unit PreProcessorExpressionTokens; {(*} (*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Delphi Code formatter source code The Original Code is PreProcessorExpressionTokens, released August 2003. The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Anthony Steele. Portions created by Anthony Steele are Copyright (C) 2003 Anthony Steele. All Rights Reserved. Contributor(s): Anthony Steele. The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"). you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL") See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*) {*)} {$I JcfGlobal.inc} interface { AFS 26 Aug 2003 Delphi preprocessor $IF expression parsing tokens defined via an enum, an item class and a list class } uses Contnrs; type TPreProcessorSymbol = (eNone, eIdentifier, // symbols with fixed text eOpenBracket, eCloseBracket, eDefined, eDeclared, eAnd, eOr, eNot, eTrue, eFalse); { used to recognise tokens - all expect identifiers have fixed text } const SYMBOL_DATA: array[eOpenBracket .. eFalse] of string = ('(', ')', 'defined', 'declared', 'and', 'or', 'not', 'true', 'false'); type TPreProcessorExpressionToken = class(TObject) private feSymbol: TPreProcessorSymbol; fsSourceCode: string; public property Symbol: TPreProcessorSymbol Read feSymbol Write feSymbol; property SourceCode: string Read fsSOurceCode Write fsSourceCode; end; TPreProcessorExpressionTokenList = class(TObject) private fcList: TObjectList; function GetItems(const piIndex: integer): TPreProcessorExpressionToken; function GetCount: integer; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; function Add(const peSymbol: TPreProcessorSymbol; psText: string): TPreProcessorExpressionToken; procedure Clear; property Items[const piIndex: integer]: TPreProcessorExpressionToken Read GetItems; property Count: integer Read GetCount; end; function PreProcessorSymbolToString(const peSymbol: TPreProcessorSymbol): string; implementation uses SysUtils; function PreProcessorSymbolToString(const peSymbol: TPreProcessorSymbol): string; begin case peSymbol of eNone: Result := 'No symbol'; eIdentifier: Result := 'identifier'; eOpenBracket: Result := '('; eCloseBracket: Result := ')'; eDefined: Result := 'defined'; eAnd: Result := 'and'; eOr: Result := 'or'; eNot: Result := 'not'; eTrue: Result := 'true'; eFalse: Result := 'false'; else Assert(False); end; end; { TPreProcessorExpressionTokenList } function TPreProcessorExpressionTokenList.Add(const peSymbol: TPreProcessorSymbol; psText: string): TPreProcessorExpressionToken; begin Result := TPreProcessorExpressionToken.Create; Result.Symbol := peSymbol; Result.SourceCode := psText; fcList.Add(Result); end; procedure TPreProcessorExpressionTokenList.Clear; begin fcList.Clear; end; constructor TPreProcessorExpressionTokenList.Create; begin inherited; // thiws is an owning list fcList := TObjectList.Create; end; destructor TPreProcessorExpressionTokenList.Destroy; begin FreeAndNil(fcList); inherited; end; function TPreProcessorExpressionTokenList.GetCount: integer; begin Result := fcList.Count; end; function TPreProcessorExpressionTokenList.GetItems( const piIndex: integer): TPreProcessorExpressionToken; begin if piIndex < fcList.Count then Result := TPreProcessorExpressionToken(fcList[piIndex]) else Result := nil; end; end.