; RUN: opt -consthoist -S %s -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=OPT ; RUN: opt -consthoist -S -consthoist-min-num-to-rebase=1 %s -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=OPT --check-prefix=OPT-1 ; RUN: opt -consthoist -S -consthoist-min-num-to-rebase=2 %s -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=OPT --check-prefix=OPT-2 ; RUN: opt -consthoist -S -consthoist-min-num-to-rebase=3 %s -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=OPT --check-prefix=OPT-3 ; RUN: llc -consthoist-min-num-to-rebase=2 %s -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=LLC target datalayout = "e-m:e-p:32:32-i64:64-v128:64:128-a:0:32-n32-S64" target triple = "thumbv6m-none-unknown-musleabi" ; Test that constant 0 and 1 of i1 type is NOT hoisted due low ; materializing cost. ; OPT-LABEL: avalon ; OPT: bb1: ; OPT: store i1 true ; OPT: bb2: ; OPT: store i1 false ; OPT: bb3: ; OPT: store i1 false ; OPT: store i1 false ; OPT-NOT: add ; LLC-LABEL: avalon ; LLC-DAG: movs r{{[0-9]+}}, #0 ; LLC-DAG: movs r{{[0-9]+}}, #1 ; LLC-NOT: add @global = local_unnamed_addr global i1 undef, align 1 @global.0 = local_unnamed_addr global i1 undef, align 1 define void @avalon() #0 { bb: switch i8 undef, label %bb5 [ i8 0, label %bb1 i8 -1, label %bb2 i8 1, label %bb3 ] bb1: store i1 1, i1* @global, align 1 unreachable bb2: store i1 0, i1* @global, align 1 unreachable bb3: store i1 0, i1* @global.0, align 1 store i1 0, i1* @global, align 1 unreachable bb5: ret void } ; Test that for i8 type, constant -1 is not rebased since it's the only ; dependent of base constant -2. ; This test is also covered by r342898, see ; test/CodeGen/Thumb/consthoist-imm8-costs-1.ll ; OPT-2-LABEL: barney ; OPT-2: bb1: ; OPT-2: store i8 -1 ; OPT-2: bb2: ; OPT-2: store i8 -2 ; OPT-2: bb3: ; OPT-2: store i8 -2 ; OPT-2: store i8 -2 ; OPT-2-NOT: add ; LLC-LABEL: barney ; LLC-DAG: movs r{{[0-9]+}}, #254 ; LLC-DAG: movs r{{[0-9]+}}, #255 ; LLC-NOT: mvn ; LLC-NOT: add @global.1 = local_unnamed_addr global i8 undef, align 1 @global.2 = local_unnamed_addr global i8 undef, align 1 define void @barney() #0 { bb: switch i8 undef, label %bb5 [ i8 0, label %bb1 i8 -1, label %bb2 i8 1, label %bb3 ] bb1: ; preds = %bb store i8 -1, i8* @global.1, align 1 unreachable bb2: ; preds = %bb store i8 -2, i8* @global.1, align 1 unreachable bb3: ; preds = %bb store i8 -2, i8* @global.2, align 1 store i8 -2, i8* @global.1, align 1 unreachable bb5: ; preds = %bb ret void } ; Test that for i16 type constant 65532 is not rebased if it's the only ; dependent of base constant 65531. Cost would be the same if rebased. ; If rebased, 3 two-byte instructions: ; movs r0, #4 ; mvns r0, r0 ; adds r0, r0, #1 ; If NOT rebased, 1 two-byte instruction plus 1 four-byte CP entry: ; ldr r1, .LCPI2_3 ; ... ; .LCPI2_3: ; .long 65532 ; OPT-LABEL: carla ; -consthoist-min-num-to-rebase=1, check that 65532 and single use of 65531 ; in bb2 is rebased ; OPT-1: bb1: ; OPT-1: %[[C1:const[0-9]?]] = bitcast i16 -5 to i16 ; OPT-1-NEXT: %const_mat = add i16 %[[C1]], 1 ; OPT-1-NEXT: store i16 %const_mat, i16* @global.3, align 1 ; OPT-1: bb2: ; OPT-1-NEXT: %[[C2:const[0-9]?]] = bitcast i16 -5 to i16 ; OPT-1-NEXT: store i16 %[[C2]], i16* @global.3, align 1 ; OPT-1: bb3: ; OPT-1-NEXT: %[[C3:const[0-9]?]] = bitcast i16 -5 to i16 ; OPT-1-NEXT: store i16 %[[C3]], i16* @global.4, align 1 ; OPT-1-NEXT: store i16 %[[C3]], i16* @global.3, align 1 ; -consthoist-min-num-to-rebase=2, check that 65532 and single use of 65531 ; in bb2 is not rebased ; OPT-2: bb1: ; OPT-2-NEXT: store i16 -4, i16* @global.3, align 1 ; OPT-2: bb2: ; OPT-2-NEXT: store i16 -5, i16* @global.3, align 1 ; OPT-2: bb3: ; OPT-2-NEXT: %[[C4:const[0-9]?]] = bitcast i16 -5 to i16 ; OPT-2-NEXT: store i16 %[[C4]], i16* @global.4, align 1 ; OPT-2-NEXT: store i16 %[[C4]], i16* @global.3, align 1 ; OPT-2-NOT: add ; -consthoist-min-num-to-rebase=3, check that dual uses of 65531 in bb3 are ; not rebase ; OPT-3: bb1: ; OPT-3-NEXT: store i16 -4, i16* @global.3, align 1 ; OPT-3: bb2: ; OPT-3-NEXT: store i16 -5, i16* @global.3, align 1 ; OPT-3: bb3: ; OPT-3-NEXT: store i16 -5, i16* @global.4, align 1 ; OPT-3-NEXT: store i16 -5, i16* @global.3, align 1 ; OPT-3-NOT: add ; OPT-3-NOT: bitcast ; LLC-LABEL: carla ; LLC-DAG: ldr r{{[0-9]+}}, .LCPI2_1 ; LLC-DAG: ldr r{{[0-9]+}}, .LCPI2_3 ; LLC-NOT: mvn ; LLC-NOT: add @global.3 = local_unnamed_addr global i16 undef, align 2 @global.4 = local_unnamed_addr global i16 undef, align 2 define void @carla() { bb: switch i8 undef, label %bb5 [ i8 0, label %bb1 i8 -1, label %bb2 i8 1, label %bb3 ] bb1: ; preds = %bb store i16 65532, i16* @global.3, align 1 unreachable bb2: ; preds = %bb store i16 65531, i16* @global.3, align 1 unreachable bb3: ; preds = %bb store i16 65531, i16* @global.4, align 1 store i16 65531, i16* @global.3, align 1 unreachable bb5: ; preds = %bb ret void }