package main import ( "errors" "" "" ) var ( colorSlice = make([]vt100.AttributeColor, 0) // to be pushed to and popped from // the first color in this slice will normally not be used until the parenthesis are many levels deep, // the second one will be used for the regular case which is 1 level deep rainbowParenColors = []vt100.AttributeColor{vt100.LightMagenta, vt100.LightRed, vt100.Yellow, vt100.LightYellow, vt100.LightGreen, vt100.LightBlue} // the color for unmatched parenthesis unmatchedParenColor = vt100.White errUnmatchedParenthesis = errors.New("unmatched parenthesis") ) // rainbowParen implements "rainbow parenthesis" which colors "(" and ")" according to how deep they are nested // pCount is the existing parenthesis count when reaching the start of this line func (e *Editor) rainbowParen(parCount, braCount *int, chars *[]textoutput.CharAttribute, singleLineCommentMarker string, ignoreSingleQuotes bool) (err error) { var ( prevPrevRune = '\n' // CharAttribute has a rune "R" and a vt100.AttributeColor "A" nextChar = textoutput.CharAttribute{R: '\n', A: e.Background} prevChar = textoutput.CharAttribute{R: '\n', A: e.Background} lastColor = rainbowParenColors[len(rainbowParenColors)-1] ) q, qerr := NewQuoteState(singleLineCommentMarker, e.mode, ignoreSingleQuotes) if qerr != nil { return qerr } // Initialize the quote state parenthesis count with the one that is for the beginning of this line, in the current document q.parCount = *parCount // parenthesis count q.braCount = *braCount // bracket count for i, char := range *chars { q.ProcessRune(char.R, prevChar.R, prevPrevRune) prevPrevRune = prevChar.R if !q.None() { // Skip comments and strings continue } // Get the next rune and attribute if (i + 1) < len(*chars) { nextChar.R = (*chars)[i+1].R nextChar.A = (*chars)[i+1].A } // Get the previous rune and attribute if i > 0 { prevChar.R = (*chars)[i-1].R prevChar.A = (*chars)[i-1].A } // Count parenthesis *parCount = q.parCount // Count square brackets *braCount = q.braCount openingP := false // parenthesis openingB := false // bracket switch char.R { case '(': openingP = true case '[': openingB = true case ')': // openingP is already set to false, for this case // openingP = false case ']': // Don't continue the loop, continue below default: // Not an opening or closing parenthesis or square bracket continue } if *parCount < 0 || *braCount < 0 { // Too many closing parenthesis or brackets! char.A = unmatchedParenColor err = errUnmatchedParenthesis } else if openingB || openingP { // Select a color, using modulo // Select another color if it's the same as the text that follows selected := (*braCount + *parCount) % len(rainbowParenColors) char.A = rainbowParenColors[selected] // If the character before ( or ) are ' ' or '\t' OR the index is 0, color it with the last color in rainbowParenColors if prevChar.R == ' ' || prevChar.R == '\t' || i == 0 { char.A = lastColor } else { // Loop until a color that is not the same as the color of the next character is selected // (and the next rune is not blank or end of line) for (char.A.Equal(nextChar.A) && nextChar.R != ' ' && nextChar.R != '\t' && nextChar.R != '(' && nextChar.R != ')' && nextChar.R != '[' && nextChar.R != ']') || (char.A.Equal(prevChar.A) && prevChar.R != ' ' && prevChar.R != '\t' && prevChar.R != '(' && prevChar.R != ')' && prevChar.R != '[' && prevChar.R != ']') { selected++ if selected >= len(rainbowParenColors) { selected = 0 } char.A = rainbowParenColors[selected] } } // Push the color to the color stack colorSlice = append(colorSlice, char.A) } else { if len(colorSlice) > 0 { // pop the color from the color stack lastIndex := len(colorSlice) - 1 char.A = colorSlice[lastIndex] colorSlice = colorSlice[:lastIndex] } else { char.A = lastColor } } // For debugging //s := strconv.Itoa(*parCount) //if len(s) == 1 { // char.R = []rune(s)[0] //} else { // char.R = []rune(s)[1] //} // Keep the rune, but use the new AttributeColor (*chars)[i] = char } return }