// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++2a -verify %s -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant // Keep this test before any declarations of operator<=>. namespace PR44786 { template void f(decltype(T{} <=> T{})) {} // expected-note {{previous}} struct S {}; int operator<=>(S const &, S const &); template void f(decltype(T{} <=> T{})) {} // expected-error {{redefinition}} } struct A {}; constexpr int operator<=>(A a, A b) { return 42; } static_assert(operator<=>(A(), A()) == 42); int operator<=>(); // expected-error {{overloaded 'operator<=>' must have at least one parameter of class or enumeration type}} int operator<=>(A); // expected-error {{overloaded 'operator<=>' must be a binary operator}} int operator<=>(int, int); // expected-error {{overloaded 'operator<=>' must have at least one parameter of class or enumeration type}} int operator<=>(A, A, A); // expected-error {{overloaded 'operator<=>' must be a binary operator}} int operator<=>(A, A, ...); // expected-error {{overloaded 'operator<=>' cannot be variadic}} int operator<=>(int, A = {}); // expected-error {{parameter of overloaded 'operator<=>' cannot have a default argument}} struct B { int &operator<=>(int); friend int operator<=>(A, B); friend int operator<=>(int, int); // expected-error {{overloaded 'operator<=>' must have at least one parameter of class or enumeration type}} void operator<=>(); // expected-error {{overloaded 'operator<=>' must be a binary operator}}; void operator<=>(A, ...); // expected-error {{overloaded 'operator<=>' cannot be variadic}} void operator<=>(A, A); // expected-error {{overloaded 'operator<=>' must be a binary operator}}; }; int &r = B().operator<=>(0); namespace PR47893 { struct A { void operator<=>(const A&) const; }; template auto f(T a, T b) -> decltype(a < b) = delete; int &f(...); int &r = f(A(), A()); } namespace PR44325 { struct cmp_cat {}; bool operator<(cmp_cat, void*); bool operator>(cmp_cat, int cmp_cat::*); struct X {}; cmp_cat operator<=>(X, X); bool b1 = X() < X(); // no warning bool b2 = X() > X(); // no warning // FIXME: It's not clear whether warning here is useful, but we can't really // tell that this is a comparison category in general. This is probably OK, // as comparisons against zero are only really intended for use in the // implicit rewrite rules, not for explicit use by programs. bool c = cmp_cat() < 0; // expected-warning {{zero as null pointer constant}} }