SHELL := /usr/bin/env bash GOPATH := $(shell go env GOPATH) PATH := $(PATH):$(GOPATH)/bin GO_SOURCE_FILES := $(shell find . -name "*.go" | sort) LIBNAME := $(shell basename $$(dirname $$(pwd))) EXE_BASE_NAME := cucumber-$(LIBNAME) GOX_LDFLAGS := "-X main.version=${NEW_VERSION}" EXES := $(shell find dist -name '$(EXE_BASE_NAME)-*') UPX_EXES = $(patsubst dist/$(EXE_BASE_NAME)-%,dist_compressed/$(EXE_BASE_NAME)-%,$(EXES)) # Determine if we're on linux or osx (ignoring other OSes as we're not building on them) OS := $(shell [[ "$$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]] && echo "darwin" || echo "linux") # Determine if we're on 386 or amd64 (ignoring other processors as we're not building on them) ARCH := $(shell [[ "$$(uname -m)" == "x86_64" ]] && echo "amd64" || echo "386") EXE = dist/$(EXE_BASE_NAME)-$(OS)-$(ARCH) REPLACEMENTS := $(shell sed -n "/^\s*\/cucumber/p" go.mod | perl -wpe 's/\s*(\/cucumber\/(.*)-go\/v\d+).*/q{replace } . $$1 . q{ => ..\/..\/} . $$2 . q{\/go}/eg') CURRENT_MAJOR := $(shell sed -n "/^module/p" go.mod | awk '{ print $$0 "/v1" }' | cut -d'/' -f4 | cut -d'v' -f2) NEW_MAJOR := $(shell echo ${NEW_VERSION} | awk -F'.' '{print $$1}') default: .linted .tested .PHONY: default # Run the .dist target if there is a main file ifneq (,$(wildcard ./cmd/main.go)) default: dist endif .deps: touch $@ dist: $(EXE) ifndef NO_UPX_COMPRESSION make .dist-compressed endif touch $@ $(EXE): .deps $(GO_SOURCE_FILES) mkdir -p dist ifndef NO_CROSS_COMPILE # Cross-compile executable for many platforms go get gox -buildmode=exe -ldflags $(GOX_LDFLAGS) -output "dist/$(EXE_BASE_NAME)-{{.OS}}-{{.Arch}}" -rebuild ./cmd else # Compile executable for the local platform only go build -ldflags $(GOX_LDFLAGS) -o $@ ./cmd endif .dist-compressed: $(UPX_EXES) touch $@ update-dependencies: go get -u && go mod tidy .PHONY: update-dependencies pre-release: remove-replaces update-version update-dependencies clean default .PHONY: pre-release update-version: update-major # no-op .PHONY: update-version ifneq (,$(wildcard ./cmd/main.go)) publish: dist ifdef NEW_VERSION ./scripts/github-release $(NEW_VERSION) else @echo -e "\033[0;31mNEW_VERSION is not defined. Can't publish :-(\033[0m" exit 1 endif else publish: # no-op endif .PHONY: publish dist_compressed/$(EXE_BASE_NAME)-%: dist/$(EXE_BASE_NAME)-% mkdir -p dist_compressed # requires upx in PATH to compress supported binaries # may produce an error ARCH not supported -upx $< -o $@ # Test the integrity if [ -f "$@" ]; then upx -t $@ && cp $@ $< || rm $@; fi .linted: $(GO_SOURCE_FILES) gofmt -w $^ touch $@ .tested: .deps $(GO_SOURCE_FILES) go test ./... touch $@ post-release: add-replaces .PHONY: post-release clean: clean-go .PHONY: clean clean-go: rm -rf .deps .tested* .linted dist/ .dist-compressed dist_compressed/ acceptance/ .PHONY: clean-go remove-replaces: sed -i '/^replace/d' go.mod sed -i 'N;/^\n$$/D;P;D;' go.mod .PHONY: remove-replaces add-replaces: ifeq ($(shell sed -n "/^\s*\/cucumber/p" go.mod | wc -l), 0) # No replacements here else sed -i '/^go .*/i $(REPLACEMENTS)\n' go.mod endif .PHONY: add-replaces update-major: ifeq ($(CURRENT_MAJOR), $(NEW_MAJOR)) # echo "No major version change" else echo "Updating major from $(CURRENT_MAJOR) to $(NEW_MAJOR)" sed -Ei "s/$(LIBNAME)-go(\/v$(CURRENT_MAJOR))?/$(LIBNAME)-go\/v$(NEW_MAJOR)/" go.mod sed -Ei "s/$(LIBNAME)-go(\/v$(CURRENT_MAJOR))?/$(LIBNAME)-go\/v$(NEW_MAJOR)/" $(shell find . -name "*.go") endif .PHONY: update-major