import ast from fnmatch import fnmatch, fnmatchcase from pathlib import Path import pkgutil import re import string import sys from vulture import lines from vulture import noqa from vulture import utils from vulture.config import make_config DEFAULT_CONFIDENCE = 60 IGNORED_VARIABLE_NAMES = {"object", "self"} ERROR_CODES = { "attribute": "V101", "class": "V102", "function": "V103", "import": "V104", "method": "V105", "property": "V106", "variable": "V107", "unreachable_code": "V201", } def _get_unused_items(defined_items, used_names): unused_items = [ item for item in set(defined_items) if not in used_names ] unused_items.sort(key=lambda item: return unused_items def _is_special_name(name): return name.startswith("__") and name.endswith("__") def _match(name, patterns, case=True): func = fnmatchcase if case else fnmatch return any(func(name, pattern) for pattern in patterns) def _is_test_file(filename): return _match( filename.resolve(), ["*/test/*", "*/tests/*", "*/test*.py", "*[-_]"], case=False, ) def _ignore_class(filename, class_name): return _is_test_file(filename) and "Test" in class_name def _ignore_import(filename, import_name): """ Ignore star-imported names since we can't detect whether they are used. Ignore imports from files since they're commonly used to collect objects from a package. """ return == "" or import_name == "*" def _ignore_function(filename, function_name): return function_name.startswith("test_") and _is_test_file(filename) def _ignore_method(filename, method_name): return _is_special_name(method_name) or ( method_name.startswith("test_") and _is_test_file(filename) ) def _ignore_variable(filename, varname): """ Ignore _ (Python idiom), _x (pylint convention) and __x__ (special variable or method), but not __x. """ return ( varname in IGNORED_VARIABLE_NAMES or (varname.startswith("_") and not varname.startswith("__")) or _is_special_name(varname) ) class Item: """ Hold the name, type and location of defined code. """ __slots__ = ( "name", "typ", "filename", "first_lineno", "last_lineno", "message", "confidence", ) def __init__( self, name, typ, filename, first_lineno, last_lineno, message="", confidence=DEFAULT_CONFIDENCE, ): = name self.typ = typ self.filename = filename self.first_lineno = first_lineno self.last_lineno = last_lineno self.message = message or f"unused {typ} '{name}'" self.confidence = confidence @property def size(self): assert self.last_lineno >= self.first_lineno return self.last_lineno - self.first_lineno + 1 def get_report(self, add_size=False): if add_size: line_format = "line" if self.size == 1 else "lines" size_report = f", {self.size:d} {line_format}" else: size_report = "" return "{}:{:d}: {} ({}% confidence{})".format( utils.format_path(self.filename), self.first_lineno, self.message, self.confidence, size_report, ) def get_whitelist_string(self): filename = utils.format_path(self.filename) if self.typ == "unreachable_code": return f"# {self.message} ({filename}:{self.first_lineno})" else: prefix = "" if self.typ in ["attribute", "method", "property"]: prefix = "_." return "{}{} # unused {} ({}:{:d})".format( prefix,, self.typ, filename, self.first_lineno ) def _tuple(self): return (self.filename, self.first_lineno, def __repr__(self): return repr( def __eq__(self, other): return self._tuple() == other._tuple() def __hash__(self): return hash(self._tuple()) class Vulture(ast.NodeVisitor): """Find dead code.""" def __init__( self, verbose=False, ignore_names=None, ignore_decorators=None ): self.verbose = verbose def get_list(typ): return utils.LoggingList(typ, self.verbose) self.defined_attrs = get_list("attribute") self.defined_classes = get_list("class") self.defined_funcs = get_list("function") self.defined_imports = get_list("import") self.defined_methods = get_list("method") self.defined_props = get_list("property") self.defined_vars = get_list("variable") self.unreachable_code = get_list("unreachable_code") self.used_names = utils.LoggingSet("name", self.verbose) self.ignore_names = ignore_names or [] self.ignore_decorators = ignore_decorators or [] self.filename = Path() self.code = [] self.found_dead_code_or_error = False def scan(self, code, filename=""): filename = Path(filename) self.code = code.splitlines() self.noqa_lines = noqa.parse_noqa(self.code) self.filename = filename def handle_syntax_error(e): text = f' at "{e.text.strip()}"' if e.text else "" print( f"{utils.format_path(filename)}:{e.lineno}: {e.msg}{text}", file=sys.stderr, ) self.found_dead_code_or_error = True try: node = ( ast.parse( code, filename=str(self.filename), type_comments=True ) if sys.version_info >= (3, 8) # type_comments requires 3.8+ else ast.parse(code, filename=str(self.filename)) ) except SyntaxError as err: handle_syntax_error(err) except ValueError as err: # ValueError is raised if source contains null bytes. print( f'{utils.format_path(filename)}: invalid source code "{err}"', file=sys.stderr, ) self.found_dead_code_or_error = True else: # When parsing type comments, visiting can throw SyntaxError. try: self.visit(node) except SyntaxError as err: handle_syntax_error(err) def scavenge(self, paths, exclude=None): def prepare_pattern(pattern): if not any(char in pattern for char in "*?["): pattern = f"*{pattern}*" return pattern exclude = [prepare_pattern(pattern) for pattern in (exclude or [])] def exclude_path(path): return _match(path, exclude, case=False) paths = [Path(path) for path in paths] for module in utils.get_modules(paths): if exclude_path(module): self._log("Excluded:", module) continue self._log("Scanning:", module) try: module_string = utils.read_file(module) except utils.VultureInputException as err: # noqa: F841 print( f"Error: Could not read file {module} - {err}\n" f"Try to change the encoding to UTF-8.", file=sys.stderr, ) self.found_dead_code_or_error = True else: self.scan(module_string, filename=module) unique_imports = { for item in self.defined_imports} for import_name in unique_imports: path = Path("whitelists") / (import_name + "") if exclude_path(path): self._log("Excluded whitelist:", path) else: try: module_data = pkgutil.get_data("vulture", str(path)) self._log("Included whitelist:", path) except OSError: # Most imported modules don't have a whitelist. continue module_string = module_data.decode("utf-8") self.scan(module_string, filename=path) def get_unused_code(self, min_confidence=0, sort_by_size=False): """ Return ordered list of unused Item objects. """ if not 0 <= min_confidence <= 100: raise ValueError("min_confidence must be between 0 and 100.") def by_name(item): return (str(item.filename).lower(), item.first_lineno) def by_size(item): return (item.size,) + by_name(item) unused_code = ( self.unused_attrs + self.unused_classes + self.unused_funcs + self.unused_imports + self.unused_methods + self.unused_props + self.unused_vars + self.unreachable_code ) confidently_unused = [ obj for obj in unused_code if obj.confidence >= min_confidence ] return sorted( confidently_unused, key=by_size if sort_by_size else by_name ) def report( self, min_confidence=0, sort_by_size=False, make_whitelist=False ): """ Print ordered list of Item objects to stdout. """ for item in self.get_unused_code( min_confidence=min_confidence, sort_by_size=sort_by_size ): print( item.get_whitelist_string() if make_whitelist else item.get_report(add_size=sort_by_size) ) self.found_dead_code_or_error = True return self.found_dead_code_or_error @property def unused_classes(self): return _get_unused_items(self.defined_classes, self.used_names) @property def unused_funcs(self): return _get_unused_items(self.defined_funcs, self.used_names) @property def unused_imports(self): return _get_unused_items(self.defined_imports, self.used_names) @property def unused_methods(self): return _get_unused_items(self.defined_methods, self.used_names) @property def unused_props(self): return _get_unused_items(self.defined_props, self.used_names) @property def unused_vars(self): return _get_unused_items(self.defined_vars, self.used_names) @property def unused_attrs(self): return _get_unused_items(self.defined_attrs, self.used_names) def _log(self, *args): if self.verbose: print(*args) def _add_aliases(self, node): """ We delegate to this method instead of using visit_alias() to have access to line numbers and to filter imports from __future__. """ assert isinstance(node, (ast.Import, ast.ImportFrom)) for name_and_alias in node.names: # Store only top-level module name ("os.path" -> "os"). # We can't easily detect when "os.path" is used. name =".")[0] alias = name_and_alias.asname self._define( self.defined_imports, alias or name, node, confidence=90, ignore=_ignore_import, ) if alias is not None: self.used_names.add( def _handle_conditional_node(self, node, name): if utils.condition_is_always_false(node.test): self._define( self.unreachable_code, name, node, last_node=node.body if isinstance(node, ast.IfExp) else node.body[-1], message=f"unsatisfiable '{name}' condition", confidence=100, ) elif utils.condition_is_always_true(node.test): else_body = node.orelse if name == "ternary": self._define( self.unreachable_code, name, else_body, message="unreachable 'else' expression", confidence=100, ) elif else_body: self._define( self.unreachable_code, "else", else_body[0], last_node=else_body[-1], message="unreachable 'else' block", confidence=100, ) elif name == "if": # Redundant if-condition without else block. self._define( self.unreachable_code, name, node, message="redundant if-condition", confidence=100, ) def _define( self, collection, name, first_node, last_node=None, message="", confidence=DEFAULT_CONFIDENCE, ignore=None, ): def ignored(lineno): return ( (ignore and ignore(self.filename, name)) or _match(name, self.ignore_names) or noqa.ignore_line(self.noqa_lines, lineno, ERROR_CODES[typ]) ) last_node = last_node or first_node typ = collection.typ first_lineno = lines.get_first_line_number(first_node) if ignored(first_lineno): self._log(f'Ignoring {typ} "{name}"') else: last_lineno = lines.get_last_line_number(last_node) collection.append( Item( name, typ, self.filename, first_lineno, last_lineno, message=message, confidence=confidence, ) ) def _define_variable(self, name, node, confidence=DEFAULT_CONFIDENCE): self._define( self.defined_vars, name, node, confidence=confidence, ignore=_ignore_variable, ) def visit_arg(self, node): """Function argument""" self._define_variable(node.arg, node, confidence=100) def visit_AsyncFunctionDef(self, node): return self.visit_FunctionDef(node) def visit_Attribute(self, node): if isinstance(node.ctx, ast.Store): self._define(self.defined_attrs, node.attr, node) elif isinstance(node.ctx, ast.Load): self.used_names.add(node.attr) def visit_BinOp(self, node): """ Parse variable names in old format strings: "%(my_var)s" % locals() """ if ( isinstance(node.left, ast.Str) and isinstance(node.op, ast.Mod) and self._is_locals_call(node.right) ): self.used_names |= set(re.findall(r"%\((\w+)\)", node.left.s)) def visit_Call(self, node): # Count getattr/hasattr(x, "some_attr", ...) as usage of some_attr. if isinstance(node.func, ast.Name) and ( ( == "getattr" and 2 <= len(node.args) <= 3) or ( == "hasattr" and len(node.args) == 2) ): attr_name_arg = node.args[1] if isinstance(attr_name_arg, ast.Str): self.used_names.add(attr_name_arg.s) # Parse variable names in new format strings: # "{my_var}".format(**locals()) if ( isinstance(node.func, ast.Attribute) and isinstance(node.func.value, ast.Str) and node.func.attr == "format" and any( kw.arg is None and self._is_locals_call(kw.value) for kw in node.keywords ) ): self._handle_new_format_string(node.func.value.s) def _handle_new_format_string(self, s): def is_identifier(name): return bool(re.match(r"[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*", name)) parser = string.Formatter() try: names = [name for _, name, _, _ in parser.parse(s) if name] except ValueError: # Invalid format string. names = [] for field_name in names: # Remove brackets and their contents: "a[0][b].c[d].e" -> "a.c.e", # then split the resulting string: "a.b.c" -> ["a", "b", "c"] vars = re.sub(r"\[\w*\]", "", field_name).split(".") for var in vars: if is_identifier(var): self.used_names.add(var) @staticmethod def _is_locals_call(node): """Return True if the node is `locals()`.""" return ( isinstance(node, ast.Call) and isinstance(node.func, ast.Name) and == "locals" and not node.args and not node.keywords ) def visit_ClassDef(self, node): for decorator in node.decorator_list: if _match( utils.get_decorator_name(decorator), self.ignore_decorators ): self._log( f'Ignoring class "{}" (decorator whitelisted)' ) break else: self._define( self.defined_classes,, node, ignore=_ignore_class ) def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): decorator_names = [ utils.get_decorator_name(decorator) for decorator in node.decorator_list ] first_arg = node.args.args[0].arg if node.args.args else None if "@property" in decorator_names: typ = "property" elif ( "@staticmethod" in decorator_names or "@classmethod" in decorator_names or first_arg == "self" ): typ = "method" else: typ = "function" if any( _match(name, self.ignore_decorators) for name in decorator_names ): self._log(f'Ignoring {typ} "{}" (decorator whitelisted)') elif typ == "property": self._define(self.defined_props,, node) elif typ == "method": self._define( self.defined_methods,, node, ignore=_ignore_method ) else: self._define( self.defined_funcs,, node, ignore=_ignore_function ) def visit_If(self, node): self._handle_conditional_node(node, "if") def visit_IfExp(self, node): self._handle_conditional_node(node, "ternary") def visit_Import(self, node): self._add_aliases(node) def visit_ImportFrom(self, node): if node.module != "__future__": self._add_aliases(node) def visit_Name(self, node): if ( isinstance(node.ctx, ast.Load) and not in IGNORED_VARIABLE_NAMES ): self.used_names.add( elif isinstance(node.ctx, (ast.Param, ast.Store)): self._define_variable(, node) def visit_While(self, node): self._handle_conditional_node(node, "while") def visit(self, node): method = "visit_" + node.__class__.__name__ visitor = getattr(self, method, None) if self.verbose: lineno = getattr(node, "lineno", 1) line = self.code[lineno - 1] if self.code else "" self._log(lineno, ast.dump(node), line) if visitor: visitor(node) # There isn't a clean subset of node types that might have type # comments, so just check all of them. type_comment = getattr(node, "type_comment", None) if type_comment is not None: mode = ( "func_type" if isinstance(node, (ast.FunctionDef, ast.AsyncFunctionDef)) else "eval" ) self.visit( ast.parse(type_comment, filename="", mode=mode) ) return self.generic_visit(node) def _handle_ast_list(self, ast_list): """ Find unreachable nodes in the given sequence of ast nodes. """ for index, node in enumerate(ast_list): if isinstance( node, (ast.Break, ast.Continue, ast.Raise, ast.Return) ): try: first_unreachable_node = ast_list[index + 1] except IndexError: continue class_name = node.__class__.__name__.lower() self._define( self.unreachable_code, class_name, first_unreachable_node, last_node=ast_list[-1], message=f"unreachable code after '{class_name}'", confidence=100, ) return def generic_visit(self, node): """Called if no explicit visitor function exists for a node.""" for _, value in ast.iter_fields(node): if isinstance(value, list): self._handle_ast_list(value) for item in value: if isinstance(item, ast.AST): self.visit(item) elif isinstance(value, ast.AST): self.visit(value) def main(): config = make_config() vulture = Vulture( verbose=config["verbose"], ignore_names=config["ignore_names"], ignore_decorators=config["ignore_decorators"], ) vulture.scavenge(config["paths"], exclude=config["exclude"]) sys.exit( min_confidence=config["min_confidence"], sort_by_size=config["sort_by_size"], make_whitelist=config["make_whitelist"], ) )