/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ASBeautifier.cpp * * This file is a part of "Artistic Style" - an indentation and * reformatting tool for C, C++, C# and Java source files. * http://astyle.sourceforge.net * * The "Artistic Style" project, including all files needed to * compile it, is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this project; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /* 2008-01-26 Patches by Massimo Del Fedele : - modified sources to use Ultimate++ containers instead std:: ones - fixed memory leaks based on bug report 1804791 submitted by Eran Ifrah - modified to work with unicode */ #include "astyle.h" #define INIT_CONTAINER(container, value) {if ( (container) != NULL ) delete (container); (container) = (value); } #define DELETE_CONTAINER(container) {if ( (container) != NULL ) delete (container); } namespace astyle { Vector ASBeautifier::headers; Vector ASBeautifier::nonParenHeaders; Vector ASBeautifier::preBlockStatements; Vector ASBeautifier::assignmentOperators; Vector ASBeautifier::nonAssignmentOperators; /* * initialize the static vars */ void ASBeautifier::initStatic() { static int beautifierFileType = 9; // initialized with an invalid type if (fileType == beautifierFileType) // don't build unless necessary return; beautifierFileType = fileType; headers.clear(); nonParenHeaders.clear(); assignmentOperators.clear(); nonAssignmentOperators.clear(); preBlockStatements.clear(); ASResource::buildHeaders(headers, fileType, true); ASResource::buildNonParenHeaders(nonParenHeaders, fileType, true); ASResource::buildAssignmentOperators(assignmentOperators); ASResource::buildNonAssignmentOperators(nonAssignmentOperators); ASResource::buildPreBlockStatements(preBlockStatements); // cout << "beaut" << endl; } /** * ASBeautifier's constructor */ ASBeautifier::ASBeautifier() { waitingBeautifierStack = NULL; activeBeautifierStack = NULL; waitingBeautifierStackLengthStack = NULL; activeBeautifierStackLengthStack = NULL; headerStack = NULL; tempStacks = NULL; blockParenDepthStack = NULL; blockStatementStack = NULL; parenStatementStack = NULL; bracketBlockStateStack = NULL; inStatementIndentStack = NULL; inStatementIndentStackSizeStack = NULL; parenIndentStack = NULL; sourceIterator = NULL; isMinimalConditinalIndentSet = false; shouldForceTabIndentation = false; setSpaceIndentation(4); setMaxInStatementIndentLength(40); setClassIndent(false); setSwitchIndent(false); setCaseIndent(false); setBlockIndent(false); setBracketIndent(false); setNamespaceIndent(false); setLabelIndent(false); setEmptyLineFill(false); fileType = C_TYPE; setCStyle(); setPreprocessorIndent(false); } /** * ASBeautifier's copy constructor */ ASBeautifier::ASBeautifier(const ASBeautifier &other) { waitingBeautifierStack = NULL; activeBeautifierStack = NULL; waitingBeautifierStackLengthStack = NULL; activeBeautifierStackLengthStack = NULL; headerStack = new WithDeepCopy >; *headerStack <<= *other.headerStack; tempStacks = new WithDeepCopy*> >; WithDeepCopy*> >::iterator iter; for (iter = other.tempStacks->begin(); iter != other.tempStacks->end(); ++iter) { WithDeepCopy > *newVec = new WithDeepCopy >; *newVec = **iter; tempStacks->push_back(newVec); } blockParenDepthStack = new WithDeepCopy >; *blockParenDepthStack = *other.blockParenDepthStack; blockStatementStack = new WithDeepCopy >; *blockStatementStack = *other.blockStatementStack; parenStatementStack = new WithDeepCopy >; *parenStatementStack = *other.parenStatementStack; bracketBlockStateStack = new WithDeepCopy >; *bracketBlockStateStack = *other.bracketBlockStateStack; inStatementIndentStack = new WithDeepCopy >; *inStatementIndentStack = *other.inStatementIndentStack; inStatementIndentStackSizeStack = new WithDeepCopy >; *inStatementIndentStackSizeStack = *other.inStatementIndentStackSizeStack; parenIndentStack = new WithDeepCopy >; *parenIndentStack = *other.parenIndentStack; sourceIterator = other.sourceIterator; // protected variables fileType = other.fileType; isCStyle = other.isCStyle; isJavaStyle = other.isJavaStyle; isSharpStyle = other.isSharpStyle; // variables set by ASFormatter // must also be updated in preprocessor inLineNumber = other.inLineNumber; outLineNumber = other.outLineNumber; lineCommentNoBeautify = other.lineCommentNoBeautify; isNonInStatementArray = other.isNonInStatementArray; // private variables indentString = other.indentString; currentHeader = other.currentHeader; previousLastLineHeader = other.previousLastLineHeader; immediatelyPreviousAssignmentOp = other.immediatelyPreviousAssignmentOp; probationHeader = other.probationHeader; isInQuote = other.isInQuote; isInComment = other.isInComment; isInCase = other.isInCase; isInQuestion = other.isInQuestion; isInStatement = other.isInStatement; isInHeader = other.isInHeader; isInOperator = other.isInOperator; isInTemplate = other.isInTemplate; isInDefine = other.isInDefine; isInDefineDefinition = other.isInDefineDefinition; classIndent = other.classIndent; isInClassHeader = other.isInClassHeader; isInClassHeaderTab = other.isInClassHeaderTab; switchIndent = other.switchIndent; caseIndent = other.caseIndent; namespaceIndent = other.namespaceIndent; bracketIndent = other.bracketIndent; blockIndent = other.blockIndent; labelIndent = other.labelIndent; preprocessorIndent = other.preprocessorIndent; isInConditional = other.isInConditional; isMinimalConditinalIndentSet = other.isMinimalConditinalIndentSet; shouldForceTabIndentation = other.shouldForceTabIndentation; emptyLineFill = other.emptyLineFill; backslashEndsPrevLine = other.backslashEndsPrevLine; blockCommentNoIndent = other.blockCommentNoIndent; blockCommentNoBeautify = other.blockCommentNoBeautify; previousLineProbationTab = other.previousLineProbationTab; minConditionalIndent = other.minConditionalIndent; parenDepth = other.parenDepth; indentLength = other.indentLength; blockTabCount = other.blockTabCount; leadingWhiteSpaces = other.leadingWhiteSpaces; maxInStatementIndent = other.maxInStatementIndent; templateDepth = other.templateDepth; prevFinalLineSpaceTabCount = other.prevFinalLineSpaceTabCount; prevFinalLineTabCount = other.prevFinalLineTabCount; defineTabCount = other.defineTabCount; quoteChar = other.quoteChar; prevNonSpaceCh = other.prevNonSpaceCh; currentNonSpaceCh = other.currentNonSpaceCh; currentNonLegalCh = other.currentNonLegalCh; prevNonLegalCh = other.prevNonLegalCh; } /** * ASBeautifier's destructor */ ASBeautifier::~ASBeautifier() { DELETE_CONTAINER(headerStack); DELETE_CONTAINER(blockParenDepthStack); DELETE_CONTAINER(blockStatementStack); DELETE_CONTAINER(parenStatementStack); DELETE_CONTAINER(bracketBlockStateStack); DELETE_CONTAINER(inStatementIndentStack); DELETE_CONTAINER(inStatementIndentStackSizeStack); DELETE_CONTAINER(parenIndentStack); //this two were missing... DELETE_CONTAINER(waitingBeautifierStackLengthStack); DELETE_CONTAINER(activeBeautifierStackLengthStack); //the correct way to release tempStacks, waitingBeautifierStack and activeBeautifierStack if(tempStacks) { Vector< Vector* >::iterator iter = tempStacks->begin(); for(; iter != tempStacks->end(); iter++) delete *iter; tempStacks->clear(); delete tempStacks; tempStacks = NULL; } if(waitingBeautifierStack) { Vector::iterator iter = waitingBeautifierStack->begin(); for(; iter != waitingBeautifierStack->end(); iter++) delete *iter; waitingBeautifierStack->clear(); delete waitingBeautifierStack; waitingBeautifierStack = NULL; } if(activeBeautifierStack) { Vector::iterator iter = activeBeautifierStack->begin(); for(; iter != activeBeautifierStack->end(); iter++) delete *iter; activeBeautifierStack->clear(); delete activeBeautifierStack; activeBeautifierStack = NULL; } } /** * initialize the ASBeautifier. * * init() should be called every time a ABeautifier object is to start * beautifying a NEW source file. * init() recieves a pointer to a DYNAMICALLY CREATED ASSourceIterator object * that will be used to iterate through the source code. This object will be * deleted during the ASBeautifier's destruction, and thus should not be * deleted elsewhere. * * @param iter a pointer to the DYNAMICALLY CREATED ASSourceIterator object. */ void ASBeautifier::init(ASSourceIterator *iter) { sourceIterator = iter; init(); } /** * initialize the ASBeautifier. */ void ASBeautifier::init() { initStatic(); INIT_CONTAINER(waitingBeautifierStack, new Vector); INIT_CONTAINER(activeBeautifierStack, new Vector); INIT_CONTAINER(waitingBeautifierStackLengthStack, new Vector); INIT_CONTAINER(activeBeautifierStackLengthStack, new Vector); INIT_CONTAINER(headerStack, new WithDeepCopy >); INIT_CONTAINER(tempStacks, new WithDeepCopy*> >); tempStacks->push_back(new Vector); INIT_CONTAINER(blockParenDepthStack, new WithDeepCopy >); INIT_CONTAINER(blockStatementStack, new WithDeepCopy >); INIT_CONTAINER(parenStatementStack, new WithDeepCopy >); INIT_CONTAINER(bracketBlockStateStack, new WithDeepCopy >); bracketBlockStateStack->push_back(true); INIT_CONTAINER(inStatementIndentStack, new WithDeepCopy >); INIT_CONTAINER(inStatementIndentStackSizeStack, new WithDeepCopy >); inStatementIndentStackSizeStack->push_back(0); INIT_CONTAINER(parenIndentStack, new WithDeepCopy >); immediatelyPreviousAssignmentOp = NULL; previousLastLineHeader = NULL; currentHeader = NULL; isInQuote = false; isInComment = false; isInStatement = false; isInCase = false; isInQuestion = false; isInClassHeader = false; isInClassHeaderTab = false; isInHeader = false; isInOperator = false; isInTemplate = false; isInConditional = false; templateDepth = 0; parenDepth = 0; blockTabCount = 0; leadingWhiteSpaces = 0; prevNonSpaceCh = '{'; currentNonSpaceCh = '{'; prevNonLegalCh = '{'; currentNonLegalCh = '{'; quoteChar = ' '; prevFinalLineSpaceTabCount = 0; prevFinalLineTabCount = 0; probationHeader = NULL; backslashEndsPrevLine = false; isInDefine = false; isInDefineDefinition = false; defineTabCount = 0; lineCommentNoBeautify = false; blockCommentNoIndent = false; blockCommentNoBeautify = false; previousLineProbationTab = false; isNonInStatementArray = false; inLineNumber = -1; // for debugging outLineNumber = 0; // for debugging } /** * set indentation style to C/C++. */ void ASBeautifier::setCStyle() { fileType = C_TYPE; isCStyle = true; isJavaStyle = false; isSharpStyle = false; } /** * set indentation style to Java. */ void ASBeautifier::setJavaStyle() { fileType = JAVA_TYPE; isJavaStyle = true; isCStyle = false; isSharpStyle = false; } /** * set indentation style to C#. */ void ASBeautifier::setSharpStyle() { fileType = SHARP_TYPE; isSharpStyle = true; isCStyle = false; isJavaStyle = false; } /** * indent using one tab per indentation */ void ASBeautifier::setTabIndentation(int length, bool forceTabs) { indentString = "\t"; indentLength = length; shouldForceTabIndentation = forceTabs; if (!isMinimalConditinalIndentSet) minConditionalIndent = indentLength * 2; } /** * indent using a number of spaces per indentation. * * @param length number of spaces per indent. */ void ASBeautifier::setSpaceIndentation(int length) { indentString = WString(' ', length); indentLength = length; if (!isMinimalConditinalIndentSet) minConditionalIndent = indentLength * 2; } /** * set the maximum indentation between two lines in a multi-line statement. * * @param max maximum indentation length. */ void ASBeautifier::setMaxInStatementIndentLength(int max) { maxInStatementIndent = max; } /** * set the minimum indentation between two lines in a multi-line condition. * * @param min minimal indentation length. */ void ASBeautifier::setMinConditionalIndentLength(int min) { minConditionalIndent = min; isMinimalConditinalIndentSet = true; } /** * set the state of the bracket indentation option. If true, brackets will * be indented one additional indent. * * @param state state of option. */ void ASBeautifier::setBracketIndent(bool state) { bracketIndent = state; } /** * set the state of the block indentation option. If true, entire blocks * will be indented one additional indent, similar to the GNU indent style. * * @param state state of option. */ void ASBeautifier::setBlockIndent(bool state) { if (state) setBracketIndent(false); // so that we don't have both bracket and block indent blockIndent = state; } /** * set the state of the class indentation option. If true, C++ class * definitions will be indented one additional indent. * * @param state state of option. */ void ASBeautifier::setClassIndent(bool state) { classIndent = state; } /** * set the state of the switch indentation option. If true, blocks of 'switch' * statements will be indented one additional indent. * * @param state state of option. */ void ASBeautifier::setSwitchIndent(bool state) { switchIndent = state; } /** * set the state of the case indentation option. If true, lines of 'case' * statements will be indented one additional indent. * * @param state state of option. */ void ASBeautifier::setCaseIndent(bool state) { caseIndent = state; } /** * set the state of the namespace indentation option. * If true, blocks of 'namespace' statements will be indented one * additional indent. Otherwise, NO indentation will be added. * * @param state state of option. */ void ASBeautifier::setNamespaceIndent(bool state) { namespaceIndent = state; } /** * set the state of the label indentation option. * If true, labels will be indented one indent LESS than the * current indentation level. * If false, labels will be flushed to the left with NO * indent at all. * * @param state state of option. */ void ASBeautifier::setLabelIndent(bool state) { labelIndent = state; } /** * set the state of the preprocessor indentation option. * If true, multiline #define statements will be indented. * * @param state state of option. */ void ASBeautifier::setPreprocessorIndent(bool state) { preprocessorIndent = state; } /** * set the state of the empty line fill option. * If true, empty lines will be filled with the whitespace. * of their previous lines. * If false, these lines will remain empty. * * @param state state of option. */ void ASBeautifier::setEmptyLineFill(bool state) { emptyLineFill = state; } /** * get the number of spaces per indent * * @return value of indentLength option. */ int ASBeautifier::getIndentLength(void) { return indentLength; } /** * get the char used for indentation, space or tab * * @return the char used for indentation. */ WString ASBeautifier::getIndentString(void) { return indentString; } /** * get the state of the case indentation option. If true, lines of 'case' * statements will be indented one additional indent. * * @return state of caseIndent option. */ bool ASBeautifier::getCaseIndent(void) { return caseIndent; } /** * get C style identifier. * If true, a C source is being indented. * * @return state of isCStyle option. */ bool ASBeautifier::getCStyle(void) { return isCStyle; } /** * get Java style identifier. * If true, a Java source is being indented. * * @return state of isJavaStyle option. */ bool ASBeautifier::getJavaStyle(void) { return isJavaStyle; } /** * get C# style identifier. * If true, a C# source is being indented. * * @return state of isSharpStyle option. */ bool ASBeautifier::getSharpStyle(void) { return isSharpStyle; } /** * get the state of the empty line fill option. * If true, empty lines will be filled with the whitespace. * of their previous lines. * If false, these lines will remain empty. * * @return state of emptyLineFill option. */ bool ASBeautifier::getEmptyLineFill(void) { return emptyLineFill; } /** * check if there are any indented lines ready to be read by nextLine() * * @return are there any indented lines ready? */ bool ASBeautifier::hasMoreLines() const { return sourceIterator->hasMoreLines(); } /** * get the next indented line. * * @return indented line. */ WString ASBeautifier::nextLine() { return beautify(sourceIterator->nextLine()); } /** * beautify a line of source code. * every line of source code in a source code file should be sent * one after the other to the beautify method. * * @return the indented line. * @param originalLine the original unindented line. */ WString ASBeautifier::beautify(const WString &originalLine) { WString line; bool isInLineComment = false; bool lineStartsInComment = false; bool isInClass = false; bool isInSwitch = false; bool isImmediatelyAfterConst = false; bool isSpecialChar = false; wchar ch = ' '; wchar prevCh; WString outBuffer; // the newly idented line is bufferd here int tabCount = 0; const WString *lastLineHeader = NULL; bool closingBracketReached = false; int spaceTabCount = 0; wchar tempCh; int headerStackSize = headerStack->GetCount(); bool shouldIndentBrackettedLine = true; int lineOpeningBlocksNum = 0; int lineClosingBlocksNum = 0; bool previousLineProbation = (probationHeader != NULL); int i; currentHeader = NULL; lineStartsInComment = isInComment; blockCommentNoBeautify = blockCommentNoIndent; previousLineProbationTab = false; outLineNumber++; // handle and remove white spaces around the line: // If not in comment, first find out size of white space before line, // so that possible comments starting in the line continue in // relation to the preliminary white-space. if (!isInComment) { int strlen = originalLine.GetCount(); leadingWhiteSpaces = 0; for (int j = 0; j < strlen && isWhiteSpace(originalLine[j]); j++) { if (originalLine[j] == '\t') leadingWhiteSpaces += indentLength; else leadingWhiteSpaces++; } line = trim(originalLine); } else { // convert leading tabs to spaces WString spaceTabs(' ', indentLength); WString newLine = originalLine; int strlen = newLine.GetCount(); for (int j=0; j < leadingWhiteSpaces && j < strlen; j++) { if (newLine[j] == '\t') { ASString_Replace(newLine, j, 1, spaceTabs); strlen = newLine.GetCount(); } } // trim the comment leaving the new leading whitespace int trimSize = 0; strlen = newLine.GetCount(); while (trimSize < strlen && trimSize < leadingWhiteSpaces && isWhiteSpace(newLine[trimSize])) trimSize++; while (trimSize < strlen && isWhiteSpace(newLine[strlen-1])) strlen--; line = newLine.Mid(trimSize, strlen); int trimEnd = ASString_Find_Last_Not_Of(line, " \t"); if (trimEnd >= 0) { int spacesToDelete = line.GetCount() - 1 - trimEnd; if (spacesToDelete > 0) line.Remove(trimEnd + 1, spacesToDelete); } } if (line.GetCount() == 0) { if (backslashEndsPrevLine) // must continue to clear variables line = " "; else if (emptyLineFill) return preLineWS(prevFinalLineSpaceTabCount, prevFinalLineTabCount); else return line; } // handle preprocessor commands if (isCStyle && !isInComment && (line[0] == '#' || backslashEndsPrevLine)) { if (line[0] == '#') { WString preproc = trim(line.Mid(1)); // When finding a multi-lined #define statement, the original beautifier // 1. sets its isInDefineDefinition flag // 2. clones a new beautifier that will be used for the actual indentation // of the #define. This clone is put into the activeBeautifierStack in order // to be called for the actual indentation. // The original beautifier will have isInDefineDefinition = true, isInDefine = false // The cloned beautifier will have isInDefineDefinition = true, isInDefine = true if (preprocessorIndent && preproc.Mid(0, 6) == WString("define") && *line.Last() == '\\') { if (!isInDefineDefinition) { ASBeautifier *defineBeautifier; // this is the original beautifier isInDefineDefinition = true; // push a new beautifier into the active stack // this beautifier will be used for the indentation of this define defineBeautifier = new ASBeautifier(*this); activeBeautifierStack->push_back(defineBeautifier); } else { // the is the cloned beautifier that is in charge of indenting the #define. isInDefine = true; } } else if (preproc.Mid(0, 2) == WString("if")) { // push a new beautifier into the stack waitingBeautifierStackLengthStack->push_back(waitingBeautifierStack->GetCount()); activeBeautifierStackLengthStack->push_back(activeBeautifierStack->GetCount()); waitingBeautifierStack->push_back(new ASBeautifier(*this)); } else if (preproc.Mid(0, 4) == WString("else")) { if (waitingBeautifierStack && !waitingBeautifierStack->IsEmpty()) { // MOVE current waiting beautifier to active stack. activeBeautifierStack->push_back(waitingBeautifierStack->back()); waitingBeautifierStack->pop_back(); } } else if (preproc.Mid(0, 4) == WString("elif")) { if (waitingBeautifierStack && !waitingBeautifierStack->IsEmpty()) { // append a COPY current waiting beautifier to active stack, WITHOUT deleting the original. activeBeautifierStack->push_back(new ASBeautifier(*(waitingBeautifierStack->back()))); } } else if (preproc.Mid(0, 5) == WString("endif")) { int stackLength; ASBeautifier *beautifier; if (waitingBeautifierStackLengthStack && !waitingBeautifierStackLengthStack->IsEmpty()) { stackLength = waitingBeautifierStackLengthStack->back(); waitingBeautifierStackLengthStack->pop_back(); while ((int) waitingBeautifierStack->GetCount() > stackLength) { beautifier = waitingBeautifierStack->back(); waitingBeautifierStack->pop_back(); delete beautifier; } } if (!activeBeautifierStackLengthStack->IsEmpty()) { stackLength = activeBeautifierStackLengthStack->back(); activeBeautifierStackLengthStack->pop_back(); while ((int) activeBeautifierStack->GetCount() > stackLength) { beautifier = activeBeautifierStack->back(); activeBeautifierStack->pop_back(); delete beautifier; } } } } // check if the last char is a backslash if (line.GetCount() > 0) backslashEndsPrevLine = (line[line.GetCount() - 1] == '\\'); else backslashEndsPrevLine = false; // check if this line ends a multi-line #define // if so, use the #define's cloned beautifier for the line's indentation // and then remove it from the active beautifier stack and delete it. if (!backslashEndsPrevLine && isInDefineDefinition && !isInDefine) { WString beautifiedLine; ASBeautifier *defineBeautifier; isInDefineDefinition = false; defineBeautifier = activeBeautifierStack->back(); activeBeautifierStack->pop_back(); beautifiedLine = defineBeautifier->beautify(line); delete defineBeautifier; return beautifiedLine; } // unless this is a multi-line #define, return this precompiler line as is. if (!isInDefine && !isInDefineDefinition) return originalLine; } // if there exists any worker beautifier in the activeBeautifierStack, // then use it instead of me to indent the current line. // variables set by ASFormatter must be updated. if (!isInDefine && activeBeautifierStack != NULL && !activeBeautifierStack->IsEmpty()) { activeBeautifierStack->back()->inLineNumber = inLineNumber; activeBeautifierStack->back()->outLineNumber = outLineNumber; activeBeautifierStack->back()->lineCommentNoBeautify = lineCommentNoBeautify; activeBeautifierStack->back()->isNonInStatementArray = isNonInStatementArray; return activeBeautifierStack->back()->beautify(line); } // calculate preliminary indentation based on data from past lines if (!inStatementIndentStack->IsEmpty()) spaceTabCount = inStatementIndentStack->back(); for (i = 0; i < (int) headerStackSize; i++) { isInClass = false; if (blockIndent || (!(i > 0 && (*headerStack)[i-1] != &AS_OPEN_BRACKET && (*headerStack)[i] == &AS_OPEN_BRACKET))) ++tabCount; if (!isJavaStyle && !namespaceIndent && i >= 1 && (*headerStack)[i-1] == &AS_NAMESPACE && (*headerStack)[i] == &AS_OPEN_BRACKET) --tabCount; if (isCStyle && i >= 1 && (*headerStack)[i-1] == &AS_CLASS && (*headerStack)[i] == &AS_OPEN_BRACKET) { if (classIndent) ++tabCount; isInClass = true; } // is the switchIndent option is on, indent switch statements an additional indent. else if (switchIndent && i > 1 && (*headerStack)[i-1] == &AS_SWITCH && (*headerStack)[i] == &AS_OPEN_BRACKET ) { ++tabCount; isInSwitch = true; } } if (!lineStartsInComment && isCStyle && isInClass && classIndent && headerStackSize >= 2 && (*headerStack)[headerStackSize-2] == &AS_CLASS && (*headerStack)[headerStackSize-1] == &AS_OPEN_BRACKET && line[0] == '}') --tabCount; else if (!lineStartsInComment && isInSwitch && switchIndent && headerStackSize >= 2 && (*headerStack)[headerStackSize-2] == &AS_SWITCH && (*headerStack)[headerStackSize-1] == &AS_OPEN_BRACKET && line[0] == '}') --tabCount; if (isInClassHeader) { isInClassHeaderTab = true; tabCount += 2; } if (isInConditional) { --tabCount; } // parse characters in the current line. for (i = 0; i < (int) line.GetCount(); i++) { tempCh = line[i]; prevCh = ch; ch = tempCh; // outBuffer.append(1, ch); outBuffer.Cat(ch); if (isWhiteSpace(ch)) continue; // check for utf8 characters // isalnum() will display an assert message in debug if not bypassed here if (ch < 0) continue; // handle special characters (i.e. backslash+character such as \n, \t, ...) if (isSpecialChar) { isSpecialChar = false; continue; } if (!(isInComment || isInLineComment) && line.Mid(i, 2) == WString("\\\\")) { outBuffer.Cat('\\'); i++; continue; } if (!(isInComment || isInLineComment) && ch == '\\') { isSpecialChar = true; continue; } // handle quotes (such as 'x' and "Hello Dolly") if (!(isInComment || isInLineComment) && (ch == '"' || ch == '\'')) { if (!isInQuote) { quoteChar = ch; isInQuote = true; } else if (quoteChar == ch) { isInQuote = false; isInStatement = true; continue; } } if (isInQuote) continue; // handle comments if (!(isInComment || isInLineComment) && line.Mid(i, 2) == WString("//")) { isInLineComment = true; outBuffer.Cat('/'); i++; continue; } else if (!(isInComment || isInLineComment) && line.Mid(i, 2) == WString("/*")) { isInComment = true; outBuffer.Cat('*'); i++; int j = ASString_Find_First_Not_Of(line, " \t"); if (line.Mid(j, 2) != WString("/*")) // does line start with comment? blockCommentNoIndent = true; // if no, cannot indent continuation lines continue; } else if ((isInComment || isInLineComment) && line.Mid(i, 2) == WString("*/")) { isInComment = false; outBuffer.Cat('/'); i++; blockCommentNoIndent = false; // ok to indent next comment continue; } if (isInComment || isInLineComment) continue; // if we have reached this far then we are NOT in a comment or String of special character... if (probationHeader != NULL) { if (((probationHeader == &AS_STATIC || probationHeader == &AS_CONST) && ch == '{') || (probationHeader == &AS_SYNCHRONIZED && ch == '(')) { // insert the probation header as a new header isInHeader = true; headerStack->push_back(probationHeader); // handle the specific probation header isInConditional = (probationHeader == &AS_SYNCHRONIZED); if (probationHeader == &AS_CONST) isImmediatelyAfterConst = true; isInStatement = false; // if the probation comes from the previous line, then indent by 1 tab count. if (previousLineProbation && ch == '{') { tabCount++; previousLineProbationTab = true; } previousLineProbation = false; } // dismiss the probation header probationHeader = NULL; } prevNonSpaceCh = currentNonSpaceCh; currentNonSpaceCh = ch; if (!isLegalNameChar(ch) && ch != ',' && ch != ';') { prevNonLegalCh = currentNonLegalCh; currentNonLegalCh = ch; } if (isInHeader) { isInHeader = false; currentHeader = headerStack->back(); } else currentHeader = NULL; if (isCStyle && isInTemplate && (ch == '<' || ch == '>') && findHeader(line, i, nonAssignmentOperators) == NULL) { if (ch == '<') { ++templateDepth; } else if (ch == '>') { if (--templateDepth <= 0) { if (isInTemplate) ch = ';'; else ch = 't'; isInTemplate = false; templateDepth = 0; } } } // handle parenthesies if (ch == '(' || ch == '[' || ch == ')' || ch == ']') { if (ch == '(' || ch == '[') { if (parenDepth == 0) { parenStatementStack->push_back(isInStatement); isInStatement = true; } parenDepth++; inStatementIndentStackSizeStack->push_back(inStatementIndentStack->GetCount()); if (currentHeader != NULL) registerInStatementIndent(line, i, spaceTabCount, minConditionalIndent/*indentLength*2*/, true); else registerInStatementIndent(line, i, spaceTabCount, 0, true); } else if (ch == ')' || ch == ']') { parenDepth--; if (parenDepth == 0) { isInStatement = parenStatementStack->back(); parenStatementStack->pop_back(); ch = ' '; isInConditional = false; } if (!inStatementIndentStackSizeStack->IsEmpty()) { int previousIndentStackSize = inStatementIndentStackSizeStack->back(); inStatementIndentStackSizeStack->pop_back(); while (previousIndentStackSize < (int) inStatementIndentStack->GetCount()) inStatementIndentStack->pop_back(); if (!parenIndentStack->IsEmpty()) { int poppedIndent = parenIndentStack->back(); parenIndentStack->pop_back(); if (i == 0) spaceTabCount = poppedIndent; } } } continue; } if (ch == '{') { bool isBlockOpener; // first, check if '{' is a block-opener or an static-array opener isBlockOpener = ((prevNonSpaceCh == '{' && bracketBlockStateStack->back()) || prevNonSpaceCh == '}' || prevNonSpaceCh == ')' || prevNonSpaceCh == ';' || peekNextChar(line, i) == '{' || isNonInStatementArray || isInClassHeader // || isBlockOpener || isImmediatelyAfterConst || (isInDefine && (prevNonSpaceCh == '(' || prevNonSpaceCh == '_' || isalnum(prevNonSpaceCh)))); isInClassHeader = false; if (!isBlockOpener && currentHeader != NULL) { for (int n = 0; n < nonParenHeaders.GetCount(); n++) if (currentHeader == nonParenHeaders[n]) { isBlockOpener = true; break; } } bracketBlockStateStack->push_back(isBlockOpener); if (!isBlockOpener) { inStatementIndentStackSizeStack->push_back(inStatementIndentStack->GetCount()); registerInStatementIndent(line, i, spaceTabCount, 0, true); parenDepth++; if (i == 0) shouldIndentBrackettedLine = false; continue; } // this bracket is a block opener... ++lineOpeningBlocksNum; // if (isInClassHeader) // isInClassHeader = false; if (isInClassHeaderTab) { isInClassHeaderTab = false; // decrease tab count if bracket is broken int firstChar = ASString_Find_First_Not_Of(line, " \t"); if(firstChar >= 0) if (line[firstChar] == '{' && (int) firstChar == i) tabCount -= 2; } // do not allow inStatementIndent - should occur for Java files only if (inStatementIndentStack->GetCount() > 0) { spaceTabCount = 0; inStatementIndentStack->back() = 0; } blockParenDepthStack->push_back(parenDepth); blockStatementStack->push_back(isInStatement); inStatementIndentStackSizeStack->push_back(inStatementIndentStack->GetCount()); if (inStatementIndentStack->GetCount() > 0) inStatementIndentStack->back() = 0; blockTabCount += isInStatement ? 1 : 0; parenDepth = 0; isInStatement = false; tempStacks->push_back(new Vector); headerStack->push_back(&AS_OPEN_BRACKET); lastLineHeader = &AS_OPEN_BRACKET; continue; } //check if a header has been reached if (isWhiteSpace(prevCh)) { bool isIndentableHeader = true; const WString *newHeader = findHeader(line, i, headers); if (newHeader != NULL) { // if we reached here, then this is a header... isInHeader = true; Vector *lastTempStack; if (tempStacks->IsEmpty()) lastTempStack = NULL; else lastTempStack = tempStacks->back(); // if a new block is opened, push a new stack into tempStacks to hold the // future list of headers in the new block. // take care of the special case: 'else if (...)' if (newHeader == &AS_IF && lastLineHeader == &AS_ELSE) { headerStack->pop_back(); } // take care of 'else' else if (newHeader == &AS_ELSE) { if (lastTempStack != NULL) { int indexOfIf = indexOf(*lastTempStack, &AS_IF); if (indexOfIf != -1) { // recreate the header list in headerStack up to the previous 'if' // from the temporary snapshot stored in lastTempStack. int restackSize = lastTempStack->GetCount() - indexOfIf - 1; for (int r = 0; r < restackSize; r++) { headerStack->push_back(lastTempStack->back()); lastTempStack->pop_back(); } if (!closingBracketReached) tabCount += restackSize; } /* * If the above if is not true, i.e. no 'if' before the 'else', * then nothing beautiful will come out of this... * I should think about inserting an Exception here to notify the caller of this... */ } } // check if 'while' closes a previous 'do' else if (newHeader == &AS_WHILE) { if (lastTempStack != NULL) { int indexOfDo = indexOf(*lastTempStack, &AS_DO); if (indexOfDo != -1) { // recreate the header list in headerStack up to the previous 'do' // from the temporary snapshot stored in lastTempStack. int restackSize = lastTempStack->GetCount() - indexOfDo - 1; for (int r = 0; r < restackSize; r++) { headerStack->push_back(lastTempStack->back()); lastTempStack->pop_back(); } if (!closingBracketReached) tabCount += restackSize; } } } // check if 'catch' closes a previous 'try' or 'catch' else if (newHeader == &AS_CATCH || newHeader == &AS_FINALLY) { if (lastTempStack != NULL) { int indexOfTry = indexOf(*lastTempStack, &AS_TRY); if (indexOfTry == -1) indexOfTry = indexOf(*lastTempStack, &AS_CATCH); if (indexOfTry != -1) { // recreate the header list in headerStack up to the previous 'try' // from the temporary snapshot stored in lastTempStack. int restackSize = lastTempStack->GetCount() - indexOfTry - 1; for (int r = 0; r < restackSize; r++) { headerStack->push_back(lastTempStack->back()); lastTempStack->pop_back(); } if (!closingBracketReached) tabCount += restackSize; } } } else if (newHeader == &AS_CASE) { isInCase = true; --tabCount; } else if (newHeader == &AS_DEFAULT) { isInCase = true; --tabCount; } else if (newHeader == &AS_STATIC || newHeader == &AS_SYNCHRONIZED || (newHeader == &AS_CONST && isCStyle)) { if (!headerStack->IsEmpty() && (headerStack->back() == &AS_STATIC || headerStack->back() == &AS_SYNCHRONIZED || headerStack->back() == &AS_CONST)) { isIndentableHeader = false; } else { isIndentableHeader = false; probationHeader = newHeader; } } else if (newHeader == &AS_CONST) { isIndentableHeader = false; } else if (newHeader == &AS_TEMPLATE) { if (isCStyle) isInTemplate = true; isIndentableHeader = false; } if (isIndentableHeader) { headerStack->push_back(newHeader); isInStatement = false; if (indexOf(nonParenHeaders, newHeader) == -1) { isInConditional = true; } lastLineHeader = newHeader; } else isInHeader = false; outBuffer.Cat(newHeader->Mid(1)); i += newHeader->GetCount() - 1; continue; } } if (isCStyle && !isalpha(prevCh) && line.Mid(i, 8) == WString("operator") && !isalnum(line[i+8])) { isInOperator = true; outBuffer.Cat(AS_OPERATOR.Mid(1)); i += 7; continue; } // "new" operator is a pointer, not a calculation if (!isalpha(prevCh) && line.Mid(i, 3) == WString("new") && !isalnum(line[i+3])) { if (prevNonSpaceCh == '=' && isInStatement && !inStatementIndentStack->IsEmpty()) inStatementIndentStack->back() = 0; } if (ch == '?') isInQuestion = true; // special handling of 'case' statements if (ch == ':') { if ((int) line.GetCount() > i + 1 && line[i+1] == ':') // look for :: { ++i; outBuffer.Cat(':'); ch = ' '; continue; } else if (isInQuestion) { isInQuestion = false; } else if (isCStyle && isInClass && prevNonSpaceCh != ')') { --tabCount; // found a 'private:' or 'public:' inside a class definition // so do nothing special } else if (!isJavaStyle && isInClassHeader) { // found a 'class A : public B' definition // so do nothing special } else if (isJavaStyle && lastLineHeader == &AS_FOR) { // found a java for-each statement // so do nothing special } else if (isCStyle && prevNonSpaceCh == ')') { isInClassHeader = true; if (i == 0) tabCount += 2; } else { currentNonSpaceCh = ';'; // so that brackets after the ':' will appear as block-openers if (isInCase) { isInCase = false; ch = ';'; // from here on, treat char as ';' } else // is in a label (e.g. 'label1:') { if (labelIndent) --tabCount; // unindent label by one indent else tabCount = 0; // completely flush indent to left } } } if ((ch == ';' || (parenDepth > 0 && ch == ',')) && !inStatementIndentStackSizeStack->IsEmpty()) while ((int) inStatementIndentStackSizeStack->back() + (parenDepth > 0 ? 1 : 0) < (int) inStatementIndentStack->GetCount()) inStatementIndentStack->pop_back(); // handle ends of statements if ((ch == ';' && parenDepth == 0) || ch == '}'/* || (ch == ',' && parenDepth == 0)*/) { if (ch == '}') { // first check if this '}' closes a previous block, or a static array... if (!bracketBlockStateStack->IsEmpty()) { bool bracketBlockState = bracketBlockStateStack->back(); bracketBlockStateStack->pop_back(); if (!bracketBlockState) { if (!inStatementIndentStackSizeStack->IsEmpty()) { // this bracket is a static array int previousIndentStackSize = inStatementIndentStackSizeStack->back(); inStatementIndentStackSizeStack->pop_back(); while (previousIndentStackSize < (int) inStatementIndentStack->GetCount()) inStatementIndentStack->pop_back(); parenDepth--; if (i == 0) shouldIndentBrackettedLine = false; if (!parenIndentStack->IsEmpty()) { int poppedIndent = parenIndentStack->back(); parenIndentStack->pop_back(); if (i == 0) spaceTabCount = poppedIndent; } } continue; } } // this bracket is block closer... ++lineClosingBlocksNum; if (!inStatementIndentStackSizeStack->IsEmpty()) inStatementIndentStackSizeStack->pop_back(); if (!blockParenDepthStack->IsEmpty()) { parenDepth = blockParenDepthStack->back(); blockParenDepthStack->pop_back(); isInStatement = blockStatementStack->back(); blockStatementStack->pop_back(); if (isInStatement) blockTabCount--; } closingBracketReached = true; int headerPlace = indexOf(*headerStack, &AS_OPEN_BRACKET); if (headerPlace != -1) { const WString *popped = headerStack->back(); while (popped != &AS_OPEN_BRACKET) { headerStack->pop_back(); popped = headerStack->back(); } headerStack->pop_back(); if (!tempStacks->IsEmpty()) { Vector *temp = tempStacks->back(); tempStacks->pop_back(); delete temp; } } ch = ' '; // needed due to cases such as '}else{', so that headers ('else' tn tih case) will be identified... } /* * Create a temporary snapshot of the current block's header-list in the * uppermost inner stack in tempStacks, and clear the headerStack up to * the begining of the block. * Thus, the next future statement will think it comes one indent past * the block's '{' unless it specifically checks for a companion-header * (such as a previous 'if' for an 'else' header) within the tempStacks, * and recreates the temporary snapshot by manipulating the tempStacks. */ if (!tempStacks->back()->IsEmpty()) while (!tempStacks->back()->IsEmpty()) tempStacks->back()->pop_back(); while (!headerStack->IsEmpty() && headerStack->back() != &AS_OPEN_BRACKET) { tempStacks->back()->push_back(headerStack->back()); headerStack->pop_back(); } if (parenDepth == 0 && ch == ';') isInStatement = false; previousLastLineHeader = NULL; isInClassHeader = false; isInQuestion = false; continue; } // check for preBlockStatements ONLY if not within parenthesies // (otherwise 'struct XXX' statements would be wrongly interpreted...) if (isWhiteSpace(prevCh) && !isInTemplate && parenDepth == 0) { const WString *newHeader = findHeader(line, i, preBlockStatements); if (newHeader != NULL) { isInClassHeader = true; outBuffer.Cat(newHeader->Mid(1)); i += newHeader->GetCount() - 1; headerStack->push_back(newHeader); } } // Handle operators immediatelyPreviousAssignmentOp = NULL; // Check if an operator has been reached. const WString *foundAssignmentOp = findHeader(line, i, assignmentOperators, false); if (foundAssignmentOp == &AS_RETURN) foundAssignmentOp = findHeader(line, i, assignmentOperators, true); const WString *foundNonAssignmentOp = findHeader(line, i, nonAssignmentOperators, false); // Since findHeader's boundry checking was not used above, it is possible // that both an assignment op and a non-assignment op where found, // e.g. '>>' and '>>='. If this is the case, treat the LONGER one as the // found operator. if (foundAssignmentOp != NULL && foundNonAssignmentOp != NULL) { if (foundAssignmentOp->GetCount() < foundNonAssignmentOp->GetCount()) foundAssignmentOp = NULL; else foundNonAssignmentOp = NULL; } if (foundNonAssignmentOp != NULL) { if (foundNonAssignmentOp->GetCount() > 1) { outBuffer.Cat(foundNonAssignmentOp->Mid(1)); i += foundNonAssignmentOp->GetCount() - 1; } } else if (foundAssignmentOp != NULL) { if (foundAssignmentOp->GetCount() > 1) { outBuffer.Cat(foundAssignmentOp->Mid(1)); i += foundAssignmentOp->GetCount() - 1; } if (!isInOperator && !isInTemplate && !isNonInStatementArray) { registerInStatementIndent(line, i, spaceTabCount, 0, false); immediatelyPreviousAssignmentOp = foundAssignmentOp; isInStatement = true; } } if (isInOperator) isInOperator = false; } // handle special cases of unindentation: /* * if '{' doesn't follow an immediately previous '{' in the headerStack * (but rather another header such as "for" or "if", then unindent it * by one indentation relative to its block. */ if (!lineStartsInComment && !blockIndent && outBuffer.GetCount() > 0 && outBuffer[0] == '{' && !(lineOpeningBlocksNum > 0 && lineOpeningBlocksNum == lineClosingBlocksNum) && !(headerStack->GetCount() > 1 && (*headerStack)[headerStack->GetCount()-2] == &AS_OPEN_BRACKET) && shouldIndentBrackettedLine) --tabCount; else if (!lineStartsInComment && outBuffer.GetCount() > 0 && outBuffer[0] == '}' && shouldIndentBrackettedLine) --tabCount; // correctly indent one-line-blocks... else if (!lineStartsInComment && outBuffer.GetCount() > 0 && lineOpeningBlocksNum > 0 && lineOpeningBlocksNum == lineClosingBlocksNum && previousLineProbationTab) --tabCount; //lineOpeningBlocksNum - (blockIndent ? 1 : 0); if (tabCount < 0) tabCount = 0; // take care of extra bracket indentatation option... if (bracketIndent && outBuffer.GetCount() > 0 && shouldIndentBrackettedLine) if (outBuffer[0] == '{' || outBuffer[0] == '}') tabCount++; if (isInDefine) { if (outBuffer[0] == '#') { WString preproc = trim(outBuffer.Mid(1)); if (preproc.Mid(0, 6) == WString("define")) { if (!inStatementIndentStack->IsEmpty() && inStatementIndentStack->back() > 0) { defineTabCount = tabCount; } else { defineTabCount = tabCount - 1; tabCount--; } } } tabCount -= defineTabCount; } if (tabCount < 0) tabCount = 0; if (lineCommentNoBeautify || blockCommentNoBeautify) tabCount = spaceTabCount = 0; // finally, insert indentations into begining of line prevFinalLineSpaceTabCount = spaceTabCount; prevFinalLineTabCount = tabCount; if (shouldForceTabIndentation) { tabCount += spaceTabCount / indentLength; spaceTabCount = spaceTabCount % indentLength; } outBuffer = preLineWS(spaceTabCount, tabCount) + outBuffer; if (lastLineHeader != NULL) previousLastLineHeader = lastLineHeader; return outBuffer; } WString ASBeautifier::preLineWS(int spaceTabCount, int tabCount) { WString ws; for (int i = 0; i < tabCount; i++) ws += indentString; while ((spaceTabCount--) > 0) ws += WString(" "); return ws; } /** * register an in-statement indent. */ void ASBeautifier::registerInStatementIndent(const WString &line, int i, int spaceTabCount, int minIndent, bool updateParenStack) { int inStatementIndent; int remainingCharNum = line.GetCount() - i; int nextNonWSChar = getNextProgramCharDistance(line, i); // if indent is around the last char in the line, indent instead 2 spaces from the previous indent if (nextNonWSChar == remainingCharNum) { int previousIndent = spaceTabCount; if (!inStatementIndentStack->IsEmpty()) previousIndent = inStatementIndentStack->back(); inStatementIndentStack->push_back(/*2*/ indentLength + previousIndent); if (updateParenStack) parenIndentStack->push_back(previousIndent); return; } if (updateParenStack) parenIndentStack->push_back(i + spaceTabCount); inStatementIndent = i + nextNonWSChar + spaceTabCount; if (i + nextNonWSChar < minIndent) inStatementIndent = minIndent + spaceTabCount; if (i + nextNonWSChar > maxInStatementIndent) inStatementIndent = indentLength * 2 + spaceTabCount; if (!inStatementIndentStack->IsEmpty() && inStatementIndent < inStatementIndentStack->back()) inStatementIndent = inStatementIndentStack->back(); if (isNonInStatementArray) inStatementIndent = 0; inStatementIndentStack->push_back(inStatementIndent); } /** * get distance to the next non-white sspace, non-comment character in the line. * if no such character exists, return the length remaining to the end of the line. */ int ASBeautifier::getNextProgramCharDistance(const WString &line, int i) { bool inComment = false; int remainingCharNum = line.GetCount() - i; int charDistance; wchar ch; for (charDistance = 1; charDistance < remainingCharNum; charDistance++) { ch = line[i + charDistance]; if (inComment) { if (line.Mid(i + charDistance, 2) == WString("*/")) { charDistance++; inComment = false; } continue; } else if (isWhiteSpace(ch)) continue; else if (ch == '/') { if (line.Mid(i + charDistance, 2) == WString("//")) return remainingCharNum; else if (line.Mid(i + charDistance, 2) == WString("/*")) { charDistance++; inComment = true; } } else return charDistance; } return charDistance; } /** * check if a specific line position contains a header, out of several possible headers. * * @return a pointer to the found header. if no header was found then return NULL. */ const WString *ASBeautifier::findHeader(const WString &line, int i, const Vector &possibleHeaders, bool checkBoundry) { int maxHeaders = possibleHeaders.GetCount(); // const WString *header = NULL; int p; for (p = 0; p < maxHeaders; p++) { const WString *header = possibleHeaders[p]; if (line.Mid(i, header->GetCount()) == *header) { // check that this is a header and not a part of a longer word // (e.g. not at its begining, not at its middle...) int lineLength = line.GetCount(); int headerEnd = i + header->GetCount(); wchar startCh = (*header)[0]; // first char of header wchar endCh = 0; // char just after header wchar prevCh = 0; // char just before header if (headerEnd < lineLength) { endCh = line[headerEnd]; } if (i > 0) { prevCh = line[i-1]; } if (!checkBoundry) { return header; } else if (prevCh != 0 && isLegalNameChar(startCh) && isLegalNameChar(prevCh)) { return NULL; } else if (headerEnd >= lineLength || !isLegalNameChar(startCh) || !isLegalNameChar(endCh)) { return header; } else { return NULL; } } } return NULL; } /** * find the index number of a string element in a container of strings * * @return the index number of element in the ocntainer. -1 if element not found. * @param container a vector of strings. * @param element the element to find . */ int ASBeautifier::indexOf(Vector &container, const WString *element) { /* Vector::const_iterator where; where = find(container.begin(), container.end(), element); if (where == container.end()) return -1; else return (int) (where - container.begin()); */ return FindIndex(container, element); } /** * trim removes the white space surrounding a line. * * @return the trimmed line. * @param str the line to trim. */ WString ASBeautifier::trim(const WString &str) { int start = 0; int end = str.GetCount() - 1; while (start < end && isWhiteSpace(str[start])) start++; while (start <= end && isWhiteSpace(str[end])) end--; // WString returnStr(str, start, end + 1 - start); // return returnStr; return str.Mid(start, end+1-start); } /** * peek at the next unread character. * * @return the next unread character. * @param line the line to check. * @param i the current char position on the line. */ wchar ASBeautifier::peekNextChar(WString &line, int i) { wchar ch = ' '; int peekNum = ASString_Find_First_Not_Of(line, " \t", i + 1); if (peekNum < 0) return ch; ch = line[peekNum]; return ch; } } // end namespace astyle