## Check that we are able to dump MIPS PLT GOT entries using -A properly. # RUN: yaml2obj --docnum=1 %s -o %t.plt.o # RUN: llvm-readobj -A %t.plt.o | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=LLVM # RUN: llvm-readelf -A %t.plt.o | \ # RUN: FileCheck %s --strict-whitespace --match-full-lines --check-prefix=GNU # LLVM: PLT GOT { # LLVM-NEXT: Reserved entries [ # LLVM-NEXT: Entry { # LLVM-NEXT: Address: 0x2000 # LLVM-NEXT: Initial: 0x0 # LLVM-NEXT: Purpose: PLT lazy resolver # LLVM-NEXT: } # LLVM-NEXT: Entry { # LLVM-NEXT: Address: 0x2008 # LLVM-NEXT: Initial: 0x0 # LLVM-NEXT: Purpose: Module pointer # LLVM-NEXT: } # LLVM-NEXT: ] # LLVM-NEXT: Entries [ # LLVM-NEXT: Entry { # LLVM-NEXT: Address: 0x2010 # LLVM-NEXT: Initial: 0x0 # LLVM-NEXT: Value: 0x0 # LLVM-NEXT: Type: None (0x0) # LLVM-NEXT: Section: Undefined (0x0) # LLVM-NEXT: Name: foo (5) # LLVM-NEXT: } # LLVM-NEXT: Entry { # LLVM-NEXT: Address: 0x2018 # LLVM-NEXT: Initial: 0x0 # LLVM-NEXT: Value: 0x0 # LLVM-NEXT: Type: None (0x0) # LLVM-NEXT: Section: Undefined (0x0) # LLVM-NEXT: Name: bar (1) # LLVM-NEXT: } # LLVM-NEXT: ] # LLVM-NEXT: } # GNU:PLT GOT: # GNU-EMPTY: # GNU-NEXT: Reserved entries: # GNU-NEXT: Address Initial Purpose # GNU-NEXT: 0000000000002000 0000000000000000 PLT lazy resolver # GNU-NEXT: 0000000000002008 0000000000000000 Module pointer # GNU-EMPTY: # GNU-NEXT: Entries: # GNU-NEXT: Address Initial Sym.Val. Type Ndx Name # GNU-NEXT: 0000000000002010 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 NOTYPE UND foo # GNU-NEXT: 0000000000002018 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 NOTYPE UND bar # GNU-NOT:{{.}} --- !ELF FileHeader: Class: ELFCLASS64 Data: ELFDATA2LSB Type: ET_REL Machine: EM_MIPS Sections: - Name: .rel.plt Type: SHT_REL Flags: [ SHF_ALLOC ] Address: 0x1000 Link: .dynsym Relocations: - Offset: 0x1 Symbol: 1 Type: R_MIPS_JUMP_SLOT - Offset: 0x2 Symbol: 2 Type: R_MIPS_JUMP_SLOT - Name: .got.plt Type: SHT_PROGBITS Flags: [ SHF_WRITE, SHF_ALLOC ] Address: 0x2000 Size: 32 ## (dynamic symbols number + 2) * 8 - Name: .dynamic Type: SHT_DYNAMIC Entries: - Tag: DT_JMPREL Value: 0x1000 - Tag: DT_MIPS_PLTGOT Value: 0x2000 DynamicSymbols: - Name: "foo" - Name: "bar" ## Check we report errors when dynamic tags, needed for dumping PLT, are missing. # RUN: yaml2obj --docnum=2 -DTAG=DT_MIPS_PLTGOT %s -o %t.err1.o # RUN: llvm-readobj -A %t.err1.o 2>&1 | FileCheck %s -DFILE=%t.err1.o --check-prefixes=NO-OUTPUT,ERR1 # RUN: yaml2obj --docnum=2 -DTAG=DT_JMPREL %s -o %t.err2.o # RUN: llvm-readobj -A %t.err2.o 2>&1 | FileCheck %s -DFILE=%t.err2.o --check-prefixes=NO-OUTPUT,ERR2 --- !ELF FileHeader: Class: ELFCLASS64 Data: ELFDATA2LSB Type: ET_EXEC Machine: EM_MIPS Sections: - Name: .dynamic Type: SHT_DYNAMIC Entries: - Tag: [[TAG]] Value: 0 - Tag: DT_NULL Value: 0 ## Check we report errors when we are unable to find PLTGOT/JMPREL sections. # RUN: yaml2obj --docnum=3 %s -DVAL1=0xffff -o %t.err3.o # RUN: llvm-readobj -A %t.err3.o 2>&1 | FileCheck %s -DFILE=%t.err3.o -check-prefixes=NO-OUTPUT,ERR3 # RUN: yaml2obj --docnum=3 %s -DVAL2=0xffff -o %t.err4.o # RUN: llvm-readobj -A %t.err4.o 2>&1 | FileCheck %s -DFILE=%t.err4.o -check-prefixes=NO-OUTPUT,ERR4 --- !ELF FileHeader: Class: ELFCLASS64 Data: ELFDATA2LSB Type: ET_EXEC Machine: EM_MIPS Sections: - Name: .dynamic Type: SHT_DYNAMIC Entries: - Tag: DT_MIPS_PLTGOT Value: [[VAL1=0]] - Tag: DT_JMPREL Value: [[VAL2=0]] - Tag: DT_NULL Value: 0 - Name: .foo Type: SHT_PROGBITS Address: 0x100 ShSize: 0xffffffff Link: [[LINK=0x1]] DynamicSymbols: [] ## Check we report errors when we are unable to dump PLTGOT properly. # RUN: yaml2obj --docnum=3 -DVAL1=0x100 %s -o %t.err5.o # RUN: llvm-readobj -A %t.err5.o 2>&1 | FileCheck %s -DFILE=%t.err5.o -check-prefixes=NO-OUTPUT,ERR5 # RUN: yaml2obj --docnum=3 -DVAL2=0x100 -DLINK=0xaaaaaaaa %s -o %t.err6.o # RUN: llvm-readobj -A %t.err6.o 2>&1 | FileCheck %s -DFILE=%t.err6.o -check-prefixes=NO-OUTPUT,ERR6 # RUN: yaml2obj --docnum=3 -DVAL2=0x100 %s -o %t.err7.o # RUN: llvm-readobj -A %t.err7.o 2>&1 | FileCheck %s -DFILE=%t.err7.o -check-prefixes=NO-OUTPUT,ERR7 # NO-OUTPUT: LoadName: # NO-OUTPUT-NEXT: There is no .MIPS.abiflags section in the file. # NO-OUTPUT-NEXT: There is no .MIPS.options section in the file. # NO-OUTPUT-NEXT: There is no .reginfo section in the file. # ERR1-NEXT: warning: '[[FILE]]': cannot find JMPREL dynamic tag # ERR2-NEXT: warning: '[[FILE]]': cannot find MIPS_PLTGOT dynamic tag # ERR3-NEXT: warning: '[[FILE]]': there is no non-empty PLTGOT section at 0xffff # ERR4-NEXT: warning: '[[FILE]]': there is no non-empty RELPLT section at 0xffff # ERR5-NEXT: warning: '[[FILE]]': unable to read PLTGOT section content: section [index 2] has a sh_offset (0x70) + sh_size (0xffffffff) that is greater than the file size (0x280) # ERR6-NEXT: warning: '[[FILE]]': unable to get a symbol table linked to the SHT_PROGBITS section with index 2: invalid section index: 2863311530 # ERR7-NEXT: warning: '[[FILE]]': unable to get a string table for the SHT_DYNAMIC section with index 1: invalid sh_type for symbol table, expected SHT_SYMTAB or SHT_DYNSYM # NO-OUTPUT-EMPTY: # NO-OUTPUT-NOT: {{.}} ## Check how we print PLT entries when they are unnamed section symbols. # RUN: yaml2obj --docnum=4 %s -o %t3 # RUN: llvm-readobj -A %t3 2>&1 | FileCheck %s -DFILE=%t3 --check-prefix=SEC-SYMS-LLVM # RUN: llvm-readelf -A %t3 2>&1 | FileCheck %s -DFILE=%t3 --check-prefix=SEC-SYMS-GNU # SEC-SYMS-LLVM: PLT GOT { # SEC-SYMS-LLVM: Entries [ # SEC-SYMS-LLVM: Entry { # SEC-SYMS-LLVM: Section: Absolute (0xFFF1) # SEC-SYMS-LLVM-NEXT: warning: '[[FILE]]': unable to get section index for symbol with st_shndx = 0xfff1 (SHN_ABS) # SEC-SYMS-LLVM-NEXT: Name: (0) # SEC-SYMS-LLVM-NEXT: } # SEC-SYMS-LLVM-NEXT: Entry { # SEC-SYMS-LLVM: Section: .got.plt (0x2) # SEC-SYMS-LLVM-NEXT: Name: .got.plt (0) # SEC-SYMS-LLVM-NEXT: } # SEC-SYMS-LLVM-NEXT: Entry { # SEC-SYMS-LLVM: Section: Common (0xFFF2) # SEC-SYMS-LLVM-NEXT: warning: '[[FILE]]': unable to get section index for symbol with st_shndx = 0xfff2 (SHN_COMMON) # SEC-SYMS-LLVM-NEXT: Name: (0) # SEC-SYMS-LLVM-NEXT: } # SEC-SYMS-LLVM-NEXT: Entry { # SEC-SYMS-LLVM: Type: Section (0x3) # SEC-SYMS-LLVM-NEXT: warning: '[[FILE]]': found an extended symbol index (4), but unable to locate the extended symbol index table # SEC-SYMS-LLVM-NEXT: Section: Reserved (0xFFFF) # SEC-SYMS-LLVM-NEXT: Name: (0) # SEC-SYMS-LLVM-NEXT: } # SEC-SYMS-LLVM-NEXT: ] # SEC-SYMS-LLVM-NEXT: } # SEC-SYMS-GNU: PLT GOT: # SEC-SYMS-GNU: Entries: # SEC-SYMS-GNU-NEXT: Address {{.*}} Ndx Name # SEC-SYMS-GNU-NEXT: warning: '[[FILE]]': unable to get section index for symbol with st_shndx = 0xfff1 (SHN_ABS) # SEC-SYMS-GNU-NEXT: 0000000000002010 {{.*}} ABS # SEC-SYMS-GNU-NEXT: 0000000000002018 {{.*}} 2 .got.plt # SEC-SYMS-GNU-NEXT: warning: '[[FILE]]': unable to get section index for symbol with st_shndx = 0xfff2 (SHN_COMMON) # SEC-SYMS-GNU-NEXT: 0000000000002020 {{.*}} COM # SEC-SYMS-GNU-NEXT: warning: '[[FILE]]': found an extended symbol index (4), but unable to locate the extended symbol index table # SEC-SYMS-GNU-NEXT: 0000000000002028 {{.*}} RSV[0xffff] --- !ELF FileHeader: Class: ELFCLASS64 Data: ELFDATA2LSB Type: ET_REL Machine: EM_MIPS Sections: - Name: .rel.plt Type: SHT_REL Flags: [ SHF_ALLOC ] Address: 0x1000 Link: .dynsym Relocations: - Offset: 0x1 Symbol: 1 Type: R_MIPS_JUMP_SLOT - Offset: 0x2 Symbol: 2 Type: R_MIPS_JUMP_SLOT - Offset: 0x2 Symbol: 3 Type: R_MIPS_JUMP_SLOT - Offset: 0x3 Symbol: 4 Type: R_MIPS_JUMP_SLOT - Name: .got.plt Type: SHT_PROGBITS Flags: [ SHF_WRITE, SHF_ALLOC ] Address: 0x2000 Size: 48 ## (dynamic symbols number + 2) * 8 - Name: .dynamic Type: SHT_DYNAMIC Entries: - Tag: DT_JMPREL Value: 0x1000 - Tag: DT_MIPS_PLTGOT Value: 0x2000 DynamicSymbols: - Type: STT_SECTION Index: SHN_ABS - Type: STT_SECTION Section: .got.plt - Type: STT_SECTION Index: SHN_COMMON - Type: STT_SECTION Index: SHN_XINDEX