// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. #include #include #include "ppsspp_config.h" #include "Common/System/System.h" #include "Common/Serialize/Serializer.h" #include "Common/Serialize/SerializeFuncs.h" #include "Core/HLE/HLE.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceUsbCam.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceUsbMic.h" #include "Core/HW/Camera.h" #include "Core/MemMapHelpers.h" #if defined(_WIN32) && !PPSSPP_PLATFORM(UWP) && !defined(__LIBRETRO__) #define HAVE_WIN32_CAMERA #endif #ifdef HAVE_WIN32_CAMERA #include "Common/CommonWindows.h" #include "Windows/CaptureDevice.h" #endif Camera::Config *config; unsigned int videoBufferLength = 0; unsigned int nextVideoFrame = 0; uint8_t *videoBuffer; std::mutex videoBufferMutex; enum { VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE = 40 * 1000, }; void __UsbCamInit() { config = new Camera::Config(); config->mode = Camera::Mode::Unused; config->type = Camera::ConfigType::CfNone; videoBuffer = new uint8_t[VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE]; } void __UsbCamDoState(PointerWrap &p) { auto s = p.Section("sceUsbCam", 0, 1); if (!s) { return; } Do(p, *config); if (config->mode == Camera::Mode::Video) { // stillImage? TBD Camera::stopCapture(); Camera::startCapture(); } } void __UsbCamShutdown() { if (config->mode == Camera::Mode::Video) { // stillImage? TBD Camera::stopCapture(); } delete[] videoBuffer; videoBuffer = nullptr; delete config; config = nullptr; } // TODO: Technically, we should store the videoBuffer into the savestate, if this // module has been initialized. static int getCameraResolution(Camera::ConfigType type, int *width, int *height) { if (type == Camera::ConfigType::CfStill || type == Camera::ConfigType::CfVideo) { switch(config->stillParam.resolution) { case 0: *width = 160; *height = 120; return 0; case 1: *width = 176; *height = 144; return 0; case 2: *width = 320; *height = 240; return 0; case 3: *width = 352; *height = 288; return 0; case 4: *width = 640; *height = 480; return 0; case 5: *width =1024; *height = 768; return 0; case 6: *width =1280; *height = 960; return 0; case 7: *width = 480; *height = 272; return 0; case 8: *width = 360; *height = 272; return 0; } } else if (type == Camera::ConfigType::CfStillEx || type == Camera::ConfigType::CfVideoEx) { switch(config->stillExParam.resolution) { case 0: *width = 160; *height = 120; return 0; case 1: *width = 176; *height = 144; return 0; case 2: *width = 320; *height = 240; return 0; case 3: *width = 352; *height = 288; return 0; case 4: *width = 360; *height = 272; return 0; case 5: *width = 480; *height = 272; return 0; case 6: *width = 640; *height = 480; return 0; case 7: *width =1024; *height = 768; return 0; case 8: *width =1280; *height = 960; return 0; } } *width = 0; *height = 0; return 1; } static int sceUsbCamSetupMic(u32 paramAddr, u32 workareaAddr, int wasize) { INFO_LOG(HLE, "sceUsbCamSetupMic"); if (Memory::IsValidRange(paramAddr, sizeof(PspUsbCamSetupMicParam))) { Memory::ReadStruct(paramAddr, &config->micParam); } return 0; } static int sceUsbCamStartMic() { INFO_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceUsbCamStartMic"); return 0; } static int sceUsbCamStopMic() { INFO_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceUsbCamStopMic"); return 0; } static int sceUsbCamReadMicBlocking(u32 bufAddr, u32 size) { if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(bufAddr)) { ERROR_LOG(HLE,"sceUsbCamReadMicBlocking(%08x, %d): invalid addresses", bufAddr, size); return -1; } INFO_LOG(HLE, "sceUsbCamReadMicBlocking: size: %d", size); return __MicInput(size >> 1, config->micParam.frequency, bufAddr, CAMERAMIC); } static int sceUsbCamReadMic(u32 bufAddr, u32 size) { if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(bufAddr)) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceUsbCamReadMic(%08x, %d): invalid addresses", bufAddr, size); return -1; } INFO_LOG(HLE, "sceUsbCamReadMic: size: %d", size); return __MicInput(size >> 1, config->micParam.frequency, bufAddr, CAMERAMIC, false); } static int sceUsbCamGetMicDataLength() { return Microphone::getReadMicDataLength(); } static int sceUsbCamSetupVideo(u32 paramAddr, u32 workareaAddr, int wasize) { if (Memory::IsValidRange(paramAddr, sizeof(PspUsbCamSetupVideoParam))) { Memory::ReadStruct(paramAddr, &config->videoParam); } config->type = Camera::ConfigType::CfVideo; return 0; } static int sceUsbCamSetupVideoEx(u32 paramAddr, u32 workareaAddr, int wasize) { if (Memory::IsValidRange(paramAddr, sizeof(PspUsbCamSetupVideoExParam))) { Memory::ReadStruct(paramAddr, &config->videoExParam); } config->type = Camera::ConfigType::CfVideoEx; return 0; } static int sceUsbCamStartVideo() { std::lock_guard lock(videoBufferMutex); int width, height; getCameraResolution(config->type, &width, &height); unsigned char* jpegData = nullptr; int jpegLen = 0; __cameraDummyImage(width, height, &jpegData, &jpegLen); videoBufferLength = jpegLen; memset(videoBuffer, 0, VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE); if (jpegData) { memcpy(videoBuffer, jpegData, jpegLen); free(jpegData); jpegData = nullptr; } Camera::startCapture(); return 0; } static int sceUsbCamStopVideo() { Camera::stopCapture(); return 0; } static int sceUsbCamReadVideoFrameBlocking(u32 bufAddr, u32 size) { std::lock_guard lock(videoBufferMutex); u32 transferSize = std::min(videoBufferLength, size); if (Memory::IsValidRange(bufAddr, size)) { Memory::Memcpy(bufAddr, videoBuffer, transferSize); } return transferSize; } static int sceUsbCamReadVideoFrame(u32 bufAddr, u32 size) { std::lock_guard lock(videoBufferMutex); u32 transferSize = std::min(videoBufferLength, size); if (Memory::IsValidRange(bufAddr, size)) { Memory::Memcpy(bufAddr, videoBuffer, transferSize); } nextVideoFrame = transferSize; return 0; } static int sceUsbCamPollReadVideoFrameEnd() { VERBOSE_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceUsbCamPollReadVideoFrameEnd: %d", nextVideoFrame); return nextVideoFrame; } static int sceUsbCamSetupStill(u32 paramAddr) { INFO_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceUsbCamSetupStill"); if (Memory::IsValidRange(paramAddr, sizeof(PspUsbCamSetupStillParam))) { Memory::ReadStruct(paramAddr, &config->stillParam); } config->type = Camera::ConfigType::CfStill; return 0; } static int sceUsbCamSetupStillEx(u32 paramAddr) { INFO_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceUsbCamSetupStillEx"); if (Memory::IsValidRange(paramAddr, sizeof(PspUsbCamSetupStillExParam))) { Memory::ReadStruct(paramAddr, &config->stillExParam); } config->type = Camera::ConfigType::CfStillEx; return 0; } static int sceUsbCamAutoImageReverseSW(int on) { INFO_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceUsbCamAutoImageReverseSW: %d", on); return 0; } static int sceUsbCamGetLensDirection() { INFO_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceUsbCamGetLensDirection"); return 0; } static int sceUsbCamSetReverseMode(int reverseflags) { INFO_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceUsbCamSetReverseMode %d", reverseflags); return 0; } const HLEFunction sceUsbCam[] = { { 0X03ED7A82, &WrapI_UUI, "sceUsbCamSetupMic", 'i', "xxi" }, { 0X2E930264, nullptr, "sceUsbCamSetupMicEx", '?', "" }, { 0X82A64030, &WrapI_V, "sceUsbCamStartMic", 'i', "" }, { 0X5145868A, &WrapI_V, "sceUsbCamStopMic", 'i', "" }, { 0X36636925, &WrapI_UU, "sceUsbCamReadMicBlocking", 'i', "xx" }, { 0X3DC0088E, &WrapI_UU, "sceUsbCamReadMic", 'i', "xx" }, { 0XB048A67D, nullptr, "sceUsbCamWaitReadMicEnd", '?', "" }, { 0XF8847F60, nullptr, "sceUsbCamPollReadMicEnd", '?', "" }, { 0X5778B452, &WrapI_V, "sceUsbCamGetMicDataLength", 'i', "" }, { 0X08AEE98A, nullptr, "sceUsbCamSetMicGain", '?', "" }, { 0X17F7B2FB, &WrapI_UUI, "sceUsbCamSetupVideo", 'i', "xxi" }, { 0XCFE9E999, &WrapI_UUI, "sceUsbCamSetupVideoEx", 'i', "xxi" }, { 0X574A8C3F, &WrapI_V, "sceUsbCamStartVideo", 'i', "" }, { 0X6CF32CB9, &WrapI_V, "sceUsbCamStopVideo", 'i', "" }, { 0X7DAC0C71, &WrapI_UU, "sceUsbCamReadVideoFrameBlocking", 'i', "xx" }, { 0X99D86281, &WrapI_UU, "sceUsbCamReadVideoFrame", 'i', "xx" }, { 0XF90B2293, nullptr, "sceUsbCamWaitReadVideoFrameEnd", '?', "" }, { 0X41E73E95, &WrapI_V, "sceUsbCamPollReadVideoFrameEnd", 'i', "" }, { 0XDF9D0C92, nullptr, "sceUsbCamGetReadVideoFrameSize", '?', "" }, { 0X3F0CF289, &WrapI_U, "sceUsbCamSetupStill", 'i', "x" }, { 0X0A41A298, &WrapI_U, "sceUsbCamSetupStillEx", 'i', "x" }, { 0X61BE5CAC, nullptr, "sceUsbCamStillInputBlocking", '?', "" }, { 0XFB0A6C5D, nullptr, "sceUsbCamStillInput", '?', "" }, { 0X7563AFA1, nullptr, "sceUsbCamStillWaitInputEnd", '?', "" }, { 0X1A46CFE7, nullptr, "sceUsbCamStillPollInputEnd", '?', "" }, { 0XA720937C, nullptr, "sceUsbCamStillCancelInput", '?', "" }, { 0XE5959C36, nullptr, "sceUsbCamStillGetInputLength", '?', "" }, { 0XF93C4669, &WrapI_I, "sceUsbCamAutoImageReverseSW", 'i', "i" }, { 0X11A1F128, nullptr, "sceUsbCamGetAutoImageReverseState", '?', "" }, { 0X4C34F553, &WrapI_V, "sceUsbCamGetLensDirection", 'i', "" }, { 0X383E9FA8, nullptr, "sceUsbCamGetSaturation", '?', "" }, { 0X6E205974, nullptr, "sceUsbCamSetSaturation", '?', "" }, { 0X70F522C5, nullptr, "sceUsbCamGetBrightness", '?', "" }, { 0X4F3D84D5, nullptr, "sceUsbCamSetBrightness", '?', "" }, { 0XA063A957, nullptr, "sceUsbCamGetContrast", '?', "" }, { 0X09C26C7E, nullptr, "sceUsbCamSetContrast", '?', "" }, { 0XFDB68C23, nullptr, "sceUsbCamGetSharpness", '?', "" }, { 0X622F83CC, nullptr, "sceUsbCamSetSharpness", '?', "" }, { 0X994471E0, nullptr, "sceUsbCamGetImageEffectMode", '?', "" }, { 0XD4876173, nullptr, "sceUsbCamSetImageEffectMode", '?', "" }, { 0X2BCD50C0, nullptr, "sceUsbCamGetEvLevel", '?', "" }, { 0X1D686870, nullptr, "sceUsbCamSetEvLevel", '?', "" }, { 0XD5279339, nullptr, "sceUsbCamGetReverseMode", '?', "" }, { 0X951BEDF5, &WrapI_I, "sceUsbCamSetReverseMode", 'i', "i" }, { 0X9E8AAF8D, nullptr, "sceUsbCamGetZoom", '?', "" }, { 0XC484901F, nullptr, "sceUsbCamSetZoom", '?', "" }, { 0XAA7D94BA, nullptr, "sceUsbCamGetAntiFlicker", '?', "" }, { 0X6784E6A8, nullptr, "sceUsbCamSetAntiFlicker", '?', "" }, { 0XD293A100, nullptr, "sceUsbCamRegisterLensRotationCallback", '?', "" }, { 0X41EE8797, nullptr, "sceUsbCamUnregisterLensRotationCallback", '?', "" }, }; void Register_sceUsbCam() { RegisterModule("sceUsbCam", ARRAY_SIZE(sceUsbCam), sceUsbCam); } std::vector Camera::getDeviceList() { #ifdef HAVE_WIN32_CAMERA if (winCamera) { return winCamera->getDeviceList(); } #elif PPSSPP_PLATFORM(ANDROID) || PPSSPP_PLATFORM(IOS) return __cameraGetDeviceList(); #elif defined(USING_QT_UI) // Qt:macOS / Qt:Linux return __qt_getDeviceList(); #elif PPSSPP_PLATFORM(LINUX) // SDL:Linux return __v4l_getDeviceList(); #endif return std::vector(); } int Camera::startCapture() { int width, height; getCameraResolution(config->type, &width, &height); INFO_LOG(HLE, "%s resolution: %dx%d", __FUNCTION__, width, height); config->mode = Camera::Mode::Video; #ifdef HAVE_WIN32_CAMERA if (winCamera) { if (winCamera->isShutDown()) { delete winCamera; winCamera = new WindowsCaptureDevice(CAPTUREDEVIDE_TYPE::VIDEO); winCamera->sendMessage({ CAPTUREDEVIDE_COMMAND::INITIALIZE, nullptr }); } void* resolution = static_cast(new std::vector({ width, height })); winCamera->sendMessage({ CAPTUREDEVIDE_COMMAND::START, resolution }); } #elif PPSSPP_PLATFORM(ANDROID) || PPSSPP_PLATFORM(IOS) || defined(USING_QT_UI) char command[40] = {0}; snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "startVideo_%dx%d", width, height); System_SendMessage("camera_command", command); #elif PPSSPP_PLATFORM(LINUX) __v4l_startCapture(width, height); #else ERROR_LOG(HLE, "%s not implemented", __FUNCTION__); #endif return 0; } int Camera::stopCapture() { INFO_LOG(HLE, "%s", __FUNCTION__); #ifdef HAVE_WIN32_CAMERA if (winCamera) { winCamera->sendMessage({ CAPTUREDEVIDE_COMMAND::STOP, nullptr }); } #elif PPSSPP_PLATFORM(ANDROID) || PPSSPP_PLATFORM(IOS) || defined(USING_QT_UI) System_SendMessage("camera_command", "stopVideo"); #elif PPSSPP_PLATFORM(LINUX) __v4l_stopCapture(); #else ERROR_LOG(HLE, "%s not implemented", __FUNCTION__); #endif config->mode = Camera::Mode::Unused; return 0; } void Camera::onCameraDeviceChange() { if (config != nullptr && config->mode == Camera::Mode::Video) { stopCapture(); startCapture(); } } void Camera::pushCameraImage(long long length, unsigned char* image) { std::lock_guard lock(videoBufferMutex); if (!videoBuffer) { return; } memset(videoBuffer, 0, VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE); if (length > VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE) { videoBufferLength = 0; ERROR_LOG(HLE, "pushCameraImage: length error: %lld > %d", length, VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE); } else { videoBufferLength = length; memcpy(videoBuffer, image, length); } }