package MyServer::HelloWorld::HelloWorldSoap; use strict; use warnings; use Class::Std::Fast::Storable; use Scalar::Util qw(blessed); use base qw(SOAP::WSDL::Client::Base); # only load if it hasn't been loaded before require MyTypemaps::HelloWorld if not MyTypemaps::HelloWorld->can('get_class'); my %transport_class_of :ATTR(:name :default); my %transport_of :ATTR(:name :default<()>); my %dispatch_to :ATTR(:name); my $action_map_ref = { 'urn:HelloWorld#sayHello' => 'sayHello', }; sub START { my ($self, $ident, $arg_ref) = @_; eval "require $transport_class_of{ $ident }" or die "Cannot load transport class $transport_class_of{ $ident }: $@"; $transport_of{ $ident } = $transport_class_of{ $ident }->new({ action_map_ref => $action_map_ref, class_resolver => 'MyTypemaps::HelloWorld', dispatch_to => $dispatch_to{ $ident }, }); } sub handle { $transport_of{ ${ $_[0] } }->handle(@_[1..$#_]); } 1; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME MyInterfaces::HelloWorld::HelloWorldSoap - SOAP Server Class for the HelloWorld Web Service =head1 SYNOPSIS use MyServer::HelloWorld::HelloWorldSoap; my $server = MyServer::HelloWorld::HelloWorldSoap->new({ dispatch_to => 'My::Handler::Class', transport_class => 'SOAP::WSDL::Server::CGI', # optional, default }); $server->handle(); =head1 DESCRIPTION SOAP Server handler for the HelloWorld web service located at http://localhost:81/soap-wsdl-test/ =head1 SERVICE HelloWorld =head2 Port HelloWorldSoap =head1 METHODS =head2 General methods =head3 new Constructor. The C argument is mandatory. It must be a class or object implementing the SOAP Service methods listed below. =head2 SOAP Service methods Your dispatch_to class has to implement the following methods: The examples below serve as copy-and-paste prototypes to use in your class. =head3 sayHello sub sayHello( my ($self, $body, $header) = @_; # body is a ??? object - sorry, POD not implemented yet # header is a ??? object - sorry, POD not implemented yet # do something with body and header... return MyElements::sayHelloResponse->new( { sayHelloResult => $some_value, # string }, ); } =head1 AUTHOR Generated by SOAP::WSDL on Sun Dec 2 01:20:36 2007 =pod