""" This module holds our customized WebView that integrates HTML, CSS & JS into Qt. WebviewWidget provides a somewhat uniform interface (_WebViewBase) around either WebEngineView (extends QWebEngineView) or WebKitView (extends QWebView), as available. """ import os from os.path import abspath, dirname, join import time import threading import warnings import inspect from collections.abc import Iterable, Mapping, Set, Sequence from itertools import count from numbers import Integral, Real from random import random from urllib.parse import urljoin from urllib.request import pathname2url import numpy as np import sip from AnyQt.QtCore import Qt, QObject, QFile, QTimer, QUrl, QSize, QEventLoop, \ pyqtProperty, pyqtSlot, pyqtSignal from AnyQt.QtGui import QColor from AnyQt.QtWidgets import QSizePolicy, QWidget, qApp try: from AnyQt.QtWebKitWidgets import QWebView HAVE_WEBKIT = True except ImportError: HAVE_WEBKIT = False try: from AnyQt.QtWebEngineWidgets import QWebEngineView, QWebEngineScript from AnyQt.QtWebChannel import QWebChannel HAVE_WEBENGINE = True except ImportError: HAVE_WEBENGINE = False _WEBVIEW_HELPERS = join(dirname(__file__), '_webview', 'helpers.js') _WEBENGINE_INIT_WEBCHANNEL = join(dirname(__file__), '_webview', 'init-webengine-webchannel.js') _ORANGE_DEBUG = os.environ.get('ORANGE_DEBUG') def _inherit_docstrings(cls): """Inherit methods' docstrings from first superclass that defines them""" for method in cls.__dict__.values(): if inspect.isfunction(method) and method.__doc__ is None: for parent in cls.__mro__[1:]: __doc__ = getattr(parent, method.__name__, None).__doc__ if __doc__: method.__doc__ = __doc__ break return cls class _QWidgetJavaScriptWrapper(QObject): def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__(parent) self.__parent = parent @pyqtSlot() def load_really_finished(self): self.__parent._load_really_finished() @pyqtSlot() def hideWindow(self): w = self.__parent while isinstance(w, QWidget): if w.windowFlags() & (Qt.Window | Qt.Dialog): return w.hide() w = w.parent() if callable(w.parent) else w.parent if HAVE_WEBENGINE: class WebEngineView(QWebEngineView): """ A QWebEngineView initialized to support communication with JS code. Parameters ---------- parent : QWidget Parent widget object. bridge : QObject The "bridge" object exposed as a global object ``pybridge`` in JavaScript. Any methods desired to be accessible from JS need to be decorated with ``@QtCore.pyqtSlot(<*args>, result=)`` decorator. Note: do not use QWidget instances as a bridge, use a minimal QObject subclass implementing the required interface. """ # Prefix added to objects exposed via WebviewWidget.exposeObject() # This caters to this class' subclass _EXPOSED_OBJ_PREFIX = '__ORANGE_' def __init__(self, parent=None, bridge=None, *, debug=False, **kwargs): debug = debug or _ORANGE_DEBUG if debug: port = os.environ.setdefault('QTWEBENGINE_REMOTE_DEBUGGING', '12088') warnings.warn( 'To debug QWebEngineView, set environment variable ' 'QTWEBENGINE_REMOTE_DEBUGGING={port} and then visit ' '{port}/ in a Chromium-based browser. ' 'See https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtwebengine-debugging.html ' 'This has also been done for you.'.format(port=port)) super().__init__(parent, sizeHint=QSize(500, 400), sizePolicy=QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding), **kwargs) self.bridge = bridge self.debug = debug with open(_WEBVIEW_HELPERS, encoding="utf-8") as f: self._onloadJS(f.read(), name='webview_helpers', injection_point=QWebEngineScript.DocumentCreation) qtwebchannel_js = QFile("://qtwebchannel/qwebchannel.js") if qtwebchannel_js.open(QFile.ReadOnly): source = bytes(qtwebchannel_js.readAll()).decode("utf-8") with open(_WEBENGINE_INIT_WEBCHANNEL, encoding="utf-8") as f: init_webchannel_src = f.read() self._onloadJS(source + init_webchannel_src % dict(exposeObject_prefix=self._EXPOSED_OBJ_PREFIX), name='webchannel_init', injection_point=QWebEngineScript.DocumentCreation) else: warnings.warn( "://qtwebchannel/qwebchannel.js is not readable.", RuntimeWarning) self._onloadJS(';window.__load_finished = true;', name='load_finished', injection_point=QWebEngineScript.DocumentReady) channel = QWebChannel(self) if bridge is not None: if isinstance(bridge, QWidget): warnings.warn( "Don't expose QWidgets in WebView. Construct minimal " "QObjects instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) channel.registerObject("pybridge", bridge) channel.registerObject('__bridge', _QWidgetJavaScriptWrapper(self)) self.page().setWebChannel(channel) def _onloadJS(self, code, name='', injection_point=QWebEngineScript.DocumentReady): script = QWebEngineScript() script.setName(name or ('script_' + str(random())[2:])) script.setSourceCode(code) script.setInjectionPoint(injection_point) script.setWorldId(script.MainWorld) script.setRunsOnSubFrames(False) self.page().scripts().insert(script) self.loadStarted.connect( lambda: self.page().scripts().insert(script)) def runJavaScript(self, javascript, resultCallback=None): """ Parameters ---------- javascript : str javascript code. resultCallback : Optional[(object) -> None] When the script has been executed the `resultCallback` will be called with the result of the last executed statement. """ if resultCallback is not None: self.page().runJavaScript(javascript, resultCallback) else: self.page().runJavaScript(javascript) if HAVE_WEBKIT: class WebKitView(QWebView): """ Construct a new QWebView widget that has no history and supports loading from local URLs. Parameters ---------- parent: QWidget The parent widget. bridge: QObject The QObject to use as a parent. This object is also exposed as ``window.pybridge`` in JavaScript. html: str The HTML to load the view with. debug: bool Whether to enable inspector tools on right click. **kwargs: Passed to QWebView. """ def __init__(self, parent=None, bridge=None, *, debug=False, **kwargs): super().__init__(parent, sizeHint=QSize(500, 400), sizePolicy=QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding), **kwargs) if isinstance(parent, QWidget) and parent.layout() is not None: parent.layout().addWidget(self) # TODO REMOVE self.bridge = bridge self.frame = None debug = debug or _ORANGE_DEBUG self.debug = debug if isinstance(bridge, QWidget): warnings.warn( "Don't expose QWidgets in WebView. Construct minimal " "QObjects instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) def _onload(_ok): if _ok: self.frame = self.page().mainFrame() self.frame.javaScriptWindowObjectCleared.connect( lambda: self.frame.addToJavaScriptWindowObject('pybridge', bridge)) with open(_WEBVIEW_HELPERS, encoding="utf-8") as f: self.frame.evaluateJavaScript(f.read()) self.loadFinished.connect(_onload) _onload(True) history = self.history() history.setMaximumItemCount(0) settings = self.settings() settings.setMaximumPagesInCache(0) settings.setAttribute(settings.LocalContentCanAccessFileUrls, True) settings.setAttribute(settings.LocalContentCanAccessRemoteUrls, False) if debug: settings.setAttribute(settings.LocalStorageEnabled, True) settings.setAttribute(settings.DeveloperExtrasEnabled, True) settings.setObjectCacheCapacities(4e6, 4e6, 4e6) settings.enablePersistentStorage() def runJavaScript(self, javascript, resultCallback=None): result = self.page().mainFrame().evaluateJavaScript(javascript) if resultCallback is not None: # Emulate the QtWebEngine's interface and return the result # in a event queue invoked callback QTimer.singleShot(0, lambda: resultCallback(result)) def _to_primitive_types(d): # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements if isinstance(d, QWidget): raise ValueError("Don't expose QWidgets in WebView. Construct minimal " "QObjects instead.") if isinstance(d, Integral): return int(d) if isinstance(d, Real): return float(d) if isinstance(d, (bool, np.bool_)): return bool(d) if isinstance(d, (str, QObject)): return d if isinstance(d, np.ndarray): return d.tolist() if isinstance(d, Mapping): return {k: _to_primitive_types(d[k]) for k in d} if isinstance(d, Set): return {k: 1 for k in d} if isinstance(d, (Sequence, Iterable)): return [_to_primitive_types(i) for i in d] if d is None: return None if isinstance(d, QColor): return d.name() raise TypeError( 'object must consist of primitive types ' '(allowed: int, float, str, bool, list, ' 'dict, set, numpy.ndarray, ...). Type is: ' + d.__class__) class _WebViewBase: def _evalJS(self, code): """Evaluate JavaScript code and return the result of the last statement.""" raise NotImplementedError def onloadJS(self, code): """Run JS on document load.""" raise NotImplementedError def html(self): """Return HTML contents of the top frame. Warnings -------- In the case of Qt WebEngine implementation, this function calls: QCoreApplication.processEvents(QEventLoop.ExcludeUserInputEvents) until the page's HTML contents is made available (through IPC). """ raise NotImplementedError def exposeObject(self, name, obj): """Expose the object `obj` as ``window.`` in JavaScript. If the object contains any string values that start and end with literal ``/**/``, those are evaluated as JS expressions the result value replaces the string in the object. The exposure, as defined here, represents a snapshot of object at the time of execution. Any future changes on the original Python object are not visible in its JavaScript counterpart. Parameters ---------- name: str The global name the object is exposed as. obj: object The object to expose. Must contain only primitive types, such as: int, float, str, bool, list, dict, set, numpy.ndarray ... """ raise NotImplementedError def __init__(self): self.__is_init = False self.__js_queue = [] @pyqtSlot() def _load_really_finished(self): """Call this from JS when the document is ready.""" self.__is_init = True def dropEvent(self, event): """Prevent loading of drag-and-drop dropped file""" pass def evalJS(self, code): """ Evaluate JavaScript code synchronously (or sequentially, at least). Parameters ---------- code : str The JavaScript code to evaluate in main page frame. The scope is not assured. Assign properties to window if you want to make them available elsewhere. Warnings -------- In the case of Qt WebEngine implementation, this function calls: QCoreApplication.processEvents(QEventLoop.ExcludeUserInputEvents) until the page is fully loaded, all the objects exposed via exposeObject() method are indeed exposed in JS, and the code `code` has finished evaluating. """ def _later(): if not self.__is_init and self.__js_queue: return QTimer.singleShot(1, _later) if self.__js_queue: # '/n' is required when the last line is a comment code = '\n;'.join(self.__js_queue) self.__js_queue.clear() self._evalJS(code) # WebView returns the result of the last evaluated expression. # This result may be too complex an object to safely receive on this # end, so instead, just make it return 0. code += ';0;' self.__js_queue.append(code) QTimer.singleShot(1, _later) def svg(self): """ Return SVG string of the first SVG element on the page, or raise ValueError if not any. """ html = self.html() return html[html.index('') + 6] def setHtml(self, html, base_url=''): """Set the HTML content of the current webframe to `html` (an UTF-8 string).""" super().setHtml(html, QUrl(base_url)) @staticmethod def toFileURL(local_path): """Return local_path as file:// URL""" return urljoin('file:', pathname2url(abspath(local_path))) def setUrl(self, url): """Point the current frame to URL url.""" super().setUrl(QUrl(url)) def contextMenuEvent(self, event): """ Also disable context menu unless debug.""" if self.debug: super().contextMenuEvent(event) def wait(until: callable, timeout=5000): """Process events until condition is satisfied Parameters ---------- until: callable Returns True when condition is satisfied. timeout: int Milliseconds to wait until TimeoutError is raised. """ started = time.perf_counter() while not until(): qApp.processEvents(QEventLoop.ExcludeUserInputEvents) if (time.perf_counter() - started) * 1000 > timeout: raise TimeoutError() if HAVE_WEBKIT: class _JSObject(QObject): """ This class hopefully prevent options data from being marshalled into a string-like dumb (JSON) object when passed into JavaScript. Or at least relies on Qt to do it as optimally as it knows to.""" def __init__(self, parent, name, obj): super().__init__(parent) self._obj = dict(obj=obj) @pyqtProperty('QVariantMap') def pop_object(self): return self._obj class WebviewWidget(_WebViewBase, WebKitView): def __init__(self, parent=None, bridge=None, *, debug=False, **kwargs): # WebEngine base WebviewWidget has js_timeout parameter, since # user do not know which one will get and passing js_timeout to # WebKitView causes error we should remove kwargs.pop("js_timeout", None) WebKitView.__init__(self, parent, bridge, debug=debug, **kwargs) _WebViewBase.__init__(self) def load_finished(): if not sip.isdeleted(self): self.frame.addToJavaScriptWindowObject( '__bridge', _QWidgetJavaScriptWrapper(self)) self._evalJS('setTimeout(function(){' '__bridge.load_really_finished(); }, 100);') self.loadFinished.connect(load_finished) @pyqtSlot() def _load_really_finished(self): # _WebViewBase's (super) method not visible in JS for some reason super()._load_really_finished() def _evalJS(self, code): return self.frame.evaluateJavaScript(code) def onloadJS(self, code): self.frame.loadFinished.connect( lambda: WebviewWidget.evalJS(self, code)) def html(self): return self.frame.toHtml() def exposeObject(self, name, obj): obj = _to_primitive_types(obj) jsobj = _JSObject(self, name, obj) self.frame.addToJavaScriptWindowObject('__js_object_' + name, jsobj) WebviewWidget.evalJS(self, ''' window.{0} = window.__js_object_{0}.pop_object.obj; fixupPythonObject({0}); 0; '''.format(name)) elif HAVE_WEBENGINE: class IdStore: """Generates and stores unique ids. Used in WebviewWidget._evalJS below to match scheduled js executions and returned results. WebEngine operations are async, so locking is used to guard against problems that could occur if multiple executions ended at exactly the same time. """ def __init__(self): self.id = 0 self.lock = threading.Lock() self.ids = dict() def create(self): with self.lock: self.id += 1 return self.id def store(self, id, value): with self.lock: self.ids[id] = value def __contains__(self, id): return id in self.ids def pop(self, id): with self.lock: return self.ids.pop(id, None) class _JSObjectChannel(QObject): """ This class hopefully prevent options data from being marshalled into a string-like dumb (JSON) object when passed into JavaScript. Or at least relies on Qt to do it as optimally as it knows to.""" # JS webchannel listens to this signal objectChanged = pyqtSignal('QVariantMap') def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__(parent) self._obj = None self._id_gen = count() self._objects = {} def send_object(self, name, obj): if isinstance(obj, QObject): raise ValueError( "QWebChannel doesn't transmit QObject instances. If you " "need a QObject available in JavaScript, pass it as a " "bridge in WebviewWidget constructor.") id = next(self._id_gen) value = self._objects[id] = dict(id=id, name=name, obj=obj) # Wait till JS is connected to receive objects wait(until=lambda: self.receivers(self.objectChanged)) self.objectChanged.emit(value) @pyqtSlot(int) def mark_exposed(self, id): del self._objects[id] def is_all_exposed(self): return len(self._objects) == 0 _NOTSET = object() class WebviewWidget(_WebViewBase, WebEngineView): _html = _NOTSET def __init__(self, parent=None, bridge=None, *, js_timeout=5000, debug=False, **kwargs): WebEngineView.__init__(self, parent, bridge, debug=debug, **kwargs) _WebViewBase.__init__(self) # Tracks objects exposed in JS via exposeObject(). JS notifies once # the object has indeed been exposed (i.e. the new object is available # is JS) because the whole thing is async. # This is needed to stall any evalJS() calls which may expect # the objects being available (but could otherwise be executed before # the objects are exposed in JS). self._jsobject_channel = jsobj = _JSObjectChannel(self) self.page().webChannel().registerObject( '__js_object_channel', jsobj) self._results = IdStore() self.js_timeout = js_timeout def _evalJS(self, code): wait(until=self._jsobject_channel.is_all_exposed) if sip.isdeleted(self): return None result = self._results.create() self.runJavaScript(code, lambda x: self._results.store(result, x)) wait(until=lambda: result in self._results, timeout=self.js_timeout) return self._results.pop(result) def onloadJS(self, code): self._onloadJS(code, injection_point=QWebEngineScript.Deferred) def html(self): self.page().toHtml(lambda html: setattr(self, '_html', html)) wait(until=lambda: self._html is not _NOTSET or sip.isdeleted(self)) html, self._html = self._html, _NOTSET return html def exposeObject(self, name, obj): obj = _to_primitive_types(obj) self._jsobject_channel.send_object(name, obj) def setHtml(self, html, base_url=''): # TODO: remove once anaconda will provide PyQt without this bug. # # At least on some installations of PyQt 5.6.0 with anaconda # WebViewWidget grabs focus on setHTML which can be quite annoying. # For example, if you have a line edit as filter and show results # in WebWiew, then WebView grabs focus after every typed character. # # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/36609489 # https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-52999 initial_state = self.isEnabled() self.setEnabled(False) super().setHtml(html, base_url) self.setEnabled(initial_state)