker <b>Timeout Interval</b><p>Enter the timeout interval for the online syntax check. The check is performed, if typing is interrupted for the configured timeout period.</p> s PyFlakes Select to include a PyFlakes check after the syntax check Include PyFlakes Checks after syntax check Select to suppress star import warnings Suppress star import warnings EditorTypingPage <b>Configure typing</b> Programming Language: Select the programming language to be configured. Select to enable Python typing aids Enable Python typing aids Select to insert a closing parenthesis Automatic parenthesis insertion Select to skip matching braces when typing Automatically skip matching braces when typing Select to skip a ':', if typed next to another ':' Automatic colon detection Select to insert the matching quote character Automatic quote insertion Select to dedent 'else:' and 'elif' to the matching 'if' Automatic dedent of 'else:' and 'elif' Select to dedent 'except' and 'finally' to the matching 'try:' Automatic dedent of 'except' and 'finally' Automatic insertion of the 'import' string on 'from xxx' Select to insert the 'self' string when declaring a method Automatic insertion of 'self' when declaring methods Select to insert a blank after ',' Automatic insertion of ' ' (blank) after ',' Select to dedent 'def' statements to the last 'def' or 'class' Automatic dedent of 'def' statements Select to enable Ruby typing aids Enable Ruby typing aids Select to automatically complete a here document Automatic completion of here document Select to automatically insert '=end' after entering '=begin' Automatic insertion of '=end' after '=begin' Select to indent after typing 'return' Automatic indent after '(' Select to insert the 'import ' string when the line starts with 'from ...' Select to create import statements of the form 'from ... import (...)' Generate '(...)' type import Select to enable YAML typing aids Enable YAML typing aids Automatic indent after ':', '-', '|', '|-', '|+', '>', '>-', '>+' Select to insert a blank after ':' Automatic insertion of ' ' (blank) after ':' Select to insert a blank after '-' Automatic insertion of ' ' (blank) after '-' Select to insert a blank after '?' Automatic insertion of ' ' (blank) after '?' EmailDialog Send bug report Message &Subject: Enter the subject Attachments Name Type Press to add an attachment &Add... Alt+A Delete the selected entry from the list of attachments &Delete Alt+D Send feature request Enter your &feature request below. Version information is added automatically. Enter your &bug description below. Version information is added automatically. Send Close dialog Do you really want to close the dialog? Mail Server Password Enter your mail server password <p>Authentication failed.<br>Reason: {0}</p> <p>Message could not be sent.<br>Reason: {0}</p> Attach file Google Mail API Help Gmail API Help Send Message <p>The Google Mail Client API is not installed. Use <code>{0}</code> to install it.</p> Send Message via Gmail EmailPage <b>Configure Email</b> Outgoing mail server (SMTP): Enter the address of your mail server Enter the port of the mail server Email address: Enter your email address Signature: Enter your email signature Select to use TLS Select to authenticatate against the mail server Mail server needs authentication Username: Enter your mail server username Password: Enter your password for accessing the mail server Press to test the login data Test Login Login Test The login test succeeded. <p>The login test failed.<br>Reason: {0}</p> Encryption Method: Select to use no encryption None Select to use SSL SSL TLS Port: Google Mail Use Google Mail with OAuth2 authentication via Gmail API Standard Email Press to get some help for enabling the Google Mail API Google Mail API Help Gmail API Help <p>The Google Mail Client API is not installed. Use <code>{0}</code> to install it.</p> Press to install the required packages Install Packages Press to check the availability again Check Again <p>The client secrets file is not present. Has the Gmail API been enabled?</p> EricSchemeReply Content blocked by AdBlock Plus Blocked by rule: <i>{0} ({1})</i> Search! Speed Dial URL Title Apply Close New Page Edit Remove Reload Are you sure to remove this speed dial? Are you sure you want to reload all speed dials? Load title from page Speed Dial Settings Add New Page Maximum pages in a row: Change size of pages: SpeedDial requires enabled JavaScript. Error accessing eric: URL The special URL <strong>{0}</strong> is not supported. Please use one of these. Welcome to eric Web Browser! About eric eric Web Browser EricapiConfigDialog Ericapi Configuration Output File: Enter an output filename <b>Output Filename</b><p>Enter the filename of the output file. A '%L' placeholder is replaced by the language of the API file.</p> Languages Select the languages of the APIs to generate Additional source extensions: Enter additional source extensions separated by a comma Select to recurse into subdirectories Recurse into subdirectories Select to include private classes, methods and functions in the API file Include private classes, methods and functions Base package name: Enter the name of the base package Exclude Files: Enter filename patterns of files to be excluded separated by a comma Exclude Directories List of directory basenames to be ignored Press to delete the selected directory from the list Delete Press to add the entered directory to the list Add Enter a directory basename to be ignored API files (*.api);;All files (*) EricapiExecDialog Ericapi Messages <b>Ericapi Execution</b> <p>This shows the output of the Ericapi generator command.</p> Errors <b>Ericapi Execution</b> <p>This shows the errors of the Ericapi generator command.</p> {0} - {1} Process Generation Error The process {0} could not be started. Ensure, that it is in the search path. {0} finished. EricapiPlugin Generate API file (eric6_api) Generate &API file (eric6_api) Generate an API file using eric6_api <b>Generate API file</b><p>Generate an API file using eric6_api.</p> eric API File Generator EricdocConfigDialog Ericdoc Configuration General Output Directory: Enter an output directory Additional source extensions: Enter additional source extensions separated by a comma Select to recurse into subdirectories Recurse into subdirectories Select, if no index files should be generated Don't generate index files Select to exclude empty modules Don't include empty modules Exclude Files: Enter filename patterns of files to be excluded separated by a comma Exclude Directories Press to add the entered directory to the list Add Press to delete the selected directory from the list Delete List of directory basenames to be ignored Enter a directory basename to be ignored Style Style Sheet Class/Function Header Background Class/Function Header Foreground Level 2 Header Background Level 2 Header Foreground Level 1 Header Background Level 1 Header Foreground Body Background Body Foreground Links QtHelp Generate QtHelp Files Namespace: Enter the namespace Virtual Folder: Enter the name of the virtual folder (must not contain '/') Filter Name: Enter the name of the custom filter Filter Attributes: Enter the filter attributes separated by ':' Title: Enter a short title for the top entry Select to generate the QtHelp collection files Generate QtHelp collection files Style sheet (*.css);;All files (*) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN""http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"><html><head><title></title></head><body style="background-color:{BodyBgColor};color:{BodyColor}"><h1 style="background-color:{Level1HeaderBgColor};color:{Level1HeaderColor}">Level 1 Header</h1><h3 style="background-color:{Level2HeaderBgColor};color:{Level2HeaderColor}">Level 2 Header</h3><h2 style="background-color:{CFBgColor};color:{CFColor}">Class and Function Header</h2>Standard body text with <a style="color:{LinkColor}">some links</a> embedded.</body></html> Enter the filename of a CSS style sheet. Leave empty to use the colors defined below. Colors Press to select the class and function header background color. Press to select the class and function header foreground color. Press to select the level 2 header background color. Press to select the level 2 header foreground color. Press to select the level 1 header background color. Press to select the level 1 header foreground color. Press to select the body background color. Press to select the body foreground color. Press to select the foreground color of links. This shows an example of the selected colors. EricdocExecDialog Ericdoc Messages <b>Ericdoc Execution</b> <p>This shows the output of the Ericdoc generator command.</p> Errors <b>Ericdoc Execution</b> <p>This shows the errors of the Ericdoc generator command.</p> {0} - {1} Process Generation Error The process {0} could not be started. Ensure, that it is in the search path. {0} crashed. {0} finished. EricdocPlugin Qt Help Tools Generate documentation (eric6_doc) Generate &documentation (eric6_doc) Generate API documentation using eric6_doc <b>Generate documentation</b><p>Generate API documentation using eric6_doc.</p> eric Documentation Generator ErrorLogDialog Error Log Found <b>An error log file was found. What should be done with it?</b> Press to send an email Send Bug Email Press to ignore the error and delete the log file Ignore and Delete Press to ignore the error but keep the log file Ignore but Keep Delete Close Error Log EspBackupRestoreFirmwareDialog ESP Chip Type: Select the ESP chip type Firmware Size: Select the firmware size Flashmode: Select the flash mode Firmware: Enter the path of the firmware file Firmware Files (*.img);;All Files (*) Backup Firmware Restore Firmware EspDevice ESP8266, ESP32 Erase Flash Flash MicroPython Firmware Flash Additional Firmware Install 'esptool.py' Shall the flash of the selected device really be erased? 'esptool erase_flash' Output Unsupported chip type '{0}'. 'esptool write_flash' Output Reset Device Backup Firmware Restore Firmware Show Chip ID Show Flash ID Show MAC Address 'esptool read_flash' Output 'esptool chip_id' Output 'esptool flash_id' Output 'esptool read_mac' Output EspFirmwareSelectionDialog Flash MicroPython Firmware ESP Chip Type: Select the ESP chip type Firmware: Enter the path of the firmware file Address: Enter the flash addres in the hexadecimal form Firmware Files (*.bin);;All Files (*) Flash Mode: Select the flash mode Leave empty to use the default mode. Baud Rate: Select the baud rate to be used for flashing (default: 115.200 bps) ExceptionLogger Exceptions Exception <b>Exceptions Logger</b><p>This windows shows a trace of all exceptions, that have occured during the last debugging session. Initially only the exception type and exception message are shown. After the expansion of this entry, the complete call stack as reported by the client is show with the most recent call first.</p> Show source Clear Configure... {0}: An unhandled exception occured. See the shell window for details. {0}: {1} {0}: {1}, {2} ExceptionsFilterDialog Exceptions Filter <b>Exception Filter</b> <p>This dialog is used to enter the exception types, that shall be highlighted during a debugging session. If this list is empty, all exception types will be highlighted. If the exception reporting flag in the "Start Debugging" dialog is unchecked, no exception will be reported at all.</p> <p>Please note, that unhandled exceptions are always highlighted independent of these settings.</p> List of exceptions that shall be highlighted Press to add the entered exception to the list Add Enter an exception type that shall be highlighted Press to delete the selected exception from the list Delete Press to delete all exceptions from the list Delete All Ignored Exceptions List of ignored exceptions Exporter All Files (*) Export source <p>The file <b>{0}</b> already exists. Overwrite it?</p> ExporterHTML HTML Files (*.html) Export source <p>The source could not be exported to <b>{0}</b>.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> <p>The source could not be exported to <b>{0}</b>.</p><p>Reason: No HTML code generated.</p> <p>Markdown export requires the <b>python-markdown</b> package.<br/>Install it with your package manager, 'pip install docutils' or see <a href="http://pythonhosted.org/Markdown/install.html"> installation instructions.</a></p> <p>ReStructuredText export requires the <b>python-docutils</b> package.<br/>Install it with your package manager, 'pip install docutils' or see <a href="http://pypi.python.org/pypi/docutils">this page.</a></p> Light Background Color Dark Background Color Markdown Export Select color scheme: ExporterODT ODT Files (*.odt) Export source <p>The source could not be exported to <b>{0}</b>.</p> ExporterPDF PDF Files (*.pdf) Export source <p>The source could not be exported to <b>{0}</b>.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> ExporterRTF RTF Files (*.rtf) Export source <p>The source could not be exported to <b>{0}</b>.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> ExporterTEX TeX Files (*.tex) Export source <p>The source could not be exported to <b>{0}</b>.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> Exporters HTML RTF PDF TeX ODT FeaturePermissionBar {0} wants to use desktop notifications. {0} wants to use your position. Remember Allow Deny {0} wants to use an unknown feature. {0} wants to use your microphone. {0} wants to use your camera. {0} wants to use your microphone and camera. {0} wants to lock your mouse. {0} wants to capture video of your screen. {0} wants to capture audio and video of your screen. FeaturePermissionsDialog HTML5 Feature Permissions Notifications Host Permission Geolocation &Remove Remove &All Allow Deny Microphone Camera Microphone && Camera Mouse Lock Desktop Video Desktop Audio && Video FeedEditDialog Edit Feed Data Fill title and URL of a feed: Feed title: Enter the title of the feed Feed URL: Enter the URL of the feed FeedsDialog Add Feed Add Feeds from this site Add Add RSS Feed The feed was added successfully. The feed was already added before. FeedsManager Feeds Manager News Press to reload all feeds Reload &All Press to reload the selected feed &Reload Press to edit the selected feed &Edit Feed Press to delete the selected feed &Delete Feed Duplicate Feed URL A feed with the URL {0} exists already. Aborting... Delete Feed <p>Do you really want to delete the feed <b>{0}</b>?</p> Error fetching feed &Open Open in New &Tab &Copy URL to Clipboard &Show error data Error loading feed Open in New &Background Tab Open in New &Window Open in New Pri&vate Window FileDialogWizard QFileDialog Wizard Q&FileDialog Wizard... <b>QFileDialog Wizard</b><p>This wizard opens a dialog for entering all the parameters needed to create a QFileDialog. The generated code is inserted at the current cursor position.</p> No current editor Please open or create a file first. E5FileDialog Wizard <b>E5FileDialog Wizard</b><p>This wizard opens a dialog for entering all the parameters needed to create an E5FileDialog. The generated code is inserted at the current cursor position.</p> E&5FileDialog Wizard... FileDialogWizardDialog QFileDialog Wizard Type Select to create an 'Open File' dialog Open File Select to create an 'Open Files' dialog Open Files Select to create a 'Save File' dialog Save File Select to create a 'Select Directory' dialog Select Directory Select to create an 'Open File' dialog capturing the selected filter Open File and Filter Select to create an 'Open Files' dialog capturing the selected filter Open Files and Filter Select to create a 'Save File' dialog capturing the selected filter Save File and Filter Results Name Variable: Filter Variable: Title: Enter the title text Check to resolve symbolic links Resolve Symlinks Parent Select "self" as parent self Select "None" as parent None Select to enter a parent expression Expression: Enter the parent expression File Dialog Properties Start With / Working Directory Enter the working directory or a filename Check this if the contents of the edit names a variable or variable function Is Variable Filters Initial Filter Enter the initial filter Select to show an overwrite confirmation dialog Show overwrite confirmation Directory Dialog Properties Enter the working directory Working Directory Check to display directories only Show Directories Only Test Variant: Open File URL Open Files URL Save File URL Select Directory URL URL Properties Supported Schemes: Enter the list of supported schemes separated by spaces E5FileDialog Wizard Enter the result variable name Enter the name of the filter variable Enter the filter specifications separated by ';;' FiletypeAssociationDialog Filetype Associations Filename Pattern Filetype Press to delete the selected association Delete Select the filetype to associate Filetype: Enter the filename pattern to be associated Filename Pattern: Press to add or change the entered association Add/Change Sources Forms Translations Resources Interfaces Others Ignore Protocols FindFileDialog Find in Files Find &text: Enter the search text or regular expression Replace te&xt: Enter the replacement text or regular expression Select to match case sensitive &Match upper/lower case Select to match whole words only Whole &word Select if the searchtext is a regular expression Regular &Expression Select to open the first occurence automatically Feeling Like File type Search in source files &Sources Search in resources &Resources Search in forms &Forms Search in interfaces &Interfaces Select to filter the files by a given filename pattern Fi&lter Enter the filename wildcards separated by ';' Find in Search in files of the current project &Project Search in files of a directory tree to be entered below &Directory tree Enter the directory to search in Search in open files only &Open files only Shows the progress of the search action %v/%m Files File/Line Text Press to apply the selected replacements Replace Stop Find Replace in Files Invalid search expression <p>The search expression is not valid.</p><p>Error: {0}</p> {0} / {1} occurrences / files %n occurrence(s) %n file(s) <p>Could not read the file <b>{0}</b>. Skipping it.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> <p>The current and the original hash of the file <b>{0}</b> are different. Skipping it.</p><p>Hash 1: {1}</p><p>Hash 2: {2}</p> <p>Could not save the file <b>{0}</b>. Skipping it.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> Open Copy Path to Clipboard &Protocols Search in protocols Select to exclude hidden files and directories when searching a directory tree. Exclude hidden files and directories FindFileNameDialog Find File Enter filename (? matches any single character, * matches everything) Enter file name to search for . Enter file extension to search for Enabled to include the entered directory into the search Search Path: Enter the directory, the file should be searched in Select to search in the project path Search in &project Alt+P Select to search in sys.path Search in &sys.path Alt+S Filename Path Stop Press to stop the search Opens the selected file FirefoxImporter Mozilla Firefox stores its bookmarks in the <b>places.sqlite</b> SQLite database. This file is usually located in Please choose the file to begin importing bookmarks. File '{0}' does not exist. Unable to open database. Reason: {0} Mozilla Firefox Import Imported {0} FontDialogWizard QFontDialog Wizard Q&FontDialog Wizard... <b>QFontDialog Wizard</b><p>This wizard opens a dialog for entering all the parameters needed to create a QFontDialog. The generated code is inserted at the current cursor position.</p> No current editor Please open or create a file first. FontDialogWizardDialog QFontDialog Wizard Result: Enter the result variable name Title: Enter the title for the message box Parent Select "self" as parent self Select "None" as parent None Select to enter a parent expression Expression: Enter the parent expression Press to select a font via a dialog Select Font ... Font Variable: Enter a variable name Test FtpSyncHandler No synchronization required. Cannot log in to FTP host. Synchronization finished. GenericMicroPythonDevice Workspace Directory Python files for this generic board can be edited in place, if the device volume is locally available. A volume named '{0}' was not found. In place editing will not be available. Git The git process finished with the exit code {0} The git process did not finish within 30s. Could not start the git executable. Create project repository The project repository could not be created. Creating Git repository Adding files to Git repository Initial commit to Git repository Cloning project from a Git repository Commit Changes The commit affects files, that have unsaved changes. Shall the commit be continued? Committing changes to Git repository Switch <p>Do you really want to switch to <b>{0}</b>?</p> Synchronizing with the Git repository Adding files/directories to the Git repository Removing files/directories from the Git repository Renaming {0} Unstage files/directories Revert changes Do you really want to revert all changes to these files or directories? Do you really want to revert all changes of the project? Reverting changes Merging Master branch head Git Command <tr><td><b>Commit</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Parents</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Tags</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Branches</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Author</b></td><td>{0} &lt;{1}&gt;</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Date</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Committer</b></td><td>{0} &lt;{1}&gt;</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Committed Date</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Subject</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <h3>Repository information</h3> <p><table> <tr><td><b>Git V.</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr></tr> {1}</table></p> Create {0} file <p>The file <b>{0}</b> exists already. Overwrite it?</p> Git Copy <p>Copying the directory <b>{0}</b> failed.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> <p>Copying the file <b>{0}</b> failed.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> The process {0} could not be started. Ensure, that it is in the search path. Git Side-by-Side Difference <p>The file <b>{0}</b> could not be read.</p> Fetching from a remote Git repository Pulling from a remote Git repository Pushing to a remote Git repository Committing failed merge Aborting uncommitted/failed merge Applying patch Check patch files Apply patch files Tagging in the Git repository Branching in the Git repository Delete Remote Branch Current Branch <p>The current branch is <b>{0}</b>.</p> Create Bundle Git Bundle Files (*.bundle) <p>The Git bundle file <b>{0}</b> already exists. Overwrite it?</p> Verify Bundle Git Bundle Files (*.bundle);;All Files (*) List Bundle Heads Apply Bundle Applying a bundle file (fetch) Bisect subcommand ({0}) invalid. Git Bisect ({0}) Process Generation Error Create Bisect Replay File Git Bisect Replay Files (*.replay) <p>The Git bisect replay file <b>{0}</b> already exists. Overwrite it?</p> <p>The file <b>{0}</b> could not be written.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> Edit Bisect Replay File Git Bisect Replay Files (*.replay);;All Files (*) Bisect Replay Show Remote Info Rename Remote Repository Enter new name for remote repository: Show Shortlog Cherry-pick Copy Changesets (Continue) Copy Changesets (Quit) Copy Changesets (Cancel) Saving stash Show Stash Select a stash (empty for latest stash): Restore Stash Restoring stash Create Branch Enter a branch name to restore a stash to: Creating branch Delete Stash Do you really want to delete the stash <b>{0}</b>? Deleting stash Delete All Stashes Do you really want to delete all stashes? Deleting all stashes Showing the combined configuration settings Verifying the integrity of the Git repository Performing Repository Housekeeping <tr><td><b>Statistics</b></td></tr> <tr><td>Number of loose objects: </td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td>Disk space used by loose objects: </td><td>{0} KiB</td></tr> <tr><td>Number of packed objects: </td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td>Number of packs: </td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td>Disk space used by packed objects: </td><td>{0} KiB</td></tr> <tr><td>Packed objects waiting for pruning: </td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td>Garbage files: </td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td>Disk space used by garbage files: </td><td>{0} KiB</td></tr> <p><b>No statistics available.</b></p> Creating Archive Add Submodule List Submodules No submodules defined for the project. All Submodule Path Select a submodule path: Initialize Submodules Unregister Submodules Update Submodules Synchronize Submodules Submodules Summary GitAddRemoteDialog Git Add Remote Name: Enter the remote name URL: Enter the remote URL Credentials Username: Enter the user name for the remote repository Password: Enter the password for the remote repository GitApplyBundleDataDialog Git Apply Data Bundle Head: Select a head to apply Local Branch: Enter a local branch GitArchiveDataDialog Git Archive Revision Select to specify a revision by a revision expression Commit: Enter a commit id Select to specify a revision by a tag Tag: Enter a tag name Select to specify a revision by a branch Branch: Enter a branch name Select HEAD revision HEAD Format: Select the archive format File Name: Enter the name of the archive file Select the archive file via a file selection dialog Prefix: Enter a prefix to be prepended to each file Select Archive File GitBisectLogBrowserDialog Git Bisect Log Commit Operation Subject Errors <b>Git log errors</b><p>This shows possible error messages of the git log command.</p> Input Press to send the input to the git process &Send Alt+S Enter data to be sent to the git process Select to switch the input field to password mode &Password Mode Alt+P &Refresh Press to refresh the list of commits Process Generation Error The process {0} could not be started. Ensure, that it is in the search path. GitBisectStartDialog Git Bisect Start Bad Commit: Enter a bad commit Good Commits: Enter a list of good commits separated by space Select to not checkout the working tree Don't checkout working tree GitBlameDialog Git Blame Commit Author Date Time Line Errors Input Press to send the input to the git process &Send Alt+S Enter data to be sent to the git process Select to switch the input field to password mode &Password Mode Alt+P Process Generation Error The process {0} could not be started. Ensure, that it is in the search path. GitBranchDialog Git Branch Branch Action Select to create a branch <b>Create Branch</b> <p>Select this entry in order to create a branch.</p> Create Select to rename a branch <b>Rename</b> <p>Select this entry in order to rename the selected branch.</p> Rename Select to delete a branch <b>Delete Branch</b> <p>Select this entry in order to delete the selected branch.</p> Delete Select to create a new branch and switch to it <b>Create &amp; Switch</b>\n<p>Select this entry in order to create a new branch and switch the working tree to it.</p> Create && Switch Select to create a tracking branch and switch to it <b>Create Tracking Branch &amp; Switch</b>\n<p>Select this entry in order to create a new branch tracking a remote repository branch. The working tree is switched to it.</p> Create Tracking Branch && Switch Select to associate a remote branch Set Tracking Branch Select to de-associate a remote branch Unset Tracking Branch Information Name: Enter the name of the branch <b>Branch Name</b> <p>Enter the name of the branch to be created, deleted or moved.</p> Create Branch Revision: Enter a revision at which to start the branch Rename Branch New Name: Enter a new name for the selected branch Remote Branch: Select the remote branch to associate Select to enforce the create operation Enforce Operation GitBranchPushDialog Git Push Branch Branch Name: Select the branch Remote Name: Select the remote repository <all branches> GitBundleDialog Git Bundle Revision Select to specify a revision or revision range Revisions: Enter revisions or revision range expressions Select to specify a revision by a tag Tag: Enter a tag name Select to specify a revision by a branch Branch: Enter a branch name GitChangeRemoteUrlDialog Git Change Remote URL Name: URL: New URL: Enter the new remote URL GitCherryPickDialog Git Cherry-pick Commits Enter commits by id, branch or tag one per line Select to append cherry-pick info to the commit message Append Cherry-pick &Info Select to add a 'Signed-off-by' line to the commit message Append '&Signed-off-by' line Select to not commit the cherry-pick Don't &commit GitCommandDialog Git Command Git Command: Enter the Git command to be executed with all necessary parameters <b>Git Command</b> <p>Enter the Git command to be executed including all necessary parameters. If a parameter of the commandline includes a space you have to surround this parameter by single or double quotes. Do not include the name of the Git client executable (i.e. git).</p> Project Directory: This shows the root directory of the current project. project directory GitCommitDialog Git Commit Message Enter the log message. <b>Log Message</b> <p>Enter the log message for the commit action.</p> Recent commit messages Select a recent commit message to use Select to commit only staged changes Commit staged changes only Select to amend the last commit (leave message empty to keep it) Amend the last commit Select to reset the author information Reset Author Info GitCopyDialog Git Copy Source: Shows the name of the source <b>Source name</b> <p>This field shows the name of the source.</p> Enter the target name <b>Target name</b> <p>Enter the new name in this field. The target must be the new name or an absolute path.</p> Target: Press to open a selection dialog <b>Target directory</b> <p>Select the target name for the operation via a selection dialog.</p> Select to force the operation Enforce operation Git Move Select target GitDescribeDialog Git Tag List Commit Tag Info Errors Input Press to send the input to the git process &Send Alt+S Enter data to be sent to the git process Select to switch the input field to password mode &Password Mode Alt+P Process Generation Error The process {0} could not be started. Ensure, that it is in the search path. GitDialog Git Output Errors Input Press to send the input to the git process &Send Alt+S Enter data to be sent to the git process Select to switch the input field to password mode &Password Mode Alt+P Additional Output Process canceled. Process finished successfully. Process crashed. Process finished with exit code {0} Process Generation Error The process {0} could not be started. Ensure, that it is in the search path. GitDiffDialog Git Diff Difference <b>Git Diff</b><p>This shows the output of the git diff command.</p> <b>Git Diff</b><p>This shows the output of the git diff command (stage to repo) if the dialog was asked to show separate diffs.</p> Errors Refresh Press to refresh the display Working Tree to Staging Area Staging Area to HEAD Commit Working Tree to HEAD Commit Working to Staging (top) and Staging to HEAD (bottom) Stash Contents Stash Contents of {0} Difference ({0}) Process Generation Error The process {0} could not be started. Ensure, that it is in the search path. There is no difference. <Start> <End> Save Diff Patch Files (*.diff) <p>The patch file <b>{0}</b> already exists. Overwrite it?</p> <p>The patch file <b>{0}</b> could not be saved.<br>Reason: {1}</p> GitFetchDialog Git Fetch Remote Repository: Select the remote repository to fetch from Remote Branches: Press to update the list of remote branches Update Select the remote branches to be fetched Local Branch: Select the local branch to fetch into Select to remove non-existing tracking references Prune obsolete tracking references Select to fetch tags as well Include tags <All> <Custom> GitListDialog Git Select Select from the list: GitLogBrowserDialog Git Log Select action from menu Select the mode (find or filter) From: Enter the start date To: Enter the end date Select the field to filter on Enter the regular expression to filter on or search for Press to find the previous occurrence Press to find the next occurrence Graph Commit ID Author Date Committer Commit Date Subject Branches Tags Press to move up in the log list Press to move down in the log list Press to get the next bunch of log entries &Next Enter the limit of entries to fetch Select to stop listing log messages at a copy or move Stop on Copy/Move Action Path Additions Deletions Copy from Differences <a href="save:me">Save</a> Errors <b>Git log errors</b><p>This shows possible error messages of the git log command.</p> Input Press to send the input to the git process &Send Alt+S Enter data to be sent to the git process Select to switch the input field to password mode &Password Mode Alt+P &Refresh Press to refresh the list of commits Find Filter File <table><tr><td><b>Commit ID</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr><tr><td><b>Date</b></td><td>{1}</td></tr><tr><td><b>Author</b></td><td>{2} &lt;{3}&gt;</td></tr><tr><td><b>Commit Date</b></td><td>{4}</td></tr><tr><td><b>Committer</b></td><td>{5} &lt;{6}&gt;</td></tr>{7}<tr><td><b>Subject</b></td><td>{8}</td></tr>{9}</table> <tr><td><b>Parents</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Children</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Branches</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Tags</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Message</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> Added Deleted Modified Copied Renamed Type changed Unmerged Unknown Show Commit ID Column Press to show the commit ID column Show Author Columns Press to show the author columns Show Committer Columns Press to show the committer columns Show Branches Column Press to show the branches column Show Tags Column Press to show the Tags column Copy Commits Cherry-pick the selected commits to the current branch Tag Tag the selected commit Branch Create a new branch at the selected commit. Branch && Switch Create a new branch at the selected commit and switch the work tree to it. Switch Switch the working directory to the selected commit Show Short Log Show a dialog with a log output for release notes Describe Show the most recent tag reachable from a commit The git process did not finish within 30s. Could not start the git executable. Git Error {0} ({1}%) action, confidence Process Generation Error The process {0} could not be started. Ensure, that it is in the search path. Side-by-Side Diff to Parent {0} <a href="sbsdiff:{0}_{1}">Side-by-Side Compare</a> Copy Changesets The project should be reread. Do this now? Select a branch Select a default branch Branch & Switch Find Commit '{0}' was not found. Differences to Parent {0} Diff to Parent {0} There is no difference. Save Diff Patch Files (*.diff) <p>The patch file <b>{0}</b> already exists. Overwrite it?</p> <p>The patch file <b>{0}</b> could not be saved.<br>Reason: {1}</p> GitMergeDialog Git Merge Revision Select to specify a revision by changeset id Commit: Enter a commit id Select to specify a revision by a tag Tag: Enter a tag name Select to specify a revision by a local branch Local Branch: Enter a local branch name Select to specify a revision by a remote branch Remote Branch: Enter a remote branch name Select to not specify a specific revision No commit selected Select to commit the merge Commit Merge Commit Message: Enter a message for the merge commit Select to append the log summaries of merged commits Add Log Message Summary Select to show diff statistics at the end of the merge Show diff statistics GitNewProjectOptionsDialog New Project from Repository <b>New Project from Repository Dialog</b> <p>Enter the various repository infos into the entry fields. These values are used, when the new project is retrieved from the repository.</p> <p>For remote repositories the URL must contain the hostname.</p> &URL: Enter the URL of the repository Select the repository url via a directory selection dialog Press to clear the history of entered repository URLs Project &Directory: Enter the directory of the new project. <b>Project Directory</b> <p>Enter the directory of the new project. It will be retrieved from the repository and be placed in this directory.</p> Select Repository-Directory Select Project Directory GitOptionsDialog Initial Commit <b>Initial Commit Dialog</b> <p>Enter the message for the initial commit.</p> Commit &Message: Enter the log message for the new project. <b>Log Message</b> <p>Enter the log message to be used for the new project.</p> new project started GitPage <b>Configure Git Interface</b> Log No. of log messages shown: Enter the number of log messages to be shown No. of subject characters shown in list: Enter the number of characters of the commit subject to be shown in the list All Select to perform expensive copy detection Find copies harder Commit No. of commit messages to remember: Enter the number of commit messages to remember Commit ID length: Enter the number of character to show for the commit ID Cleanup Pattern: Enter the file name patterns to be used for cleaning up (entries separated by a space character) Repository Optimization Select this to use the '--aggressive' option for garbage collection Perform aggressive repository optimization Edit the Git configuration file Edit configuration file GitPatchFilesDialog Patch Files Press to add patch files to the list Press to delete the selected patch files from the list Press to move the selected file up Press to move the selected file down Strip Count: Enter number of leading directories to strip off (default 1) Select, if the patch has inaccurate end-of-file markers Patch has inaccurate end-of-file Select, if the line counts of the patch header may be wrong Don't trust line counts Patch Files (*.diff *.patch);;All Files (*) GitPatchStatisticsDialog Patch Statistics Insertions and Deletions: # Insertions # Deletions File Summary Information: Process Generation Error The process {0} could not be started. Ensure, that it is in the search path. GitProjectBrowserHelper Version Control Commit changes to repository... Add/Stage to repository Unstage changes Remove from repository (and disk) Remove from repository only Copy Move Show log browser Show status Show differences Show differences side-by-side Show differences (extended) Show differences side-by-side (extended) Show annotated file Revert changes Select all local file entries Select all versioned file entries Select all local directory entries Select all versioned directory entries Configure... Do you really want to remove these files from the repository? GitProjectHelper New from repository &New from repository... Create (clone) a new project from a Git repository <b>New from repository</b><p>This creates (clones) a new local project from a Git repository.</p> Fetch changes Fetch changes from a remote repository <b>Fetch changes</b><p>This fetches changes from a remote repository into the local repository.</p> Pull changes Pull changes from a remote repository and update the work area <b>Pull changes</b><p>This pulls changes from a remote repository into the local repository and updates the work area.</p> Commit changes to repository Commit changes to repository... Commit changes of the local project to the Git repository <b>Commit changes to repository</b><p>This commits changes of the local project to the Git repository.</p> Push changes Push changes to a remote repository <b>Push changes</b><p>This pushes changes from the local repository to a remote repository.</p> Export from repository &Export from repository... Export a project from the repository <b>Export from repository</b><p>This exports a project from the repository.</p> Show log browser Show a dialog to browse the log of the local project <b>Show log browser</b><p>This shows a dialog to browse the log of the local project. A limited number of entries is shown first. More can be retrieved later on.</p> Show reflog browser Show a dialog to browse the reflog of the local project <b>Show reflog browser</b><p>This shows a dialog to browse the reflog of the local project. A limited number of entries is shown first. More can be retrieved later on.</p> Show differences Show &differences... Show the differences of the local project to the repository <b>Show differences</b><p>This shows differences of the local project to the repository.</p> Show differences (extended) Show differences (extended) ... Show the difference of revisions of the project to the repository <b>Show differences (extended)</b><p>This shows differences of selectable revisions of the project.</p> Show status Show &status... Show the status of the local project <b>Show status</b><p>This shows the status of the local project.</p> Switch S&witch... Switch the working directory to another revision <b>Switch</b><p>This switches the working directory to another revision.</p> Tag in repository &Tag in repository... Perform tag operations for the local project <b>Tag in repository</b><p>This performs selectable tag operations for the local project.</p> List tags &List tags... List tags of the project <b>List tags</b><p>This lists the tags of the project.</p> Show most recent tag Show the most recent tag reachable from the work tree <b>Show most recent tag</b><p>This shows the most recent tag reachable from the work tree.</p> List branches &List branches... List branches of the project <b>List branches</b><p>This lists the branches of the project.</p> List merged branches List &merged branches... List merged branches of the project <b>List merged branches</b><p>This lists the merged branches of the project.</p> List non-merged branches List &non-merged branches... List non-merged branches of the project <b>List non-merged branches</b><p>This lists the non-merged branches of the project.</p> Branch in repository &Branch in repository... Perform branch operations for the local project <b>Branch in repository</b><p>This performs selectable branch operations for the local project.</p> Delete Remote Branch &Delete Remote Branch... Delete a branch from a remote repository <b>Delete Remote Branch</b><p>This deletes a branch from a remote repository.</p> Show current branch Show the current branch of the project <b>Show current branch</b><p>This shows the current branch of the project.</p> Revert changes Re&vert changes Revert all changes made to the local project <b>Revert changes</b><p>This reverts all changes made to the local project.</p> Unstage changes &Unstage changes Unstage all changes made to the local project <b>Unstage changes</b><p>This unstages all changes made to the local project.</p> Merge Mer&ge changes... Merge changes into the local project <b>Merge</b><p>This merges changes into the local project.</p> Cancel uncommitted/failed merge Cancel an uncommitted or failed merge and lose all changes <b>Cancel uncommitted/failed merge</b><p>This cancels an uncommitted or failed merge causing all changes to be lost.</p> Commit failed merge Commit a failed merge after conflicts have been resolved <b>Commit failed merge</b><p>This commits a failed merge after conflicts have been resolved.</p> Cleanup Cleanu&p Cleanup the local project <b>Cleanup</b><p>This performs a cleanup of the local project.</p> Execute command E&xecute command... Execute an arbitrary Git command <b>Execute command</b><p>This opens a dialog to enter an arbitrary Git command.</p> Configure Configure... Show the configuration dialog with the Git page selected <b>Configure</b><p>Show the configuration dialog with the Git page selected.</p> Show Remotes Show Remotes... Show the available remote repositories <b>Show Remotes</b><p>This shows the remote repositories available for pulling, fetching and pushing.</p> Show Remote Info Show Remote Info... Show information about a remote repository Add Add... Add a remote repository <b>Add</b><p>This adds a remote repository.</p> Remove Remove... Remove a remote repository <b>Remove</b><p>This removes a remote repository.</p> Prune Prune... Prune stale remote-tracking branches of a remote repository <b>Prune</b><p>This prunes stale remote-tracking branches of a remote repository.</p> Rename Rename... Rename a remote repository <b>Rename</b><p>This renames a remote repository.</p> Copy Commits Copies commits into the current branch <b>Copy Commits</b><p>This copies commits on top of the current branch.</p> Continue Copying Session Continue the last copying session after conflicts were resolved <b>Continue Copying Session</b><p>This continues the last copying session after conflicts were resolved.</p> Quit Copying Session Quit the current copying session <b>Quit Copying Session</b><p>This quits the current copying session.</p> Cancel Copying Session Cancel the current copying session and return to the previous state <b>Cancel Copying Session</b><p>This cancels the current copying session and returns to the previous state.</p> Stash changes Stash changes... Stash all current changes of the project <b>Stash changes</b><p>This stashes all current changes of the project.</p> Show stash browser Show stash browser... Show a dialog with all stashes <b>Show stash browser...</b><p>This shows a dialog listing all available stashes. Actions on these stashes may be executed via the context menu.</p> Show stash Show stash... Show a dialog with a patch of a stash <b>Show stash...</b><p>This shows a dialog with a patch of a selectable stash.</p> Restore && Keep Restore a stash but keep it <b>Restore &amp; Keep</b><p>This restores a selectable stash and keeps it.</p> Restore && Delete Restore a stash and delete it <b>Restore &amp; Delete</b><p>This restores a selectable stash and deletes it.</p> Create Branch Create a new branch and restore a stash into it <b>Create Branch</b><p>This creates a new branch and restores a stash into it.</p> Delete Delete a stash <b>Delete</b><p>This deletes a stash.</p> Delete All Delete all stashes <b>Delete All</b><p>This deletes all stashes.</p> Edit user configuration Edit user configuration... Show an editor to edit the user configuration file <b>Edit user configuration</b><p>Show an editor to edit the user configuration file.</p> Edit repository configuration Edit repository configuration... Show an editor to edit the repository configuration file <b>Edit repository configuration</b><p>Show an editor to edit the repository configuration file.</p> Create .gitignore Create a .gitignore file with default values <b>Create .gitignore</b><p>This creates a .gitignore file with default values.</p> Show combined configuration settings Show combined configuration settings... Show the combined configuration settings from all configuration files <b>Show combined configuration settings</b><p>This shows the combined configuration settings from all configuration files.</p> Verify repository Verify repository... Verify the connectivity and validity of objects of the database <b>Verify repository</b><p>This verifies the connectivity and validity of objects of the database.</p> Optimize repository Optimize repository... Cleanup and optimize the local repository <b>Optimize repository</b><p>This cleans up and optimizes the local repository.</p> Repository Statistics Repository Statistics... Show some statistics of the local repository <b>Repository Statistics</b><p>This show some statistics of the local repository.</p> Create Archive Create an archive from the local repository <b>Create Archive</b><p>This creates an archive from the local repository.</p> Create bundle Create bundle... Create bundle file collecting changesets <b>Create bundle</b><p>This creates a bundle file collecting selected changesets (git bundle create).</p> Verify bundle Verify bundle... Verify the validity and applicability of a bundle file <b>Verify bundle</b><p>This verifies that a bundle file is valid and will apply cleanly.</p> List bundle heads List bundle heads... List all heads contained in a bundle file <b>List bundle heads</b><p>This lists all heads contained in a bundle file.</p> Apply Bundle (fetch) Apply Bundle (fetch)... Apply a head of a bundle file using fetch <b>Apply Bundle (fetch)</b><p>This applies a head of a bundle file using fetch.</p> Apply Bundle (pull) Apply Bundle (pull)... Apply a head of a bundle file using pull <b>Apply Bundle (pull)</b><p>This applies a head of a bundle file using pull.</p> Start Start a bisect session <b>Start</b><p>This starts a bisect session.</p> Start (Extended) Start a bisect session giving a bad and optionally good commits <b>Start (Extended)</b><p>This starts a bisect session giving a bad and optionally good commits.</p> Mark as "good" Mark as "good"... Mark a selectable revision as good <b>Mark as "good"</b><p>This marks a selectable revision as good.</p> Mark as "bad" Mark as "bad"... Mark a selectable revision as bad <b>Mark as "bad"</b><p>This marks a selectable revision as bad.</p> Skip Skip... Skip a selectable revision <b>Skip</b><p>This skips a selectable revision.</p> Reset Reset... Reset the bisect session <b>Reset</b><p>This resets the bisect session.</p> Show bisect log browser Show a dialog to browse the bisect log of the local project <b>Show bisect log browser</b><p>This shows a dialog to browse the bisect log of the local project.</p> Create replay file Create a replay file to repeat the current bisect session <b>Create replay file</b><p>This creates a replay file to repeat the current bisect session.</p> Edit replay file Edit a bisect replay file <b>Edit replay file</b><p>This edits a bisect replay file.</p> Replay session Replay a bisect session from file <b>Replay session</b><p>This replays a bisect session from file.</p> Check patch files Check a list of patch files, if they would apply cleanly <b>Check patch files</b><p>This checks a list of patch files, if they would apply cleanly.</p> Apply patch files Apply a list of patch files <b>Apply patch files</b><p>This applies a list of patch files.</p> Show patch statistics Show some statistics for a list of patch files <b>Show patch statistics</b><p>This shows some statistics for a list of patch files.</p> Add a submodule to the current project <b>Add</b><p>This adds a submodule to the current project.</p> List List the submodule of the current project <b>List</b><p>This lists the submodules of the current project.</p> Initialize Initialize the submodules of the current project <b>Initialize</b><p>This initializes the submodules of the current project.</p> Unregister Unregister submodules of the current project <b>Unregister</b><p>This unregisters submodules of the current project.</p> Update Update submodules of the current project <b>Update</b><p>This updates submodules of the current project.</p> Initialize and Update Initialize and update submodules of the current project <b>Initialize and Update</b><p>This initializes and updates submodules of the current project.</p> Fetch and Update Fetch and update submodules of the current project <b>Fetch and Update</b><p>This fetches and updates submodules of the current project.</p> Update with Options Update submodules of the current project offering a dialog to enter options <b>Update with Options</b><p>This updates submodules of the current project offering a dialog to enter update options.</p> Synchronize URLs Synchronize URLs of submodules of the current project <b>Synchronize URLs</b><p>This synchronizes URLs of submodules of the current project.</p> Show Status Show the status of submodules of the current project <b>Show Status</b><p>This shows a dialog with the status of submodules of the current project.</p> Show Summary Show summary information for submodules of the current project <b>Show Summary</b><p>This shows some summary information for submodules of the current project.</p> Administration Bundle Management Patch Management Bisect Tags Branches Manage Changes Remote Repositories Cherry-pick Stash Submodules Git Branch The project should be reread. Do this now? Pull Revert Changes Unstage Changes Select a remote repository: Copy Commits (Continue) Copy Commits (Quit) Copy Commits (Cancel) Save Stash Restore Stash Change URL Change URL... Change the URL of a remote repository <b>Change URL</b><p>This changes the URL of a remote repository.</p> Credentials Credentials... Change or set the user credentials of a remote repository <b>Credentials</b><p>This changes or sets the user credentials of a remote repository.</p> GitPullDialog Git Pull Remote Repository: Select the remote repository to pull from Remote Branches: Press to update the list of remote branches Update Select the remote branches to be pulled Select to remove non-existing tracking references Prune obsolete tracking references <All> <Custom> GitPushDialog Git Push Remote Repository: Select the remote repository to push to Branches to be pushed Push? Local Remote Force? Press to select all branches Select All <b>WARNING: The "Force" option can result in dangling branches in the remote repository.</b> Select to push tags as well Include tags Select this to associate a remote tracking branch Set tracking information Push Submodules Select to push submodules automatically on-demand Select to check, if submodules were pushed already check Select to push submodules only only Select to not push any submodule no GitReflogBrowserDialog Git Reflog Commit Selector Name Operation Subject Press to get the next bunch of log entries &Next Enter the limit of entries to fetch Errors <b>Git log errors</b><p>This shows possible error messages of the git log command.</p> Input Press to send the input to the git process &Send Alt+S Enter data to be sent to the git process Select to switch the input field to password mode &Password Mode Alt+P &Refresh Press to refresh the list of commits Process Generation Error The process {0} could not be started. Ensure, that it is in the search path. GitRemoteCredentialsDialog Git Remote Credentials Name: URL: Credentials Username: Enter the user name for the remote repository Password: Enter the password for the remote repository GitRemoteRepositoriesDialog Git Remote Repositories <b>Git Remote Repositories</b> <p>This dialog shows the available remote repositories.</p> Remote Repositories Name URL Operation Press to add a remote repository &Add Press to rename the selected repository &Rename Press to remove the selected repository Re&move Press to delete stale tracking branches under the selected repository &Prune Press to show information about the selected repository Show &Info... Errors <b>Git log errors</b><p>This shows possible error messages of the git log command.</p> Input Press to send the input to the git process &Send Alt+S Enter data to be sent to the git process Select to switch the input field to password mode &Password Mode Alt+P Refresh Press to refresh the repositories display Process Generation Error The process {0} could not be started. Ensure, that it is in the search path. Press to change the URL of the selected repository Change &URL Press to set or change the user credentials of the selected repository &Credentials GitRevisionSelectionDialog Git Revision Revision Select to specify a revision by a revision expression Commit: Enter a commit id Select to specify a revision by a tag Tag: Enter a tag name Select to specify a revision by a branch Branch: Enter a branch name Select to specify a revision by a remote branch Remote Branch: Enter a remote branch name Select HEAD revision HEAD No revision selected GitRevisionsSelectionDialog Git Diff Revision &1 Select to specify a revision by a revision expression Commit: Enter a commit id Select to specify a revision by a tag Tag: Enter a tag name Select to specify a revision by a branch Branch: Enter a branch name Select HEAD revision HEAD Select revision before HEAD HEAD^ No revision selected Revision &2 GitStashBrowserDialog Git Stash Browser Name Date Message Statistics File Changes Lines added Lines deleted Errors <b>Git stash errors</b><p>This shows possible error messages of the git stash command.</p> Input Press to send the input to the git process &Send Alt+S Enter data to be sent to the git process Select to switch the input field to password mode &Password Mode Alt+P &Refresh Press to refresh the list of stashes Show Restore && Keep Restore && Delete Create Branch Delete Delete All Process Generation Error The process {0} could not be started. Ensure, that it is in the search path. %n file(s) changed %n line(s) inserted %n line(s) deleted GitStashDataDialog Git Stash Message: Enter a message for the stash Keep changes in staging area Untracked/Ignored Files Select to not stash untracked or ignored files Don't stash untracked or ignored files Select to stash untracked files Stash untracked files Select to stash untracked and ignored files Stash untracked and ignored files GitStatusDialog Git Status <b>Git Status</b> <p>This dialog shows the status of the selected file or project.</p> Select action from menu &Filter on Status: Select the status of entries to be shown Commit Status (Work) Status (Staging) Path Difference Working to Staging Difference Staging to HEAD Errors Input Press to send the input to the git process &Send Alt+S Enter data to be sent to the git process Select to switch the input field to password mode &Password Mode Alt+P Refresh Press to refresh the status display Stage Selected Lines Revert Selected Lines Stage Hunk Revert Hunk Unstage Selected Lines Unstage Hunk added copied deleted modified renamed not tracked unmerged unmodified ignored Commit the selected changes Amend Amend the latest commit with the selected changes Select all for commit Unselect all from commit Add Add the selected files Stage changes Stages all changes of the selected files Unstage changes Unstages all changes of the selected files Differences Shows the differences of the selected entry in a separate dialog Differences Side-By-Side Shows the differences of the selected entry side-by-side in a separate dialog Revert Reverts the changes of the selected files Forget missing Forgets about the selected missing files Restore missing Restores the selected missing files Edit file Edit the selected conflicting file Adjust column sizes Adjusts the width of all columns to their contents Process Generation Error The process {0} could not be started. Ensure, that it is in the search path. all There are no entries selected to be committed. There are no unversioned entries available/selected. Stage There are no stageable entries available/selected. Unstage There are no unstageable entries available/selected. Forget Missing There are no missing entries available/selected. There are no uncommitted, unstaged changes available/selected. Restore Missing There are no uncommitted changes available/selected. Working Tree to Staging Area Staging Area to HEAD Commit Working Tree to HEAD Commit Side-by-Side Difference Select the compare method. Revert selected lines Revert hunk Are you sure you want to revert the selected changes? GitStatusMonitorThread Could not start the Git process. Git status checked successfully <detached> {0} / {1} branch, commit GitSubmoduleAddDialog Add Submodule &URL: Enter the URL of the repository Select the repository URL via a directory selection dialog Press to clear the history of entered repository URLs Submodule &Directory: Enter the directory for the submodule (leave empty to use default). &Branch: Enter a branch name &Logical Name: Enter a logical name Select to enforce the operation &Force Operation Select Submodule Repository Directory Select Submodule Directory GitSubmodulesDeinitDialog Unregister Submodules Select to unregister all submodules Unregister All Submodules Selected Submodules: Select the submodules to be unregistered Select to enforce unregistering Enforce Operation GitSubmodulesListDialog Defined Submodules Name Path URL Branch GitSubmodulesStatusDialog Submodules Status Submodule Status Commit ID Info Select to show the status for the index Show Status for Index Perform a recursive operation Recursive Errors up-to-date not initialized different to index merge conflicts Refresh Press to refresh the status display The process {0} did not finish within 30 seconds. The process {0} finished with an error. Error: {1} The process {0} could not be started. Ensure, that it is in the search path. unknown GitSubmodulesSummaryOptionsDialog Submodule Summary Options Selected Submodules: Select the submodules to show the summary for Select to show summary information for the index of the superproject Show Summary for Superproject Index Select to show summary information for the index Show Summary for Index Commit: Enter a commit ID to show summary information for Enter Commit ID Limit: Enter the maximum number of entries to be shown per submodule No Limit GitSubmodulesSyncDialog Synchronize Submodule URLs Selected Submodules: Select the submodules to be synchronized Select to perform a recursive synchronization Recursive Operation GitSubmodulesUpdateOptionsDialog Submodule Update Options Update Procedure Select to perform a 'checkout' procedure checkout Select to perform a 'rebase' procedure rebase Select to perform a 'merge' procedure merge Select to initialize submodules before the update Initialize before Update Fetch remote changes before updating Synchronize with remote Select to not fetch the remote Don't Fetch Selected Submodules: Select the submodules to be updated Select to enforce the update Enforce Operation GitTagBranchListDialog Git Tag List <b>Git Tag/Branch List</b> <p>This dialog shows a list of the projects tags or branches.</p> <b>Tag/Branches List</b> <p>This shows a list of the projects tags or branches.</p> Commit Name Errors Input Press to send the input to the git process &Send Alt+S Enter data to be sent to the git process Select to switch the input field to password mode &Password Mode Alt+P Annotation Message Git Branches List Process Generation Error The process {0} could not be started. Ensure, that it is in the search path. GitTagDialog Git Tag Name: Enter the name of the tag <b>Tag Name</b> <p>Enter the name of the tag to be created, deleted or verified.</p> Revision: Enter a revision to set a tag for Tag Action Select to create a tag <b>Create Tag</b> <p>Select this entry in order to create a tag.</p> Create Tag Select to delete a tag <b>Delete Tag</b> <p>Select this entry in order to delete the selected tag.</p> Delete Tag Select to verify a tag <b>Verify Tag</b> <p>Select this entry in order to verify the selected tag.</p> Verify Tag Tag Type Select to create/delete/verify a global tag Global Tag Select to create/delete/verify a signed tag Signed Tag Select to create/delete/verify a local tag Local Tag Select to enforce the create operation Enforce Operation GitUserConfigDataDialog Git User Data User Data First Name: Enter the first name Last Name: Enter the last name Email: Enter the email address Globals {0:4.2f} Bytes {0:4.2f} KiB {0:4.2f} MiB {0:4.2f} GiB {0:4.2f} TiB GlosbeEngine Glosbe: Invalid response received Glosbe: No translation found. GoogleV1Engine Google V1: Invalid response received Google V1: No translation found. Google V1: Only texts up to {0} characters are allowed. GoogleV2Engine Google V2: A valid Google Translate key is required. Google V2: Invalid response received Google V2: No translation available. GotoDialog Goto &Line Number: Enter linenumber to go to <b>Linenumber</b> <p>Enter the linenumber to go to in this entry field.</p> Gpg Verify Signatures Sign Revision GpgProjectHelper List Signed Changesets List Signed Changesets... List signed changesets <b>List Signed Changesets</b><p>This opens a dialog listing all signed changesets.</p> Verify Signatures Verify all signatures there may be for a particular revision <b>Verify Signatures</b><p>This verifies all signatures there may be for a particular revision.</p> Sign Revision Add a signature for a selected revision <b>Sign Revision</b><p>This adds a signature for a selected revision.</p> GPG GraphicsPage <b>Configure graphics settings</b> Press to select the font for the graphic items Graphics Font Font Drawing Mode Select to determine the drawing mode automatically Automatic Select to draw black shapes on a white background Black On White Select to draw white shapes on a black background White On Black GreaseMonkeyAddScriptDialog GreaseMonkey Script Installation <h2>GreaseMonkey Script Installation</h2> You are about to install this userscript into GreaseMonkey: <b>You should only install scripts from sources you trust!</b> Are you sure you want to install it? Press to open an editor with the script's source Show source code of script <p>runs at:<br/><i>{0}</i></p> <p>does not run at:<br/><i>{0}</i></p> <p><b>{0}</b> installed successfully.</p> <p>Cannot install script.</p> GreaseMonkeyConfigurationDialog GreaseMonkey Scripts Configuration <h2>GreaseMonkey Scripts</h2> Double clicking script will show additional information. <p>Get more scripts from <a href="https://greasyfork.org/">greasyfork.org</a> or via <a href="http://wiki.greasespot.net/User_Script_Hosting">Greasespot Wiki.</a></p> Press to open the scripts directory Open Scripts Directory Remove Script <p>Are you sure you want to remove <b>{0}</b>?</p> GreaseMonkeyConfigurationScriptInfoDialog <h2>GreaseMonkey Script Details</h2> Name: Version: URL: Start at: Description: Runs at: Does not run at: Press to open an editor with the script's source Show source code of script Script Details of {0} GreaseMonkeyManager Install GreaseMonkey Script '{0}' is already installed. HelpDocsInstaller <p>The file <b>{0}</b> could not be registered. <br/>Reason: {1}</p> HelpDocumentationPage <b>Configure help documentation</b> eric API Documentation Enter the eric documentation directory <b>Note</b>: Leave empty to use the default location. Python 3 Documentation Enter the Python 3 documentation directory <b>Note</b>: Leave empty to use the PYTHON3DOCDIR environment variable, if set. Qt5 Documentation Enter the Qt5 documentation directory <b>Note</b>: Leave empty to use the QT5DOCDIR environment variable, if set. PyQt5 Documentation Enter the PyQt5 documentation directory <b>Note</b>: Leave empty to use the PYQT5DOCDIR environment variable, if set. HTML Files (*.html *.htm);;All Files (*) HTML Files (*.html *.htm);;Compressed Help Files (*.chm);;All Files (*) PySide2 Documentation Enter the PySide2 documentation directory <b>Note</b>: Leave empty to use the PYSIDE2DOCDIR environment variable, if set. Qt6 Documentation Enter the Qt6 documentation directory <b>Note</b>: Leave empty to use the QT6DOCDIR environment variable, if set. PyQt6 Documentation Enter the PyQt6 documentation directory <b>Note</b>: Leave empty to use the PYQT6DOCDIR environment variable, if set. PySide6 Documentation Enter the PySide6 documentation directory <b>Note</b>: Leave empty to use the PYSIDE6DOCDIR environment variable, if set. HelpIndexWidget &Look for: Open Link Open Link in New Tab Open Link in Background Tab Open Link in New Window HelpSearchWidget Open Link Open Link in New Tab Open Link in Background Tab Open Link in New Window HelpTocWidget Open Link Open Link in New Tab Open Link in Background Tab Open Link in New Window HelpTopicDialog Select Help Topic &Topics: Choose a &topic for <b>{0}</b>: HelpViewersPage <b>Configure help viewers</b> Help Viewer Select to use the Eric Web Browser Eric Web Browser Select to use Qt Assistant Qt Assistant Select to use the configured web browser of the system System Web Browser Select to use a custom viewer Custom Enter the custom viewer to be used HexEditGotoWidget Go to Press to close the window Offset: Select the data format of the offset field Enter the address to move to or the offset from the cursor position Select to move relative to the cursor From Cursor Select to move backwards Backwards Press to move the cursor > Goto Select to also extend the selection Extend Selection Hex Dec HexEditMainWindow New Window New &Window Open a binary file for editing in a new hex editor window <b>New Window</b><p>This opens a binary file for editing in a new hex editor window.</p> Open &Open... Ctrl+O File|Open Save &Save Ctrl+S File|Save Save the current binary file <b>Save File</b><p>Save the contents of the hex editor window.</p> Save As Save &As... Shift+Ctrl+S File|Save As Save the current binary data to a new file <b>Save As...</b><p>Saves the current binary data to a new file.</p> Save As Readable Save As &Readable... Save the current binary data to a new file in a readable format <b>Save As Readable...</b><p>Saves the current binary data to a new file in a readable format.</p> Close &Close Ctrl+W File|Close Close the current hex editor window <b>Close</b><p>Closes the current hex editor window.</p> Close All Close &All Close all hex editor windows <b>Close All</b><p>Closes all hex editor windows.</p> Close Others Close all other hex editor windows <b>Close Others</b><p>Closes all other hex editor windows.</p> Quit &Quit Ctrl+Q File|Quit Quit the hex editor <b>Quit</b><p>Quit the hex editor.</p> Undo &Undo Ctrl+Z Edit|Undo Alt+Backspace Edit|Undo Undo the last change <b>Undo</b><p>Undo the last change done.</p> Redo &Redo Ctrl+Shift+Z Edit|Redo Redo the last change <b>Redo</b><p>Redo the last change done.</p> Revert to last saved state Re&vert to last saved state Ctrl+Y Edit|Revert <b>Revert to last saved state</b><p>Undo all changes up to the last saved state of the editor.</p> Cut Cu&t Ctrl+X Edit|Cut Shift+Del Edit|Cut Cut the selection <b>Cut</b><p>Cut the selected binary area to the clipboard.</p> Copy &Copy Ctrl+C Edit|Copy Ctrl+Ins Edit|Copy Copy the selection <b>Copy</b><p>Copy the selected binary area to the clipboard.</p> Paste &Paste Ctrl+V Edit|Paste Shift+Ins Edit|Paste Paste the clipboard contents <b>Paste</b><p>Paste the clipboard contents.</p> Select All &Select All Ctrl+A Edit|Select All Select the complete binary data <b>Select All</b><p>Selects the complete binary data.</p> Deselect all &Deselect all Alt+Ctrl+A Edit|Deselect all Deselect all binary data <b>Deselect All</b><p>Deselect all all binary data.</p> Save Selection Readable Save Selection Readable... Save the binary data of the current selection to a file in a readable format <b>Save Selection Readable...</b><p>Saves the binary data of the current selection to a file in a readable format.</p> Set Read Only Change the edit mode to read only <b>Set Read Only</b><p>This changes the edit mode to read only (i.e. to view mode).</p> Search &Search... Ctrl+F Search|Search Search for data <b>Search</b><p>Search for some data. A dialog is shown to enter the data to search for in various formats.</p> Search next Search &next F3 Search|Search next Search next occurrence <b>Search next</b><p>Search the next occurrence of some data. The previously entered search data are reused.</p> Search previous Search &previous Shift+F3 Search|Search previous Search previous occurrence <b>Search previous</b><p>Search the previous occurrence of some data. The previously entered search data are reused.</p> Replace &Replace... Ctrl+R Search|Replace Replace data <b>Replace</b><p>Search for some data and replace it. A dialog is shown to enter the data to search for and the replacement data in various formats.</p> Goto Offset &Goto Offset... <b>Goto Offset</b><p>Go to a specific address. A dialog is shown to enter the movement data.</p> About &About Display information about this software <b>About</b><p>Display some information about this software.</p> About Qt About &Qt Display information about the Qt toolkit <b>About Qt</b><p>Display some information about the Qt toolkit.</p> What's This? &What's This? Shift+F1 Help|What's This?' Context sensitive help <b>Display context sensitive help</b><p>In What's This? mode, the mouse cursor shows an arrow with a question mark, and you can click on the interface elements to get a short description of what they do and how to use them. In dialogs, this feature can be accessed using the context help button in the titlebar.</p> Preferences &Preferences... Set the prefered configuration <b>Preferences</b><p>Set the configuration items of the application with your prefered values.</p> Open a binary file for viewing <b>Open File</b><p>This opens a binary file for viewing (i.e. in read only mode). It pops up a file selection dialog.</p> Open for Editing... Open for Editing Open a binary file for editing <b>Open for Editing</b><p>This opens a binary file for editing. It pops up a file selection dialog.</p> <b>Open File</b><p>This opens a binary file for editing. It pops up a file selection dialog.</p> Open Read Only... Open Read Only <b>Open Read Only</b><p>This opens a binary file for viewing (i.e. in read only mode). It pops up a file selection dialog.</p> &File Open &Recent Files &Edit Se&ttings &Help File Edit Find Settings Help <p>This part of the status bar displays the cursor address.</p> <p>This part of the status bar displays some selection information.</p> <p>This part of the status bar displays the size of the binary data.</p> <p>This part of the status bar displays the edit mode.</p> <p>This part of the status bar displays the read only mode.</p> Address: {0} Selection: {0} - {1} ({2} Bytes) 0: start, 1: end, 2: selection length Selection: - no selection available ro rw Overwrite Insert Size: {0} Open binary file in new window All Files (*) The loaded file has unsaved changes. The file '{0}' does not exist. Cannot read file '{0}: {1}. Open binary file Save binary file <p>The file <b>{0}</b> already exists. Overwrite it?</p> Cannot write file '{0}: {1}. File saved Save to readable file Text Files (*.txt);;All Files (*) Text Files (*.txt) Untitled {0}[*] - {1} Hex Editor &Clear eric Hex Editor About eric Hex Editor The eric Hex Editor is a simple editor component to edit binary files. HexEditReplaceWidget Find and Replace Press to close the window Find: Select the data format of the find data field Press to find the previous occurrence Press to find the next occurrence Replace: Select the data format of the replace data field Press to replace the selection Press to replace the selection and search for the next occurence Press to replace all occurrences HexEditSearchReplaceWidget Hex Dec Oct Bin Text UTF-8 Find Next Find Prev '{0}' was not found. Replaced {0} occurrences. Nothing replaced because '{0}' was not found. HexEditSearchWidget Find Press to close the window Find: Select the data format of the find data field Press to find the previous occurrence Press to find the next occurrence HexEditUndoStack Inserting %n byte(s) Deleting %n byte(s) HexEditorPage <b>Configure Hex Editor</b> Select whether files shall be opened in read only mode Open files 'read only' Select whether the editor shall be started in Overwrite mode Overwrite data Address Area Select whether the address area shall be shown Show Address Area Address Area Width: Enter the width of the address area in characters Chars Foreground: Background: ASCII Area Select whether the ASCII area shall be shown Show ASCII Area Highlighting Select whether changed data shall be highlighted Highlight Changed Data Selection Font Press to select the font to be used (this must be a monospaced font) Monospaced Font Recent Files Number of recent files: Enter the number of recent files to remember Select the foreground color of the address area Select the background color of the address area Select the foreground color for highlighted data Select the background color for highlighted data Select the foreground color of the selection Select the background color of the selection Hg Create project repository The project repository could not be created. Creating Mercurial repository Initial commit to Mercurial repository Cloning project from a Mercurial repository Commit Changes The commit affects files, that have unsaved changes. Shall the commit be continued? Committing changes to Mercurial repository Synchronizing with the Mercurial repository Adding files/directories to the Mercurial repository Removing files/directories from the Mercurial repository Renaming {0} Tagging in the Mercurial repository Revert changes Do you really want to revert all changes to these files or directories? Do you really want to revert all changes of the project? Reverting changes Merging Re-Merge Do you really want to re-merge these files or directories? Do you really want to re-merge the project? Re-Merging Current branch tip Mercurial command Copying {0} Mercurial Side-by-Side Difference <p>The file <b>{0}</b> could not be read.</p> Apply changegroups Pulling from a remote Mercurial repository Pushing to a remote Mercurial repository Marking as 'unresolved' Marking as 'resolved' Creating branch in the Mercurial repository Created new branch <{0}>. Showing current branch Verifying the integrity of the Mercurial repository Showing the combined configuration settings Showing aliases for remote repositories Recovering from interrupted transaction Identifying project directory Create .hgignore file <p>The file <b>{0}</b> exists already. Overwrite it?</p> Create changegroup Mercurial Changegroup Files (*.hg) <p>The Mercurial changegroup file <b>{0}</b> already exists. Overwrite it?</p> Preview changegroup Mercurial Changegroup Files (*.hg);;All Files (*) Shall the working directory be updated? Bisect subcommand ({0}) invalid. Mercurial Bisect ({0}) Removing files from the Mercurial repository only Backing out changeset No revision given. Aborting... Rollback last transaction Are you sure you want to rollback the last transaction? Import Patch Export Patches Change Phase Copy Changesets Copy Changesets (Continue) Create Unversioned Archive Add Sub-repository <p>The sub-repositories file .hgsub could not be read.</p><p>Reason: {0}</p> <p>The sub-repositories file .hgsub already contains an entry <b>{0}</b>. Aborting...</p> <p>The sub-repositories file .hgsub could not be written to.</p><p>Reason: {0}</p> Remove Sub-repositories <p>The sub-repositories file .hgsub does not exist. Aborting...</p> Mercurial Command Server <p>The Mercurial Command Server could not be restarted.</p><p>Reason: {0}</p> <p>The Mercurial Command Server could not be started.</p><p>Reason: {0}</p> Mercurial Bookmark Delete Bookmark Select the bookmark to be deleted: Delete Mercurial Bookmark Rename Mercurial Bookmark Move Mercurial Bookmark Pull Bookmark Select the bookmark to be pulled: Pulling bookmark from a remote Mercurial repository Push Bookmark Select the bookmark to be push: Pushing bookmark to a remote Mercurial repository Delete All Backups <p>Do you really want to delete all backup bundles stored the backup area <b>{0}</b>?</p> Copy Changesets (Stop) Copy Changesets (Abort) Aborting uncommitted merge HgAddSubrepositoryDialog Add Sub-repository &Path within Project: Enter the path of the sub-repository relative to the project &Type: Select the type of the sub-repository &URL: Enter the URL of the sub-repository The sub-repository path must be inside the project. HgAnnotateDialog Mercurial Annotate Revision Changeset Author Date Line Errors HgArchiveDialog Mercurial Archive Archive: Enter the file name of the archive Type: Select the archive type Prefix: Enter the directory prefix for the files in the archive Select to recurse into subrepositories Include Subrepositories Detect Automatically Directory of Files Uncompressed TAR-Archive Bzip2 compressed TAR-Archive Gzip compressed TAR-Archive Uncompressed ZIP-Archive Compressed ZIP-Archive Bzip2 compressed TAR-Archive (*.tar.bz2) Gzip compressed TAR-Archive (*.tar.gz) Uncompressed TAR-Archive (*.tar) Compressed ZIP-Archive (*.zip) Uncompressed ZIP-Archive (*.uzip) All Files (*) HgBackoutDialog Mercurial Revision Revision Select to specify a revision by number Number Enter a revision number Select to specify a revision by changeset id Id: Enter a changeset id Select to specify a revision by a tag Tag: Enter a tag name Select to specify a revision by a branch Branch: Enter a branch name Select to specify a revision by a bookmark Bookmark: Enter a bookmark name Select to not specify a specific revision Parent Commit data Commit message: Enter the commit message or leave empty to use the default one Commit Date: Enter optional date for the commit Commit User: Enter optional user for the commit Select to merge with parent of the project directory Merge with current parent Backed out changeset <{0}>. HgBookmarkDialog Name: Enter the bookmark name Select a bookmark Revision Select to specify a revision by number Number Enter a revision number Select to specify a revision by changeset id Id: Enter a changeset id Select to specify a revision by a tag Tag: Enter a tag name Select to specify a revision by a branch Branch: Enter a branch name Select to specify a revision by a bookmark Bookmark: Enter a bookmark name Select tip revision of repository Parent Move Bookmark Define Bookmark HgBookmarkRenameDialog Rename Bookmark New Name: Enter the bookmark name Bookmark: Enter the bookmark name to be renamed HgBookmarksInOutDialog <b>Bookmarks List</b> <p>This shows a list of the bookmarks.</p> Name Changeset Errors Mercurial Incoming Bookmarks Mercurial Outgoing Bookmarks no bookmarks found HgBookmarksListDialog Mercurial Bookmarks <b>Mercurial Bookmarks</b> <p>This dialog shows a list of the projects bookmarks.</p> <b>Bookmarks List</b> <p>This shows a list of the projects bookmarks.</p> Revision Changeset Status Name Errors Refresh Press to refresh the bookmarks display no bookmarks defined Switch to Delete Rename Pull Push Switch The project should be reread. Do this now? Delete Bookmark <p>Shall the bookmark <b>{0}</b> really be deleted?</p> Rename Bookmark <p>Enter the new name for bookmark <b>{0}</b>:</p> Push Current Push All HgBranchInputDialog Create Branch Enter branch name: Enter the new branch name (spaces will be converted to _) Select to commit the branch Commit Branch HgBundleDialog Mercurial Bundle Revision Select to specify multiple revisions Revisions: Enter revisions by number, id, range or revset expression one per line Select to specify a revision by a tag Tag: Enter a tag name Select to specify a revision by a branch Branch: Enter a branch name Select to specify a revision by a bookmark Bookmark: Enter a bookmark name Select to not specify a specific revision No revision selected Base Revisions: Enter changesets by number, id, range or revset expression one per line Compression: Select the compression type (empty for default) Select to bundle all changesets Bundle all changesets HgClient The process {0} could not be started. Ensure, that it is in the search path. Did not receive the 'hello' message. Received data on unexpected channel. Bad 'hello' message, expected 'capabilities: ' but got '{0}'. 'capabilities' message did not contain any capability. Bad 'hello' message, expected 'encoding: ' but got '{0}'. 'encoding' message did not contain any encoding. For message see output dialog. HgClientPromptDialog Mercurial Client Input Message: Shows the message sent by the Mercurial server Select to switch the input field to password mode &Password Mode Alt+P Input: Enter the response to be sent to the Mercurial server HgCloseHeadSelectionDialog Close Heads Select heads to be closed: Revision Branch Commit Message: HgCommandDialog Mercurial Command Mercurial Command: Enter the Mercurial command to be executed with all necessary parameters <b>Mercurial Command</b> <p>Enter the Mercurial command to be executed including all necessary parameters. If a parameter of the commandline includes a space you have to surround this parameter by single or double quotes. Do not include the name of the Mercurial client executable (i.e. hg).</p> Project Directory: This shows the root directory of the current project. project directory HgCommitDialog Mercurial Commit Message Enter the log message. <b>Log Message</b> <p>Enter the log message for the commit action.</p> Recent commit messages Select a recent commit message to use Select to amend the last commit (leave message empty to keep it) Amend the last commit Select to commit sub-repositories as well Commit sub-repositories Author Enter author name to override the configured user: Enter an author name in order to override the configured one Select to give date and time information Date and Time Date/Time: Enter the date and time to be used HgConflictsListDialog Mercurial Conflicts <b>Conflicts List</b>\n<p>This shows a list of files which had or still have conflicts.</p> Status Name Press to mark the selected entries as 'resolved' Resolved Press to mark the selected entries as 'unresolved' Unresolved Press to re-merge the selected entries Re-Merge Press to edit the selected entry Edit Errors &Refresh Press to refresh the list of conflicts Unknown Status HgCopyDialog Mercurial Copy Source: Shows the name of the source <b>Source name</b> <p>This field shows the name of the source.</p> Target: Enter the target name <b>Target name</b> <p>Enter the new name in this field. The target must be the new name or an absolute path.</p> Select to force the operation Enforce operation Mercurial Move HgDialog Mercurial Output Errors Input &Send Alt+S Select to switch the input field to password mode &Password Mode Alt+P Press to send the input to the Mercurial process Enter data to be sent to the Mercurial process HgDiffDialog Mercurial Diff Difference <b>Mercurial Diff</b><p>This shows the output of the hg diff command.</p> Errors Refresh Press to refresh the display Patch Contents Process Generation Error The process {0} could not be started. Ensure, that it is in the search path. There is no difference. <Start> <End> Save Diff Patch Files (*.diff) <p>The patch file <b>{0}</b> already exists. Overwrite it?</p> <p>The patch file <b>{0}</b> could not be saved.<br>Reason: {1}</p> HgExportDialog Export Patches Export Directory: Enter the target name <b>Target name</b> <p>Enter the new name in this field. The target must be the new name or an absolute path.</p> File Name Pattern: Enter the file name pattern for the export files <b>File Name Pattern</b> <p>Enter the file name pattern to be used to generate the export files here. Valid recognized patterns are:</p> <table> <tr><td>%%</td><td>literal "%" character</td></tr> <tr><td>%H</td><td>changeset hash (40 hexadecimal digits)</td></tr> <tr><td>%N</td><td>number of patches being generated</td></tr> <tr><td>%R</td><td>changeset revision number</td></tr> <tr><td>%b</td><td>basename of the exporting repository</td></tr> <tr><td>%h</td><td>short-form changeset hash (12 hexadecimal digits)</td></tr> <tr><td>%n</td><td>zero-padded sequence number, starting at 1</td></tr> <tr><td>%r</td><td>zero-padded changeset revision number</td></tr> </table> Changesets: Enter changesets by number, id, range or revset expression one per line Compare Against Second Parent Treat all Files as Text Omit Dates Use Git extended Diff-Format Bookmark: Select a bookmark name HgGpgSignDialog Revision Select to specify a revision by number Number Enter a revision number Select to specify a revision by changeset id Id: Enter a changeset id Select to specify a revision by a tag Tag: Enter a tag name Select to specify a revision by a branch Branch: Enter a branch name Select to specify a revision by a bookmark Bookmark: Enter a bookmark name Select tip revision of repository Parent Commit Message Select to not commit the signature Do Not Commit Enter a commit message (leave empty to use default) Key-ID: Enter the ID of the key to be used Select to make the signature local Local Signature Select to sign even if the signature file is modified Force Signature HgGpgSignaturesDialog Signed Changesets Select the category to filter on Revision Signature Enter the regular expression to filter on Press to verify the signatures of the selected revision &Verify... Errors <b>Mercurial errors</b><p>This shows possible error messages.</p> no signatures found HgGraftDialog Copy Changesets Revisions Enter changesets by number, id, range or revset expression one per line Select to give user information User Select to use the name of the current user Use current user Username: Enter the user name to be used Select to give date and time information Date and Time Select to use the current date and time Use current date and time Date/Time: Enter the date and time to be used Select to append graft info to the log message Append Graft &Info Select to perform a dry-run of the graft operation Perform Dry-Run Select to not commit the copied changesets Don't Commit HgHisteditCommitEditor Edit Commit Message <p>The file <b>{0}</b> could not be read.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> Commit Message Edit the commit message Recent commit messages Select a recent commit message to use Information HgHisteditConfigDialog Histedit Configuration Start Revision Select to use the default revision as the base Default Revision Select to edit all outgoing revisions All Outgoing Select to use a revision as start point Revision Select to specify a revision by number Number Enter a revision number Select to specify a revision by changeset id Id: Enter a changeset id Select to specify a revision by a tag Tag: Enter a tag name Select to specify a revision by a branch Branch: Enter a branch name Select to specify a revision by a bookmark Bookmark: Enter a bookmark name Select to force outgoing Force outgoing Select to keep old nodes Keep old nodes HgHisteditPlanEditor <p>The file <b>{0}</b> could not be read.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> Edit Plan Modification Plan Action Revision Summary Press to move the selected entry up Up Press to move the selected entry down Down Information HgImportDialog Import Patch Commit data Select to not commit the imported patch Do not commit Commit message: Enter the commit message or leave empty to use the default one Commit Date: Enter optional date for the commit Commit User: Enter optional user for the commit Strip Count: Enter number of leading directories to strip off (default 1) Patch File: Enter the name of the patch file Select to enforce the import Enforce Import Patch Files (*.diff *.patch);;All Files (*) Enable to commit with the secret phase Commit with Secret Phase HgLogBrowserDialog Mercurial Log Select the mode (find or filter) From: Enter the start date To: Enter the end date Branch: Select the branch to filter on Select the field to filter on Enter the regular expression to filter on or search for Press to find the previous occurrence Press to find the next occurrence Graph Branch Revision Phase Author Date Message Tags Action Path Copy from Press to get the next bunch of log entries &Next Enter the limit of entries to fetch Select to stop listing log messages at a copy or move Stop on Copy/Move Select action from menu Errors <b>Mercurial log errors</b><p>This shows possible error messages of the hg log command.</p> Mercurial Log (Incoming) Mercurial Log (Outgoing) &Refresh Press to refresh the list of changesets Find Filter File <tr><td><b>Tags</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Bookmarks</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> All Added Deleted Modified Draft Public Secret Bookmarks Copy Changesets Copy the selected changesets to the current branch Change Phase Change the phase of the selected revisions <b>Change Phase</b> <p>This changes the phase of the selected revisions. The selected revisions have to have the same current phase.</p> Tag Tag the selected revision Switch Switch the working directory to the selected revision Pull Changes Pull changes from a remote repository Pull Large Files Pull large files for selected revisions Push Selected Changes Push changes of the selected changeset and its ancestors to a remote repository Push All Changes Push all changes to a remote repository Mercurial Error {0} (large file) The project should be reread. Do this now? Find Commit '{0}' was not found. Strip Changesets Strip changesets from a repository Define Bookmark... Bookmark the selected revision Move Bookmark... Move bookmark to the selected revision Define Bookmark Enter bookmark name for changeset "{0}": Move Bookmark Select the bookmark to be moved to changeset "{0}": Select bookmark to switch to (leave empty to use revision): Press to move up in the log list Press to move down in the log list <tr><td><b>Latest Tag</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <table><tr><td><b>Revision</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr><tr><td><b>Date</b></td><td>{1}</td></tr><tr><td><b>Author</b></td><td>{2}</td></tr><tr><td><b>Branch</b></td><td>{3}</td></tr>{4}<tr><td><b>Message</b></td><td>{5}</td></tr></table> <tr><td><b>Parents</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Children</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> Merge with Changeset Merge the working directory with the selected changeset Create Changegroup Create a changegroup file containing the selected changesets <b>Create Changegroup</b> <p>This creates a changegroup file containing the selected revisions. If no revisions are selected, all changesets will be bundled. If one revision is selected, it will be interpreted as the base revision. Otherwise the lowest revision will be used as the base revision and all other revision will be bundled. If the dialog is showing outgoing changesets, all selected changesets will be bundled.</p> Apply Changegroup Apply the currently viewed changegroup file Sign Revisions Add a signature for the selected revisions Verify Signatures Verify all signatures there may be for the selected revision Select All Entries Deselect All Entries Side-by-Side Diff to Parent {0} <a href="sbsdiff:{0}_{1}">Side-by-Side Compare</a> Pull Selected Changes Differences Differences to Parent {0} Diff to Parent {0}{1} There is no difference. Save Diff Patch Files (*.diff) <p>The patch file <b>{0}</b> already exists. Overwrite it?</p> <p>The patch file <b>{0}</b> could not be saved.<br>Reason: {1}</p> <a href="save:me">Save</a> Generating differences ... Mercurial Full Log Close Heads Close the selected heads HgMergeDialog Mercurial Merge Revision Select to specify a revision by number Number Enter a revision number Select to specify a revision by changeset id Id: Enter a changeset id Select to specify a revision by a tag Tag: Enter a tag name Select to specify a revision by a branch Branch: Enter a branch name Select to specify a revision by a bookmark Bookmark: Enter a bookmark name Select to not specify a specific revision No revision selected Select to force the merge operation Enforce merge HgMultiRevisionSelectionDialog Mercurial Revisions Revision Select to specify a list of changesets Revisions: Enter revisions by number, id, range or revset expression one per line Select to specify a revision by a tag Tag: Enter a tag name Select to specify a revision by a branch Branch: Enter a branch name Select to specify a revision by a bookmark Bookmark: Enter a bookmark name Limit Results Enter number of entries to show: HgNewProjectOptionsDialog New Project from Repository <b>New Project from Repository Dialog</b> <p>Enter the various repository infos into the entry fields. These values are used, when the new project is retrieved from the repository. If the checkbox is selected, the URL must end in the project name. A repository layout with project/tags, project/branches and project/trunk will be assumed. In this case, you may enter a tag or branch, which must look like tags/tagname or branches/branchname. If the checkbox is not selected, the URL must contain the complete path in the repository.</p> <p>For remote repositories the URL must contain the hostname.</p> &URL: Enter the revision the new project should be generated from &Revision: Project &Directory: Enter the directory of the new project. <b>Project Directory</b> <p>Enter the directory of the new project. It will be retrieved from the repository and be placed in this directory.</p> Download all versions of all large files <b>Note:</b> This option increases the download time and volume. Enter the URL of the repository Press to clear the history of entered repository URLs HgOptionsDialog Initial Commit <b>Initial Commit Dialog</b> <p>Enter the message for the initial commit.</p> Commit &Message: Enter the log message for the new project. <b>Log Message</b> <p>Enter the log message to be used for the new project.</p> new project started HgPhaseDialog Mercurial Phases &Revisions: Enter revisions by number, id, range or revset expression one per line Phase: Select the phase to be set for the specified revisions Select to force the phase change Force Phase Change Public Draft Secret HgProjectBrowserHelper Extensions Version Control Commit changes to repository... Add to repository Remove from repository (and disk) Remove from repository only Copy Move Show log browser Show status Show differences Show differences side-by-side Show differences (extended) Show differences side-by-side (extended) Show annotated file Revert changes Conflicts resolved Conflicts unresolved Re-Merge Select all local file entries Select all versioned file entries Select all local directory entries Select all versioned directory entries Configure... Do you really want to remove these files from the repository? HgProjectHelper New from repository &New from repository... Create (clone) a new project from a Mercurial repository <b>New from repository</b><p>This creates (clones) a new local project from a Mercurial repository.</p> Show incoming log Show the log of incoming changes <b>Show incoming log</b><p>This shows the log of changes coming into the repository.</p> Pull changes Pull changes from a remote repository <b>Pull changes</b><p>This pulls changes from a remote repository into the local repository.</p> Update from repository &Update from repository Update the local project from the Mercurial repository <b>Update from repository</b><p>This updates the local project from the Mercurial repository.</p> Commit changes to repository &Commit changes to repository... Commit changes to the local project to the Mercurial repository <b>Commit changes to repository</b><p>This commits changes to the local project to the Mercurial repository.</p> Show outgoing log Show the log of outgoing changes <b>Show outgoing log</b><p>This shows the log of changes outgoing out of the repository.</p> Push changes Push changes to a remote repository <b>Push changes</b><p>This pushes changes from the local repository to a remote repository.</p> Push changes (force) Push changes to a remote repository with force option <b>Push changes (force)</b><p>This pushes changes from the local repository to a remote repository using the 'force' option.</p> Export from repository &Export from repository... Export a project from the repository <b>Export from repository</b><p>This exports a project from the repository.</p> Show log browser Show a dialog to browse the log of the local project <b>Show log browser</b><p>This shows a dialog to browse the log of the local project. A limited number of entries is shown first. More can be retrieved later on.</p> Show differences Show &difference Show the difference of the local project to the repository <b>Show differences</b><p>This shows differences of the local project to the repository.</p> Show differences (extended) Show the difference of revisions of the project to the repository <b>Show differences (extended)</b><p>This shows differences of selectable revisions of the project.</p> Show status Show &status... Show the status of the local project <b>Show status</b><p>This shows the status of the local project.</p> Show Summary Show summary... Show summary information of the working directory status <b>Show summary</b><p>This shows some summary information of the working directory status.</p> Show heads Show the heads of the repository <b>Show heads</b><p>This shows the heads of the repository.</p> Show parents Show the parents of the repository <b>Show parents</b><p>This shows the parents of the repository.</p> Show tip Show the tip of the repository <b>Show tip</b><p>This shows the tip of the repository.</p> Revert changes Re&vert changes Revert all changes made to the local project <b>Revert changes</b><p>This reverts all changes made to the local project.</p> Merge Mer&ge changes... Merge changes of a revision into the local project <b>Merge</b><p>This merges changes of a revision into the local project.</p> Re-Merge Re-Merge all conflicting, unresolved files of the project <b>Re-Merge</b><p>This re-merges all conflicting, unresolved files of the project discarding any previous merge attempt.</p> Show conflicts Show conflicts... Show a dialog listing all files with conflicts <b>Show conflicts</b><p>This shows a dialog listing all files which had or still have conflicts.</p> Conflicts resolved Con&flicts resolved Mark all conflicts of the local project as resolved <b>Conflicts resolved</b><p>This marks all conflicts of the local project as resolved.</p> Conflicts unresolved Mark all conflicts of the local project as unresolved <b>Conflicts unresolved</b><p>This marks all conflicts of the local project as unresolved.</p> Tag in repository &Tag in repository... Tag the local project in the repository <b>Tag in repository</b><p>This tags the local project in the repository.</p> List tags List tags... List tags of the project <b>List tags</b><p>This lists the tags of the project.</p> List branches List branches... List branches of the project <b>List branches</b><p>This lists the branches of the project.</p> Create branch Create &branch... Create a new branch for the local project in the repository <b>Create branch</b><p>This creates a new branch for the local project in the repository.</p> Push new branch Push the current branch of the local project as a new named branch <b>Push new branch</b><p>This pushes the current branch of the local project as a new named branch.</p> Close branch Close the current branch of the local project <b>Close branch</b><p>This closes the current branch of the local project.</p> Show current branch Show the current branch of the project <b>Show current branch</b><p>This shows the current branch of the project.</p> Switch S&witch... Switch the working directory to another revision <b>Switch</b><p>This switches the working directory to another revision.</p> Cleanup Cleanu&p Cleanup the local project <b>Cleanup</b><p>This performs a cleanup of the local project.</p> Execute command E&xecute command... Execute an arbitrary Mercurial command <b>Execute command</b><p>This opens a dialog to enter an arbitrary Mercurial command.</p> Configure Configure... Show the configuration dialog with the Mercurial page selected <b>Configure</b><p>Show the configuration dialog with the Mercurial page selected.</p> Edit user configuration Edit user configuration... Show an editor to edit the user configuration file <b>Edit user configuration</b><p>Show an editor to edit the user configuration file.</p> Edit repository configuration Edit repository configuration... Show an editor to edit the repository configuration file <b>Edit repository configuration</b><p>Show an editor to edit the repository configuration file.</p> Show combined configuration settings Show combined configuration settings... Show the combined configuration settings from all configuration files <b>Show combined configuration settings</b><p>This shows the combined configuration settings from all configuration files.</p> Show paths Show paths... Show the aliases for remote repositories <b>Show paths</b><p>This shows the aliases for remote repositories.</p> Verify repository Verify repository... Verify the integrity of the repository <b>Verify repository</b><p>This verifies the integrity of the repository.</p> Recover Recover... Recover from an interrupted transaction <b>Recover</b><p>This recovers from an interrupted transaction.</p> Identify Identify... Identify the project directory <b>Identify</b><p>This identifies the project directory.</p> Create .hgignore Create a .hgignore file with default values <b>Create .hgignore</b><p>This creates a .hgignore file with default values.</p> Create changegroup Create changegroup... Create changegroup file collecting changesets <b>Create changegroup</b><p>This creates a changegroup file collecting selected changesets (hg bundle).</p> Preview changegroup Preview changegroup... Preview a changegroup file containing a collection of changesets <b>Preview changegroup</b><p>This previews a changegroup file containing a collection of changesets.</p> Apply changegroups Apply changegroups... Apply one or several changegroup files <b>Apply changegroups</b><p>This applies one or several changegroup files generated by the 'Create changegroup' action (hg unbundle).</p> Mark as "good" Mark as "good"... Mark a selectable changeset as good <b>Mark as good</b><p>This marks a selectable changeset as good.</p> Mark as "bad" Mark as "bad"... Mark a selectable changeset as bad <b>Mark as bad</b><p>This marks a selectable changeset as bad.</p> Skip Skip... Skip a selectable changeset <b>Skip</b><p>This skips a selectable changeset.</p> Reset Reset the bisect search data <b>Reset</b><p>This resets the bisect search data.</p> Back out changeset Back out changes of an earlier changeset <b>Back out changeset</b><p>This backs out changes of an earlier changeset.</p> Rollback last transaction Rollback the last transaction <b>Rollback last transaction</b><p>This performs a rollback of the last transaction. Transactions are used to encapsulate the effects of all commands that create new changesets or propagate existing changesets into a repository. For example, the following commands are transactional, and their effects can be rolled back:<ul><li>commit</li><li>import</li><li>pull</li><li>push (with this repository as the destination)</li><li>unbundle</li></ul></p><p><strong>This command is dangerous. Please use with care. </strong></p> Serve project repository Serve project repository... Serve the project repository <b>Serve project repository</b><p>This serves the project repository.</p> Import Patch Import Patch... Import a patch from a patch file <b>Import Patch</b><p>This imports a patch from a patch file into the project.</p> Export Patches Export Patches... Export revisions to patch files <b>Export Patches</b><p>This exports revisions of the project to patch files.</p> Change Phase Change Phase... Change the phase of revisions <b>Change Phase</b><p>This changes the phase of revisions.</p> Copy Changesets Copies changesets from another branch <b>Copy Changesets</b><p>This copies changesets from another branch on top of the current working directory with the user, date and description of the original changeset.</p> Continue Copying Session Continue the last copying session after conflicts were resolved <b>Continue Copying Session</b><p>This continues the last copying session after conflicts were resolved.</p> Add Add... Add a sub-repository <b>Add...</b><p>Add a sub-repository to the project.</p> Remove Remove... Remove sub-repositories <b>Remove...</b><p>Remove sub-repositories from the project.</p> Create unversioned archive Create unversioned archive... Create an unversioned archive from the repository <b>Create unversioned archive...</b><p>This creates an unversioned archive from the repository.</p> List bookmarks List bookmarks... List bookmarks of the project <b>List bookmarks</b><p>This lists the bookmarks of the project.</p> Define bookmark Define bookmark... Define a bookmark for the project <b>Define bookmark</b><p>This defines a bookmark for the project.</p> Delete bookmark Delete bookmark... Delete a bookmark of the project <b>Delete bookmark</b><p>This deletes a bookmark of the project.</p> Rename bookmark Rename bookmark... Rename a bookmark of the project <b>Rename bookmark</b><p>This renames a bookmark of the project.</p> Move bookmark Move bookmark... Move a bookmark of the project <b>Move bookmark</b><p>This moves a bookmark of the project to another changeset.</p> Show incoming bookmarks Show a list of incoming bookmarks <b>Show incoming bookmarks</b><p>This shows a list of new bookmarks available at the remote repository.</p> Pull bookmark Pull a bookmark from a remote repository <b>Pull bookmark</b><p>This pulls a bookmark from a remote repository into the local repository.</p> Pull current bookmark Pull the current bookmark from a remote repository <b>Pull current bookmark</b><p>This pulls the current bookmark from a remote repository into the local repository.</p> Show outgoing bookmarks Show a list of outgoing bookmarks <b>Show outgoing bookmarks</b><p>This shows a list of new bookmarks available at the local repository.</p> Push bookmark Push a bookmark to a remote repository <b>Push bookmark</b><p>This pushes a bookmark from the local repository to a remote repository.</p> Push current bookmark Push the current bookmark to a remote repository <b>Push current bookmark</b><p>This pushes the current bookmark from the local repository to a remote repository.</p> Administration Specials Changegroup Management Patch Management Bisect Tags Branches Bookmarks Extensions Sub-Repository Mercurial Pull The project should be reread. Do this now? Revert Changes Copy Changesets (Continue) Delete all backups Delete all backup bundles stored in the backup area <b>Delete all backups</b><p>This deletes all backup bundles stored in the backup area of the repository.</p> Stop Copying Session Stop the interrupted copying session Abort Copying Session Abort the interrupted copying session and rollback <b>Abort Copying Session</b><p>This aborts the interrupted copying session and rollbacks to the state before the copy.</p> Merge Changesets Copy Changesets (Stop) Copy Changesets (Abort) <b>Stop Copying Session</b><p>This stops the interrupted copying session.</p> Commit Merge <b>Commit a merge</b><p>This commits a merge working directory</p> Abort Merge Abort an uncommitted merge and lose all changes <b>Abort uncommitted merge</b><p>This aborts an uncommitted merge causing all changes to be lost.</p> Commit all the merged changes. Push all bookmarks Push all bookmarks to a remote repository <b>Push all bookmarks</b><p>This pushes all bookmark from the local repository to a remote repository.</p> HgPurgeListDialog Purge List HgQueuesDefineGuardsDialog Define Guards Select patch (leave empty for current patch): Select the patch to show the guards of Patch: Shows the name of the patch This shows the list of guards to be defined for the selected patch Select to define a positive guard Select to define a negative guard Enter the guard name Press to add the guard to the list or change it Add/Change Press to remove the selected guards from the list Remove Unsaved Changes The guards list has been changed. Shall the changes be applied? Remove Guards Do you really want to remove the selected guards? Apply Guard Definitions <p>The defined guards could not be applied.</p><p>Reason: {0}</p> HgQueuesFoldDialog Fold Patches Message: Enter commit message for the folded patch Name Summary Press to add the selected entry to the list of selected patches Press to remove the selected entry from the list of selected patches Press to move the selected patch up Press to move the selected patch down HgQueuesGuardsSelectionDialog Select Guards Active Guards HgQueuesHeaderDialog Commit Message Error: HgQueuesListAllGuardsDialog List All Guards Show all guards of all patches Unguarded no patches found HgQueuesListDialog List of Patches <b>List of Patches</b> <p>This dialog shows a list of applied and unapplied patches.</p> <b>Patches List</b> <p>This shows a list of applied and unapplied patches.</p> Name Status Summary Errors applied not applied guarded missing no patches found unknown HgQueuesListGuardsDialog List Guards Select patch (leave empty for current patch): Select the patch to show the guards of Patch: Shows the name of the patch This shows the list of guards defined for the selected patch Unguarded HgQueuesNewPatchDialog New Patch Name: Enter the patch name Message: Enter the commit message for the patch Select to give user information User Select to use the name of the current user Use current user Username: Enter the user name to be used for the patch Select to give date and time information Date and Time Select to use the current date and time Use current date and time Date/Time: Enter the date and time to be used for the patch HgQueuesQueueManagementDialog Queue Name: Enter the queue name Select queue name: This shows a list of available queues (active queue in bold) Refresh Press to refresh the queues list HgQueuesRenamePatchDialog Rename Patch New Name: Enter the new name for the selected patch Patch Select to rename the current patch Select to rename the selected named patch Named Patch Select the patch to be renamed Current Patch ({0}) HgRebaseDialog Rebase Changesets Source / Base Revision Select to use the parent of the working directory as the base Use &Parent as Base Select to use a revision as the source &Source Revision Select to use a revision as the base &Base Revision &Revision Select to specify a revision by number Number Enter a revision number Select to specify a revision by changeset id Id: Enter a changeset id Select to specify a revision by a tag Tag: Enter a tag name Select to specify a revision by a branch Branch: Enter a branch name Select to specify a revision by a bookmark Bookmark: Enter a bookmark name &Destination Revision Select tip revision of repository Current branch tip Select to collapse the rebased changesets Collapse Changesets Select to keep the original changesets Keep Original Changesets Select to keep the original branch names Keep Original Branch Name Select to detach the source from its original branch Detach Source Dry-Run Select to not do a dry-run No Select to just do a dry-run Dry-Run Only Select to do a dry-run first, then ask the user for confirmation to perform the rebase Dry-Run First, then Confirm HgRemoveSubrepositoriesDialog Remove Sub-repositories Press to remove the selected entries &Remove Select to delete the removed entries from disc Delete removed entries from disc HgRepoConfigDataDialog Mercurial Repository Configuration Default Upstream URL: Enter the URL of the upstream repository Username: Enter user name to acces the upstream repository Password: Enter the password to acces the upstream repository Press to show the password Default Push Enter the URL of the upstream (push) repository Enter user name to acces the upstream (push) repository Enter the password to acces the upstream (push) repository Large Files Minimum file size: Enter the minimum file size in MB for files to be treated as Large Files MB Patterns: Enter file patterns (space separated) for files to be treated as Large Files HgRevisionSelectionDialog Mercurial Revision Revision Select to specify a revision by number Number Enter a revision number Select to specify a revision by changeset id Id: Enter a changeset id Select to specify a revision by a tag Tag: Enter a tag name Select to specify a revision by a branch Branch: Enter a branch name Select to specify a revision by a bookmark Bookmark: Enter a bookmark name Select tip revision of repository TIP No revision selected HgRevisionsSelectionDialog Mercurial Diff Revision &1 Select to specify a revision by number Number Enter a revision number Select to specify a revision by changeset id Id: Enter a changeset id Select to specify a revision by a tag Tag: Enter a tag name Select to specify a revision by a branch Branch: Enter a branch name Select to specify a revision by a bookmark Bookmark: Enter a bookmark name Select tip revision of repository TIP Select revision before last commit PREV No revision selected Revision &2 HgServeDialog Mercurial Server Start Server Stop Server Start Browser Enter the server port Select the style to use Server Browser Process Generation Error The process {0} could not be started. Ensure, that it is in the search path. HgShelveBrowserDialog Mercurial Shelve Browser Name Age Message Statistics File Changes Lines added Lines deleted Errors <b>Mercurial shelve errors</b><p>This shows possible error messages of the hg shelve command.</p> &Refresh Press to refresh the list of shelves Restore selected shelve Delete selected shelves Delete all shelves %n file(s) changed %n line(s) inserted %n line(s) deleted HgShelveDataDialog Shelve Name: Enter a name for the shelve Date, Time: Enter the commit date and time for the shelve yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm Message: Enter a message for the shelve Mark new/missing files as added/removed Select to shelve, but keep the changes in the working directory Shelve, but keep changes HgShelvesSelectionDialog Mercurial Shelve Selection HgStatusDialog Mercurial Status <b>Mercurial Status</b> <p>This dialog shows the status of the selected file or project.</p> &Filter on Status: Select the status of entries to be shown Commit Status Path Commit the selected changes Differences Errors Refresh Press to refresh the status display Select all for commit Add as Large Files Add as Normal Files Forget missing Restore missing Adjust column sizes Add added modified removed not tracked missing normal ignored Mercurial Queue Repository Status all There are no entries selected to be committed. There are no unversioned entries available/selected. Remove There are no missing entries available/selected. Revert There are no uncommitted changes available/selected. Side-by-Side Diff Only one file with uncommitted changes must be selected. Unselect all from commit Add the selected files Add the selected files as a large files using the 'Large Files' extension Add the selected files as a normal files using the 'Large Files' extension Shows the differences of the selected entry in a separate dialog Differences Side-By-Side Shows the differences of the selected entry side-by-side in a separate dialog Reverts the changes of the selected files Forgets about the selected missing files Select action from menu Restores the selected missing files Adjusts the width of all columns to their contents Commit Merge Commit all the merged changes. Abort Merge Abort an uncommitted merge and lose all changes Merge HgStatusMonitorThread Mercurial status checked successfully {0} / {1}:{2} branch, local id, global id HgStripDialog Strip Changesets &Revision Select to specify a revision by number Number Enter a revision number Select to specify a revision by changeset id Id: Enter a changeset id Select to specify a revision by a tag Tag: Enter a tag name Select to specify a revision by a branch Branch: Enter a branch name Bookmark: Enter a bookmark name Select to enforce removal of changesets Enforce Operation Select to not create backup bundles No Backup Select to keep the current working directory state Keep Working Directory HgSummaryDialog Summary Information Errors Refresh Press to refresh the summary display <tr><td><b>Parent #{0}</b></td><td>{1}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Parent</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Tags</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Commit Message</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> empty repository no revision checked out <tr><td><b>Remarks</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Branch</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Bookmarks</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> {0} modified {0} added {0} removed {0} renamed {0} copied {0} deleted {0} unknown {0} ignored {0} unresolved {0} subrepos Merge needed New Branch Head is closed No commit required New Branch Head <tr><td><b>Commit Status</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> current %n new changeset(s)<br/>Update required %n new changeset(s) %n branch head(s) {0}<br/>{1}<br/>Merge required 0 is changesets, 1 is branch heads unknown status <tr><td><b>Update Status</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> synched 1 or more incoming changesets %n outgoing changeset(s) %n incoming bookmark(s) %n outgoing bookmark(s) <tr><td><b>Remote Status</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> empty queue {0} applied {0} unapplied <tr><td><b>Queues Status</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> No files to upload %n file(s) to upload <tr><td><b>Large Files</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <p>No status information available.</p> HgTagBranchListDialog Mercurial Tag List <b>Mercurial Tag/Branch List</b> <p>This dialog shows a list of the projects tags or branches.</p> <b>Tag/Branches List</b> <p>This shows a list of the projects tags or branches.</p> Revision Changeset Local Name Errors Mercurial Branches List Status active yes &Refresh Press to refresh the list Switch to Close Branch Switch The project should be reread. Do this now? The branch "default" cannot be closed. Aborting... <p>Shall the branch <b>{0}</b> really be closed?</p> Close Branches Do you really want to close all listed branches? HgTagDialog Mercurial Tag Name: Enter the name of the tag <b>Tag Name</b> <p>Enter the name of the tag to be created, moved or deleted.</p> Revision: Enter a revision to set a tag for Tag Action Select to create a tag <b>Create Tag</b> <p>Select this entry in order to create a tag.</p> Create Tag Select to delete a tag <b>Delete Tag</b> <p>Select this entry in order to delete the selected tag.</p> Delete Tag Tag Type Select to create/delete a global tag Global Tag Select to create/delete a local tag Local Tag Select to enforce the selected action Force Action HgUnshelveDataDialog Mercurial Unshelve Name: Enter the name of the shelve Select to keep the shelved change Keep shelved change HgUserConfigDialog Delete Host Fingerprint <p>Shall the fingerprint for host <b>{0}</b> really be deleted?</p> Edit User Configuration You will loose all changes made in this dialog. Shall the data be saved first? Mercurial User Data User User Data Name: Enter the user name Enter your name Email: Enter the email address Enter your email address Extensions Select to activate the GPG extension GPG Select to activate the largefiles extension Large Files Select to activate the Purge extension Purge Select to activate the queues extension Queues Select to activate the rebase extension Rebase Select to activate the shelve extension Shelve Minimum file size: Enter the minimum file size in MB for files to be treated as Large Files MB Patterns: Enter file patterns (space separated) for files to be treated as Large Files Enter file patterns for large files User Cache: Enter the name of the user cache directory Network Proxy Host: Enter the network proxy host name Enter Proxy Hostname User: Enter the user name for the network proxy Enter Proxy Username Password: Enter the password for the network proxy Enter Proxy Password Bypass: Enter the names of hosts bypassing the network proxy sparated by comma Enter hosts bypassing the proxy separated by comma Host Fingerprints Host Fingerprint Add a host fingerprint entry Delete a host fingerprint entry Edit a host fingerprint entry Open the user configuration file in a text editor Open configuration file in editor Select to activate the strip extension Strip Select to activate the histedit extension Histedit Security Disable TLS 1.0 Warning Minimum Protocol: Select the minimum protocol to use Minimum Protocol per Host Minimum Protocol Add a host minimum protocol entry Delete a host minimum protocol entry Edit a host minimum protocol entry TLS 1.0 TLS 1.1 TLS 1.2 Default Delete Host Minimum Protocol <p>Shall the minimum protocol entry for host <b>{0}</b> really be deleted?</p> Select to activate the closehead extension Close Head HgUserConfigHostFingerprintDialog Host Fingerprint Host: Enter the host name Enter Hostname Fingerprint: Enter the host fingerprint Enter Fingerprint Hash Type: HgUserConfigHostMinimumProtocolDialog Minimum Protocol Host: Enter the host name Enter Hostname Minimum Protocol: HgUtilities The hg process finished with the exit code {0} The hg process did not finish within 30s. Could not start the hg executable. HighlightingStylesFile Export Highlighting Styles <p>The highlighting styles file <b>{0}</b> could not be written.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> Import Highlighting Styles <p>The highlighting styles file <b>{0}</b> could not be read.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> Histedit Starting histedit session Continue histedit session Abort histedit session Edit Plan HisteditProjectHelper Start Start a new changeset history editing session <b>Start</b><p>This starts a new history editing session. A dialog will be presented to modify the edit plan.</p> Continue Continue an interrupted changeset history editing session <b>Continue</b><p>This continues an interrupted history editing session.</p> Abort Abort an interrupted changeset history editing session <b>Abort</b><p>This aborts an interrupted history editing session.</p> Edit Plan Edit the remaining actions list <b>Edit Plan</b><p>This opens an editor to edit the remaining actions list of an interrupted history editing session.</p> Edit History Start History Editing The project should be reread. Do this now? Continue History Editing Abort History Editing HistoryDialog Manage History Enter search term for history entries Press to remove the selected entries &Remove Press to remove all entries Remove &All &Open Open in New &Tab &Copy Open in New &Background Tab Open in New &Window Open in New Pri&vate Window HistoryManager Loading History <p>Unable to open history file <b>{0}</b>.<br/>Reason: {1}</p> Saving History <p>Error removing old history file <b>{0}</b>.<br/>Reason: {1}</p> <p>Error moving new history file over old one (<b>{0}</b>).<br/>Reason: {1}</p> HistoryMenu Closed Tabs Most Visited Show All History... Clear History... Clear History Do you want to clear the history? Restore All Closed Tabs Clear List HistoryModel Title Address Visit Count HistoryTreeModel Earlier Today %n item(s) HtmlImporter HTML Netscape Bookmarks You can import bookmarks from any browser that supports HTML exporting. This file has usually the extension .htm or .html. Please choose the file to begin importing bookmarks. File '{0}' does not exist. HTML Import Imported {0} HtmlProvider Create List Enter desired number of list elements: HyperlinkMarkupDialog Insert Hyperlink Link Text: Link Target: Link Title: IExplorerImporter Internet Explorer stores its bookmarks in the <b>Favorites</b> folder This folder is usually located in Please choose the folder to begin importing bookmarks. Folder '{0}' does not exist. '{0}' is not a folder. Internet Explorer Import Imported {0} IbmWatsonEngine Error Getting Available Translations IBM Watson: No translation available. IBM Watson: A valid Language Translator key is required. IBM Watson: A valid Language Translator URL is required. IBM Watson: Invalid response received IBM Watson: The server sent an error indication. Error: {0} IconEditorGrid Set Pixel Erase Pixel Draw Line Draw Rectangle Draw Filled Rectangle Draw Circle Draw Filled Circle Draw Ellipse Draw Filled Ellipse Fill Region Cut Selection Paste <p>The clipboard image is larger than the current image.<br/>Paste as new image?</p> Paste Clipboard Pasting Image Invalid image data in clipboard. Paste Clipboard as New Image Clear Image Resize Image Convert to Grayscale IconEditorPalette <b>Preview</b><p>This is a 1:1 preview of the current icon.</p> <b>Current Color</b><p>This is the currently selected color used for drawing.</p> <b>Current Color Value</b><p>This is the currently selected color value used for drawing.</p> Select Color <b>Select Color</b><p>Select the current drawing color via a color selection dialog.</p> <b>Select alpha channel value</b><p>Select the value for the alpha channel of the current color.</p> Compositing Replace <b>Replace</b><p>Replace the existing pixel with a new color.</p> Blend <b>Blend</b><p>Blend the new color over the existing pixel.</p> IconEditorWindow Windows Bitmap File (*.bmp) Graphic Interchange Format File (*.gif) Windows Icon File (*.ico) JPEG File (*.jpg) JPEG File (*.jpeg) Multiple-Image Network Graphics File (*.mng) Portable Bitmap File (*.pbm) Paintbrush Bitmap File (*.pcx) Portable Graymap File (*.pgm) Portable Network Graphics File (*.png) Portable Pixmap File (*.ppm) Silicon Graphics Image File (*.sgi) Scalable Vector Graphics File (*.svg) Compressed Scalable Vector Graphics File (*.svgz) Targa Graphic File (*.tga) TIFF File (*.tif) TIFF File (*.tiff) WAP Bitmap File (*.wbmp) X11 Bitmap File (*.xbm) X11 Pixmap File (*.xpm) All Files (*) New &New Ctrl+N File|New Create a new icon <b>New</b><p>This creates a new icon.</p> New Window New &Window Open a new icon editor window <b>New Window</b><p>This opens a new icon editor window.</p> Open &Open... Ctrl+O File|Open Open an icon file for editing <b>Open File</b><p>This opens a new icon file for editing. It pops up a file selection dialog.</p> Save &Save Ctrl+S File|Save Save the current icon <b>Save File</b><p>Save the contents of the icon editor window.</p> Save As Save &As... Shift+Ctrl+S File|Save As Save the current icon to a new file <b>Save As...</b><p>Saves the current icon to a new file.</p> Close &Close Ctrl+W File|Close Close the current icon editor window <b>Close</b><p>Closes the current icon editor window.</p> Close All Close &All Close all icon editor windows <b>Close All</b><p>Closes all icon editor windows except the first one.</p> Close Others Close all other icon editor windows <b>Close Others</b><p>Closes all other icon editor windows.</p> Quit &Quit Ctrl+Q File|Quit Quit the icon editor <b>Quit</b><p>Quit the icon editor.</p> Undo &Undo Ctrl+Z Edit|Undo Alt+Backspace Edit|Undo Undo the last change <b>Undo</b><p>Undo the last change done.</p> Redo &Redo Ctrl+Shift+Z Edit|Redo Redo the last change <b>Redo</b><p>Redo the last change done.</p> Cut Cu&t Ctrl+X Edit|Cut Shift+Del Edit|Cut Cut the selection <b>Cut</b><p>Cut the selected image area to the clipboard.</p> Copy &Copy Ctrl+C Edit|Copy Ctrl+Ins Edit|Copy Copy the selection <b>Copy</b><p>Copy the selected image area to the clipboard.</p> Paste &Paste Ctrl+V Edit|Paste Shift+Ins Edit|Paste Paste the clipboard image <b>Paste</b><p>Paste the clipboard image.</p> Paste as New Paste as &New Paste the clipboard image replacing the current one <b>Paste as New</b><p>Paste the clipboard image replacing the current one.</p> Clear Cl&ear Alt+Shift+C Edit|Clear Clear the icon image <b>Clear</b><p>Clear the icon image and set it to be completely transparent.</p> Select All &Select All Ctrl+A Edit|Select All Select the complete icon image <b>Select All</b><p>Selects the complete icon image.</p> Change Size Change Si&ze... Change the icon size <b>Change Size...</b><p>Changes the icon size.</p> Grayscale &Grayscale Change the icon to grayscale <b>Grayscale</b><p>Changes the icon to grayscale.</p> Zoom in Zoom &in Ctrl++ View|Zoom in Zoom in on the icon <b>Zoom in</b><p>Zoom in on the icon. This makes the grid bigger.</p> Zoom out Zoom &out Ctrl+- View|Zoom out Zoom out on the icon <b>Zoom out</b><p>Zoom out on the icon. This makes the grid smaller.</p> Zoom reset Zoom &reset Ctrl+0 View|Zoom reset Reset the zoom of the icon <b>Zoom reset</b><p>Reset the zoom of the icon. This sets the zoom factor to 100%.</p> Show Grid Show &Grid Toggle the display of the grid <b>Show Grid</b><p>Toggle the display of the grid.</p> Freehand &Freehand <b>Free hand</b><p>Draws non linear lines.</p> Color Picker &Color Picker <b>Color Picker</b><p>The color of the pixel clicked on will become the current draw color.</p> Rectangle &Rectangle <b>Rectangle</b><p>Draw a rectangle.</p> Filled Rectangle F&illed Rectangle <b>Filled Rectangle</b><p>Draw a filled rectangle.</p> Circle <b>Circle</b><p>Draw a circle.</p> Filled Circle Fille&d Circle <b>Filled Circle</b><p>Draw a filled circle.</p> Ellipse &Ellipse <b>Ellipse</b><p>Draw an ellipse.</p> Filled Ellipse Fille&d Elli&pse <b>Filled Ellipse</b><p>Draw a filled ellipse.</p> Flood Fill Fl&ood Fill <b>Flood Fill</b><p>Fill adjoining pixels with the same color with the current color.</p> Line &Line <b>Line</b><p>Draw a line.</p> Eraser (Transparent) Eraser (&Transparent) <b>Eraser (Transparent)</b><p>Erase pixels by setting them to transparent.</p> Rectangular Selection Rect&angular Selection <b>Rectangular Selection</b><p>Select a rectangular section of the icon using the mouse.</p> Circular Selection <b>Circular Selection</b><p>Select a circular section of the icon using the mouse.</p> About &About Display information about this software <b>About</b><p>Display some information about this software.</p> About Qt About &Qt Display information about the Qt toolkit <b>About Qt</b><p>Display some information about the Qt toolkit.</p> What's This? &What's This? Shift+F1 Help|What's This?' Context sensitive help <b>Display context sensitive help</b><p>In What's This? mode, the mouse cursor shows an arrow with a question mark, and you can click on the interface elements to get a short description of what they do and how to use them. In dialogs, this feature can be accessed using the context help button in the titlebar.</p> &File &Edit &View &Tools &Help File Edit View Tools Help <p>This part of the status bar displays the icon size.</p> <p>This part of the status bar displays the cursor position.</p> Open icon file Save icon file <p>The file <b>{0}</b> already exists. Overwrite it?</p> The file '{0}' does not exist. Cannot read file '{0}: {1}. Cannot write file '{0}: {1}. Icon saved Untitled {0}[*] - {1} Icon Editor The icon image has unsaved changes. WebP Image File (*.webp) Windows Cursor File (*.cur) DirectDraw-Surface File (*.dds) Apple Icon File (*.icns) JPEG2000 File (*.jp2) eric Icon Editor About eric Icon Editor The eric Icon Editor is a simple editor component to perform icon drawing tasks. IconSizeDialog Icon Size Size: Enter the width of the icon X Enter the height of the icon IconsPage <b>Configure icon directories</b> <font color="#FF0000"><b>Note:</b> These settings are activated at the next startup of the application.</font> List of icon directories Up Down Press to delete the selected directory from the list Delete Press to add the entered directory to the list Add Show Default Icons Select to select between Breeze (dark) and Breeze (light) based on the window lightness Automatic Select to use the Breeze vector icons for light window background Breeze (light) Select to use the Breeze vector icons for dark window background Breeze (dark) Select to use the Oxygen pixmap icons Oxygen Press to show a dialog with a preview of the selected default icon set Custom Icon Directories IconsPreviewDialog Icons Preview Directory: Select the icons directory to be shown Invert Background Refresh Select to refresh the icons display Select to invert the background color IdlCompilerDefineNameDialog Define Name Name: Enter the variable name Value: Enter an optional value IdlCompilerOptionsDialog IDL Compiler Options Include Directories (absolute or project relative) Add an include directory Delete an include directory Edit an include directory Define Names Name Value Add a name entry Delete a name entry Edit a name entry Undefine Names Include Directory Select Include Directory Undefine Name Enter a variable name to be undefined: IgnoredDevicesDialog Ignored Serial Devices ImageMarkupDialog Windows Bitmap File (*.bmp) Windows Cursor File (*.cur) DirectDraw-Surface File (*.dds) Graphic Interchange Format File (*.gif) Apple Icon File (*.icns) Windows Icon File (*.ico) JPEG2000 File (*.jp2) JPEG File (*.jpg) JPEG File (*.jpeg) Multiple-Image Network Graphics File (*.mng) Portable Bitmap File (*.pbm) Paintbrush Bitmap File (*.pcx) Portable Graymap File (*.pgm) Portable Network Graphics File (*.png) Portable Pixmap File (*.ppm) Silicon Graphics Image File (*.sgi) Scalable Vector Graphics File (*.svg) Compressed Scalable Vector Graphics File (*.svgz) Targa Graphic File (*.tga) TIFF File (*.tif) TIFF File (*.tiff) WAP Bitmap File (*.wbmp) WebP Image File (*.webp) X11 Bitmap File (*.xbm) X11 Pixmap File (*.xpm) All Files (*) Add Image Image Address: Enter the image path or URL Title: Alternative Text: Keep Original Size Keep Aspect Ratio Width: px Height: ImagesIcon Modify images loading settings temporarily or globally Current Page Settings Disable loading images (temporarily) Enable loading images (temporarily) Global Settings Automatically load images ImportsDiagramBuilder Imports Diagramm {0}: {1} Imports Diagramm: {0} Parsing modules... %v/%m Modules Imports Diagramm The directory <b>'{0}'</b> is not a Python package. <p>The diagram belongs to project <b>{0}</b>. Please open it and try again.</p> InputDialogWizard QInputDialog Wizard Q&InputDialog Wizard... <b>QInputDialog Wizard</b><p>This wizard opens a dialog for entering all the parameters needed to create a QInputDialog. The generated code is inserted at the current cursor position.</p> No current editor Please open or create a file first. InputDialogWizardDialog QInputDialog Wizard Type Text Integer Double Item Result: Enter the result variable name Title Label Parent Select "self" as parent self Select "None" as parent None Select to enter a parent expression Expression: Enter the parent expression Echo Mode Normal No Echo Password Default Step To From 2147483647 -2147483647 0 Decimals Editable Current Item String List Variable Test InstallInfoDialog Installation Information Press to change to edit mode Press to save the changed information User name of installer: Python Interpreter: Install Command: Installation Path: Installed in VirtualEnv: Remarks: Yes No 'eric-ide' was installed from PyPI using the pip command. The information shown in this dialog was guessed at the first start of eric. Load Install Information <p>The file containing the install information could not be read.</p><p>Reason: {0}</p> Install Information The install information was edited. Unsaved changes will be lost. Save first? Save Install Information <p>The file containing the install information could not be written.</p><p>Reason: {0}</p> Installation Date: Installed as Administrator: Installed with sudo: unknown Installed From: The installation information was provided by the user. Delete Info Upgrade Instructions Delete Installation Information Do you really want to delete the installation information? It will be recreated at the next start. Perform the following step(s) with Administrator privileges. InterfacePage <b>Configure User Interface</b> Browsers Select, if folders should be listed first in the various browsers List folders first in Browsers Select to hide non public classes, methods and attributes in the browsers. Hide non public members in Browsers Select to sort file contents by occurrence Sort contents by occurrence Filter out files: Enter wildcard file patterns separated by semicolon. Files matching these patterns will not be shown by the file browsers. Select, if the caption of the main window should show the filename of the current editor Caption shows filename Filename Length Enter the number of characters to be shown in the main window title. Style: Select the interface style Style Sheet: Enter the path of the style sheet file Sidebars Delay: ms <font color="#FF0000"><b>Note:</b> All settings below are activated at the next startup of the application.</font> Language: Select the interface language. The interface language can be selected from this list. If "system" is selected, the interface language is determined by the system. The selection of "none" means, that the default language will be used. Layout: Select the layout type. Toolboxes Reset layout to factory defaults Qt Style Sheets (*.qss);;Cascading Style Sheets (*.css);;All files (*) System English Translate this with your language Integrated Tools Activation Left Side Select to activate the Template viewer Template-Viewer Select to activate the File-Browser widget File-Browser Select to activate the Symbols widget Symbols Right Side Select to activate the Code Documentation Viewer Code Documentation Viewer Select to activate the Cooperation widget Cooperation Select to activate the IRC widget IRC Bottom Side Select to activate the Numbers widget Numbers Conda Package Manager Select to activate the conda package manager widget Select to activate the PyPI package manager widget PyPI Package Manager Shell Position: Select the position for the Shell window Select to activate the MicroPython widget MicroPython Select to show the source code encoding Show source file encoding IrcChannelEditDialog IRC Channel Name: Enter the channel name Key: Enter the channel key/password Select to join this channel automatically Join channel automatically IrcChannelWidget Press to change the topic Shows the list of users Shows the channel messages Enter a message, send by pressing Return or Enter Send Message Messages starting with a '/' are not allowed in private chats. Leave IRC channel Do you really want to leave the IRC channel <b>{0}</b>? Channel Message Nick mentioned {0} has joined the channel {1} ({2}). You have joined the channel {0} ({1}). Join Channel {0} has left {1}. {0} has left {1}: {2}. Leave Channel {0} has quit {1}. {0} has quit {1}: {2}. Quit You are now known as {0}. User {0} is now known as {1}. Away {0} is away: {1} The channel topic is: "{0}". The topic was set by {0} on {1}. Channel URL: {0} password protected ({0}) limited to %n user(s) Channel modes: {0}. This channel was created on {0}. {0} sets the channel mode to 'anonymous'. {0} removes the 'anonymous' mode from the channel. {0} sets a ban on {1}. {0} removes the ban on {1}. {0} sets the channel mode to 'no colors allowed'. {0} sets the channel mode to 'allow color codes'. {0} sets a ban exception on {1}. {0} removes the ban exception on {1}. {0} sets the channel mode to 'invite only'. {0} removes the 'invite only' mode from the channel. {0} sets the channel key to '{1}'. {0} removes the channel key. {0} sets the channel limit to %n nick(s). {0} removes the channel limit. {0} sets the channel mode to 'moderated'. {0} sets the channel mode to 'unmoderated'. {0} sets the channel mode to 'no messages from outside'. {0} sets the channel mode to 'allow messages from outside'. {0} sets the channel mode to 'private'. {0} sets the channel mode to 'public'. {0} sets the channel mode to 'quiet'. {0} removes the 'quiet' mode from the channel. {0} sets the channel mode to 'secret'. {0} sets the channel mode to 'visible'. {0} switches on 'topic protection'. {0} switches off 'topic protection'. {0} sets invitation mask {1}. {0} removes the invitation mask {1}. Mode {0} sets mode for {1}: {2}. Help CTCP Received Version request from {0}. Received CTCP-PING request from {0}, sending answer. Received CTCP-CLIENTINFO request from {0}, sending answer. Received unknown CTCP-{0} request from {1}. --- New From Here --- Save Messages HTML Files (*.{0});;Text Files (*.txt);;All Files (*) <p>The file <b>{0}</b> already exists. Overwrite it?</p> Error saving Messages <p>The messages contents could not be written to <b>{0}</b></p><p>Reason: {1}</p> Copy Cut all Copy all Clear Save Mark Current Position Remove Position Marker Who Is Private Chat Refresh Who End of WHO list for {0}. (Away) {0} is {1}@{2} ({3}){4} Whois {0} is {1}@{2} ({3}). {0} is a user on channels: {1} {0} has voice on channels: {1} {0} is a halfop on channels: {1} {0} is an operator on channels: {1} {0} is owner of channels: {1} {0} is admin on channels: {1} {0} is online via {1} ({2}). {0} is an IRC Operator. %n day(s) %n hour(s) %n minute(s) %n second(s) {0} has been idle for {1}, {2}, {3}, and {4}. {0} = name of person, {1} = (x days), {2} = (x hours), {3} = (x minutes), {4} = (x seconds) {0} has been idle for {1}, {2}, and {3}. {0} = name of person, {1} = (x hours), {2} = (x minutes), {3} = (x seconds) {0} has been idle for {1} and {2}. {0} = name of person, {1} = (x minutes), {3} = (x seconds) {0} has been idle for %n second(s). {0} has been online since {1}. End of WHOIS list for {0}. {0} is an identified user. {0} is available for help. {0} is logged in as {1}. {0} is actually using the host {1} (IP: {2}). {0} is using a secure connection. {0} is connecting from {1} (IP: {2}). Edit Channel Topic Enter the topic for this channel: Enter the message to be sent: Send Query Send Notice Send Ping Ignore User IrcIdentitiesEditDialog IRC Identities Identity: Select the identity to work on Press to add a new identity Press to copy the selected identity Press to rename the selected identity Press to delete the selected identity General Real Name: Enter the real name Nick Names Enter a nick name to add Press to add the entered nick name Press to delete the selected nick name Press to move the selected nick name up Press to move the selected nick name down Auto Identify Service: Enter the name of the service to identify against Service name can be <b><i>nickserv</i></b> or a network-dependent name such as <b><i>nickserv@services.dal.net</i></b> Password: Enter the password Away Select to mark the current position in the chat, when you send an AWAY command. Mark the current position in chat windows when going away Away Message: Enter the message to be sent when going away Advanced Ident: Enter the identity to be used to log-on to the server Reason for Quit: Enter a message to be sent when quitting Reason for Part: Enter message to be sent when leaving a channel Edit Identity The identity must contain at least one nick name. The identity must have a real name. Add Identity Identity Name: An identity named <b>{0}</b> already exists. You must provide a different name. The identity has to have a name. Copy Identity Rename Identity This identity is in use. If you remove it, the network settings using it will fall back to the default identity. Should it be deleted anyway? Do you really want to delete all information for this identity? Delete Identity Press to show the password Press to hide the password IrcIdentity Default Identity Gone away for now. IRC for eric IDE IrcNetworkEditDialog IRC Network Network Name: Enter the name of the IRC network Identity: Select the identity to be used for the IRC network Press to edit the identities Server: Press to edit the server configuration Channels: Channel Join Automatically Press to add a new channel Press to edit the selected channel Press to delete the selected channel Shows the name of the server Yes No Delete Channel Do you really want to delete channel <b>{0}</b>? IrcNetworkListDialog IRC Networks Press to define a new network &New... Press to edit the selected network &Edit... Press to delete the selected network &Delete Press to toggle the auto-connect flag of the selected network &Auto-Connect Press to edit the identities Edit &Identities... Yes No Identity Server Channels Auto-Connect Delete Irc Network Do you really want to delete IRC network <b>{0}</b>? IrcNetworkWidget Shows the network messages Select a network to connect to Press to set the user status to AWAY Press to edit the networks Select a nick name for the channel Enter the channel to join Press to join the channel Press to disconnect from the network Press to connect to the selected network Save Messages HTML Files (*.{0});;Text Files (*.txt);;All Files (*) <p>The file <b>{0}</b> already exists. Overwrite it?</p> Error saving Messages <p>The messages contents could not be written to <b>{0}</b></p><p>Reason: {1}</p> Copy Cut all Copy all Clear Save IrcPage <b>Configure IRC</b> Enable to show timestamps Show Timestamps Time Format: Select the time format to use Date Format Select the date format to use Select to show the date in timestamps Show Date Network Messages: Nick Names: Server Messages: Own Nick Name: Channel Messages: Join Channel: Error Messages: Leave Channel: Timestamp: Channel Info: Hyperlink: Allow Colored Text in IRC Messages Enable to show notifications Show Notifications Select to show a notification for join and leave events Join/Leave Event Select to show a notification for every mentioning of your nick Mentioning of Own Nick Select to show a notification for every message Every Message Select this to enable the automatic lookup of user information for joined channels Enable Automatic User Information Lookup (/WHO) Max. Number of Users in Channel: Enter the maximum numbers of users in a channel allowed for this function Update Interval: Enter the user information update interval s Marker Select to mark the current position, when the chat window is hidden Mark Current Position When Hidden Marker Foreground: Marker Background: Shutdown Select to confirm a shutdown operation while still connected to an IRC server Confirm Shutdown When Connected Colors Select the color for network messages Select the color for nick names Select the color for server messages Select the color for own nick name Select the color for channel messages Select the color for join channel messages Select the color for error messages Select the color for leave channel messages Select the color for timestamps Select the color for channel info messages Select the color for hyperlinks Enable to allow colored text in IRC messages Select the foreground color for the marker Select the background color for the marker IrcServerEditDialog IRC Server Server: Enter the host name of the IRC server Port: Enter the port number Password: Enter the server password Select to use an SSL encrypted connection Use Encrypted Connection (SSL) IrcUserItem {0} (ignored) IrcUtilities anonymous ban mask no colors allowed ban exception mask invite only password protected user limit moderated no messages from outside private quiet reop channel secret topic protection invitation mask IrcWidget Channels Network Press to leave the current channel Disconnect from Server <p>Do you really want to disconnect from <b>{0}</b>?</p><p>All channels will be closed.</p> SSL Connection An encrypted connection to the IRC network was requested but SSL is not available. Please change the server configuration. Info Looking for server {0} (port {1}) using an SSL encrypted connection... Looking for server {0} (port {1})... Disconnecting from server {0}... Disconnecting from network {0}... Disconnecting from server. Server found,connecting... Connected,logging in... Server disconnected. Message Error Unknown message received from server:<br/>{0} Notice You have set your personal modes to <b>[{0}]</b>. {0} has changed your personal modes to <b>[{1}]</b>. Mode You have left channel {0}. You are now known as {0}. User {0} is now known as {1}. Server Error Error Welcome Support User MOTD Away Info ({0}) Message of the day End of message of the day Server {0} (Version {1}), User-Modes: {2}, Channel-Modes: {3} Current users on {0}: {1}, max. {2} Current users on the network: {0}, max. {1} You are no longer marked as being away. You have been marked as being away. SSL Error Connection to server {0} (port {1}) lost while waiting for user response to an SSL error. Socket Error The host was not found. Please check the host name and port settings. The connection was refused by the peer. Please check the host name and port settings. The SSL handshake failed. The following network error occurred:<br/>{0} A network error occurred. Could not connect to {0} (port {1}) using an SSL encrypted connection. Either the server does not support SSL (did you use the correct port?) or you rejected the certificate. The SSL certificate for the server {0} (port {1}) failed the authenticity check. SSL errors were accepted by you. CTCP Received Version request from {0}. Received CTCP-PING request from {0}, sending answer. Received CTCP-CLIENTINFO request from {0}, sending answer. Received unknown CTCP-{0} request from {1}. {0} ({1}) channel name, users count Critical No nickname acceptable to the server configured for <b>{0}</b>. Disconnecting... The given nickname is already in use. Received CTCP-PING response from {0} with latency of {1} ms. Received unknown CTCP-{0} response from {1}. Received PONG from {0} JavaScriptIcon Modify JavaScript settings temporarily for a site or globally Current Page Settings Disable JavaScript (temporarily) Enable JavaScript (temporarily) Global Settings Manage JavaScript Settings JavaScriptSettingsDialog JavaScript Settings Select to allow JavaScript to open windows Enable JavaScript Select to allow JavaScript to access the clipboard Allow to open windows Select to allow JavaScript to activate windows Allow to activate windows Allow to access the clipboard Select to enable JavaScript support Select to allow JavaScript to paste from the clipboard (this needs access to the clipboard) Allow to paste from the clipboard Largefiles Convert Project - Converting Convert Project - Extracting Adding files to the Mercurial repository Pulling large files Verifying the integrity of large files Mercurial Command Server <p>The Mercurial Command Server could not be started.</p><p>Reason: {0}</p> LargefilesProjectBrowserHelper Add as Large File Add as Normal File Add as Large Files Add as Normal Files Large Files LargefilesProjectHelper Convert repository to largefiles Convert repository to largefiles... Convert the repository of the project to a largefiles repository. <b>Convert repository to largefiles</b><p>This converts the repository of the project to a largefiles repository. A new project is created. The current one is kept as a backup.</p> Convert repository to normal Convert repository to normal... Convert the repository of the project to a normal repository. <b>Convert repository to normal</b><p>This converts the repository of the project to a normal repository. A new project is created. The current one is kept as a backup.</p> Pull Large Files Pull large files from a remote repository <b>Pull Large Files</b><p>This pulls missing large files from a remote repository into the local repository.</p> Show Summary Show summary... Show summary information of the working directory status <b>Show summary</b><p>This shows some summary information of the working directory status.</p> Verify large files of current revision Verify large files of current revision... Verify that all large files in the current revision exist <b>Verify large files of current revision</b><p>This verifies that all large files in the current revision exist.</p> Verify large files of all revision Verify large files of all revision... Verify that all large files in all revisions exist <b>Verify large files of all revision</b><p>This verifies that all large files in all revisions exist.</p> Verify large files contents Verify large files contents... Verify the contents of all large files <b>Verify large files contents</b><p>This verifies the contents of all large files.</p> Administration Large Files LexerAssociationDialog Project Lexer Associations Filename Pattern Lexer Language Filename &Pattern: Enter the filename pattern to be associated Press to add or change the entered association Add/&Change &Lexer Language: Select the lexer language to associate Press to delete the selected association &Delete Alternative Le&xer: Select the alternative lexer to associate Alternative LexerBash Keywords LexerBatch Internal Commands External Commands LexerCMake Commands Parameters User defined LexerCPP Inactive additional identifier Additional Identifier Additional JavaDoc keyword Inactive additional JavaDoc keyword Primary keywords and identifiers Secondary keywords and identifiers Documentation comment keywords Global classes and typedefs Preprocessor definitions Task marker and error marker keywords LexerCSS CSS1 Properties Pseudo-Classes CSS2 Properties CSS3 Properties Pseudo-Elements Browser-Specific CSS Properties Browser-Specific Pseudo-Classes Browser-Specific Pseudo-Elements LexerCSharp Primary keywords and identifiers Secondary keywords and identifiers Documentation comment keywords Global classes and typedefs Preprocessor definitions Task marker and error marker keywords LexerCoffeeScript Keywords Secondary keywords Unused Global classes LexerD Primary keywords and identifiers Secondary keywords and identifiers Documentation comment keywords Type definitions and aliases User defined 1 User defined 2 User defined 3 LexerFortran Primary keywords and identifiers Intrinsic functions Extended and user defined functions LexerFortran77 Primary keywords and identifiers Intrinsic functions Extended and user defined functions LexerHTML HTML elements and attributes JavaScript keywords VBScript keywords Python keywords PHP keywords SGML and DTD keywords LexerIDL Primary keywords and identifiers Secondary keywords and identifiers Documentation comment keywords Global classes and typedefs Preprocessor definitions Task marker and error marker keywords LexerJSON JSON Keywords JSON-LD Keywords LexerJava Primary keywords and identifiers Secondary keywords and identifiers Documentation comment keywords Global classes and typedefs Preprocessor definitions Task marker and error marker keywords LexerJavaScript Primary keywords and identifiers Secondary keywords and identifiers Documentation comment keywords Global classes and typedefs Preprocessor definitions Task marker and error marker keywords LexerLua Keywords Basic functions String, (table) & math functions Coroutines, I/O & system facilities User defined 1 User defined 2 User defined 3 User defined 4 LexerMatlab Keywords LexerOctave Keywords LexerPOV Language directives Objects & CSG & Appearance Types & Modifiers & Items Predefined Identifiers Predefined Functions User defined 1 User defined 2 User defined 3 LexerPascal Keywords LexerPerl Keywords LexerPostScript PS Level 1 operators PS Level 2 operators PS Level 3 operators RIP specific operators User defined operators LexerPygments Default Comment Preprocessor Keyword Pseudo Keyword Type Keyword Operator Word Builtin Function or method name Class name Namespace Exception Identifier Constant Label Entity Attribute Tag Decorator String Documentation string Scalar Escape Regular expression Symbol Other string Number Heading Subheading Deleted Inserted Generic error Emphasized text Strong text Prompt Output Traceback Error Comment block Property Character Here document Punctuation Hashbang Reserved Keyword Literal Double quoted string Single quoted string Backtick string Whitespace LexerPython Standard Library Modules __future__ Imports Keywords Highlighted identifiers Cython Specifics PyQt5/6 Modules LexerQSS CSS1 Properties Pseudo-Classes CSS2 Properties CSS3 Properties Pseudo-Elements Browser-Specific CSS Properties Browser-Specific Pseudo-Classes Browser-Specific Pseudo-Elements LexerRuby Keywords LexerSQL Keywords Database Objects PLDoc SQL*Plus Standard Packages User defined 1 User defined 2 User defined 3 LexerTCL TCL Keywords TK Keywords iTCL Keywords TK Commands expand User defined 1 User defined 2 User defined 3 User defined 4 LexerTeX TeX, eTeX, pdfTeX, Omega ConTeXt Dutch ConTeXt English ConTeXt German ConTeXt Czech ConTeXt Italian ConTeXt Romanian LaTeX LexerVHDL Keywords Operators Attributes Standard Functions Standard Packages Standard Types User defined LexerXML SGML and DTD keywords LexerYAML Keywords Lexers Python3 Files (*.py) Bash Batch C/C++ C# CMake CSS D Diff Fortran Fortran77 HTML/PHP/XML IDL Java JavaScript Lua Makefile Pascal Perl PostScript Povray Properties Python3 QSS Ruby SQL TCL TeX VHDL XML YAML Matlab Octave Gettext CoffeeScript Pygments Quixote Template Files (*.ptl) Ruby Files (*.rb) IDL Files (*.idl) C Files (*.h *.c) C++ Files (*.h *.hpp *.hh *.cxx *.cpp *.cc) C# Files (*.cs) HTML Files (*.html *.htm *.asp *.shtml) CSS Files (*.css) QSS Files (*.qss) PHP Files (*.php *.php3 *.php4 *.php5 *.phtml) XML Files (*.xml *.xsl *.xslt *.dtd *.svg *.xul *.xsd) Qt Resource Files (*.qrc) D Files (*.d *.di) Java Files (*.java) JavaScript Files (*.js) SQL Files (*.sql) Docbook Files (*.docbook) Perl Files (*.pl *.pm *.ph) Lua Files (*.lua) Tex Files (*.tex *.sty *.aux *.toc *.idx) Shell Files (*.sh) Batch Files (*.bat *.cmd) Diff Files (*.diff *.patch) Makefiles (*makefile Makefile *.mak) Properties Files (*.properties *.ini *.inf *.reg *.cfg *.cnf *.rc) Povray Files (*.pov) CMake Files (CMakeLists.txt *.cmake *.ctest) VHDL Files (*.vhd *.vhdl) TCL/Tk Files (*.tcl *.tk) Fortran Files (*.f90 *.f95 *.f2k) Fortran77 Files (*.f *.for) Pascal Files (*.dpr *.dpk *.pas *.dfm *.inc *.pp) PostScript Files (*.ps) YAML Files (*.yaml *.yml) Matlab Files (*.m *.m.matlab) Octave Files (*.m *.m.octave) Gettext Files (*.po) CoffeeScript Files (*.coffee) All Files (*) Python3 GUI Files (*.pyw) C Files (*.c) C++ Files (*.cpp) C++/C Header Files (*.h) HTML Files (*.html) PHP Files (*.php) ASP Files (*.asp) XML Files (*.xml) XSL Files (*.xsl) DTD Files (*.dtd) D Files (*.d) D Interface Files (*.di) Perl Files (*.pl) Perl Module Files (*.pm) Batch Files (*.bat) TeX Files (*.tex) TeX Template Files (*.sty) Diff Files (*.diff) Make Files (*.mak) Properties Files (*.ini) Configuration Files (*.cfg) CMake Files (CMakeLists.txt) CMake Macro Files (*.cmake) VHDL Files (*.vhd) TCL Files (*.tcl) Tk Files (*.tk) Fortran Files (*.f95) Fortran77 Files (*.f) Pascal Files (*.pas) YAML Files (*.yml) Matlab Files (*.m) Octave Files (*.m.octave) JSON JSON Files (*.json) Markdown Markdown Files (*.md) Cython Cython Files (*.pyx *.pxd *.pxi) Cython Files (*.pyx) Cython Declaration Files (*.pxd) Cython Include Files (*.pxi) MicroPython Python Files (*.py *.py3) Python GUI Files (*.pyw *.pyw3) TOML Files (*.toml) Protocol Buffer (protobuf) Protocol Buffer Files (*.proto) LfConvertDataDialog Convert Repository Format New project directory: Enter the directory name of the new project directory Minimum file size: Enter the minimum file size in MB for files to be treated as Large Files MB Patterns: Enter file patterns (space separated) for files to be treated as Large Files LfRevisionsInputDialog Revisions Input Enter revisions to pull large files for (one per line): Enter changesets by number, id, range or revset expression one per line Listspace Close Close Others Close All Save Save As... Save All Open 'rejection' file Print Copy Path to Clipboard Untitled {0} {0} (ro) LogViewerEdit Clear Copy Find Select All Configure... LogViewerPage <b>Configure Log Viewer</b> Select to show the log-viewer upon new output Show upon new output Message Filters: Standard Output Standard Error Both <b>Message Filters for Standard Output</b><p>This list shows the configured message filters used to suppress messages received via stdout.</p> <b>Message Filters for Standard Error </b><p>This list shows the configured message filters used to suppress messages received via stderr.</p> <b>Message Filters for both</b><p>This list shows the configured message filters used to suppress messages received via stdout or stderr.</p> Error Color: Select the color for text sent to stderr MakePropertiesDialog Make Properties 'make' Executable (leave empty to use global 'make'): Enter the executable name of the make utility 'makefile' path or directory (without file name 'makefile' will be used): Enter the name and/or path of the makefile Make Target: Enter the make target to be built Make Command Parameters (enclose parameters containing spaces in ""): Enter the command parameters for make Select to just test for changes needing a make run Test for changes only when run automatically All Files (*) Makefiles (*makefile Makefile *.mak);;All Files (*) ManageDictionariesDialog Spell Check Dictionaries Installation Location: Select the location for the dictionaries installation Shows the list of available dictionaries Shows the progress of the current download Dictionaries URL: Shows the dictionaries URL Press to edit the dictionaries URL Edit URL Refresh Install Selected Uninstall Selected Cancel Error downloading dictionaries list <p>Could not download the dictionaries list from {0}.</p><p>Error: {1}</p> Dictionaries URL Changed The URL of the spell check dictionaries has changed. Select the "Refresh" button to get the new dictionaries list. Error installing dictionaries <p>None of the dictionary locations is writable by you. Please download required dictionaries manually and install them as administrator.</p> {0} ({1}) Error downloading dictionary <p>Could not download the requested dictionary file from {0}.</p><p>Error: {1}</p> Error downloading dictionary file <p>The downloaded dictionary archive is invalid. Skipping it.</p> MarkdownProvider Create List Enter desired number of list elements: MasterPasswordEntryDialog Master Password <p>Enter your master password below. This password will be used to encrypt sensitive data. You will be asked once per session for this password when the data needs to be accessed for the first time.<br/><br/><b>Note: If you forget the master password, the encrypted data cannot be recovered!</b></p> Current Password: Enter the current password New Password: Enter the new password New Password (again): Repeat the new password Shows an indication for the password strength (not defined yet) Wrong password entered. New password must not be empty. Repeated password is wrong. Old and new password must not be the same. MercurialPage <b>Configure Mercurial Interface</b> Global Options Encoding: Select the encoding to be used by Mercurial Encoding Mode: Select the encoding mode Consider hidden changesets Log No. of log messages shown: Enter the number of log messages to be shown Commit No. of commit messages to remember: Enter the number of commit messages to remember Select to update the working directory to new tip Pull Update after pulling Select to prefer unbundle over pull <b>Prefer Unbundle</b> <p>If this option is selected, it will be checked, if a Mercurial changegroups file from a previous "Show Incoming" request exists. In this case it will be applied and deleted. Otherwise a pull request will be sent.</p> Prefer Unbundle Merge Select to enforce usage of the Mercural internal merge tool <b>Internal Merge Tool</b> <p>Select to enforce usage of the Mercural internal merge tool,which leaves conflict markers in the file in case of conflicting changes.</p> Use internal merge with conflict markers Revert Select to create a backup file (.orig) before reverting changes Create Backup Files Cleanup Pattern: Enter the file name patterns to be used for cleaning up (entries separated by a space character) Edit the Mercurial configuration file Edit configuration file No. of commit authors to remember: Enter the number of commit authors to remember No. of message characters shown in list: Enter the number of characters of the commit message to be shown in the list Select to show all incoming and the first batch of local changesets Start showing incoming and local changesets MessageBoxWizard QMessageBox Wizard Q&MessageBox Wizard... <b>QMessageBox Wizard</b><p>This wizard opens a dialog for entering all the parameters needed to create a QMessageBox. The generated code is inserted at the current cursor position.</p> No current editor Please open or create a file first. MessageBoxWizardDialog QMessageBox Wizard Type Generate an Information QMessageBox Information Generate a Question QMessageBox Question Generate a Warning QMessageBox Warning Generate a Critical QMessageBox Critical Generate an About QMessageBox About Generate an AboutQt QMessageBox About Qt Result: Enter the result variable name Title Enter the title for the QMessageBox Message Enter the message to be shown in the QMessageBox Parent Select "self" as parent self Select "None" as parent None Select to enter a parent expression Expression: Enter the parent expression Standard Buttons Apply Abort Cancel Ignore Save all Save Discard Yes to all Open Reset Ok No Help No to all Retry Restore defaults Yes Close Default Button: Select the default button No button Test MicroPythonCommandsInterface Detected an error without indications. MicroPythonDevice Unsupported Device REPL is not supported by this device. Plotter is not supported by this device. Running scripts is not supported by this device. File Manager is not supported by this device. Select Device Directory Select the directory for the connected device: Generic Board RP2040 based Unknown Device MicroPythonFileManager The given name '{0}' is not a directory or does not exist. Source <b>{0}</b> is a directory and destination <b>{1}</b> is a file. Ignoring it. Source <b>{0}</b> is a file and destination <b>{1}</b> is a directory. Ignoring it. Updating <b>{0}</b>... {1}Synchronizing <b>{0}</b>. {1}Done synchronizing <b>{0}</b>. {1}Adding <b>{0}</b>... {1}Removing <b>{0}</b>... {1}Updating <b>{0}</b>... MicroPythonFileManagerWidget Local Files Device Files Name Mode Size Time Press to sync the local directory to the device directory Press to copy the selected file to the device Press to copy the selected file to the device with a new name Press to copy the selected file from the device Press to copy the selected file from the device with a new name Press to move one directory level up Press to reload the list Change Directory Create Directory Delete Directory Tree Delete File Show Hidden Files Delete Directory Show Filesystem Info Error handling device <p>There was an error communicating with the connected device.</p><p>Method: {0}</p><p>Message: {1}</p> Put File As Enter a new name for the file Copy File to Device The given file exists already (Enter file name only). Get File As Copy File from Device The given file exists already. Select Directory Enter directory name: <p>The directory <b>{0}</b> could not be created.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> Do you really want to delete this directory tree? <p>The directory <b>{0}</b> could not be deleted.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> Do you really want to delete this file? <p>The file <b>{0}</b> could not be deleted.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> Enter the directory path on the device: Do you really want to delete this directory? <h3>Filesystem Information</h3> <h4>{0}</h4<table><tr><td>Total Size: </td><td align='right'>{1}</td></tr><tr><td>Used Size: </td><td align='right'>{2}</td></tr><tr><td>Free Size: </td><td align='right'>{3}</td></tr></table> Filesystem Information Press to move to the configured home directory Press to move to the device workspace directory MicroPythonGraphWidget Press to save the raw data max. X: Enter the maximum number of data points to be plotted. Save Chart Data <p>The chart data could not be saved into file <b>{0}</b>.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> MicroPythonPage <b>Configure MicroPython</b> Serial Link Timeout for Serial Link Communication: Enter the timout value s Select to synchronize the time after connection is established Synchronize Time at Connect REPL Pane Color Scheme for ANSI Escape Codes: Select the color scheme to be applied for ANSI color escape codes Select to wrap long line in the REPL pane Wrap long lines MPY Cross Compiler Program: Enter the path of the cross compiler executable All Files (*) Enter the URL for the MicroPython documentation Enter the URL for the CircuitPython documentation Enter the URL for the BBC micro:bit MicroPython documentation PyBoard dfu-util Path: Enter the path of the dfu-util flashing executable Enter the URL for the MicroPython firmware for PyBoard, ESP8266 and ESP32 Enter the URL for the CircuitPython firmware Chart Pane Color Theme: Select the color scheme of the chart Automatic Light Dark Blue Cerulean Brown Sand Blue NCS High Contrast Blue Icy Qt Calliope mini: Enter the URL for the Callope mini Firmware Enter the URL for the Calliope mini MicroPython documentation MicroPython Firmware: Documentation: CircuitPython BBC micro:bit Enter the URL for the BBC micro:bit DAPLink Firmware MicroPython: Workspace Enter the name of the MicroPython workspace directory Libraries: Enter the URL for the CircuitPython libraries Enter the URL for the Calliope mini MicroPython Firmware micro:bit V1: Enter the URL for the BBC micro:bit V1 MicroPython Firmware micro:bit V2: Enter the URL for the BBC micro:bit V2 MicroPython Firmware MicroPythonProgressInfoDialog Progress Information MicroPythonWidget Press to check for connected devices Press to open a file of the connected device Press to save the current editor to the connected device Press to run the current script on the selected device Press to open a terminal (REPL) on the selected device Press to open a chart window to display data receive from the selected device Press to connect the selected device <h3>The QtSerialPort package is not available.<br/>MicroPython support is deactivated.</h3> %n supported device(s) detected. No supported devices detected. Clear Copy Paste Press to disconnect the current device No device attached Please ensure the device is plugged into your computer and selected. It must have a version of MicroPython (or CircuitPython) flashed onto it before anything will work. Finally press the device's reset button and wait a few seconds before trying again. Start REPL <p>The REPL cannot be started.</p><p>Reason: {0}</p> Serial Device Connect <p>Cannot connect to device at serial port <b>{0}</b>.</p> Run Script There is no editor open. Abort... The current editor does not contain a script. Abort... <p>Cannot run script.</p><p>Reason: {0}</p> Open Python File Python3 Files (*.py);;All Files (*) Start Chart <p>The Chart cannot be started.</p><p>Reason: {0}</p> Unsaved Chart Data The chart contains unsaved data. Start File Manager <p>The File Manager cannot be started.</p><p>Reason: {0}</p> Show Version Show Implementation Synchronize Time Show Device Time Show Local Time Compile Python File Compile Current Editor <h3>Device Version Information</h3> No version information available. Device Version Information unknown Device Implementation Information <h3>Device Implementation Information</h3><p>This device contains <b>{0} {1}</b>.</p> <p>The time of the connected device was synchronized with the local time.</p> <h3>Device Date and Time</h3><table><tr><td><b>Date</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr><tr><td><b>Time</b></td><td>{1}</td></tr></table> <h3>Device Date and Time</h3><p>{0}</p> Device Date and Time Local Date and Time <h3>Local Date and Time</h3><table><tr><td><b>Date</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr><tr><td><b>Time</b></td><td>{1}</td></tr></table> Error handling device <p>There was an error communicating with the connected device.</p><p>Method: {0}</p><p>Message: {1}</p> The MicroPython cross compiler <b>mpy-cross</b> cannot be found. Ensure it is in the search path or configure it on the MicroPython configuration page. Python Files (*.py);;All Files (*) The Python file <b>{0}</b> does not exist. Aborting... 'mpy-cross' Output The current editor does not contain a Python file. Aborting... MicroPython Menu Press to open a file manager on the selected device µPy Chart µPy Files Show Documentation Configure Show Time Download Firmware Date and Time <table><tr><th></th><th>Local Date and Time</th><th>Device Date and Time</th></tr><tr><td><b>Date</b></td><td align='center'>{0}</td><td align='center'>{2}</td></tr><tr><td><b>Time</b></td><td align='center'>{1}</td><td align='center'>{3}</td></tr></table> <table><tr><th>Local Date and Time</th><th>Device Date and Time</th></tr><tr><td align='center'>{0} {1}</td><td align='center'>{2}</td></tr></table> Unknown MicroPython Device Ignored Serial Devices Downloads {0} - {1} ({2}) board name, description, port name <p>Detected these unknown serial devices</p><ul><li>{0}</li></ul><p>Please report them together with the board name and a short description to <a href="mailto:{1}"> the eric bug reporting address</a> if it is a MicroPython board.</p> {0} (0x{1:04x}/0x{2:04x}) description, VId, PId Would you like to add them to the list of manually configured devices? Manage Unknown Devices Add Unknown Devices Select the devices to be added: Flash UF2 Device Manual Selection %n unknown device(s) for manual selection. MicrobitDevice BBC micro:bit Save Script as 'main.py' Save the current script as 'main.py' on the connected device The script is empty. Aborting. The current editor does not contain a Python script. Write it anyway? <p>The script could not be saved to the device.</p><p>Reason: {0}</p> Save Script Save Script as '{0}' Enter a file name on the device: Save the current script to the selected device Calliope mini Reset {0} Flash MicroPython Flash Firmware Flash MicroPython/Firmware <p>The BBC micro:bit is not ready for flashing the DAPLink firmware. Follow these instructions. </p><ul><li>unplug USB cable and any batteries</li><li>keep RESET button pressed an plug USB cable back in</li><li>a drive called MAINTENANCE should be available</li></ul><p>See the <a href="https://microbit.org/guide/firmware/">micro:bit web site</a> for details.</p> <p>The BBC micro:bit is not ready for flashing the MicroPython firmware. Please make sure, that a drive called MICROBIT is available.</p> <p>The "Calliope mini" is not ready for flashing the DAPLink firmware. Follow these instructions. </p><ul><li>unplug USB cable and any batteries</li><li>keep RESET button pressed an plug USB cable back in</li><li>a drive called MAINTENANCE should be available</li></ul> <p>The "Calliope mini" is not ready for flashing the MicroPython firmware. Please make sure, that a drive called MINI is available.</p> MicroPython/Firmware Files (*.hex *.bin);;All Files (*) MicroPython Firmware DAPLink Firmware There are multiple devices ready for flashing. Please make sure, that only one device is prepared. MicroPython Firmware for BBC micro:bit V1 MicroPython Firmware for BBC micro:bit V2 MicrosoftEngine You have not registered for the Microsoft Translation service. MS Translator: No valid access token available. MS Translator: No translation available. MS Translator: No Text-to-Speech for the selected language available. MimeTypesPage <b>Configure Text Mimetypes</b> Files of the mime types configured below are opened in an eric editor (in addition to all 'text' mime types). Press to reset the list to default values Reset to Defaults Reset Mime Types Do you really want to reset the configured list of mime types? MiniEditor Save File <p>The file <b>{0}</b> could not be saved.<br/>Reason: {1}</p> File saved Line: {0:5} Pos: {0:5} New &New Ctrl+N File|New Open an empty editor window <b>New</b><p>An empty editor window will be created.</p> Open &Open... Ctrl+O File|Open Open a file <b>Open a file</b><p>You will be asked for the name of a file to be opened.</p> Save &Save Ctrl+S File|Save Save the current file <b>Save File</b><p>Save the contents of current editor window.</p> Save as Save &as... Shift+Ctrl+S File|Save As Save the current file to a new one <b>Save File as</b><p>Save the contents of current editor window to a new file. The file can be entered in a file selection dialog.</p> Save Copy Save &Copy... Save a copy of the current file <b>Save Copy</b><p>Save a copy of the contents of current editor window. The file can be entered in a file selection dialog.</p> Close &Close Ctrl+W File|Close Close the editor window <b>Close Window</b><p>Close the current window.</p> Print &Print Ctrl+P File|Print Print the current file <b>Print File</b><p>Print the contents of the current file.</p> Print Preview Print preview of the current file <b>Print Preview</b><p>Print preview of the current file.</p> Undo &Undo Ctrl+Z Edit|Undo Alt+Backspace Edit|Undo Undo the last change <b>Undo</b><p>Undo the last change done in the current editor.</p> Redo &Redo Ctrl+Shift+Z Edit|Redo Redo the last change <b>Redo</b><p>Redo the last change done in the current editor.</p> Cut Cu&t Ctrl+X Edit|Cut Shift+Del Edit|Cut Cut the selection <b>Cut</b><p>Cut the selected text of the current editor to the clipboard.</p> Copy &Copy Ctrl+C Edit|Copy Ctrl+Ins Edit|Copy Copy the selection <b>Copy</b><p>Copy the selected text of the current editor to the clipboard.</p> Paste &Paste Ctrl+V Edit|Paste Shift+Ins Edit|Paste Paste the last cut/copied text <b>Paste</b><p>Paste the last cut/copied text from the clipboard to the current editor.</p> Clear Cl&ear Alt+Shift+C Edit|Clear Clear all text <b>Clear</b><p>Delete all text of the current editor.</p> About &About Display information about this software <b>About</b><p>Display some information about this software.</p> About Qt About &Qt Display information about the Qt toolkit <b>About Qt</b><p>Display some information about the Qt toolkit.</p> What's This? &What's This? Shift+F1 Help|What's This?' Context sensitive help <b>Display context sensitive help</b><p>In What's This? mode, the mouse cursor shows an arrow with a question mark, and you can click on the interface elements to get a short description of what they do and how to use them. In dialogs, this feature can be accessed using the context help button in the titlebar.</p> &File &Edit &Help File Edit Find Help <p>This part of the status bar displays an indication of the editors files writability.</p> <p>This part of the status bar displays the line number of the editor.</p> <p>This part of the status bar displays the cursor position of the editor.</p> Ready The document has unsaved changes. Open File <p>The file <b>{0}</b> could not be opened.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> File loaded Untitled {0}[*] - {1} Mini Editor Printing... Printing completed Error while printing Printing aborted Select all Deselect all Languages No Language Guessed Alternatives Alternatives ({0}) Pygments Lexer Select the Pygments lexer to apply. EditorConfig Properties <p>The EditorConfig properties for file <b>{0}</b> could not be loaded.</p> [*] - {0} Language: {0} &View View <p>This part of the status bar displays the editor language.</p> <p>This part of the status bar allows zooming the editor.</p> About eric Mini Editor The eric Mini Editor is an editor component based on QScintilla. It may be used for simple editing tasks, that don't need the power of a full blown editor. eric Mini Editor MiscellaneousChecker coding magic comment not found unknown encoding ({0}) found in coding magic comment copyright notice not present copyright notice contains invalid author found {0} formatter format string does contain unindexed parameters docstring does contain unindexed parameters other string does contain unindexed parameters format call uses too large index ({0}) format call uses missing keyword ({0}) format call uses keyword arguments but no named entries format call uses variable arguments but no numbered entries format call uses implicit and explicit indexes together format call provides unused index ({0}) format call provides unused keyword ({0}) expected these __future__ imports: {0}; but only got: {1} expected these __future__ imports: {0}; but got none print statement found one element tuple found "{0}" is a Python builtin and is being shadowed; consider renaming the variable "{0}" is used as an argument and thus shadows a Python builtin; consider renaming the argument unnecessary generator - rewrite as a list comprehension unnecessary generator - rewrite as a set comprehension unnecessary generator - rewrite as a dict comprehension unnecessary list comprehension - rewrite as a set comprehension unnecessary list comprehension - rewrite as a dict comprehension unnecessary list comprehension - "{0}" can take a generator mutable default argument of type {0} sort keys - '{0}' should be before '{1}' logging statement uses '%' logging statement uses f-string logging statement uses 'warn' instead of 'warning' logging statement uses string.format() logging statement uses '+' gettext import with alias _ found: {0} Python does not support the unary prefix increment 'sys.maxint' is not defined in Python 3 - use 'sys.maxsize' 'BaseException.message' has been deprecated as of Python 2.6 and is removed in Python 3 - use 'str(e)' assigning to 'os.environ' does not clear the environment - use 'os.environ.clear()' Python 3 does not include '.iter*' methods on dictionaries Python 3 does not include '.view*' methods on dictionaries '.next()' does not exist in Python 3 '__metaclass__' does nothing on Python 3 - use 'class MyClass(BaseClass, metaclass=...)' mutable default argument of function call '{0}' using .strip() with multi-character strings is misleading using 'hasattr(x, "__call__")' to test if 'x' is callable is unreliable loop control variable {0} not used within the loop body - start the name with an underscore None should not be added at any return if function has no return value except None an explicit value at every return should be added if function has a return value except None an explicit return at the end of the function should be added if it has a return value except None a value should not be assigned to a variable if it will be used as a return value only do not call assert False since python -O removes these calls unncessary f-string cannot use 'self.__class__' as first argument of 'super()' call do not call getattr with a constant attribute value do not call setattr with a constant attribute value commented code lines should be removed prefer implied line continuation inside parentheses, brackets and braces as opposed to a backslash use of 'datetime.datetime()' without 'tzinfo' argument should be avoided use of 'datetime.datetime.today()' should be avoided. Use 'datetime.datetime.now(tz=)' instead. use of 'datetime.datetime.utcnow()' should be avoided. Use 'datetime.datetime.now(tz=)' instead. use of 'datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp()' should be avoided. Use 'datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(, tz=)' instead. use of 'datetime.datetime.now()' without 'tz' argument should be avoided use of 'datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp()' without 'tz' argument should be avoided use of 'datetime.datetime.strptime()' should be followed by '.replace(tzinfo=)' use of 'datetime.date()' should be avoided. Use 'datetime.datetime(, tzinfo=).date()' instead. use of 'datetime.date.today()' should be avoided. Use 'datetime.datetime.now(tz=).date()' instead. use of 'datetime.date.fromtimestamp()' should be avoided. Use 'datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(tz=).date()' instead. use of 'datetime.time()' without 'tzinfo' argument should be avoided use of 'datetime.datetime.fromordinal()' should be avoided use of 'datetime.date.fromordinal()' should be avoided use of 'datetime.date.fromisoformat()' should be avoided unnecessary {0} call - rewrite as a literal unnecessary {0} literal - rewrite as a {1} literal unnecessary {0} passed to tuple() - rewrite as a {1} literal unnecessary {0} passed to list() - rewrite as a {1} literal unnecessary list call - remove the outer call to list() unnecessary list comprehension - "in" can take a generator unnecessary {0} passed to tuple() - remove the outer call to {1}() unnecessary {0} passed to list() - remove the outer call to {1}() 'sys.version[:3]' referenced (Python 3.10), use 'sys.version_info' 'sys.version[2]' referenced (Python 3.10), use 'sys.version_info' 'sys.version' compared to string (Python 3.10), use 'sys.version_info' 'sys.version_info[0] == 3' referenced (Python 4), use '>=' 'six.PY3' referenced (Python 4), use 'not six.PY2' 'sys.version_info[1]' compared to integer (Python 4), compare 'sys.version_info' to tuple 'sys.version_info.minor' compared to integer (Python 4), compare 'sys.version_info' to tuple 'sys.version[0]' referenced (Python 10), use 'sys.version_info' 'sys.version' compared to string (Python 10), use 'sys.version_info' 'sys.version[:1]' referenced (Python 10), use 'sys.version_info' MouseClickDialog Edit Mouse Click Press to clear the mouse click sequence. Clear Press the desired modifier keys and then click the desired mouse button. MouseUtilities Shift Alt Cmd Ctrl Meta Left Button Right Button Middle Button Extra Button 1 Extra Button 2 MultiProject Open multiproject Save multiproject as Save File <p>The file <b>{0}</b> already exists. Overwrite it?</p> Close Multiproject The current multiproject has unsaved changes. New multiproject &New... Generate a new multiproject <b>New...</b><p>This opens a dialog for entering the info for a new multiproject.</p> &Open... Open an existing multiproject <b>Open...</b><p>This opens an existing multiproject.</p> Close multiproject &Close Close the current multiproject <b>Close</b><p>This closes the current multiproject.</p> Save multiproject &Save Save the current multiproject <b>Save</b><p>This saves the current multiproject.</p> Save &as... Save the current multiproject to a new file <b>Save as</b><p>This saves the current multiproject to a new file.</p> Add project to multiproject Add &project... Add a project to the current multiproject <b>Add project...</b><p>This opens a dialog for adding a project to the current multiproject.</p> Multiproject properties &Properties... Show the multiproject properties <b>Properties...</b><p>This shows a dialog to edit the multiproject properties.</p> &Multiproject Open &Recent Multiprojects Multiproject &Clear Copy Project Enter directory for the new project (must not exist already): <p>The source project <b>{0}</b> could not be copied to its destination <b>{1}</b>.</p> {0} - Copy Read Multi Project File <p>The multi project file <b>{0}</b> could not be read.</p> Save Multi Project File <p>The multi project file <b>{0}</b> could not be written.</p> Open Multi Project Multi Project Files (*.emj);;XML Multi Project Files (*.e5m *.e4m) Multi Project Files (*.emj) Multi Project Files (*.emj);;XML Multi Project Files (*.e5m) MultiProjectBrowser Not categorized Open Properties Add Project... Configure... Delete Project The current project cannot be deleted. Please close it first. <p>Shall the project <b>{0}</b> (Path: {1}) really be deleted?</p> <p>Shall the project <b>{0}</b> (Path: {1}) really be deleted?</p><p><b>Warning:</b> It contains <b>{2}</b> sub-projects.</p> Remove from Multi Project Delete from Disk Copy Project... MultiProjectFile Save Multi Project File <p>The multi project file <b>{0}</b> could not be written.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> Read Multi Project File <p>The multi project file <b>{0}</b> could not be read.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> MultiProjectPage <b>Configure multiproject settings</b> Workspace Enter the name of the workspace directory Master Project Select to open the master project automatically upon opening the multiproject Open master project automatically Recent Multiprojects Number of recent multiprojects: Enter the number of recent multiprojects to remember Files Select, if a timestamp should be written to all Multi Project files Include timestamp in Multi Project files MyMemoryEngine MyMemory: Only texts up to {0} characters are allowed. MyMemory: Invalid response received NamingStyleChecker class names should use CapWords convention function name should be lowercase argument name should be lowercase first argument of a class method should be named 'cls' first argument of a method should be named 'self' first argument of a static method should not be named 'self' or 'cls module names should be lowercase package names should be lowercase constant imported as non constant lowercase imported as non lowercase camelcase imported as lowercase camelcase imported as constant variable in function should be lowercase names 'l', 'O' and 'I' should be avoided NavigationBar Move one screen backward Move one screen forward Move to the initial screen Exit Fullscreen Clear History Main Menu NetworkManager SSL Certificate Error &Permanent accept &Temporary accept &Reject <b>Enter username and password for '{0}', realm '{1}'</b> <b>Enter username and password for '{0}'</b> Authentication required Authentication is required to access: <b>{0}</b><p>The host <b>{1}</b> you are trying to access has errors in the SSL certificate.</p><ul><li>{2}</li></ul><p>Would you like to make an exception?</p> NetworkPage <b>Configure Network</b> Downloads Download directory: Enter the download directory (leave empty to use the default location) Select to ask the user for a download filename Request name of downloaded file Download Manager Cleanup Policy Select to never cleanup automatically Never Select to cleanup upon exiting When exiting the application Select to cleanup after a successful download When download finished successfully Select to use a web proxy Network Proxy Select to not use a network proxy Do not use proxy Select to use the system proxy configuration Use system proxy configuration Select to use an application specific proxy configuration Manual proxy configuration: Manual proxy settings HTTP-Proxy Hostname: Enter the name of the HTTP proxy host Port: Enter the HTTP proxy port Select to use the HTTP proxy for all Use this proxy for all protocols HTTPS-Proxy Enter the name of the HTTPS proxy host Enter the HTTPS proxy port FTP-Proxy Proxy Type: Select the type of the FTP proxy Enter the name of the FTP proxy host Enter the FTP proxy port User Name: Enter the user name for the proxy authentication Password: Enter the password for the proxy authentication Account: Enter the account info for the proxy authentication Exceptions: Enter host names or IP-addresses for which the proxy is to be circumvented separated by ',' (wildcards * or ? may be used) Press to clear the saved passwords for the Http(s) proxy Clear HTTP(S) Proxy Passwords No FTP Proxy No Proxy Authentication required User@Server SITE OPEN User@Proxyuser@Server Proxyuser@Server AUTH and RESP Bluecoat Proxy Download Manager Display Policy Select to open the download manager dialog when starting a download Open when starting download Select to close the download manager dialog when the last download is finished Close when downloads finished NewDialogClassDialog New Dialog Class &Classname: Enter the name of the new class &Filename: Enter the name of the file for the forms code &Path: Enter the path of the file for the forms code NewPythonPackageDialog Add new Python package Enter the dotted name of the new package Enter the dotted package name NotificationsPage <b>Configure notification settings</b> Auto Close Timeout: Enter the timeout for closing the notification s Position X: Enter the X-position the notification should be shown at Y: Enter the Y-position the notification should be shown at Press to select the position visually, release to get it Visual Selection Drag the notification window to the desired place and release the button. Warning Notification Press to select the foreground color Foreground Press to select the background color Background Press to reset the colors to the current values Reset Press to reset the colors to default values Default Warning This is a message to notify about a warning. Critical Notification Critical This is a message to notify about a critical event. NumbersWidget Numbers Formats Binary Press to import the selected binary number Enter the binary number Press to send the binary number to the current editor Octal Press to import the selected octal number Enter the octal number Press to send the octal number to the current editor Decimal Press to import the selected decimal number Enter the decimal number Press to send the decimal number to the current editor Hexadecimal Press to import the selected hex number Enter the hex number Press to send the hex number to the current editor Input Format: Select the input format Bitsize: Select the bit size Press to swap the current byte order Swap byte order Auto Dec Hex Oct Bin OpenSearchDialog Open Search Engines Configuration Press to add a new search engine from file &Add... Press to delete the selected engines &Delete Press to edit the data of the current engine Edit... Press to restore the default engines &Restore Defaults Add search engine OpenSearch (*.xml);;All Files (*) {0} is not a valid OpenSearch 1.1 description or is already on your list. Delete selected engines You must have at least one search engine. OpenSearchEditDialog Edit search engine data &Name: Shows the name of the search engine &Description: Enter a description &Image URL: Enter the URL of the image &Search URL Template: Enter the template of the search URL Su&ggestions URL Template: Enter the template of the suggestions URL OpenSearchEngineModel Name Keywords <strong>Description:</strong> {0} <strong>Provides contextual suggestions</strong> Comma-separated list of keywords that may be entered in the location bar followed by search terms to search with this engine OpenSearchManager <p>Do you want to add the following engine to your list of search engines?<br/><br/>Name: {0}<br/>Searches on: {1}</p> Method not supported {0} method is not supported. Engine name Enter a name for the engine OpenSearchReader The file is not an OpenSearch 1.1 file. OperaImporter Opera stores its bookmarks in the <b>bookmarks.adr</b> text file. This file is usually located in Please choose the file to begin importing bookmarks. File '{0}' does not exist. File '{0}' cannot be read. Reason: {1} Opera Import Imported {0} PackageDiagramBuilder Package Diagram {0}: {1} Package Diagram: {0} Parsing modules... %v/%m Modules Package Diagram The directory <b>'{0}'</b> is not a package. The package <b>'{0}'</b> does not contain any modules or subpackages. The package <b>'{0}'</b> does not contain any classes or subpackages. <p>The diagram belongs to project <b>{0}</b>. Please open it and try again.</p> PageScreenDialog Page Screen Save Page Screen screen.png Portable Network Graphics File (*.png) <p>The file <b>{0}</b> already exists. Overwrite it?</p> Cannot write file '{0}: {1}. PasswordManager Saving login data <p>Login data could not be saved to <b>{0}</b></p> Loading login data Error when loading login data on line {0}, column {1}: {2} Save password <b>Would you like to save this password?</b><br/>To review passwords you have saved and remove them, use the password management dialog of the Settings menu. Never for this site Not now Re-encoding saved passwords... %v/%m Passwords Passwords PasswordModel Website Username Password PasswordReader The file is not a Passwords version 2.0 file. PasswordsDialog Saved Passwords Enter search term Press to remove the selected entries &Remove Press to remove all entries Remove &All Press to toggle the display of passwords Show Passwords Hide Passwords Do you really want to show passwords? PathlibChecker os.chmod('foo', 0o444) should be replaced by foo_path.chmod(0o444) os.mkdir('foo') should be replaced by foo_path.mkdir() os.makedirs('foo/bar') should be replaced by bar_path.mkdir(parents=True) os.rename('foo', 'bar') should be replaced by foo_path.rename(Path('bar')) os.replace('foo', 'bar') should be replaced by foo_path.replace(Path('bar')) os.rmdir('foo') should be replaced by foo_path.rmdir() os.remove('foo') should be replaced by foo_path.unlink() os.unlink('foo'') should be replaced by foo_path.unlink() os.getcwd() should be replaced by Path.cwd() os.readlink('foo') should be replaced by foo_path.readlink() os.stat('foo') should be replaced by foo_path.stat() or foo_path.owner() or foo_path.group() os.path.abspath('foo') should be replaced by foo_path.resolve() os.path.exists('foo') should be replaced by foo_path.exists() os.path.expanduser('~/foo') should be replaced by foo_path.expanduser() os.path.isdir('foo') should be replaced by foo_path.is_dir() os.path.isfile('foo') should be replaced by foo_path.is_file() os.path.islink('foo') should be replaced by foo_path.is_symlink() os.path.isabs('foo') should be replaced by foo_path.is_absolute() os.path.join('foo', 'bar') should be replaced by foo_path / 'bar' os.path.basename('foo/bar') should be replaced by bar_path.name os.path.dirname('foo/bar') should be replaced by bar_path.parent os.path.samefile('foo', 'bar') should be replaced by foo_path.samefile(bar_path) os.path.splitext('foo.bar') should be replaced by foo_path.suffix open('foo') should be replaced by Path('foo').open() py.path.local is in maintenance mode, use pathlib instead PersonalDataDialog Personal Information <h2>Personal Information</h2> Your personal information that will be used on webpages. First Name: ZIP Code: Last Name: State/Region: Full Name: Country: E-mail: Home Page: Phone: Custom 1: Mobile Phone: Custom 2: Address: Custom 3: City: Custom 4: <b>Note:</b> Press Ctrl+ENTER to autofill form fields for which personal entries were found. PersonalInformationManager Full Name Last Name First Name E-mail Mobile Phone Address City ZIP Code State/Region Country Home Page Custom 1 Custom 2 Custom 3 Custom 4 Insert Personal Information Edit Personal Information Pip Install Packages Upgrade Packages Uninstall Packages Install PIP Repair PIP Install Packages from Requirements Do you really want to uninstall these packages? Uninstall Packages from Requirements python exited with an error ({0}). python did not finish within 30 seconds. python could not be started. Interpreter for Virtual Environment No interpreter configured for the selected virtual environment. <project> You are trying to upgrade PyQt packages. This might not work for the current instance of Python ({0}). Do you want to continue? Cache Info List Cached Files Enter a file pattern (empty for all): Remove Cached Files Enter a file pattern: Purge Cache Do you really want to purge the pip cache? All files need to be downloaded again. PipDialog pip Output Errors Process Generation Error The process {0} could not be started. PipFileSelectionDialog Select File Enter file name: Enter requirements file: Press to select the requirements file through a file selection dialog. Text Files (*.txt);;All Files (*) Enter package file: Press to select the package file through a file selection dialog. Python Wheel (*.whl);;Archive Files (*.tar.gz *.zip);;All Files (*) Press to select a file through a file selection dialog. All Files (*) Select to install to the Python user install directory Install into User Directory File Name: PipFreezeDialog Generate Requirements Replace the current selection with the requirements text Select to show requirements for locally-installed packages only Local packages only Requirements File: Press to save to the requirements file Save Save to a new file Save To Copy the requirements text to the clipboard Copy Insert the requirements text at the cursor position Insert Replace Selection Replace all text with the requirements text Replace All &Refresh Text Files (*.txt);;All Files (*) The requirements were changed. Do you want to overwrite these changes? No output generated by 'pip freeze'. The file <b>{0}</b> already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? <p>The requirements could not be written to <b>{0}</b>.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> PipPackageDetailsDialog Package Details Details Lists package informations Description: Author: Author Email: License: Summary: Platform: Home Page: Package URL: Release URL: Documentation URL: Classifiers: Download URLs Lists the download URLs File Type Py Version Uploaded on Size Requires/Provides Lists required and provided packages Requires Required Packages: Required Distributions: Provides Provided Packages: Provided Distributions: Source Python Wheel Python Egg MS Windows Installer Unix Installer Archive any B KB MB GB {0:.1f} {1} value, unit Install Uninstall Upgrade PipPackagesInputDialog Packages Package Specifications (separated by whitespace): Select to install to the Python user install directory Install into User Directory PipPackagesWidget Select to show only locally-installed packages Local packages only Select to list packages that are not dependencies of installed packages Not required Packages Select to show only packages installed to the user-site User-Site only Package Installed Version Available Version Select to show verbose package information Verbose Information Select to show information about installed files Installed Files Press to refresh the lists Press to upgrade the selected packages Press to upgrade all listed packages Press to uninstall the selected package Press to show details for the selected entry Toggle to show or hide the search window Name: Enter the search term for the package name Enter search term Summary: Press to start the search Description Press to install the selected package Press to install the selected package to the user site pip Menu Version: Location: Requires: Homepage: Author: Author Email: License: Metadata Version: Installer: Classifiers: Entry Points: Files: Getting installed packages... Getting outdated packages... %n package(s) found. Search PyPI <p>No package details info for <b>{0}</b> available.</p> Install Pip Install Pip to User-Site Repair Pip Install Packages Install Local Package Install Requirements Uninstall Requirements Generate Requirements... Edit User Configuration... Edit Environment Configuration... Configure... Edit Configuration No valid configuration path determined. Aborting Show Cache Info... Show Cached Files... Remove Cached Files... Purge Cache... Released <p>Received an error while searching for <b>{0}</b>.</p><p>Error: {1}</p> Showing first 20 packages found. <p>There were no results for <b>{0}</b>.</p> Version Re-Install Selected Packages PipPage <b>Configure pip</b> Index URL Enter the URL of the package index or leave empty to use the default <b>Note:</b> Leave empty to use the default index URL (<a href="{0}">{0}</a>). Environment Select to exclude conda managed environments Don't show 'Conda' environments PixmapDiagram Pixmap-Viewer Close Print Print Preview Window Graphics <p>The file <b>{0}</b> cannot be displayed. The format is not supported.</p> Diagram: {0} PluginDetailsDialog Plugin Details Module name: Module filename: Autoactivate Active Plugin name: Version: Author: Description: Error: PluginError Unspecific plugin error. Plugin paths not found or not creatable. No plugin modules found. Error loading plugin module: {0} Error activating plugin module: {0} The plugin module {0} is missing {1}. The plugin class {0} of module {1} is missing {2}. PluginInfoDialog Loaded Plugins Double-Click an entry to show detailed info. Plugins with an error are shown in red. <b>Plugin List</b><p>This lists all loaded plugins. Double-clicking an entry shows more detailed information in a separate dialog.</p> Module Name Version Autoactivate Active Description Show details Activate Deactivate Yes No On-Demand PluginInstallDialog Plugin Installation <b>Enter the plugin archives to install</b> Add plugin ZIP-archives via a file selection dialog Add ... Remove the selected entries from the list of plugin archives to be installed Remove <b>Select the destination plugin directory</b> Select the destination plugin area <b>Installation Summary</b> This shows the summary of the installation data %v/%m Files PluginInstallWidget < Back Next > Install User plugins directory Global plugins directory Plugin ZIP-Archives: {0} Destination: {1} ({2}) Select plugin ZIP-archives Plugin archive (*.zip) Installing {0} ... ok The plugins were installed successfully. Some plugins could not be installed. <p>The archive file <b>{0}</b> does not exist. Aborting...</p> <p>The file <b>{0}</b> is not a valid plugin ZIP-archive. Aborting...</p> <p>The destination directory <b>{0}</b> is not writeable. Aborting...</p> <p>The plugin module <b>{0}</b> does not contain a 'packageName' attribute. Aborting...</p> <p>The plugin module <b>{0}</b> does not conform with the PyQt v2 API. Aborting...</p> <p>The plugin package <b>{0}</b> exists. Aborting...</p> <p>The plugin module <b>{0}</b> exists. Aborting...</p> Error installing plugin. Reason: {0} Unspecific exception installing plugin. PluginManager Could not create a package for {0}. The internal plugin directory <b>{0}</b> does not exits. Module is missing the 'autoactivate' attribute. Module is missing the 'pluginType' and/or 'pluginTypename' attributes. Module failed to load. Error: {0} Incompatible plugin activation method. Plugin Manager Error <p>The plugin download directory <b>{0}</b> could not be created. Please configure it via the configuration dialog.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> Error downloading file <p>Could not download the requested file from {0}.</p><p>Error: {1}</p> New plugin versions available <p>There are new plug-ins or plug-in updates available. Use the plug-in repository dialog to get them.</p> PluginManagerPage <b>Configure plugin manager</b> Plugins download directory: Enter the plugins download directory Download Housekeeping No. of generations to keep: Enter the number of generations to keep for each plugin Select to keep generations of hidden plugins Keep generations of hidden plugins <font color="#FF0000"><b>Note:</b> The following settings are activated at the next startup of the application.</font> Select to enable external plugins to be loaded Load external plugins Check for plugin updates Select to disable update checking Never Select to check for updates once a day Daily Select to check for updates once a week Weekly Select to check for updates once a month Monthly Select to check only already installed plugins for updates Check only installed plugins for updates Repository URL: Shows the repository URL Press to edit the plugin repository URL Edit URL Always Select to check for updates whenever eric is started Select to cleanup the plugins download area during startuo Cleanup during startup PluginRepositoryDialog Plugin Repository Name Version Short Description Description: Displays the description of the selected plugin Author: Displays the author of the selected plugin URL: Displays the download URL of the selected plugin Shows the progress of the current download Repository URL: Shows the repository URL Press to edit the plugin repository URL Edit URL Shows the number of new plug-ins available Shows the number of locally updatable plug-ins available Shows the number of remotely updatable plug-ins available PluginRepositoryWidget Update Download Download && Install Cancel Close && Install Hide Hide Selected Show All Cleanup Downloads Download Plugin Files The requested plugins were downloaded. Plugins Repository URL Changed The URL of the Plugins Repository has changed. Select the "Update" button to get the new repository file. Read plugins repository file <p>The plugins repository file <b>{0}</b> could not be read. Select Update</p> No plugin repository file available. Select Update. Error downloading file <p>Could not download the requested file from {0}.</p><p>Error: {1}</p> Stable Unstable Unknown up-to-date new download available update installable updated download available Cleanup of Plugin Downloads <p>The plugin download <b>{0}</b> could not be deleted.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> New: <b>{0}</b> Local Updates: <b>{0}</b> Remote Updates: <b>{0}</b> Obsolete error determining status PluginRepositoryWindow Process Generation Error <p>Could not start the process.<br>Ensure that it is available as <b>{0}</b>.</p> OK PluginUninstallDialog Plugin Uninstallation Plugin directory: Select the plugin area containing the plugin to uninstall Plugin: Select the plugin to uninstall Select to keep the configuration data Keep configuration data PluginUninstallWidget User plugins directory Global plugins directory Plugin Uninstallation <p>The plugin <b>{0}</b> could not be unloaded. Aborting...</p> <p>The plugin <b>{0}</b> has no 'packageName' attribute. Aborting...</p> <p>The plugin package <b>{0}</b> could not be removed. Aborting...</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> <p>The plugin <b>{0}</b> was uninstalled successfully from {1}.</p> PluginWizardDialog eric Plug-in Wizard Header Plug-in Name: Enter the plug-in name Version: Enter the version number in the form 'major.minor[.patch[.sub]]' Author: Enter the author's name Author Email: Enter the author's email address Class Name: Enter the name of the plug-in class Package Name: Enter the name of the plug-in package Select to create the entered package Create Package Short Description: Enter the short description Long Description: Enter the long description Select to activate the plug-in automatically Activate Automatically Select to allow the plug-in to be deactivated Can be deactivated Select to indicate a restart is needed when updated Needs Restart Select to indicate Python 2 compatibility Python 2 compatible Plug-in Type: Select the plug-in type Plug-in Type Name: Enter the plug-in type name Configuration Select to indicate that the plug-in has configurable data Is configurable Preferences Key: Enter the preferences key Various Select to create a 'previewPix()' function skeleton Include 'previewPix()' function Select to create a 'moduleSetup()' function skeleton Include 'moduleSetup()' function Include an 'exeDisplayData' function Select to create an 'exeDisplayData()' function skeleton 'exeDisplayData()' function returning program data to determine version information Select to create an 'exeDisplayDataList()' function skeleton 'exeDisplayDataList()' function Select to create an 'apiFiles()' function skeleton Include 'apiFiles()' function Press to populate entry fields from project data Populate from Project Select to create an 'exeDisplayData()' function skeleton returning version info 'exeDisplayData()' function returning version information Preferences Export Preferences Properties File (*.ini);;All Files (*) Import Preferences PreferencesLexerError Unspecific PreferencesLexer error. Unsupported Lexer Language: {0} PreviewModel Variable Name PreviewProcessingThread <p>No preview available for this type of file.</p> <p>ReStructuredText preview requires the <b>sphinx</b> package.<br/>Install it with your package manager,'pip install Sphinx' or see <a href="http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Sphinx">this page.</a></p><p>Alternatively you may disable Sphinx usage on the Editor, Filehandling configuration page.</p> <p>ReStructuredText preview requires the <b>python-docutils</b> package.<br/>Install it with your package manager, 'pip install docutils' or see <a href="http://pypi.python.org/pypi/docutils">this page.</a></p> <p>Markdown preview requires the <b>Markdown</b> package.<br/>Install it with your package manager, 'pip install Markdown' or see <a href="http://pythonhosted.org/Markdown/install.html">installation instructions.</a></p> <p>Docutils returned an error:</p><p>{0}</p> PreviewerHTML Enable JavaScript Select to enable JavaScript for HTML previews Enable Server Side Includes Select to enable support for Server Side Includes <p>No preview available for this type of file.</p> Preview - {0} Preview <b>HTML Preview is not available!<br/>Install PyQtWebEngine.</b> PreviewerQSS Preview Style Action 1 Action 2 MDI Python Ruby JavaScript PrintToPdfDialog Print to PDF Save as: Enter the file name of the PDF document Page Layout: Select the page layout via a dialog ... PDF Files (*.pdf);;All Files (*) Portrait Landscape {0}, {1} page size, page orientation Printer {0} - Printed on {1}, {2} - Page {3} PrinterPage <b>Configure printer settings</b> Printername: Gray Scale Page Order: First Page First Last Page First Magnification: Resolution: Select the printer resolution DPI Press to select the font for the page headers Header Font Margins Enter the top margin in cm. cm Enter the left margin in cm. Enter the right margin in cm. Enter the bottom margin in cm. Color Mode: Color ProgramsDialog External Tools Path Version Search Press to search for programs Translation Converter (Qt) Qt Designer Qt Linguist Qt Assistant Translation Extractor (Python, PyQt5) Forms Compiler (Python, PyQt5) Resource Compiler (Python, PyQt5) CORBA IDL Compiler (unknown) Spell Checker - PyEnchant Source Highlighter - Pygments (not configured) (not executable) (not found) Protobuf Compiler gRPC Compiler (module not found) Translation Extractor (Python, PySide2) Resource Compiler (Python, PySide2) Forms Compiler (Python, PySide2) conda Manager PyPI Package Management MicroPython - MPY Cross Compiler MicroPython - ESP Tool MicroPython - PyBoard Flasher Show: Select the kind of tools to show All Supported Tools Available Tools Only Unavailable Tools Only Translation Extractor (Python, PyQt6) Forms Compiler (Python, PyQt6) Translation Extractor (Python, PySide6) Forms Compiler (Python, PySide6) Resource Compiler (Python, PySide6) Project Python3 Files (*.py *.py3);;Python3 GUI Files (*.pyw *.pyw3);; PyQt5 GUI PyQt5 Console Eric6 Plugin Console Other Registering Project Type <p>The Project type <b>{0}</b> is already registered with Programming Language <b>{1}</b>.</p> <p>The Project type <b>{0}</b> is already registered.</p> <p>The project file <b>{0}</b> could not be read.</p> <p>The project file <b>{0}</b> could not be written.</p> <p>The user specific project properties file <b>{0}</b> could not be read.</p> Read project session Please save the project first. <p>The project session file <b>{0}</b> could not be read.</p> <p>The project session file <b>{0}</b> could not be deleted.</p> <p>The tasks file <b>{0}</b> could not be read.</p> <p>The project debugger properties file <b>{0}</b> could not be read.</p> <p>The project debugger properties file <b>{0}</b> could not be deleted.</p> Add Language You have to specify a translation pattern first. Delete translation Add file <p>The file <b>{0}</b> already exists.</p><p>Overwrite it?</p> <p>The selected file <b>{0}</b> could not be added to <b>{1}</b>.</p><p>Reason: {2}</p> The target directory must not be empty. Add directory <p>The source directory doesn't contain any files belonging to the selected category.</p> <p>The target directory <b>{0}</b> could not be created.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> The source directory must not be empty. Rename file Rename File <p>The file <b>{0}</b> already exists. Overwrite it?</p> <p>The file <b>{0}</b> could not be renamed.<br />Reason: {1}</p> Delete file Delete directory Create project directory <p>The project directory <b>{0}</b> could not be created.</p> Create project management directory <p>The project directory <b>{0}</b> is not writable.</p> Create main script <p>The mainscript <b>{0}</b> could not be created.<br/>Reason: {1}</p> New Project Add existing files to the project? Select Version Control System Would you like to edit the VCS command options? New project Shall the project file be added to the repository? None Select version control system for the project Translation Pattern Enter the path pattern for translation files (use '%language%' in place of the language code): Open project Save project as Save File Close Project The current project has unsaved changes. Syntax errors detected The project contains %n file(s) with syntax errors. &New... Generate a new project <b>New...</b><p>This opens a dialog for entering the info for a new project.</p> &Open... Open an existing project <b>Open...</b><p>This opens an existing project.</p> Close project &Close Close the current project <b>Close</b><p>This closes the current project.</p> Save project &Save Save the current project <b>Save</b><p>This saves the current project.</p> Save &as... Save the current project to a new file <b>Save as</b><p>This saves the current project to a new file.</p> Add files to project Add &files... Add files to the current project <b>Add files...</b><p>This opens a dialog for adding files to the current project. The place to add is determined by the file extension.</p> Add directory to project Add directory... Add a directory to the current project <b>Add directory...</b><p>This opens a dialog for adding a directory to the current project.</p> Add translation to project Add &translation... Add a translation to the current project <b>Add translation...</b><p>This opens a dialog for add a translation to the current project.</p> Search new files Searc&h new files... Search new files in the project directory. Search Project File Search Project File... Alt+Ctrl+P Project|Search Project File Search for a file in the project list of files. <b>Search Project File</b><p>This searches for a file in the project list of files.</p> Project properties &Properties... Show the project properties <b>Properties...</b><p>This shows a dialog to edit the project properties.</p> User project properties &User Properties... Show the user specific project properties <b>User Properties...</b><p>This shows a dialog to edit the user specific project properties.</p> Filetype Associations Filetype Associations... Lexer Associations Lexer Associations... Show the project lexer associations (overriding defaults) <b>Lexer Associations...</b><p>This shows a dialog to edit the lexer associations of the project. These associations override the global lexer associations. Lexers are used to highlight the editor text.</p> Debugger Properties Debugger &Properties... Show the debugger properties <b>Debugger Properties...</b><p>This shows a dialog to edit project specific debugger settings.</p> Load &Load Load the debugger properties <b>Load Debugger Properties</b><p>This loads the project specific debugger settings.</p> Save Save the debugger properties <b>Save Debugger Properties</b><p>This saves the project specific debugger settings.</p> Delete &Delete Delete the debugger properties <b>Delete Debugger Properties</b><p>This deletes the file containing the project specific debugger settings.</p> Reset &Reset Reset the debugger properties <b>Reset Debugger Properties</b><p>This resets the project specific debugger settings.</p> Load session Load the projects session file. <b>Load session</b><p>This loads the projects session file. The session consists of the following data.<br>- all open source files<br>- all breakpoint<br>- the commandline arguments<br>- the working directory<br>- the exception reporting flag</p> Save session Save the projects session file. <b>Save session</b><p>This saves the projects session file. The session consists of the following data.<br>- all open source files<br>- all breakpoint<br>- the commandline arguments<br>- the working directory<br>- the exception reporting flag</p> Delete session Delete the projects session file. <b>Delete session</b><p>This deletes the projects session file</p> Code Metrics &Code Metrics... Show some code metrics for the project. <b>Code Metrics...</b><p>This shows some code metrics for all Python files in the project.</p> Python Code Coverage Code Co&verage... Show code coverage information for the project. <b>Code Coverage...</b><p>This shows the code coverage information for all Python files in the project.</p> Profile Data &Profile Data... Show profiling data for the project. <b>Profile Data...</b><p>This shows the profiling data for the project.</p> Application Diagram &Application Diagram... Show a diagram of the project. <b>Application Diagram...</b><p>This shows a diagram of the project.</p> Load Diagram &Load Diagram... Load a diagram from file. <b>Load Diagram...</b><p>This loads a diagram from file.</p> Create Package List Create &Package List Create Plugin Archive &Project Open &Recent Projects &Version Control Chec&k Sho&w &Diagrams Session Source &Documentation Debugger Pac&kagers Project &Clear Search New Files There were no new files found to be added. Version Control System <p>The selected VCS <b>{0}</b> could not be found. <br/>Reverting override.</p><p>{1}</p> <p>The selected VCS <b>{0}</b> could not be found.<br/>Disabling version control.</p><p>{1}</p> Coverage Data There is no main script defined for the current project. Aborting Code Coverage Please select a coverage file Please select a profile file Include module names? <p>The file <b>PKGLIST</b> already exists.</p><p>Overwrite it?</p> <p>The file <b>PKGLIST</b> could not be created.</p><p>Reason: {0}</p> The project does not have a main script defined. Aborting... <p>The file <b>{0}</b> could not be stored in the archive. Ignoring it.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> <p>The plugin file <b>{0}</b> could not be read.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> <p>The plugin file <b>{0}</b> could not be read.</p> <p>Reason: {1}</p> Create Plugin Archives Create Plugin &Archives Create Plugin Archives (Snapshot) Create Plugin Archives (&Snapshot) Select package lists: Creating plugin archives... Abort %v/%m Archives <p>The file <b>{0}</b> could not be read.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> <p>No package list files (PKGLIST*) available or selected. Aborting...</p> <p>The file <b>{0}</b> is not ready yet.</p><p>Please rework it and delete the'; initial_list' line of the header.</p> <b>Search new files...</b><p>This searches for new files (sources, *.ui, *.idl, *.proto) in the project directory and registered subdirectories.</p> <b>Filetype Associations...</b><p>This shows a dialog to edit the file type associations of the project. These associations determine the type (source, form, interface, protocol or others) with a filename pattern. They are used when adding a file to the project and when performing a search for new files.</p> <p>The selected translation file <b>{0}</b> could not be deleted.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> <p>The selected file <b>{0}</b> could not be deleted.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> <p>The selected directory <b>{0}</b> could not be deleted.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> Create Makefile <p>The makefile <b>{0}</b> could not be created.<br/>Reason: {1}</p> Execute Make &Execute Make Perform a 'make' run. <b>Execute Make</b><p>This performs a 'make' run to rebuild the configured target.</p> Test for Changes &Test for Changes Question 'make', if a rebuild is needed. <b>Test for Changes</b><p>This questions 'make', if a rebuild of the configured target is necessary.</p> Make The make process did not start. The make process crashed. <p>There are changes that require the configured make target <b>{0}</b> to be rebuilt.</p> <p>There are changes that require the default make target to be rebuilt.</p> The makefile contains errors. PySide2 GUI PySide2 Console Project-T&ools <p>The Programming Language <b>{0}</b> is not supported (project type: {1}).</p> PyQt6 GUI PyQt6 Console PySide6 GUI PySide6 Console Create an initial PKGLIST file for an eric plugin. <b>Create Package List</b><p>This creates an initial list of files to include in an eric plugin archive. The list is created from the project file.</p> Create eric plugin archive files. <b>Create Plugin Archives</b><p>This creates eric plugin archive files using the list of files given in a PKGLIST* file. The archive name is built from the main script name if not designated in the package list file.</p> Create eric plugin archive files (snapshot releases). <b>Create Plugin Archives (Snapshot)</b><p>This creates eric plugin archive files using the list of files given in the PKGLIST* file. The archive name is built from the main script name if not designated in the package list file. The version entry of the main script is modified to reflect a snapshot release.</p> <p>The eric plugin archive file <b>{0}</b> could not be created.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> <p>The eric plugin archive files were created with some errors.</p> <p>The eric plugin archive files were created successfully.</p> Read Project File Save Project File Read User Project Properties Read Project Session Save Project Session Delete Project Session Read Tasks Read Debugger Properties Save Debugger Properties Delete Debugger Properties Project Files (*.epj);;XML Project Files (*.e4p) Project Files (*.epj) Show the project file type associations ProjectBaseBrowser Open Delete directories Do you really want to delete these directories from the project? local Select entries There were no matching entries found. ProjectBrowser up to date files added local modifications files removed files replaced update required conflict unknown status ProjectBrowserModel Name VCS Status local ProjectBrowserPage <b>Configure project viewer settings</b> Highlighted entries (Others): Visible Project Browsers Projecttype: Select the project type to be configured Select to show the sources browser Sources Browser Select to show the translations browser Translations Browser Select to show the forms browser Forms Browser Select to show the interfaces (IDL) browser Interfaces (IDL) Browser Select to show the resources browser Resources Browser Select to show the browser for other files Others Browser Select to make the project browsers highlight the file of the current editor. Highlight file of current editor Select to follow the cursor line of the current editor Follow cursor line of current editor Select to populate entries automatically when following the cursor line of the current editor Populate entry when following the cursor line Select to hide sources generated from form files Hide generated form sources Select to show the protocols (protobuf) browser Protocols (protobuf) Browser Colors Select the color for highlighted entries in the Others viewer. Select to show hidden files in the various browsers Show hidden files ProjectFile Save Project File <p>The project file <b>{0}</b> could not be written.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> Read Project File <p>The project file <b>{0}</b> could not be read.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> ProjectFormsBrowser Forms <b>Project Forms Browser</b><p>This allows to easily see all forms contained in the current project. Several actions can be executed via the context menu.</p> Dialog Widget Main Window Dialog with Buttonbox (Bottom) Dialog with Buttonbox (Right) Dialog with Buttons (Bottom) Dialog with Buttons (Bottom-Center) Dialog with Buttons (Right) QWizard QWizardPage QDockWidget QFrame QGroupBox QScrollArea QMdiArea QTabWidget QToolBox QStackedWidget Compile form Compile all forms Generate Dialog Code... Open in Qt-Designer Open in Editor Preview form Preview translations Open Rename file Remove from project Delete New form... Add forms... Add forms directory... Copy Path to Clipboard Expand all directories Collapse all directories Configure... Compile forms New Form Select a form type: Qt User-Interface Files (*.ui);;All Files (*) The file already exists! Overwrite it? <p>The new form file <b>{0}</b> could not be created.<br>Problem: {1}</p> Delete forms Do you really want to delete these forms from the project? Form Compilation The compilation of the form file was successful. <p>The compilation of the form file failed.</p><p>Reason: {0}</p> The compilation of the form file failed. Process Generation Error Could not start {0}.<br>Ensure that it is in the search path. Compiling forms... Abort %v/%m Forms Determining changed forms... Compiling changed forms... Configure uic Compiler ProjectInterfacesBrowser Interfaces (IDL) <b>Project Interfaces Browser</b><p>This allows to easily see all interfaces (CORBA IDL files) contained in the current project. Several actions can be executed via the context menu.</p> Compile interface Compile all interfaces Open Rename file Remove from project Delete Add interfaces... Add interfaces directory... Copy Path to Clipboard Expand all directories Collapse all directories Configure... Configure CORBA... Compile interfaces Delete interfaces Do you really want to delete these interfaces from the project? Interface Compilation The compilation of the interface file was successful. The compilation of the interface file failed. Process Generation Error <p>Could not start {0}.<br>Ensure that it is in the search path.</p> Compiling interfaces... Abort %v/%m Interfaces Interfaces Configure IDL compiler ProjectOthersBrowser Others <b>Project Others Browser</b><p>This allows to easily see all other files and directories contained in the current project. Several actions can be executed via the context menu. The entry which is registered in the project is shown in a different colour.</p> Open in Hex Editor Open in Icon Editor Show Mime-Type Rename file Remove from project Delete Add files... Add directory... Refresh Copy Path to Clipboard Expand all directories Collapse all directories Configure... The mime type of the file could not be determined. The file has the mime type <b>{0}</b>. The file has the mime type <b>{0}</b>.<br/> Shall it be added to the list of text mime types? Delete files/directories Do you really want to delete these entries from the project? ProjectPage <b>Configure project settings</b> Search new files Search for new files recursively Select whether a search for new files on a project open should be performed. Search for new files on open Select whether the found files should be included automatically. Automatically include found files Debugger Properties Select, whether a project debugger properties file shall be read on opening the project Load debugger properties upon opening Select, whether a project debugger properties file shall be written on closing the project Save debugger properties upon closing Sessions Select, whether a project session file shall be read on opening the project Load session upon opening Select, whether a project session file shall be written on closing the project Save session upon closing Select whether all breakpoints should be saved to the session file. Save all breakpoints Automatisations Select, if changed forms should be compiled automatically upon a run action compile changed forms Select, if changed resources should be compiled automatically upon a run action compile changed resources Python Variant Select to determine the Python variant from the project language Determine Python variant from project language Recent Projects Number of recent projects: Enter the number of recent projects to remember Tasks Select to save the project tasks automatically Save tasks automatically Select to rescan the project tasks when a project is opened Rescan tasks upon opening Select to execute the configured 'make' command before a run action is performed execute make Shell Select to restart the shell with the interpreter of the project (if configured) Restart Shell for project upon opening Files Select, if a timestamp should be written to all Project files Include timestamp in Project files ProjectProtocolsBrowser Protocols (protobuf) <b>Project Protocols Browser</b><p>This allows to easily see all protocols (protobuf files) contained in the current project. Several actions can be executed via the context menu.</p> Compile protocol Compile all protocols Compile protocol as gRPC Compile all protocols as gRPC Open Rename file Remove from project Delete Add protocols... Add protocols directory... Copy Path to Clipboard Expand all directories Collapse all directories Configure... Configure Protobuf... Compile protocols Compile protocols as gRPC Delete Protocols Do you really want to delete these protocol files from the project? Protocol Compilation The compilation of the protocol file was successful. The compilation of the protocol file failed. Process Generation Error <p>Could not start {0}.<br>Ensure that it is in the search path.</p> Compiler Invalid The configured compiler is invalid. Compiling Protocols... Abort %v/%m Protocols Protocols ProjectResourcesBrowser Resources <b>Project Resources Browser</b><p>This allows to easily see all resources contained in the current project. Several actions can be executed via the context menu.</p> Compile resource Compile all resources Open Rename file Remove from project Delete New resource... Add resources... Add resources directory... Copy Path to Clipboard Expand all directories Collapse all directories Configure... Compile resources New Resource Qt Resource Files (*.qrc) The file already exists! Overwrite it? <p>The new resource file <b>{0}</b> could not be created.<br>Problem: {1}</p> Delete resources Do you really want to delete these resources from the project? Resource Compilation The compilation of the resource file was successful. <p>The compilation of the resource file failed.</p><p>Reason: {0}</p> The compilation of the resource file failed. Process Generation Error Could not start {0}.<br>Ensure that it is in the search path. Compiling resources... Abort %v/%m Resources Determining changed resources... Compiling changed resources... Configure rcc Compiler ProjectSourcesBrowser Sources <b>Project Sources Browser</b><p>This allows to easily see all sources contained in the current project. Several actions can be executed via the context menu.</p> Check Show Code metrics... Code coverage... Profile data... Diagrams Class Diagram... Package Diagram... Imports Diagram... Application Diagram... Load Diagram... Run unittest... Rename file Remove from project Delete New package... Add source files... Add source directory... Copy Path to Clipboard Expand all directories Collapse all directories Configure... Goto Add new Python package <p>The package directory <b>{0}</b> could not be created. Aborting...</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> <p>The package file <b>{0}</b> could not be created. Aborting...</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> Delete files Do you really want to delete these files from the project? Code Coverage Please select a coverage file Profile Data Please select a profile file Class Diagram Include class attributes? Imports Diagram Include imports from external modules? Package Diagram Application Diagram Include module names? ProjectTranslationsBrowser Translations <b>Project Translations Browser</b><p>This allows to easily see all translations contained in the current project. Several actions can be executed via the context menu.</p> Generate translation Generate translation (with obsolete) Generate all translations Generate all translations (with obsolete) Open in Qt-Linguist Open in Editor Release translation Release all translations Preview translation Preview all translations Extract messages Open Remove from project Delete Add translation... Add translation files... Copy Path to Clipboard Configure... Generate translations Generate translations (with obsolete) Release translations Preview translations Delete translation files Do you really want to delete these translation files from the project? Write temporary project file No translation files (*.ts) selected. <p>The temporary project file <b>{0}</b> could not be written.</p> Translation file generation The generation of the translation files (*.ts) was successful. The process has crashed. The generation of the translation files (*.ts) has failed.{0} Process Generation Error Could not start {0}.<br>Ensure that it is in the search path. Translation file release The release of the translation files (*.qm) was successful. The release of the translation files (*.qm) has failed. <p>Could not start lrelease.<br>Ensure that it is available as <b>{0}</b>.</p> PromtEngine Promt: Invalid response received Promt: This direction of translation is not available. PropertiesDialog Multiproject Properties &Description: Enter description <b>Description</b> <p>Enter a short description for the multiproject.</p> Project Properties <b>Project Properties Dialog</b> <p>This dialog is used to show and edit the projects properties.</p> <p>If the project is controlled by a version control system, the "Show Repository Info" button displays information about the repository.</p> Project &Name: Enter the project name <b>Project Name</b> <p>Enter the project name</p> Press to edit the spell checking properties Spell Checking Properties... &Progr. Language: Select the project's programming language Select, if the project uses other programming languages as well Mi&xed programming languages Alt+X Project &Type: Select the type of the project Project &Directory: Enter the project directory <b>Project Directory</b> <p>Enter the project directory. You may select it with a dialog by pressing the button to the right.</p> &Version No.: Enter the version number <b>Version No.</b> <p>Enter the version no.</p> &Main Script: Enter the main script <b>Main Script</b> <p>Enter the main script of the project. You may select it with a dialog by pressing the button to the right.</p> Press to edit the translations properties Translations Properties... End of &Line Character: Select the end of line character to be used by the project System Unix Macintosh Windows/DOS &Author: Enter authors name <b>Author</b> <p>Enter the name of the author.</p> &Email: Enter authors email <b>Email</b> <p>Enter the email address of the author</p> <b>Description</b> <p>Enter a short description for the project.</p> Select to create a version controlled project Version Controlled Project Press to show information about the repository Show &Repository Info Alt+R Source Files ({0});;All Files (*) The project is version controlled by <b>{0}</b>. The project is not version controlled. Select to activate the 'make' support Enable 'make' Support Press to open a dialog to enter the 'make' parameters Docstring Style: Select the docstring style for the project None ProtobufPage <b>Configure Protobuf support</b> Protobuf Compiler Enter the path to the protobuf compiler. <b>Note:</b> Leave this entry empty to use the default value (protoc or protoc.exe). gRPC Compiler Enter the path of the Python interpreter containing the gRPC compiler. <b>Note:</b> Leave this entry empty to use the Python interpreter of eric. Press to select the Protobuf compiler via a file selection dialog. Press to select the Python interpreter containing the gRPC compiler via a file selection dialog. ProtocolHandlerManagerDialog Protocol Handlers Shows a list of registered protocol handlers Scheme URL Press to delete the protocol handler Delete Purge Purge All Files Do really want to delete all files not tracked by Mercurial (including ignored ones)? Purge Files Do really want to delete files not tracked by Mercurial? PurgeProjectHelper Purge Files Delete files and directories not known to Mercurial <b>Purge Files</b><p>This deletes files and directories not known to Mercurial. That means that purge will delete:<ul><li>unknown files (marked with "not tracked" in the status dialog)</li><li>empty directories</li></ul>Note that ignored files will be left untouched.</p> Purge All Files Delete files and directories not known to Mercurial including ignored ones <b>Purge All Files</b><p>This deletes files and directories not known to Mercurial. That means that purge will delete:<ul><li>unknown files (marked with "not tracked" in the status dialog)</li><li>empty directories</li><li>ignored files and directories</li></ul></p> List Files to be Purged List Files to be Purged... List files and directories not known to Mercurial <b>List Files to be Purged</b><p>This lists files and directories not known to Mercurial. These would be deleted by the "Purge Files" menu entry.</p> List All Files to be Purged List All Files to be Purged... List files and directories not known to Mercurial including ignored ones <b>List All Files to be Purged</b><p>This lists files and directories not known to Mercurial including ignored ones. These would be deleted by the "Purge All Files" menu entry.</p> Purge PyBoardDevice PyBoard Workspace Directory List DFU-capable Devices Flash MicroPython Firmware MicroPython Flash Instructions dfu-util not available The dfu-util firmware flashing tool <b>dfu-util</b> cannot be found or is not executable. Ensure it is in the search path or configure it on the MicroPython configuration page. <h3>Enable DFU Mode</h3><p>1. Disconnect everything from your board</p><p>2. Disconnect your board</p><p>3. Connect the DFU/BOOT0 pin with a 3.3V pin</p><p>4. Re-connect your board</p><hr /> <p><b>Warning:</b> Make sure that all other DFU capable devices except your PyBoard are disconnected.<hr /> <p>Press <b>OK</b> to continue...</p> Enable DFU mode <h3>Disable DFU Mode</h3><p>1. Disconnect your board</p><p>2. Remove the DFU jumper</p><p>3. Re-connect your board</p><hr /><p>Press <b>OK</b> to continue...</p> Disable DFU mode 'dfu-util' Output List DFU capable Devices MicroPython Firmware Files (*.dfu);;All Files (*) Python files for PyBoard can be edited in place, if the device volume is locally available. Such a volume was not found. In place editing will not be available. Activate Bootloader PyCoverageDialog Python Code Coverage <b>Python Code Coverage</b> <p>This dialog shows the collected code coverage data.</p> E&xclude pattern: Enter a regexp pattern marking lines to exclude from coverage <b>Exclude pattern</b> <p>Enter a regular expression pattern. Lines matching this pattern are excluded from the coverage analysis. The default pattern is '#pragma[: ]+[nN][oO] [cC][oO][vV][eE][rR]'. If the pattern is found on a line containing the colon that introduces a suite of statements, the entire suite is excluded.</p> &Reload Alt+R <b>Python Code Coverage</b> <p>This list shows the collected code coverage data. There are several actions available via the context menu.</p> Name Statements Executed Coverage Excluded Missing Summary <b>Summary</b> <p>This shows some overall code coverage information.</p> Shows the progress of the code coverage action %v/%m Files Open Annotate Annotate all Delete annotated files Erase Coverage Info Parse Error %n file(s) could not be parsed. Coverage info for these is not available. Annotating files... Abort PyProfileDialog Profile Results <b>Profile Results</b> <p>This dialog shows the profile results.</p> <b>Profile Results</b> <p>This list shows the profile results. There are several actions available via the context menu.</p> Nr. Calls Total Time Tot. Time / Call Cumulative Time Cum. Time / Call Filename Line Function <b>Summary</b> <p>This shows some overall profile data. There are several actions available via the context menu.</p> Summary # Shows the progress of the profile data calculation %v/%m Files Exclude Python Library Erase Profiling Info Erase Timing Info Erase All Infos function calls primitive calls CPU seconds <p>There is no profiling data available for <b>{0}</b>.</p> Loading Profiling Data <p>The profiling data could not be read from file <b>{0}</b>.</p> Include Python Library PyRegExpWizard Python re Wizard &Python re Wizard... <b>Python re Wizard</b><p>This wizard opens a dialog for entering all the parameters needed to create a Python re string. The generated code is inserted at the current cursor position.</p> No current editor Please open or create a file first. PyRegExpWizardCharactersDialog Editor for character sets The defined characters should not match Predefined character ranges Non-whitespace characters Non-digits Whitespace characters Digits Non-word characters Word character Single character Character ranges Normal character Unicode character in hexadecimal notation Unicode character in octal notation --- Bell character (\a) Page break (\f) Line feed (\n) Carriage return (\r) Horizontal tabulator (\t) Vertical tabulator (\v) Additional Entries Between: And: PyRegExpWizardDialog Python re Wizard Variable Name: Include import statement <b>Comment: (?#)</b> <p>Insert some comment inside your regexp.</p> <b>Comment: (?#)</b> <p>Insert some comment inside your regexp.The regex engine ignores everything after the (?# until the first closing round bracket. The following example could clarify the regexp which match a valid date: </p> <p>(?#year)(19|20)\d\d[- /.](?#month)(0[1-9]|1[012])[- /.](?#day)(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])</p> <b>Single character of a range (e.g. [abcd])</b><p>Select a single character of a range via a specific dialog.</p> <b>Single character of a range (e.g. [abcd])</b><p>Select a single character of a range via a specific dialog. This dialog will help to edit the range of characters and add some specific conditions.</p>s <b>Any character: '.'</b> <p>Select to insert a dot (.) in your regexp.</p> <b>Any character: '.'</b> <p>Select to insert a dot (.) in your regexp. The dot matches a single character, except line break characters (by default). E.g. 'gr.y' matches 'gray', 'grey', 'gr%y', etc. Use the dot sparingly. Often, a character class or negated character class is faster and more precise.</p> <b>Repeat contents</b> <p>Select a repetition condition via a specific dialog. This dialog will help to specify the allowed range for repetitions.</p> <b>Non capturing parentheses: (?:)</b> <p>Select to insert some non capturing brackets.</p> <b>Non capturing parentheses: (?:)</b> <p>Select to insert some non capturing brackets. It can be used to apply a regexp quantifier (eg. '?' or '+') to the entire group of characters inside the brakets. E.g. the regex 'Set(?:Value)?' matches 'Set' or 'SetValue'. The '?:' inside the brakets means that the content of the match (called the backreference) is not stored for further use.</p> <b>Group: ()</b> <p>Select to insert some capturing brackets.</p> <b>Group: ()</b> <p>Select to insert some capturing brackets. They can be used to apply a regexp quantifier (e.g. '?' or '+') to the entire group of characters inside the brakets. E.g. the regex 'Set(Value)?' matches 'Set' or 'SetValue'. Contrary to non-capturing parentheses, the backreference matched inside the brakets is stored for further use (i.e. 'Value' in the second example above). One can access the backereference with the '\1' expression. </p> <p>E.g. '([a-c])x\1x\1' will match 'axaxa', 'bxbxb' and 'cxcxc'.</p> <b>Named group: (?P&lt;<i>groupname</i>&gt;)</b> <p>Select to insert some named group brackets.</p> <b>Named group: (?P&lt;<i>groupname</i>&gt;)</b> <p>Select to insert some named group brackets. Usage is similar to standard group parentheses as the matched backreference is also stored for further usage. The difference is that a name is given to the match. This is useful when the work to do on the match becomes a bit complicated. One can access the backreference via the group name (i.e (?P=<i>groupname</i>)). E.g. (?P<foo>[abc])x(?P=foo)x(?P=foo)x matches 'axaxax','bxbxbx' or 'cxcxcx' ('foo' is the group name)</p> <b>Reference named group: (?P=<i>groupname</i>)</b> <p>Select to insert a reference to named group previously declared.</p> <b>Reference named group: (?P=<i>groupname</i>)</b> <p>Select to insert a reference to named group previously declared. Each reference group refers to the match found by the corresponding named group. In the following example, (?P=foo) may refer to the charaters 'a','b' or 'c'.</p> <p>E.g. (?P<foo>[abc])x(?P=foo)x(?P=foo)x matches 'axaxax','bxbxbx' or 'cxcxcx'.</p> <b>Alternatives: '|'</b> <p>Select to insert the alternation symbol '|'. </p> <b>Alternatives: '|'</b> <p>Select to insert the alternation symbol '|'. The alternation is used to match a single regular expression out of several possible regular expressions. E.g. 'cat|dog|mouse|fish' matches words containing the word 'cat', 'dog','mouse' or 'fish'. Be aware that in the above example, the alternatives refer to whole or part of words. If you want to match exactly the words 'cat', 'dog', ... you should express the fact that you only want to match complete words: '\b(cat|dog|mouse|fish)\b'</p> <b>Begin of line: '^'</b> <p>Select to insert the start line character (^).</p> <b>Begin of line: '^'</b> <p>Select to insert the start line character (^). It is used to find some expressions at the begining of lines. E.g. '^[A-Z]' match lines starting with a capitalized character. </p> <b>End of line: '$'</b> <p>Select to insert the end of line character ($).</p> <b>End of line: '$'</b> <p>Select to insert the end of line character ($). It is used to find some expressions at the end of lines.</p> <b>Word boundary</b> <p>Select to insert the word boudary character (\b).</p> <b>Word boundary</b> <p>Select to insert the word boudary character (\b). This character is used to express the fact that word must begin or end at this position. E.g. '\bcat\b' matches exactly the word 'cat' while 'concatenation' is ignored.</p> <b>Non word boundary</b> <p>Select to insert the word boudary character (\B). \B is the negated version of \b.</p> <b>Non word boundary</b> <p>Select to insert the word boudary character (\B). \B is the negated version of \b. \B matches at every position where \b does not. Effectively, \B matches at any position between two word characters as well as at any position between two non-word characters.</p> <b>Positive lookahead: (?=<i>regexpr</i>)</b> <p>Select to insert the positive lookhead brackets.</p> <b>Positive lookahead: (?=<i>regexpr</i>)</b> <p>Select to insert the positive lookhead brackets. Basically, positive lookhead is used to match a character only if followed by another one. Writting 'q(?=u)' means that you want to match the 'q' character only if it is followed by 'u'. In this statement 'u' is a trivial regexp which may be replaced by a more complex expression; q(?=[abc])' will match a 'q' if followed by either 'a', 'b' or 'c'.</p> <b>Negative lookahead: (?!<i>regexpr</i>)</b> <p>Select to insert the negative lookhead brackets.</p> <b>Negative lookahead: (?!<i>regexpr</i>)</b> <p>Select to insert the negative lookhead brackets. Basically, negative lookhead is used to match a character only if it is not followed by a another one. Writting 'q(?!u)' means that you want to match 'q' only if it is not followed by 'u'. In this statement, 'u' is a trivial regexp which may be replaced by a more complex expression; 'q(?![abc])' will match a 'q' if it is followed by anything else than 'a', 'b' or 'c'.</p> <b>Positive lookbehind: (?&lt;=<i>regexpr</i>)</b> <p>Select to insert the positive lookbehind brackets.</p> <b>Positive lookbehind: (?&lt;=<i>regexpr</i>)</b> <p>Select to insert the positive lookbehind brackets. Lookbehind has the same effect as lookahead, but works backwards. It is used to match a character only if preceded by another one. Writting '(?&lt;=u)q' means that you want to match the 'q' character only if it is preceded by 'u'. As with lookhead, 'u' may be replaced by a more complex expression; '(?&lt;=[abc])q' will match a 'q' if preceded by either 'a', 'b' or 'c'.</p> <b>Negative lookbehind (?&lt;!<i>regexpr</i>)</b> <p>Select to insert the negative lookbehind brackets.</p> <b>Negative lookbehind (?&lt;!<i>regexpr</i>)</b> <p>Select to insert the negative lookbehind brackets. Lookbehind has the same effect as lookahead, but works backwards. It is used to match a character only if not preceded by another one. Writting '(?&lt;!u)q' means that you want to match the 'q' character only if it is not preceded by 'u'. As other lookaround, 'u' may be replaced by a more complex expression; '(?&lt;![abc])q' will match a 'q' only if not preceded by either 'a', 'b' nor 'c'.</p> <b>Undo last edit</b> <b>Redo last edit</b> Regexp: "^" matches beginning of line, "$" matches end of line Match Linebreaks ASCII Verbose Regexp Case Sensitive "." matches linebreaks as well Dot matches Linebreak Text: PyRegExpWizardRepeatDialog Number of repetitions times and Between Exactly Maximum Minimum Unlimited (incl. zero times) Minimal match PyRegExpWizardWidget Save Save the regular expression to a file Load Load a regular expression from a file Validate Validate the regular expression Execute Execute the regular expression Next match Show the next match of the regular expression Copy Copy the regular expression to the clipboard Named reference No named groups have been defined yet. Select group name: Save regular expression RegExp Files (*.rx);;All Files (*) <p>The file <b>{0}</b> already exists. Overwrite it?</p> <p>The regular expression could not be saved.</p><p>Reason: {0}</p> Load regular expression Validation The regular expression is valid. Error Invalid regular expression: {0} Invalid regular expression: missing group name A regular expression must be given. Regexp Offset Captures Text Characters Match Capture #{0} No more matches No matches A regular expression and a text must be given. PySvnProjectHelper New from repository &New from repository... Create a new project from the VCS repository <b>New from repository</b><p>This creates a new local project from the VCS repository.</p> Update from repository &Update from repository Update the local project from the VCS repository <b>Update from repository</b><p>This updates the local project from the VCS repository.</p> Commit changes to repository &Commit changes to repository... Commit changes to the local project to the VCS repository <b>Commit changes to repository</b><p>This commits changes to the local project to the VCS repository.</p> Show log browser Show a dialog to browse the log of the local project <b>Show log browser</b><p>This shows a dialog to browse the log of the local project. A limited number of entries is shown first. More can be retrieved later on.</p> Show differences Show &difference Show the difference of the local project to the repository <b>Show differences</b><p>This shows differences of the local project to the repository.</p> Show differences (extended) Show the difference of revisions of the project to the repository <b>Show differences (extended)</b><p>This shows differences of selectable revisions of the project.</p> Show differences (URLs) Show the difference of the project between two repository URLs <b>Show differences (URLs)</b><p>This shows differences of the project between two repository URLs.</p> Show status Show &status Show the status of the local project <b>Show status</b><p>This shows the status of the local project.</p> Show change lists Show the change lists and associated files of the local project <b>Show change lists</b><p>This shows the change lists and associated files of the local project.</p> Show repository info Show some repository related information for the local project <b>Show repository info</b><p>This shows some repository related information for the local project.</p> Tag in repository &Tag in repository... Tag the local project in the repository <b>Tag in repository</b><p>This tags the local project in the repository.</p> Export from repository &Export from repository... Export a project from the repository <b>Export from repository</b><p>This exports a project from the repository.</p> Command options Command &options... Show the VCS command options <b>Command options...</b><p>This shows a dialog to edit the VCS command options.</p> Revert changes Re&vert changes Revert all changes made to the local project <b>Revert changes</b><p>This reverts all changes made to the local project.</p> Merge Mer&ge changes... Merge changes of a tag/revision into the local project <b>Merge</b><p>This merges changes of a tag/revision into the local project.</p> Switch S&witch... Switch the local copy to another tag/branch <b>Switch</b><p>This switches the local copy to another tag/branch.</p> Conflicts resolved Con&flicts resolved Mark all conflicts of the local project as resolved <b>Conflicts resolved</b><p>This marks all conflicts of the local project as resolved.</p> Cleanup Cleanu&p Cleanup the local project <b>Cleanup</b><p>This performs a cleanup of the local project.</p> Execute command E&xecute command... Execute an arbitrary VCS command <b>Execute command</b><p>This opens a dialog to enter an arbitrary VCS command.</p> List tags List tags... List tags of the project <b>List tags</b><p>This lists the tags of the project.</p> List branches List branches... List branches of the project <b>List branches</b><p>This lists the branches of the project.</p> List repository contents List repository contents... Lists the contents of the repository <b>List repository contents</b><p>This lists the contents of the repository.</p> Set Property Set Property... Set a property for the project files <b>Set Property</b><p>This sets a property for the project files.</p> List Properties List Properties... List properties of the project files <b>List Properties</b><p>This lists the properties of the project files.</p> Delete Property Delete Property... Delete a property for the project files <b>Delete Property</b><p>This deletes a property for the project files.</p> Relocate Relocate... Relocate the working copy to a new repository URL <b>Relocate</b><p>This relocates the working copy to a new repository URL.</p> Repository Browser Repository Browser... Show the Repository Browser dialog <b>Repository Browser</b><p>This shows the Repository Browser dialog.</p> Configure Configure... Show the configuration dialog with the Subversion page selected <b>Configure</b><p>Show the configuration dialog with the Subversion page selected.</p> Upgrade Upgrade... Upgrade the working copy to the current format <b>Upgrade</b><p>Upgrades the working copy to the current format.</p> Subversion (pysvn) PythonAstViewer Node Code Range Module {0}: {1} {0},{1} {0} - {1} No editor has been opened. The current editor does not contain any source code. The current editor does not contain Python source code. PythonDisViewer italic: current instruction bold: labeled instruction Line Offset Operation Parameters Interpreted Parameters Expand All Collapse All Code Object '{0}' Disassembly No editor has been opened. The current editor does not contain any source code. The current editor does not contain Python source code. Disassembly of last traceback Key Value Show Code Info Configure... Hide Name Filename First Line Argument Count Positional-only Arguments Number of Locals Stack Size Flags Constants Names Variable Names Free Variables Cell Variables Keyword-only Arguments PythonPage <b>Configure Python</b> Encoding String Encoding: Select the string encoding to be used. I/O Encoding: Select the string encoding used by commandline tools. Source association Python 3: Python Environments Currently selected environments Press to update the display of the currently selected environments Refresh Enter the file extensions to be associated with Python separated by a space. Please configure the Python environments on the 'Python3 Debugger' page. AST Viewer Error Messages: Select the color for error messages Disassembly Viewer Current Instruction: Select the color for the current instruction Labeled Instruction: Select the color for labeled instructions Select to show code information subsections expanded Show all code information subsections QRegularExpressionWizard QRegularExpression Wizard QRegularE&xpression Wizard... <b>QRegularExpression Wizard</b><p>This wizard opens a dialog for entering all the parameters needed to create a QRegularExpression string. The generated code is inserted at the current cursor position.</p> No current editor Please open or create a file first. QRegularExpressionWizardCharactersDialog Editor for character sets The defined characters should not match Predefined character ranges Word character Digit Newline Non-word character Non-digit Non-newline Whitespace character Horizontal whitespace character Vertical whitespace character Non-whitespace character Non-horizontal whitespace character Non-vertical whitespace character Single character Character ranges Normal character Unicode character in hexadecimal notation ASCII/Latin1 character in octal notation Bell character (\a) Escape character (\e) Page break (\f) Line feed (\n) Carriage return (\r) Horizontal tabulator (\t) Character Category Special Character Category Character Block POSIX Named Set Not Character Category Not Character Block Not Special Character Category Not POSIX Named Set Additional Entries Letter, Any Letter, Lower case Letter, Modifier Letter, Other Letter, Title case Letter, Upper case Letter, Lower, Upper or Title Mark, Any Mark, Spacing Mark, Enclosing Mark, Non-spacing Number, Any Number, Decimal Number, Letter Number, Other Punctuation, Any Punctuation, Connector Punctuation, Dash Punctuation, Close Punctuation, Final Punctuation, Initial Punctuation, Other Punctuation, Open Symbol, Any Symbol, Currency Symbol, Modifier Symbol, Mathematical Symbol, Other Separator, Any Separator, Line Separator, Paragraph Separator, Space Other, Any Other, Control Other, Format Other, Unassigned Other, Private Use Other, Surrogat Alphanumeric POSIX Space Perl Space Universal Character Perl Word Arabic Armenian Avestan Balinese Bamum Batak Bengali Bopomofo Brahmi Braille Buginese Buhid Canadian Aboriginal Carian Chakma Cham Cherokee Common Coptic Cuneiform Cypriot Cyrillic Deseret Devanagari Egyptian Hieroglyphs Ethiopic Georgian Glagolitic Gothic Greek Gujarati Gurmukhi Han Hangul Hanunoo Hebrew Hiragana Imperial Aramaic Inherited Inscriptional Pahlavi Inscriptional Parthian Javanese Kaithi Kannada Katakana Kayah Li Kharoshthi Khmer Lao Latin Lepcha Limbu Linear B Lisu Lycian Lydian Malayalam Mandaic Meetei Mayek Meroitic Cursive Meroitic Hieroglyphs Miao Mongolian Myanmar New Tai Lue N'Ko Ogham Old Italic Old Persian Old South Arabian Old Turkic Ol Chiki Oriya Osmanya Phags-pa Phoenician Rejang Runic Samaritan Saurashtra Sharada Shavian Sinhala Sora Sompeng Sundanese Syloti Nagri Syriac Tagalog Tagbanwa Tai Le Tai Tham Tai Viet Takri Tamil Telugu Thaana Thai Tibetan Tifinagh Ugaritic Vai Yi Alphabetic ASCII Word Letter Lower Case Letter Upper Case Letter Decimal Digit Hexadecimal Digit Space or Tab White Space Printing (excl. space) Printing (incl. space) Printing (excl. alphanumeric) Control Character Between: And: QRegularExpressionWizardDialog QRegularExpression Wizard Variable Name: <b>Comment: (?#)</b> <p>Insert some comment inside your regexp.</p> <b>Comment: (?#)</b> <p>Insert some comment inside your regexp.The regex engine ignores everything after the (?# until the first closing round bracket. The following example could clarify the regexp which match a valid date: </p> <p>(?#year)(19|20)\d\d[- /.](?#month)(0[1-9]|1[012])[- /.](?#day)(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])</p> <b>Single character of a range (e.g. [abcd])</b><p>Select a single character of a range via a specific dialog.</p> <b>Single character of a range (e.g. [abcd])</b><p>Select a single character of a range via a specific dialog. This dialog will help to edit the range of characters and add some specific conditions.</p>s <b>Any character: '.'</b> <p>Select to insert a dot (.) in your regexp.</p> <b>Any character: '.'</b> <p>Select to insert a dot (.) in your regexp. The dot matches a single character, except line break characters (by default). E.g. 'gr.y' matches 'gray', 'grey', 'gr%y', etc. Use the dot sparingly. Often, a character class or negated character class is faster and more precise.</p> <b>Repeat contents</b> <p>Select a repetition condition via a specific dialog. This dialog will help to specify the allowed range for repetitions.</p> <b>Non capturing parentheses: (?:)</b> <p>Select to insert some non capturing brackets.</p> <b>Non capturing parentheses: (?:)</b> <p>Select to insert some non capturing brackets. It can be used to apply a regexp quantifier (eg. '?' or '+') to the entire group of characters inside the brakets. E.g. the regex 'Set(?:Value)?' matches 'Set' or 'SetValue'. The '?:' inside the brakets means that the content of the match (called the backreference) is not stored for further use.</p> <b>Atomic non capturing parentheses: (?>)</b> <p>Select to insert some atomic non capturing brackets.</p> <b>Atomic non capturing parentheses: (?>)</b> <p>Select to insert some atomic non capturing brackets. It can be used to apply a regexp quantifier (eg. '?' or '+') to the entire group of characters inside the brakets. E.g. the regex 'Set(?>Value)?' matches 'Set' or 'SetValue'. The '?>' inside the brakets means that the content of the match (called the backreference) is not stored for further use.</p> <b>Group: ()</b> <p>Select to insert some capturing brackets.</p> <b>Group: ()</b> <p>Select to insert some capturing brackets. They can be used to apply a regexp quantifier (e.g. '?' or '+') to the entire group of characters inside the brakets. E.g. the regex 'Set(Value)?' matches 'Set' or 'SetValue'. Contrary to non-capturing parentheses, the backreference matched inside the brakets is stored for further use (i.e. 'Value' in the second example above). One can access the backereference with the '\1' expression. </p> <p>E.g. '([a-c])x\1x\1' will match 'axaxa', 'bxbxb' and 'cxcxc'.</p> <b>Named group: (?P&lt;<i>groupname</i>&gt;)</b> <p>Select to insert some named group brackets.</p> <b>Named group: (?P&lt;<i>groupname</i>&gt;)</b> <p>Select to insert some named group brackets. Usage is similar to standard group parentheses as the matched backreference is also stored for further usage. The difference is that a name is given to the match. This is useful when the work to do on the match becomes a bit complicated. One can access the backreference via the group name (i.e (?P=<i>groupname</i>)). E.g. (?P<foo>[abc])x(?P=foo)x(?P=foo)x matches 'axaxax','bxbxbx' or 'cxcxcx' ('foo' is the group name)</p> <b>Reference named group: (?P=<i>groupname</i>)</b> <p>Select to insert a reference to named group previously declared.</p> <b>Reference named group: (?P=<i>groupname</i>)</b> <p>Select to insert a reference to named group previously declared. Each reference group refers to the match found by the corresponding named group. In the following example, (?P=foo) may refer to the charaters 'a','b' or 'c'.</p> <p>E.g. (?P<foo>[abc])x(?P=foo)x(?P=foo)x matches 'axaxax','bxbxbx' or 'cxcxcx'.</p> <b>Alternatives: '|'</b> <p>Select to insert the alternation symbol '|'. </p> <b>Alternatives: '|'</b> <p>Select to insert the alternation symbol '|'. The alternation is used to match a single regular expression out of several possible regular expressions. E.g. 'cat|dog|mouse|fish' matches words containing the word 'cat', 'dog','mouse' or 'fish'. Be aware that in the above example, the alternatives refer to whole or part of words. If you want to match exactly the words 'cat', 'dog', ... you should express the fact that you only want to match complete words: '\b(cat|dog|mouse|fish)\b'</p> <b>Begin of line: '^'</b> <p>Select to insert the start line character (^).</p> <b>Begin of line: '^'</b> <p>Select to insert the start line character (^). It is used to find some expressions at the begining of lines. E.g. '^[A-Z]' match lines starting with a capitalized character. </p> <b>End of line: '$'</b> <p>Select to insert the end of line character ($).</p> <b>End of line: '$'</b> <p>Select to insert the end of line character ($). It is used to find some expressions at the end of lines.</p> <b>Word boundary</b> <p>Select to insert the word boudary character (\b).</p> <b>Word boundary</b> <p>Select to insert the word boudary character (\b). This character is used to express the fact that word must begin or end at this position. E.g. '\bcat\b' matches exactly the word 'cat' while 'concatenation' is ignored.</p> <b>Non word boundary</b> <p>Select to insert the word boudary character (\B). \B is the negated version of \b.</p> <b>Non word boundary</b> <p>Select to insert the word boudary character (\B). \B is the negated version of \b. \B matches at every position where \b does not. Effectively, \B matches at any position between two word characters as well as at any position between two non-word characters.</p> <b>Positive lookahead: (?=<i>regexpr</i>)</b> <p>Select to insert the positive lookhead brackets.</p> <b>Positive lookahead: (?=<i>regexpr</i>)</b> <p>Select to insert the positive lookhead brackets. Basically, positive lookhead is used to match a character only if followed by another one. Writting 'q(?=u)' means that you want to match the 'q' character only if it is followed by 'u'. In this statement 'u' is a trivial regexp which may be replaced by a more complex expression; q(?=[abc])' will match a 'q' if followed by either 'a', 'b' or 'c'.</p> <b>Negative lookahead: (?!<i>regexpr</i>)</b> <p>Select to insert the negative lookhead brackets.</p> <b>Negative lookahead: (?!<i>regexpr</i>)</b> <p>Select to insert the negative lookhead brackets. Basically, negative lookhead is used to match a character only if it is not followed by a another one. Writting 'q(?!u)' means that you want to match 'q' only if it is not followed by 'u'. In this statement, 'u' is a trivial regexp which may be replaced by a more complex expression; 'q(?![abc])' will match a 'q' if it is followed by anything else than 'a', 'b' or 'c'.</p> <b>Positive lookbehind: (?&lt;=<i>regexpr</i>)</b> <p>Select to insert the positive lookbehind brackets.</p> <b>Positive lookbehind: (?&lt;=<i>regexpr</i>)</b> <p>Select to insert the positive lookbehind brackets. Lookbehind has the same effect as lookahead, but works backwards. It is used to match a character only if preceded by another one. Writting '(?&lt;=u)q' means that you want to match the 'q' character only if it is preceded by 'u'. As with lookhead, 'u' may be replaced by a more complex expression; '(?&lt;=[abc])q' will match a 'q' if preceded by either 'a', 'b' or 'c'.</p> <b>Negative lookbehind (?&lt;!<i>regexpr</i>)</b> <p>Select to insert the negative lookbehind brackets.</p> <b>Negative lookbehind (?&lt;!<i>regexpr</i>)</b> <p>Select to insert the negative lookbehind brackets. Lookbehind has the same effect as lookahead, but works backwards. It is used to match a character only if not preceded by another one. Writting '(?&lt;!u)q' means that you want to match the 'q' character only if it is not preceded by 'u'. As other lookaround, 'u' may be replaced by a more complex expression; '(?&lt;![abc])q' will match a 'q' only if not preceded by either 'a', 'b' nor 'c'.</p> <b>Undo last edit</b> <b>Redo last edit</b> Regexp: Text: Case Insensitive "^" matches beginning of line, "$" matches end of line Match Linebreaks "." matches everything including linebreaks Dot matches everything Extended Pattern Syntax Inverted Greediness Unicode Non-named capturing groups do not capture substrings Don't Capture QRegularExpressionWizardRepeatDialog Number of repetitions Quantifier times and Between Exactly Maximum Minimum Unlimited (incl. zero times) Greediness Greedy Possessive Lazy QRegularExpressionWizardWidget Save Save the regular expression to a file Load Load a regular expression from a file Validate Validate the regular expression Execute Execute the regular expression Next match Show the next match of the regular expression Copy Copy the regular expression to the clipboard Communication Error <p>The PyQt5 backend reported an error.</p><p>{0}</p> Named reference No named groups have been defined yet. Select group name: Save regular expression RegExp Files (*.rx);;All Files (*) <p>The file <b>{0}</b> already exists. Overwrite it?</p> <p>The regular expression could not be saved.</p><p>Reason: {0}</p> Load regular expression Validation The regular expression is valid. Error Invalid regular expression: {0} Invalid response received from PyQt5 backend. Communication with PyQt5 backend failed. A regular expression must be given. Regexp Offset Captures Text Characters Match Capture #{0} No more matches No matches A regular expression and a text must be given. QtHelpDocumentationDialog Manage QtHelp Documentation Database Registered Documents Press to select QtHelp documents to add to the database Add... Press to remove the selected documents from the database Remove Add Documentation Qt Compressed Help Files (*.qch) The file <b>{0}</b> is not a valid Qt Help File. The namespace <b>{0}</b> is already registered. Remove Documentation Do you really want to remove the selected documentation sets from the database? Some documents currently opened reference the documentation you are attempting to remove. Removing the documentation will close those documents. Remove anyway? Press to select QtHelp documents provided by a plug-in to add to the database Add from Plug-ins... Select to manage the plug-in provided documentation sets Manage Plug-ins... Filters Filters: Attributes: Press to add a new filter Add Filter ... Press to remove the selected filters Remove Filters Press to remove the selected attributes Remove Attributes Press to select all unused attributes Select Unused Press to apply the filter and attribute changes Apply Press to reset the filter and attribute changes Reset Unsaved Filter Changes The page contains unsaved changes. Shall they be saved? Add Filter Filter name: Do you really want to remove the selected filters from the database? Do you really want to remove the selected attributes from the database? QtHelpDocumentationSelectionDialog QtHelp Documentations Select the documentation files to be installed: Delete Documentation Sets Shall the selected documentation sets really be deleted? <p>The documentation set <b>{0}</b> could not be deleted.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> Shall the selected documentation set categories really be deleted? Shall all documentation sets really be deleted? Press to delete the selected documentation sets Delete Press to delete the selected category Delete Categories Press to delete all entries Delete All QtHelpSchemeReply <html><head><title>Error 404...</title></head><body><div align="center"><br><br><h1>The page could not be found</h1><br><h3>'{0}'</h3></div></body></html> QtPage <b>Configure Qt</b> Qt Translations Directory <font color="#FF0000"><b>Note:</b> This setting is activated at the next startup of the application.</font> Enter the path of the Qt translations directory. Qt Tools Tools Directory: Enter the path of the Qt tools directory, if they are not found. Qt-Prefix: Enter the prefix for the Qt tools name Qt-Postfix: Enter the postfix for the Qt tools name This gives an example of the complete tool name designer Indent Width: Select the indent width (default: 4) Generate imports relative to '.' Sample: {0}designer{1} Enter the path of the PySide2 tools directory, if they are not found. Qt PyQt Select to generate extra code to test and display the form Generate Extra Test Code PySide2 pyside2-uic Options <b>Note:</b> Leave this entry empty to use the path compiled into the Qt library. <b>Qt-Prefix</b> <p>Enter a prefix used to determine the Qt tool executable name. It is composed of the prefix, the tool name and the postfix. The executable extension is added automatically on Windows.</p> <b>Qt-Postfix</b> <p>Enter a postfix used to determine the Qt tool executable name. It is composed of the prefix, the tool name and the postfix. The executable extension is added automatically on Windows.</p> PyQt 5 Virtual Environment: Select the virtual environment to be used Press to open the virtual environment manager dialog Enter the path of the PyQt 5 tools directory, if they are not found. pyuic5 Options PyQt 6 Enter the path of the PyQt 6 tools directory, if they are not found. pyuic6 Options PySide PySide6 Enter the path of the PySide6 tools directory, if they are not found. pyside6-uic Options Queues New Patch Update Current Patch Pop Patches Push Patches Go to Patch Select Patch Select the target patch name: No patches to select from. Finish Applied Patches Rename Patch Select the patch to be deleted: Delete Patch Fold Patches No patches selected. No patches available to be folded. List Guards No patches available to list guards for. Define Guards No patches available to define guards for. Drop All Guards Select the patch to drop guards for (leave empty for the current patch): Set Active Guards No guards available to select from. Deactivate Guards Create New Queue Rename Active Queue Error while creating a new queue. Error while renaming the active queue. Purge Queue Delete Queue Activate Queue Error while purging the queue. Error while deleting the queue. Error while setting the active queue. Available Queues Initializing new queue repository QueuesProjectHelper Init Queue Repository Initialize a new versioned queue repository <b>Init Queue Repository</b><p>This initializes a new versioned queue repository inside the current repository.</p> Commit changes Commit changes... Commit changes in the queue repository <b>Commit changes...</b><p>This commits changes in the queue repository.</p> New Patch New Patch... Create a new patch <b>New Patch</b><p>This creates a new named patch.</p> Update Current Patch Update the current patch <b>Update Current Patch</b><p>This updates the current patch.</p> Update Current Patch (with Message) Update the current patch and edit commit message <b>Update Current Patch (with Message)</b><p>This updates the current patch after giving the chance to change the current commit message.</p> Show Current Patch Show Current Patch... Show the contents the current patch <b>Show Current Patch</b><p>This shows the contents of the current patch including any changes which have been made in the working directory since the last refresh.</p> Show Current Message Show Current Message... Show the commit message of the current patch <b>Show Current Message</b><p>This shows the commit message of the current patch.</p> List Patches List Patches... List applied and unapplied patches <b>List Patches</b><p>This lists all applied and unapplied patches.</p> Finish Applied Patches Finish applied patches <b>Finish Applied Patches</b><p>This finishes the applied patches by moving them out of mq control into regular repository history.</p> Rename Patch Rename a patch <b>Rename Patch</b><p>This renames the current or a named patch.</p> Delete Patch Delete unapplied patch <b>Delete Patch</b><p>This deletes an unapplied patch.</p> Fold Patches Fold unapplied patches into the current patch <b>Fold Patches</b><p>This folds unapplied patches into the current patch.</p> Show Status Show &Status... Show the status of the queue repository <b>Show Status</b><p>This shows the status of the queue repository.</p> Show Summary Show summary... Show summary information of the queue repository <b>Show summary</b><p>This shows some summary information of the queue repository.</p> Push Next Patch Push the next patch onto the stack <b>Push Next Patch</b><p>This pushes the next patch onto the stack of applied patches.</p> Push All Patches Push all patches onto the stack <b>Push All Patches</b><p>This pushes all patches onto the stack of applied patches.</p> Push Patches Push patches onto the stack <b>Push Patches</b><p>This pushes patches onto the stack of applied patches until a named patch is at the top of the stack.</p> Pop Current Patch Pop the current patch off the stack <b>Pop Current Patch</b><p>This pops the current patch off the stack of applied patches.</p> Pop All Patches Pop all patches off the stack <b>Pop All Patches</b><p>This pops all patches off the stack of applied patches.</p> Pop Patches Pop patches off the stack <b>Pop Patches</b><p>This pops patches off the stack of applied patches until a named patch is at the top of the stack.</p> Go to Patch Push or pop patches until named patch is at top of stack <b>Go to Patch</b><p>This pushes or pops patches until a named patch is at the top of the stack.</p> Push the next patch onto the stack on top of local changes <b>Push Next Patch</b><p>This pushes the next patch onto the stack of applied patches on top of local changes.</p> Push all patches onto the stack on top of local changes <b>Push All Patches</b><p>This pushes all patches onto the stack of applied patches on top of local changes.</p> Push patches onto the stack on top of local changes <b>Push Patches</b><p>This pushes patches onto the stack of applied patches until a named patch is at the top of the stack on top of local changes.</p> Pop the current patch off the stack forgetting local changes <b>Pop Current Patch</b><p>This pops the current patch off the stack of applied patches forgetting local changes.</p> Pop all patches off the stack forgetting local changes <b>Pop All Patches</b><p>This pops all patches off the stack of applied patches forgetting local changes.</p> Pop patches off the stack forgetting local changes <b>Pop Patches</b><p>This pops patches off the stack of applied patches until a named patch is at the top of the stack forgetting local changes.</p> Push or pop patches until named patch is at top of stack overwriting any local changes <b>Go to Patch</b><p>This pushes or pops patches until a named patch is at the top of the stack overwriting any local changes.</p> Define Guards Define Guards... Define guards for the current or a named patch <b>Define Guards</b><p>This opens a dialog to define guards for the current or a named patch.</p> Drop All Guards Drop All Guards... Drop all guards of the current or a named patch <b>Drop All Guards</b><p>This drops all guards of the current or a named patch.</p> List Guards List Guards... List guards of the current or a named patch <b>List Guards</b><p>This lists the guards of the current or a named patch.</p> List All Guards List All Guards... List all guards of all patches <b>List All Guards</b><p>This lists all guards of all patches.</p> Set Active Guards Set Active Guards... Set the list of active guards <b>Set Active Guards</b><p>This opens a dialog to set the active guards.</p> Deactivate Guards Deactivate Guards... Deactivate all active guards <b>Deactivate Guards</b><p>This deactivates all active guards.</p> Identify Active Guards Identify Active Guards... Show a list of active guards <b>Identify Active Guards</b><p>This opens a dialog showing a list of active guards.</p> Create Queue Create a new patch queue <b>Create Queue</b><p>This creates a new patch queue.</p> Rename Queue Rename the active patch queue <b>Rename Queue</b><p>This renames the active patch queue.</p> Delete Queue Delete the reference to a patch queue <b>Delete Queue</b><p>This deletes the reference to a patch queue.</p> Purge Queue Delete the reference to a patch queue and remove the patch directory <b>Purge Queue</b><p>This deletes the reference to a patch queue and removes the patch directory.</p> Activate Queue Set the active queue <b>Activate Queue</b><p>This sets the active queue.</p> List Queues List Queues... List the available queues <b>List Queues</b><p>This opens a dialog showing all available queues.</p> Push/Pop Push/Pop (force) Guards Queue Management Queues Changing Applied Patches The project should be reread. Do this now? QuickFindFile Search Project File Type text to match in filenames (up/down to select shown files) Enter search strings separated by a blank Path Filename QuickFindFileDialog Stop RP2040Device RP2040 Activate Bootloader Flash Firmware MicroPython Firmware CircuitPython Firmware CircuitPython Libraries RccCompilerOptionsDialog rcc Compiler Options Compression Parameters Threshold: Select the compression threshold (default: 70%) % Compression Level: Select the compression level (default: use zlib default value) default Disable Compression Access Path Prefix: Enter the prefix for the resource access path Rebase Rebase Changesets Rebase Changesets (Continue) Rebase Changesets (Abort) RebaseProjectHelper Rebase Changesets Rebase changesets to another branch <b>Rebase Changesets</b><p>This rebases changesets to another branch.</p> Continue Rebase Session Continue the last rebase session after repair <b>Continue Rebase Session</b><p>This continues the last rebase session after repair.</p> Abort Rebase Session Abort the last rebase session <b>Abort Rebase Session</b><p>This aborts the last rebase session.</p> Rebase The project should be reread. Do this now? Rebase Changesets (Continue) Rebase Changesets (Abort) ReloadStopButton Stop loading Reload the current screen ReplaceWidget Find and Replace Press to close the window Press to find the previous occurrence Press to find the next occurrence Press to replace the selection Press to replace the selection and search for the next occurence Press to replace all occurrences &Find: &Match case Whole &word Rege&xp &Replace: Wrap &around &Selection only Press to extend the search to the whole word RestructuredTextProvider Create List Enter desired number of list elements: SafariImporter Apple Safari stores its bookmarks in the <b>Bookmarks.plist</b> file. This file is usually located in Please choose the file to begin importing bookmarks. File '{0}' does not exist. Bookmarks file cannot be read. Reason: {0} Apple Safari Import Imported {0} SafeBrowsingAPI <h3>Malware Warning</h3><p>The web site you are about to visit may try to install harmful programs on your computer in order to steal or destroy your data.</p> <h3>Phishing Warning</h3><p>The web site you are about to visit may try to trick you into doing something dangerous online, such as revealing passwords or personal information, usually through a fake website.</p> <h3>Unwanted Software Warning</h3><p>The software you are about to download may negatively affect your browsing or computing experience.</p> <h3>Potentially Harmful Application</h3><p>The web site you are about to visit may try to trick you into installing applications, that may negatively affect your browsing experience.</p> <h3>Unknown Threat Warning</h3><p>The web site you are about to visit was found in the Safe Browsing Database but was not classified yet.</p> Malware Phishing Unwanted Software Harmful Application Malicious Binary Unknown Threat any defined platform all defined platforms unknown platform executable program unknown type <h3>Malicious Binary Warning</h3><p>The software you are about to download may be harmful to your computer.</p> SafeBrowsingDialog Safe Browsing Management Select to enable the Google safe browsing support Enable Google Safe Browsing Select to check against the current platform only API Key: Enter the Google Safe Browsing API key Press to get some help about obtaining the API key Google Safe Browsing API Help Press to save the current configuration settings Save Configuration Press to update the local cache database Update Cache Press to clear the local cache database Clear Cache %v/%m URL Check URL: Press to check the entered URL Check URL The dialog contains unsaved changes. Update Safe Browsing Cache Updating the Safe Browsing cache might be a lengthy operation. Please be patient! <p>Updating the Safe Browsing cache failed.</p><p>Reason: {0}</p> <p>Updating the Safe Browsing cache failed.</p> Clear Safe Browsing Cache Do you really want to clear the Safe Browsing cache? Re-populating it might take some time. <p>The URL <b>{0}</b> was found in the Safe Browsing Database.</p>{1} <p>The URL <b>{0}</b> was not found in the Safe Browsing Database and may be considered safe.</p> <h2>Google Safe Browsing</h2> Adjust threat lists to current platform Select to update the threat lists automatically when fair use period has expired Press to see, when the next threat list update will be done Show Update Time The next automatic threat list update will be done now. <p>The next automatic threat list update will be done at <b>{0}</b>.</p> Update Time Update threat lists automatically (Update API only) Use 'Lookup API' (Note: each URL is sent to Google for checking) Manage Local Cache (Update API only) <p>The Google Safe Browsing Server reported an error.</p><p>{0}</p> SafeBrowsingLabel Malicious Site SafeBrowsingManager Safe Browsing is disabled. The fair use wait period has not expired yet.Expiration will be at {0}. Updating threat lists Deleting obsolete threat lists Updating hash prefixes Local cache checksum does not match the server. Consider cleaning the cache. Threat update has been aborted. Updating threat lists... Google Safe Browsing Updating threat lists done. Updating threat lists failed. SearchReplaceWidget <b>Find and Replace</b> <p>This dialog is used to find some text and replace it with another text. By checking the various checkboxes, the search can be made more specific. The search string might be a regular expression. In a regular expression, special characters interpreted are:</p> <b>Find</b> <p>This dialog is used to find some text. By checking the various checkboxes, the search can be made more specific. The search string might be a regular expression. In a regular expression, special characters interpreted are:</p> Find Next Find Prev '{0}' was not found. Replaced {0} occurrences. Nothing replaced because '{0}' was not found. Replace and Search Replace Occurrence Replace All <table border="0"> <tr><td><code>.</code></td><td>Matches any character</td></tr> <tr><td><code>(</code></td><td>This marks the start of a region for tagging a match.</td></tr> <tr><td><code>)</code></td><td>This marks the end of a tagged region. </td></tr> <tr><td><code>\n</code></td> <td>Where <code>n</code> is 1 through 9 refers to the first through ninth tagged region when replacing. For example, if the search string was <code>Fred([1-9])XXX</code> and the replace string was <code>Sam\1YYY</code>, when applied to <code>Fred2XXX</code> this would generate <code>Sam2YYY</code>.</td></tr> <tr><td><code>\&lt;</code></td> <td>This matches the start of a word using Scintilla's definitions of words. </td></tr> <tr><td><code>\&gt;</code></td> <td>This matches the end of a word using Scintilla's definition of words. </td></tr> <tr><td><code>\x</code></td> <td>This allows you to use a character x that would otherwise have a special meaning. For example, \[ would be interpreted as [ and not as the start of a character set.</td></tr> <tr><td><code>[...]</code></td> <td>This indicates a set of characters, for example, [abc] means any of the characters a, b or c. You can also use ranges, for example [a-z] for any lower case character.</td></tr> <tr><td><code>[^...]</code></td> <td>The complement of the characters in the set. For example, [^A-Za-z] means any character except an alphabetic character.</td></tr> <tr><td><code>^</code></td> <td>This matches the start of a line (unless used inside a set, see above). </td></tr> <tr><td><code>$</code></td> <td>This matches the end of a line.</td></tr> <tr><td><code>*</code></td> <td>This matches 0 or more times. For example, <code>Sa*m</code> matches <code>Sm</code>, <code>Sam</code>, <code>Saam</code>, <code>Saaam</code> and so on.</td></tr> <tr><td><code>+</code></td> <td>This matches 1 or more times. For example, <code>Sa+m</code> matches <code>Sam</code>, <code>Saam</code>, <code>Saaam</code> and so on.</td></tr> </table> <p>When using the Extended (C++11) regular expression mode more features are available, generally similar to regular expression support in JavaScript. See the documentation of your C++ runtime for details on what is supported.<p> SearchWidget Find Press to close the window Find: Press to find the previous occurrence Press to find the next occurrence Match case Whole word Expression was not found. '{0}' was not found. &Find: &Match case Whole &word Rege&xp Wrap &around &Selection only Regexp Press to extend the search to the whole word SearchWidgetLine Find Press to close the window Find: Press to find the previous occurrence Press to find the next occurrence Match case Whole word Regexp Security Use of 'assert' detected. The enclosed code will be removed when compiling to optimised byte code. Use of 'exec' detected. 'chmod' setting a permissive mask {0} on file ({1}). Possible binding to all interfaces. Possible hardcoded password: '{0}' Probable insecure usage of temp file/directory. Try, Except, Pass detected. Try, Except, Continue detected. A Flask app appears to be run with debug=True, which exposes the Werkzeug debugger and allows the execution of arbitrary code. Pickle and modules that wrap it can be unsafe when used to deserialize untrusted data, possible security issue. Deserialization with the marshal module is possibly dangerous. Use of insecure MD2, MD4, MD5, or SHA1 hash function. Use of insecure cipher '{0}'. Replace with a known secure cipher such as AES. Use of insecure cipher mode '{0}'. Use of insecure and deprecated function (mktemp). Use of possibly insecure function - consider using safer ast.literal_eval. Use of mark_safe() may expose cross-site scripting vulnerabilities and should be reviewed. Use of HTTPSConnection on older versions of Python prior to 2.7.9 and 3.4.3 do not provide security, see https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/OSSN/OSSN-0033 Audit url open for permitted schemes. Allowing use of file:/ or custom schemes is often unexpected. Standard pseudo-random generators are not suitable for security/cryptographic purposes. Telnet-related functions are being called. Telnet is considered insecure. Use SSH or some other encrypted protocol. Using '{0}' to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace '{0}' with its defusedxml equivalent function or make sure defusedxml.defuse_stdlib() is called. Using '{0}' to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace '{0}' with its defusedxml equivalent function. FTP-related functions are being called. FTP is considered insecure. Use SSH/SFTP/SCP or some other encrypted protocol. The input method in Python 2 will read from standard input, evaluate and run the resulting string as Python source code. This is similar, though in many ways worse, than using eval. On Python 2, use raw_input instead, input is safe in Python 3. By default, Python will create a secure, verified SSL context for use in such classes as HTTPSConnection. However, it still allows using an insecure context via the _create_unverified_context that reverts to the previous behavior that does not validate certificates or perform hostname checks. Use of os.tempnam() and os.tmpnam() is vulnerable to symlink attacks. Consider using tmpfile() instead. Use of insecure {0} hash function. A telnet-related module is being imported. Telnet is considered insecure. Use SSH or some other encrypted protocol. A FTP-related module is being imported. FTP is considered insecure. Use SSH/SFTP/SCP or some other encrypted protocol. Consider possible security implications associated with the '{0}' module. Using '{0}' to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace '{0}' with the equivalent defusedxml package, or make sure defusedxml.defuse_stdlib() is called. Using '{0}' to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace '{0}' with the equivalent defusedxml package. Using '{0}' to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Use defused.xmlrpc.monkey_patch() function to monkey-patch xmlrpclib and mitigate XML vulnerabilities. Consider possible security implications associated with '{0}' module. The pyCrypto library and its module '{0}' are no longer actively maintained and have been deprecated. Consider using pyca/cryptography library. 'requests' call with verify=False disabling SSL certificate checks, security issue. 'ssl.wrap_socket' call with insecure SSL/TLS protocol version identified, security issue. 'SSL.Context' call with insecure SSL/TLS protocol version identified, security issue. Function call with insecure SSL/TLS protocol version identified, security issue. Function definition identified with insecure SSL/TLS protocol version by default, possible security issue. 'ssl.wrap_socket' call with no SSL/TLS protocol version specified, the default 'SSLv23' could be insecure, possible security issue. {0} key sizes below {1:d} bits are considered breakable. Use of unsafe 'yaml.load()'. Allows instantiation of arbitrary objects. Consider 'yaml.safe_load()'. Paramiko call with policy set to automatically trust the unknown host key. Possible shell injection via 'Paramiko' call, check inputs are properly sanitized. 'subprocess' call with shell=True seems safe, but may be changed in the future, consider rewriting without shell 'subprocess' call with shell=True identified, security issue. 'subprocess' call - check for execution of untrusted input. Function call with shell=True parameter identified, possible security issue. Starting a process with a shell: Seems safe, but may be changed in the future, consider rewriting without shell Starting a process with a shell, possible injection detected, security issue. Starting a process without a shell. Starting a process with a partial executable path. Possible SQL injection vector through string-based query construction. Possible wildcard injection in call: {0} Use of 'extra()' opens a potential SQL attack vector. Use of 'RawSQL()' opens a potential SQL attack vector. Using jinja2 templates with 'autoescape=False' is dangerous and can lead to XSS. Use 'autoescape=True' or use the 'select_autoescape' function to mitigate XSS vulnerabilities. By default, jinja2 sets 'autoescape' to False. Consider using 'autoescape=True' or use the 'select_autoescape' function to mitigate XSS vulnerabilities. Mako templates allow HTML/JS rendering by default and are inherently open to XSS attacks. Ensure variables in all templates are properly sanitized via the 'n', 'h' or 'x' flags (depending on context). For example, to HTML escape the variable 'data' do ${{ data |h }}. Potential XSS on 'mark_safe()' function. Possible hardcoded AWS access key ID: {0} Possible hardcoded AWS secret access key: {0} SecurityPage <b>Configure security settings</b> Passwords Select to save passwords Save passwords Select to use a master password Use Master Password Press to change the master password Change Master Password... Certificate Errors Select to always reject web pages with certificate issues Always reject URLs with certificate errors SendRefererWhitelistDialog Send Referer Whitelist Enter search term for hosts Press to add site to the whitelist &Add... Press to remove the selected entries &Remove Press to remove all entries R&emove All Enter host name to add to the whitelist: SessionFile Save Session <p>The session file <b>{0}</b> could not be written.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> Read Session <p>The session file <b>{0}</b> could not be read.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> SessionManager Backup 1 Backup 2 Default Session Clone Session Rename Session Please enter a new name: The session file "{0}" exists already. Please enter another name. An error occurred while cloning the session file. An error occurred while renaming the session file. Save Session Please enter a name for the session: Saved Session ({0}) Restore Backup Are you sure you want to replace the current session? Delete Session Are you sure you want to delete session "{0}"? New Session Please enter a name for the new session: New Session ({0}) Please select the startup session: {0} (last session) SessionManagerDialog Session Manager Shows a list of available sessions Session Last Modified Press to create a new session New Press to rename the selected session Rename Press to clone the selected session Clone Press to delete the selected session Delete Press to switch to the selected session Switch To Restore SetupWizard setup.py Wizard &setup.py Wizard... <b>setup.py Wizard</b><p>This wizard opens a dialog for entering all the parameters needed to create the basic contents of a setup.py file. The generated code is inserted at the current cursor position.</p> No current editor Please open or create a file first. SetupWizardDialog setup.py Wizard Select to include the import statement Include Import Statement Setup Variant: Select the setup variant Basic Name: Enter the package name Version: Enter the version number in the form 'major.minor[.patch[.sub]]' Author: Enter the author's name Author Email: Enter the author's email address Maintainer: Enter the maintainer's name Maintainer Email: Enter the maintainer's email address Description Summary: Enter the summary description of the package Description: Enter the description of the package or files (one per line) to get it from. Select to get the description from files Get description from files URLs Home Page URL: Enter the URL of the home page Download URL: Enter the download URL License Select From Trove License Classifiers Select the license from the list of Trove Classifiers Enter a license if none of the above are suitable Platforms Enter supported platforms (one per line): Classifiers Development Status: Select the development status Select the applicable classifiers: Packages Press to delete the selected entries Delete Add the package Add Enter a package name to be added Press to select a package directory via a directory selection dialog Press to discover packages of a project automatically Autodiscover Packages Modules Add modules via a files selection dialog Add... Scripts Add script files via a files selection dialog Press to populate entry fields from project data Populate from Project distutils setuptools Package Directory Packages Root Directory Add Package <p>The directory <b>{0}</b> is not a Python package.</p> Add Scripts Python Files (*.py);;All Files(*) Add Python Modules Python Files (*.py) Select to include the introductory part of the setup.py code Include Introductory Code Mandatory Mandatory (or Maintainer) Mandatory (or Maintainer Email) Mandatory (or Author) Mandatory (or Author Email) Keywords: Enter the keywords separated by comma Reading Trove Classifiers <p>The Trove Classifiers file <b>{0}</b> could not be read.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> Root Directory: Enter the root directory Select the root directory via a directory selection dialog Source Directory: Enter the source directory for the 'find_packages()' call Select the source directory for the 'find_packages()' call via a directory selection dialog Exclude Patterns: Press to add the pattern Enter an exclude pattern for the 'find_packages()' call Select to add the 'include_package_data' statement Add 'include_package_data' Statement Source Directory Select to include code for the meta data section Include Meta Data Press to populate the classifiers with data retrieved from a local file. Populate from local file Shell Shell - Passive Shell Passive >>> Start History Select entry Show Clear Cut Copy Paste Find Configure... Select History Select the history entry to execute (most recent shown last). Passive Debug Mode Not connected No. Exception "{0}" {1} File: {2}, Line: {3} Exception "{0}" {1} Unspecified syntax error. Syntax error "{1}" in file {0} at line {2}, character {3}. Signal "{0}" generated in file {1} at line {2}. Function: {3}({4}) StdOut: {0} StdErr: {0} Drop Error <p><b>{0}</b> is not a file.</p> Project Restart Restart and Clear Active Name Available Virtual Environments: {0} Current Virtual Environment: '{0}' {0} on {1} <{0}> {1} <b>The Shell Window</b><p>You can use the cursor keys while entering commands. There is also a history of commands that can be recalled using the up and down cursor keys while holding down the Ctrl-key. This can be switched to just the up and down cursor keys on the Shell page of the configuration dialog. Pressing these keys after some text has been entered will start an incremental search.</p><p>The shell has some special commands. '%restart' kills the shell and starts a new one. '%clear' clears the display of the shell window. '%start' is used to start a shell for a virtual environment and should be followed by a virtual environment name. '%start' without a virtual environment name starts the default shell. Available virtual environments may be listed with the '%envs' or '%environments' commands. The active virtual environment can be questioned by the '%which' command. '%quit' or '%exit' is used to exit the application. These commands (except '%environments', '%envs' and '%which') are available through the window menus as well.</p><p>Pressing the Tab key after some text has been entered will show a list of possible completions. The relevant entry may be selected from this list. If only one entry is available, this will be inserted automatically.</p> <b>The Shell Window</b><p>This is simply an interpreter running in a window. The interpreter is the one that is used to run the program being debugged. This means that you can execute any command while the program being debugged is running.</p><p>You can use the cursor keys while entering commands. There is also a history of commands that can be recalled using the up and down cursor keys while holding down the Ctrl-key. This can be switched to just the up and down cursor keys on the Shell page of the configuration dialog. Pressing these keys after some text has been entered will start an incremental search.</p><p>The shell has some special commands. '%restart' kills the shell and starts a new one. '%clear' clears the display of the shell window. '%start' is used to start a shell for a virtual environment and should be followed by a virtual environment name. '%start' without a virtual environment name starts the default shell. Available virtual environments may be listed with the '%envs' or '%environments' commands. The active virtual environment can be questioned by the '%which' command. These commands (except '%environments' and '%envs') are available through the context menu as well.</p><p>Pressing the Tab key after some text has been entered will show a list of possible completions. The relevant entry may be selected from this list. If only one entry is available, this will be inserted automatically.</p><p>In passive debugging mode the shell is only available after the program to be debugged has connected to the IDE until it has finished. This is indicated by a different prompt and by an indication in the window caption.</p> ShellHistoryDialog Shell History Delete the selected entries &Delete Copy the selected entries to the current editor C&opy Execute the selected entries &Execute Reload the history &Reload ShellPage <b>Configure Shell</b> Select whether line numbers margin should be shown. Show Line Numbers Margin Select this to enable calltips Calltips Enabled Select to enable wrapping at word boundaries Word Wrap Enabled Select this to enable autocompletion Autocompletion Enabled Select to enable syntax highlighting Syntax Highlighting Enabled max. History Entries: Enter the number of history entries allowed Select to show debuggee stdout and stderr Show stdout and stderr of debuggee Font Press to select the font to be used as the monospaced font Monospaced Font Monospaced Text Select, whether the monospaced font should be used as default Use monospaced as default Press to select the font for the line numbers Line Numbers Font 2345 History Navigation Style: Select the history style Select to wrap around while navigating through the history Wrap around while navigating Select to make Up- and Down-keys move in history <b>Up/Down keys navigate in history<b> <p>Select this entry to make Up- and Down-keys navigate in history. If unselected history navigation may be performed by Ctrl-Up or Ctrl-Down.</p> Up/Down keys navigate in history Disabled Linux Style Windows Style Select to start with the most recently used virtual environment Start with most recently used virtual environment ShellWindow Quit &Quit Ctrl+Q File|Quit Quit the Shell <b>Quit the Shell</b><p>This quits the Shell window.</p> New Window New &Window Ctrl+Shift+N File|New Window Open a new Shell window <b>New Window</b><p>This opens a new instance of the Shell window.</p> Restart Restart the shell Restart and Clear Clear the window and restart the shell Show History &Show History... Show the shell history in a dialog Clear History &Clear History... Clear the shell history Select History Entry Select History &Entry Select an entry of the shell history About &About Display information about this software <b>About</b><p>Display some information about this software.</p> About Qt About &Qt Display information about the Qt toolkit <b>About Qt</b><p>Display some information about the Qt toolkit.</p> What's This? &What's This? Shift+F1 Help|What's This?' Context sensitive help <b>Display context sensitive help</b><p>In What's This? mode, the mouse cursor shows an arrow with a question mark, and you can click on the interface elements to get a short description of what they do and how to use them. In dialogs, this feature can be accessed using the context help button in the titlebar.</p> &File &Edit &View Histor&y &Start &Help File Edit Find View History Help <p>This part of the status bar allows zooming the shell.</p> Move forward one history entry Move back one history entry <b>Restart</b><p>Restart the shell for the currently selected environment.</p> <b>Restart and Clear</b><p>Clear the shell window and restart the shell for the currently selected environment.</p> <b>Cut</b><p>Cut the selected text to the clipboard.</p> <b>Copy</b><p>Copy the selected text to the clipboard.</p> <b>Paste</b><p>Paste the last cut/copied text from the clipboard.</p> <b>Clear</b><p>Delete all text.</p> eric Shell eric Shell [{0}] About eric Shell Window The eric Shell is a standalone shell window. It uses the same backend as the debugger of the full IDE, but is executed independently. Shelve Shelve current changes Restore shelved changes Abort restore operation Continue restore operation Select the shelves to be deleted: Delete shelves Do you really want to delete these shelves? Delete all shelves Do you really want to delete all shelved changes? ShelveProjectBrowserHelper Shelve changes Shelve The project should be reread. Do this now? ShelveProjectHelper Shelve changes Shelve changes... Shelve all current changes of the project <b>Shelve changes</b><p>This shelves all current changes of the project.</p> Show shelve browser Show shelve browser... Show a dialog with all shelves <b>Show shelve browser...</b><p>This shows a dialog listing all available shelves. Actions on these shelves may be executed via the context menu.</p> Restore shelved change Restore shelved change... Restore a shelved change to the project directory <b>Restore shelved change</b><p>This restore a shelved change to the project directory.</p> Abort restore Abort restore... Abort the restore operation in progress <b>Abort restore</b><p>This aborts the restore operation in progress and reverts already applied changes.</p> Continue restore Continue restore... Continue the restore operation in progress <b>Continue restore</b><p>This continues the restore operation in progress.</p> Delete shelved changes Delete shelved changes... <b>Delete shelved changes...</b><p>This opens a dialog to select the shelved changes to delete and deletes the selected ones.</p> Delete ALL shelved changes <b>Delete ALL shelved changes</b><p>This deletes all shelved changes.</p> Shelve The project should be reread. Do this now? Unshelve Abort Unshelve Continue Unshelve ShortcutDialog Edit Shortcut Press your shortcut keys and select OK Select to change the primary keyboard shortcut Primary Shortcut: Press to clear the key sequence buffer. Clear Select to change the alternative keyboard shortcut Alternative Shortcut: Shortcuts Export Keyboard Shortcuts Import Keyboard Shortcuts <p>The keyboard shortcuts file <b>{0}</b> could not be written.</p> <p>The keyboard shortcuts file <b>{0}</b> could not be read.</p> ShortcutsDialog Keyboard Shortcuts &Filter: Enter the regular expression that should be contained in the shortcut action Filter on Select to filter based on the actions &Action Select to filter based on shortcut or alternative shortcut &Shortcut or Alternative This list shows all keyboard shortcuts. <b>Keyboard Shortcuts List</b> <p>This list shows all keyboard shortcuts defined in the application. Double click an entry in order to change the respective shortcut. Alternatively, the shortcut might be changed by editing the key sequence in the respective column.</p> Action Shortcut Alternativ Project General Wizards Debug Edit File Search View Macro Bookmarks Spelling Window Edit shortcuts <p><b>{0}</b> has already been allocated to the <b>{1}</b> action. Remove this binding?</p> <p><b>{0}</b> hides the <b>{1}</b> action. Remove this binding?</p> <p><b>{0}</b> is hidden by the <b>{1}</b> action. Remove this binding?</p> eric Web Browser ShortcutsFile Export Keyboard Shortcuts <p>The keyboard shortcuts file <b>{0}</b> could not be written.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> Import Keyboard Shortcuts <p>The keyboard shortcuts file <b>{0}</b> could not be read.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> SimplifyChecker Multiple "isinstance()" calls which can be merged into a single call for variable "{0}" Use a single if-statement instead of nested if-statements Return the condition "{0}" directly Use "yield from {0}" Use "with contextlib.suppress({0}):" Handle error-cases first Don't use return in try/except and finally Use ternary operator "{0} = {1} if {2} else {3}" instead of if-else-block Use "{0} in {1}" instead of "{2}" Use "{0}" instead of "{1}" Use enumerate instead of "{0}" Use logical or ("({0}) or ({1})") and a single body Use context handler for opening files Use a dictionary lookup instead of 3+ if/elif-statements: return {0} Use "{0}" instead of multiple with statements Use "{0} in {1}" instead of "{0} in {1}.keys()" Use a dataclass for "class {0}" Use "class {0}:" instead of "class {0}(object):" Use "{0} != {1}" instead of "not {0} == {1}" Use "{0} == {1}" instead of "not {0} != {1}" Use "{0} not in {1}" instead of "not {0} in {1}" Use "{0} >= {1}" instead of "not ({0} < {1})" Use "{0} > {1}" instead of "not ({0} <= {1})" Use "{0} <= {1}" instead of "not ({0} > {1})" Use "{0} < {1}" instead of "not ({0} >= {1})" Use "{0}" instead of "not (not {0})" Use "{1}" instead of "True if {0} else False" Use "{1}" instead of "False if {0} else True" Use "{0} if {0} else {1}" instead of "{1} if not {0} else {0}" Use "False" instead of "{0} and not {0}" Use "True" instead of "{0} or not {0}" Use "True" instead of "... or True" Use "False" instead of "... and False" Use "{1} == {0}" instead of "{0} == {1}" (Yoda-condition) Use "any({0} for {1} in {2})" Use "all({0} for {1} in {2})" Use "class {0}({1}):" instead of "class {0}({1}, object):" Use "{0}.get({1})" instead of "if {1} in {0}: {0}[{1}]" Use "super()" instead of "{0}" Use keyword-argument instead of magic boolean Use keyword-argument instead of magic number SingleApplicationServer Single Application Protocol Error <p>The response received from the single application client could not be decoded. Please report this issue with the received data to the eric bugs email address.</p><p>Error: {0}</p><p>Data:<br/>{1}</p> SiteInfoDialog Site Information General Site Address: Encoding: Meta tags of site: Tag Value <b>Security information</b> Media Image Image Address <b>Preview</b> Preview not available. Copy Image Location to Clipboard Copy Image Name to Clipboard Save Image All Files (*) <p>Cannot write to file <b>{0}</b>.</p> Loading... <p>This preview is not available.</p> <b>Connection is encrypted.</b> <b>Connection is not encrypted.</b> <b>Connection is encrypted but may be insecure.</b> Details Security SiteInfoWidget <b>Site {0}</b> Your connection to this site is <b>secure</b>. Your connection to this site is <b>not secure</b>. This is your <b>{0}.</b> visit of this site. You have <b>never</b> visited this site before. first second third This is your <b>{0}</b> visit of this site. Register as <b>{0}</b> links handler. Register More... Your connection to this site <b>may not be secure</b>. SnapWidget Snapshot Mode: Select the snapshot mode Delay: Enter the delay before taking the snapshot No delay s Path Name: Shows the name of the directory used for saving Press to save the snapshot &Save Snapshot ... Press to copy the snapshot to the clipboard &Copy Press to copy the snapshot preview to the clipboard Copy &Preview Press to take a snapshot &Take Snapshot ... Fullscreen Rectangular Selection Freehand Selection snapshot Windows Bitmap File (*.bmp) Graphic Interchange Format File (*.gif) Windows Icon File (*.ico) JPEG File (*.jpg) Multiple-Image Network Graphics File (*.mng) Portable Bitmap File (*.pbm) Paintbrush Bitmap File (*.pcx) Portable Graymap File (*.pgm) Portable Network Graphics File (*.png) Portable Pixmap File (*.ppm) Silicon Graphics Image File (*.sgi) Scalable Vector Graphics File (*.svg) Targa Graphic File (*.tga) TIFF File (*.tif) X11 Bitmap File (*.xbm) X11 Pixmap File (*.xpm) Save Snapshot <p>The file <b>{0}</b> already exists. Overwrite it?</p> Cannot write file '{0}: {1}. Preview of the snapshot image ({0} x {1}) The application contains an unsaved snapshot. Elliptical Selection Select Screen Select to include the window decorations in the screenshot include Decorations Select to include the mouse cursor in the screenshot include Mouse Cursor Select Window eric Snapshot SnapshotFreehandGrabber Select a region using the mouse. To take the snapshot, press the Enter key or double click. Press Esc to quit. SnapshotRegionGrabber Select a region using the mouse. To take the snapshot, press the Enter key or double click. Press Esc to quit. SnapshotTimer Snapshot will be taken in %n seconds SnapshotWaylandGrabber Screenshot Error <p>Received an unexpected number of reply arguments. Expected {0} but got {1}</p> <p>Received error <b>{0}</b> from DBus while performing screenshot.</p><p>{1}</p> Received an invalid reply. Received an unexpected reply. SortOptionsDialog Sort Options Direction Select to sort in ascending order Ascending Select to sort in descending order Descending Type Select to sort alphanumerically Alphanumerical Select to sort numerically Numerical Case Sensitivity Select to respect the case while sorting Respect Case Select to ignore the case while sorting Ignore Case SpeedDial Saving Speed Dial data <p>Speed Dial data could not be saved to <b>{0}</b></p> Reset Speed Dials Are you sure you want to reset the speed dials to the default pages? Unable to load SpeedDialReader The file {0} could not be opened. Error: {1} The file is not a SpeedDial version 1.0 file. SpellCheckingDialog Check spelling Current language: Shows the language used for spell checking Not found in dictionary Shows the unrecognized word with some context Change &to: &Suggestions: Press to ignore once &Ignore Press to always ignore I&gnore All Press to add to dictionary &Add to dictionary Press to replace the word &Replace Press to replace all occurrences Re&place All SpellingDictionaryEditDialog Edit Spelling Dictionary Enter search term Press to add an entry &Add Press to remove the selected entries &Remove Press to remove all entries R&emove All SpellingPropertiesDialog Spelling Properties Project &Language: Select the project's language Project &Word List: Enter the filename of the project word list Project E&xclude List: Enter the filename of the project exclude list Dictionary File (*.dic);;All Files (*) <default> SqlBrowser SQL Browser Invalid URL: {0} Unable to open connection: {0} SQL Browser startup problem Add Connection Add &Connection... Open a dialog to add a new database connection <b>Add Connection</b><p>This opens a dialog to add a new database connection.</p> Quit &Quit Ctrl+Q File|Quit Quit the SQL browser <b>Quit</b><p>Quit the SQL browser.</p> About &About Display information about this software <b>About</b><p>Display some information about this software.</p> About Qt About &Qt Display information about the Qt toolkit <b>About Qt</b><p>Display some information about the Qt toolkit.</p> &File &Help File <h3>About SQL Browser</h3><p>The SQL browser window is a little tool to examine the data and the schema of a database and to execute queries on a database.</p> SqlBrowserWidget SQL Query Enter the SQL query to be executed Press to clear the entry &Clear Press to execute the query &Execute &Insert Row Inserts a new row &Delete Row Deletes the current row No database drivers found This tool requires at least one Qt database driver. Please check the Qt documentation how to build the Qt SQL plugins. Ready Unable to open database An error occurred while opening the connection. Query OK. Query OK, number of affected rows: {0} eric SQL Browser SqlConnectionDialog Connect... D&river: Select the database driver &Database Name: Enter the database name &Username: Enter the user name &Password: &Hostname: Enter the hostname P&ort: Enter the port number Default SqlConnectionWidget Database Refresh Show Schema SslErrorExceptionsDialog SSL Error Exceptions Code Error Description Press to remove the selected entries &Remove Press to remove all entries Remove &All The certificate did not match the built-in public keys pinned for the host name. The certificate's common name did not match the host name. The certificate is not valid at the current date and time. The certificate is not signed by a trusted authority. The certificate contains errors. The certificate has no mechanism for determining if it has been revoked. Revocation information for the certificate is not available. The certificate has been revoked. The certificate is invalid. The certificate is signed using a weak signature algorithm. The host name specified in the certificate is not unique. The certificate contains a weak key. The certificate claimed DNS names that are in violation of name constraints. The certificate has a validity period that is too long. No error description available. Remove Selected Remove All Certificate Transparency was required for this connection, but the server did not provide information that complied with the policy. StartCoverageDialog Start coverage run Enter the commandline parameters <b>Commandline</b> <p>Enter the commandline parameters in this field.</p> Working directory: Enter the working directory <b>Working directory</b> <p>Enter the working directory of the application to be debugged. Leave it empty to set the working directory to the executable directory.</p> Environment Variables: Uncheck to disable exception reporting <b>Report exceptions</b> <p>Uncheck this in order to disable exception reporting.</p> Report exceptions Alt+E Select to clear the display of the interpreter window <b>Clear interpreter window</b><p>This clears the display of the interpreter window before starting the debug client.</p> Clear interpreter window Select to start the debugger in a console window <b>Start in console</b> <p>Select to start the debugger in a console window. The console command has to be configured on the Debugger-&gt;General page</p> Start in console Select this to erase the collected coverage information <b>Erase coverage information</b> <p>Select this to erase the collected coverage information before the next coverage run.</p> Erase coverage information Alt+C Select the virtual environment to be used Virtual Environment: Script Parameters: <b>Environment Variables</b> <p>Enter the environment variables to be set for the program. The individual settings must be separated by whitespace and be given in the form 'var=value'. In order to add to an environment variable, enter it in the form 'var+=value'. To delete an environment variable, append a '-' to the variable name.</p> <p>Example: var1=1 var2="hello world" var3+=":/tmp" var4-</p> <b>Virtual Environment</b> <p>Enter the virtual environment to be used. Leave it empty to use the default environment, i.e. the one configured globally or per project.</p> Override Global Configuration Select, to redirect stdin, stdout and stderr of the program being debugged to the eric IDE Redirect stdin/stdout/stderr Enter the environment variables to be set separated by whitespace. StartDebugDialog Start debugging Enter the commandline parameters <b>Commandline</b> <p>Enter the commandline parameters in this field.</p> Working directory: Enter the working directory <b>Working directory</b> <p>Enter the working directory of the application to be debugged. Leave it empty to set the working directory to the executable directory.</p> Environment Variables: Uncheck to disable exception reporting <b>Report exceptions</b> <p>Uncheck this in order to disable exception reporting.</p> Report exceptions Alt+E Select to clear the display of the interpreter window <b>Clear interpreter window</b><p>This clears the display of the interpreter window before starting the debug client.</p> Clear interpreter window Select to start the debugger in a console window <b>Start in console</b> <p>Select to start the debugger in a console window. The console command has to be configured on the Debugger-&gt;General page</p> Start in console Select to trace into the Python library Trace into interpreter libraries Alt+T Select to not stop the debugger at the first executable line. <b>Don't stop at first line</b><p>This prevents the debugger from stopping at the first executable line.</p> Don't stop at first line Virtual Environment: Select the virtual environment to be used Script Parameters: Select this to enable multi process debugging. <b>Multi Process Debugging</b><p>This enables debugging capability for multi process programs. Each started Python program is started within a new debugger.</p> Multi Process Debugging Don't Debug: <b>Environment Variables</b> <p>Enter the environment variables to be set for the program. The individual settings must be separated by whitespace and be given in the form 'var=value'. In order to add to an environment variable, enter it in the form 'var+=value'. To delete an environment variable, append a '-' to the variable name.</p> <p>Example: var1=1 var2="hello world" var3+=":/tmp" var4-</p> <b>Virtual Environment</b> <p>Enter the virtual environment to be used. Leave it empty to use the default environment, i.e. the one configured globally or per project.</p> Override Global Configuration Select, to redirect stdin, stdout and stderr of the program being debugged to the eric IDE Redirect stdin/stdout/stderr Enter the environment variables to be set separated by whitespace. StartDialog Clear Histories Edit History Command Line Working Directory Environment Select the history list to be edited: No Debug Programs Enter the list of programs or program patterns not to be debugged separated by '{0}'. StartHistoryEditDialog Edit History Entry Enter the new text: Delete Selected Entries Do you really want to delete the selected history entries? Delete All Entries Do you really want to delete the shown history? Edit History Press to edit the selected entry Edit... Press to delete the selected entries Delete Selected Press to delete all entries Delete All StartPageJsObject Search results provided by {0} StartProfileDialog Start profiling Enter the commandline parameters <b>Commandline</b> <p>Enter the commandline parameters in this field.</p> Working directory: Enter the working directory <b>Working directory</b> <p>Enter the working directory of the application to be debugged. Leave it empty to set the working directory to the executable directory.</p> Environment Variables: Uncheck to disable exception reporting <b>Report exceptions</b> <p>Uncheck this in order to disable exception reporting.</p> Report exceptions Alt+E Select to clear the display of the interpreter window <b>Clear interpreter window</b><p>This clears the display of the interpreter window before starting the debug client.</p> Clear interpreter window Select to start the debugger in a console window <b>Start in console</b> <p>Select to start the debugger in a console window. The console command has to be configured on the Debugger-&gt;General page</p> Start in console Select this to erase the collected timing data <b>Erase timing data</b> <p>Select this to erase the collected timing data before the next profiling run.</p> Erase timing data Alt+C Virtual Environment: Select the virtual environment to be used Script Parameters: <b>Environment Variables</b> <p>Enter the environment variables to be set for the program. The individual settings must be separated by whitespace and be given in the form 'var=value'. In order to add to an environment variable, enter it in the form 'var+=value'. To delete an environment variable, append a '-' to the variable name.</p> <p>Example: var1=1 var2="hello world" var3+=":/tmp" var4-</p> <b>Virtual Environment</b> <p>Enter the virtual environment to be used. Leave it empty to use the default environment, i.e. the one configured globally or per project.</p> Override Global Configuration Select, to redirect stdin, stdout and stderr of the program being debugged to the eric IDE Redirect stdin/stdout/stderr Enter the environment variables to be set separated by whitespace. StartRunDialog Start running Enter the commandline parameters <b>Commandline</b> <p>Enter the commandline parameters in this field.</p> Working directory: Enter the working directory <b>Working directory</b> <p>Enter the working directory of the application to be debugged. Leave it empty to set the working directory to the executable directory.</p> Environment Variables: Uncheck to disable exception reporting <b>Report exceptions</b> <p>Uncheck this in order to disable exception reporting.</p> Report exceptions Alt+E Select to clear the display of the interpreter window <b>Clear interpreter window</b><p>This clears the display of the interpreter window before starting the debug client.</p> Clear interpreter window Select to start the debugger in a console window <b>Start in console</b> <p>Select to start the debugger in a console window. The console command has to be configured on the Debugger-&gt;General page</p> Start in console Virtual Environment: Select the virtual environment to be used Script Parameters: <b>Environment Variables</b> <p>Enter the environment variables to be set for the program. The individual settings must be separated by whitespace and be given in the form 'var=value'. In order to add to an environment variable, enter it in the form 'var+=value'. To delete an environment variable, append a '-' to the variable name.</p> <p>Example: var1=1 var2="hello world" var3+=":/tmp" var4-</p> <b>Virtual Environment</b> <p>Enter the virtual environment to be used. Leave it empty to use the default environment, i.e. the one configured globally or per project.</p> Override Global Configuration Select, to redirect stdin, stdout and stderr of the program being debugged to the eric IDE Redirect stdin/stdout/stderr Enter the environment variables to be set separated by whitespace. StatusMonitorLed <p>This LED indicates the operating status of the VCS monitor thread (off = monitoring off, green = monitoring on and ok, red = monitoring on, but not ok, yellow = checking VCS status). A status description is given in the tooltip.</p> Repository status checking is switched off Check status Set interval... Switch on Switch off VCS Status Monitor Enter monitor interval [s] Strip Stripping changesets from repository StripProjectHelper Strip changesets Strip changesets from a repository Strip The project should be reread. Do this now? <b>Strip changesets</b><p>This deletes a changeset and all its descendants from a repository. Each removed changeset will be stored in .hg/strip-backup as a bundle file.</p> SubstyleDefinitionDialog Define Sub-Style Description: Enter a short description for the style Words (separated by spaces): Enter the list of words separated by space Press to reset the data Reset Press to set the data to default values (if available) Defaults <h3>{0} - {1}</h3> Reset Sub-Style Data Shall the entered sub-style data be reset? Set Sub-Style Data to Default Shall the sub-style data be set to default values? Subversion Add Delete Modify Replace Copy Failed revert Resolve Restore Revert Skip External Update Annotate Locking Unlocking Failed lock Failed unlock Changelist clear Changelist set Changelist moved added conflict deleted external ignored incomplete missing merged modified normal type error replaced unversioned Create project in repository The project could not be created in the repository. Maybe the given repository doesn't exist or the repository server is down. New project The project could not be checked out of the repository.<br />Restoring the original contents. Importing project into Subversion repository Imported revision {0}. Subversion Checkout The tag must be a normal tag (tags) or a branch tag (branches). Please select from the list. Checking project out of Subversion repository Subversion Export Exporting project from Subversion repository Commit Changes The commit affects files, that have unsaved changes. Shall the commit be continued? Commiting changes to Subversion repository Committed revision {0}. Synchronizing with the Subversion repository Adding files/directories to the Subversion repository Adding directory trees to the Subversion repository Removing files/directories from the Subversion repository Moving {0} Subversion Error The URL of the project repository could not be retrieved from the working copy. The tag operation will be aborted The URL of the project repository has an invalid format. The tag operation will be aborted Tagging {0} in the Subversion repository Revision {0}. Revert changes Do you really want to revert all changes to these files or directories? Do you really want to revert all changes of the project? Reverting changes The URL of the project repository could not be retrieved from the working copy. The switch operation will be aborted The URL of the project repository has an invalid format. The switch operation will be aborted Switching to {0} Merging {0} Cleaning up {0} Subversion command Resolving conficts Copying {0} Subversion Set Property You have to supply a property name. Aborting. Property set. Subversion Delete Property Property deleted. Subversion Side-by-Side Difference <p>The file <b>{0}</b> could not be read.</p> Subversion Lock Enter lock comment Locking in the Subversion repository Unlocking in the Subversion repository Relocating Repository Browser Enter the repository URL. Remove from changelist Add to changelist Enter name of the changelist: Upgrade The svn process finished with the exit code {0} The svn process did not finish within 30s. Could not start the svn executable. Enter property name The process {0} could not be started. Ensure, that it is in the search path. SubversionPage <b>Configure Subversion Interface</b> Log No. of log messages shown: Enter the number of log messages to be shown Commit No. of commit messages to remember: Enter the number of commit messages to remember Edit the subversion config file Edit config file Edit the subversion servers file Edit servers file SvgDiagram SVG-Viewer Close Print Print Preview Window Graphics Diagram: {0} SvnBlameDialog Subversion Blame Revision Author Line Errors Input Press to send the input to the subversion process &Send Alt+S Enter data to be sent to the subversion process Select to switch the input field to password mode &Password Mode Alt+P Process Generation Error The process {0} could not be started. Ensure, that it is in the search path. SvnChangeListsDialog Subversion Change Lists Change Lists: <b>Change Lists</b> <p>Select a change list here to see the associated files in the list below.</p> <b>Files</b> <p>This shows a list of files associated with the change list selected above.</p> Errors Input Press to send the input to the subversion process &Send Alt+S Enter data to be sent to the subversion process Select to switch the input field to password mode &Password Mode Alt+P Files (relative to {0}): No changelists found Process Generation Error The process {0} could not be started. Ensure, that it is in the search path. SvnCommandDialog Subversion Command Subversion Command: Enter the Subversion command to be executed with all necessary parameters <b>Subversion Command</b> <p>Enter the Subversion command to be executed including all necessary parameters. If a parameter of the commandline includes a space you have to surround this parameter by single or double quotes. Do not include the name of the subversion client executable (i.e. svn).</p> Working Directory:<br>(optional) Enter the working directory for the Subversion command <b>Working directory</b> <p>Enter the working directory for the Subversion command. This is an optional entry. The button to the right will open a directory selection dialog.</p> Project Directory: This shows the root directory of the current project. project directory SvnCommitDialog Subversion Commit Message Enter the log message. <b>Log Message</b> <p>Enter the log message for the commit action.</p> Recent commit messages Select a recent commit message to use Changelists Select the change lists to limit the commit Select to keep the changelists Keep changelists SvnCopyDialog Subversion Copy Source: Shows the name of the source <b>Source name</b> <p>This field shows the name of the source.</p> Target: Enter the target name <b>Target name</b> <p>Enter the new name in this field. The target must be the new name or an absolute path.</p> Select to force the operation Enforce operation Subversion Move SvnDialog Subversion Output Errors Input Press to send the input to the subversion process &Send Alt+S Enter data to be sent to the subversion process Select to switch the input field to password mode &Password Mode Alt+P Revision {0}. (binary) {0} {1}{2} Process Generation Error The process {0} could not be started. Ensure, that it is in the search path. SvnDialogMixin Subversion SSL Server Certificate <p>Accept the following SSL certificate?</p><table><tr><td>Realm:</td><td>{0}</td></tr><tr><td>Hostname:</td><td>{1}</td></tr><tr><td>Fingerprint:</td><td>{2}</td></tr><tr><td>Valid from:</td><td>{3}</td></tr><tr><td>Valid until:</td><td>{4}</td></tr><tr><td>Issuer name:</td><td>{5}</td></tr></table> &Permanent accept &Temporary accept &Reject SvnDiffDialog Subversion Diff Difference <b>Subversion Diff</b><p>This shows the output of the svn diff command.</p> Errors Input Press to send the input to the subversion process &Send Alt+S Enter data to be sent to the subversion process Select to switch the input field to password mode &Password Mode Alt+P Refresh Press to refresh the display There is no temporary directory available. Processing file '{0}'... There is no difference. <Start> <End> Save Diff Patch Files (*.diff) <p>The patch file <b>{0}</b> already exists. Overwrite it?</p> <p>The patch file <b>{0}</b> could not be saved.<br>Reason: {1}</p> Process Generation Error The process {0} could not be started. Ensure, that it is in the search path. SvnInfoDialog <tr><td><b>Path (relative to project):</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Url:</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Revision:</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Repository root URL:</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Repository UUID:</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Last changed author:</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Last Changed Date:</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Last changed revision:</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> file directory none unknown <tr><td><b>Node kind:</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Lock Owner:</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Lock Creation Date:</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Lock Expiration Date:</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Lock Token:</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Lock Comment:</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> normal add delete replace <tr><td><b>Schedule:</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Copied From URL:</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Copied From Rev:</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Text Last Updated:</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Properties Last Updated:</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Checksum:</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> SvnLogBrowserDialog Subversion Log From: Enter the start date To: Enter the end date Select the field to filter on Revision Author Message Enter the regular expression to filter on Date Action Path Copy from Copy from Rev Press to get the next bunch of log entries &Next Enter the limit of entries to fetch Select to stop listing log messages at a copy or move Stop on Copy/Move Press to generate a diff to the previous revision &Diff to Previous Press to compare two revisions &Compare Revisions Select to show differences side-by-side Show differences side-by-side Errors <b>Subversion log errors</b><p>This shows possible error messages of the svn log command.</p> Input Press to send the input to the subversion process &Send Alt+S Enter data to be sent to the subversion process Select to switch the input field to password mode &Password Mode Alt+P Added Deleted Modified Replaced Subversion Error Process Generation Error The process {0} could not be started. Ensure, that it is in the search path. Press to move up in the log list Press to move down in the log list SvnLoginDialog Subversion Login Select, if the login data should be saved. Save login data Enter password Password: Username: Enter username <b>Enter login data for realm {0}.</b> SvnMergeDialog Subversion Merge Select to force the merge operation Enforce merge Target: Enter the target <b>Target</b> <p>Enter the target for the merge operation into this field. Leave it empty to get the target URL from the working copy.</p> <p><b>Note:</b> This entry is only needed, if you enter revision numbers above.</p> Enter an URL or a revision number <b>URL/Revision</b> <p>Enter an URL or a revision number to be merged into the working copy.</p> 2. URL/Revision: 1. URL/Revision: SvnNewProjectOptionsDialog New Project from Repository <b>New Project from Repository Dialog</b> <p>Enter the various repository infos into the entry fields. These values are used, when the new project is retrieved from the repository. If the checkbox is selected, the URL must end in the project name. A repository layout with project/tags, project/branches and project/trunk will be assumed. In this case, you may enter a tag or branch, which must look like tags/tagname or branches/branchname. If the checkbox is not selected, the URL must contain the complete path in the repository.</p> <p>For remote repositories the URL must contain the hostname.</p> &Protocol: Select the protocol to access the repository &URL: Enter the url path of the module in the repository (without protocol part) <b>URL</b><p>Enter the URL to the module. For a repository with standard layout, this must not contain the trunk, tags or branches part.</p> &Tag: Enter the tag the new project should be generated from <b>Tag in VCS</b> <p>Enter the tag name the new project shall be generated from. Leave empty to retrieve the latest data from the repository.</p> Project &Directory: Enter the directory of the new project. <b>Project Directory</b> <p>Enter the directory of the new project. It will be retrieved from the repository and be placed in this directory.</p> Select to indicate, that the repository has a standard layout (projectdir/trunk, projectdir/tags, projectdir/branches) Repository has standard &layout Alt+L Pat&h: SvnOptionsDialog Repository Infos <b>Repository Infos Dialog</b> <p>Enter the various infos into the entry fields. These values are used to generate a new project in the repository. If the checkbox is selected, the URL must end in the project name. A directory tree with project/tags, project/branches and project/trunk will be generated in the repository. If the checkbox is not selected, the URL must contain the complete path in the repository.</p> <p>For remote repositories the URL must contain the hostname.</p> &Protocol: Select the protocol to access the repository &URL: Enter the url path of the module in the repository (without protocol part) <b>URL</b><p>Enter the URL to the module. For a repository with standard layout, this must not contain the trunk, tags or branches part.</p> Log &Message: Enter the log message for the new project. <b>Log Message</b> <p>Enter the log message to be used for the new project.</p> new project started Select, if the standard repository layout (projectdir/trunk, projectdir/tags, projectdir/branches) should be generated Create standard repository &layout Alt+L Pat&h: SvnProjectBrowserHelper Version Control Update from repository Commit changes to repository... Add to repository Add tree to repository Remove from repository (and disk) Copy Move Add to Changelist Remove from Changelist Show log browser Show status Show repository info Show differences Show differences side-by-side Show differences (extended) Show differences side-by-side (extended) Show differences (URLs) Show annotated file Revert changes Merge changes Conflicts resolved Lock Unlock Break Lock Steal Lock Set Property List Properties Delete Property Select all local file entries Select all versioned file entries Select all local directory entries Select all versioned directory entries Configure... SvnProjectHelper New from repository &New from repository... Create a new project from the VCS repository <b>New from repository</b><p>This creates a new local project from the VCS repository.</p> Update from repository &Update from repository Update the local project from the VCS repository <b>Update from repository</b><p>This updates the local project from the VCS repository.</p> Commit changes to repository &Commit changes to repository... Commit changes to the local project to the VCS repository <b>Commit changes to repository</b><p>This commits changes to the local project to the VCS repository.</p> Show log browser Show a dialog to browse the log of the local project <b>Show log browser</b><p>This shows a dialog to browse the log of the local project. A limited number of entries is shown first. More can be retrieved later on.</p> Show differences Show &difference Show the difference of the local project to the repository <b>Show differences</b><p>This shows differences of the local project to the repository.</p> Show differences (extended) Show the difference of revisions of the project to the repository <b>Show differences (extended)</b><p>This shows differences of selectable revisions of the project.</p> Show differences (URLs) Show the difference of the project between two repository URLs <b>Show differences (URLs)</b><p>This shows differences of the project between two repository URLs.</p> Show status Show &status Show the status of the local project <b>Show status</b><p>This shows the status of the local project.</p> Show change lists Show the change lists and associated files of the local project <b>Show change lists</b><p>This shows the change lists and associated files of the local project.</p> Tag in repository &Tag in repository... Tag the local project in the repository <b>Tag in repository</b><p>This tags the local project in the repository.</p> Export from repository &Export from repository... Export a project from the repository <b>Export from repository</b><p>This exports a project from the repository.</p> Command options Command &options... Show the VCS command options <b>Command options...</b><p>This shows a dialog to edit the VCS command options.</p> Revert changes Re&vert changes Revert all changes made to the local project <b>Revert changes</b><p>This reverts all changes made to the local project.</p> Merge Mer&ge changes... Merge changes of a tag/revision into the local project <b>Merge</b><p>This merges changes of a tag/revision into the local project.</p> Switch S&witch... Switch the local copy to another tag/branch <b>Switch</b><p>This switches the local copy to another tag/branch.</p> Conflicts resolved Con&flicts resolved Mark all conflicts of the local project as resolved <b>Conflicts resolved</b><p>This marks all conflicts of the local project as resolved.</p> Cleanup Cleanu&p Cleanup the local project <b>Cleanup</b><p>This performs a cleanup of the local project.</p> Execute command E&xecute command... Execute an arbitrary VCS command <b>Execute command</b><p>This opens a dialog to enter an arbitrary VCS command.</p> List tags List tags... List tags of the project <b>List tags</b><p>This lists the tags of the project.</p> List branches List branches... List branches of the project <b>List branches</b><p>This lists the branches of the project.</p> List repository contents List repository contents... Lists the contents of the repository <b>List repository contents</b><p>This lists the contents of the repository.</p> Set Property Set Property... Set a property for the project files <b>Set Property</b><p>This sets a property for the project files.</p> List Properties List Properties... List properties of the project files <b>List Properties</b><p>This lists the properties of the project files.</p> Delete Property Delete Property... Delete a property for the project files <b>Delete Property</b><p>This deletes a property for the project files.</p> Relocate Relocate... Relocate the working copy to a new repository URL <b>Relocate</b><p>This relocates the working copy to a new repository URL.</p> Repository Browser Repository Browser... Show the Repository Browser dialog <b>Repository Browser</b><p>This shows the Repository Browser dialog.</p> Configure Configure... Show the configuration dialog with the Subversion page selected <b>Configure</b><p>Show the configuration dialog with the Subversion page selected.</p> Upgrade Upgrade... Upgrade the working copy to the current format <b>Upgrade</b><p>Upgrades the working copy to the current format.</p> Subversion (svn) SvnPropDelDialog Delete Subversion Property Enter the name of the property to be deleted Select to apply the property recursively Apply &recursively Property &Name: SvnPropListDialog Subversion List Properties <b>Subversion List Prperties</b> <p>This dialog shows the properties of the selected file or project.</p> <b>Properties List</b> <p>This shows the properties of the selected file or project.</p> Path Name Value Errors <b>Subversion proplist errors</b> <p>This shows possible error messages of the subversion proplist command.</p> Refresh Press to refresh the properties display None Process Generation Error The process {0} could not be started. Ensure, that it is in the search path. SvnPropSetDialog Set Subversion Property Enter text of the property Property &Name: Enter the name of the property to be set Select to apply the property recursively Apply &recursively Property &Value: Property Name: Select property source Text File Enter the name of a file for the property SvnRelocateDialog Subversion Relocate New repository URL: Enter the URL of the repository the working space should be relocated to Current repository URL: Select, if the relocate should happen inside the repository Relocate inside repository (used, if the repository layout has changed) SvnRepoBrowserDialog Subversion Repository Browser URL: Enter the URL of the repository File Revision Author Size Date Errors <b>Subversion errors</b><p>This shows possible error messages of the svn list and svn info commands.</p> Input Press to send the input to the subversion process &Send Alt+S Enter data to be sent to the subversion process Select to switch the input field to password mode &Password Mode Alt+P The installed version of PySvn should be 1.4.0 or better. Subversion Error Process Generation Error The process {0} could not be started. Ensure, that it is in the search path. SvnRevisionSelectionDialog Subversion Diff Revision &1 Select revision before last commit PREV Select last committed revision COMMITTED Select base revision BASE Select head revision of repository HEAD Select working revision WORKING Enter a revision number Enter time of revision Enter date of revision yyyy-MM-dd Select to specify a revision by number Number Select to specify a revision by date and time Date Revision &2 SvnStatusDialog Subversion Status <b>Subversion Status</b> <p>This dialog shows the status of the selected file or project.</p> &Filter on Status: Select the status of entries to be shown Commit Changelist Status Prop. Status Locked History Switched Lock Info Up to date Revision Last Change Author Path Commit the selected changes &Commit Add the selected entries to the repository &Add Show differences of the selected entries to the repository &Differences Show differences of the selected entry to the repository in a side-by-side manner Side-b&y-Side Diff Revert the selected entries to the last revision in the repository Re&vert Restore the selected missing entries from the repository &Restore Errors Input Press to send the input to the subversion process &Send Alt+S Enter data to be sent to the subversion process Select to switch the input field to password mode &Password Mode Alt+P Refresh Press to refresh the status display Commit changes to repository... Select all for commit Deselect all from commit Add to repository Show differences Show differences side-by-side Revert changes Restore missing Add to Changelist Remove from Changelist Lock Unlock Break lock Steal lock Adjust column sizes locked other lock stolen lock broken lock not locked no yes all There are no entries selected to be committed. Add There are no unversioned entries available/selected. Revert There are no uncommitted changes available/selected. There are no missing entries available/selected. Differences Side-by-Side Diff Only one file with uncommitted changes must be selected. There are no unlocked files available/selected. There are no locked files available/selected. Break Lock Steal Lock There are no files available/selected not belonging to a changelist. There are no files available/selected belonging to a changelist. added deleted modified missing unversioned normal replaced conflict external ignored type error Process Generation Error The process {0} could not be started. Ensure, that it is in the search path. SvnStatusMonitorThread Subversion status checked successfully (using pysvn) Subversion status checked successfully (using svn) Could not start the Subversion process. SvnSwitchDialog Subversion Switch Tag Name: Enter the name of the tag <b>Tag Name</b> <p>Enter the name of the tag to be switched to. In order to switch to the trunk version leave it empty.</p> Tag Type Select for a regular tag <b>Regular Tag</b> <p>Select this entry for a regular tag.</p> Regular Tag Select for a branch tag <b>Branch Tag</b> <p>Select this entry for a branch tag.</p> Branch Tag SvnTagBranchListDialog Subversion Tag List <b>Subversion Tag/Branch List</b> <p>This dialog shows a list of the projects tags or branches.</p> <b>Tag/Branches List</b> <p>This shows a list of the projects tags or branches.</p> Revision Author Date Name Errors Input Press to send the input to the subversion process &Send Alt+S Enter data to be sent to the subversion process Select to switch the input field to password mode &Password Mode Alt+P Subversion Branches List Subversion Error The URL of the project repository could not be retrieved from the working copy. The list operation will be aborted The URL of the project repository has an invalid format. The list operation will be aborted Subversion List Enter the repository URL containing the tags or branches The repository URL is empty. Aborting... The installed version of PySvn should be 1.4.0 or better. Process Generation Error The process {0} could not be started. Ensure, that it is in the search path. SvnTagDialog Subversion Tag Enter the name of the tag <b>Tag Name</b> <p>Enter the name of the tag to be created, moved or deleted.</p> Name: Tag Action Select to create a regular tag <b>Create Regular Tag</b> <p>Select this entry in order to create a regular tag in the repository.</p> Create Regular Tag Select to create a branch tag <b>Create Branch Tag</b> <p>Select this entry in order to create a branch in the repository.</p> Create Branch Tag Select to delete a regular tag <b>Delete Regular Tag</b> <p>Select this entry in order to delete the selected regular tag.</p> Delete Regular Tag Select to delete a branch tag <b>Delete Branch Tag</b> <p>Select this entry in order to delete the selected branch tag.</p> Delete Branch Tag SvnUrlSelectionDialog Subversion Diff Repository URL 1 Select the URL type Enter the label name or path Repository URL 2 Select to just show a summary of differences Summary only Subversion Error The URL of the project repository could not be retrieved from the working copy. The operation will be aborted The URL of the project repository has an invalid format. The operation will be aborted The URL of the project repository has an invalid format. The list operation will be aborted SymbolsModel Code Char Hex HTML Name Control Characters Basic Latin Latin-1 Supplement Latin Extended-A Latin Extended-B IPA Extensions Spacing Modifier Letters Combining Diacritical Marks Greek and Coptic Cyrillic Cyrillic Supplement Armenian Hebrew Arabic Syriac Thaana N'Ko Samaritan Mandaic Arabic Extended-A Devanagari Bengali Gurmukhi Gujarati Oriya Tamil Telugu Kannada Malayalam Sinhala Thai Lao Tibetan Myanmar Georgian Hangul Jamo Ethiopic Ethiopic Supplement Cherokee Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Ogham Runic Tagalog Hanunoo Buhid Tagbanwa Khmer Mongolian Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended Limbu Tai Le Khmer Symbols Buginese Tai Tham Balinese Sundanese Batak Lepcha Ol Chiki Sundanese Supplement Vedic Extensions Phonetic Extensions Phonetic Extensions Supplement Combining Diacritical Marks Supplement Latin Extended Additional Greek Extended General Punctuation Superscripts and Subscripts Currency Symbols Letterlike Symbols Number Forms Arcolumns Mathematical Operators Miscellaneous Technical Control Pictures Optical Character Recognition Enclosed Alphanumerics Box Drawing Block Elements Geometric Shapes Miscellaneous Symbols Dingbats Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A Supplement Arcolumns-A Braille Patterns Supplement Arcolumns-B Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B Supplemental Mathematical Operators Miscellaneous Symbols and Arcolumns Glagolitic Latin Extended-C Coptic Georgian Supplement Tifinagh Ethiopic Extended Cyrillic Extended-A Supplemental Punctuation CJK Radicals Supplement KangXi Radicals Ideographic Description Chars CJK Symbols and Punctuation Hiragana Katakana Bopomofo Hangul Compatibility Jamo Kanbun Bopomofo Extended CJK Strokes Katakana Phonetic Extensions Enclosed CJK Letters and Months CJK Compatibility CJK Unified Ideogr. Ext. A Yijing Hexagram Symbols CJK Unified Ideographs Yi Syllables Yi Radicals Lisu Vai Cyrillic Extended-B Bamum Modifier Tone Letters Latin Extended-D Syloti Nagri Common Indic Number Forms Phags-pa Saurashtra Devanagari Extended Kayah Li Rejang Hangul Jamo Extended-A Javanese Cham Myanmar Extended-A Tai Viet Meetei Mayek Extensions Ethiopic Extended-A Meetei Mayek Hangul Syllables Hangul Jamo Extended-B High Surrogates High Private Use Surrogates Low Surrogates Private Use CJK Compatibility Ideographs Alphabetic Presentation Forms Arabic Presentation Forms-A Variation Selectors Vertical Forms Combining Half Marks CJK Compatibility Forms Small Form Variants Arabic Presentation Forms-B Half- and Fullwidth Forms Specials Linear B Syllabary Linear B Ideograms Aegean Numbers Ancient Greek Numbers Ancient Symbols Phaistos Disc Lycian Carian Old Italic Gothic Ugaritic Old Persian Deseret Shavian Osmanya Cypriot Syllabary Imperial Aramaic Phoenician Lydian Meroitic Hieroglyphs Meroitic Cursive Kharoshthi Old South Arabian Avestan Inscriptional Parthian Inscriptional Pahlavi Old Turkic Rumi Numeral Symbols Brahmi Kaithi Sora Sompeng Chakma Sharada Takri Cuneiform Cuneiform Numbers and Punctuation Egyptian Hieroglyphs Bamum Supplement Miao Kana Supplement Byzantine Musical Symbols Musical Symbols Ancient Greek Musical Notation Tai Xuan Jing Symbols Counting Rod Numerals Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols Arabic Mathematical Alphabetic Symbols Mahjong Tiles Domino Tiles Playing Cards Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement Enclosed Ideographic Supplement Miscellaneous Symbols And Pictographs Emoticons Transport And Map Symbols Alchemical Symbols CJK Unified Ideogr. Ext. B CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C CJK Unified Ideographs Extension D CJK Compatapility Ideogr. Suppl. Tags Variation Selectors Supplement Supplementary Private Use Area-A Supplementary Private Use Area-B SymbolsWidget Symbols Select the table to be shown Symbol code: Enter the symbol code SyncCheckPage Synchronization status This page shows the status of the current synchronization process. Synchronization Data Sync Handler: Synchronization Status Bookmarks: History: Passwords: User Agent Settings: Speed Dial Settings: FTP Host: Shared Directory Directory: No Synchronization <font color="#FF0000"><b>Error:</b> {0}</font> SyncDataPage Basic synchronization settings Please select, if synchronization should be enabled and which data should be synchronized. Select to activate data synchronization Activate synchronization Data to be synchronized Select to synchronize bookmarks Bookmarks Select to synchronize history History Select to synchronize passwords Passwords Select to synchronize user agent settings User Agent Settings Select to synchronize the speed dial data Speed Dial Settings SyncDirectorySettingsPage Synchronize to a shared directory Please enter the data for synchronization via a shared directory. All fields must be filled. Shared Directory Settings Directory Name: Enter the full path of the shared directory SyncEncryptionPage Encryption Settings Please select, if the synchronized data should be encrypted and enter the encryption key Select to encrypt the synchronzed data Encrypt Data <p>The encryption key will be used to encrypt and decrypt the synchronizde data. If the data should be re-encrypted, the respective selection should be done. The key must only be repeated, if a re-encryption is requested.<br/><br/><b>Note: If you forget the encryption key, the encrypted data cannot be recovered!</b><br/></p> Select to re-encrypt the synchronized data Re-encrypt synchronized data Encryption Key: Enter the encryption key Encryption Key (again): Repeat the encryption key Shows an indication for the encryption key strength Size of generated encryption key: Select the size of the generated encryption key Select to encrypt only the passwords Encrypt Passwords Only 128 Bits 192 Bits 256 Bits Encryption key must not be empty. Repeated encryption key is wrong. SyncFtpSettingsPage Synchronize to an FTP host Please enter the data for synchronization via FTP. All fields must be filled. Remote FTP Host Settings Server: Enter the FTP server name User Name: Enter the user name Password: Enter the password Path: Enter the remote path Port: Enter the remote port Idle Timeout: Enter the idle timeout interval to prevent a server disconnect s SyncHandler Remote bookmarks file exists! Syncing local copy... Remote bookmarks file does NOT exist. Exporting local copy... Local bookmarks file is NEWER. Exporting local copy... Local bookmarks file does NOT exist. Skipping synchronization! Uploading local bookmarks file... Remote history file exists! Syncing local copy... Remote history file does NOT exist. Exporting local copy... Local history file is NEWER. Exporting local copy... Local history file does NOT exist. Skipping synchronization! Uploading local history file... Remote logins file exists! Syncing local copy... Remote logins file does NOT exist. Exporting local copy... Local logins file is NEWER. Exporting local copy... Local logins file does NOT exist. Skipping synchronization! Uploading local logins file... Remote user agent settings file exists! Syncing local copy... Remote user agent settings file does NOT exist. Exporting local copy... Local user agent settings file is NEWER. Exporting local copy... Local user agent settings file does NOT exist. Skipping synchronization! Uploading local user agent settings file... Remote speed dial settings file exists! Syncing local copy... Remote speed dial settings file does NOT exist. Exporting local copy... Local speed dial settings file is NEWER. Exporting local copy... Local speed dial settings file does NOT exist. Skipping synchronization! Uploading local speed dial settings file... Invalid encryption key given. Data cannot be decrypted. SyncHostTypePage Host Type Selection Please select the type of the host to be used for synchronization. Synchronization Host Type Select to use a FTP host FTP Select to use a shared directory Shared Directory Select to use no particular host type None SyntaxCheckService Python 3 batch check JavaScript batch check YAML batch check JSON batch check TOML batch check SyntaxCheckerDialog Syntax Check Result <b>Syntax Check Results</b> <p>This dialog shows the results of the syntax check. Double clicking an entry will open an editor window and position the cursor at the respective line.</p> Exclude Files: Enter filename patterns of files to be excluded separated by a comma Press to start the syntax check run Start <b>Result List</b> <p>This list shows the results of the syntax check. Double clicking an entry will open this entry in an editor window and position the cursor at the respective line.</p> File/Line Message Source Shows the progress of the syntax check action %v/%m Files Show Press to show all files containing an issue Errors Error: {0} Preparing files... Transferring data... No issues found. SyntaxCheckerPlugin Check Syntax &Syntax... Check syntax. <b>Check Syntax...</b><p>This checks Python files for syntax errors.</p> TRPreviewer <No translation> Translations Previewer Select language file &Open UI Files... Open UI files for display <b>Open UI Files</b><p>This opens some UI files for display.</p> Open &Translation Files... Open Translation files for display <b>Open Translation Files</b><p>This opens some translation files for display.</p> &Reload Translations Reload the loaded translations <b>Reload Translations</b><p>This reloads the translations for the loaded languages.</p> &Quit Ctrl+Q File|Quit Quit the application <b>Quit</b><p>Quit the application.</p> &What's This? Shift+F1 Context sensitive help <b>Display context sensitive help</b><p>In What's This? mode, the mouse cursor shows an arrow with a question mark, and you can click on the interface elements to get a short description of what they do and how to use them. In dialogs, this feature can be accessed using the context help button in the titlebar.</p> &About Display information about this software <b>About</b><p>Display some information about this software.</p> About &Qt Display information about the Qt toolkit <b>About Qt</b><p>Display some information about the Qt toolkit.</p> &Tile Tile the windows <b>Tile the windows</b><p>Rearrange and resize the windows so that they are tiled.</p> &Cascade Cascade the windows <b>Cascade the windows</b><p>Rearrange and resize the windows so that they are cascaded.</p> &Close Ctrl+W File|Close Close the current window <b>Close Window</b><p>Close the current window.</p> Clos&e All Close all windows <b>Close All Windows</b><p>Close all windows.</p> &File &Window &Help File Help TR Previewer <h3> About TR Previewer </h3><p>The TR Previewer loads and displays Qt User-Interface files and translation files and shows dialogs for a selected language.</p> Select UI files Qt User-Interface Files (*.ui) Select translation files Qt Translation Files (*.qm) TabManagerWidget Tab Manager Saved Tabs Local File System: eric Web Browser: [FTP]: Window {0} Double click to switch Group by &Window &Domain &Host &Bookmark checked tabs &Close checked tabs Show Tab Manager TabWidget Show a navigation menu Move Left Move Right Move First Move Last Close Close Others Close All Save Save As... Save All Open 'rejection' file Print Copy Path to Clipboard {0} (ro) Tabview Untitled {0} {0} (ro) TaskFilterConfigDialog Task filter configuration Select the categories, the tasks list should be filtered on. Within each category, enter the selection criteria. The enabled categories are combined using an "<b>and</b>" operation. Select to filter on the task summary Summary Enter the summary filter as a regular expression. Select to filter on the task filename Filename Enter the filename filter as a wildcard expression. Select to filter on the task type Type Select the task type to be shown Select to filter on the task scope Scope Select to show global tasks only Global tasks Select to show project tasks only Project tasks Select to filter on the task completion status Completion status Select to show uncompleted tasks only Uncompleted tasks Select to show completed tasks only Completed tasks Select to filter on the task priority Priority Select to show high priority tasks High priority tasks Select to show normal priority tasks Normal priority tasks Select to show low priority tasks Low priority tasks Bugfix Warning ToDo Note Test Documentation TaskPropertiesDialog Task Properties &Summary: Enter the task summary &Description: Enter the task description Creation Time: &Priority: Select the task priority High Normal Low Select to indicate a task related to the current project Project &Task Select to mark this task as completed T&ask completed Filename: Line: Type: Select the task type Bugfix Warning ToDo Note Test Documentation TaskViewer Summary Filename Line P&roject Tasks &Regenerate project tasks &Configure scan options &New Task... New &Sub-Task... &Go To &Copy &Paste Paste as &Main Task &Delete &Mark Completed Delete Completed &Tasks P&roperties... &Filtered display Filter c&onfiguration... Resi&ze columns Configure... Extracted Tasks Manual Tasks Activate task filter The task filter doesn't have any active filters. Do you want to configure the filter settings? Scan Filter Patterns Enter filename patterns of files to be excluded separated by a comma: Extracting project tasks... Abort %v/%m Files Tasks Extracting project tasks... {0} TasksFile Save Tasks <p>The tasks file <b>{0}</b> could not be written.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> Read Tasks <p>The tasks file <b>{0}</b> could not be read.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> TasksPage <b>Configure Tasks</b> Tasks Markers Bugfix tasks: Enter the tasks markers separated by a space character. Warning tasks: Todo tasks: Note tasks: Tasks Handling Select to clear global file tasks when the file is closed Clear global file task when file is closed Tasks Background Colors Select the background color for these tasks. Test tasks: Documentation tasks: TemplateGroup Add Template <p>The group <b>{0}</b> already contains a template named <b>{1}</b>.</p> TemplateMultipleVariablesDialog Enter Template Variables &OK &Cancel TemplatePropertiesDialog Template Properties Name: Enter the name of the template/group. Templates are autocompleted upon this name. Description: Enter a description for the template Group: Template: Enter the text of the template <b>Template Text</b> <p>Enter the template text in this area. Every occurrence of $VAR$ will be replaced by the associated text when the template is applied. Predefined variables may be used in the template. The separator character might be changed via the preferences dialog.</p> <p>Press the help button for more information.</p> &Help Alt+H <b>Template name<b><p>Enter the name of the template. Templates may be autocompleted upon this name. In order to support autocompletion. the template name must only consist of letters (a-z and A-Z), digits (0-9) and underscores (_).</p> All Language: GROUP Close dialog Do you really want to close the dialog? Template Help <b>Template Help</b> <p>To use variables in a template, you just have to enclose the variable name with $-characters. When you use the template, you will then be asked for a value for this variable.</p><p>Example template: This is a $VAR$</p><p>When you use this template you will be prompted for a value for the variable $VAR$. Any occurrences of $VAR$ will then be replaced with whatever you've entered.</p><p>If you need a single $-character in a template, which is not used to enclose a variable, type $$(two dollar characters) instead. They will automatically be replaced with a single $-character when you use the template.</p><p>If you want a variables contents to be treated specially, the variable name must be followed by a ':' and one formatting specifier (e.g. $VAR:ml$). The supported specifiers are:<table><tr><td>ml</td><td>Specifies a multiline formatting. The first line of the variable contents is prefixed with the string occurring before the variable on the same line of the template. All other lines are prefixed by the same amount of whitespace as the line containing the variable.</td></tr><tr><td>rl</td><td>Specifies a repeated line formatting. Each line of the variable contents is prefixed with the string occurring before the variable on the same line of the template.</td></tr></table></p><p>The following predefined variables may be used in a template:<table><tr><td>date</td><td>today's date in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD)</td></tr><tr><td>year</td><td>the current year</td></tr><tr><td>time</td><td>current time in ISO format (hh:mm:ss)</td></tr><tr><td>project_name</td><td>the name of the project (if any)</td></tr><tr><td>project_path</td><td>the path of the project (if any)</td></tr><tr><td>path_name</td><td>full path of the current file</td></tr><tr><td>path_name_rel</td><td>project relative path of the current file</td></tr><tr><td>dir_name</td><td>full path of the current file's directory</td></tr><tr><td>dir_name_rel</td><td>project relative path of the current file's directory</td></tr><tr><td>file_name</td><td>the current file's name (without directory)</td></tr><tr><td>base_name</td><td>like <i>file_name</i>, but without extension</td></tr><tr><td>ext</td><td>the extension of the current file</td></tr><tr><td>cur_select</td><td>the currently selected text</td></tr><tr><td>insertion</td><td>Sets insertion point for cursor after template is inserted.</td></tr><tr><td>select_start</td><td>Sets span of selected text in template after template is inserted (used together with 'select_end').</td></tr><tr><td>select_end</td><td>Sets span of selected text in template after template is inserted (used together with 'select_start').</td></tr><tr><td>clipboard</td><td>the text of the clipboard</td></tr></table></p><p>If you want to change the default delimiter to anything different, please use the configuration dialog to do so.</p> TemplateSingleVariableDialog Enter Template Variable Enter the value for the variable. Variable: TemplateViewer Apply Add entry... Add group... Edit... Remove Save Import... Export... Reload Help about Templates... Configure... Remove Template <p>Do you really want to remove <b>{0}</b>?</p> Import Templates Export Templates Reload Templates The templates contain unsaved changes. Shall these changes be discarded? Template Help <p><b>Template groups</b> are a means of grouping individual templates. Groups have an attribute that specifies, which programming language they apply for. In order to add template entries, at least one group has to be defined.</p><p><b>Template entries</b> are the actual templates. They are grouped by the template groups. Help about how to define them is available in the template edit dialog.</p> Edit Template Group <p>A template group with the name <b>{0}</b> already exists.</p> <p>The templates file <b>{0}</b> could not be written.</p> <p>The templates file <b>{0}</b> could not be read.</p> Templates Files (*.ecj);;XML Templates Files (*.e4c);;All Files (*) <p>The templates file <b>{0}</b> exists already. Overwrite it?</p> Save Templates Read Templates TemplatesFile Save Templates <p>The templates file <b>{0}</b> could not be written.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> Read Templates <p>The templates file <b>{0}</b> could not be read.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> TemplatesPage <b>Configure Templates</b> Groups Select, if groups having entries should be opened automatically Expand groups automatically Variables Separator: Enter the character that encloses variables Input method for variables Select, if a new dialog should be opened for every template variable One dialog per template variable Select, if only one dialog for all template variables should be shown One dialog for all template variables Tooltips Select, if the template text should be shown in a tooltip Show template text in tooltip Template Editor Press to select the font to be used for the code editor Editor Font Template Code Editor ToolConfigurationDialog Configure Tools Menu Clear all entry fields <b>New</b> <p>Clear all entry fields for entering a new tools entry.</p> &New Alt+N Add a new tools entry <b>Add</b> <p>Add a new tools entry with the values entered below.</p> &Add Alt+A Change the values of the selected entry <b>Change</b> <p>Change the values of the selected entry.</p> C&hange Alt+H Delete the selected entry <b>Delete</b> <p>Delete the selected entry.</p> &Delete Alt+D Move up <b>Move Up</b> <p>Move the selected entry up.</p> &Up Alt+U Move down <b>Move Down</b> <p>Move the selected entry down.</p> Do&wn Alt+W Add a separator <b>Add separator</b><p>Add a separator for the menu.</p> Add &Separator &Menu text: Enter the menu text <b>Menu text</b> <p>Enter the menu text. Precede the accelerator key with an & character.</p> &Icon file: Enter the filename of the icon <b>Icon</b> <p>Enter the filename of the icon.</p> &Executable file: Enter the filename of the executable <b>Executable</b> <p>Enter the filename of the executable.</p> Ar&guments: Enter the arguments for the executable <b>Arguments</b> <p>Enter the arguments for the executable.</p> &Redirect output Select the output redirection mode <b>Redirect output<b><p>Select the output redirection mode. The standard error channel is either not redirected or shown in the log viewer.</p> Icon files (*.png) no redirection show output insert into current editor replace selection of current editor Add tool entry You have to set an executable to add to the Tools-Menu first. You have to insert a menuentry text to add the selected program to the Tools-Menu first. The selected file could not be found or is not an executable. Please choose an executable filename. An entry for the menu text {0} already exists. Change tool entry You have to set an executable to change the Tools-Menu entry. You have to insert a menuentry text to change the selected Tools-Menu entry. The selected file could not be found or is not an executable. Please choose an existing executable filename. Select executable The selected file is not an executable. Please choose an executable filename. ToolGroupConfigurationDialog Configure Tool Groups Delete the selected entry <b>Delete</b> <p>Delete the selected entry.</p> &Delete Alt+D Add a new tools entry <b>Add</b> <p>Add a new tool groups entry with the name entered below.</p> &Add Alt+A &Group name: Change the values of the selected entry <b>Change</b> <p>Change the values of the selected entry.</p> C&hange Alt+H Clear all entry fields <b>New</b> <p>Clear all entry fields for entering a new tool groups entry.</p> &New Alt+N Move up <b>Move Up</b> <p>Move the selected entry up.</p> &Up Alt+U Move down <b>Move Down</b> <p>Move the selected entry down.</p> Do&wn Alt+W Enter the menu text <b>Menu text</b> <p>Enter the menu text. Precede the accelerator key with an & character.</p> Add tool group entry You have to give a name for the group to add. An entry for the group name {0} already exists. Delete tool group entry <p>Do you really want to delete the tool group <b>"{0}"</b>?</p> TranslationEngine No pronounce data available No translation available TranslationPropertiesDialog Translation Properties &Translation Path Pattern: (Use '%language%' where the language code should be inserted, e.g. i18n/eric6_%language%.ts) Enter the path pattern for the translation files <b>Translation Pattern</b> <p>Enter the path pattern for the translation files using %language% at the place of the language code (e.g. /path_to_eric/i18n/eric6_%language%.ts). This will result in translation files like /path_to_eric/i18n/eric6_de.ts.</p> &Binary Translations Path: Enter the path for the binary translation files (*.qm) <b>Binary Translations Path</b> <p>Enter the directory for the binary translation files (*.qm). Leave it empty to store them together with the *.ts files.</p> Exclude from translation Press to select a directory via a selection dialog Select d&irectory... Press to select a file via a selection dialog Select &file... Press to add the entered path or file to the list &Add Press to delete the selected entry from the list &Delete Enter a path or file to be added List of paths or files to excude from translation Source Files ({0});; Forms Files ({0});; All Files (*) Exempt file from translation Exempt directory from translation TranslationsDict Set Translator <p>The translation filename <b>{0}</b> is invalid.</p> <p>The translator <b>{0}</b> is not known.</p> Load Translator <p>The translation file <b>{0}</b> could not be loaded.</p> Translator Translator T&ranslator Alt+Shift+R Switch the input focus to the Translator window. <b>Activate Translator</b><p>This switches the input focus to the Translator window.</p> TranslatorEngines Google V.1 MyMemory Glosbe PROMT Yandex Google V.2 Microsoft Unknow translation service name ({0}) IBM Watson DeepL Pro TranslatorLanguagesDb Afrikaans Arabic Belarusian Bulgarian Bosnian Catalan Czech Danish German Greek English Spanish Estonian Finnish French Irish Galician Hebrew (he) Hindi Croatian Hungarian Indonesian Icelandic Italian Hebrew (iw) Japanese Georgian Korean Lithuanian Latvian Macedonian Maltese Dutch Norwegian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Slovak Slovenian Albanian Serbian Swedish Thai Filipino Turkish Ukrainian Vietnamese Chinese (China) Chinese (Taiwan) TranslatorPage <b>Configure Translator</b> Enabled Languages Press to set or unset all entries Set/Unset All Press to set the default list of enabled languages Set Default Google V.1 Select to show the results of the translation dictionary Show dictionary results Google V.2 Key: Enter your Google Translate key Microsoft Azure Subscription Key: Enter the subscription key of the text translator service MyMemory Email: Enter email address to be sent with each request (optional) Enter your MyMemory key Yandex Enter your Yandex key <p>A key is <b>required</b> to use this service. <a href="{0}">Get a commercial API key.</a></p> <p>A registration of the text translation service is <b>required</b>. <a href="{0}">Register with Microsoft Azure.</a></p> <p>A key is <b>optional</b> to use this service. <a href="{0}">Get a free API key.</a></p> <p>A key is <b>required</b> to use this service. <a href="{0}">Get a free API key.</a></p> At least two languages should be selected to work correctly. IBM Watson URL: API Key: Enter your IBM Watson Translator API key Enter your IBM Watson Translator URL <p>A key is <b>required</b> to use this service. <a href="{0}">Register with IBM Cloud.</a></p> DeepL Pro Enter your DeepL Pro key TranslatorPlugin Translator TranslatorWidget Select the translation service Press to pronounce the entered text Select the language of the original text Press to swap the translation direction Select the language for the translated text Press to pronounce the translated text Enter the text to be translated Shows the translated text Press to translate the entered text Press to clear the text fields Translation Error The selected translation service does not support the Text-to-Speech function. Press to open the Translator configuration page TrayStarter Recent Projects Recent Multiprojects Recent Files Show Versions Python re editor UI Previewer Translations Previewer Unittest Compare Files Compare Files side by side SQL Browser Snapshot Icon Editor Install Plugin Uninstall Plugin Plugin Repository Preferences Configure Tray Starter Quit Process Generation Error <p>Could not start the process.<br>Ensure that it is available as <b>{0}</b>.</p> OK <h3>Version Numbers</h3><table> </table> QRegularExpression editor eric tray starter eric Mini Editor eric Hex Editor eric Shell Window eric Web Browser eric Web Browser (with QtHelp) eric Web Browser (Private Mode) eric IDE TrayStarterPage <b>Configure Tray Starter</b> Icon Select to use the standard icon Standard Icon Select to use the high contrast icon High Contrast Icon Select to use a black and white icon Black and White Icon Select to use an inverse black and white icon Inverse Black and White Icon UF2FlashDialog Flash UF2 Device Detected Devices: Select the device to be flashed MicroPython: Enter the path of the MicroPython / CircuitPython firmware file 'Boot' Path: Enter the path of the bootloader volume Flash MicroPython / CircuitPython Refresh <h3>CircuitPython Board</h3><p>In order to prepare the board for flashing follow these steps:</p><ol><li>Switch your device to 'bootloader' mode by double-pressing the reset button.</li><li>Wait until the device has entered 'bootloader' mode.</li><li>(If this does not happen, then try shorter or longer pauses between presses.)</li><li>Ensure the boot volume is available (this may require mounting it).</li><li>Select the firmware file to be flashed and click the flash button.</li></ol> MicroPython/CircuitPython Files (*.uf2);;All Files (*) Manual Select Reset Instructions: <h4>No known devices detected.</h4><p>Follow the appropriate instructions below to set <b>one</b> board into 'bootloader' mode. Press <b>Refresh</b> when ready.</p> <h4>Flash {0} Firmware</h4><p>Follow the instructions below to set <b>one</b> board into 'bootloader' mode. Press <b>Refresh</b> when ready.</p><hr/>{1} <h4>Potentially UF2 capable devices found</h4><p>Found these potentially UF2 capable devices:</p><ul><li>{0}</li></ul><p>Follow the instructions below to set <b>one</b> board into 'bootloader' mode. Press <b>Refresh</b> when ready.</p> <h4>No known devices detected.</h4><p>Follow the instructions below to set <b>one</b> board into 'bootloader' mode. Press <b>Refresh</b> when ready.</p> Flash Instructions: Boot Volume not found: <h4>No Boot Volume detected.</h4><p>Please ensure that the boot volume of the device to be flashed is available. This volume should be named <b>{0}</b>. Press <b>Refresh</b> when ready.</p> This volume should have one of these names.</p><ul><li>{0}</li></ul><p>Press <b>Refresh</b> when ready.</p> Multiple Boot Volumes found: <h4>Multiple Boot Volumes were found</h4><p>These volume paths were found.</p><ul><li>{0}</li></ul><p>Please ensure that only one device of a type is ready for flashing. Press <b>Refresh</b> when ready.</p> Flashing {0} <h4>Flash method 'manual' selected.</h4><p>Follow the instructions below to flash a device by entering the data manually.</p><ol><li>Change the device to 'bootloader' mode.</li><li>Wait until the device has entered 'bootloader' mode.</li><li>Ensure the boot volume is available (this may require mounting it) and select its path.</li><li>Select the firmware file to be flashed and click the flash button.</li></ol> <p>Flashing the {0} firmware to the device. Please wait until the device resets automatically.</p> '{0}' Board Flashing Firmware <p>Flashing the selected firmware to the device. Please wait until the device resets automatically.</p> <h4>Reset Instructions</h4><p>Follow the instructions below to set the board into 'bootloader' mode. Press <b>Refresh</b> when ready.</p> <h3>Pi Pico (RP2040) Board</h3><p>In order to prepare the board for flashing follow these steps:</p><ol><li>Enter 'bootloader' mode (board <b>without</b> RESET button):<ul><li>Plug in your board while holding the BOOTSEL button.</li></ul>Enter 'bootloader' mode (board <b>with</b> RESET button):<ul><li>hold down RESET</li><li>hold down BOOTSEL</li><li>release RESET</li><li>release BOOTSEL</li></ul></li><li>Wait until the device has entered 'bootloader' mode.</li><li>Ensure the boot volume is available (this may require mounting it).</li><li>Select the firmware file to be flashed and click the flash button.</li></ol> UIPreviewer UI Previewer Select GUI Theme Select the GUI Theme &Open File Ctrl+O File|Open Open a UI file for display <b>Open File</b><p>This opens a new UI file for display.</p> &Print Ctrl+P File|Print Print a screen capture <b>Print</b><p>Print a screen capture.</p> Print Preview Print preview a screen capture <b>Print Preview</b><p>Print preview a screen capture.</p> &Screen Capture Ctrl+S File|Screen Capture Save a screen capture to an image file <b>Screen Capture</b><p>Save a screen capture to an image file.</p> &Quit Ctrl+Q File|Quit Quit the application <b>Quit</b><p>Quit the application.</p> &Copy Ctrl+C Edit|Copy Copy screen capture to clipboard <b>Copy</b><p>Copy screen capture to clipboard.</p> &What's This? Shift+F1 Context sensitive help <b>Display context sensitive help</b><p>In What's This? mode, the mouse cursor shows an arrow with a question mark, and you can click on the interface elements to get a short description of what they do and how to use them. In dialogs, this feature can be accessed using the context help button in the titlebar.</p> &About Display information about this software <b>About</b><p>Display some information about this software.</p> About &Qt Display information about the Qt toolkit <b>About Qt</b><p>Display some information about the Qt toolkit.</p> &File &Edit &Help File Edit Help <h3> About UI Previewer </h3><p>The UI Previewer loads and displays Qt User-Interface files with various styles, which are selectable via a selection list.</p> Select UI file Qt User-Interface Files (*.ui) Load UI File <p>The file <b>{0}</b> could not be loaded.</p> Save Image There is no UI file loaded. Images ({0}) <p>The file <b>{0}</b> could not be saved.</p> Print Image Printing the image... Image sent to printer... UMLClassDiagramBuilder Class Diagram {0}: {1} Class Diagram: {0} The module <b>'{0}'</b> could not be found. The module <b>'{0}'</b> does not contain any classes. <p>The diagram belongs to project <b>{0}</b>. Please open it and try again.</p> UMLDialog Close Load Save Save As... Save as Image Print Print Preview Window File Save Diagram <p>The file <b>{0}</b> already exists. Overwrite it?</p> <p>The file <b>{0}</b> could not be saved.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> Load Diagram <p>The file <b>{0}</b> could not be read.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> <p>The file <b>{0}</b> does not contain valid data.</p> <p>The file <b>{0}</b> does not contain valid data.</p><p>Invalid line: {1}</p> Class Diagram Package Diagram Imports Diagram Application Diagram Illegal Diagram Type Eric Graphics File (*.egj);;Eric Text Graphics File (*.e5g);;All Files (*) UMLGraphicsView Delete shapes Increase width by {0} points Increase height by {0} points Decrease width by {0} points Decrease height by {0} points Set size Re-Scan Re-Layout Align Left Align Center Horizontal Align Right Align Top Align Center Vertical Align Bottom Graphics Save Diagram Portable Network Graphics (*.png);;Scalable Vector Graphics (*.svg) <p>The file <b>{0}</b> already exists. Overwrite it?</p> <p>The file <b>{0}</b> could not be saved.</p> UMLSceneSizeDialog Set Size Height (in pixels): Width (in pixels): Select the height of the diagram Select the width of the diagram UicCompilerOptionsDialog uic Compiler Options 'import' Package Enter the package name <b>Note</b>: This generates statements like 'from PACKAGE import ...'. Resources Suffix Enter the suffix of compiled resource files (default: _rc) <b>Note</b>: Leave the suffix empty to use the default of '_rc'. Package Root Enter the project relative path of the packages root directory UnittestDialog Unittest Test Parameters Enter name of file defining the testsuite <b>Testsuite</b> <p>Enter the name of the file defining the testsuite. It should have a method with a name given below. If no name is given, the suite() method will be tried. If no such method can be found, the module will be inspected for proper test cases.</p> Enter the test name. Leave empty to use the default name "suite". <b>Testname</b><p>Enter the name of the test to be performed. This name must follow the rules given by Python's unittest module. If this field is empty, the default name of "suite" will be used.</p> Run Parameters Select whether coverage data should be collected C&ollect coverage data Select whether old coverage data should be erased &Erase coverage data Progress Progress: %v/%m Tests Run: Number of tests run Remaining: Number of tests to be run Failures: Number of test failures Errors: Number of test errors Skipped: Number of tests skipped Expected Failures: Number of tests with expected failure Unexpected Successes: Number of tests with unexpected success Tests performed: Failures and errors: Failures and Errors list <b>Failures and Errors list</b> <p>This list shows all failed and errored tests. Double clicking on an entry will show the respective traceback.</p> Idle Start Start the selected testsuite <b>Start Test</b><p>This button starts the selected testsuite.</p> Rerun Failed Reruns failed tests of the selected testsuite <b>Rerun Failed</b><p>This button reruns all failed tests of the selected testsuite.</p> Stop Stop the running unittest <b>Stop Test</b><p>This button stops a running unittest.</p> ^Failure: ^Error: Python Files (*.py);;All Files (*) Preparing Testsuite Running Failure: {0} Error: {0} Skipped: {0} Expected Failure Unexpected Success Show Source Select the virtual environment to be used <b>Virtual Environment</b>\n<p>Enter the virtual environment to be used. Leave it empty to use the default environment, i.e. the one configured globally or per project.</p> Parameters Select to discover tests automatically &Discover tests (test modules must be importable) Discovery &Start: Enter name of the directory at which to start the test file discovery <b>Discovery Start</b> <p>Enter name of the directory at which to start the test file discovery. Note that all test modules must be importable from this directory.</p> Test &Filename: &Test Name: &Virtual Environment: Results Unittest with auto-discovery You must enter a start directory for auto-discovery. Ran %n test(s) in {0:.3f}s Discovery Results Discover Discover tests Discovering Tests <p>Unable to discover tests.</p><p>{0}</p> Discovered %n Test(s) <p>Unable to discover tests.</p><p>{0}<br/>{1}</p> You must select auto-discovery or enter a test suite file or a dotted test name. <Unnamed Test> <p>Unable to run test <b>{0}</b>.</p><p>{1}<br/>{2}</p> <b>Discover</b><p>This button starts a discovery of available tests.</p> Select to stop the test run on the first error or failure Stop on First Error or Failure Select to run the unittest with debugger support enabled Run with Debugger No test case has been selected. Shall all test cases be run? Python3 Files ({0});;All Files (*) No unittest were found. Aborting... UnknownDevicesDialog Unknown Devices Press to edit the selected entry Edit... Press to delete the selected entries Delete Press to delete all entries Delete All Press to restore the list of devices Restore Press to report the data of all boards via email Report All Data {0} (0x{1:04x}/0x{2:04x}) description, VID, PID {0} (*) list entry is modified Delete Unknown Devices The selected entries contain some with modified data. Shall they really be deleted? The list contains some devices with modified data. Shall they really be deleted? Restore Unknown Devices Restoring the list of unknown devices will overwrite all changes made. Do you really want to restore the list? Unsaved Data The list of devices contains some with modified data. UrlBar Enter the URL here. Unknown UserAgentManager Saving user agent data <p>User agent data could not be saved to <b>{0}</b></p> Loading user agent data Error when loading user agent data on line {0}, column {1}: {2} UserAgentMenu Default Other... Custom user agent User agent: Various Parsing default user agents <p>Error parsing default user agents.</p><p>{0}</p> UserAgentModel Host User Agent String UserAgentReader The file is not a UserAgents version 1.0 file. UserAgentsDialog User Agent Settings Enter search term Press to remove the selected entries &Remove Press to remove all entries Remove &All UserInterface Initializing Plugin Manager... Generating Main User Interface... Setting up connections... Initializing Tools... Registering Objects... Initializing Actions... Initializing Menus... Initializing Toolbars... Initializing Statusbar... Initializing Single Application Server... Activating Plugins... Generating Plugins Toolbars... Restoring Toolbarmanager... Setting View Profile... Reading Tasks... Reading Templates... Starting Debugger... Left Toolbox Horizontal Toolbox Right Toolbox Project-Viewer Multiproject-Viewer Template-Viewer Debug-Viewer Cooperation IRC Task-Viewer Log-Viewer Shell File-Browser Symbols Numbers {0} - Passive Mode {0} - {1} - Passive Mode {0} - {1} - {2} - Passive Mode Quit &Quit Ctrl+Q File|Quit Quit the IDE <b>Quit the IDE</b><p>This quits the IDE. Any unsaved changes may be saved first. Any Python program being debugged will be stopped and the preferences will be written to disc.</p> New Window New &Window Ctrl+Shift+N File|New Window Edit Profile Activate the edit view profile <b>Edit Profile</b><p>Activate the "Edit View Profile". Windows being shown, if this profile is active, may be configured with the "View Profile Configuration" dialog.</p> Debug Profile Activate the debug view profile <b>Debug Profile</b><p>Activate the "Debug View Profile". Windows being shown, if this profile is active, may be configured with the "View Profile Configuration" dialog.</p> &Project-Viewer Alt+Shift+P Switch the input focus to the Project-Viewer window. <b>Activate Project-Viewer</b><p>This switches the input focus to the Project-Viewer window.</p> &Multiproject-Viewer Alt+Shift+M Switch the input focus to the Multiproject-Viewer window. <b>Activate Multiproject-Viewer</b><p>This switches the input focus to the Multiproject-Viewer window.</p> &Debug-Viewer Alt+Shift+D Switch the input focus to the Debug-Viewer window. <b>Activate Debug-Viewer</b><p>This switches the input focus to the Debug-Viewer window.</p> &Shell Alt+Shift+S Switch the input focus to the Shell window. <b>Activate Shell</b><p>This switches the input focus to the Shell window.</p> &File-Browser Alt+Shift+F Switch the input focus to the File-Browser window. <b>Activate File-Browser</b><p>This switches the input focus to the File-Browser window.</p> Lo&g-Viewer Alt+Shift+G Switch the input focus to the Log-Viewer window. <b>Activate Log-Viewer</b><p>This switches the input focus to the Log-Viewer window.</p> &Task-Viewer Alt+Shift+T Switch the input focus to the Task-Viewer window. <b>Activate Task-Viewer</b><p>This switches the input focus to the Task-Viewer window.</p> Templ&ate-Viewer Alt+Shift+A Switch the input focus to the Template-Viewer window. <b>Activate Template-Viewer</b><p>This switches the input focus to the Template-Viewer window.</p> &Left Toolbox Toggle the Left Toolbox window <b>Toggle the Left Toolbox window</b><p>If the Left Toolbox window is hidden then display it. If it is displayed then close it.</p> &Right Toolbox Toggle the Right Toolbox window <b>Toggle the Right Toolbox window</b><p>If the Right Toolbox window is hidden then display it. If it is displayed then close it.</p> &Horizontal Toolbox Toggle the Horizontal Toolbox window <b>Toggle the Horizontal Toolbox window</b><p>If the Horizontal Toolbox window is hidden then display it. If it is displayed then close it.</p> Left Sidebar &Left Sidebar Toggle the left sidebar window <b>Toggle the left sidebar window</b><p>If the left sidebar window is hidden then display it. If it is displayed then close it.</p> Right Sidebar &Right Sidebar Toggle the right sidebar window <b>Toggle the right sidebar window</b><p>If the right sidebar window is hidden then display it. If it is displayed then close it.</p> Bottom Sidebar &Bottom Sidebar Toggle the bottom sidebar window <b>Toggle the bottom sidebar window</b><p>If the bottom sidebar window is hidden then display it. If it is displayed then close it.</p> Cooperation-Viewer Co&operation-Viewer Alt+Shift+O Switch the input focus to the Cooperation-Viewer window. <b>Activate Cooperation-Viewer</b><p>This switches the input focus to the Cooperation-Viewer window.</p> &IRC Switch the input focus to the IRC window. <b>Activate IRC</b><p>This switches the input focus to the IRC window.</p> Symbols-Viewer S&ymbols-Viewer Alt+Shift+Y Switch the input focus to the Symbols-Viewer window. <b>Activate Symbols-Viewer</b><p>This switches the input focus to the Symbols-Viewer window.</p> Numbers-Viewer Num&bers-Viewer Alt+Shift+B Switch the input focus to the Numbers-Viewer window. <b>Activate Numbers-Viewer</b><p>This switches the input focus to the Numbers-Viewer window.</p> What's This? &What's This? Shift+F1 Context sensitive help <b>Display context sensitive help</b><p>In What's This? mode, the mouse cursor shows an arrow with a question mark, and you can click on the interface elements to get a short description of what they do and how to use them. In dialogs, this feature can be accessed using the context help button in the titlebar.</p> Helpviewer &Helpviewer... F1 Open the helpviewer window Show Versions Show &Versions Display version information <b>Show Versions</b><p>Display version information.</p> Check for Updates Check for &Updates... Show downloadable versions Show &downloadable versions... Show the versions available for download Show Error Log Show Error &Log... <b>Show Error Log...</b><p>Opens a dialog showing the most recent error log.</p> Report Bug Report &Bug... Report a bug <b>Report Bug...</b><p>Opens a dialog to report a bug.</p> Request Feature Request &Feature... Send a feature request <b>Request Feature...</b><p>Opens a dialog to send a feature request.</p> Unittest &Unittest... Start unittest dialog <b>Unittest</b><p>Perform unit tests. The dialog gives you the ability to select and run a unittest suite.</p> Unittest Restart &Restart Unittest... Restart last unittest <b>Restart Unittest</b><p>Restart the unittest performed last.</p> Unittest Rerun Failed Rerun Failed Tests... Rerun failed tests of the last run <b>Rerun Failed Tests</b><p>Rerun all tests that failed during the last unittest run.</p> Unittest Script Unittest &Script... Run unittest with current script <b>Unittest Script</b><p>Run unittest with current script.</p> Unittest Project Unittest &Project... Run unittest with current project <b>Unittest Project</b><p>Run unittest with current project.</p> Qt-Designer Qt-&Designer... Start Qt-Designer <b>Qt-Designer</b><p>Start Qt-Designer.</p> Qt-Linguist Qt-&Linguist... Start Qt-Linguist <b>Qt-Linguist</b><p>Start Qt-Linguist.</p> UI Previewer &UI Previewer... Start the UI Previewer <b>UI Previewer</b><p>Start the UI Previewer.</p> Translations Previewer &Translations Previewer... Start the Translations Previewer <b>Translations Previewer</b><p>Start the Translations Previewer.</p> Compare Files &Compare Files... Compare two files <b>Compare Files</b><p>Open a dialog to compare two files.</p> Compare Files side by side Compare &Files side by side... <b>Compare Files side by side</b><p>Open a dialog to compare two files and show the result side by side.</p> SQL Browser SQL &Browser... Browse a SQL database <b>SQL Browser</b><p>Browse a SQL database.</p> Mini Editor Mini &Editor... <b>Mini Editor</b><p>Open a dialog with a simplified editor.</p> Hex Editor &Hex Editor... Icon Editor &Icon Editor... Snapshot &Snapshot... Take snapshots of a screen region <b>Snapshot</b><p>This opens a dialog to take snapshots of a screen region.</p> Preferences &Preferences... Set the prefered configuration <b>Preferences</b><p>Set the configuration items of the application with your prefered values.</p> Export Preferences E&xport Preferences... Export the current configuration <b>Export Preferences</b><p>Export the current configuration to a file.</p> Import Preferences I&mport Preferences... Import a previously exported configuration <b>Import Preferences</b><p>Import a previously exported configuration.</p> Reload APIs Reload &APIs Reload the API information <b>Reload APIs</b><p>Reload the API information.</p> Show external tools Show external &tools View Profiles &View Profiles... Configure view profiles <b>View Profiles</b><p>Configure the view profiles. With this dialog you may set the visibility of the various windows for the predetermined view profiles.</p> Toolbars Tool&bars... Configure toolbars <b>Toolbars</b><p>Configure the toolbars. With this dialog you may change the actions shown on the various toolbars and define your own toolbars.</p> Keyboard Shortcuts Keyboard &Shortcuts... Set the keyboard shortcuts <b>Keyboard Shortcuts</b><p>Set the keyboard shortcuts of the application with your prefered values.</p> Export Keyboard Shortcuts &Export Keyboard Shortcuts... Export the keyboard shortcuts <b>Export Keyboard Shortcuts</b><p>Export the keyboard shortcuts of the application.</p> Import Keyboard Shortcuts &Import Keyboard Shortcuts... Import the keyboard shortcuts <b>Import Keyboard Shortcuts</b><p>Import the keyboard shortcuts of the application.</p> Manage SSL Certificates Manage SSL Certificates... Manage the saved SSL certificates <b>Manage SSL Certificates...</b><p>Opens a dialog to manage the saved SSL certificates.</p> Edit Message Filters Edit Message Filters... Edit the message filters used to suppress unwanted messages <b>Edit Message Filters</b><p>Opens a dialog to edit the message filters used to suppress unwanted messages been shown in an error window.</p> Clear private data <b>Clear private data</b><p>Clears the private data like the various list of recently opened files, projects or multi projects.</p> Activate current editor Alt+Shift+E Show next Ctrl+Alt+Tab Show previous Shift+Ctrl+Alt+Tab Switch between tabs Ctrl+1 Plugin Infos &Plugin Infos... Show Plugin Infos <b>Plugin Infos...</b><p>This opens a dialog, that show some information about loaded plugins.</p> Install Plugins &Install Plugins... <b>Install Plugins...</b><p>This opens a dialog to install or update plugins.</p> Uninstall Plugin &Uninstall Plugin... <b>Uninstall Plugin...</b><p>This opens a dialog to uninstall a plugin.</p> Plugin Repository Plugin &Repository... Show Plugins available for download <b>Plugin Repository...</b><p>This opens a dialog, that shows a list of plugins available on the Internet.</p> Qt5 Documentation Open Qt5 Documentation PyQt5 Documentation Open PyQt5 Documentation Python 3 Documentation Open Python 3 Documentation <b>Python 3 Documentation</b><p>Display the Python 3 documentation. If no documentation directory is configured, the location of the Python 3 documentation is assumed to be the doc directory underneath the location of the Python 3 executable on Windows and <i>/usr/share/doc/packages/python/html</i> on Unix. Set PYTHON3DOCDIR in your environment to override this.</p> Eric API Documentation Open Eric API Documentation &Unittest E&xtras Wi&zards Select Tool Group Se&ttings &Window &Windows &Toolbars P&lugins Configure... &Help Tools Settings Help Profiles Plugins <p>This part of the status bar displays the current editors language.</p> <p>This part of the status bar displays the current editors encoding.</p> <p>This part of the status bar displays the current editors eol setting.</p> <p>This part of the status bar displays an indication of the current editors files writability.</p> <p>This part of the status bar displays the line number of the current editor.</p> <p>This part of the status bar displays the cursor position of the current editor.</p> External Tools/{0} </table> Email address or mail server address is empty. Please configure your Email settings in the Preferences Dialog. Restart application The application needs to be restarted. Do it now? &Builtin Tools &Plugin Tools &User Tools Configure Tool Groups ... Configure current Tool Group ... No User Tools Configured &Show all &Hide all Problem <p>The file <b>{0}</b> does not exist or is zero length.</p> Process Generation Error <p>Could not start Qt-Designer.<br>Ensure that it is available as <b>{0}</b>.</p> <p>Could not start Qt-Linguist.<br>Ensure that it is available as <b>{0}</b>.</p> <p>Could not start Qt-Assistant.<br>Ensure that it is available as <b>{0}</b>.</p> Currently no custom viewer is selected. Please use the preferences dialog to specify one. <p>Could not start custom viewer.<br>Ensure that it is available as <b>{0}</b>.</p> <p>Could not start the help viewer.<br>Ensure that it is available as <b>hh</b>.</p> <p>Could not start UI Previewer.<br>Ensure that it is available as <b>{0}</b>.</p> <p>Could not start Translation Previewer.<br>Ensure that it is available as <b>{0}</b>.</p> <p>Could not start SQL Browser.<br>Ensure that it is available as <b>{0}</b>.</p> <p>Could not start Snapshot tool.<br>Ensure that it is available as <b>{0}</b>.</p> External Tools No tool entry found for external tool '{0}' in tool group '{1}'. No toolgroup entry '{0}' found. Starting process '{0} {1}'. <p>Could not start the tool entry <b>{0}</b>.<br>Ensure that it is available as <b>{1}</b>.</p> Process '{0}' has exited. Documentation Missing <p>The documentation starting point "<b>{0}</b>" could not be found.</p> Documentation Open Browser Could not start a web browser <p>The tasks file <b>{0}</b> could not be read.</p> Save session <p>The session file <b>{0}</b> could not be written.</p> Read session <p>The session file <b>{0}</b> could not be read.</p> Drop Error <p><b>{0}</b> is not a file.</p> &Cancel %v/%m Version Check Trying host {0} Error getting versions information The versions information could not be downloaded. Please go online and try again. The versions information could not be downloaded for the last 7 days. Please go online and try again. Update available Error during updates check Could not perform updates check. <h3>Available versions</h3><table> First time usage Select Workspace Directory Save session... <b>Save session...</b><p>This saves the current session to disk. A dialog is opened to select the file name.</p> Load session Load session... <b>Load session...</b><p>This loads a session saved to disk previously. A dialog is opened to select the file name.</p> Crash Session found! A session file of a crashed session was found. Shall this session be restored? Cleaning Plugins Download Area... Initializing Plugins... Update Check You installed eric directly from the source code. There is no possibility to check for the availability of an update. Code Documentation Viewer <b>Qt5 Documentation</b><p>Display the Qt5 Documentation. Dependent upon your settings, this will either show the help in Eric's internal help viewer/web browser, or execute a web browser or Qt Assistant. </p> <b>PyQt5 Documentation</b><p>Display the PyQt5 Documentation. Dependent upon your settings, this will either show the help in Eric's internal help viewer/web browser, or execute a web browser or Qt Assistant. </p> PySide2 Documentation Open PySide2 Documentation <b>PySide2 Documentation</b><p>Display the PySide2 Documentation. Dependent upon your settings, this will either show the help in Eric's internal help viewer/web browser, or execute a web browser or Qt Assistant. </p> <p>The PySide{0} documentation starting point has not been configured.</p> Virtualenv Manager &Virtualenv Manager... <b>Virtualenv Manager</b><p>This opens a dialog to manage the defined Python virtual environments.</p> Virtualenv Configurator Virtualenv &Configurator... <b>Virtualenv Configurator</b><p>This opens a dialog for entering all the parameters needed to create a Python virtual environment using virtualenv or pyvenv.</p> Left Side Bottom Side Right Side Plug-ins Restart Ctrl+Shift+Q File|Quit Restart the IDE <b>Restart the IDE</b><p>This restarts the IDE. Any unsaved changes may be saved first. Any Python program being debugged will be stopped and the preferences will be written to disc.</p> Start Web Browser Conda PyPI <p>This part of the status bar allows zooming the current editor or shell.</p> MicroPython Ctrl+Alt+Shift+I Ctrl+Alt+Shift+D Switch the input focus to the Code Documentation Viewer window. <b>Code Documentation Viewer</b><p>This switches the input focus to the Code Documentation Viewer window.</p> Ctrl+Alt+Shift+P Switch the input focus to the PyPI window. <b>PyPI</b><p>This switches the input focus to the PyPI window.</p> Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C Switch the input focus to the Conda window. <b>Conda</b><p>This switches the input focus to the Conda window.</p> Ctrl+Alt+Shift+M Switch the input focus to the MicroPython window. <b>MicroPython</b><p>This switches the input focus to the MicroPython window.</p> Central Park <h2>Version Numbers</h2><table> <p>Could not find the Qt-Designer executable.<br>Ensure that it is installed and optionally configured on the Qt configuration page.</p> <p>Could not find the Qt-Linguist executable.<br>Ensure that it is installed and optionally configured on the Qt configuration page.</p> <p>Could not find the Qt-Assistant executable.<br>Ensure that it is installed and optionally configured on the Qt configuration page.</p> Show Install Info Show Install &Info... Show Installation Information <b>Show Install Info...</b><p>Opens a dialog showing some information about the installation process.</p> Qt6 Documentation Open Qt6 Documentation <b>Qt6 Documentation</b><p>Display the Qt6 Documentation. Dependent upon your settings, this will either show the help in Eric's internal help viewer/web browser, or execute a web browser or Qt Assistant. </p> PyQt6 Documentation Open PyQt6 Documentation <b>PyQt6 Documentation</b><p>Display the PyQt6 Documentation. Dependent upon your settings, this will either show the help in Eric's internal help viewer/web browser, or execute a web browser or Qt Assistant. </p> PySide6 Documentation Open PySide6 Documentation <b>PySide6 Documentation</b><p>Display the PySide6 Documentation. Dependent upon your settings, this will either show the help in Eric's internal help viewer/web browser, or execute a web browser or Qt Assistant. </p> <p>The PyQt{0} documentation starting point has not been configured.</p> Open a new eric instance <b>New Window</b><p>This opens a new instance of the eric IDE.</p> <b>Helpviewer</b><p>Display the eric web browser. This window will show HTML help files and help from Qt help collections. It has the capability to navigate to links, set bookmarks, print the displayed help and some more features. You may use it to browse the internet as well</p><p>If called with a word selected, this word is search in the Qt help collection.</p> <b>Check for Updates...</b><p>Checks the internet for updates of eric.</p> <b>Show downloadable versions...</b><p>Shows the eric versions available for download from the internet.</p> Start the eric Hex Editor <b>Hex Editor</b><p>Starts the eric Hex Editor for viewing or editing binary files.</p> eric Web Browser eric &Web Browser... Start the eric Web Browser <b>eric Web Browser</b><p>Browse the Internet with the eric Web Browser.</p> Start the eric Icon Editor <b>Icon Editor</b><p>Starts the eric Icon Editor for editing simple icons.</p> <b>Show external tools</b><p>Opens a dialog to show the path and versions of all extenal tools used by eric.</p> <b>Eric API Documentation</b><p>Display the Eric API documentation. The location for the documentation is the Documentation/Source subdirectory of the eric installation directory.</p> The eric web browser could not be started. <p>The eric web browser is not started.</p><p>Reason: {0}</p> The update to <b>{0}</b> of eric is available at <b>{1}</b>. Would you like to get it? You are using a snapshot release of eric. A more up-to-date stable release might be available. eric is up to date You are using the latest version of eric eric has not been configured yet. The configuration dialog will be started. Keyboard Shortcuts File (*.ekj);;XML Keyboard Shortcuts File (*.e4k) <p>The keyboard shortcuts file <b>{0}</b> exists already. Overwrite it?</p> Keyboard Shortcuts File (*.ekj);;XML Keyboard shortcut file (*.e4k) Read Tasks Save Session Read Session eric Session Files (*.esj);;eric XML Session Files (*.e5s) Unsaved Data Detected Some editors contain unsaved data. Shall these be saved? UserProjectFile Save User Project Properties <p>The user specific project properties file <b>{0}</b> could not be written.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> Read User Project Properties <p>The user specific project properties file <b>{0}</b> could not be read.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> UserPropertiesDialog User Project Properties <b>User Project Properties</b> <p>This dialog is used to show and edit the user specific project properties.</p> VCS Status Monitor Select the interval in seconds for VCS status updates (0 to disable) sec VCS Interface Select the vcs interface to be used Select to make the interface selection the default for the project Make interface selection the default Utilities <p>You may use %-codes as placeholders in the string. Supported codes are:<table><tr><td>%C</td><td>column of the cursor of the current editor</td></tr><tr><td>%D</td><td>directory of the current editor</td></tr><tr><td>%F</td><td>filename of the current editor</td></tr><tr><td>%H</td><td>home directory of the current user</td></tr><tr><td>%L</td><td>line of the cursor of the current editor</td></tr><tr><td>%P</td><td>path of the current project</td></tr><tr><td>%S</td><td>selected text of the current editor</td></tr><tr><td>%U</td><td>username of the current user</td></tr><tr><td>%%</td><td>the percent sign</td></tr></table></p> Variable Types Hidden Attributes None Type Boolean Integer Long Integer Float Complex String Tuple List/Array Dictionary/Hash/Map Dictionary Proxy Set Frozen Set File X Range Slice Buffer Class Class Instance Class Method Class Property Generator Function Builtin Function Code Module Ellipsis Traceback Frame Bytes Special Attributes VariableDetailDialog Variable Details Name: Type: Value: VariableItem <double click to show value> VariablesFilterDialog Variables Type Filter <b>Filter Dialog</b> <p> This dialog gives the user the possibility to select what kind of variables should <b>not</b> be shown during a debugging session.</p> &Locals Viewer &Globals Viewer Locals Filter List <b>Locals Filter List</b> <p>Select the variable types you want to be shown in the local variables viewer.</p< Globals Filter List <b>Globals Filter List</b> <p>Select the variable types you want to be shown in the global variables viewer.</p< Save Default Select the variable types to be shown in the variables viewers: VariablesModel Globals Locals Type Value VariablesViewer Global Variables <b>The Global Variables Viewer Window</b><p>This window displays the global variables of the debugged program.</p> Local Variables <b>The Local Variables Viewer Window</b><p>This window displays the local variables of the debugged program.</p> Show Details... Refresh Configure... {0} items Expand Collapse Collapse All Variables Type Filter... unsized VcsCommandOptionsDialog VCS Command Options <b>VCS Command Options Dialog</b> <p>Enter the options for the different VCS commands. The "Global Options" entry applies to all VCS commands.</p> &History Options: &Add Options: &Remove Options: &Tag Options: Enter the options for the commit command. <b>Commit Options</b> <p>Enter the options for the commit command.</p> Enter the options for the history command. <b>History Options</b> <p>Enter the options for the history command.</p> Enter the options for the diff command. <b>Diff Options</b> <p>Enter the options for the diff command.</p> Enter the options for the update command. <b>Update Options</b> <p>Enter the options for the update command.</p> Enter the options for the log command. <b>Log Options</b> <p>Enter the options for the log command.</p> Enter the options for the tag command. <b>Tag Options</b> <p>Enter the options for the tag command.</p> Enter the options for the status command. <b>Status Options</b> <p>Enter the options for the status command.</p> &Diff Options: &Global Options: Enter the options for the export command. <b>Export Options</b> <p>Enter the options for the export command.</p> Enter the options for the add command. <b>Add Options</b> <p>Enter the options for the add command.</p> &Log Options: &StatusOptions: Enter the options for the remove command. <b>Remove Options</b> <p>Enter the options for the remove command.</p> Enter the options for the checkout command. <b>Checkout Options</b> <p>Enter the options for the checkout command.</p> Co&mmit Options: &Export Options: Check&out Options: &Update Options: Enter the global options. <b>Global Options</b> <p>Enter the global options.</p> VcsGitPlugin Version Control - Git Git VcsMercurialPlugin Version Control - Mercurial Mercurial VcsPage <b>Configure Version Control Systems</b> Close VCS dialog automatically, if no error occured Commit Select, if files should be saved before a commit Save files upon commit Select, if project should be saved before a commit Save project upon commit Status Monitor Select the interval in seconds for VCS status updates (0 to disable) sec Select to monitor local status only (if supported by VCS) Monitor local status only Select to enable automatic updates Automatic updates enabled VCS status "added": VCS status "conflict": VCS status "modified": VCS status "replaced": VCS status "needs update": VCS status "removed": Colors Select the background color for entries with VCS status "added". Select the background color for entries with VCS status "conflict". Select the background color for entries with VCS status "modified". Select the background color for entries with VCS status "replaced". Select the background color for entries with VCS status "needs update". Select the background color for entries with VCS status "removed". Toolbars Select to show VCS specific toolbars Show VCS Toolbar VcsProjectBrowserHelper Remove from repository (and disk) Do you really want to remove these translation files from the repository (and disk)? Do you really want to remove these files/directories from the repository (and disk)? VcsProjectHelper New from repository &New from repository... Create a new project from the VCS repository <b>New from repository</b><p>This creates a new local project from the VCS repository.</p> Export from repository &Export from repository... Export a project from the repository <b>Export from repository</b><p>This exports a project from the repository.</p> Add to repository &Add to repository... Add the local project to the VCS repository <b>Add to repository</b><p>This adds (imports) the local project to the VCS repository.</p> VCS New Project Select version control system for the project Would you like to edit the VCS command options? Create project directory <p>The project directory <b>{0}</b> could not be created.</p> New project from repository Select a project file to open. Shall the project file be added to the repository? The project could not be retrieved from the repository. Import Project Update The project should be reread. Do this now? Remove project from repository Dou you really want to remove this project from the repository (and disk)? Switch The project retrieved from the repository does not contain an eric project file (*.epj). Create it? VcsPySvnPlugin Version Control - Subversion (pysvn) Subversion (pysvn) Subversion VcsRepositoryInfoDialog Repository Information VcsStatusMonitorThread Waiting for lock Checking repository status Sending data Timed out waiting for lock VcsSubversionPlugin Version Control - Subversion (svn) Subversion (svn) Subversion VersionControl Process Generation Error The process {0} could not be started. Ensure, that it is in the search path. Repository status checking is switched off ViewManager Ctrl+G Search|Goto Offset Print Preview Move left one character Left Meta+B Move right one character Right Meta+F Move up one line Up Meta+P Move down one line Down Meta+N Move left one word part Alt+Left Move right one word part Alt+Right Move left one word Ctrl+Left Move right one word Ctrl+Right Move to first visible character in document line Home Move to start of display line Alt+Home Move to end of document line Meta+E End Scroll view down one line Ctrl+Down Scroll view up one line Ctrl+Up Move up one paragraph Alt+Up Move down one paragraph Alt+Down Move up one page PgUp Move down one page PgDown Meta+V Move to start of document Ctrl+Home Move to end of document Ctrl+End Indent one level Tab Unindent one level Shift+Tab Extend selection left one character Shift+Left Meta+Shift+B Extend selection right one character Shift+Right Meta+Shift+F Extend selection up one line Shift+Up Meta+Shift+P Extend selection down one line Shift+Down Meta+Shift+N Extend selection left one word part Alt+Shift+Left Extend selection right one word part Alt+Shift+Right Extend selection left one word Ctrl+Shift+Left Extend selection right one word Ctrl+Shift+Right Extend selection to first visible character in document line Shift+Home Extend selection to end of document line Meta+Shift+E Shift+End Extend selection up one paragraph Alt+Shift+Up Extend selection down one paragraph Alt+Shift+Down Extend selection up one page Shift+PgUp Extend selection down one page Shift+PgDown Meta+Shift+V Extend selection to start of document Ctrl+Shift+Up Ctrl+Shift+Home Extend selection to end of document Ctrl+Shift+Down Ctrl+Shift+End Delete previous character Backspace Meta+H Shift+Backspace Delete previous character if not at start of line Delete current character Del Meta+D Delete word to left Ctrl+Backspace Delete word to right Ctrl+Del Delete line to left Ctrl+Shift+Backspace Delete line to right Meta+K Ctrl+Shift+Del Insert new line Return Enter Delete current line Ctrl+Shift+L Duplicate current line Ctrl+D Swap current and previous lines Ctrl+T Cut current line Alt+Shift+L Copy current line Ctrl+Shift+T Toggle insert/overtype Ins Convert selection to lower case Alt+Shift+U Convert selection to upper case Ctrl+Shift+U Move to end of display line Alt+End Extend selection to end of display line Formfeed Escape Esc Extend rectangular selection down one line Alt+Ctrl+Down Meta+Alt+Shift+N Extend rectangular selection up one line Alt+Ctrl+Up Meta+Alt+Shift+P Extend rectangular selection left one character Alt+Ctrl+Left Meta+Alt+Shift+B Extend rectangular selection right one character Alt+Ctrl+Right Meta+Alt+Shift+F Extend rectangular selection to first visible character in document line Alt+Shift+Home Extend rectangular selection to end of document line Meta+Alt+Shift+E Alt+Shift+End Extend rectangular selection up one page Alt+Shift+PgUp Extend rectangular selection down one page Alt+Shift+PgDown Meta+Alt+Shift+V Duplicate current selection Ctrl+Shift+D Scroll to start of document Scroll to end of document Scroll vertically to center current line Meta+L Move to end of next word Extend selection to end of next word Move to end of previous word Extend selection to end of previous word Move to start of document line Meta+A Extend selection to start of document line Meta+Shift+A Extend rectangular selection to start of document line Meta+Alt+Shift+A Extend selection to start of display line Move to start of display or document line Extend selection to start of display or document line Move to first visible character in display or document line Extend selection to first visible character in display or document line Move to end of display or document line Extend selection to end of display or document line Stuttered move up one page Stuttered extend selection up one page Stuttered move down one page Stuttered extend selection down one page Delete right to end of next word Alt+Del Move selected lines up one line Move selected lines down one line Search &Search... Ctrl+F Search|Search Search for a text <b>Search</b><p>Search for some text in the current editor. A dialog is shown to enter the searchtext and options for the search.</p> Search next Search &next F3 Search|Search next Search next occurrence of text <b>Search next</b><p>Search the next occurrence of some text in the current editor. The previously entered searchtext and options are reused.</p> Search previous Search &previous Shift+F3 Search|Search previous Search previous occurrence of text <b>Search previous</b><p>Search the previous occurrence of some text in the current editor. The previously entered searchtext and options are reused.</p> Clear search markers Ctrl+3 Search|Clear search markers Clear all displayed search markers <b>Clear search markers</b><p>Clear all displayed search markers.</p> Replace &Replace... Ctrl+R Search|Replace Replace some text <b>Replace</b><p>Search for some text in the current editor and replace it. A dialog is shown to enter the searchtext, the replacement text and options for the search and replace.</p> New &New Ctrl+N File|New Open an empty editor window <b>New</b><p>An empty editor window will be created.</p> Open &Open... Ctrl+O File|Open Open a file <b>Open a file</b><p>You will be asked for the name of a file to be opened in an editor window.</p> Close &Close Ctrl+W File|Close Close the current window <b>Close Window</b><p>Close the current window.</p> Close All Clos&e All Close all editor windows <b>Close All Windows</b><p>Close all editor windows.</p> Save &Save Ctrl+S File|Save Save the current file <b>Save File</b><p>Save the contents of current editor window.</p> Save as Save &as... Shift+Ctrl+S File|Save As Save the current file to a new one <b>Save File as</b><p>Save the contents of current editor window to a new file. The file can be entered in a file selection dialog.</p> Save Copy Save &Copy... Save a copy of the current file <b>Save Copy</b><p>Save a copy of the contents of current editor window. The file can be entered in a file selection dialog.</p> Save all Save a&ll Save all files <b>Save All Files</b><p>Save the contents of all editor windows.</p> Print &Print Ctrl+P File|Print Print the current file <b>Print File</b><p>Print the contents of current editor window.</p> Print preview of the current file <b>Print Preview</b><p>Print preview of the current editor window.</p> Search File Search &File... Alt+Ctrl+F File|Search File Search for a file <b>Search File</b><p>Search for a file.</p> &File Open &Recent Files Open &Bookmarked Files File Export as Undo &Undo Ctrl+Z Edit|Undo Alt+Backspace Edit|Undo Undo the last change <b>Undo</b><p>Undo the last change done in the current editor.</p> Redo &Redo Ctrl+Shift+Z Edit|Redo Redo the last change <b>Redo</b><p>Redo the last change done in the current editor.</p> Revert to last saved state Re&vert to last saved state Ctrl+Y Edit|Revert <b>Revert to last saved state</b><p>Undo all changes up to the last saved state of the current editor.</p> Cut Cu&t Ctrl+X Edit|Cut Shift+Del Edit|Cut Cut the selection <b>Cut</b><p>Cut the selected text of the current editor to the clipboard.</p> Copy &Copy Ctrl+C Edit|Copy Ctrl+Ins Edit|Copy Copy the selection <b>Copy</b><p>Copy the selected text of the current editor to the clipboard.</p> Paste &Paste Ctrl+V Edit|Paste Shift+Ins Edit|Paste Paste the last cut/copied text <b>Paste</b><p>Paste the last cut/copied text from the clipboard to the current editor.</p> Clear Alt+Shift+C Edit|Clear Clear all text <b>Clear</b><p>Delete all text of the current editor.</p> Join Lines Ctrl+J Edit|Join Lines <b>Join Lines</b><p>Join the current and the next lines.</p> Indent &Indent Ctrl+I Edit|Indent Indent line <b>Indent</b><p>Indents the current line or the lines of the selection by one level.</p> Unindent U&nindent Ctrl+Shift+I Edit|Unindent Unindent line <b>Unindent</b><p>Unindents the current line or the lines of the selection by one level.</p> Smart indent Smart indent Line or Selection <b>Smart indent</b><p>Indents the current line or the lines of the current selection smartly.</p> Comment C&omment Ctrl+M Edit|Comment Comment Line or Selection <b>Comment</b><p>Comments the current line or the lines of the current selection.</p> Uncomment Unco&mment Alt+Ctrl+M Edit|Uncomment Uncomment Line or Selection <b>Uncomment</b><p>Uncomments the current line or the lines of the current selection.</p> Toggle Comment Ctrl+Shift+M Edit|Toggle Comment Toggle the comment of the current line, selection or comment block <b>Toggle Comment</b><p>If the current line does not start with a block comment, the current line or selection is commented. If it is already commented, this comment block is uncommented. </p> Stream Comment Stream Comment Line or Selection <b>Stream Comment</b><p>Stream comments the current line or the current selection.</p> Box Comment Box Comment Line or Selection <b>Box Comment</b><p>Box comments the current line or the lines of the current selection.</p> Select to brace Select to &brace Ctrl+E Edit|Select to brace Select text to the matching brace <b>Select to brace</b><p>Select text of the current editor to the matching brace.</p> Select all &Select all Ctrl+A Edit|Select all Select all text <b>Select All</b><p>Select all text of the current editor.</p> Deselect all &Deselect all Alt+Ctrl+A Edit|Deselect all Deselect all text <b>Deselect All</b><p>Deselect all text of the current editor.</p> Convert Line End Characters Convert &Line End Characters <b>Convert Line End Characters</b><p>Convert the line end characters to the currently set type.</p> Shorten empty lines <b>Shorten empty lines</b><p>Shorten lines consisting solely of whitespace characters.</p> Complete &Complete Ctrl+Space Edit|Complete Complete current word <b>Complete</b><p>Performs a completion of the word containing the cursor.</p> Complete from Document Ctrl+Shift+Space Edit|Complete from Document Complete current word from Document <b>Complete from Document</b><p>Performs a completion from document of the word containing the cursor.</p> Complete from APIs Ctrl+Alt+Space Edit|Complete from APIs Complete current word from APIs <b>Complete from APIs</b><p>Performs a completion from APIs of the word containing the cursor.</p> Complete from Document and APIs Alt+Shift+Space Edit|Complete from Document and APIs Complete current word from Document and APIs <b>Complete from Document and APIs</b><p>Performs a completion from document and APIs of the word containing the cursor.</p> Calltip &Calltip Meta+Alt+Space Edit|Calltip Show Calltips <b>Calltip</b><p>Show calltips based on the characters immediately to the left of the cursor.</p> Sort Ctrl+Alt+S Edit|Sort Sort the lines containing the rectangular selection <b>Sort</b><p>Sort the lines spanned by a rectangular selection based on the selection ignoring leading and trailing whitespace.</p> Insert new line below current line Shift+Return Shift+Enter &Search &Edit Edit Search current word forward Ctrl+. Search|Search current word forward Search next occurrence of the current word <b>Search current word forward</b><p>Search the next occurrence of the current word of the current editor.</p> Search current word backward Ctrl+, Search|Search current word backward Search previous occurrence of the current word <b>Search current word backward</b><p>Search the previous occurrence of the current word of the current editor.</p> Goto Line &Goto Line... Ctrl+G Search|Goto Line <b>Goto Line</b><p>Go to a specific line of text in the current editor. A dialog is shown to enter the linenumber.</p> Goto Brace Goto &Brace Ctrl+L Search|Goto Brace <b>Goto Brace</b><p>Go to the matching brace in the current editor.</p> Goto Last Edit Location Goto Last &Edit Location Ctrl+Shift+G Search|Goto Last Edit Location <b>Goto Last Edit Location</b><p>Go to the location of the last edit in the current editor.</p> Goto Previous Method or Class Ctrl+Shift+Up Search|Goto Previous Method or Class Go to the previous method or class definition <b>Goto Previous Method or Class</b><p>Goes to the line of the previous method or class definition and highlights the name.</p> Goto Next Method or Class Ctrl+Shift+Down Search|Goto Next Method or Class Go to the next method or class definition <b>Goto Next Method or Class</b><p>Goes to the line of the next method or class definition and highlights the name.</p> Search in Files Search in &Files... Shift+Ctrl+F Search|Search Files Search for a text in files <b>Search in Files</b><p>Search for some text in the files of a directory tree or the project. A dialog is shown to enter the searchtext and options for the search and to display the result.</p> Replace in Files Replace in F&iles... Shift+Ctrl+R Search|Replace in Files Search for a text in files and replace it <b>Replace in Files</b><p>Search for some text in the files of a directory tree or the project and replace it. A dialog is shown to enter the searchtext, the replacement text and options for the search and to display the result.</p> Search in Open Files Search in Open Files... Meta+Ctrl+Alt+F Search|Search Open Files Search for a text in open files <b>Search in Open Files</b><p>Search for some text in the currently opened files. A dialog is shown to enter the searchtext and options for the search and to display the result.</p> Replace in Open Files Replace in Open Files... Meta+Ctrl+Alt+R Search|Replace in Open Files Search for a text in open files and replace it <b>Replace in Open Files</b><p>Search for some text in the currently opened files and replace it. A dialog is shown to enter the searchtext, the replacement text and options for the search and to display the result.</p> Zoom in Zoom &in Ctrl++ View|Zoom in Zoom In View|Zoom in Zoom in on the text <b>Zoom in</b><p>Zoom in on the text. This makes the text bigger.</p> Zoom out Zoom &out Ctrl+- View|Zoom out Zoom Out View|Zoom out Zoom out on the text <b>Zoom out</b><p>Zoom out on the text. This makes the text smaller.</p> Zoom reset Zoom &reset Ctrl+0 View|Zoom reset Reset the zoom of the text <b>Zoom reset</b><p>Reset the zoom of the text. This sets the zoom factor to 100%.</p> Zoom &Zoom Ctrl+# View|Zoom Zoom the text <b>Zoom</b><p>Zoom the text. This opens a dialog where the desired size can be entered.</p> Toggle all folds &Toggle all folds <b>Toggle all folds</b><p>Toggle all folds of the current editor.</p> Toggle all folds (including children) Toggle all &folds (including children) <b>Toggle all folds (including children)</b><p>Toggle all folds of the current editor including all children.</p> Toggle current fold Toggle &current fold <b>Toggle current fold</b><p>Toggle the folds of the current line of the current editor.</p> Remove all highlights <b>Remove all highlights</b><p>Remove the highlights of all editors.</p> New Document View New &Document View Open a new view of the current document <b>New Document View</b><p>Opens a new view of the current document. Both views show the same document. However, the cursors may be positioned independently.</p> New Document View (with new split) Open a new view of the current document in a new split <b>New Document View</b><p>Opens a new view of the current document in a new split. Both views show the same document. However, the cursors may be positioned independently.</p> Split view &Split view Add a split to the view <b>Split view</b><p>Add a split to the view.</p> Arrange horizontally Arrange &horizontally Arrange the splitted views horizontally <b>Arrange horizontally</b><p>Arrange the splitted views horizontally.</p> Remove split &Remove split Remove the current split <b>Remove split</b><p>Remove the current split.</p> Next split &Next split Ctrl+Alt+N View|Next split Move to the next split <b>Next split</b><p>Move to the next split.</p> Previous split &Previous split Ctrl+Alt+P View|Previous split Move to the previous split <b>Previous split</b><p>Move to the previous split.</p> Preview Preview the current file in the web browser <b>Preview</b><p>This opens the web browser with a preview of the current file.</p> &View View Start Macro Recording S&tart Macro Recording <b>Start Macro Recording</b><p>Start recording editor commands into a new macro.</p> Stop Macro Recording Sto&p Macro Recording <b>Stop Macro Recording</b><p>Stop recording editor commands into a new macro.</p> Run Macro &Run Macro <b>Run Macro</b><p>Run a previously recorded editor macro.</p> Delete Macro &Delete Macro <b>Delete Macro</b><p>Delete a previously recorded editor macro.</p> Load Macro &Load Macro <b>Load Macro</b><p>Load an editor macro from a file.</p> Save Macro &Save Macro <b>Save Macro</b><p>Save a previously recorded editor macro to a file.</p> &Macros Toggle Bookmark &Toggle Bookmark Alt+Ctrl+T Bookmark|Toggle <b>Toggle Bookmark</b><p>Toggle a bookmark at the current line of the current editor.</p> Next Bookmark &Next Bookmark Ctrl+PgDown Bookmark|Next <b>Next Bookmark</b><p>Go to next bookmark of the current editor.</p> Previous Bookmark &Previous Bookmark Ctrl+PgUp Bookmark|Previous <b>Previous Bookmark</b><p>Go to previous bookmark of the current editor.</p> Clear Bookmarks &Clear Bookmarks Alt+Ctrl+C Bookmark|Clear <b>Clear Bookmarks</b><p>Clear bookmarks of all editors.</p> Goto Syntax Error &Goto Syntax Error <b>Goto Syntax Error</b><p>Go to next syntax error of the current editor.</p> Clear Syntax Errors Clear &Syntax Errors <b>Clear Syntax Errors</b><p>Clear syntax errors of all editors.</p> Next warning message &Next warning message <b>Next warning message</b><p>Go to next line of the current editor having a pyflakes warning.</p> Previous warning message &Previous warning message <b>Previous warning message</b><p>Go to previous line of the current editor having a pyflakes warning.</p> Clear Warning Messages Clear &Warning Messages <b>Clear Warning Messages</b><p>Clear pyflakes warning messages of all editors.</p> Next uncovered line &Next uncovered line <b>Next uncovered line</b><p>Go to next line of the current editor marked as not covered.</p> Previous uncovered line &Previous uncovered line <b>Previous uncovered line</b><p>Go to previous line of the current editor marked as not covered.</p> Next Task &Next Task <b>Next Task</b><p>Go to next line of the current editor having a task.</p> Previous Task &Previous Task <b>Previous Task</b><p>Go to previous line of the current editor having a task.</p> Next Change &Next Change <b>Next Change</b><p>Go to next line of the current editor having a change marker.</p> Previous Change &Previous Change <b>Previous Change</b><p>Go to previous line of the current editor having a change marker.</p> &Bookmarks Bookmarks Check spelling Check &spelling... Shift+F7 Spelling|Spell Check Perform spell check of current editor <b>Check spelling</b><p>Perform a spell check of the current editor.</p> Automatic spell checking &Automatic spell checking (De-)Activate automatic spell checking <b>Automatic spell checking</b><p>Activate or deactivate the automatic spell checking function of all editors.</p> Edit Dictionary Project Word List Project Exception List User Word List User Exception List Spelling Open files File Modified <p>The file <b>{0}</b> has unsaved changes.</p> Line: {0:5} Pos: {0:5} Language: {0} EOL Mode: {0} &Clear &Add &Edit... Edit Spelling Dictionary <p>The spelling dictionary file <b>{0}</b> could not be read.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> Editing {0} <p>The spelling dictionary file <b>{0}</b> could not be written.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> The spelling dictionary was saved successfully. Replace and Search Meta+R Search|Replace and Search Replace the found text and search the next occurrence <b>Replace and Search</b><p>Replace the found occurrence of text in the current editor and search for the next one. The previously entered search text and options are reused.</p> Replace Occurrence Ctrl+Meta+R Search|Replace Occurrence Replace the found text <b>Replace Occurrence</b><p>Replace the found occurrence of the search text in the current editor.</p> Replace All Shift+Meta+R Search|Replace All Replace search text occurrences <b>Replace All</b><p>Replace all occurrences of the search text in the current editor.</p> Code Info Ctrl+Alt+I Edit|Code Info Show Code Info <b>Code Info</b><p>Show code information based on the cursor position.</p> Clear all folds Clear &all folds <b>Clear all folds</b><p>Clear all folds of the current editor, i.e. ensure that all lines are displayed unfolded.</p> Reverse selected lines Meta+Alt+R Python AST Viewer Show the AST for the current Python file <b>Python AST Viewer</b><p>This opens the a tree view of the AST of the current Python source file.</p> Python Disassembly Viewer Show the Disassembly for the current Python file <b>Python Disassembly Viewer</b><p>This opens the a tree view of the Disassembly of the current Python source file.</p> <b>Search</b><p>Search for some text in the shell window. A dialog is shown to enter the search text and options for the search.</p> <b>Search next</b><p>Search the next occurrence of some text in the shell window. The previously entered search text and options are reused.</p> <b>Search previous</b><p>Search the previous occurrence of some text in the shell window. The previously entered search text and options are reused.</p> Generate Docstring Ctrl+Alt+D Edit|Generate Docstring Generate a docstring for the current function/method <b>Generate Docstring</b><p>Generate a docstring for the current function/method if the cursor is placed on the line starting the function definition or on the line thereafter. The docstring is inserted at the appropriate position and the cursor is placed at the end of the description line.</p> ViewProfileSidebarsDialog Configure View Profiles Select the windows, that should be visible, when the different profiles are active. &Edit Profile Left Sidebar Right Sidebar Bottom Sidebar &Debug Profile ViewProfileToolboxesDialog Configure View Profiles Select the windows, that should be visible, when the different profiles are active. &Edit Profile Left Toolbox Right Toolbox Horizontal Toolbox &Debug Profile ViewmanagerPage <b>Configure viewmanager</b> <font color="#FF0000"><b>Note:</b> This setting is activated at the next startup of the application.</font> Window view: Select the window view type. The kind of window view can be selected from this list. The picture below gives an example of the selected view type. Preview of selected window view This displays a small preview of the selected window view. This is the way the source windows are displayed in the application. Tabbed View Filename Length of Tab: Enter the number of characters to be shown in the tab. Select to display the filename only Show filename only Recent Files Number of recent files: Enter the number of recent files to remember VirtualenvAddEditDialog Logical Name: Enter a unique name for the virtual environment Directory: Enter the directory of the virtual environment Python Interpreter: Enter the Python interpreter of the virtual environment Virtualenv Target Directory Python Interpreter Select,if this is a global environment (i.e. no virtual environment directory to be given) Global Environment PATH Prefix: Enter the executable search path to be prepended to the PATH environment variable. Use '{0}' as the separator. <b>Global Environment</b> <p>Setting this indicates, that the environment is defined globally, i.e. not user specific. Usually such environments cannot be deleted by a standard user. The respective button of the Virtual Environment Manager dialog will be disabled for these entries.</p> Select, if this is a Conda environment Conda Environment Select, if this is a remotely accessed environment Remote Environment Edit Virtual Environment Add Virtual Environment VirtualenvConfigurationDialog Virtual Environment Configuration Paths Target Directory: Enter the target directory for the virtual environment Extra Search Path: Enter the extra search path to look for setuptools/pip Prompt Prefix: Enter the prompt prefix for the virtual environment Prompt prefix for the virtual environment Python Executable: Enter the Python interpreter for the virtual environment Options Verbosity: Select the verbosity (-1: quiet, 0: normal, 1: verbose) Python Version: Select the Python version (empty for current) System-wide Python Packages Select to unzip setuptools when installing it Unzip Setuptool to virtualenv Select to not install setuptools (or pip) in the new virtualenv Don't install 'setuptool' (or pip) in the virtualenv Select to not install pip in the new virtualenv Don't install 'pip' in the virtualenv Select to clear the target first Clear out the target directory Select to always copy files rather than symlinking Always copy files Select to generate a log file in the target directory Save a log file in the target directory after creation Select to write a shell script/batch file to regenerate the virtualenv Save virtualenv generation script Open the newly created virtualenv in a file manager window Open target directory after creation Virtualenv Target Directory Extra Search Path for setuptools/pip Python Interpreter Select to give the virtualenv access to the global site-packages Environment Creator Select to use 'virtualenv' Select to use 'pyvenv' Select to use symlinks instead of copies Select to upgrade a virtual environment Upgrade <virtualenv did not finish within 5s.> <No suitable virtualenv found.> virtualenv Version: {0} <pyvenv did not finish within 5s.> <No suitable pyvenv found.> pyvenv Version: {0} Use Symbolic Links Logical Name: Enter a unique name for the virtual environment Name for the virtual environment Select to use 'conda' Target Environment Specification Name: Enter the name for the environment Path: Enter the target directory for the conda environment <b>Note:</b> Only one of the above entries is mandatory. Special Operations Select to clone an environment Clone Environment Select to create the environment from a requirements file from Requirements Enter the name of the environment to be cloned Enter the directory of the environment to be cloned Package Specs: Enter the package specifications for the environment Enter the Python version for the environment Allow insecure SSL connections Select to perform just a dry-run Perform dry-run Conda Environment Location Conda Requirements File Text Files (*.txt);;All Files (*) conda Version: {0} VirtualenvExecDialog Virtualenv Creation Messages Errors Executing: {0} Failed virtualenv finished. No suitable virtualenv program could be started. Writing log file '{0}'. Output: Errors: The logfile '{0}' could not be written. Reason: {1} Done. Writing script file '{0}'. The script file '{0}' could not be written. Reason: {1} <b>virtualenv Execution</b> <p>This shows the output of the virtualenv command.</p> <b>virtualenv Execution</b> <p>This shows the errors of the virtualenv command.</p> pyvenv finished. No suitable pyvenv program could be started. VirtualenvInterpreterSelectionDialog Add Virtual Environment Name: Enter interpreter for virtual environment: Enter the Python interpreter of the virtual environment Python Interpreter VirtualenvManager Add Virtual Environment A virtual environment named <b>{0}</b> exists already. Shall it be replaced? Change Virtual Environment A virtual environment named <b>{0}</b> does not exist. Aborting! Rename Virtual Environment {0} - {1} Delete Virtual Environments Do you really want to delete these virtual environments? Remove Virtual Environments Do you really want to remove these virtual environments? VirtualenvManagerDialog Manage Virtual Environments Name Directory Interpreter Press to add an existing virtual environment Add... Press to create a new virtual environment New... Press to edit the selected virtual environment Edit... Press to remove the selected virtual environments Remove Press to remove all virtual environments Remove All Press to remove the selected virtual environments and delete them Delete Press to remove all virtual environments and delete them Delete All Base Directory: Enter the base directory of the virtual environments Virtualenv Base Directory VirtualenvNameDialog Virtualenv Name Enter a logical name for the virtual environment: Enter a unique name for the virtual environment Name for the virtual environment VirusTotalAPI Request limit has been reached. Requested item is not present. Requested item is still queued. VirusTotal IP Address Report VirusTotal does not have any information for the given IP address. The submitted IP address is invalid. VirusTotal Domain Report VirusTotal does not have any information for the given domain. The submitted domain address is invalid. not available VirusTotalDomainReportDialog Domain Report Categorizations Whois Resolutions IP-Address Resolved Date Subdomains Detected URLs URL Scan Result Scan Date <b>Report for domain {0}</b> {0}/{1} positives / total VirusTotalIpReportDialog IP Address Report Owner: Resolutions Hostname Resolved Date Detected URLs URL Scan Result Scan Date <b>Report for IP {0}</b> {0}/{1} positives / total VirusTotalWhoisDialog Whois Information <b>Whois information for domain {0}</b> VmListspacePlugin Listspace VmTabviewPlugin Tabbed View WatchPointModel Condition Special Temporary Enabled Ignore Count WatchPointViewer Watchpoints Add Edit... Enable Enable all Disable Disable all Delete Delete all Configure... Enable selected Disable selected Delete selected <p>A watch expression '<b>{0}</b>' already exists.</p> <p>A watch expression '<b>{0}</b>' for the variable <b>{1}</b> already exists.</p> Watch expression already exists WebBrowserAppearancePage <b>Configure Web Browser appearance</b> Fonts Standard Font: Select the standard font Fixed Width Font: Select the fixed width font Serif Font: Select the serif font Sans Serif Font: Select the sans serif font Cursive Font: Select the cursive font Fantasy Font: Select the fantasy font Pictograph Font: Select the pictograph font Font Sizes Default Font Size: Fixed Font Size: Minimum Font Size: Minimum Logical Font Size: Images Select to load images Load images Style Sheet User Style Sheet: Enter the file name of a user style sheet Tabs Select to issue a warning, if multiple tabs are about to be closed Warn, if multiple tabs are about to be closed Cascading Style Sheets (*.css);;All files (*) <font color="#FF0000"><b>Note:</b> All settings below are activated at the next startup of the application.</font> Toolbars Select to show toolbars Show Toolbars Scrollbars Select to show scrollbars. Note: Scrolling is possible even without them. Show Scrollbars Colors Select the background color for secure URLs. URL Entry Background Secure URLs: Insecure URLs: Select the background color for insecure URLs. Malicious URLs: Select the background color for malicious URLs. Private Mode: Select the background color for URLs in private mode. WebBrowserClearPrivateDataDialog Clear Private Data Select to clear the browsing history &Browsing History Select the history period to be deleted Last Hour Last Day Last Week Last 4 Weeks Whole Period Select to clear the search history &Search History Select to clear the download history Download &History Select to clear the cookies &Cookies Select to clear the disk cache Cached &Web Pages Select to clear the website icons Website &Icons Select to clear the saved passwords Saved &Passwords Select to delete all web databases Web &Databases Select to delete all remembered zoom settings &Zoom Settings SSL Certificate Error Exceptions WebBrowserInterfacePage <b>Configure User Interface</b> Style: Select the interface style Style Sheet: Qt Style Sheets (*.qss);;Cascading Style Sheets (*.css);;All files (*) System Enter the path of the style sheet file WebBrowserJavaScriptConsole Clear Copy Select All Info Warning Error [{0}] {1} at line {0} URL: {0} WebBrowserLanguagesDialog Languages Languages in order of preference: &Up &Down &Remove &Add WebBrowserPage <b>Configure Web Browser</b> General Select to use a single web browser window only Use single web browser window Select to enable suggestions for web searches Show suggestions for web searches Select to save the window size and position Save size and position upon exit Select to show a page preview when the mouse hovers over the tab Show preview when hovering tab Select to enable displaying the built-in Chromium error pages. Use built-in Chromium error page Select to activate animated scrolling Enable animated scrolling Select to enable fullscreen support Enable Fullscreen Support Select to enable screen capture support Enable Screen Capture Support Select to enable support for WebGL Enable WebGL support Startup On startup: Select the startup behavior Show Home Page Show Speed Dial Show Empty Page Home Page: Enter the desired home page Press to set the current page as the home page Set to current page Press to set the default home page Set to default home page Scheme Default Scheme: Select the default scheme <b>Default Scheme</b><p>Select the default scheme. This scheme is prepended to URLs, that don't contain one.</p> Privacy Enable JavaScript Select to allow JavaScript to open windows Allow to open windows Select to allow JavaScript to access the clipboard Select to enable plugins in web pages Enable Plug-ins Select to enabled the "Do Not Track" feature Tell web sites I do not want to be tracked Press to edit the list of whitelisted hosts Edit Referer Whitelist ... Security Select to enable XSS auditing <b>Enable XSS Auditing</b> <p>This selects whether load requests should be monitored for cross-site scripting attempts. Suspicious scripts will be blocked. These will be reported in the JavaScript console. Enabling this feature might have an impact on performance.</p> Enable XSS Auditing History Remove history items: Select the period for expiration of history entries After one day After one week After two weeks After one month After one year Manually On application exit Browser Cache Enable disk cache Cache size: Enter the maximum size of the disk cache MB Web Search Language: Select the language to be used for web searches Image Search Default Search Engine: Select the default search engine for image searches Navigation Select to enable the spatial navigation feature <b>Enable Spatial Navigation</b> <p>This enables or disables the Spatial Navigation feature, which consists in the ability to navigate between focusable elements in a Web page, such as hyperlinks and form controls, by using Left, Right, Up and Down arrow keys. For example, if a user presses the Right key, heuristics determine whether there is an element he might be trying to reach towards the right and which element he probably wants.</p> Enable Spatial Navigation Select to include links in focus chain <b>Include Links in Focus Chain</b> <p>This selects whether hyperlinks should be included in the keyboard focus chain.</p> Include Links in Focus Chain Select to enable the auto-scroller Automatic Scrolling This function is activated by a Mouse Middle Click. Scroll Divider: Enter the auto-scroll divider value <b>Note:</b> Setting higher divider will slow down scrolling. Select to allow HTTPS pages to run JavaScript, CSS, plugins or web-sockets from HTTP URLs Allow to run insecure contents Select to give the focus to the view whenever a navigation event occurs Printing Select to print the background of page elements as well Print Element Backgrounds Enable Focus on Navigation Restore Session Select Session On new tab: Select the behavior of new tabs Select to load restored tabs when they are activated Load tabs when activated Sessions Select to save sessions automatically Save sessions automatically Session Timer: Enter the time to save sessions s Suspicuous URL detected <p>The URL <b>{0}</b> was found in the Safe Browsing database.</p>{1} Allow to activate windows Select to allow insecure origins (i.e. those not having an https:// URL) to request Geolocation features. Allow insecure origins to access Geolocation Select to allow JavaScript to activate windows Allow to access the clipboard Select to enable JavaScript support Referer Headers Send Referer: Select when to send a referer header (independent of origin) <b>Send Referer</b> <p>Select, when to send a referer header. This is independent of the requested URL. If a referer header is to be sent, further rules will be applied.</p> never on click only always Default Policy: Select when to send a referer header depending on origin <b>Default Policy</b> <p>Select when to send a referer header depending on origin.</p> <ul> <li>no referer - don't send a referer header</li> <li>only when same origin - don't send a referer header if the origin of the target is different</li> <li>only origin when cross origin - send trimmed referer header only when same origin, the referer origin when the target is potentially trustworthy and no header otherwise</li> <li>no referer when downgrading - don't send a referer header when the target is not potentially trustworthy</li> </ul> no referer only when same origin only origin when cross origin no referer when downgrading Trimming Policy: Select how the referer URL shall be trimmed <b>Trimming Policy</b> <p>Select how the referer URL shall be trimmed. The selected rule is applied, when sending a complete referer URL.</p> <ul> <li>send full URL (no trimming) - this does not perform any trimming beyond removing the user information and any fragment</li> <li>send the URL without its query string - this removes the user information and the query string</li> <li>only send the origin - this shortens the referer URL to the origin, i.e. scheme, host and port only</li> </ul> send full URL (no trimming) send the URL without its query string only send the origin Select, to inhibit playback of media content until the user interacts with the page Don't auto-play media content Select to limit WebRTC to public IP addresses only Only public IP-Addresses for WebRTC Protocol Handler Allow websites to register protocol handlers: Select how to allow websites to register protocol handlers via "navigator.registerProtocolHandler" yes no ask Select to allow JavaScript to paste from the clipboard (this needs access to the clipboard) Allow to paste from the clipboard Local Storage Allow websites to request persistent storage quota: Select how to allow websites to request persistent storage quota via "navigator.webkitPersistentStorage.requestQuota" Select to try to pre-fetch DNS entries to speed up browsing Enable DNS Prefetch Select to enable the built-in PDF Viewer Enable internal PDF Viewer SSL Info This site does not contain SSL information. Press to set the speed dial as the home page Set to speed dial page WebBrowserSpellCheckingPage <b>Configure Web Browser Spell Checking</b> Spell Check Options Select to enable spell checking for editable parts Enable Spell Checking No languages found Dictionary Directories Press to open a dialog to manage spell checking dictionaries Manage Dictionaries... WebBrowserTabWidget Show a navigation menu Show a navigation menu for closed tabs Open a new web browser tab New Tab Move Left Move Right Duplicate Page Close Close Others Close All Print Preview Print Print as PDF Reload All Bookmark All Tabs Restore Closed Tab Unmute Tab Mute Tab ... Print to PDF <p>The file <b>{0}</b> exists already. Shall it be overwritten?</p> <p>The PDF could not be written to file <b>{0}</b>.</p><p><b>Error:</b> {1}</p> Loading... Finished loading Failed to load Are you sure you want to close the window? Are you sure you want to close the window? You have %n tab(s) open. &Quit C&lose Current Tab Restore All Closed Tabs Clear List WebBrowserTools <unknown> WebBrowserView <p>The file <b>{0}</b> does not exist.</p> <p>Could not start a viewer for file <b>{0}</b>.</p> <p>Could not start an application for URL <b>{0}</b>.</p> Inspect Element... Open Link in New TabCtrl+LMB Open Link in New Window Open Link in New Private Window Save Lin&k Bookmark this Link Copy Link to Clipboard Send Link Scan Link with VirusTotal Open Image in New Tab Save Image Copy Image to Clipboard Copy Image Location to Clipboard Send Image Link Search image in {0} Search image with... Block Image Scan Image with VirusTotal Play Pause Unmute Mute Copy Media Address to Clipboard Send Media Address Save Media Send Text Search with '{0}' Search with... Google Translate Dictionary Go to web address Add New Page Configure Speed Dial Reload All Dials Reset to Default Dials Bookmark this Page Copy Page Link Send Page Link User Agent Validate Page Add to web search toolbar Try reloading the page or closing some tabs to make more memory available. Render Process terminated abnormally The render process crashed while loading this page. The render process was killed. The render process terminated while loading this page. No suggestions Web Archive (*.mhtml *.mht) HTML File (*.html *.htm) HTML File with all resources (*.html *.htm) Save Web Page Empty Page Quota Request <p> Allow the website at <b>{0}</b> to use <b>{1}</b> of persistent storage?</p> Match {0} of {1} eric Web Browser WebBrowserVirusTotalPage Checking validity of the service key... The service key is valid. <font color="#FF0000">The service key is not valid.</font> <font color="#FF0000"><b>Error:</b> {0}</font> <b>Configure VirusTotal Interface</b> Select to enable the VirusTotal interface Enable VirusTotal Service Key Enter your personal VirusTotal service key (s. <a href="http://virustotal.com">VirusTotal &copy;</a> for details): Enter the VirusTotal service key Press to test the validity of the service key Test Service Key Select to use a secure (https) connection Use secure (https) connections WebBrowserWebSearchWidget Suggestions No Recent Searches Recent Searches Add '{0}' Clear Recent Searches WebBrowserWindow Contents Index Search JavaScript Console New Tab &New Tab Ctrl+T File|New Tab Open a new web browser tab <b>New Tab</b><p>This opens a new web browser tab.</p> New Window New &Window Ctrl+N File|New Window Open a new web browser window <b>New Window</b><p>This opens a new web browser window in the current privacy mode.</p> New Private Window New &Private Window Ctrl+Shift+P File|New Private Window Open a new private web browser window <b>New Private Window</b><p>This opens a new private web browser window by starting a new web browser instance in private mode.</p> Open File &Open File Ctrl+O File|Open Open a file for display <b>Open File</b><p>This opens a new file for display. It pops up a file selection dialog.</p> Open File in New Tab Open File in New &Tab Shift+Ctrl+O File|Open in new tab Open a file for display in a new tab <b>Open File in New Tab</b><p>This opens a new file for display in a new tab. It pops up a file selection dialog.</p> Save As &Save As... Shift+Ctrl+S File|Save As Save the current page to disk <b>Save As...</b><p>Saves the current page to disk.</p> Save Page Screen Save Page Screen... Save the visible part of the current page as a screen shot Import Bookmarks &Import Bookmarks... Import bookmarks from other browsers <b>Import Bookmarks</b><p>Import bookmarks from other browsers.</p> Export Bookmarks &Export Bookmarks... Export the bookmarks into a file <b>Export Bookmarks</b><p>Export the bookmarks into a file.</p> Print &Print Ctrl+P File|Print Print the displayed help <b>Print</b><p>Print the displayed help text.</p> Print as PDF Print the displayed help as PDF <b>Print as PDF</b><p>Print the displayed help text as a PDF file.</p> Print Preview Print preview of the displayed help <b>Print Preview</b><p>Print preview of the displayed help text.</p> Close &Close Ctrl+W File|Close Close the current help window <b>Close</b><p>Closes the current web browser window.</p> Close All Close &All Close all help windows <b>Close All</b><p>Closes all web browser windows except the first one.</p> Quit &Quit Ctrl+Q File|Quit Backward &Backward Alt+Left Go|Backward Move one screen backward <b>Backward</b><p>Moves one screen backward. If none is available, this action is disabled.</p> Forward &Forward Alt+Right Go|Forward Move one screen forward <b>Forward</b><p>Moves one screen forward. If none is available, this action is disabled.</p> Home &Home Ctrl+Home Go|Home <b>Home</b><p>Moves to the initial screen.</p> Reload &Reload Ctrl+R Go|Reload F5 Go|Reload Reload the current screen <b>Reload</b><p>Reloads the current screen.</p> Stop &Stop Ctrl+. Go|Stop Esc Go|Stop Stop loading <b>Stop</b><p>Stops loading of the current tab.</p> Copy &Copy Ctrl+C Edit|Copy Copy the selected text <b>Copy</b><p>Copy the selected text to the clipboard.</p> Cut Cu&t Ctrl+X Edit|Cut Cut the selected text <b>Cut</b><p>Cut the selected text to the clipboard.</p> Paste &Paste Ctrl+V Edit|Paste Paste text from the clipboard <b>Paste</b><p>Paste some text from the clipboard.</p> Undo &Undo Ctrl+Z Edit|Undo Undo the last edit action <b>Undo</b><p>Undo the last edit action.</p> Redo &Redo Ctrl+Shift+Z Edit|Redo Redo the last edit action <b>Redo</b><p>Redo the last edit action.</p> Select All &Select All Ctrl+A Edit|Select All Select all text <b>Select All</b><p>Select all text of the current browser.</p> Unselect Alt+Ctrl+A Edit|Unselect Clear current selection <b>Unselect</b><p>Clear the selection of the current browser.</p> Find... &Find... Ctrl+F Edit|Find Find text in page <b>Find</b><p>Find text in the current page.</p> Find next Find &next F3 Edit|Find next Find next occurrence of text in page <b>Find next</b><p>Find the next occurrence of text in the current page.</p> Find previous Find &previous Shift+F3 Edit|Find previous Find previous occurrence of text in page <b>Find previous</b><p>Find the previous occurrence of text in the current page.</p> Manage Bookmarks &Manage Bookmarks... Ctrl+Shift+B Help|Manage bookmarks Open a dialog to manage the bookmarks. <b>Manage Bookmarks...</b><p>Open a dialog to manage the bookmarks.</p> Add Bookmark Add &Bookmark... Ctrl+D Help|Add bookmark Open a dialog to add a bookmark. <b>Add Bookmark</b><p>Open a dialog to add the current URL as a bookmark.</p> Add Folder Add &Folder... Open a dialog to add a new bookmarks folder. <b>Add Folder...</b><p>Open a dialog to add a new bookmarks folder.</p> Bookmark All Tabs Bookmark All Tabs... Bookmark all open tabs. <b>Bookmark All Tabs...</b><p>Open a dialog to add a new bookmarks folder for all open tabs.</p> What's This? &What's This? Shift+F1 Help|What's This?' Context sensitive help <b>Display context sensitive help</b><p>In What's This? mode, the mouse cursor shows an arrow with a question mark, and you can click on the interface elements to get a short description of what they do and how to use them. In dialogs, this feature can be accessed using the context help button in the titlebar.</p> About &About Display information about this software <b>About</b><p>Display some information about this software.</p> About Qt About &Qt Display information about the Qt toolkit <b>About Qt</b><p>Display some information about the Qt toolkit.</p> Zoom in Zoom &in Ctrl++ View|Zoom in Zoom In View|Zoom in Zoom in on the web page <b>Zoom in</b><p>Zoom in on the web page. This makes the web page bigger.</p> Zoom out Zoom &out Ctrl+- View|Zoom out Zoom Out View|Zoom out Zoom out on the web page <b>Zoom out</b><p>Zoom out on the web page. This makes the web page smaller.</p> Zoom reset Zoom &reset Ctrl+0 View|Zoom reset Reset the zoom of the web page <b>Zoom reset</b><p>Reset the zoom of the web page. This sets the zoom factor to 100%.</p> Show page source Ctrl+U Show the page source in an editor <b>Show page source</b><p>Show the page source in an editor.</p> Full Screen &Full Screen F11 Show next tab Ctrl+Alt+Tab Show previous tab Shift+Ctrl+Alt+Tab Switch between tabs Ctrl+1 Preferences &Preferences... Set the prefered configuration <b>Preferences</b><p>Set the configuration items of the application with your prefered values.</p> Languages &Languages... Configure the accepted languages for web pages <b>Languages</b><p>Configure the accepted languages for web pages.</p> Cookies C&ookies... Configure cookies handling <b>Cookies</b><p>Configure cookies handling.</p> Personal Information Personal Information... Configure personal information for completing form fields <b>Personal Information...</b><p>Opens a dialog to configure the personal information used for completing form fields.</p> GreaseMonkey Scripts GreaseMonkey Scripts... Configure the GreaseMonkey Scripts <b>GreaseMonkey Scripts...</b><p>Opens a dialog to configure the available GreaseMonkey Scripts.</p> Edit Message Filters Edit Message Filters... Edit the message filters used to suppress unwanted messages <b>Edit Message Filters</b><p>Opens a dialog to edit the message filters used to suppress unwanted messages been shown in an error window.</p> Edit HTML5 Feature Permissions Edit HTML5 Feature Permissions... Edit the remembered HTML5 feature permissions <b>Edit HTML5 Feature Permissions</b><p>Opens a dialog to edit the remembered HTML5 feature permissions.</p> Sync with Table of Contents Synchronizes the table of contents with current page <b>Sync with Table of Contents</b><p>Synchronizes the table of contents with current page.</p> Table of Contents Shows the table of contents window <b>Table of Contents</b><p>Shows the table of contents window.</p> Shows the index window <b>Index</b><p>Shows the index window.</p> Shows the search window <b>Search</b><p>Shows the search window.</p> Manage QtHelp Documents Manage QtHelp &Documents Shows a dialog to manage the QtHelp documentation set <b>Manage QtHelp Documents</b><p>Shows a dialog to manage the QtHelp documentation set.</p> Reindex Documentation &Reindex Documentation Reindexes the documentation set <b>Reindex Documentation</b><p>Reindexes the documentation set.</p> Clear private data <b>Clear private data</b><p>Clears the private data like browsing history, search history or the favicons database.</p> Clear icons database Clear &icons database Clear the database of favicons <b>Clear icons database</b><p>Clears the database of favicons of previously visited URLs.</p> Manage saved Favicons Show a dialog to manage the saved favicons <b>Manage saved Favicons</b><p>This shows a dialog to manage the saved favicons of previously visited URLs.</p> Configure Search Engines Configure Search &Engines... Configure the available search engines <b>Configure Search Engines...</b><p>Opens a dialog to configure the available search engines.</p> Manage Saved Passwords Manage Saved Passwords... Manage the saved passwords <b>Manage Saved Passwords...</b><p>Opens a dialog to manage the saved passwords.</p> Ad Block &Ad Block... Configure AdBlock subscriptions and rules <b>Ad Block...</b><p>Opens a dialog to configure AdBlock subscriptions and rules.</p> Manage SSL Certificate Errors Manage SSL Certificate Errors... Manage the accepted SSL certificate Errors <b>Manage SSL Certificate Errors...</b><p>Opens a dialog to manage the accepted SSL certificate errors.</p> Downloads Shows the downloads window <b>Downloads</b><p>Shows the downloads window.</p> RSS Feeds Dialog &RSS Feeds Dialog... Ctrl+Shift+F Help|RSS Feeds Dialog Open a dialog showing the configured RSS feeds. <b>RSS Feeds Dialog...</b><p>Open a dialog to show the configured RSS feeds. It can be used to mange the feeds and to show their contents.</p> Siteinfo Dialog &Siteinfo Dialog... Ctrl+Shift+I Help|Siteinfo Dialog Open a dialog showing some information about the current site. <b>Siteinfo Dialog...</b><p>Opens a dialog showing some information about the current site.</p> Manage User Agent Settings Manage &User Agent Settings Shows a dialog to manage the User Agent settings <b>Manage User Agent Settings</b><p>Shows a dialog to manage the User Agent settings.</p> Synchronize data &Synchronize Data... Shows a dialog to synchronize data via the network <b>Synchronize Data...</b><p>This shows a dialog to synchronize data via the network.</p> Manage Saved Zoom Values Manage Saved Zoom Values... Manage the saved zoom values <b>Manage Saved Zoom Values...</b><p>Opens a dialog to manage the saved zoom values.</p> Toggle the JavaScript console window <b>JavaScript Console</b><p>This toggles the JavaScript console window.</p> Tab Manager Shows the tab manager window <b>Tab Manager</b><p>Shows the tab manager window.</p> &File &Edit &View Text Encoding H&istory &Bookmarks &Settings Global User Agent &Tools &Help File Edit View Find Filter Filtered by: Settings Tools Help VirusTotal Scan current site IP Address Report Domain Report <p>Could not start the process.<br>Ensure that it is available as <b>{0}</b>.</p> OK HTML Files (*.html *.htm *.mhtml *.mht);;PDF Files (*.pdf);;CHM Files (*.chm);;All Files (*) Saved Tabs Could not find an associated content. Updating search index Looking for Documentation... Unfiltered Help Engine ISO Windows Unicode Other IBM VirusTotal Scan <p>The VirusTotal scan could not be scheduled.<p> <p>Reason: {0}</p> Enter a valid IPv4 address in dotted quad notation: The given IP address is not in dotted quad notation. Enter a valid domain name: Move to the initial screen Meta+Ctrl+F &VirusTotal &Windows &Toolbars Save Show All History... Menu Bar Bookmarks Status Bar &Show all &Hide all Send Page Link Send the link of the current page via email <b>Send Page Link</b><p>Send the link of the current page via email.</p> Session Manager Session Manager... Shows the session manager window <b>Session Manager</b><p>Shows the session manager window.</p> Sessions Are you sure you want to close the web browser? Are you sure you want to close the web browser? You have {0} windows with {1} tabs open. Manage Safe Browsing Manage Safe Browsing... <b>Manage Safe Browsing</b><p>This opens a dialog to configure Safe Browsing and to manage the local cache.</p> Configure Safe Browsing and manage local cache <b>Save Page Screen...</b><p>Saves the visible part of the current page as a screen shot.</p> Keyboard Shortcuts Keyboard &Shortcuts... Set the keyboard shortcuts <b>Keyboard Shortcuts</b><p>Set the keyboard shortcuts of the application with your prefered values.</p> Export Keyboard Shortcuts &Export Keyboard Shortcuts... Export the keyboard shortcuts <b>Export Keyboard Shortcuts</b><p>Export the keyboard shortcuts of the application.</p> Import Keyboard Shortcuts &Import Keyboard Shortcuts... Import the keyboard shortcuts <b>Import Keyboard Shortcuts</b><p>Import the keyboard shortcuts of the application.</p> Protocol Handler Manager Protocol Handler Manager... Shows the protocol handler manager window <b>Protocol Handler Manager</b><p>Shows the protocol handler manager window.</p> System Apple QtHelp eric Web Browser (Private Mode) eric Web Browser Quit the eric Web Browser <b>Quit</b><p>Quit the eric Web Browser.</p> <b>eric Web Browser - {0}</b><p>The eric Web Browser is a combined help file and HTML browser. It is part of the eric development toolset.</p><p>It is based on QtWebEngine {1} and Chrome {2}.</p> Keyboard Shortcuts File (*.ekj);;XML Keyboard Shortcuts File (*.e4k) <p>The keyboard shortcuts file <b>{0}</b> exists already. Overwrite it?</p> Keyboard Shortcuts File (*.ekj);;XML Keyboard shortcut file (*.e4k) WebIconDialog Favicons Press to remove the selected entries &Remove Press to remove all entries Remove &All Remove Selected Remove All WidgetArea Load UI File <p>The file <b>{0}</b> could not be loaded.</p> WidgetView Load UI File <p>The file <b>{0}</b> could not be loaded.</p> WizardEricPluginWizard eric Plug-in Wizard &eric Plug-in Wizard... <b>eric Plug-in Wizard</b><p>This wizard opens a dialog for entering all the parameters needed to create the basic contents of an eric plug-in file. The generated code is inserted at the current cursor position.</p> No current editor Please open or create a file first. Create Package <p>The package directory <b>{0}</b> could not be created. Aborting...</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> <p>The package file <b>{0}</b> could not be created. Aborting...</p><p>Reason: {1}</p> XMLStreamReaderBase <p>XML parse error in file <b>{0}</b>, line {1}, column {2}</p><p>Error: {3}</p> XML parse error File format version '{0}' is not supported. Bad value: {0} Pickle data encoding '{0}' is not supported. <p>XML parse error (line {0}, column {1})</p><p>Error: {2}</p> XbelImporter Please choose the file to begin importing bookmarks. Konqueror stores its bookmarks in the <b>bookmarks.xml</b> XML file. This file is usually located in XBEL Bookmarks You can import bookmarks from any browser that supports XBEL exporting. This file has usually the extension .xbel or .xml. File '{0}' does not exist. Error when importing bookmarks on line {0}, column {1}: {2} Konqueror Import XBEL Import Imported {0} eric Web Browser stores its bookmarks in the <b>{0}</b> XML file. This file is usually located in eric Web Browser Import XbelReader The file is not an XBEL version 1.0 file. Unknown title YandexEngine Yandex: Invalid API key. Yandex: API key has been blocked. Yandex: Daily limit for requests has been reached. Yandex: Daily limit for the volume of translated text reached. Yandex: Text size exceeds the maximum. Yandex: Text could not be translated. Yandex: The specified translation direction is not supported. Yandex: Only texts up to {0} characters are allowed. Yandex: Invalid response received Yandex: Unknown error code ({0}) received. Yandex: A valid key is required. ZoomDialog Zoom Zoom &Factor: Enter zoom factor <b>Zoom Factor</b> <p>Enter the desired zoom factor here. The zoom factor may be between -10 and +20 and is the increment that is added to the size of the fonts used in the editor windows.</p> ZoomValuesDialog Saved Zoom Values Enter search term Press to remove the selected entries &Remove Press to remove all entries Remove &All ZoomValuesModel Website Zoom Value [%] eric6 Starting... Generating Main Window... mercurial <tr><td><b>Parent #{0}</b></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td><b>Changeset</b></td><td>{1}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Tags</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Bookmarks</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Branches</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Last author</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Committed date</b></td><td>{1}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Committed time</b></td><td>{2}</td></tr> <h3>Repository information</h3> <p><table> <tr><td><b>Mercurial V.</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr></tr> <tr><td><b>URL</b></td><td>{1}</td></tr> {2}</table></p> <tr><td><b>Head #{0}</b></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td><b>Parent #{0}</b></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td><b>Tip</b></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td><b>Changeset</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Parents</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Last author</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Committed date</b></td><td>{1}</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Committed time</b></td><td>{2}</td></tr> </table></p> pyFlakes {0!r} imported but unused. Redefinition of unused {0!r} from line {1!r}. Import {0!r} from line {1!r} shadowed by loop variable. 'from {0} import *' used; unable to detect undefined names. Undefined name {0!r}. Undefined name {0!r} in __all__. Local variable {0!r} (defined in enclosing scope on line {1!r}) referenced before assignment. Duplicate argument {0!r} in function definition. Redefinition of {0!r} from line {1!r}. from __future__ imports must occur at the beginning of the file Local variable {0!r} is assigned to but never used. List comprehension redefines {0!r} from line {1!r}. Syntax error detected in doctest. 'return' with argument inside generator 'return' outside function 'from {0} import *' only allowed at module level {0!r} may be undefined, or defined from star imports: {1} Dictionary key {0!r} repeated with different values Dictionary key variable {0} repeated with different values Future feature {0} is not defined 'yield' outside function 'continue' not properly in loop 'break' outside loop 'continue' not supported inside 'finally' clause Default 'except:' must be last Two starred expressions in assignment Too many expressions in star-unpacking assignment Assertion is always true, perhaps remove parentheses? no message defined for code '{0}' syntax error in forward annotation {0!r} 'raise NotImplemented' should be 'raise NotImplementedError' Local variable {0!r} (defined as a builtin) referenced before assignment. syntax error in type comment {0!r} use of >> is invalid with print function use ==/!= to compare str, bytes, and int literals f-string is missing placeholders '...'.format(...) has unused arguments at position(s): {0} '...'.format(...) has unused named argument(s): {0} '...'.format(...) is missing argument(s) for placeholder(s): {0} '...'.format(...) mixes automatic and manual numbering '...'.format(...) has invalid format string: {0} '...' % ... has invalid format string: {0} '...' % ... has mixed positional and named placeholders '...' % ... has unsupported format character {0!r} '...' % ... has unused named argument(s): {0} '...' % ... is missing argument(s) for placeholder(s): {0} '...' % ... expected mapping but got sequence '...' % ... expected sequence but got mapping '...' % ... `*` specifier requires sequence 'if tuple literal' is always true, perhaps remove accidental comma? '...' % ... has {0:d} placeholder(s) but {1:d} substitution(s) pycodestyle indentation contains mixed spaces and tabs indentation is not a multiple of four expected an indented block unexpected indentation indentation is not a multiple of four (comment) expected an indented block (comment) unexpected indentation (comment) continuation line indentation is not a multiple of four continuation line missing indentation or outdented closing bracket does not match indentation of opening bracket's line closing bracket does not match visual indentation continuation line with same indent as next logical line continuation line over-indented for hanging indent continuation line over-indented for visual indent continuation line under-indented for visual indent visually indented line with same indent as next logical line continuation line unaligned for hanging indent closing bracket is missing indentation indentation contains tabs whitespace after '{0}' whitespace before '{0}' multiple spaces before operator multiple spaces after operator tab before operator tab after operator missing whitespace around operator missing whitespace around arithmetic operator missing whitespace around bitwise or shift operator missing whitespace around modulo operator missing whitespace after '{0}' multiple spaces after '{0}' tab after '{0}' unexpected spaces around keyword / parameter equals at least two spaces before inline comment inline comment should start with '# ' block comment should start with '# ' too many leading '#' for block comment multiple spaces after keyword multiple spaces before keyword tab after keyword tab before keyword missing whitespace after keyword trailing whitespace no newline at end of file blank line contains whitespace too many blank lines ({0}) blank lines found after function decorator blank line at end of file multiple imports on one line module level import not at top of file line too long ({0} > {1} characters) the backslash is redundant between brackets line break before binary operator .has_key() is deprecated, use 'in' deprecated form of raising exception '<>' is deprecated, use '!=' backticks are deprecated, use 'repr()' multiple statements on one line (colon) multiple statements on one line (semicolon) statement ends with a semicolon multiple statements on one line (def) comparison to {0} should be {1} test for membership should be 'not in' test for object identity should be 'is not' do not compare types, use 'isinstance()' do not assign a lambda expression, use a def ambiguous variable name '{0}' ambiguous class definition '{0}' ambiguous function definition '{0}' {0}: {1} {0} do not use bare except expected {0} blank lines after class or function definition, found {1} 'async' and 'await' are reserved keywords starting with Python 3.7 missing whitespace around parameter equals expected {0} blank lines, found {1} expected {0} blank lines before a nested definition, found {1} line break after binary operator invalid escape sequence '\{0}' too many blank lines ({0}) before a nested definition, expected {1} too many blank lines ({0}), expected {1} over-indented doc line too long ({0} > {1} characters) subversion unknown <h3>Repository information</h3><table><tr><td><b>PySvn V.</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr><tr><td><b>Subversion V.</b></td><td>{1}</td></tr><tr><td><b>Subversion API V.</b></td><td>{2}</td></tr><tr><td><b>URL</b></td><td>{3}</td></tr><tr><td><b>Current revision</b></td><td>{4}</td></tr><tr><td><b>Committed revision</b></td><td>{5}</td></tr><tr><td><b>Committed date</b></td><td>{6}</td></tr><tr><td><b>Comitted time</b></td><td>{7}</td></tr><tr><td><b>Last author</b></td><td>{8}</td></tr></table> <h3>Repository information</h3><table><tr><td><b>Subversion V.</b></td><td>{0}</td></tr><tr><td><b>URL</b></td><td>{1}</td></tr><tr><td><b>Current revision</b></td><td>{2}</td></tr><tr><td><b>Committed revision</b></td><td>{3}</td></tr><tr><td><b>Committed date</b></td><td>{4}</td></tr><tr><td><b>Comitted time</b></td><td>{5}</td></tr><tr><td><b>Last author</b></td><td>{6}</td></tr></table>