from __future__ import unicode_literals import functools from prompt_toolkit.application import Application from prompt_toolkit.application.current import get_app from prompt_toolkit.eventloop import run_in_executor from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.bindings.focus import ( focus_next, focus_previous, ) from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.defaults import load_key_bindings from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.key_bindings import ( KeyBindings, merge_key_bindings, ) from prompt_toolkit.layout import Layout from prompt_toolkit.layout.containers import HSplit from prompt_toolkit.layout.dimension import Dimension as D from prompt_toolkit.widgets import ( Box, Button, Dialog, Label, ProgressBar, RadioList, TextArea, ) __all__ = [ 'yes_no_dialog', 'button_dialog', 'input_dialog', 'message_dialog', 'radiolist_dialog', 'progress_dialog', ] def yes_no_dialog(title='', text='', yes_text='Yes', no_text='No', style=None, async_=False): """ Display a Yes/No dialog. Return a boolean. """ def yes_handler(): get_app().exit(result=True) def no_handler(): get_app().exit(result=False) dialog = Dialog( title=title, body=Label(text=text, dont_extend_height=True), buttons=[ Button(text=yes_text, handler=yes_handler), Button(text=no_text, handler=no_handler), ], with_background=True) return _run_dialog(dialog, style, async_=async_) def button_dialog(title='', text='', buttons=[], style=None, async_=False): """ Display a dialog with button choices (given as a list of tuples). Return the value associated with button. """ def button_handler(v): get_app().exit(result=v) dialog = Dialog( title=title, body=Label(text=text, dont_extend_height=True), buttons=[Button(text=t, handler=functools.partial(button_handler, v)) for t, v in buttons], with_background=True) return _run_dialog(dialog, style, async_=async_) def input_dialog(title='', text='', ok_text='OK', cancel_text='Cancel', completer=None, password=False, style=None, async_=False): """ Display a text input box. Return the given text, or None when cancelled. """ def accept(buf): get_app().layout.focus(ok_button) return True # Keep text. def ok_handler(): get_app().exit(result=textfield.text) ok_button = Button(text=ok_text, handler=ok_handler) cancel_button = Button(text=cancel_text, handler=_return_none) textfield = TextArea( multiline=False, password=password, completer=completer, accept_handler=accept) dialog = Dialog( title=title, body=HSplit([ Label(text=text, dont_extend_height=True), textfield, ], padding=D(preferred=1, max=1)), buttons=[ok_button, cancel_button], with_background=True) return _run_dialog(dialog, style, async_=async_) def message_dialog(title='', text='', ok_text='Ok', style=None, async_=False): """ Display a simple message box and wait until the user presses enter. """ dialog = Dialog( title=title, body=Label(text=text, dont_extend_height=True), buttons=[ Button(text=ok_text, handler=_return_none), ], with_background=True) return _run_dialog(dialog, style, async_=async_) def radiolist_dialog(title='', text='', ok_text='Ok', cancel_text='Cancel', values=None, style=None, async_=False): """ Display a simple list of element the user can choose amongst. Only one element can be selected at a time using Arrow keys and Enter. The focus can be moved between the list and the Ok/Cancel button with tab. """ def ok_handler(): get_app().exit(result=radio_list.current_value) radio_list = RadioList(values) dialog = Dialog( title=title, body=HSplit([ Label(text=text, dont_extend_height=True), radio_list, ], padding=1), buttons=[ Button(text=ok_text, handler=ok_handler), Button(text=cancel_text, handler=_return_none), ], with_background=True) return _run_dialog(dialog, style, async_=async_) def progress_dialog(title='', text='', run_callback=None, style=None, async_=False): """ :param run_callback: A function that receives as input a `set_percentage` function and it does the work. """ assert callable(run_callback) progressbar = ProgressBar() text_area = TextArea( focusable=False, # Prefer this text area as big as possible, to avoid having a window # that keeps resizing when we add text to it. height=D(preferred=10**10)) dialog = Dialog( body=HSplit([ Box(Label(text=text)), Box(text_area, padding=D.exact(1)), progressbar, ]), title=title, with_background=True) app = _create_app(dialog, style) def set_percentage(value): progressbar.percentage = int(value) app.invalidate() def log_text(text): text_area.buffer.insert_text(text) app.invalidate() # Run the callback in the executor. When done, set a return value for the # UI, so that it quits. def start(): try: run_callback(set_percentage, log_text) finally: app.exit() run_in_executor(start) if async_: return app.run_async() else: return def _run_dialog(dialog, style, async_=False): " Turn the `Dialog` into an `Application` and run it. " application = _create_app(dialog, style) if async_: return application.run_async() else: return def _create_app(dialog, style): # Key bindings. bindings = KeyBindings() bindings.add('tab')(focus_next) bindings.add('s-tab')(focus_previous) return Application( layout=Layout(dialog), key_bindings=merge_key_bindings([ load_key_bindings(), bindings, ]), mouse_support=True, style=style, full_screen=True) def _return_none(): " Button handler that returns None. " get_app().exit()