! { dg-do compile } ! Tests the fix for PR30407, in which operator assignments did not work ! in WHERE blocks or simple WHERE statements. This tests that the character ! lengths are transmitted OK. ! ! Contributed by Paul Thomas !****************************************************************************** module global type :: a integer :: b character(8):: c end type a interface assignment(=) module procedure a_to_a, c_to_a, a_to_c end interface interface operator(.ne.) module procedure a_ne_a end interface type(a) :: x(4), y(4) logical :: l1(4), t = .true., f= .false. contains !****************************************************************************** elemental subroutine a_to_a (m, n) type(a), intent(in) :: n type(a), intent(out) :: m m%b = len ( trim(n%c)) m%c = n%c end subroutine a_to_a elemental subroutine c_to_a (m, n) character(8), intent(in) :: n type(a), intent(out) :: m m%b = m%b + 1 m%c = n end subroutine c_to_a elemental subroutine a_to_c (m, n) type(a), intent(in) :: n character(8), intent(out) :: m m = n%c end subroutine a_to_c !****************************************************************************** elemental logical function a_ne_a (m, n) type(a), intent(in) :: n type(a), intent(in) :: m a_ne_a = (m%b .ne. n%b) .or. (m%c .ne. n%c) end function a_ne_a !****************************************************************************** elemental function foo (m) type(a) :: foo type(a), intent(in) :: m foo%b = 0 foo%c = m%c end function foo end module global !****************************************************************************** program test use global x = (/a (0, "one"),a (0, "two"),a (0, "three"),a (0, "four")/) y = x l1 = (/t,f,f,t/) call test_where_char1 call test_where_char2 if (any(y .ne. & (/a(4, "null"), a(8, "non-null"), a(8, "non-null"), a(4, "null")/))) STOP 1 contains subroutine test_where_char1 ! Test a WHERE blocks where (l1) y = a (0, "null") elsewhere y = x end where end subroutine test_where_char1 subroutine test_where_char2 ! Test a WHERE blocks where (y%c .ne. "null") y = a (99, "non-null") endwhere end subroutine test_where_char2 end program test