/*************************************************************************** mymoneyqifreader.cpp ------------------- begin : Mon Jan 27 2003 copyright : (C) 2000-2003 by Michael Edwardes email : mte@users.sourceforge.net Javier Campos Morales Felix Rodriguez John C Thomas Baumgart Kevin Tambascio Ace Jones ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "mymoneyqifreader.h" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QT Headers #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // KDE Headers #include #include #include #include #include #include "kjobwidgets.h" #include "kio/job.h" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Project Headers #include "mymoneyfile.h" #include "mymoneysecurity.h" #include "mymoneysplit.h" #include "mymoneyexception.h" #include "kmymoneysettings.h" #include "mymoneystatement.h" // define this to debug the code. Using external filters // while debugging did not work too good for me, so I added // this code. // #define DEBUG_IMPORT #ifdef DEBUG_IMPORT #ifdef __GNUC__ #warning "DEBUG_IMPORT defined --> external filter not available!!!!!!!" #endif #endif class MyMoneyQifReader::Private { public: Private() : accountType(eMyMoney::Account::Type::Checkings), firstTransaction(true), mapCategories(true), transactionType(MyMoneyQifReader::QifEntryTypeE::EntryUnknown) {} const QString accountTypeToQif(eMyMoney::Account::Type type) const; /** * finalize the current statement and add it to the statement list */ void finishStatement(); bool isTransfer(QString& name, const QString& leftDelim, const QString& rightDelim); /** * Converts the QIF specific N-record of investment transactions into * a category name */ const QString typeToAccountName(const QString& type) const; /** * Converts the QIF reconcile state to the KMyMoney reconcile state */ eMyMoney::Split::State reconcileState(const QString& state) const; /** */ void fixMultiLineMemo(QString& memo) const; public: /** * the statement that is currently collected/processed */ MyMoneyStatement st; /** * the list of all statements to be sent to MyMoneyStatementReader */ QList statements; /** * a list of already used hashes in this file */ QMap m_hashMap; QString st_AccountName; QString st_AccountId; eMyMoney::Account::Type accountType; bool firstTransaction; bool mapCategories; MyMoneyQifReader::QifEntryTypeE transactionType; }; void MyMoneyQifReader::Private::fixMultiLineMemo(QString& memo) const { memo.replace("\\n", "\n"); } void MyMoneyQifReader::Private::finishStatement() { // in case we have collected any data in the statement, we keep it if ((st.m_listTransactions.count() + st.m_listPrices.count() + st.m_listSecurities.count()) > 0) { statements += st; qDebug("Statement with %d transactions, %d prices and %d securities added to the statement list", st.m_listTransactions.count(), st.m_listPrices.count(), st.m_listSecurities.count()); } eMyMoney::Statement::Type type = st.m_eType; //stash type and... // start with a fresh statement st = MyMoneyStatement(); st.m_skipCategoryMatching = !mapCategories; st.m_eType = type; } const QString MyMoneyQifReader::Private::accountTypeToQif(eMyMoney::Account::Type type) const { QString rc = "Bank"; switch (type) { default: break; case eMyMoney::Account::Type::Cash: rc = "Cash"; break; case eMyMoney::Account::Type::CreditCard: rc = "CCard"; break; case eMyMoney::Account::Type::Asset: rc = "Oth A"; break; case eMyMoney::Account::Type::Liability: rc = "Oth L"; break; case eMyMoney::Account::Type::Investment: rc = "Port"; break; } return rc; } const QString MyMoneyQifReader::Private::typeToAccountName(const QString& type) const { if (type == "reinvint") return i18nc("Category name", "Reinvested interest"); if (type == "reinvdiv") return i18nc("Category name", "Reinvested dividend"); if (type == "reinvlg") return i18nc("Category name", "Reinvested dividend (long term)"); if (type == "reinvsh") return i18nc("Category name", "Reinvested dividend (short term)"); if (type == "div") return i18nc("Category name", "Dividend"); if (type == "intinc") return i18nc("Category name", "Interest"); if (type == "cgshort") return i18nc("Category name", "Capital Gain (short term)"); if (type == "cgmid") return i18nc("Category name", "Capital Gain (mid term)"); if (type == "cglong") return i18nc("Category name", "Capital Gain (long term)"); if (type == "rtrncap") return i18nc("Category name", "Returned capital"); if (type == "miscinc") return i18nc("Category name", "Miscellaneous income"); if (type == "miscexp") return i18nc("Category name", "Miscellaneous expense"); if (type == "sell" || type == "buy") return i18nc("Category name", "Investment fees"); return i18n("Unknown QIF type %1", type); } bool MyMoneyQifReader::Private::isTransfer(QString& tmp, const QString& leftDelim, const QString& rightDelim) { // it's a transfer, extract the account name // I've seen entries like this // // S[Mehrwertsteuer]/_VATCode_N_I (The '/' is the Quicken class symbol) // // so extracting is a bit more complex and we use a regexp for it QRegExp exp(QString("\\%1(.*)\\%2(.*)").arg(leftDelim, rightDelim)); bool rc; if ((rc = (exp.indexIn(tmp) != -1)) == true) { tmp = exp.cap(1) + exp.cap(2); tmp = tmp.trimmed(); } return rc; } eMyMoney::Split::State MyMoneyQifReader::Private::reconcileState(const QString& state) const { if (state == "X" || state == "R") // Reconciled return eMyMoney::Split::State::Reconciled; if (state == "*") // Cleared return eMyMoney::Split::State::Cleared; return eMyMoney::Split::State::NotReconciled; } MyMoneyQifReader::MyMoneyQifReader() : d(new Private), m_file(nullptr), m_extractedLine(0), m_autoCreatePayee(true), m_pos(0), m_linenumber(0), m_ft(nullptr) { m_skipAccount = false; m_transactionsProcessed = m_transactionsSkipped = 0; m_progressCallback = 0; m_file = 0; m_entryType = EntryUnknown; m_processingData = false; m_userAbort = false; m_warnedInvestment = false; m_warnedSecurity = false; m_warnedPrice = false; connect(&m_filter, SIGNAL(bytesWritten(qint64)), this, SLOT(slotSendDataToFilter())); connect(&m_filter, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput()), this, SLOT(slotReceivedDataFromFilter())); connect(&m_filter, SIGNAL(finished(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)), this, SLOT(slotImportFinished())); connect(&m_filter, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardError()), this, SLOT(slotReceivedErrorFromFilter())); } MyMoneyQifReader::~MyMoneyQifReader() { delete m_file; delete d; } void MyMoneyQifReader::setCategoryMapping(bool map) { d->mapCategories = map; } void MyMoneyQifReader::setURL(const QUrl &url) { m_url = url; } void MyMoneyQifReader::setProfile(const QString& profile) { m_qifProfile.loadProfile("Profile-" + profile); } void MyMoneyQifReader::slotSendDataToFilter() { long len; if (m_file->atEnd()) { m_filter.closeWriteChannel(); } else { len = m_file->read(m_buffer, sizeof(m_buffer)); if (len == -1) { qWarning("Failed to read block from QIF import file"); m_filter.closeWriteChannel(); m_filter.kill(); } else { m_filter.write(m_buffer, len); } } } void MyMoneyQifReader::slotReceivedErrorFromFilter() { qWarning("%s", qPrintable(QString(m_filter.readAllStandardError()))); } void MyMoneyQifReader::slotReceivedDataFromFilter() { parseReceivedData(m_filter.readAllStandardOutput()); } void MyMoneyQifReader::parseReceivedData(const QByteArray& data) { const char* buff = data.data(); int len = data.length(); m_pos += len; // signalProgress(m_pos, 0); while (len) { // process char if (*buff == '\n' || *buff == '\r') { // found EOL if (!m_lineBuffer.isEmpty()) { m_qifLines << QString::fromUtf8(m_lineBuffer.trimmed()); } m_lineBuffer = QByteArray(); } else { // collect all others m_lineBuffer += (*buff); } ++buff; --len; } } void MyMoneyQifReader::slotImportFinished() { // check if the last EOL char was missing and add the trailing line if (!m_lineBuffer.isEmpty()) { m_qifLines << QString::fromUtf8(m_lineBuffer.trimmed()); } qDebug("Read %ld bytes", m_pos); QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(slotProcessData())); } void MyMoneyQifReader::slotProcessData() { signalProgress(-1, -1); // scan the file and try to determine numeric and date formats m_qifProfile.autoDetect(m_qifLines); // the detection is accurate for numeric values, but it could be // that the dates were too ambiguous so that we have to let the user // decide which one to pick. QStringList dateFormats; m_qifProfile.possibleDateFormats(dateFormats); QString format; if (dateFormats.count() > 1) { bool ok; format = QInputDialog::getItem(0, i18n("Date format selection"), i18n("Pick the date format that suits your input file"), dateFormats, 05, false, &ok); if (!ok) { m_userAbort = true; } } else format = dateFormats.first(); if (!format.isEmpty()) { m_qifProfile.setInputDateFormat(format); qDebug("Selected date format: '%s'", qPrintable(format)); } else { // cancel the process because there is probably nothing to work with m_userAbort = true; } signalProgress(0, m_qifLines.count(), i18n("Importing QIF...")); QStringList::iterator it; for (it = m_qifLines.begin(); m_userAbort == false && it != m_qifLines.end(); ++it) { ++m_linenumber; // qDebug("Proc: '%s'", (*it).data()); if ((*it).startsWith('!')) { processQifSpecial(*it); m_qifEntry.clear(); } else if (*it == "^") { if (m_qifEntry.count() > 0) { signalProgress(m_linenumber, 0); processQifEntry(); m_qifEntry.clear(); } } else { m_qifEntry += *it; } } d->finishStatement(); qDebug("%d lines processed", m_linenumber); signalProgress(-1, -1); emit statementsReady(d->statements); } bool MyMoneyQifReader::startImport() { bool rc = false; d->st = MyMoneyStatement(); d->st.m_skipCategoryMatching = !d->mapCategories; m_dontAskAgain.clear(); m_accountTranslation.clear(); m_userAbort = false; m_pos = 0; m_linenumber = 0; m_filename.clear(); m_data.clear(); if (m_url.isEmpty()) { return rc; } else if (m_url.isLocalFile()) { m_filename = m_url.toLocalFile(); } else { m_filename = QDir::tempPath(); if(!m_filename.endsWith(QDir::separator())) m_filename += QDir::separator(); m_filename += m_url.fileName(); qDebug() << "Source:" << m_url.toDisplayString() << "Destination:" << m_filename; KIO::FileCopyJob *job = KIO::file_copy(m_url, QUrl::fromUserInput(m_filename), -1, KIO::Overwrite); // KJobWidgets::setWindow(job, kmymoney); if (job->exec() && job->error()) { KMessageBox::detailedError(0, i18n("Error while loading file '%1'.", m_url.toDisplayString()), job->errorString(), i18n("File access error")); return rc; } } m_file = new QFile(m_filename); if (m_file->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { #ifdef DEBUG_IMPORT qint64 len; while (!m_file->atEnd()) { len = m_file->read(m_buffer, sizeof(m_buffer)); if (len == -1) { qWarning("Failed to read block from QIF import file"); } else { parseReceivedData(QByteArray(m_buffer, len)); } } QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(slotImportFinished())); rc = true; #else QString program; QStringList arguments; program.clear(); arguments.clear(); // start filter process, use 'cat -' as the default filter if (m_qifProfile.filterScriptImport().isEmpty()) { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 //krazy:exclude=cpp // this is the Windows equivalent of 'cat -' but since 'type' does not work with stdin // we pass the filename converted to native separators as a parameter program = "cmd.exe"; arguments << "/c"; arguments << "type"; arguments << QDir::toNativeSeparators(m_filename); #else program = "cat"; arguments << "-"; #endif } else { arguments << m_qifProfile.filterScriptImport().split(' ', QString::KeepEmptyParts); program = arguments.takeFirst(); } m_entryType = EntryUnknown; m_filter.setProcessChannelMode(QProcess::MergedChannels); m_filter.start(program, arguments); if (m_filter.waitForStarted()) { signalProgress(0, m_file->size(), i18n("Reading QIF...")); slotSendDataToFilter(); rc = true; // emit statementsReady(d->statements); } else { KMessageBox::detailedError(0, i18n("Error while running the filter '%1'.", m_filter.program()), m_filter.errorString(), i18n("Filter error")); } #endif } return rc; } void MyMoneyQifReader::processQifSpecial(const QString& _line) { QString line = _line.mid(1); // get rid of exclamation mark if (line.left(5).toLower() == QString("type:")) { line = line.mid(5); // exportable accounts if (line.toLower() == "ccard" || KMyMoneySettings::qifCreditCard().toLower().contains(line.toLower())) { d->accountType = eMyMoney::Account::Type::CreditCard; d->firstTransaction = true; d->transactionType = m_entryType = EntryTransaction; } else if (line.toLower() == "bank" || KMyMoneySettings::qifBank().toLower().contains(line.toLower())) { d->accountType = eMyMoney::Account::Type::Checkings; d->firstTransaction = true; d->transactionType = m_entryType = EntryTransaction; } else if (line.toLower() == "cash" || KMyMoneySettings::qifCash().toLower().contains(line.toLower())) { d->accountType = eMyMoney::Account::Type::Cash; d->firstTransaction = true; d->transactionType = m_entryType = EntryTransaction; } else if (line.toLower() == "oth a" || KMyMoneySettings::qifAsset().toLower().contains(line.toLower())) { d->accountType = eMyMoney::Account::Type::Asset; d->firstTransaction = true; d->transactionType = m_entryType = EntryTransaction; } else if (line.toLower() == "oth l" || line.toLower() == i18nc("QIF tag for liability account", "Oth L").toLower()) { d->accountType = eMyMoney::Account::Type::Liability; d->firstTransaction = true; d->transactionType = m_entryType = EntryTransaction; } else if (line.toLower() == "invst" || line.toLower() == i18nc("QIF tag for investment account", "Invst").toLower()) { d->accountType = eMyMoney::Account::Type::Investment; d->transactionType = m_entryType = EntryInvestmentTransaction; } else if (line.toLower() == "invoice" || KMyMoneySettings::qifInvoice().toLower().contains(line.toLower())) { m_entryType = EntrySkip; } else if (line.toLower() == "tax") { m_entryType = EntrySkip; } else if (line.toLower() == "bill") { m_entryType = EntrySkip; // exportable lists } else if (line.toLower() == "cat" || line.toLower() == i18nc("QIF tag for category", "Cat").toLower()) { m_entryType = EntryCategory; } else if (line.toLower() == "security" || line.toLower() == i18nc("QIF tag for security", "Security").toLower()) { m_entryType = EntrySecurity; } else if (line.toLower() == "prices" || line.toLower() == i18nc("QIF tag for prices", "Prices").toLower()) { m_entryType = EntryPrice; } else if (line.toLower() == "payee") { m_entryType = EntryPayee; } else if (line.toLower() == "memorized") { m_entryType = EntryMemorizedTransaction; } else if (line.toLower() == "class" || line.toLower() == i18nc("QIF tag for a class", "Class").toLower()) { m_entryType = EntryClass; } else if (line.toLower() == "budget") { m_entryType = EntrySkip; } else if (line.toLower() == "invitem") { m_entryType = EntrySkip; } else if (line.toLower() == "template") { m_entryType = EntrySkip; } else { qWarning("Unknown type code '%s' in QIF file on line %d", qPrintable(line), m_linenumber); m_entryType = EntrySkip; } // option headers } else if (line.toLower() == "account") { m_entryType = EntryAccount; } else if (line.toLower() == "option:autoswitch") { m_entryType = EntryAccount; } else if (line.toLower() == "clear:autoswitch") { m_entryType = d->transactionType; } } void MyMoneyQifReader::processQifEntry() { // This method processes a 'QIF Entry' which is everything between two caret // signs // try { switch (m_entryType) { case EntryCategory: processCategoryEntry(); break; case EntryUnknown: qDebug() << "Line " << m_linenumber << ": Warning: Found an entry without a type being specified. Checking assumed."; processTransactionEntry(); break; case EntryTransaction: processTransactionEntry(); break; case EntryInvestmentTransaction: processInvestmentTransactionEntry(); break; case EntryAccount: processAccountEntry(); break; case EntrySecurity: processSecurityEntry(); break; case EntryPrice: processPriceEntry(); break; case EntryPayee: processPayeeEntry(); break; case EntryClass: qDebug() << "Line " << m_linenumber << ": Classes are not yet supported!"; break; case EntryMemorizedTransaction: qDebug() << "Line " << m_linenumber << ": Memorized transactions are not yet implemented!"; break; case EntrySkip: break; default: qDebug() << "Line " << m_linenumber << ": EntryType " << m_entryType << " not yet implemented!"; break; } } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { if (QString::fromLatin1(e.what()).contains("USERABORT")) { qDebug() << "Line " << m_linenumber << ": Unhandled error: " << e.what(); } else { m_userAbort = true; } } } const QString MyMoneyQifReader::extractLine(const QChar& id, int cnt) { QStringList::ConstIterator it; m_extractedLine = -1; for (it = m_qifEntry.constBegin(); it != m_qifEntry.constEnd(); ++it) { ++m_extractedLine; if ((*it)[0] == id) { if (cnt-- == 1) { return (*it).mid(1); } } } m_extractedLine = -1; return QString(); } bool MyMoneyQifReader::extractSplits(QList& listqSplits) const { // *** With apologies to QString MyMoneyQifReader::extractLine *** QStringList::ConstIterator it; bool ret = false; bool memoPresent = false; int neededCount = 0; qSplit q; for (it = m_qifEntry.constBegin(); it != m_qifEntry.constEnd(); ++it) { if (((*it)[0] == 'S') || ((*it)[0] == '$') || ((*it)[0] == 'E')) { memoPresent = false; // in case no memo line in this split if ((*it)[0] == 'E') { q.m_strMemo = (*it).mid(1); // 'E' = Memo d->fixMultiLineMemo(q.m_strMemo); memoPresent = true; // This transaction contains memo } else if ((*it)[0] == 'S') { q.m_strCategoryName = (*it).mid(1); // 'S' = CategoryName neededCount ++; } else if ((*it)[0] == '$') { q.m_amount = (*it).mid(1); // '$' = Amount neededCount ++; } if (neededCount > 1) { // CategoryName & Amount essential listqSplits += q; // Add valid split if (!memoPresent) { // If no memo, clear previous q.m_strMemo.clear(); } q = qSplit(); // Start new split neededCount = 0; ret = true; } } } return ret; } #if 0 void MyMoneyQifReader::processMSAccountEntry(const eMyMoney::Account::Type accountType) { if (extractLine('P').toLower() == m_qifProfile.openingBalanceText().toLower()) { m_account = MyMoneyAccount(); m_account.setAccountType(accountType); QString txt = extractLine('T'); MyMoneyMoney balance = m_qifProfile.value('T', txt); QDate date = m_qifProfile.date(extractLine('D')); m_account.setOpeningDate(date); QString name = extractLine('L'); if (name.left(1) == m_qifProfile.accountDelimiter().left(1)) { name = name.mid(1, name.length() - 2); } d->st_AccountName = name; m_account.setName(name); selectOrCreateAccount(Select, m_account, balance); d->st.m_accountId = m_account.id(); if (! balance.isZero()) { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); QString openingtxid = file->openingBalanceTransaction(m_account); MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; if (! openingtxid.isEmpty()) { MyMoneyTransaction openingtx = file->transaction(openingtxid); MyMoneySplit split = openingtx.splitByAccount(m_account.id()); if (split.shares() != balance) { const MyMoneySecurity& sec = file->security(m_account.currencyId()); if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo( KMyMoneyUtils::mainWindow(), i18n("The %1 account currently has an opening balance of %2. This QIF file reports an opening balance of %3. Would you like to overwrite the current balance with the one from the QIF file?", m_account.name(), split.shares().formatMoney(m_account, sec), balance.formatMoney(m_account, sec)), i18n("Overwrite opening balance"), KStandardGuiItem::yes(), KStandardGuiItem::no(), "OverwriteOpeningBalance") == KMessageBox::Yes) { file->removeTransaction(openingtx); m_account.setOpeningDate(date); file->createOpeningBalanceTransaction(m_account, balance); } } } else { // Add an opening balance m_account.setOpeningDate(date); file->createOpeningBalanceTransaction(m_account, balance); } ft.commit(); } } else { // for some unknown reason, Quicken 2001 generates the following (somewhat // misleading) sequence of lines: // // 1: !Account // 2: NAT&T Universal // 3: DAT&T Univers(...xxxx) [CLOSED] // 4: TCCard // 5: ^ // 6: !Type:CCard // 7: !Account // 8: NCFCU Visa // 9: DRick's CFCU Visa card (...xxxx) // 10: TCCard // 11: ^ // 12: !Type:CCard // 13: D1/ 4' 1 // // Lines 1-5 are processed via processQifEntry() and processAccountEntry() // Then Quicken issues line 6 but since the account does not carry any // transaction does not write an end delimiter. Arrrgh! So we end up with // a QIF entry comprising of lines 6-11 and end up in this routine. Actually, // lines 7-11 are the leading for the next account. So we check here if // the !Type:xxx record also contains an !Account line and process the // entry as required. // // (Ace) I think a better solution here is to handle exclamation point // lines separately from entries. In the above case: // Line 1 would set the mode to "account entries". // Lines 2-5 would be interpreted as an account entry. This would set m_account. // Line 6 would set the mode to "cc transaction entries". // Line 7 would immediately set the mode to "account entries" again // Lines 8-11 would be interpreted as an account entry. This would set m_account. // Line 12 would set the mode to "cc transaction entries" // Lines 13+ would be interpreted as cc transaction entries, and life is good int exclamationCnt = 1; QString category; do { category = extractLine('!', exclamationCnt++); } while (!category.isEmpty() && category != "Account"); // we have such a weird empty account if (category == "Account") { processAccountEntry(); } else { selectOrCreateAccount(Select, m_account); d->st_AccountName = m_account.name(); d->st.m_strAccountName = m_account.name(); d->st.m_accountId = m_account.id(); d->st.m_strAccountNumber = m_account.id(); m_account.setNumber(m_account.id()); if (m_entryType == EntryInvestmentTransaction) processInvestmentTransactionEntry(); else processTransactionEntry(); } } } #endif void MyMoneyQifReader::processPayeeEntry() { // TODO } void MyMoneyQifReader::processCategoryEntry() { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); MyMoneyAccount account = MyMoneyAccount(); account.setName(extractLine('N')); account.setDescription(extractLine('D')); MyMoneyAccount parentAccount; //The extractline routine will more than likely return 'empty', // so also have to test that either the 'I' or 'E' was detected //and set up accounts accordingly. if ((!extractLine('I').isEmpty()) || (m_extractedLine != -1)) { account.setAccountType(eMyMoney::Account::Type::Income); parentAccount = file->income(); } else if ((!extractLine('E').isEmpty()) || (m_extractedLine != -1)) { account.setAccountType(eMyMoney::Account::Type::Expense); parentAccount = file->expense(); } // check if we can find the account already in the file auto acc = findAccount(account, MyMoneyAccount()); // if not, we just create it if (acc.id().isEmpty()) { MyMoneyAccount brokerage; file->createAccount(account, parentAccount, brokerage, MyMoneyMoney()); } } MyMoneyAccount MyMoneyQifReader::findAccount(const MyMoneyAccount& acc, const MyMoneyAccount& parent) const { static MyMoneyAccount nullAccount; MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); QList parents; try { // search by id if (!acc.id().isEmpty()) { return file->account(acc.id()); } // collect the parents. in case parent does not have an id, we scan the all top-level accounts if (parent.id().isEmpty()) { parents << file->asset(); parents << file->liability(); parents << file->income(); parents << file->expense(); parents << file->equity(); } else { parents << parent; } QList::const_iterator it_p; for (it_p = parents.constBegin(); it_p != parents.constEnd(); ++it_p) { MyMoneyAccount parentAccount = *it_p; // search by name (allow hierarchy) int pos; // check for ':' in the name and use it as separator for a hierarchy QString name = acc.name(); bool notFound = false; while ((pos = name.indexOf(MyMoneyFile::AccountSeparator)) != -1) { QString part = name.left(pos); QString remainder = name.mid(pos + 1); const auto existingAccount = file->subAccountByName(parentAccount, part); // if account has not been found, continue with next top level parent if (existingAccount.id().isEmpty()) { notFound = true; break; } parentAccount = existingAccount; name = remainder; } if (notFound) continue; const auto existingAccount = file->subAccountByName(parentAccount, name); if (!existingAccount.id().isEmpty()) { if (acc.accountType() != eMyMoney::Account::Type::Unknown) { if (acc.accountType() != existingAccount.accountType()) continue; } return existingAccount; } } } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("Unable to find account: %1", QString::fromLatin1(e.what()))); } return nullAccount; } const QString MyMoneyQifReader::transferAccount(const QString& name, bool useBrokerage) { QString accountId; QStringList tmpEntry = m_qifEntry; // keep temp copies MyMoneyAccount tmpAccount = m_account; m_qifEntry.clear(); // and construct a temp entry to create/search the account m_qifEntry << QString("N%1").arg(name); m_qifEntry << QString("Tunknown"); m_qifEntry << QString("D%1").arg(i18n("Autogenerated by QIF importer")); accountId = processAccountEntry(false); // in case we found a reference to an investment account, we need // to switch to the brokerage account instead. MyMoneyAccount acc = MyMoneyFile::instance()->account(accountId); if (useBrokerage && (acc.accountType() == eMyMoney::Account::Type::Investment)) { m_qifEntry.clear(); // and construct a temp entry to create/search the account m_qifEntry << QString("N%1").arg(acc.brokerageName()); m_qifEntry << QString("Tunknown"); m_qifEntry << QString("D%1").arg(i18n("Autogenerated by QIF importer")); accountId = processAccountEntry(false); } m_qifEntry = tmpEntry; // restore local copies m_account = tmpAccount; return accountId; } void MyMoneyQifReader::createOpeningBalance(eMyMoney::Account::Type accType) { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); // if we don't have a name for the current account we need to extract the name from the L-record if (m_account.name().isEmpty()) { QString name = extractLine('L'); if (name.isEmpty()) { name = i18n("QIF imported, no account name supplied"); } auto b = d->isTransfer(name, m_qifProfile.accountDelimiter().left(1), m_qifProfile.accountDelimiter().mid(1, 1)); Q_UNUSED(b) QStringList entry = m_qifEntry; // keep a temp copy m_qifEntry.clear(); // and construct a temp entry to create/search the account m_qifEntry << QString("N%1").arg(name); m_qifEntry << QString("T%1").arg(d->accountTypeToQif(accType)); m_qifEntry << QString("D%1").arg(i18n("Autogenerated by QIF importer")); processAccountEntry(); m_qifEntry = entry; // restore local copy } MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { bool needCreate = true; MyMoneyAccount acc = m_account; // in case we're dealing with an investment account, we better use // the accompanying brokerage account for the opening balance acc = file->accountByName(m_account.brokerageName()); // check if we already have an opening balance transaction QString tid = file->openingBalanceTransaction(acc); MyMoneyTransaction ot; if (!tid.isEmpty()) { ot = file->transaction(tid); MyMoneySplit s0 = ot.splitByAccount(acc.id()); // if the value is the same, we can silently skip this transaction if (s0.shares() == m_qifProfile.value('T', extractLine('T'))) { needCreate = false; } if (needCreate) { // in case we create it anyway, we issue a warning to the user to check it manually KMessageBox::sorry(0, QString("%1").arg(i18n("KMyMoney has imported a second opening balance transaction into account %1 which differs from the one found already on file. Please correct this manually once the import is done.", acc.name())), i18n("Opening balance problem")); } } if (needCreate) { acc.setOpeningDate(m_qifProfile.date(extractLine('D'))); file->modifyAccount(acc); MyMoneyTransaction t = file->createOpeningBalanceTransaction(acc, m_qifProfile.value('T', extractLine('T'))); if (!t.id().isEmpty()) { t.setImported(); file->modifyTransaction(t); } ft.commit(); } // make sure to use the updated version of the account if (m_account.id() == acc.id()) m_account = acc; // remember which account we created d->st.m_accountId = m_account.id(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::detailedError(nullptr, i18n("Error while creating opening balance transaction"), e.what(), i18n("File access error")); } } void MyMoneyQifReader::processTransactionEntry() { ++m_transactionsProcessed; // in case the user selected to skip the account or the account // was not found we skip this transaction /* if(m_account.id().isEmpty()) { m_transactionsSkipped++; return; } */ MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); MyMoneyStatement::Split s1; MyMoneyStatement::Transaction tr; QString tmp; QString accountId; int pos; QString payee = extractLine('P'); unsigned long h; h = MyMoneyTransaction::hash(m_qifEntry.join(";")); QString hashBase; hashBase.sprintf("%s-%07lx", qPrintable(m_qifProfile.date(extractLine('D')).toString(Qt::ISODate)), h); int idx = 1; QString hash; for (;;) { hash = QString("%1-%2").arg(hashBase).arg(idx); QMap::const_iterator it; it = d->m_hashMap.constFind(hash); if (it == d->m_hashMap.constEnd()) { d->m_hashMap[hash] = true; break; } ++idx; } tr.m_strBankID = hash; if (d->firstTransaction) { // check if this is an opening balance transaction and process it out of the statement if (!payee.isEmpty() && ((payee.toLower() == "opening balance") || KMyMoneySettings::qifOpeningBalance().toLower().contains(payee.toLower()))) { createOpeningBalance(d->accountType); d->firstTransaction = false; return; } } // Process general transaction data if (d->st.m_accountId.isEmpty()) d->st.m_accountId = m_account.id(); s1.m_accountId = d->st.m_accountId; switch (d->accountType) { case eMyMoney::Account::Type::Checkings: d->st.m_eType=eMyMoney::Statement::Type::Checkings; break; case eMyMoney::Account::Type::Savings: d->st.m_eType=eMyMoney::Statement::Type::Savings; break; case eMyMoney::Account::Type::Investment: d->st.m_eType=eMyMoney::Statement::Type::Investment; break; case eMyMoney::Account::Type::CreditCard: d->st.m_eType=eMyMoney::Statement::Type::CreditCard; break; default: d->st.m_eType=eMyMoney::Statement::Type::None; break; } tr.m_datePosted = (m_qifProfile.date(extractLine('D'))); if (!tr.m_datePosted.isValid()) { int rc = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(0, i18n("The date entry \"%1\" read from the file cannot be interpreted through the current " "date profile setting of \"%2\".\n\nPressing \"Continue\" will " "assign todays date to the transaction. Pressing \"Cancel\" will abort " "the import operation. You can then restart the import and select a different " "QIF profile or create a new one.", extractLine('D'), m_qifProfile.inputDateFormat()), i18n("Invalid date format")); switch (rc) { case KMessageBox::Continue: tr.m_datePosted = (QDate::currentDate()); break; case KMessageBox::Cancel: throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION_CSTRING("USERABORT"); break; } } tmp = extractLine('L'); pos = tmp.lastIndexOf("--"); if (tmp.left(1) == m_qifProfile.accountDelimiter().left(1)) { // it's a transfer, so we wipe the memo // tmp = ""; why?? // st.m_strAccountName = tmp; } else if (pos != -1) { // what's this? // t.setValue("Dialog", tmp.mid(pos+2)); tmp = tmp.left(pos); } // t.setMemo(tmp); // Assign the "#" field to the transaction's bank id // This is the custom KMM extension to QIF for a unique ID tmp = extractLine('#'); if (!tmp.isEmpty()) { tr.m_strBankID = QString("ID %1").arg(tmp); } #if 0 // Collect data for the account's split s1.m_accountId = m_account.id(); tmp = extractLine('S'); pos = tmp.findRev("--"); if (pos != -1) { tmp = tmp.left(pos); } if (tmp.left(1) == m_qifProfile.accountDelimiter().left(1)) // it's a transfer, extract the account name tmp = tmp.mid(1, tmp.length() - 2); s1.m_strCategoryName = tmp; #endif // TODO (Ace) Deal with currencies more gracefully. QIF cannot deal with multiple // currencies, so we should assume that transactions imported into a given // account are in THAT ACCOUNT's currency. If one of those involves a transfer // to an account with a different currency, value and shares should be // different. (Shares is in the target account's currency, value is in the // transaction's) s1.m_amount = m_qifProfile.value('T', extractLine('T')); tr.m_amount = m_qifProfile.value('T', extractLine('T')); tr.m_shares = m_qifProfile.value('T', extractLine('T')); tmp = extractLine('N'); if (!tmp.isEmpty()) tr.m_strNumber = tmp; if (!payee.isEmpty()) { tr.m_strPayee = payee; } tr.m_reconcile = d->reconcileState(extractLine('C')); tr.m_strMemo = extractLine('M'); d->fixMultiLineMemo(tr.m_strMemo); s1.m_strMemo = tr.m_strMemo; // tr.m_listSplits.append(s1); // split transaction // ****** ensure each field is ****** // * attached to correct split * QList listqSplits; if (! extractSplits(listqSplits)) { MyMoneyAccount account; // use the same values for the second split, but clear the ID and reverse the value MyMoneyStatement::Split s2 = s1; s2.m_reconcile = tr.m_reconcile; s2.m_amount = (-s1.m_amount); // s2.clearId(); // standard transaction tmp = extractLine('L'); if (d->isTransfer(tmp, m_qifProfile.accountDelimiter().left(1), m_qifProfile.accountDelimiter().mid(1, 1))) { accountId = transferAccount(tmp, false); } else { /* pos = tmp.findRev("--"); if(pos != -1) { t.setValue("Dialog", tmp.mid(pos+2)); tmp = tmp.left(pos); }*/ // it's an expense / income tmp = tmp.trimmed(); accountId = file->checkCategory(tmp, s1.m_amount, s2.m_amount); } if (!accountId.isEmpty()) { try { account = file->account(accountId); // FIXME: check that the type matches and ask if not if (account.accountType() == eMyMoney::Account::Type::Investment) { qDebug() << "Line " << m_linenumber << ": Cannot transfer to/from an investment account. Transaction ignored."; return; } if (account.id() == m_account.id()) { qDebug() << "Line " << m_linenumber << ": Cannot transfer to the same account. Transfer ignored."; accountId.clear(); } } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { qDebug() << "Line " << m_linenumber << ": Account with id " << accountId.data() << " not found"; accountId.clear(); } } if (!accountId.isEmpty()) { s2.m_accountId = accountId; s2.m_strCategoryName = tmp; tr.m_listSplits.append(s2); } } else { int count; for (count = 1; count <= listqSplits.count(); ++count) { // Use true splits count MyMoneyStatement::Split s2 = s1; s2.m_amount = (-m_qifProfile.value('$', listqSplits[count-1].m_amount)); // Amount of split s2.m_strMemo = listqSplits[count-1].m_strMemo; // Memo in split tmp = listqSplits[count-1].m_strCategoryName; // Category in split if (d->isTransfer(tmp, m_qifProfile.accountDelimiter().left(1), m_qifProfile.accountDelimiter().mid(1, 1))) { accountId = transferAccount(tmp, false); } else { pos = tmp.lastIndexOf("--"); if (pos != -1) { tmp = tmp.left(pos); } tmp = tmp.trimmed(); accountId = file->checkCategory(tmp, s1.m_amount, s2.m_amount); } if (!accountId.isEmpty()) { try { MyMoneyAccount account = file->account(accountId); // FIXME: check that the type matches and ask if not if (account.accountType() == eMyMoney::Account::Type::Investment) { qDebug() << "Line " << m_linenumber << ": Cannot convert a split transfer to/from an investment account. Split removed. Total amount adjusted from " << tr.m_amount.formatMoney("", 2) << " to " << (tr.m_amount + s2.m_amount).formatMoney("", 2) << "\n"; tr.m_amount += s2.m_amount; continue; } if (account.id() == m_account.id()) { qDebug() << "Line " << m_linenumber << ": Cannot transfer to the same account. Transfer ignored."; accountId.clear(); } } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { qDebug() << "Line " << m_linenumber << ": Account with id " << accountId.data() << " not found"; accountId.clear(); } } if (!accountId.isEmpty()) { s2.m_accountId = accountId; s2.m_strCategoryName = tmp; tr.m_listSplits += s2; // in case the transaction does not have a memo and we // process the first split just copy the memo over if (tr.m_listSplits.count() == 1 && tr.m_strMemo.isEmpty()) tr.m_strMemo = s2.m_strMemo; } else { // TODO add an option to create a "Unassigned" category // for now, we just drop the split which will show up as unbalanced // transaction in the KMyMoney ledger view } } } // Add the transaction to the statement d->st.m_listTransactions += tr; } void MyMoneyQifReader::processInvestmentTransactionEntry() { // qDebug() << "Investment Transaction:" << m_qifEntry.count() << " lines"; /* Items for Investment Accounts Field Indicator Explanation D Date N Action Y Security (NAME, not symbol) I Price Q Quantity (number of shares or split ratio) T Transaction amount C Cleared status P Text in the first line for transfers and reminders (Payee) M Memo O Commission L Account for the transfer $ Amount transferred ^ End of the entry It will be presumed all transactions are to the associated cash account, if one exists, unless otherwise noted by the 'L' field. Expense/Income categories will be automatically generated, "_Dividend", "_InterestIncome", etc. */ MyMoneyStatement::Transaction tr; d->st.m_eType = eMyMoney::Statement::Type::Investment; // t.setCommodity(m_account.currencyId()); // 'D' field: Date QDate date = m_qifProfile.date(extractLine('D')); if (date.isValid()) tr.m_datePosted = date; else { int rc = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(0, i18n("The date entry \"%1\" read from the file cannot be interpreted through the current " "date profile setting of \"%2\".\n\nPressing \"Continue\" will " "assign todays date to the transaction. Pressing \"Cancel\" will abort " "the import operation. You can then restart the import and select a different " "QIF profile or create a new one.", extractLine('D'), m_qifProfile.inputDateFormat()), i18n("Invalid date format")); switch (rc) { case KMessageBox::Continue: tr.m_datePosted = QDate::currentDate(); break; case KMessageBox::Cancel: throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION_CSTRING("USERABORT"); break; } } // 'M' field: Memo QString memo = extractLine('M'); d->fixMultiLineMemo(memo); tr.m_strMemo = memo; unsigned long h; h = MyMoneyTransaction::hash(m_qifEntry.join(";")); QString hashBase; hashBase.sprintf("%s-%07lx", qPrintable(m_qifProfile.date(extractLine('D')).toString(Qt::ISODate)), h); int idx = 1; QString hash; for (;;) { hash = QString("%1-%2").arg(hashBase).arg(idx); QMap::const_iterator it; it = d->m_hashMap.constFind(hash); if (it == d->m_hashMap.constEnd()) { d->m_hashMap[hash] = true; break; } ++idx; } tr.m_strBankID = hash; // '#' field: BankID QString tmp = extractLine('#'); if (! tmp.isEmpty()) tr.m_strBankID = QString("ID %1").arg(tmp); // Reconciliation flag tr.m_reconcile = d->reconcileState(extractLine('C')); // 'O' field: Fees tr.m_fees = m_qifProfile.value('T', extractLine('O')); // 'T' field: Amount MyMoneyMoney amount = m_qifProfile.value('T', extractLine('T')); tr.m_amount = amount; MyMoneyStatement::Price price; price.m_date = date; price.m_strSecurity = extractLine('Y'); price.m_amount = m_qifProfile.value('T', extractLine('I')); #if 0 // we must check for that later, because certain activities don't need a security // 'Y' field: Security name QString securityname = extractLine('Y').toLower(); if (securityname.isEmpty()) { qDebug() << "Line " << m_linenumber << ": Investment transaction without a security is not supported."; return; } tr.m_strSecurity = securityname; #endif #if 0 // For now, we let the statement reader take care of that. // The big problem here is that the Y field is not the SYMBOL, it's the NAME. // The name is not very unique, because people could have used slightly different // abbreviations or ordered words differently, etc. // // If there is a perfect name match with a subordinate stock account, great. // More likely, we have to rely on the QIF file containing !Type:Security // records, which tell us the mapping from name to symbol. // // Therefore, generally it is not recommended to import a QIF file containing // investment transactions but NOT containing security records. QString securitysymbol = m_investmentMap[securityname]; // the correct account is the stock account which matches two criteria: // (1) it is a sub-account of the selected investment account, and either // (2a) the security name of the transaction matches the name of the security, OR // (2b) the security name of the transaction maps to a symbol which matches the symbol of the security // search through each subordinate account bool found = false; MyMoneyAccount thisaccount = m_account; QStringList accounts = thisaccount.accountList(); QStringList::const_iterator it_account = accounts.begin(); while (!found && it_account != accounts.end()) { QString currencyid = file->account(*it_account).currencyId(); MyMoneySecurity security = file->security(currencyid); QString symbol = security.tradingSymbol().toLower(); QString name = security.name().toLower(); if (securityname == name || securitysymbol == symbol) { d->st_AccountId = *it_account; s1.m_accountId = *it_account; thisaccount = file->account(*it_account); found = true; #if 0 // update the price, while we're here. in the future, this should be // an option QString basecurrencyid = file->baseCurrency().id(); MyMoneyPrice price = file->price(currencyid, basecurrencyid, t_in.m_datePosted, true); if (!price.isValid()) { MyMoneyPrice newprice(currencyid, basecurrencyid, t_in.m_datePosted, t_in.m_moneyAmount / t_in.m_dShares, i18n("Statement Importer")); file->addPrice(newprice); } #endif } ++it_account; } if (!found) { qDebug() << "Line " << m_linenumber << ": Security " << securityname << " not found in this account. Transaction ignored."; // If the security is not known, notify the user // TODO (Ace) A "SelectOrCreateAccount" interface for investments KMessageBox::information(0, i18n("This investment account does not contain the \"%1\" security. " "Transactions involving this security will be ignored.", securityname), i18n("Security not found"), QString("MissingSecurity%1").arg(securityname.trimmed())); return; } #endif // 'Y' field: Security tr.m_strSecurity = extractLine('Y'); // 'Q' field: Quantity MyMoneyMoney quantity = m_qifProfile.value('T', extractLine('Q')); // 'N' field: Action QString action = extractLine('N').toLower(); // remove trailing X, which seems to have no purpose (?!) bool xAction = false; if (action.endsWith('x')) { action = action.left(action.length() - 1); xAction = true; } tmp = extractLine('L'); // if the action ends in an X, the L-Record contains the asset account // to which the dividend should be transferred. In the other cases, it // may contain a category that identifies the income category for the // dividend payment if ((xAction == true) || (d->isTransfer(tmp, m_qifProfile.accountDelimiter().left(1), m_qifProfile.accountDelimiter().mid(1, 1)) == true)) { tmp = tmp.remove(QRegExp("[\\[\\]]")); // xAction != true so ignore any'[ and ]' if (!tmp.isEmpty()) { // use 'L' record name tr.m_strBrokerageAccount = tmp; transferAccount(tmp); // make sure the account exists } else { tr.m_strBrokerageAccount = m_account.brokerageName();// use brokerage account transferAccount(m_account.brokerageName()); // make sure the account exists } } else { tmp = tmp.remove(QRegExp("[\\[\\]]")); // xAction != true so ignore any'[ and ]' tr.m_strInterestCategory = tmp; tr.m_strBrokerageAccount = m_account.brokerageName(); } // Whether to create a cash split for the other side of the value QString accountname; //= extractLine('L'); if (action == "reinvint" || action == "reinvdiv" || action == "reinvlg" || action == "reinvsh") { d->st.m_listPrices += price; tr.m_shares = quantity; tr.m_eAction = (eMyMoney::Transaction::Action::ReinvestDividend); tr.m_price = m_qifProfile.value('I', extractLine('I')); tr.m_strInterestCategory = extractLine('L'); if (tr.m_strInterestCategory.isEmpty()) { tr.m_strInterestCategory = d->typeToAccountName(action); } } else if (action == "div" || action == "cgshort" || action == "cgmid" || action == "cglong" || action == "rtrncap") { tr.m_eAction = (eMyMoney::Transaction::Action::CashDividend); // make sure, we have valid category. Either taken from the L-Record above, // or derived from the action code if (tr.m_strInterestCategory.isEmpty()) { tr.m_strInterestCategory = d->typeToAccountName(action); } // For historic reasons (coming from the OFX importer) the statement // reader expects the dividend with a reverse sign. So we just do that. tr.m_amount -= tr.m_fees; // We need an extra split which will be the zero-amount investment split // that serves to mark this transaction as a cash dividend and note which // stock account it belongs to. MyMoneyStatement::Split s2; s2.m_amount = MyMoneyMoney(); s2.m_strCategoryName = extractLine('Y'); tr.m_listSplits.append(s2); } else if (action == "intinc" || action == "miscinc" || action == "miscexp") { tr.m_eAction = (eMyMoney::Transaction::Action::Interest); if (action == "miscexp") tr.m_eAction = (eMyMoney::Transaction::Action::Fees); // make sure, we have a valid category. Either taken from the L-Record above, // or derived from the action code if (tr.m_strInterestCategory.isEmpty()) { tr.m_strInterestCategory = d->typeToAccountName(action); } if (action == "intinc") { MyMoneyMoney priceValue = m_qifProfile.value('I', extractLine('I')); tr.m_amount -= tr.m_fees; if ((!quantity.isZero()) && (!priceValue.isZero())) tr.m_amount = -(quantity * priceValue); } else // For historic reasons (coming from the OFX importer) the statement // reader expects the dividend with a reverse sign. So we just do that. if (action != "miscexp") tr.m_amount = -(amount - tr.m_fees); if (tr.m_strMemo.isEmpty()) tr.m_strMemo = (QString("%1 %2").arg(extractLine('Y')).arg(d->typeToAccountName(action))).trimmed(); } else if (action == "xin" || action == "xout") { QString payee = extractLine('P'); if (!payee.isEmpty() && ((payee.toLower() == "opening balance") || KMyMoneySettings::qifOpeningBalance().toLower().contains(payee.toLower()))) { createOpeningBalance(eMyMoney::Account::Type::Investment); return; } tr.m_eAction = (eMyMoney::Transaction::Action::None); MyMoneyStatement::Split s2; tmp = extractLine('L'); if (d->isTransfer(tmp, m_qifProfile.accountDelimiter().left(1), m_qifProfile.accountDelimiter().mid(1, 1))) { s2.m_accountId = transferAccount(tmp); s2.m_strCategoryName = tmp; } else { s2.m_strCategoryName = extractLine('L'); if (tr.m_strInterestCategory.isEmpty()) { s2.m_strCategoryName = d->typeToAccountName(action); } } if (action == "xout") tr.m_amount = -tr.m_amount; s2.m_amount = -tr.m_amount; tr.m_listSplits.append(s2); } else if (action == "buy") { d->st.m_listPrices += price; tr.m_price = m_qifProfile.value('I', extractLine('I')); tr.m_shares = quantity; tr.m_amount = -amount; tr.m_eAction = (eMyMoney::Transaction::Action::Buy); } else if (action == "sell") { d->st.m_listPrices += price; tr.m_price = m_qifProfile.value('I', extractLine('I')); tr.m_shares = -quantity; tr.m_amount = amount; tr.m_eAction = (eMyMoney::Transaction::Action::Sell); } else if (action == "shrsin") { tr.m_shares = quantity; tr.m_eAction = (eMyMoney::Transaction::Action::Shrsin); } else if (action == "shrsout") { tr.m_shares = -quantity; tr.m_eAction = (eMyMoney::Transaction::Action::Shrsout); } else if (action == "stksplit") { MyMoneyMoney splitfactor = (quantity / MyMoneyMoney(10, 1)).reduce(); // Stock splits not supported // qDebug() << "Line " << m_linenumber << ": Stock split not supported (date=" << date << " security=" << securityname << " factor=" << splitfactor.toString() << ")"; // s1.setShares(splitfactor); // s1.setValue(0); // s1.setAction(MyMoneySplit::actionName(eMyMoney::Split::Action::SplitShares)); // return; } else { // Unsupported action type qDebug() << "Line " << m_linenumber << ": Unsupported transaction action (" << action << ")"; return; } d->st.m_strAccountName = accountname; // accountname appears not to get set d->st.m_listTransactions += tr; /************************************************************************* * * These transactions are natively supported by KMyMoney * *************************************************************************/ /* D1/ 3' 5 NShrsIn YGENERAL MOTORS CORP 52BR1 I20 Q200 U4,000.00 T4,000.00 M200 shares added to account @ $20/share ^ */ /* ^ D1/14' 5 NShrsOut YTEMPLETON GROWTH 97GJ0 Q50 90 ^ */ /* D1/28' 5 NBuy YGENERAL MOTORS CORP 52BR1 I24.35 Q100 U2,435.00 T2,435.00 ^ */ /* D1/ 5' 5 NSell YUnited Vanguard I8.41 Q50 U420.50 T420.50 ^ */ /* D1/ 7' 5 NReinvDiv YFRANKLIN INCOME 97GM2 I38 Q1 U38.00 T38.00 ^ */ /************************************************************************* * * These transactions are all different kinds of income. (Anything that * follows the DNYUT pattern). They are all handled the same, the only * difference is which income account the income is placed into. By * default, it's placed into _xxx where xxx is the right side of the * N field. e.g. NDiv transaction goes into the _Div account * *************************************************************************/ /* D1/10' 5 NDiv YTEMPLETON GROWTH 97GJ0 U10.00 T10.00 ^ */ /* D1/10' 5 NIntInc YTEMPLETON GROWTH 97GJ0 U20.00 T20.00 ^ */ /* D1/10' 5 NCGShort YTEMPLETON GROWTH 97GJ0 U111.00 T111.00 ^ */ /* D1/10' 5 NCGLong YTEMPLETON GROWTH 97GJ0 U333.00 T333.00 ^ */ /* D1/10' 5 NCGMid YTEMPLETON GROWTH 97GJ0 U222.00 T222.00 ^ */ /* D2/ 2' 5 NRtrnCap YFRANKLIN INCOME 97GM2 U1,234.00 T1,234.00 ^ */ /************************************************************************* * * These transactions deal with miscellaneous activity that KMyMoney * does not support, but may support in the future. * *************************************************************************/ /* Note the Q field is the split ratio per 10 shares, so Q12.5 is a 12.5:10 split, otherwise known as 5:4. D1/14' 5 NStkSplit YIBM Q12.5 ^ */ /************************************************************************* * * These transactions deal with short positions and options, which are * not supported at all by KMyMoney. They will be ignored for now. * There may be a way to hack around this, by creating a new security * "IBM_Short". * *************************************************************************/ /* D1/21' 5 NShtSell YIBM I92.38 Q100 U9,238.00 T9,238.00 ^ */ /* D1/28' 5 NCvrShrt YIBM I92.89 Q100 U9,339.00 T9,339.00 O50.00 ^ */ /* D6/ 1' 5 NVest YIBM Option Q20 ^ */ /* D6/ 8' 5 NExercise YIBM Option I60.952381 Q20 MFrom IBM Option Grant 6/1/2004 ^ */ /* D6/ 1'14 NExpire YIBM Option Q5 ^ */ /************************************************************************* * * These transactions do not have an associated investment ("Y" field) * so presumably they are only valid for the cash account. Once I * understand how these are really implemented, they can probably be * handled without much trouble. * *************************************************************************/ /* D1/14' 5 NCash U-100.00 T-100.00 LBank Chrg ^ */ /* D1/15' 5 NXOut U500.00 T500.00 L[CU Savings] $500.00 ^ */ /* D1/28' 5 NXIn U1,000.00 T1,000.00 L[CU Checking] $1,000.00 ^ */ /* D1/25' 5 NMargInt U25.00 T25.00 ^ */ } const QString MyMoneyQifReader::findOrCreateIncomeAccount(const QString& searchname) { QString result; MyMoneyFile *file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); // First, try to find this account as an income account MyMoneyAccount acc = file->income(); QStringList list = acc.accountList(); QStringList::ConstIterator it_accid = list.constBegin(); while (it_accid != list.constEnd()) { acc = file->account(*it_accid); if (acc.name() == searchname) { result = *it_accid; break; } ++it_accid; } // If we did not find the account, now we must create one. if (result.isEmpty()) { MyMoneyAccount newAccount; newAccount.setName(searchname); newAccount.setAccountType(eMyMoney::Account::Type::Income); MyMoneyAccount income = file->income(); MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; file->addAccount(newAccount, income); ft.commit(); result = newAccount.id(); } return result; } // TODO (Ace) Combine this and the previous function const QString MyMoneyQifReader::findOrCreateExpenseAccount(const QString& searchname) { QString result; MyMoneyFile *file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); // First, try to find this account as an income account MyMoneyAccount acc = file->expense(); QStringList list = acc.accountList(); QStringList::ConstIterator it_accid = list.constBegin(); while (it_accid != list.constEnd()) { acc = file->account(*it_accid); if (acc.name() == searchname) { result = *it_accid; break; } ++it_accid; } // If we did not find the account, now we must create one. if (result.isEmpty()) { MyMoneyAccount newAccount; newAccount.setName(searchname); newAccount.setAccountType(eMyMoney::Account::Type::Expense); MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; MyMoneyAccount expense = file->expense(); file->addAccount(newAccount, expense); ft.commit(); result = newAccount.id(); } return result; } const QString MyMoneyQifReader::processAccountEntry(bool resetAccountId) { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); MyMoneyAccount account; QString tmp; account.setName(extractLine('N')); // qDebug("Process account '%s'", account.name().data()); account.setDescription(extractLine('D')); tmp = extractLine('$'); if (tmp.length() > 0) account.setValue("lastStatementBalance", tmp); tmp = extractLine('/'); if (tmp.length() > 0) account.setLastReconciliationDate(m_qifProfile.date(tmp)); QifEntryTypeE transactionType = EntryTransaction; QString type = extractLine('T').toLower().remove(QRegExp("\\s+")); if (type == m_qifProfile.profileType().toLower().remove(QRegExp("\\s+"))) { account.setAccountType(eMyMoney::Account::Type::Checkings); } else if (type == "ccard" || type == "creditcard") { account.setAccountType(eMyMoney::Account::Type::CreditCard); } else if (type == "cash") { account.setAccountType(eMyMoney::Account::Type::Cash); } else if (type == "otha") { account.setAccountType(eMyMoney::Account::Type::Asset); } else if (type == "othl") { account.setAccountType(eMyMoney::Account::Type::Liability); } else if (type == "invst" || type == "port") { account.setAccountType(eMyMoney::Account::Type::Investment); transactionType = EntryInvestmentTransaction; } else if (type == "mutual") { // stock account w/o umbrella investment account account.setAccountType(eMyMoney::Account::Type::Stock); transactionType = EntryInvestmentTransaction; } else if (type == "unknown") { // don't do anything with the type, leave it unknown } else { account.setAccountType(eMyMoney::Account::Type::Checkings); qDebug() << "Line " << m_linenumber << ": Unknown account type '" << type << "', checkings assumed"; } // check if we can find the account already in the file auto acc = findAccount(account, MyMoneyAccount()); if (acc.id().isEmpty()) { // in case the account is not found by name and the type is // unknown, we have to assume something and create a checking account. // this might be wrong, but we have no choice at this point. if (account.accountType() == eMyMoney::Account::Type::Unknown) account.setAccountType(eMyMoney::Account::Type::Checkings); MyMoneyAccount parentAccount; MyMoneyAccount brokerage; // in case it's a stock account, we need to setup a fix investment account if (account.isInvest()) { acc.setName(i18n("%1 (Investment)", account.name())); // use the same name for the investment account acc.setDescription(i18n("Autogenerated by QIF importer from type Mutual account entry")); acc.setAccountType(eMyMoney::Account::Type::Investment); parentAccount = file->asset(); file->createAccount(acc, parentAccount, brokerage, MyMoneyMoney()); parentAccount = acc; qDebug("We still need to create the stock account in MyMoneyQifReader::processAccountEntry()"); } else { // setup parent according the type of the account switch (account.accountGroup()) { case eMyMoney::Account::Type::Asset: default: parentAccount = file->asset(); break; case eMyMoney::Account::Type::Liability: parentAccount = file->liability(); break; case eMyMoney::Account::Type::Equity: parentAccount = file->equity(); break; } } // investment accounts will receive a brokerage account, as KMyMoney // currently does not allow to store funds in the investment account directly // but only create it (not here, but later) if it is needed if (account.accountType() == eMyMoney::Account::Type::Investment) { brokerage.setName(QString()); // brokerage name empty so account not created yet brokerage.setAccountType(eMyMoney::Account::Type::Checkings); brokerage.setCurrencyId(MyMoneyFile::instance()->baseCurrency().id()); } file->createAccount(account, parentAccount, brokerage, MyMoneyMoney()); acc = account; // qDebug("Account created"); } else { // qDebug("Existing account found"); } if (resetAccountId) { // possibly start a new statement d->finishStatement(); m_account = acc; d->st.m_accountId = m_account.id(); // needed here for account selection d->transactionType = transactionType; } return acc.id(); } void MyMoneyQifReader::setProgressCallback(void(*callback)(qint64, qint64, const QString&)) { m_progressCallback = callback; } void MyMoneyQifReader::signalProgress(qint64 current, qint64 total, const QString& msg) { if (m_progressCallback != 0) (*m_progressCallback)(current, total, msg); } void MyMoneyQifReader::processPriceEntry() { /* !Type:Prices "IBM",141 9/16,"10/23/98" ^ !Type:Prices "GMW",21.28," 3/17' 5" ^ !Type:Prices "GMW",71652181.001,"67/128/ 0" ^ Note that Quicken will often put in a price with a bogus date and number. We will ignore prices with bogus dates. Hopefully that will catch all of these. Also note that prices can be in fractional units, e.g. 141 9/16. */ QStringList::const_iterator it_line = m_qifEntry.constBegin(); // Make a price for each line QRegExp priceExp("\"(.*)\",(.*),\"(.*)\""); while (it_line != m_qifEntry.constEnd()) { if (priceExp.indexIn(*it_line) != -1) { MyMoneyStatement::Price price; price.m_strSecurity = priceExp.cap(1); QString pricestr = priceExp.cap(2); QString datestr = priceExp.cap(3); qDebug() << "Price:" << price.m_strSecurity << " / " << pricestr << " / " << datestr; // Only add the price if the date is valid. If invalid, fail silently. See note above. // Also require the price value to not have any slashes. Old prices will be something like // "25 9/16", which we do not support. So we'll skip the price for now. QDate date = m_qifProfile.date(datestr); MyMoneyMoney rate(m_qifProfile.value('P', pricestr)); if (date.isValid() && !rate.isZero()) { price.m_amount = rate; price.m_date = date; d->st.m_listPrices += price; } } ++it_line; } } void MyMoneyQifReader::processSecurityEntry() { /* !Type:Security NVANGUARD 500 INDEX SVFINX TMutual Fund ^ */ MyMoneyStatement::Security security; security.m_strName = extractLine('N'); security.m_strSymbol = extractLine('S'); d->st.m_listSecurities += security; } int MyMoneyQifReader::statementCount() const { return d->statements.count(); }