/* This file is part of MED. * * COPYRIGHT (C) 1999 - 2019 EDF R&D, CEA/DEN * MED is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MED is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with MED. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include /**\ingroup MEDmesh \brief \MEDmeshNodeCoordinateWithProfileWrBrief \param fid \fid \param meshname \meshname \param numdt \numdt \param numit \numit \param dt \dt \param storagemode \storagemode \param profilename \profilename \param switchmode \switchmode \param dimselect \dimselect \param nentity \nentity \param coordinate \coordinate \retval med_err \error \details \MEDmeshNodeCoordinateWithProfileWrDetails \remarks \MEDmeshNodeCoordinateWrnogridRem \see MEDmeshNodeCoordinateWr \see MEDmeshNodeCoordinateAdvancedWr */ med_err MEDmeshNodeCoordinateWithProfileWr(const med_idt fid, const char* const meshname, const med_int numdt, const med_int numit, const med_float dt, const med_storage_mode storagemode, const char * const profilename, const med_switch_mode switchmode, const med_int dimselect, const med_int nentity, const med_float* const coordinate) { med_err _ret = -1; med_idt _meshid = 0,_datagroup1=0,_datagroup_trsf=0; med_idt _dataset_trsf = 0; med_int _intmeshtype = 0; char _meshpath [MED_MESH_SUPPORT_GRP_SIZE+MED_NAME_SIZE+1]=""; char _datagroup_trsfname[MED_TAILLE_NOM_ENTITE+MED_TAILLE_COOTRF+1]=MED_NOM_NOE MED_COOTRF; med_bool _isasupportmesh=MED_FALSE,_isasoftlink=MED_FALSE; if (_MEDcheckVersion30(fid) < 0) goto ERROR; /* Maillage de calcul ou maillage support */ if ((_meshid=_MEDmeshDatagroupOpen(fid,meshname,_meshpath,&_isasupportmesh)) < 0) { MED_ERR_(_ret,MED_ERR_OPEN,MED_ERR_DATAGROUP,MED_ERR_MESH_MSG); SSCRUTE(_meshpath); goto ERROR; } /* Lecture de l'attribut du type de maillage MED_NOM_TYP */ if (_MEDattrEntierLire(_meshid,MED_NOM_TYP,&_intmeshtype) < 0) { MED_ERR_(_ret,MED_ERR_READ,MED_ERR_ATTRIBUTE,MED_ERR_MESH_MSG); SSCRUTE(meshname);SSCRUTE(MED_NOM_TYP);ISCRUTE(_intmeshtype);goto ERROR; } /* Accès (création éventuelle non attendue) du datagroup numdt,numit */ if ( _isasupportmesh ) { if (( numdt != MED_NO_DT) && (numit != MED_NO_IT) ) { MED_ERR_(_ret,MED_ERR_INVALID,MED_ERR_PARAMETER,MED_ERR_MESH_MSG); SSCRUTE(meshname);ISCRUTE(numdt);ISCRUTE(numit);goto ERROR; } } else if ( (_datagroup1 =_MEDmeshAssociatedGroupCr(fid, MED_MESH_GRP, meshname, numdt, numit, dt, MED_FALSE, "." ) ) < 0 ) { MED_ERR_(_ret,MED_ERR_CALL,MED_ERR_API,"_MEDmeshAssociatedGroupCr"); goto ERROR; } /*Réinitialisation du lien MED_TRSF_NOM/MED_COORDINATE_TRSF s'il existe */ /*Si un dataset de transformation existe une erreur est générée par _MEDsoftlinkDel */ if ( !_isasupportmesh) if ((_datagroup_trsf = _MEDdatagroupOuvrir(_datagroup1,_datagroup_trsfname)) > 0) { if ( _MEDisasoftlink(_datagroup_trsf, MED_NOM_TRF,MED_FALSE, &_isasoftlink ) < 0 ) { MED_ERR_(_ret,MED_ERR_OPEN,MED_ERR_LINK,MED_NOM_COO); goto ERROR; } if (_isasoftlink ) { if ( _MEDsoftlinkDel(_datagroup_trsf, MED_NOM_TRF, MED_TRUE) < 0 ) { MED_ERR_(_ret,MED_ERR_CALL,MED_ERR_API,"_MEDsoftlinkDel"); goto ERROR; } } else { if ( (_dataset_trsf = _MEDdatasetOuvrir(_datagroup_trsf,MED_NOM_TRF)) >= 0 ) { _MEDdatasetFermer(_dataset_trsf); MED_ERR_(_ret,MED_ERR_NULL,MED_ERR_DATASET,MED_NOM_TRF); goto ERROR; } } } if ( ( (med_mesh_type) _intmeshtype ) == MED_UNSTRUCTURED_MESH ) { if ( _MEDmeshAdvancedWr(fid, meshname, MED_COORDINATE, MED_NO_NAME, MED_INTERNAL_UNDEF, numdt, numit, dt, MED_NODE, MED_NONE, MED_NO_CMODE, storagemode, profilename, switchmode, dimselect, NULL, nentity, coordinate) < 0 ) { MED_ERR_(_ret,MED_ERR_CALL,MED_ERR_API,"_MEDmeshAdvancedWr"); goto ERROR; } } else { MED_ERR_(_ret,MED_ERR_INVALID,MED_ERR_MESHTYPE,MED_ERR_MESH_MSG); SSCRUTE(meshname);SSCRUTE(MED_NOM_GTY);goto ERROR; } _ret = 0; ERROR: if (_datagroup_trsf>0) if (_MEDdatagroupFermer(_datagroup_trsf) < 0) { MED_ERR_(_ret,MED_ERR_CLOSE,MED_ERR_DATAGROUP,_datagroup_trsfname); ISCRUTE_id(_datagroup_trsf); } if (_datagroup1>0) if (_MEDdatagroupFermer(_datagroup1) < 0) { MED_ERR_(_ret,MED_ERR_CLOSE,MED_ERR_DATAGROUP,_meshpath); ISCRUTE_id(_datagroup1);ISCRUTE(numdt);ISCRUTE(numit); } if (_meshid>0) if (_MEDdatagroupFermer(_meshid) < 0) { MED_ERR_(_ret,MED_ERR_CLOSE,MED_ERR_DATAGROUP,meshname); ISCRUTE_id(_meshid); } return _ret; }