use crate::query_testing::{parse_position_comments, Assertion}; use ansi_term::Colour; use anyhow::{anyhow, Result}; use std::fs; use std::path::Path; use tree_sitter::Point; use tree_sitter_highlight::{Highlight, HighlightConfiguration, HighlightEvent, Highlighter}; use tree_sitter_loader::Loader; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Failure { row: usize, column: usize, expected_highlight: String, actual_highlights: Vec, } impl std::error::Error for Failure {} impl std::fmt::Display for Failure { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { write!( f, "Failure - row: {}, column: {}, expected highlight '{}', actual highlights: ", self.row, self.column, self.expected_highlight )?; if self.actual_highlights.is_empty() { write!(f, "none.")?; } else { for (i, actual_highlight) in self.actual_highlights.iter().enumerate() { if i > 0 { write!(f, ", ")?; } write!(f, "'{}'", actual_highlight)?; } } Ok(()) } } pub fn test_highlights(loader: &Loader, directory: &Path) -> Result<()> { let mut failed = false; let mut highlighter = Highlighter::new(); println!("syntax highlighting:"); for highlight_test_file in fs::read_dir(directory)? { let highlight_test_file = highlight_test_file?; let test_file_path = highlight_test_file.path(); let test_file_name = highlight_test_file.file_name(); let (language, language_config) = loader .language_configuration_for_file_name(&test_file_path)? .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("No language found for path {:?}", test_file_path))?; let highlight_config = language_config .highlight_config(language)? .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("No highlighting config found for {:?}", test_file_path))?; match test_highlight( &loader, &mut highlighter, highlight_config, fs::read(&test_file_path)?.as_slice(), ) { Ok(assertion_count) => { println!( " ✓ {} ({} assertions)", Colour::Green.paint(test_file_name.to_string_lossy().as_ref()), assertion_count ); } Err(e) => { println!( " ✗ {}", Colour::Red.paint(test_file_name.to_string_lossy().as_ref()) ); println!(" {}", e); failed = true; } } } if failed { Err(anyhow!("")) } else { Ok(()) } } pub fn iterate_assertions( assertions: &Vec, highlights: &Vec<(Point, Point, Highlight)>, highlight_names: &Vec, ) -> Result { // Iterate through all of the highlighting assertions, checking each one against the // actual highlights. let mut i = 0; let mut actual_highlights = Vec::<&String>::new(); for Assertion { position, expected_capture_name: expected_highlight, } in assertions { let mut passed = false; actual_highlights.clear(); 'highlight_loop: loop { // The assertions are ordered by position, so skip past all of the highlights that // end at or before this assertion's position. if let Some(highlight) = highlights.get(i) { if highlight.1 <= *position { i += 1; continue; } // Iterate through all of the highlights that start at or before this assertion's, // position, looking for one that matches the assertion. let mut j = i; while let (false, Some(highlight)) = (passed, highlights.get(j)) { if highlight.0 > *position { break 'highlight_loop; } // If the highlight matches the assertion, this test passes. Otherwise, // add this highlight to the list of actual highlights that span the // assertion's position, in order to generate an error message in the event // of a failure. let highlight_name = &highlight_names[(highlight.2).0]; if *highlight_name == *expected_highlight { passed = true; break 'highlight_loop; } else { actual_highlights.push(highlight_name); } j += 1; } } else { break; } } if !passed { return Err(Failure { row: position.row, column: position.column, expected_highlight: expected_highlight.clone(), actual_highlights: actual_highlights.into_iter().cloned().collect(), } .into()); } } Ok(assertions.len()) } pub fn test_highlight( loader: &Loader, highlighter: &mut Highlighter, highlight_config: &HighlightConfiguration, source: &[u8], ) -> Result { // Highlight the file, and parse out all of the highlighting assertions. let highlight_names = loader.highlight_names(); let highlights = get_highlight_positions(loader, highlighter, highlight_config, source)?; let assertions = parse_position_comments(highlighter.parser(), highlight_config.language, source)?; iterate_assertions(&assertions, &highlights, &highlight_names)?; // Iterate through all of the highlighting assertions, checking each one against the // actual highlights. let mut i = 0; let mut actual_highlights = Vec::<&String>::new(); for Assertion { position, expected_capture_name: expected_highlight, } in &assertions { let mut passed = false; actual_highlights.clear(); 'highlight_loop: loop { // The assertions are ordered by position, so skip past all of the highlights that // end at or before this assertion's position. if let Some(highlight) = highlights.get(i) { if highlight.1 <= *position { i += 1; continue; } // Iterate through all of the highlights that start at or before this assertion's, // position, looking for one that matches the assertion. let mut j = i; while let (false, Some(highlight)) = (passed, highlights.get(j)) { if highlight.0 > *position { break 'highlight_loop; } // If the highlight matches the assertion, this test passes. Otherwise, // add this highlight to the list of actual highlights that span the // assertion's position, in order to generate an error message in the event // of a failure. let highlight_name = &highlight_names[(highlight.2).0]; if *highlight_name == *expected_highlight { passed = true; break 'highlight_loop; } else { actual_highlights.push(highlight_name); } j += 1; } } else { break; } } if !passed { return Err(Failure { row: position.row, column: position.column, expected_highlight: expected_highlight.clone(), actual_highlights: actual_highlights.into_iter().cloned().collect(), } .into()); } } Ok(assertions.len()) } pub fn get_highlight_positions( loader: &Loader, highlighter: &mut Highlighter, highlight_config: &HighlightConfiguration, source: &[u8], ) -> Result> { let mut row = 0; let mut column = 0; let mut byte_offset = 0; let mut was_newline = false; let mut result = Vec::new(); let mut highlight_stack = Vec::new(); let source = String::from_utf8_lossy(source); let mut char_indices = source.char_indices(); for event in highlighter.highlight(highlight_config, source.as_bytes(), None, |string| { loader.highlight_config_for_injection_string(string) })? { match event? { HighlightEvent::HighlightStart(h) => highlight_stack.push(h), HighlightEvent::HighlightEnd => { highlight_stack.pop(); } HighlightEvent::Source { start, end } => { let mut start_position = Point::new(row, column); while byte_offset < end { if byte_offset <= start { start_position = Point::new(row, column); } if let Some((i, c)) = { if was_newline { row += 1; column = 0; } else { column += i - byte_offset; } was_newline = c == '\n'; byte_offset = i; } else { break; } } if let Some(highlight) = highlight_stack.last() { result.push((start_position, Point::new(row, column), *highlight)) } } } } Ok(result) }