# DExTer : Debugging Experience Tester # ~~~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ # # Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. # See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception """This is the main entry point. It implements some functionality common to all subtools such as command line parsing and running the unit-testing harnesses, before calling the reequested subtool. """ import imp import os import sys from dex.utils import PrettyOutput, Timer from dex.utils import ExtArgParse as argparse from dex.utils import get_root_directory from dex.utils.Exceptions import Error, ToolArgumentError from dex.utils.UnitTests import unit_tests_ok from dex.utils.Version import version from dex.utils import WorkingDirectory from dex.utils.ReturnCode import ReturnCode def _output_bug_report_message(context): """ In the event of a catastrophic failure, print bug report request to the user. """ context.o.red( '\n\n' '****************************************\n' '****************************************\n' '****************************************\n' '** **\n' '** This is a bug in DExTer. **\n' '** **\n' '** Please report it. **\n' '** **\n' '****************************************\n' '****************************************\n' '****************************************\n' '\n' 'system:\n' '{}\n\n' 'version:\n' '{}\n\n' 'args:\n' '{}\n' '\n'.format(sys.platform, version('DExTer'), [sys.executable] + sys.argv), stream=PrettyOutput.stderr) def get_tools_directory(): """ Returns directory path where DExTer tool imports can be found. """ tools_directory = os.path.join(get_root_directory(), 'tools') assert os.path.isdir(tools_directory), tools_directory return tools_directory def get_tool_names(): """ Returns a list of expected DExTer Tools """ return [ 'clang-opt-bisect', 'help', 'list-debuggers', 'no-tool-', 'run-debugger-internal-', 'test', 'view' ] def _set_auto_highlights(context): """Flag some strings for auto-highlighting. """ context.o.auto_reds.extend([ r'[Ee]rror\:', r'[Ee]xception\:', r'un(expected|recognized) argument', ]) context.o.auto_yellows.extend([ r'[Ww]arning\:', r'\(did you mean ', r'During handling of the above exception, another exception', ]) def _get_options_and_args(context): """ get the options and arguments from the commandline """ parser = argparse.ExtArgumentParser(context, add_help=False) parser.add_argument('tool', default=None, nargs='?') options, args = parser.parse_known_args(sys.argv[1:]) return options, args def _get_tool_name(options): """ get the name of the dexter tool (if passed) specified on the command line, otherwise return 'no_tool_'. """ tool_name = options.tool if tool_name is None: tool_name = 'no_tool_' else: _is_valid_tool_name(tool_name) return tool_name def _is_valid_tool_name(tool_name): """ check tool name matches a tool directory within the dexter tools directory. """ valid_tools = get_tool_names() if tool_name not in valid_tools: raise Error('invalid tool "{}" (choose from {})'.format( tool_name, ', '.join([t for t in valid_tools if not t.endswith('-')]))) def _import_tool_module(tool_name): """ Imports the python module at the tool directory specificed by tool_name. """ # format tool argument to reflect tool directory form. tool_name = tool_name.replace('-', '_') tools_directory = get_tools_directory() module_info = imp.find_module(tool_name, [tools_directory]) return imp.load_module(tool_name, *module_info) def tool_main(context, tool, args): with Timer(tool.name): options, defaults = tool.parse_command_line(args) Timer.display = options.time_report Timer.indent = options.indent_timer_level Timer.fn = context.o.blue context.options = options context.version = version(tool.name) if options.version: context.o.green('{}\n'.format(context.version)) return ReturnCode.OK if (options.unittest != 'off' and not unit_tests_ok(context)): raise Error('unit test failures') if options.colortest: context.o.colortest() return ReturnCode.OK try: tool.handle_base_options(defaults) except ToolArgumentError as e: raise Error(e) dir_ = context.options.working_directory with WorkingDirectory(context, dir=dir_) as context.working_directory: return_code = tool.go() return return_code class Context(object): """Context encapsulates globally useful objects and data; passed to many Dexter functions. """ def __init__(self): self.o: PrettyOutput = None self.working_directory: str = None self.options: dict = None self.version: str = None self.root_directory: str = None def main() -> ReturnCode: context = Context() with PrettyOutput() as context.o: try: context.root_directory = get_root_directory() # Flag some strings for auto-highlighting. _set_auto_highlights(context) options, args = _get_options_and_args(context) # raises 'Error' if command line tool is invalid. tool_name = _get_tool_name(options) module = _import_tool_module(tool_name) return tool_main(context, module.Tool(context), args) except Error as e: context.o.auto( '\nerror: {}\n'.format(str(e)), stream=PrettyOutput.stderr) try: if context.options.error_debug: raise except AttributeError: pass return ReturnCode._ERROR except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise except: # noqa _output_bug_report_message(context) raise