/****************************************************************** * LexHaskell.cxx * * A haskell lexer for the scintilla code control. * Some stuff "lended" from LexPython.cxx and LexCPP.cxx. * External lexer stuff inspired from the caml external lexer. * Folder copied from Python's. * * Written by Tobias Engvall - tumm at dtek dot chalmers dot se * * Several bug fixes by Krasimir Angelov - kr.angelov at gmail.com * * Improved by kudah * * TODO: * * A proper lexical folder to fold group declarations, comments, pragmas, * #ifdefs, explicit layout, lists, tuples, quasi-quotes, splces, etc, etc, * etc. * *****************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ILexer.h" #include "Scintilla.h" #include "SciLexer.h" #include "PropSetSimple.h" #include "WordList.h" #include "LexAccessor.h" #include "Accessor.h" #include "StyleContext.h" #include "CharacterSet.h" #include "CharacterCategory.h" #include "LexerModule.h" #include "OptionSet.h" #include "DefaultLexer.h" using namespace Scintilla; // See https://github.com/ghc/ghc/blob/master/compiler/parser/Lexer.x#L1682 // Note, letter modifiers are prohibited. static int u_iswupper (int ch) { CharacterCategory c = CategoriseCharacter(ch); return c == ccLu || c == ccLt; } static int u_iswalpha (int ch) { CharacterCategory c = CategoriseCharacter(ch); return c == ccLl || c == ccLu || c == ccLt || c == ccLo; } static int u_iswalnum (int ch) { CharacterCategory c = CategoriseCharacter(ch); return c == ccLl || c == ccLu || c == ccLt || c == ccLo || c == ccNd || c == ccNo; } static int u_IsHaskellSymbol(int ch) { CharacterCategory c = CategoriseCharacter(ch); return c == ccPc || c == ccPd || c == ccPo || c == ccSm || c == ccSc || c == ccSk || c == ccSo; } static inline bool IsHaskellLetter(const int ch) { if (IsASCII(ch)) { return (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z'); } else { return u_iswalpha(ch) != 0; } } static inline bool IsHaskellAlphaNumeric(const int ch) { if (IsASCII(ch)) { return IsAlphaNumeric(ch); } else { return u_iswalnum(ch) != 0; } } static inline bool IsHaskellUpperCase(const int ch) { if (IsASCII(ch)) { return ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z'; } else { return u_iswupper(ch) != 0; } } static inline bool IsAnHaskellOperatorChar(const int ch) { if (IsASCII(ch)) { return ( ch == '!' || ch == '#' || ch == '$' || ch == '%' || ch == '&' || ch == '*' || ch == '+' || ch == '-' || ch == '.' || ch == '/' || ch == ':' || ch == '<' || ch == '=' || ch == '>' || ch == '?' || ch == '@' || ch == '^' || ch == '|' || ch == '~' || ch == '\\'); } else { return u_IsHaskellSymbol(ch) != 0; } } static inline bool IsAHaskellWordStart(const int ch) { return IsHaskellLetter(ch) || ch == '_'; } static inline bool IsAHaskellWordChar(const int ch) { return ( IsHaskellAlphaNumeric(ch) || ch == '_' || ch == '\''); } static inline bool IsCommentBlockStyle(int style) { return (style >= SCE_HA_COMMENTBLOCK && style <= SCE_HA_COMMENTBLOCK3); } static inline bool IsCommentStyle(int style) { return (style >= SCE_HA_COMMENTLINE && style <= SCE_HA_COMMENTBLOCK3) || ( style == SCE_HA_LITERATE_COMMENT || style == SCE_HA_LITERATE_CODEDELIM); } // styles which do not belong to Haskell, but to external tools static inline bool IsExternalStyle(int style) { return ( style == SCE_HA_PREPROCESSOR || style == SCE_HA_LITERATE_COMMENT || style == SCE_HA_LITERATE_CODEDELIM); } static inline int CommentBlockStyleFromNestLevel(const unsigned int nestLevel) { return SCE_HA_COMMENTBLOCK + (nestLevel % 3); } // Mangled version of lexlib/Accessor.cxx IndentAmount. // Modified to treat comment blocks as whitespace // plus special case for commentline/preprocessor. static int HaskellIndentAmount(Accessor &styler, const Sci_Position line) { // Determines the indentation level of the current line // Comment blocks are treated as whitespace Sci_Position pos = styler.LineStart(line); Sci_Position eol_pos = styler.LineStart(line + 1) - 1; char ch = styler[pos]; int style = styler.StyleAt(pos); int indent = 0; bool inPrevPrefix = line > 0; Sci_Position posPrev = inPrevPrefix ? styler.LineStart(line-1) : 0; while (( ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || IsCommentBlockStyle(style) || style == SCE_HA_LITERATE_CODEDELIM) && (pos < eol_pos)) { if (inPrevPrefix) { char chPrev = styler[posPrev++]; if (chPrev != ' ' && chPrev != '\t') { inPrevPrefix = false; } } if (ch == '\t') { indent = (indent / 8 + 1) * 8; } else { // Space or comment block indent++; } pos++; ch = styler[pos]; style = styler.StyleAt(pos); } indent += SC_FOLDLEVELBASE; // if completely empty line or the start of a comment or preprocessor... if ( styler.LineStart(line) == styler.Length() || ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' || IsCommentStyle(style) || style == SCE_HA_PREPROCESSOR) return indent | SC_FOLDLEVELWHITEFLAG; else return indent; } struct OptionsHaskell { bool magicHash; bool allowQuotes; bool implicitParams; bool highlightSafe; bool cpp; bool stylingWithinPreprocessor; bool fold; bool foldComment; bool foldCompact; bool foldImports; OptionsHaskell() { magicHash = true; // Widespread use, enabled by default. allowQuotes = true; // Widespread use, enabled by default. implicitParams = false; // Fell out of favor, seldom used, disabled. highlightSafe = true; // Moderately used, doesn't hurt to enable. cpp = true; // Widespread use, enabled by default; stylingWithinPreprocessor = false; fold = false; foldComment = false; foldCompact = false; foldImports = false; } }; static const char * const haskellWordListDesc[] = { "Keywords", "FFI", "Reserved operators", 0 }; struct OptionSetHaskell : public OptionSet { OptionSetHaskell() { DefineProperty("lexer.haskell.allow.hash", &OptionsHaskell::magicHash, "Set to 0 to disallow the '#' character at the end of identifiers and " "literals with the haskell lexer " "(GHC -XMagicHash extension)"); DefineProperty("lexer.haskell.allow.quotes", &OptionsHaskell::allowQuotes, "Set to 0 to disable highlighting of Template Haskell name quotations " "and promoted constructors " "(GHC -XTemplateHaskell and -XDataKinds extensions)"); DefineProperty("lexer.haskell.allow.questionmark", &OptionsHaskell::implicitParams, "Set to 1 to allow the '?' character at the start of identifiers " "with the haskell lexer " "(GHC & Hugs -XImplicitParams extension)"); DefineProperty("lexer.haskell.import.safe", &OptionsHaskell::highlightSafe, "Set to 0 to disallow \"safe\" keyword in imports " "(GHC -XSafe, -XTrustworthy, -XUnsafe extensions)"); DefineProperty("lexer.haskell.cpp", &OptionsHaskell::cpp, "Set to 0 to disable C-preprocessor highlighting " "(-XCPP extension)"); DefineProperty("styling.within.preprocessor", &OptionsHaskell::stylingWithinPreprocessor, "For Haskell code, determines whether all preprocessor code is styled in the " "preprocessor style (0, the default) or only from the initial # to the end " "of the command word(1)." ); DefineProperty("fold", &OptionsHaskell::fold); DefineProperty("fold.comment", &OptionsHaskell::foldComment); DefineProperty("fold.compact", &OptionsHaskell::foldCompact); DefineProperty("fold.haskell.imports", &OptionsHaskell::foldImports, "Set to 1 to enable folding of import declarations"); DefineWordListSets(haskellWordListDesc); } }; class LexerHaskell : public DefaultLexer { bool literate; Sci_Position firstImportLine; int firstImportIndent; WordList keywords; WordList ffi; WordList reserved_operators; OptionsHaskell options; OptionSetHaskell osHaskell; enum HashCount { oneHash ,twoHashes ,unlimitedHashes }; enum KeywordMode { HA_MODE_DEFAULT = 0 ,HA_MODE_IMPORT1 = 1 // after "import", before "qualified" or "safe" or package name or module name. ,HA_MODE_IMPORT2 = 2 // after module name, before "as" or "hiding". ,HA_MODE_IMPORT3 = 3 // after "as", before "hiding" ,HA_MODE_MODULE = 4 // after "module", before module name. ,HA_MODE_FFI = 5 // after "foreign", before FFI keywords ,HA_MODE_TYPE = 6 // after "type" or "data", before "family" }; enum LiterateMode { LITERATE_BIRD = 0 // if '>' is the first character on the line, // color '>' as a codedelim and the rest of // the line as code. // else if "\begin{code}" is the only word on the // line except whitespace, switch to LITERATE_BLOCK // otherwise color the line as a literate comment. ,LITERATE_BLOCK = 1 // if the string "\end{code}" is encountered at column // 0 ignoring all later characters, color the line // as a codedelim and switch to LITERATE_BIRD // otherwise color the line as code. }; struct HaskellLineInfo { unsigned int nestLevel; // 22 bits ought to be enough for anybody unsigned int nonexternalStyle; // 5 bits, widen if number of styles goes // beyond 31. bool pragma; LiterateMode lmode; KeywordMode mode; HaskellLineInfo(int state) : nestLevel (state >> 10) , nonexternalStyle ((state >> 5) & 0x1F) , pragma ((state >> 4) & 0x1) , lmode (static_cast((state >> 3) & 0x1)) , mode (static_cast(state & 0x7)) {} int ToLineState() { return (nestLevel << 10) | (nonexternalStyle << 5) | (pragma << 4) | (lmode << 3) | mode; } }; inline void skipMagicHash(StyleContext &sc, const HashCount hashes) const { if (options.magicHash && sc.ch == '#') { sc.Forward(); if (hashes == twoHashes && sc.ch == '#') { sc.Forward(); } else if (hashes == unlimitedHashes) { while (sc.ch == '#') { sc.Forward(); } } } } bool LineContainsImport(const Sci_Position line, Accessor &styler) const { if (options.foldImports) { Sci_Position currentPos = styler.LineStart(line); int style = styler.StyleAt(currentPos); Sci_Position eol_pos = styler.LineStart(line + 1) - 1; while (currentPos < eol_pos) { int ch = styler[currentPos]; style = styler.StyleAt(currentPos); if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || IsCommentBlockStyle(style) || style == SCE_HA_LITERATE_CODEDELIM) { currentPos++; } else { break; } } return (style == SCE_HA_KEYWORD && styler.Match(currentPos, "import")); } else { return false; } } inline int IndentAmountWithOffset(Accessor &styler, const Sci_Position line) const { const int indent = HaskellIndentAmount(styler, line); const int indentLevel = indent & SC_FOLDLEVELNUMBERMASK; return indentLevel <= ((firstImportIndent - 1) + SC_FOLDLEVELBASE) ? indent : (indentLevel + firstImportIndent) | (indent & ~SC_FOLDLEVELNUMBERMASK); } inline int IndentLevelRemoveIndentOffset(const int indentLevel) const { return indentLevel <= ((firstImportIndent - 1) + SC_FOLDLEVELBASE) ? indentLevel : indentLevel - firstImportIndent; } public: LexerHaskell(bool literate_) : DefaultLexer(literate_ ? "literatehaskell" : "haskell", literate_ ? SCLEX_LITERATEHASKELL : SCLEX_HASKELL) , literate(literate_) , firstImportLine(-1) , firstImportIndent(0) {} virtual ~LexerHaskell() {} void SCI_METHOD Release() override { delete this; } int SCI_METHOD Version() const override { return lvRelease5; } const char * SCI_METHOD PropertyNames() override { return osHaskell.PropertyNames(); } int SCI_METHOD PropertyType(const char *name) override { return osHaskell.PropertyType(name); } const char * SCI_METHOD DescribeProperty(const char *name) override { return osHaskell.DescribeProperty(name); } Sci_Position SCI_METHOD PropertySet(const char *key, const char *val) override; const char * SCI_METHOD PropertyGet(const char *key) override { return osHaskell.PropertyGet(key); } const char * SCI_METHOD DescribeWordListSets() override { return osHaskell.DescribeWordListSets(); } Sci_Position SCI_METHOD WordListSet(int n, const char *wl) override; void SCI_METHOD Lex(Sci_PositionU startPos, Sci_Position length, int initStyle, IDocument *pAccess) override; void SCI_METHOD Fold(Sci_PositionU startPos, Sci_Position length, int initStyle, IDocument *pAccess) override; void * SCI_METHOD PrivateCall(int, void *) override { return 0; } static ILexer5 *LexerFactoryHaskell() { return new LexerHaskell(false); } static ILexer5 *LexerFactoryLiterateHaskell() { return new LexerHaskell(true); } }; Sci_Position SCI_METHOD LexerHaskell::PropertySet(const char *key, const char *val) { if (osHaskell.PropertySet(&options, key, val)) { return 0; } return -1; } Sci_Position SCI_METHOD LexerHaskell::WordListSet(int n, const char *wl) { WordList *wordListN = 0; switch (n) { case 0: wordListN = &keywords; break; case 1: wordListN = &ffi; break; case 2: wordListN = &reserved_operators; break; } Sci_Position firstModification = -1; if (wordListN) { WordList wlNew; wlNew.Set(wl); if (*wordListN != wlNew) { wordListN->Set(wl); firstModification = 0; } } return firstModification; } void SCI_METHOD LexerHaskell::Lex(Sci_PositionU startPos, Sci_Position length, int initStyle ,IDocument *pAccess) { LexAccessor styler(pAccess); Sci_Position lineCurrent = styler.GetLine(startPos); HaskellLineInfo hs = HaskellLineInfo(lineCurrent ? styler.GetLineState(lineCurrent-1) : 0); // Do not leak onto next line if (initStyle == SCE_HA_STRINGEOL) initStyle = SCE_HA_DEFAULT; else if (initStyle == SCE_HA_LITERATE_CODEDELIM) initStyle = hs.nonexternalStyle; StyleContext sc(startPos, length, initStyle, styler); int base = 10; bool dot = false; bool inDashes = false; bool alreadyInTheMiddleOfOperator = false; assert(!(IsCommentBlockStyle(initStyle) && hs.nestLevel == 0)); while (sc.More()) { // Check for state end if (!IsExternalStyle(sc.state)) { hs.nonexternalStyle = sc.state; } // For lexer to work, states should unconditionally forward at least one // character. // If they don't, they should still check if they are at line end and // forward if so. // If a state forwards more than one character, it should check every time // that it is not a line end and cease forwarding otherwise. if (sc.atLineEnd) { // Remember the line state for future incremental lexing styler.SetLineState(lineCurrent, hs.ToLineState()); lineCurrent++; } // Handle line continuation generically. if (sc.ch == '\\' && (sc.chNext == '\n' || sc.chNext == '\r') && ( sc.state == SCE_HA_STRING || sc.state == SCE_HA_PREPROCESSOR)) { // Remember the line state for future incremental lexing styler.SetLineState(lineCurrent, hs.ToLineState()); lineCurrent++; sc.Forward(); if (sc.ch == '\r' && sc.chNext == '\n') { sc.Forward(); } sc.Forward(); continue; } if (sc.atLineStart) { if (sc.state == SCE_HA_STRING || sc.state == SCE_HA_CHARACTER) { // Prevent SCE_HA_STRINGEOL from leaking back to previous line sc.SetState(sc.state); } if (literate && hs.lmode == LITERATE_BIRD) { if (!IsExternalStyle(sc.state)) { sc.SetState(SCE_HA_LITERATE_COMMENT); } } } // External // Literate if ( literate && hs.lmode == LITERATE_BIRD && sc.atLineStart && sc.ch == '>') { sc.SetState(SCE_HA_LITERATE_CODEDELIM); sc.ForwardSetState(hs.nonexternalStyle); } else if (literate && hs.lmode == LITERATE_BIRD && sc.atLineStart && ( sc.ch == ' ' || sc.ch == '\t' || sc.Match("\\begin{code}"))) { sc.SetState(sc.state); while ((sc.ch == ' ' || sc.ch == '\t') && sc.More()) sc.Forward(); if (sc.Match("\\begin{code}")) { sc.Forward(static_cast(strlen("\\begin{code}"))); bool correct = true; while (!sc.atLineEnd && sc.More()) { if (sc.ch != ' ' && sc.ch != '\t') { correct = false; } sc.Forward(); } if (correct) { sc.ChangeState(SCE_HA_LITERATE_CODEDELIM); // color the line end hs.lmode = LITERATE_BLOCK; } } } else if (literate && hs.lmode == LITERATE_BLOCK && sc.atLineStart && sc.Match("\\end{code}")) { sc.SetState(SCE_HA_LITERATE_CODEDELIM); sc.Forward(static_cast(strlen("\\end{code}"))); while (!sc.atLineEnd && sc.More()) { sc.Forward(); } sc.SetState(SCE_HA_LITERATE_COMMENT); hs.lmode = LITERATE_BIRD; } // Preprocessor else if (sc.atLineStart && sc.ch == '#' && options.cpp && (!options.stylingWithinPreprocessor || sc.state == SCE_HA_DEFAULT)) { sc.SetState(SCE_HA_PREPROCESSOR); sc.Forward(); } // Literate else if (sc.state == SCE_HA_LITERATE_COMMENT) { sc.Forward(); } else if (sc.state == SCE_HA_LITERATE_CODEDELIM) { sc.ForwardSetState(hs.nonexternalStyle); } // Preprocessor else if (sc.state == SCE_HA_PREPROCESSOR) { if (sc.atLineEnd) { sc.SetState(options.stylingWithinPreprocessor ? SCE_HA_DEFAULT : hs.nonexternalStyle); sc.Forward(); // prevent double counting a line } else if (options.stylingWithinPreprocessor && !IsHaskellLetter(sc.ch)) { sc.SetState(SCE_HA_DEFAULT); } else { sc.Forward(); } } // Haskell // Operator else if (sc.state == SCE_HA_OPERATOR) { int style = SCE_HA_OPERATOR; if ( sc.ch == ':' && !alreadyInTheMiddleOfOperator // except "::" && !( sc.chNext == ':' && !IsAnHaskellOperatorChar(sc.GetRelative(2)))) { style = SCE_HA_CAPITAL; } alreadyInTheMiddleOfOperator = false; while (IsAnHaskellOperatorChar(sc.ch)) sc.Forward(); char s[100]; sc.GetCurrent(s, sizeof(s)); if (reserved_operators.InList(s)) style = SCE_HA_RESERVED_OPERATOR; sc.ChangeState(style); sc.SetState(SCE_HA_DEFAULT); } // String else if (sc.state == SCE_HA_STRING) { if (sc.atLineEnd) { sc.ChangeState(SCE_HA_STRINGEOL); sc.ForwardSetState(SCE_HA_DEFAULT); } else if (sc.ch == '\"') { sc.Forward(); skipMagicHash(sc, oneHash); sc.SetState(SCE_HA_DEFAULT); } else if (sc.ch == '\\') { sc.Forward(2); } else { sc.Forward(); } } // Char else if (sc.state == SCE_HA_CHARACTER) { if (sc.atLineEnd) { sc.ChangeState(SCE_HA_STRINGEOL); sc.ForwardSetState(SCE_HA_DEFAULT); } else if (sc.ch == '\'') { sc.Forward(); skipMagicHash(sc, oneHash); sc.SetState(SCE_HA_DEFAULT); } else if (sc.ch == '\\') { sc.Forward(2); } else { sc.Forward(); } } // Number else if (sc.state == SCE_HA_NUMBER) { if (sc.atLineEnd) { sc.SetState(SCE_HA_DEFAULT); sc.Forward(); // prevent double counting a line } else if (IsADigit(sc.ch, base)) { sc.Forward(); } else if (sc.ch=='.' && dot && IsADigit(sc.chNext, base)) { sc.Forward(2); dot = false; } else if ((base == 10) && (sc.ch == 'e' || sc.ch == 'E') && (IsADigit(sc.chNext) || sc.chNext == '+' || sc.chNext == '-')) { sc.Forward(); if (sc.ch == '+' || sc.ch == '-') sc.Forward(); } else { skipMagicHash(sc, twoHashes); sc.SetState(SCE_HA_DEFAULT); } } // Keyword or Identifier else if (sc.state == SCE_HA_IDENTIFIER) { int style = IsHaskellUpperCase(sc.ch) ? SCE_HA_CAPITAL : SCE_HA_IDENTIFIER; assert(IsAHaskellWordStart(sc.ch)); sc.Forward(); while (sc.More()) { if (IsAHaskellWordChar(sc.ch)) { sc.Forward(); } else if (sc.ch == '.' && style == SCE_HA_CAPITAL) { if (IsHaskellUpperCase(sc.chNext)) { sc.Forward(); style = SCE_HA_CAPITAL; } else if (IsAHaskellWordStart(sc.chNext)) { sc.Forward(); style = SCE_HA_IDENTIFIER; } else if (IsAnHaskellOperatorChar(sc.chNext)) { sc.Forward(); style = sc.ch == ':' ? SCE_HA_CAPITAL : SCE_HA_OPERATOR; while (IsAnHaskellOperatorChar(sc.ch)) sc.Forward(); break; } else { break; } } else { break; } } skipMagicHash(sc, unlimitedHashes); char s[100]; sc.GetCurrent(s, sizeof(s)); KeywordMode new_mode = HA_MODE_DEFAULT; if (keywords.InList(s)) { style = SCE_HA_KEYWORD; } else if (style == SCE_HA_CAPITAL) { if (hs.mode == HA_MODE_IMPORT1 || hs.mode == HA_MODE_IMPORT3) { style = SCE_HA_MODULE; new_mode = HA_MODE_IMPORT2; } else if (hs.mode == HA_MODE_MODULE) { style = SCE_HA_MODULE; } } else if (hs.mode == HA_MODE_IMPORT1 && strcmp(s,"qualified") == 0) { style = SCE_HA_KEYWORD; new_mode = HA_MODE_IMPORT1; } else if (options.highlightSafe && hs.mode == HA_MODE_IMPORT1 && strcmp(s,"safe") == 0) { style = SCE_HA_KEYWORD; new_mode = HA_MODE_IMPORT1; } else if (hs.mode == HA_MODE_IMPORT2) { if (strcmp(s,"as") == 0) { style = SCE_HA_KEYWORD; new_mode = HA_MODE_IMPORT3; } else if (strcmp(s,"hiding") == 0) { style = SCE_HA_KEYWORD; } } else if (hs.mode == HA_MODE_TYPE) { if (strcmp(s,"family") == 0) style = SCE_HA_KEYWORD; } if (hs.mode == HA_MODE_FFI) { if (ffi.InList(s)) { style = SCE_HA_KEYWORD; new_mode = HA_MODE_FFI; } } sc.ChangeState(style); sc.SetState(SCE_HA_DEFAULT); if (strcmp(s,"import") == 0 && hs.mode != HA_MODE_FFI) new_mode = HA_MODE_IMPORT1; else if (strcmp(s,"module") == 0) new_mode = HA_MODE_MODULE; else if (strcmp(s,"foreign") == 0) new_mode = HA_MODE_FFI; else if (strcmp(s,"type") == 0 || strcmp(s,"data") == 0) new_mode = HA_MODE_TYPE; hs.mode = new_mode; } // Comments // Oneliner else if (sc.state == SCE_HA_COMMENTLINE) { if (sc.atLineEnd) { sc.SetState(hs.pragma ? SCE_HA_PRAGMA : SCE_HA_DEFAULT); sc.Forward(); // prevent double counting a line } else if (inDashes && sc.ch != '-' && !hs.pragma) { inDashes = false; if (IsAnHaskellOperatorChar(sc.ch)) { alreadyInTheMiddleOfOperator = true; sc.ChangeState(SCE_HA_OPERATOR); } } else { sc.Forward(); } } // Nested else if (IsCommentBlockStyle(sc.state)) { if (sc.Match('{','-')) { sc.SetState(CommentBlockStyleFromNestLevel(hs.nestLevel)); sc.Forward(2); hs.nestLevel++; } else if (sc.Match('-','}')) { sc.Forward(2); assert(hs.nestLevel > 0); if (hs.nestLevel > 0) hs.nestLevel--; sc.SetState( hs.nestLevel == 0 ? (hs.pragma ? SCE_HA_PRAGMA : SCE_HA_DEFAULT) : CommentBlockStyleFromNestLevel(hs.nestLevel - 1)); } else { sc.Forward(); } } // Pragma else if (sc.state == SCE_HA_PRAGMA) { if (sc.Match("#-}")) { hs.pragma = false; sc.Forward(3); sc.SetState(SCE_HA_DEFAULT); } else if (sc.Match('-','-')) { sc.SetState(SCE_HA_COMMENTLINE); sc.Forward(2); inDashes = false; } else if (sc.Match('{','-')) { sc.SetState(CommentBlockStyleFromNestLevel(hs.nestLevel)); sc.Forward(2); hs.nestLevel = 1; } else { sc.Forward(); } } // New state? else if (sc.state == SCE_HA_DEFAULT) { // Digit if (IsADigit(sc.ch)) { hs.mode = HA_MODE_DEFAULT; sc.SetState(SCE_HA_NUMBER); if (sc.ch == '0' && (sc.chNext == 'X' || sc.chNext == 'x')) { // Match anything starting with "0x" or "0X", too sc.Forward(2); base = 16; dot = false; } else if (sc.ch == '0' && (sc.chNext == 'O' || sc.chNext == 'o')) { // Match anything starting with "0o" or "0O", too sc.Forward(2); base = 8; dot = false; } else { sc.Forward(); base = 10; dot = true; } } // Pragma else if (sc.Match("{-#")) { hs.pragma = true; sc.SetState(SCE_HA_PRAGMA); sc.Forward(3); } // Comment line else if (sc.Match('-','-')) { sc.SetState(SCE_HA_COMMENTLINE); sc.Forward(2); inDashes = true; } // Comment block else if (sc.Match('{','-')) { sc.SetState(CommentBlockStyleFromNestLevel(hs.nestLevel)); sc.Forward(2); hs.nestLevel = 1; } // String else if (sc.ch == '\"') { sc.SetState(SCE_HA_STRING); sc.Forward(); } // Character or quoted name or promoted term else if (sc.ch == '\'') { hs.mode = HA_MODE_DEFAULT; sc.SetState(SCE_HA_CHARACTER); sc.Forward(); if (options.allowQuotes) { // Quoted type ''T if (sc.ch=='\'' && IsAHaskellWordStart(sc.chNext)) { sc.Forward(); sc.ChangeState(SCE_HA_IDENTIFIER); } else if (sc.chNext != '\'') { // Quoted name 'n or promoted constructor 'N if (IsAHaskellWordStart(sc.ch)) { sc.ChangeState(SCE_HA_IDENTIFIER); // Promoted constructor operator ':~> } else if (sc.ch == ':') { alreadyInTheMiddleOfOperator = false; sc.ChangeState(SCE_HA_OPERATOR); // Promoted list or tuple '[T] } else if (sc.ch == '[' || sc.ch== '(') { sc.ChangeState(SCE_HA_OPERATOR); sc.ForwardSetState(SCE_HA_DEFAULT); } } } } // Operator starting with '?' or an implicit parameter else if (sc.ch == '?') { hs.mode = HA_MODE_DEFAULT; alreadyInTheMiddleOfOperator = false; sc.SetState(SCE_HA_OPERATOR); if ( options.implicitParams && IsAHaskellWordStart(sc.chNext) && !IsHaskellUpperCase(sc.chNext)) { sc.Forward(); sc.ChangeState(SCE_HA_IDENTIFIER); } } // Operator else if (IsAnHaskellOperatorChar(sc.ch)) { hs.mode = HA_MODE_DEFAULT; sc.SetState(SCE_HA_OPERATOR); } // Braces and punctuation else if (sc.ch == ',' || sc.ch == ';' || sc.ch == '(' || sc.ch == ')' || sc.ch == '[' || sc.ch == ']' || sc.ch == '{' || sc.ch == '}') { sc.SetState(SCE_HA_OPERATOR); sc.ForwardSetState(SCE_HA_DEFAULT); } // Keyword or Identifier else if (IsAHaskellWordStart(sc.ch)) { sc.SetState(SCE_HA_IDENTIFIER); // Something we don't care about } else { sc.Forward(); } } // This branch should never be reached. else { assert(false); sc.Forward(); } } sc.Complete(); } void SCI_METHOD LexerHaskell::Fold(Sci_PositionU startPos, Sci_Position length, int // initStyle ,IDocument *pAccess) { if (!options.fold) return; Accessor styler(pAccess, NULL); Sci_Position lineCurrent = styler.GetLine(startPos); if (lineCurrent <= firstImportLine) { firstImportLine = -1; // readjust first import position firstImportIndent = 0; } const Sci_Position maxPos = startPos + length; const Sci_Position maxLines = maxPos == styler.Length() ? styler.GetLine(maxPos) : styler.GetLine(maxPos - 1); // Requested last line const Sci_Position docLines = styler.GetLine(styler.Length()); // Available last line // Backtrack to previous non-blank line so we can determine indent level // for any white space lines // and so we can fix any preceding fold level (which is why we go back // at least one line in all cases) bool importHere = LineContainsImport(lineCurrent, styler); int indentCurrent = IndentAmountWithOffset(styler, lineCurrent); while (lineCurrent > 0) { lineCurrent--; importHere = LineContainsImport(lineCurrent, styler); indentCurrent = IndentAmountWithOffset(styler, lineCurrent); if (!(indentCurrent & SC_FOLDLEVELWHITEFLAG)) break; } int indentCurrentLevel = indentCurrent & SC_FOLDLEVELNUMBERMASK; if (importHere) { indentCurrentLevel = IndentLevelRemoveIndentOffset(indentCurrentLevel); if (firstImportLine == -1) { firstImportLine = lineCurrent; firstImportIndent = (1 + indentCurrentLevel) - SC_FOLDLEVELBASE; } if (firstImportLine != lineCurrent) { indentCurrentLevel++; } } indentCurrent = indentCurrentLevel | (indentCurrent & ~SC_FOLDLEVELNUMBERMASK); // Process all characters to end of requested range //that hangs over the end of the range. Cap processing in all cases // to end of document. while (lineCurrent <= docLines && lineCurrent <= maxLines) { // Gather info Sci_Position lineNext = lineCurrent + 1; importHere = false; int indentNext = indentCurrent; if (lineNext <= docLines) { // Information about next line is only available if not at end of document importHere = LineContainsImport(lineNext, styler); indentNext = IndentAmountWithOffset(styler, lineNext); } if (indentNext & SC_FOLDLEVELWHITEFLAG) indentNext = SC_FOLDLEVELWHITEFLAG | indentCurrentLevel; // Skip past any blank lines for next indent level info; we skip also // comments (all comments, not just those starting in column 0) // which effectively folds them into surrounding code rather // than screwing up folding. while (lineNext < docLines && (indentNext & SC_FOLDLEVELWHITEFLAG)) { lineNext++; importHere = LineContainsImport(lineNext, styler); indentNext = IndentAmountWithOffset(styler, lineNext); } int indentNextLevel = indentNext & SC_FOLDLEVELNUMBERMASK; if (importHere) { indentNextLevel = IndentLevelRemoveIndentOffset(indentNextLevel); if (firstImportLine == -1) { firstImportLine = lineNext; firstImportIndent = (1 + indentNextLevel) - SC_FOLDLEVELBASE; } if (firstImportLine != lineNext) { indentNextLevel++; } } indentNext = indentNextLevel | (indentNext & ~SC_FOLDLEVELNUMBERMASK); const int levelBeforeComments = Maximum(indentCurrentLevel,indentNextLevel); // Now set all the indent levels on the lines we skipped // Do this from end to start. Once we encounter one line // which is indented more than the line after the end of // the comment-block, use the level of the block before Sci_Position skipLine = lineNext; int skipLevel = indentNextLevel; while (--skipLine > lineCurrent) { int skipLineIndent = IndentAmountWithOffset(styler, skipLine); if (options.foldCompact) { if ((skipLineIndent & SC_FOLDLEVELNUMBERMASK) > indentNextLevel) { skipLevel = levelBeforeComments; } int whiteFlag = skipLineIndent & SC_FOLDLEVELWHITEFLAG; styler.SetLevel(skipLine, skipLevel | whiteFlag); } else { if ( (skipLineIndent & SC_FOLDLEVELNUMBERMASK) > indentNextLevel && !(skipLineIndent & SC_FOLDLEVELWHITEFLAG)) { skipLevel = levelBeforeComments; } styler.SetLevel(skipLine, skipLevel); } } int lev = indentCurrent; if (!(indentCurrent & SC_FOLDLEVELWHITEFLAG)) { if ((indentCurrent & SC_FOLDLEVELNUMBERMASK) < (indentNext & SC_FOLDLEVELNUMBERMASK)) lev |= SC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG; } // Set fold level for this line and move to next line styler.SetLevel(lineCurrent, options.foldCompact ? lev : lev & ~SC_FOLDLEVELWHITEFLAG); indentCurrent = indentNext; indentCurrentLevel = indentNextLevel; lineCurrent = lineNext; } // NOTE: Cannot set level of last line here because indentCurrent doesn't have // header flag set; the loop above is crafted to take care of this case! //styler.SetLevel(lineCurrent, indentCurrent); } LexerModule lmHaskell(SCLEX_HASKELL, LexerHaskell::LexerFactoryHaskell, "haskell", haskellWordListDesc); LexerModule lmLiterateHaskell(SCLEX_LITERATEHASKELL, LexerHaskell::LexerFactoryLiterateHaskell, "literatehaskell", haskellWordListDesc);