# -*- Autoconf -*- # Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. # # @(#) configure.ac # # 2008-06-27 initial setup # 2008-06-29 add of BIND path checking # 2008-06-30 add of arg checkings # 2008-07-02 additional arg checkings # 2008-07-04 check for getopt_long() added # 2008-08-30 check for unsigned integer types # 2008-10-01 if BIND_UTIL_PATH check failed, use config_zkt.h setting as last resort # 2009-07-30 check for timegm() added # 2009-12-02 the tr command in bind_version= didn't work well under solaris # 2010-10-14 new option to specify BIND_UTIL_PATH on command line (thanks to Mans Nilsson) # No build in default BIND_UTIL_PATH used anymore # 2015-07-15 new option for USE_DS_TRACKING added (thanks to Sven Strickroth) # dnl AC_PREREQ(2.59) ### Package name and current version AC_INIT(ZKT, 1.1.4, Holger Zuleger hznet.de) dnl AC_REVISION($Revision: 1.397 $) ### Files to test to check if src dir contains the package AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([zkt-signer.c]) AC_CONFIG_HEADER([config.h]) ### Checks for programs. AC_PROG_CC ### find out the path to BIND utils and version AC_ARG_ENABLE([bind_util_path], AS_HELP_STRING( [--enable-bind_util_path=PATH], [Define path to BIND utilities, default is path to dnssec-signzone]), [bind_util_path=$enableval]) if test -n "$bind_util_path" then if test -x "$bind_util_path/dnssec-signzone" then AC_MSG_NOTICE([BIND utilities path successfully set to $bind_util_path.]) SIGNZONE_PROG=$bind_util_path/dnssec-signzone else AC_MSG_ERROR([*** 'BIND utility not found in $bind_util_path, please use --enable-bind_util_path= to set it manually' ***]) fi else AC_PATH_PROG([SIGNZONE_PROG], dnssec-signzone) AC_MSG_NOTICE([BIND utility $SIGNZONE_PROG found]) if test -n "$SIGNZONE_PROG" then bind_util_path=`dirname "$SIGNZONE_PROG"` AC_MSG_NOTICE([BIND utilities path automatically set to $bind_util_path.]) else AC_MSG_ERROR([*** 'could not determine BIND utility path, please use --enable-bind_util_path= ' to set it manually ***]) fi fi ### By now, we have a path. We'll use it. # define BIND_UTIL_PATH in config.h.in AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(BIND_UTIL_PATH, "$bind_util_path/", Path to BIND utilities) # define BIND_VERSION in config.h.in bind_version=`$SIGNZONE_PROG 2>&1 | awk -F: '/^Version:/ { split ($2, v, "."); printf ("%2d%02d%02d\n", atoi (v[[1]]), atoi (v[[2]]), atoi (v[[3]])); };'` AC_MSG_NOTICE([BIND_VERSION string set to $bind_version.]) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(BIND_VERSION, $bind_version, BIND version as integer number without dots) if test $bind_version -lt "90800" then AC_MSG_ERROR([*** 'This version of ZKT requires a BIND version greater 9.7' ***]) fi AC_CHECK_TYPE(uint, unsigned int) AC_CHECK_TYPE(ulong, unsigned long) AC_CHECK_TYPE(ushort, unsigned short) AC_CHECK_TYPE(uchar, unsigned char) ### define configure arguments AC_ARG_ENABLE([color_mode], AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-color-mode], [zkt without colors])) color_mode=1 AS_IF([test "$enable_color_mode" = "no"], [color_mode=0]) AC_ARG_WITH([curses], AS_HELP_STRING([--without-curses], [Ignore presence of curses and disable color mode])) AS_IF([test "x$with_curses" != "xno"], [AC_CHECK_LIB([ncurses],[tgetent])], [HAVE_LIB_NCURSES=0; color_mode=0]) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(COLOR_MODE, $color_mode, zkt-ls with colors) dnl printtimezone is a default-disabled feature AC_ARG_ENABLE([printtimezone], AS_HELP_STRING( [--enable-print-timezone], [print out timezone])) printtimezone=0 AS_IF([test "$enable_printtimezone" = "yes"], [printtimezone=1]) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PRINT_TIMEZONE, $printtimezone, print out timezone) AC_ARG_ENABLE([printyear], AS_HELP_STRING( [--enable-print-age], [print age with year])) printyear=0 AS_IF([test "$enable_printyear" = "yes"], [printyear=1]) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PRINT_AGE_WITH_YEAR, $printyear, print age with year) AC_ARG_ENABLE([logprogname], AS_HELP_STRING( [--enable-log-progname], [log with progname])) logprogname=0 AS_IF([test "$enable_logprogname" = "yes"], [logprogname=1]) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(LOG_WITH_PROGNAME, $logprogname, log with progname) dnl logtimestamp is a default-enabled feature AC_ARG_ENABLE([logtimestamp], AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-log-timestamp], [do not log with timestamp])) logtimestamp=1 AS_IF([test "$enable_logtimestamp" = "no"], [logtimestamp=0]) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(LOG_WITH_TIMESTAMP, $logtimestamp, log with timestamp) AC_ARG_ENABLE([loglevel], AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-log-level], [do not log with level])) loglevel=1 AS_IF([test "$enable_loglevel" = "no"], [loglevel=0]) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(LOG_WITH_LEVEL, $loglevel, log with level) AC_ARG_ENABLE([ttl_in_keyfile], AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-ttl-in-keyfiles], [do not allow TTL values in keyfiles])) ttl_in_keyfile=1 AS_IF([test "$enable_ttl_in_keyfile" = "no"], [ttl_in_keyfile=0]) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(TTL_IN_KEYFILE_ALLOWED, $ttl_in_keyfile, TTL in keyfiles allowed) AC_ARG_ENABLE([ds_tracking], AS_HELP_STRING( [--enable-ds-tracking], [track DS record in parent zone (ksk-rollover)])) ds_tracking=0 AS_IF([test "$enable_ds_tracking" = "yes"], [ds_tracking=1]) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(USE_DS_TRACKING, $ds_tracking, track DS record) if test "$ds_tracking" = 1 then ### find the path to dig AC_PATH_PROG([dig_path], [dig]) if test -z "$dig_path" then AC_MSG_NOTICE([Could not find path to dig program. Please disable ds-tracking]) else AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(DIG_PATH, "$dig_path", path to dig binary) fi fi configpath="/var/named" AC_ARG_ENABLE([configpath], AS_HELP_STRING( [--enable-configpath=PATH], [set path of config file (defaults to /var/named)]), [configpath=$enableval]) case "$configpath" in yes) configpath="/var/named" ;; no) configpath="" ;; *) ;; esac AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(CONFIG_PATH, "$configpath/", [set path of config file (defaults to /var/named)]) usetree=1 t="" AC_ARG_ENABLE([tree], AS_HELP_STRING( [--disable-tree], [use single linked list instead of binary tree data structure for dnssec-zkt]), [usetree=$enableval]) if test "$usetree" = no then usetree=0 t="S" fi AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(USE_TREE, $usetree, Use TREE data structure for dnssec-zkt) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(ZKT_VERSION, "$t$PACKAGE_VERSION", ZKT version string) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(ZKT_COPYRIGHT, "(c) Feb 2005 - Nov 2012 Holger Zuleger hznet.de", ZKT copyright string) ### Checks for libraries. ### Checks for header files. AC_HEADER_DIRENT AC_HEADER_STDC AC_CHECK_HEADERS([fcntl.h netdb.h stdlib.h getopt.h string.h strings.h sys/socket.h sys/time.h sys/types.h syslog.h unistd.h utime.h term.h curses.h]) ### Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics. AC_C_CONST AC_TYPE_SIZE_T AC_HEADER_TIME AC_STRUCT_TM AC_TYPE_UID_T ### Checks for library functions. dnl AC_FUNC_MALLOC AC_FUNC_CLOSEDIR_VOID AC_FUNC_ERROR_AT_LINE AC_FUNC_MKTIME AC_FUNC_STAT AC_FUNC_STRFTIME AC_FUNC_UTIME_NULL AC_FUNC_VPRINTF # 2008-07-04 getopt_long added # 2009-07-30 timegm added AC_CHECK_FUNCS([getopt_long gettimeofday memset putenv socket strcasecmp strchr strdup strerror strncasecmp strrchr tzset utime getuid timegm]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile]) AC_OUTPUT