FTNCHEK Version 3.3 November 2004 File quad.f: 1 C Test of parsing and checking quad precision variables & constants. 2 C No intrinsic functions at this time. 3 real r 4 double precision d 5 real*8 r8 ^ Warning near line 5 col 12: Nonstandard syntax 6 real*16 q ^ Warning near line 6 col 12: Nonstandard syntax 7 complex*32 cq ^ Warning near line 7 col 15: Nonstandard syntax 8 q = 1.234Q5 ^ Warning near line 8 col 11: Nonstandard syntax: quad precision constant 9 q = 1.234Q+05 ^ Warning near line 9 col 11: Nonstandard syntax: quad precision constant 10 q = 1.234Q+345 ^ Warning near line 10 col 11: Nonstandard syntax: quad precision constant 11 q = 1.234Q-345 ^ Warning near line 11 col 11: Nonstandard syntax: quad precision constant 12 d = 1.234Q+05 ^ Warning near line 12 col 11: Nonstandard syntax: quad precision constant ^ Warning near line 12 col 9: real*16 const 1.234Q+05 truncated to dble D 13 r = 1.234Q+05 ^ Warning near line 13 col 11: Nonstandard syntax: quad precision constant ^ Warning near line 13 col 9: real*16 const 1.234Q+05 truncated to real R 14 d = q ^ Warning near line 14 col 9: real*16 Q truncated to dble D 15 q = d ^ Warning near line 15 col 9: dble D promoted to real*16 Q: may not give desired precision 16 r = q ^ Warning near line 16 col 9: real*16 Q truncated to real R 17 q = r ^ Warning near line 17 col 9: real R promoted to real*16 Q: may not give desired precision 18 cq = q 19 q = qsqrt(q) 20 cq = cqsqrt(cq) 21 r = qsqrt(q) ^ Warning near line 21 col 9: real*16 expr QSQRT(Q) truncated to real R 22 q = qsqrt(r) ^ Error near line 22 col 17: illegal argument data type for intrinsic function QSQRT: real R 23 q = qsqrt(d) ^ Error near line 23 col 17: illegal argument data type for intrinsic function QSQRT: dble D 24 r8 = qsqrt(q) ^ Warning near line 24 col 10: real*16 expr QSQRT(Q) truncated to real*8 R8 25 q = qprod(d,r8) ^ Nonportable usage near line 25 col 19: argument precision may not be correct for intrinsic function QPROD: real*8 R8 ^ Nonportable usage near line 25 col 17: intrinsic argument list mixes default and explicit precision operands: dble D , real*8 R8 26 q = qmax1(1.234Q5,q,1.234Q-5) ^ Warning near line 26 col 17: Nonstandard syntax: quad precision constant ^ Warning near line 26 col 27: Nonstandard syntax: quad precision constant 27 end Module %MAIN: prog External subprograms referenced: CQSQRT: intrns QMAX1: intrns QPROD: intrns QSQRT: intrns Variables: Name Type Dims Name Type Dims Name Type Dims Name Type Dims CQ cplx32 D dble Q real16 R real R8 real8 Warning in module %MAIN: Non Fortran 77 intrinsic functions referenced: CQSQRT referenced at line 20 QMAX1 referenced at line 26 QPROD referenced at line 25 QSQRT referenced at line 19 2 syntax errors detected in file quad.f 22 warnings issued in file quad.f