/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2008-2009 Erlend Hamberg SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2009 Paul Gideon Dann SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2011 Svyatoslav Kuzmich SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2012-2013 Simon St James SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "completionrecorder.h" #include "completionreplayer.h" #include "globalstate.h" #include "jumps.h" #include "kateconfig.h" #include "katedocument.h" #include "kateglobal.h" #include "kateviewinternal.h" #include "kateviinputmode.h" #include "lastchangerecorder.h" #include "macrorecorder.h" #include "macros.h" #include "marks.h" #include "registers.h" #include "searcher.h" #include "variable.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace KateVi; InputModeManager::InputModeManager(KateViInputMode *inputAdapter, KTextEditor::ViewPrivate *view, KateViewInternal *viewInternal) : m_inputAdapter(inputAdapter) { m_currentViMode = ViMode::NormalMode; m_previousViMode = ViMode::NormalMode; m_viNormalMode = new NormalViMode(this, view, viewInternal); m_viInsertMode = new InsertViMode(this, view, viewInternal); m_viVisualMode = new VisualViMode(this, view, viewInternal); m_viReplaceMode = new ReplaceViMode(this, view, viewInternal); m_view = view; m_viewInternal = viewInternal; m_insideHandlingKeyPressCount = 0; m_keyMapperStack.push(QSharedPointer(new KeyMapper(this, m_view->doc(), m_view))); m_temporaryNormalMode = false; m_jumps = new Jumps(); m_marks = new Marks(this); m_searcher = new Searcher(this); m_completionRecorder = new CompletionRecorder(this); m_completionReplayer = new CompletionReplayer(this); m_macroRecorder = new MacroRecorder(this); m_lastChangeRecorder = new LastChangeRecorder(this); // We have to do this outside of NormalMode, as we don't want // VisualMode (which inherits from NormalMode) to respond // to changes in the document as well. m_viNormalMode->beginMonitoringDocumentChanges(); } InputModeManager::~InputModeManager() { delete m_viNormalMode; delete m_viInsertMode; delete m_viVisualMode; delete m_viReplaceMode; delete m_jumps; delete m_marks; delete m_searcher; delete m_macroRecorder; delete m_completionRecorder; delete m_completionReplayer; delete m_lastChangeRecorder; } bool InputModeManager::handleKeypress(const QKeyEvent *e) { m_insideHandlingKeyPressCount++; bool res = false; bool keyIsPartOfMapping = false; const bool isSyntheticSearchCompletedKeyPress = m_inputAdapter->viModeEmulatedCommandBar()->isSendingSyntheticSearchCompletedKeypress(); // With macros, we want to record the keypresses *before* they are mapped, but if they end up *not* being part // of a mapping, we don't want to record them when they are played back by m_keyMapper, hence // the "!isPlayingBackRejectedKeys()". And obviously, since we're recording keys before they are mapped, we don't // want to also record the executed mapping, as when we replayed the macro, we'd get duplication! if (m_macroRecorder->isRecording() && !m_macroRecorder->isReplaying() && !isSyntheticSearchCompletedKeyPress && !keyMapper()->isExecutingMapping() && !keyMapper()->isPlayingBackRejectedKeys() && !lastChangeRecorder()->isReplaying()) { m_macroRecorder->record(*e); } if (!m_lastChangeRecorder->isReplaying() && !isSyntheticSearchCompletedKeyPress) { if (e->key() == Qt::Key_AltGr) { return true; // do nothing } // Hand off to the key mapper, and decide if this key is part of a mapping. if (e->key() != Qt::Key_Control && e->key() != Qt::Key_Shift && e->key() != Qt::Key_Alt && e->key() != Qt::Key_Meta) { const QChar key = KeyParser::self()->KeyEventToQChar(*e); if (keyMapper()->handleKeypress(key)) { keyIsPartOfMapping = true; res = true; } } } if (!keyIsPartOfMapping) { if (!m_lastChangeRecorder->isReplaying() && !isSyntheticSearchCompletedKeyPress) { // record key press so that it can be repeated via "." m_lastChangeRecorder->record(*e); } if (m_inputAdapter->viModeEmulatedCommandBar()->isActive()) { res = m_inputAdapter->viModeEmulatedCommandBar()->handleKeyPress(e); } else { res = getCurrentViModeHandler()->handleKeypress(e); } } m_insideHandlingKeyPressCount--; Q_ASSERT(m_insideHandlingKeyPressCount >= 0); return res; } void InputModeManager::feedKeyPresses(const QString &keyPresses) const { int key; Qt::KeyboardModifiers mods; QString text; for (const QChar c : keyPresses) { QString decoded = KeyParser::self()->decodeKeySequence(QString(c)); key = -1; mods = Qt::NoModifier; text.clear(); if (decoded.length() > 1) { // special key // remove the angle brackets decoded.remove(0, 1); decoded.remove(decoded.indexOf(QLatin1Char('>')), 1); // check if one or more modifier keys where used if (decoded.indexOf(QLatin1String("s-")) != -1 || decoded.indexOf(QLatin1String("c-")) != -1 || decoded.indexOf(QLatin1String("m-")) != -1 || decoded.indexOf(QLatin1String("a-")) != -1) { int s = decoded.indexOf(QLatin1String("s-")); if (s != -1) { mods |= Qt::ShiftModifier; decoded.remove(s, 2); } int c = decoded.indexOf(QLatin1String("c-")); if (c != -1) { mods |= Qt::ControlModifier; decoded.remove(c, 2); } int a = decoded.indexOf(QLatin1String("a-")); if (a != -1) { mods |= Qt::AltModifier; decoded.remove(a, 2); } int m = decoded.indexOf(QLatin1String("m-")); if (m != -1) { mods |= Qt::MetaModifier; decoded.remove(m, 2); } if (decoded.length() > 1) { key = KeyParser::self()->vi2qt(decoded); } else if (decoded.length() == 1) { key = int(decoded.at(0).toUpper().toLatin1()); text = decoded.at(0); } } else { // no modifiers key = KeyParser::self()->vi2qt(decoded); } } else { key = decoded.at(0).unicode(); text = decoded.at(0); } if (key == -1) { continue; } // We have to be clever about which widget we dispatch to, as we can trigger // shortcuts if we're not careful (even if Vim mode is configured to steal shortcuts). QKeyEvent k(QEvent::KeyPress, key, mods, text); QWidget *destWidget = nullptr; if (QApplication::activePopupWidget()) { // According to the docs, the activePopupWidget, if present, takes all events. destWidget = QApplication::activePopupWidget(); } else if (QApplication::focusWidget()) { if (QApplication::focusWidget()->focusProxy()) { destWidget = QApplication::focusWidget()->focusProxy(); } else { destWidget = QApplication::focusWidget(); } } else { destWidget = m_view->focusProxy(); } QApplication::sendEvent(destWidget, &k); } } bool InputModeManager::isHandlingKeypress() const { return m_insideHandlingKeyPressCount > 0; } void InputModeManager::storeLastChangeCommand() { m_lastChange = m_lastChangeRecorder->encodedChanges(); m_lastChangeCompletionsLog = m_completionRecorder->currentChangeCompletionsLog(); } void InputModeManager::repeatLastChange() { m_lastChangeRecorder->replay(m_lastChange, m_lastChangeCompletionsLog); } void InputModeManager::clearCurrentChangeLog() { m_lastChangeRecorder->clear(); m_completionRecorder->clearCurrentChangeCompletionsLog(); } void InputModeManager::doNotLogCurrentKeypress() { m_macroRecorder->dropLast(); m_lastChangeRecorder->dropLast(); } void InputModeManager::changeViMode(ViMode newMode) { m_previousViMode = m_currentViMode; m_currentViMode = newMode; } ViMode InputModeManager::getCurrentViMode() const { return m_currentViMode; } KTextEditor::View::ViewMode InputModeManager::getCurrentViewMode() const { switch (m_currentViMode) { case ViMode::InsertMode: return KTextEditor::View::ViModeInsert; case ViMode::VisualMode: return KTextEditor::View::ViModeVisual; case ViMode::VisualLineMode: return KTextEditor::View::ViModeVisualLine; case ViMode::VisualBlockMode: return KTextEditor::View::ViModeVisualBlock; case ViMode::ReplaceMode: return KTextEditor::View::ViModeReplace; case ViMode::NormalMode: default: return KTextEditor::View::ViModeNormal; } } ViMode InputModeManager::getPreviousViMode() const { return m_previousViMode; } bool InputModeManager::isAnyVisualMode() const { return ((m_currentViMode == ViMode::VisualMode) || (m_currentViMode == ViMode::VisualLineMode) || (m_currentViMode == ViMode::VisualBlockMode)); } ::ModeBase *InputModeManager::getCurrentViModeHandler() const { switch (m_currentViMode) { case ViMode::NormalMode: return m_viNormalMode; case ViMode::InsertMode: return m_viInsertMode; case ViMode::VisualMode: case ViMode::VisualLineMode: case ViMode::VisualBlockMode: return m_viVisualMode; case ViMode::ReplaceMode: return m_viReplaceMode; } return nullptr; } void InputModeManager::viEnterNormalMode() { bool moveCursorLeft = (m_currentViMode == ViMode::InsertMode || m_currentViMode == ViMode::ReplaceMode) && m_viewInternal->cursorPosition().column() > 0; if (!m_lastChangeRecorder->isReplaying() && (m_currentViMode == ViMode::InsertMode || m_currentViMode == ViMode::ReplaceMode)) { // '^ is the insert mark and "^ is the insert register, // which holds the last inserted text KTextEditor::Range r(m_view->cursorPosition(), m_marks->getInsertStopped()); if (r.isValid()) { QString insertedText = m_view->doc()->text(r); m_inputAdapter->globalState()->registers()->setInsertStopped(insertedText); } m_marks->setInsertStopped(KTextEditor::Cursor(m_view->cursorPosition())); } changeViMode(ViMode::NormalMode); if (moveCursorLeft) { m_viewInternal->cursorPrevChar(); } m_inputAdapter->setCaretStyle(KateRenderer::Block); m_viewInternal->update(); } void InputModeManager::viEnterInsertMode() { changeViMode(ViMode::InsertMode); m_marks->setInsertStopped(KTextEditor::Cursor(m_view->cursorPosition())); if (getTemporaryNormalMode()) { // Ensure the key log contains a request to re-enter Insert mode, else the keystrokes made // after returning from temporary normal mode will be treated as commands! m_lastChangeRecorder->record(QKeyEvent(QEvent::KeyPress, Qt::Key_I, Qt::NoModifier, QStringLiteral("i"))); } m_inputAdapter->setCaretStyle(KateRenderer::Line); setTemporaryNormalMode(false); m_viewInternal->update(); } void InputModeManager::viEnterVisualMode(ViMode mode) { changeViMode(mode); // If the selection is inclusive, the caret should be a block. // If the selection is exclusive, the caret should be a line. m_inputAdapter->setCaretStyle(KateRenderer::Block); m_viewInternal->update(); getViVisualMode()->setVisualModeType(mode); getViVisualMode()->init(); } void InputModeManager::viEnterReplaceMode() { changeViMode(ViMode::ReplaceMode); m_marks->setStartEditYanked(KTextEditor::Cursor(m_view->cursorPosition())); m_inputAdapter->setCaretStyle(KateRenderer::Underline); m_viewInternal->update(); } NormalViMode *InputModeManager::getViNormalMode() { return m_viNormalMode; } InsertViMode *InputModeManager::getViInsertMode() { return m_viInsertMode; } VisualViMode *InputModeManager::getViVisualMode() { return m_viVisualMode; } ReplaceViMode *InputModeManager::getViReplaceMode() { return m_viReplaceMode; } const QString InputModeManager::getVerbatimKeys() const { QString cmd; switch (getCurrentViMode()) { case ViMode::NormalMode: cmd = m_viNormalMode->getVerbatimKeys(); break; case ViMode::InsertMode: case ViMode::ReplaceMode: // ... break; case ViMode::VisualMode: case ViMode::VisualLineMode: case ViMode::VisualBlockMode: cmd = m_viVisualMode->getVerbatimKeys(); break; } return cmd; } void InputModeManager::readSessionConfig(const KConfigGroup &config) { m_jumps->readSessionConfig(config); m_marks->readSessionConfig(config); } void InputModeManager::writeSessionConfig(KConfigGroup &config) { m_jumps->writeSessionConfig(config); m_marks->writeSessionConfig(config); } void InputModeManager::reset() { if (m_viVisualMode) { m_viVisualMode->reset(); } } KeyMapper *InputModeManager::keyMapper() { return m_keyMapperStack.top().data(); } void InputModeManager::updateCursor(const KTextEditor::Cursor c) { m_inputAdapter->updateCursor(c); } GlobalState *InputModeManager::globalState() const { return m_inputAdapter->globalState(); } KTextEditor::ViewPrivate *InputModeManager::view() const { return m_view; } void InputModeManager::pushKeyMapper(QSharedPointer mapper) { m_keyMapperStack.push(mapper); } void InputModeManager::popKeyMapper() { m_keyMapperStack.pop(); }