if arg[1] == '--help' then print('Usage: genoptions.lua src/nvim options_file') os.exit(0) end local nvimsrcdir = arg[1] local options_file = arg[2] package.path = nvimsrcdir .. '/?.lua;' .. package.path local opt_fd = io.open(options_file, 'w') local w = function(s) if s:match('^ %.') then opt_fd:write(s .. ',\n') else opt_fd:write(s .. '\n') end end local options = require('options') local cstr = options.cstr local type_flags={ bool='P_BOOL', number='P_NUM', string='P_STRING', } local redraw_flags={ statuslines='P_RSTAT', current_window='P_RWIN', current_window_only='P_RWINONLY', current_buffer='P_RBUF', all_windows='P_RALL', everything='P_RCLR', curswant='P_CURSWANT', ui_option='P_UI_OPTION', } local list_flags={ comma='P_COMMA', onecomma='P_ONECOMMA', flags='P_FLAGLIST', flagscomma='P_COMMA|P_FLAGLIST', } local get_flags = function(o) local ret = {type_flags[o.type]} local add_flag = function(f) ret[1] = ret[1] .. '|' .. f end if o.list then add_flag(list_flags[o.list]) end if o.redraw then for _, r_flag in ipairs(o.redraw) do add_flag(redraw_flags[r_flag]) end end if o.expand then add_flag('P_EXPAND') if o.expand == 'nodefault' then add_flag('P_NO_DEF_EXP') end end for _, flag_desc in ipairs({ {'alloced'}, {'nodefault'}, {'no_mkrc'}, {'secure'}, {'gettext'}, {'noglob'}, {'normal_fname_chars', 'P_NFNAME'}, {'normal_dname_chars', 'P_NDNAME'}, {'pri_mkrc'}, {'deny_in_modelines', 'P_NO_ML'}, {'deny_duplicates', 'P_NODUP'}, {'modelineexpr', 'P_MLE'}, }) do local key_name = flag_desc[1] local def_name = flag_desc[2] or ('P_' .. key_name:upper()) if o[key_name] then add_flag(def_name) end end return ret[1] end local get_cond get_cond = function(c, base_string) local cond_string = base_string or '#if ' if type(c) == 'table' then cond_string = cond_string .. get_cond(c[1], '') for i, subc in ipairs(c) do if i > 1 then cond_string = cond_string .. ' && ' .. get_cond(subc, '') end end elseif c:sub(1, 1) == '!' then cond_string = cond_string .. '!defined(' .. c:sub(2) .. ')' else cond_string = cond_string .. 'defined(' .. c .. ')' end return cond_string end local value_dumpers = { ['function']=function(v) return v() end, string=cstr, boolean=function(v) return v and 'true' or 'false' end, number=function(v) return ('%iL'):format(v) end, ['nil']=function(_) return '0L' end, } local get_value = function(v) return '(char_u *) ' .. value_dumpers[type(v)](v) end local get_defaults = function(d,n) if d == nil then error("option '"..n.."' should have a default value") end return get_value(d) end local defines = {} local dump_option = function(i, o) w(' [' .. ('%u'):format(i - 1) .. ']={') w(' .fullname=' .. cstr(o.full_name)) if o.abbreviation then w(' .shortname=' .. cstr(o.abbreviation)) end w(' .flags=' .. get_flags(o)) if o.enable_if then w(get_cond(o.enable_if)) end if o.varname then w(' .var=(char_u *)&' .. o.varname) elseif #o.scope == 1 and o.scope[1] == 'window' then w(' .var=VAR_WIN') end if #o.scope == 1 and o.scope[1] == 'global' then w(' .indir=PV_NONE') else assert (#o.scope == 1 or #o.scope == 2) assert (#o.scope == 1 or o.scope[1] == 'global') local min_scope = o.scope[#o.scope] local varname = o.pv_name or o.varname or ( 'p_' .. (o.abbreviation or o.full_name)) local pv_name = ( 'OPT_' .. min_scope:sub(1, 3):upper() .. '(' .. ( min_scope:sub(1, 1):upper() .. 'V_' .. varname:sub(3):upper() ) .. ')' ) if #o.scope == 2 then pv_name = 'OPT_BOTH(' .. pv_name .. ')' end defines['PV_' .. varname:sub(3):upper()] = pv_name w(' .indir=' .. pv_name) end if o.enable_if then w('#else') w(' .var=NULL') w(' .indir=PV_NONE') w('#endif') end if o.defaults then if o.defaults.condition then w(get_cond(o.defaults.condition)) end w(' .def_val=' .. get_defaults(o.defaults.if_true, o.full_name)) if o.defaults.condition then if o.defaults.if_false then w('#else') w(' .def_val=' .. get_defaults(o.defaults.if_false, o.full_name)) end w('#endif') end end w(' },') end w('static vimoption_T options[] = {') for i, o in ipairs(options.options) do dump_option(i, o) end w(' [' .. ('%u'):format(#options.options) .. ']={.fullname=NULL}') w('};') w('') for k, v in pairs(defines) do w('#define ' .. k .. ' ' .. v) end opt_fd:close()