###Using CC90 (Thomson side) *
CAUTION: Don't use CC90 version 2.0 with programs that require the 1.03 or earlier versions of CC90: they are not compatible.
* * Install CC90 without disk * General working * Error messages #####Install CC90 without disk Your system doesn't allow you to transfer the disk cc90.sap/cc90.fd/cc90.hfe onto a Thomson formatted floppy ? CC90 can be launched from the PC! Just copy, save and run the following program on your Thomson under Basic :
5 '
10 DATA "8EE7E0CE45001A50",&H3D2
15 DATA "4F5FED02CC03FFED",&H458
20 DATA "84CC043CED028D2F",&H33B
25 DATA "1F988D2B33CB8D27",&H321
30 DATA "1F988D23E7C04A26",&H37E
35 DATA "F9E684C42026FACC",&H533
40 DATA "0A02E700C6031E88",&H262
45 DATA "1F884A26F58D0827",&H2C8
50 DATA "D5E784ECC36ECB34",&H55C
55 DATA "02C601E784E6842B",&H3C9
60 DATA "FCE6842BF8C6801E",&H4ED
65 DATA "881F88A600485624",&H297
70 DATA "F63582",&H1AD
75 '
90 IF D<128 THEN D=16384 ELSE D=0
95 A=D
100 FOR I=1 TO 13
105  READ A$,C:R=0
110  FOR J=1 TO LEN(A$)-1 STEP2
115   V=VAL("&H"+MID$(A$,J,2))
120   R=R+V
125   POKE A,V
130   A=A+1
135  NEXTJ
140  IF R<>C THEN PRINT"Error line";I;"of datas (&H";HEX$(R);"<>&H";HEX$(C);")":END
150 '
155 A=D/256
160 POKE D+1,&HA7+A:POKE D+4,&H05+A
165 EXEC D
Then proceed with the installation by running the program on the PC with the *`-i`* or *`--install`* option (console mode) or by requesting a installation without diskette (windowed mode). #####General working Launch CC90 by pressing the Basic start button in the main menu (launch of AUTO. BAT) or a RUN"CC90" from inside the Basic. Do not worry about the incoherent part of the screen under the title: this is the binary program. ... and during a transfer, the date will be automatically updated on the Thomson (TO8/TO8D/TO9 +). Once the program started, the Thomson then works exclusively in "slave" mode. #####Error messages
COM Not ReadyThe interface CC90-232 is not connected to Thomson. Switch off your Thomson, connect the interface, switch on and launch CC90 again.
COM Bstart ErrorThe Thomson waits too long while receiving data
COM Crc ErrorThe data block received by the Thomson is not valid
COM Rts ErrorThe Thomson waits too long while sending data
Disk ProtectedThe disk is write protected
Disk I/O ErrorThere is a problem while reading/writting the disk
Disk Not ReadyThere is no disk in the drive
BreakThe Thomson received an unknown code block (quite rare)