/** * Copyright (C) 2008 Happy Fish / YuQing * * FastDFS may be copied only under the terms of the GNU General * Public License V3, which may be found in the FastDFS source kit. * Please visit the FastDFS Home Page http://www.fastken.com/ for more detail. **/ //storage_func.c #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "fdfs_define.h" #include "fastcommon/logger.h" #include "fdfs_global.h" #include "fastcommon/sockopt.h" #include "fastcommon/shared_func.h" #include "fastcommon/pthread_func.h" #include "fastcommon/sched_thread.h" #include "fastcommon/ini_file_reader.h" #include "fastcommon/connection_pool.h" #include "tracker_types.h" #include "tracker_proto.h" #include "fdfs_shared_func.h" #include "storage_global.h" #include "storage_func.h" #include "storage_param_getter.h" #include "storage_ip_changed_dealer.h" #include "fdht_global.h" #include "fdht_func.h" #include "fdht_client.h" #include "client_func.h" #include "trunk_mem.h" #include "trunk_sync.h" #include "storage_disk_recovery.h" #include "tracker_client.h" #ifdef WITH_HTTPD #include "fdfs_http_shared.h" #endif typedef struct { char ip_addr[IP_ADDRESS_SIZE]; short port; unsigned char store_path_index; char padding; int create_time; } FDFSStorePathMarkInfo; #define DATA_DIR_INITED_FILENAME ".data_init_flag" #define STORAGE_STAT_FILENAME "storage_stat.dat" #define STORE_PATH_MARK_FILENAME ".fastdfs_vars" #define INIT_ITEM_STORAGE_JOIN_TIME "storage_join_time" #define INIT_ITEM_SYNC_OLD_DONE "sync_old_done" #define INIT_ITEM_SYNC_SRC_SERVER "sync_src_server" #define INIT_ITEM_SYNC_UNTIL_TIMESTAMP "sync_until_timestamp" #define INIT_ITEM_LAST_IP_ADDRESS "last_ip_addr" #define INIT_ITEM_LAST_SERVER_PORT "last_server_port" #define INIT_ITEM_LAST_HTTP_PORT "last_http_port" #define INIT_ITEM_CURRENT_TRUNK_FILE_ID "current_trunk_file_id" #define INIT_ITEM_TRUNK_LAST_COMPRESS_TIME "trunk_last_compress_time" #define INIT_ITEM_TRUNK_BINLOG_COMPRESS_STAGE \ "trunk_binlog_compress_stage" #define INIT_ITEM_STORE_PATH_MARK_PREFIX "store_path_mark" #define STAT_ITEM_TOTAL_UPLOAD "total_upload_count" #define STAT_ITEM_SUCCESS_UPLOAD "success_upload_count" #define STAT_ITEM_TOTAL_APPEND "total_append_count" #define STAT_ITEM_SUCCESS_APPEND "success_append_count" #define STAT_ITEM_TOTAL_MODIFY "total_modify_count" #define STAT_ITEM_SUCCESS_MODIFY "success_modify_count" #define STAT_ITEM_TOTAL_TRUNCATE "total_truncate_count" #define STAT_ITEM_SUCCESS_TRUNCATE "success_truncate_count" #define STAT_ITEM_TOTAL_DOWNLOAD "total_download_count" #define STAT_ITEM_SUCCESS_DOWNLOAD "success_download_count" #define STAT_ITEM_LAST_SOURCE_UPD "last_source_update" #define STAT_ITEM_LAST_SYNC_UPD "last_sync_update" #define STAT_ITEM_TOTAL_SET_META "total_set_meta_count" #define STAT_ITEM_SUCCESS_SET_META "success_set_meta_count" #define STAT_ITEM_TOTAL_DELETE "total_delete_count" #define STAT_ITEM_SUCCESS_DELETE "success_delete_count" #define STAT_ITEM_TOTAL_GET_META "total_get_meta_count" #define STAT_ITEM_SUCCESS_GET_META "success_get_meta_count" #define STAT_ITEM_TOTAL_CREATE_LINK "total_create_link_count" #define STAT_ITEM_SUCCESS_CREATE_LINK "success_create_link_count" #define STAT_ITEM_TOTAL_DELETE_LINK "total_delete_link_count" #define STAT_ITEM_SUCCESS_DELETE_LINK "success_delete_link_count" #define STAT_ITEM_TOTAL_UPLOAD_BYTES "total_upload_bytes" #define STAT_ITEM_SUCCESS_UPLOAD_BYTES "success_upload_bytes" #define STAT_ITEM_TOTAL_APPEND_BYTES "total_append_bytes" #define STAT_ITEM_SUCCESS_APPEND_BYTES "success_append_bytes" #define STAT_ITEM_TOTAL_MODIFY_BYTES "total_modify_bytes" #define STAT_ITEM_SUCCESS_MODIFY_BYTES "success_modify_bytes" #define STAT_ITEM_TOTAL_DOWNLOAD_BYTES "total_download_bytes" #define STAT_ITEM_SUCCESS_DOWNLOAD_BYTES "success_download_bytes" #define STAT_ITEM_TOTAL_SYNC_IN_BYTES "total_sync_in_bytes" #define STAT_ITEM_SUCCESS_SYNC_IN_BYTES "success_sync_in_bytes" #define STAT_ITEM_TOTAL_SYNC_OUT_BYTES "total_sync_out_bytes" #define STAT_ITEM_SUCCESS_SYNC_OUT_BYTES "success_sync_out_bytes" #define STAT_ITEM_TOTAL_FILE_OPEN_COUNT "total_file_open_count" #define STAT_ITEM_SUCCESS_FILE_OPEN_COUNT "success_file_open_count" #define STAT_ITEM_TOTAL_FILE_READ_COUNT "total_file_read_count" #define STAT_ITEM_SUCCESS_FILE_READ_COUNT "success_file_read_count" #define STAT_ITEM_TOTAL_FILE_WRITE_COUNT "total_file_write_count" #define STAT_ITEM_SUCCESS_FILE_WRITE_COUNT "success_file_write_count" #define STAT_ITEM_DIST_PATH_INDEX_HIGH "dist_path_index_high" #define STAT_ITEM_DIST_PATH_INDEX_LOW "dist_path_index_low" #define STAT_ITEM_DIST_WRITE_FILE_COUNT "dist_write_file_count" static int storage_stat_fd = -1; /* static pthread_mutex_t fsync_thread_mutex; static pthread_cond_t fsync_thread_cond; static int fsync_thread_count = 0; */ static pthread_mutex_t sync_stat_file_lock; static int storage_open_stat_file(); static int storage_close_stat_file(); static int storage_make_data_dirs(const char *pBasePath, bool *pathCreated); static int storage_check_and_make_data_dirs(); static int storage_do_get_group_name(ConnectionInfo *pTrackerServer) { char out_buff[sizeof(TrackerHeader) + 4]; TrackerHeader *pHeader; char *pInBuff; int64_t in_bytes; int result; pHeader = (TrackerHeader *)out_buff; memset(out_buff, 0, sizeof(out_buff)); long2buff(4, pHeader->pkg_len); int2buff(g_server_port, out_buff + sizeof(TrackerHeader)); pHeader->cmd = TRACKER_PROTO_CMD_STORAGE_GET_GROUP_NAME; if ((result=tcpsenddata_nb(pTrackerServer->sock, out_buff, \ sizeof(out_buff), g_fdfs_network_timeout)) != 0) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "tracker server %s:%d, send data fail, " \ "errno: %d, error info: %s.", \ __LINE__, pTrackerServer->ip_addr, \ pTrackerServer->port, \ result, STRERROR(result)); return result; } pInBuff = g_group_name; if ((result=fdfs_recv_response(pTrackerServer, \ &pInBuff, FDFS_GROUP_NAME_MAX_LEN, &in_bytes)) != 0) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " "fdfs_recv_response fail, result: %d", __LINE__, result); return result; } if (in_bytes != FDFS_GROUP_NAME_MAX_LEN) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "tracker server %s:%d, recv body length: " \ "%"PRId64" != %d", \ __LINE__, pTrackerServer->ip_addr, \ pTrackerServer->port, in_bytes, FDFS_GROUP_NAME_MAX_LEN); return EINVAL; } return 0; } static int storage_get_group_name_from_tracker() { TrackerServerInfo *pTrackerServer; TrackerServerInfo *pServerEnd; ConnectionInfo *pTrackerConn; TrackerServerInfo tracker_server; int result; result = ENOENT; pServerEnd = g_tracker_group.servers + g_tracker_group.server_count; for (pTrackerServer=g_tracker_group.servers; pTrackerServer= 0) { result = storage_write_to_stat_file(); if (close(storage_stat_fd) != 0) { result += errno != 0 ? errno : ENOENT; } storage_stat_fd = -1; } return result; } int storage_write_to_stat_file() { char buff[2048]; int len; int result; int write_ret; len = sprintf(buff, "%s=%"PRId64"\n" \ "%s=%"PRId64"\n" \ "%s=%"PRId64"\n" \ "%s=%"PRId64"\n" \ "%s=%"PRId64"\n" \ "%s=%"PRId64"\n" \ "%s=%"PRId64"\n" \ "%s=%"PRId64"\n" \ "%s=%"PRId64"\n" \ "%s=%"PRId64"\n" \ "%s=%"PRId64"\n" \ "%s=%"PRId64"\n" \ "%s=%"PRId64"\n" \ "%s=%"PRId64"\n" \ "%s=%"PRId64"\n" \ "%s=%"PRId64"\n" \ "%s=%"PRId64"\n" \ "%s=%"PRId64"\n" \ "%s=%"PRId64"\n" \ "%s=%"PRId64"\n" \ "%s=%"PRId64"\n" \ "%s=%"PRId64"\n" \ "%s=%"PRId64"\n" \ "%s=%"PRId64"\n" \ "%s=%"PRId64"\n" \ "%s=%"PRId64"\n" \ "%s=%"PRId64"\n" \ "%s=%"PRId64"\n" \ "%s=%"PRId64"\n" \ "%s=%"PRId64"\n" \ "%s=%"PRId64"\n" \ "%s=%"PRId64"\n" \ "%s=%"PRId64"\n" \ "%s=%"PRId64"\n" \ "%s=%"PRId64"\n" \ "%s=%"PRId64"\n" \ "%s=%"PRId64"\n" \ "%s=%"PRId64"\n" \ "%s=%d\n" \ "%s=%d\n" \ "%s=%d\n" \ "%s=%d\n" \ "%s=%d\n", \ STAT_ITEM_TOTAL_UPLOAD, g_storage_stat.total_upload_count, \ STAT_ITEM_SUCCESS_UPLOAD, g_storage_stat.success_upload_count, \ STAT_ITEM_TOTAL_APPEND, g_storage_stat.total_append_count, \ STAT_ITEM_SUCCESS_APPEND, g_storage_stat.success_append_count, \ STAT_ITEM_TOTAL_MODIFY, g_storage_stat.total_modify_count, \ STAT_ITEM_SUCCESS_MODIFY, g_storage_stat.success_modify_count, \ STAT_ITEM_TOTAL_TRUNCATE, g_storage_stat.total_truncate_count, \ STAT_ITEM_SUCCESS_TRUNCATE, g_storage_stat.success_truncate_count, \ STAT_ITEM_TOTAL_DOWNLOAD, g_storage_stat.total_download_count, \ STAT_ITEM_SUCCESS_DOWNLOAD, \ g_storage_stat.success_download_count, \ STAT_ITEM_TOTAL_SET_META, g_storage_stat.total_set_meta_count, \ STAT_ITEM_SUCCESS_SET_META, \ g_storage_stat.success_set_meta_count, \ STAT_ITEM_TOTAL_DELETE, g_storage_stat.total_delete_count, \ STAT_ITEM_SUCCESS_DELETE, g_storage_stat.success_delete_count, \ STAT_ITEM_TOTAL_GET_META, g_storage_stat.total_get_meta_count, \ STAT_ITEM_SUCCESS_GET_META, \ g_storage_stat.success_get_meta_count, \ STAT_ITEM_TOTAL_CREATE_LINK, \ g_storage_stat.total_create_link_count, \ STAT_ITEM_SUCCESS_CREATE_LINK, \ g_storage_stat.success_create_link_count, \ STAT_ITEM_TOTAL_DELETE_LINK, \ g_storage_stat.total_delete_link_count, \ STAT_ITEM_SUCCESS_DELETE_LINK, \ g_storage_stat.success_delete_link_count, \ STAT_ITEM_TOTAL_UPLOAD_BYTES, \ g_storage_stat.total_upload_bytes, STAT_ITEM_SUCCESS_UPLOAD_BYTES, \ g_storage_stat.success_upload_bytes, \ STAT_ITEM_TOTAL_APPEND_BYTES, \ g_storage_stat.total_append_bytes, STAT_ITEM_SUCCESS_APPEND_BYTES, \ g_storage_stat.success_append_bytes, \ STAT_ITEM_TOTAL_MODIFY_BYTES, \ g_storage_stat.total_modify_bytes, STAT_ITEM_SUCCESS_MODIFY_BYTES, \ g_storage_stat.success_modify_bytes, \ STAT_ITEM_TOTAL_DOWNLOAD_BYTES, \ g_storage_stat.total_download_bytes, \ STAT_ITEM_SUCCESS_DOWNLOAD_BYTES, \ g_storage_stat.success_download_bytes, \ STAT_ITEM_TOTAL_SYNC_IN_BYTES, \ g_storage_stat.total_sync_in_bytes, \ STAT_ITEM_SUCCESS_SYNC_IN_BYTES, \ g_storage_stat.success_sync_in_bytes, \ STAT_ITEM_TOTAL_SYNC_OUT_BYTES, \ g_storage_stat.total_sync_out_bytes, \ STAT_ITEM_SUCCESS_SYNC_OUT_BYTES, \ g_storage_stat.success_sync_out_bytes, \ STAT_ITEM_TOTAL_FILE_OPEN_COUNT, \ g_storage_stat.total_file_open_count, \ STAT_ITEM_SUCCESS_FILE_OPEN_COUNT, \ g_storage_stat.success_file_open_count, \ STAT_ITEM_TOTAL_FILE_READ_COUNT, \ g_storage_stat.total_file_read_count, \ STAT_ITEM_SUCCESS_FILE_READ_COUNT, \ g_storage_stat.success_file_read_count, \ STAT_ITEM_TOTAL_FILE_WRITE_COUNT, \ g_storage_stat.total_file_write_count, \ STAT_ITEM_SUCCESS_FILE_WRITE_COUNT, \ g_storage_stat.success_file_write_count, \ STAT_ITEM_LAST_SOURCE_UPD, \ (int)g_storage_stat.last_source_update, \ STAT_ITEM_LAST_SYNC_UPD, (int)g_storage_stat.last_sync_update,\ STAT_ITEM_DIST_PATH_INDEX_HIGH, g_dist_path_index_high, \ STAT_ITEM_DIST_PATH_INDEX_LOW, g_dist_path_index_low, \ STAT_ITEM_DIST_WRITE_FILE_COUNT, g_dist_write_file_count ); if ((result=pthread_mutex_lock(&sync_stat_file_lock)) != 0) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "call pthread_mutex_lock fail, " \ "errno: %d, error info: %s", \ __LINE__, result, STRERROR(result)); } write_ret = storage_write_to_fd(storage_stat_fd, \ get_storage_stat_filename, NULL, buff, len); if ((result=pthread_mutex_unlock(&sync_stat_file_lock)) != 0) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "call pthread_mutex_unlock fail, " \ "errno: %d, error info: %s", \ __LINE__, result, STRERROR(result)); } return write_ret; } int storage_write_to_sync_ini_file() { char full_filename[MAX_PATH_SIZE]; char buff[4 * 1024]; char ip_str[256]; int len; int result; int i; snprintf(full_filename, sizeof(full_filename), "%s/data/%s", g_fdfs_base_path, DATA_DIR_INITED_FILENAME); fdfs_multi_ips_to_string(&g_tracker_client_ip, ip_str, sizeof(ip_str)); len = sprintf(buff, "%s=%d\n" "%s=%d\n" "%s=%s\n" "%s=%d\n" "%s=%s\n" "%s=%d\n" "%s=%d\n" "%s=%u\n" "%s=%d\n" "%s=%d\n", INIT_ITEM_STORAGE_JOIN_TIME, g_storage_join_time, INIT_ITEM_SYNC_OLD_DONE, g_sync_old_done, INIT_ITEM_SYNC_SRC_SERVER, g_sync_src_id, INIT_ITEM_SYNC_UNTIL_TIMESTAMP, g_sync_until_timestamp, INIT_ITEM_LAST_IP_ADDRESS, ip_str, INIT_ITEM_LAST_SERVER_PORT, g_last_server_port, INIT_ITEM_LAST_HTTP_PORT, g_last_http_port, INIT_ITEM_CURRENT_TRUNK_FILE_ID, g_current_trunk_file_id, INIT_ITEM_TRUNK_LAST_COMPRESS_TIME, (int)g_trunk_last_compress_time, INIT_ITEM_TRUNK_BINLOG_COMPRESS_STAGE, g_trunk_binlog_compress_stage); if (g_check_store_path_mark) { for (i=0; i 0) { char time_str[32]; mark_info.ip_addr[IP_ADDRESS_SIZE - 1] = '\0'; formatDatetime(mark_info.create_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time_str, sizeof(time_str)); logCrit("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " "the store path #%d: %s maybe used by other " "storage server. fields in the mark file: " "{ ip_addr: %s, port: %d," " store_path_index: %d," " create_time: %s }, " "if you confirm that it is NOT " "used by other storage server, you can delete " "the mark file %s then try again. if you DON'T " "really need to check store path mark to prevent " "confusion, you can set the parameter " "check_store_path_mark to false in storage.conf", __LINE__, store_path_index, g_fdfs_store_paths. paths[store_path_index].path, mark_info.ip_addr, mark_info.port, mark_info.store_path_index, time_str, full_filename); } else { logCrit("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " "the store path #%d: %s maybe used by other " "storage server. if you confirm that it is NOT " "used by other storage server, you can delete " "the mark file %s then try again", __LINE__, store_path_index, g_fdfs_store_paths. paths[store_path_index].path, full_filename); } free(mark); return EINVAL; } } else { if (!bPathCreated) { logWarning("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " "the mark file of store path #%d: %s is missed, " "try to re-create the mark file: %s", __LINE__, store_path_index, g_fdfs_store_paths. paths[store_path_index].path, full_filename); } } } if ((result=storage_generate_store_path_mark(store_path_index)) != 0) { return result; } return storage_write_to_sync_ini_file(); } static int storage_check_and_make_data_dirs() { int result; int i; char data_path[MAX_PATH_SIZE]; char full_filename[MAX_PATH_SIZE]; char error_info[256]; bool pathCreated; snprintf(data_path, sizeof(data_path), "%s/data", g_fdfs_base_path); snprintf(full_filename, sizeof(full_filename), "%s/%s", data_path, DATA_DIR_INITED_FILENAME); if (fileExists(full_filename)) { IniContext iniContext; char *pValue; if ((result=iniLoadFromFile(full_filename, &iniContext)) != 0) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "load from file \"%s/%s\" fail, " \ "error code: %d", \ __LINE__, data_path, \ full_filename, result); return result; } pValue = iniGetStrValue(NULL, INIT_ITEM_STORAGE_JOIN_TIME, \ &iniContext); if (pValue == NULL) { iniFreeContext(&iniContext); logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "in file \"%s/%s\", item \"%s\" not exists", \ __LINE__, data_path, full_filename, \ INIT_ITEM_STORAGE_JOIN_TIME); return ENOENT; } g_storage_join_time = atoi(pValue); pValue = iniGetStrValue(NULL, INIT_ITEM_SYNC_OLD_DONE, \ &iniContext); if (pValue == NULL) { iniFreeContext(&iniContext); logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "in file \"%s/%s\", item \"%s\" not exists", \ __LINE__, data_path, full_filename, \ INIT_ITEM_SYNC_OLD_DONE); return ENOENT; } g_sync_old_done = atoi(pValue); pValue = iniGetStrValue(NULL, INIT_ITEM_SYNC_SRC_SERVER, \ &iniContext); if (pValue == NULL) { iniFreeContext(&iniContext); logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "in file \"%s/%s\", item \"%s\" not exists", \ __LINE__, data_path, full_filename, \ INIT_ITEM_SYNC_SRC_SERVER); return ENOENT; } snprintf(g_sync_src_id, sizeof(g_sync_src_id), \ "%s", pValue); g_sync_until_timestamp = iniGetIntValue(NULL, \ INIT_ITEM_SYNC_UNTIL_TIMESTAMP, \ &iniContext, 0); pValue = iniGetStrValue(NULL, INIT_ITEM_LAST_IP_ADDRESS, \ &iniContext); if (pValue != NULL) { fdfs_parse_multi_ips(pValue, &g_last_storage_ip, error_info, sizeof(error_info)); } pValue = iniGetStrValue(NULL, INIT_ITEM_LAST_SERVER_PORT, \ &iniContext); if (pValue != NULL) { g_last_server_port = atoi(pValue); } pValue = iniGetStrValue(NULL, INIT_ITEM_LAST_HTTP_PORT, \ &iniContext); if (pValue != NULL) { g_last_http_port = atoi(pValue); } g_current_trunk_file_id = iniGetIntValue(NULL, INIT_ITEM_CURRENT_TRUNK_FILE_ID, &iniContext, 0); g_trunk_last_compress_time = iniGetIntValue(NULL, INIT_ITEM_TRUNK_LAST_COMPRESS_TIME , &iniContext, 0); g_trunk_binlog_compress_stage = iniGetIntValue(NULL, INIT_ITEM_TRUNK_BINLOG_COMPRESS_STAGE, &iniContext, STORAGE_TRUNK_COMPRESS_STAGE_NONE); if ((result=storage_load_store_path_marks(&iniContext)) != 0) { iniFreeContext(&iniContext); return result; } iniFreeContext(&iniContext); if (g_last_server_port == 0 || g_last_http_port == 0) { if (g_last_server_port == 0) { g_last_server_port = g_server_port; } if (g_last_http_port == 0) { g_last_http_port = g_http_port; } if ((result=storage_write_to_sync_ini_file()) != 0) { return result; } } /* logInfo("g_sync_old_done = %d, " "g_sync_src_id = %s, " "g_sync_until_timestamp = %d, " "g_last_storage_ip = %s, " "g_last_server_port = %d, " "g_last_http_port = %d, " "g_current_trunk_file_id = %u, " "g_trunk_last_compress_time = %d", g_sync_old_done, g_sync_src_id, g_sync_until_timestamp, g_last_storage_ip, g_last_server_port, g_last_http_port, g_current_trunk_file_id, (int)g_trunk_last_compress_time ); */ } else { if ((result=storage_check_and_make_global_data_path()) != 0) { return result; } g_last_server_port = g_server_port; g_last_http_port = g_http_port; g_storage_join_time = g_current_time; if ((result=storage_write_to_sync_ini_file()) != 0) { return result; } } for (i=0; iconnections + pServer->count; for (conn=pServer->connections; connip_addr, conn->port); if (strcmp(conn->ip_addr, "") == 0) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " "conf file \"%s\", tracker: \"%s:%d\" is invalid, " "tracker server ip can't be", __LINE__, filename, conn->ip_addr, conn->port); return EINVAL; } } } return 0; } static int init_my_result_per_tracker() { int bytes; TrackerServerInfo *pTrackerServer; TrackerServerInfo *pServerEnd; StorageStatusPerTracker *pReportStatus; bytes = sizeof(StorageStatusPerTracker) * g_tracker_group.server_count; g_my_report_status = (StorageStatusPerTracker *)malloc(bytes); if (g_my_report_status == NULL) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " "malloc %d bytes fail, " "errno: %d, error info: %s", __LINE__, bytes, errno, STRERROR(errno)); return errno != 0 ? errno : ENOMEM; } memset(g_my_report_status, 0, bytes); pReportStatus = g_my_report_status; pServerEnd = g_tracker_group.servers + g_tracker_group.server_count; for (pTrackerServer=g_tracker_group.servers; pTrackerServermy_status = -1; pReportStatus->my_result = -1; pReportStatus->src_storage_result = -1; pReportStatus++; } return 0; } int storage_func_init(const char *filename, \ char *bind_addr, const int addr_size) { char *pBindAddr; char *pGroupName; char *pRunByGroup; char *pRunByUser; char *pFsyncAfterWrittenBytes; char *pThreadStackSize; char *pBuffSize; char *pIfAliasPrefix; char *pHttpDomain; char *pRotateAccessLogSize; char *pRotateErrorLogSize; IniContext iniContext; int result; int64_t fsync_after_written_bytes; int64_t thread_stack_size; int64_t buff_size; int64_t rotate_access_log_size; int64_t rotate_error_log_size; if ((result=iniLoadFromFile(filename, &iniContext)) != 0) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "load conf file \"%s\" fail, ret code: %d", \ __LINE__, filename, result); return result; } do { if (iniGetBoolValue(NULL, "disabled", &iniContext, false)) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "conf file \"%s\" disabled=true, exit", \ __LINE__, filename); result = ECANCELED; break; } g_subdir_count_per_path=iniGetIntValue(NULL, \ "subdir_count_per_path", &iniContext, \ DEFAULT_DATA_DIR_COUNT_PER_PATH); if (g_subdir_count_per_path <= 0 || \ g_subdir_count_per_path > 256) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "conf file \"%s\", invalid subdir_count: %d", \ __LINE__, filename, g_subdir_count_per_path); result = EINVAL; break; } if ((result=storage_load_paths(&iniContext)) != 0) { break; } load_log_level(&iniContext); if ((result=log_set_prefix(g_fdfs_base_path, \ STORAGE_ERROR_LOG_FILENAME)) != 0) { break; } g_fdfs_connect_timeout = iniGetIntValue(NULL, "connect_timeout", \ &iniContext, DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT); if (g_fdfs_connect_timeout <= 0) { g_fdfs_connect_timeout = DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT; } g_fdfs_network_timeout = iniGetIntValue(NULL, "network_timeout", \ &iniContext, DEFAULT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT); if (g_fdfs_network_timeout <= 0) { g_fdfs_network_timeout = DEFAULT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT; } g_server_port = iniGetIntValue(NULL, "port", &iniContext, \ FDFS_STORAGE_SERVER_DEF_PORT); if (g_server_port <= 0) { g_server_port = FDFS_STORAGE_SERVER_DEF_PORT; } g_heart_beat_interval = iniGetIntValue(NULL, \ "heart_beat_interval", &iniContext, \ STORAGE_BEAT_DEF_INTERVAL); if (g_heart_beat_interval <= 0) { g_heart_beat_interval = STORAGE_BEAT_DEF_INTERVAL; } g_stat_report_interval = iniGetIntValue(NULL, \ "stat_report_interval", &iniContext, \ STORAGE_REPORT_DEF_INTERVAL); if (g_stat_report_interval <= 0) { g_stat_report_interval = STORAGE_REPORT_DEF_INTERVAL; } pBindAddr = iniGetStrValue(NULL, "bind_addr", &iniContext); if (pBindAddr == NULL) { *bind_addr = '\0'; } else { snprintf(bind_addr, addr_size, "%s", pBindAddr); } g_client_bind_addr = iniGetBoolValue(NULL, "client_bind", \ &iniContext, true); result = fdfs_load_tracker_group_ex(&g_tracker_group, \ filename, &iniContext); if (result != 0) { break; } if ((result=storage_check_tracker_ipaddr(filename)) != 0) { break; } pGroupName = iniGetStrValue(NULL, "group_name", &iniContext); if (pGroupName == NULL) { result = storage_get_group_name_from_tracker(); if (result == 0) { logInfo("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "get group name from tracker server, group_name: %s", __LINE__, g_group_name); } else { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "conf file \"%s\" must have item " \ "\"group_name\"!", \ __LINE__, filename); result = ENOENT; break; } } else if (pGroupName[0] == '\0') { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "conf file \"%s\", " \ "group_name is empty!", \ __LINE__, filename); result = EINVAL; break; } else { snprintf(g_group_name, sizeof(g_group_name), "%s", pGroupName); } if ((result=fdfs_validate_group_name(g_group_name)) != 0) \ { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "conf file \"%s\", " \ "the group name \"%s\" is invalid!", \ __LINE__, filename, g_group_name); result = EINVAL; break; } g_sync_wait_usec = iniGetIntValue(NULL, "sync_wait_msec",\ &iniContext, STORAGE_DEF_SYNC_WAIT_MSEC); if (g_sync_wait_usec <= 0) { g_sync_wait_usec = STORAGE_DEF_SYNC_WAIT_MSEC; } g_sync_wait_usec *= 1000; g_sync_interval = iniGetIntValue(NULL, "sync_interval",\ &iniContext, 0); if (g_sync_interval < 0) { g_sync_interval = 0; } g_sync_interval *= 1000; if ((result=get_time_item_from_conf(&iniContext, \ "sync_start_time", &g_sync_start_time, 0, 0)) != 0) { break; } if ((result=get_time_item_from_conf(&iniContext, \ "sync_end_time", &g_sync_end_time, 23, 59)) != 0) { break; } g_sync_part_time = !((g_sync_start_time.hour == 0 && \ g_sync_start_time.minute == 0) && \ (g_sync_end_time.hour == 23 && \ g_sync_end_time.minute == 59)); g_max_connections = iniGetIntValue(NULL, "max_connections", \ &iniContext, DEFAULT_MAX_CONNECTONS); if (g_max_connections <= 0) { g_max_connections = DEFAULT_MAX_CONNECTONS; } if ((result=set_rlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, g_max_connections)) != 0) { break; } g_accept_threads = iniGetIntValue(NULL, "accept_threads", \ &iniContext, 1); if (g_accept_threads <= 0) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "item \"accept_threads\" is invalid, " \ "value: %d <= 0!", __LINE__, g_accept_threads); result = EINVAL; break; } g_work_threads = iniGetIntValue(NULL, "work_threads", \ &iniContext, DEFAULT_WORK_THREADS); if (g_work_threads <= 0) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "item \"work_threads\" is invalid, " \ "value: %d <= 0!", __LINE__, g_work_threads); result = EINVAL; break; } pBuffSize = iniGetStrValue(NULL, \ "buff_size", &iniContext); if (pBuffSize == NULL) { buff_size = STORAGE_DEFAULT_BUFF_SIZE; } else if ((result=parse_bytes(pBuffSize, 1, &buff_size)) != 0) { break; } g_buff_size = buff_size; if (g_buff_size < 4 * 1024 || \ g_buff_size < sizeof(TrackerHeader) + \ TRUNK_BINLOG_BUFFER_SIZE) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "item \"buff_size\" is too small, " \ "value: %d < %d or < %d!", __LINE__, \ g_buff_size, 4 * 1024, \ (int)sizeof(TrackerHeader) + \ TRUNK_BINLOG_BUFFER_SIZE); result = EINVAL; break; } g_disk_rw_separated = iniGetBoolValue(NULL, \ "disk_rw_separated", &iniContext, true); g_disk_reader_threads = iniGetIntValue(NULL, \ "disk_reader_threads", \ &iniContext, DEFAULT_DISK_READER_THREADS); if (g_disk_reader_threads < 0) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "item \"disk_reader_threads\" is invalid, " \ "value: %d < 0!", __LINE__, \ g_disk_reader_threads); result = EINVAL; break; } g_disk_writer_threads = iniGetIntValue(NULL, \ "disk_writer_threads", \ &iniContext, DEFAULT_DISK_WRITER_THREADS); if (g_disk_writer_threads < 0) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "item \"disk_writer_threads\" is invalid, " \ "value: %d < 0!", __LINE__, \ g_disk_writer_threads); result = EINVAL; break; } if (g_disk_rw_separated) { if (g_disk_reader_threads == 0) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "item \"disk_reader_threads\" is " \ "invalid, value = 0!", __LINE__); result = EINVAL; break; } if (g_disk_writer_threads == 0) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "item \"disk_writer_threads\" is " \ "invalid, value = 0!", __LINE__); result = EINVAL; break; } } else if (g_disk_reader_threads + g_disk_writer_threads == 0) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "item \"disk_reader_threads\" and " \ "\"disk_writer_threads\" are " \ "invalid, both value = 0!", __LINE__); result = EINVAL; break; } g_disk_recovery_threads = iniGetIntValue(NULL, "disk_recovery_threads", &iniContext, 1); if (g_disk_recovery_threads <= 0) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " "item \"disk_recovery_threads\" is invalid, " "value: %d <= 0!", __LINE__, g_disk_recovery_threads); result = EINVAL; break; } /* g_disk_rw_direct = iniGetBoolValue(NULL, \ "disk_rw_direct", &iniContext, false); */ pRunByGroup = iniGetStrValue(NULL, "run_by_group", &iniContext); pRunByUser = iniGetStrValue(NULL, "run_by_user", &iniContext); if (pRunByGroup == NULL) { *g_run_by_group = '\0'; } else { snprintf(g_run_by_group, sizeof(g_run_by_group), \ "%s", pRunByGroup); } if (*g_run_by_group == '\0') { g_run_by_gid = getegid(); } else { struct group *pGroup; pGroup = getgrnam(g_run_by_group); if (pGroup == NULL) { result = errno != 0 ? errno : ENOENT; logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "getgrnam fail, errno: %d, " \ "error info: %s", __LINE__, \ result, STRERROR(result)); return result; } g_run_by_gid = pGroup->gr_gid; } if (pRunByUser == NULL) { *g_run_by_user = '\0'; } else { snprintf(g_run_by_user, sizeof(g_run_by_user), \ "%s", pRunByUser); } if (*g_run_by_user == '\0') { g_run_by_uid = geteuid(); } else { struct passwd *pUser; pUser = getpwnam(g_run_by_user); if (pUser == NULL) { result = errno != 0 ? errno : ENOENT; logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "getpwnam fail, errno: %d, " \ "error info: %s", __LINE__, \ result, STRERROR(result)); return result; } g_run_by_uid = pUser->pw_uid; } if ((result=load_allow_hosts(&iniContext, \ &g_allow_ip_addrs, &g_allow_ip_count)) != 0) { return result; } g_file_distribute_path_mode = iniGetIntValue(NULL, \ "file_distribute_path_mode", &iniContext, \ FDFS_FILE_DIST_PATH_ROUND_ROBIN); g_file_distribute_rotate_count = iniGetIntValue(NULL, \ "file_distribute_rotate_count", &iniContext, \ FDFS_FILE_DIST_DEFAULT_ROTATE_COUNT); if (g_file_distribute_rotate_count <= 0) { g_file_distribute_rotate_count = \ FDFS_FILE_DIST_DEFAULT_ROTATE_COUNT; } pFsyncAfterWrittenBytes = iniGetStrValue(NULL, \ "fsync_after_written_bytes", &iniContext); if (pFsyncAfterWrittenBytes == NULL) { fsync_after_written_bytes = 0; } else if ((result=parse_bytes(pFsyncAfterWrittenBytes, 1, \ &fsync_after_written_bytes)) != 0) { break; } g_fsync_after_written_bytes = fsync_after_written_bytes; g_sync_log_buff_interval = iniGetIntValue(NULL, \ "sync_log_buff_interval", &iniContext, \ SYNC_LOG_BUFF_DEF_INTERVAL); if (g_sync_log_buff_interval <= 0) { g_sync_log_buff_interval = SYNC_LOG_BUFF_DEF_INTERVAL; } g_sync_binlog_buff_interval = iniGetIntValue(NULL, \ "sync_binlog_buff_interval", &iniContext,\ SYNC_BINLOG_BUFF_DEF_INTERVAL); if (g_sync_binlog_buff_interval <= 0) { g_sync_binlog_buff_interval=SYNC_BINLOG_BUFF_DEF_INTERVAL; } g_write_mark_file_freq = iniGetIntValue(NULL, \ "write_mark_file_freq", &iniContext, \ FDFS_DEFAULT_SYNC_MARK_FILE_FREQ); if (g_write_mark_file_freq <= 0) { g_write_mark_file_freq = FDFS_DEFAULT_SYNC_MARK_FILE_FREQ; } g_sync_stat_file_interval = iniGetIntValue(NULL, \ "sync_stat_file_interval", &iniContext, \ DEFAULT_SYNC_STAT_FILE_INTERVAL); if (g_sync_stat_file_interval <= 0) { g_sync_stat_file_interval=DEFAULT_SYNC_STAT_FILE_INTERVAL; } pThreadStackSize = iniGetStrValue(NULL, \ "thread_stack_size", &iniContext); if (pThreadStackSize == NULL) { thread_stack_size = 512 * 1024; } else if ((result=parse_bytes(pThreadStackSize, 1, \ &thread_stack_size)) != 0) { break; } g_thread_stack_size = (int)thread_stack_size; if (g_thread_stack_size < FAST_WRITE_BUFF_SIZE + 64 * 1024) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "item \"thread_stack_size\" %d is invalid, " \ "which < %d", __LINE__, g_thread_stack_size, \ FAST_WRITE_BUFF_SIZE + 64 * 1024); result = EINVAL; break; } g_upload_priority = iniGetIntValue(NULL, \ "upload_priority", &iniContext, \ DEFAULT_UPLOAD_PRIORITY); pIfAliasPrefix = iniGetStrValue(NULL, \ "if_alias_prefix", &iniContext); if (pIfAliasPrefix == NULL) { *g_if_alias_prefix = '\0'; } else { snprintf(g_if_alias_prefix, sizeof(g_if_alias_prefix), "%s", pIfAliasPrefix); } g_check_file_duplicate = iniGetBoolValue(NULL, \ "check_file_duplicate", &iniContext, false); if (g_check_file_duplicate) { char *pKeyNamespace; char *pFileSignatureMethod; pFileSignatureMethod = iniGetStrValue(NULL, \ "file_signature_method", &iniContext); if (pFileSignatureMethod != NULL && strcasecmp( \ pFileSignatureMethod, "md5") == 0) { g_file_signature_method = \ STORAGE_FILE_SIGNATURE_METHOD_MD5; } else { g_file_signature_method = \ STORAGE_FILE_SIGNATURE_METHOD_HASH; } strcpy(g_fdht_base_path, g_fdfs_base_path); g_fdht_connect_timeout = g_fdfs_connect_timeout; g_fdht_network_timeout = g_fdfs_network_timeout; pKeyNamespace = iniGetStrValue(NULL, \ "key_namespace", &iniContext); if (pKeyNamespace == NULL || *pKeyNamespace == '\0') { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "item \"key_namespace\" does not " \ "exist or is empty", __LINE__); result = EINVAL; break; } g_namespace_len = strlen(pKeyNamespace); if (g_namespace_len >= sizeof(g_key_namespace)) { g_namespace_len = sizeof(g_key_namespace) - 1; } memcpy(g_key_namespace, pKeyNamespace, g_namespace_len); *(g_key_namespace + g_namespace_len) = '\0'; if ((result=fdht_load_groups(&iniContext, \ &g_group_array)) != 0) { break; } g_keep_alive = iniGetBoolValue(NULL, "keep_alive", \ &iniContext, false); } g_http_port = iniGetIntValue(NULL, "http.server_port", \ &iniContext, 80); if (g_http_port <= 0) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "invalid param \"http.server_port\": %d", \ __LINE__, g_http_port); result = EINVAL; break; } pHttpDomain = iniGetStrValue(NULL, \ "http.domain_name", &iniContext); if (pHttpDomain == NULL) { *g_http_domain = '\0'; } else { snprintf(g_http_domain, sizeof(g_http_domain), \ "%s", pHttpDomain); } g_use_access_log = iniGetBoolValue(NULL, "use_access_log", \ &iniContext, false); if (g_use_access_log) { result = log_init_ex(&g_access_log_context); if (result != 0) { break; } log_set_time_precision(&g_access_log_context, \ LOG_TIME_PRECISION_MSECOND); log_set_cache_ex(&g_access_log_context, true); result = log_set_prefix_ex(&g_access_log_context, \ g_fdfs_base_path, "storage_access"); if (result != 0) { break; } log_set_header_callback(&g_access_log_context, storage_set_access_log_header); } g_rotate_access_log = iniGetBoolValue(NULL, "rotate_access_log",\ &iniContext, false); if ((result=get_time_item_from_conf(&iniContext, \ "access_log_rotate_time", &g_access_log_rotate_time, \ 0, 0)) != 0) { break; } g_rotate_error_log = iniGetBoolValue(NULL, "rotate_error_log",\ &iniContext, false); g_compress_old_access_log = iniGetBoolValue(NULL, "compress_old_access_log", &iniContext, false); g_compress_old_error_log = iniGetBoolValue(NULL, "compress_old_error_log", &iniContext, false); g_compress_error_log_days_before = iniGetIntValue(NULL, "compress_error_log_days_before", &iniContext, 1); g_compress_access_log_days_before = iniGetIntValue(NULL, "compress_access_log_days_before", &iniContext, 1); if (g_compress_old_error_log) { log_set_compress_log_flags(LOG_COMPRESS_FLAGS_ENABLED | LOG_COMPRESS_FLAGS_NEW_THREAD); log_set_compress_log_days_before(g_compress_error_log_days_before); } if (g_use_access_log && g_compress_old_access_log) { log_set_compress_log_flags_ex(&g_access_log_context, LOG_COMPRESS_FLAGS_ENABLED | LOG_COMPRESS_FLAGS_NEW_THREAD); log_set_compress_log_days_before_ex(&g_access_log_context, g_compress_access_log_days_before); } if ((result=get_time_item_from_conf(&iniContext, \ "error_log_rotate_time", &g_error_log_rotate_time, \ 0, 0)) != 0) { break; } pRotateAccessLogSize = iniGetStrValue(NULL, \ "rotate_access_log_size", &iniContext); if (pRotateAccessLogSize == NULL) { rotate_access_log_size = 0; } else if ((result=parse_bytes(pRotateAccessLogSize, 1, \ &rotate_access_log_size)) != 0) { break; } if (rotate_access_log_size > 0 && \ rotate_access_log_size < FDFS_ONE_MB) { logWarning("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "item \"rotate_access_log_size\": " \ "%"PRId64" is too small, " \ "change to 1 MB", __LINE__, \ rotate_access_log_size); rotate_access_log_size = FDFS_ONE_MB; } fdfs_set_log_rotate_size(&g_access_log_context, rotate_access_log_size); pRotateErrorLogSize = iniGetStrValue(NULL, \ "rotate_error_log_size", &iniContext); if (pRotateErrorLogSize == NULL) { rotate_error_log_size = 0; } else if ((result=parse_bytes(pRotateErrorLogSize, 1, \ &rotate_error_log_size)) != 0) { break; } if (rotate_error_log_size > 0 && \ rotate_error_log_size < FDFS_ONE_MB) { logWarning("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "item \"rotate_error_log_size\": " \ "%"PRId64" is too small, " \ "change to 1 MB", __LINE__, \ rotate_error_log_size); rotate_error_log_size = FDFS_ONE_MB; } fdfs_set_log_rotate_size(&g_log_context, rotate_error_log_size); g_log_file_keep_days = iniGetIntValue(NULL, \ "log_file_keep_days", &iniContext, 0); g_file_sync_skip_invalid_record = iniGetBoolValue(NULL, \ "file_sync_skip_invalid_record", &iniContext, false); g_compress_binlog = iniGetBoolValue(NULL, "compress_binlog", &iniContext, false); if ((result=get_time_item_from_conf(&iniContext, "compress_binlog_time", &g_compress_binlog_time, 1, 30)) != 0) { break; } g_check_store_path_mark = iniGetBoolValue(NULL, "check_store_path_mark", &iniContext, true); if ((result=fdfs_connection_pool_init(filename, &iniContext)) != 0) { break; } #ifdef WITH_HTTPD { char *pHttpTrunkSize; int64_t http_trunk_size; if ((result=fdfs_http_params_load(&iniContext, \ filename, &g_http_params)) != 0) { break; } pHttpTrunkSize = iniGetStrValue(NULL, \ "http.trunk_size", &iniContext); if (pHttpTrunkSize == NULL) { http_trunk_size = 64 * 1024; } else if ((result=parse_bytes(pHttpTrunkSize, 1, \ &http_trunk_size)) != 0) { break; } g_http_trunk_size = (int)http_trunk_size; } #endif logInfo("FastDFS v%d.%02d, base_path=%s, store_path_count=%d, " \ "subdir_count_per_path=%d, group_name=%s, " \ "run_by_group=%s, run_by_user=%s, " \ "connect_timeout=%ds, network_timeout=%ds, "\ "port=%d, bind_addr=%s, client_bind=%d, " \ "max_connections=%d, accept_threads=%d, " \ "work_threads=%d, " \ "disk_rw_separated=%d, disk_reader_threads=%d, " \ "disk_writer_threads=%d, disk_recovery_threads=%d, " \ "buff_size=%d KB, heart_beat_interval=%ds, " \ "stat_report_interval=%ds, tracker_server_count=%d, " \ "sync_wait_msec=%dms, sync_interval=%dms, " \ "sync_start_time=%02d:%02d, sync_end_time=%02d:%02d, "\ "write_mark_file_freq=%d, " \ "allow_ip_count=%d, " \ "file_distribute_path_mode=%d, " \ "file_distribute_rotate_count=%d, " \ "fsync_after_written_bytes=%d, " \ "sync_log_buff_interval=%ds, " \ "sync_binlog_buff_interval=%ds, " \ "sync_stat_file_interval=%ds, " \ "thread_stack_size=%d KB, upload_priority=%d, " \ "if_alias_prefix=%s, " \ "check_file_duplicate=%d, file_signature_method=%s, " \ "FDHT group count=%d, FDHT server count=%d, " \ "FDHT key_namespace=%s, FDHT keep_alive=%d, " \ "HTTP server port=%d, domain name=%s, " \ "use_access_log=%d, rotate_access_log=%d, " \ "access_log_rotate_time=%02d:%02d, " \ "compress_old_access_log=%d, " \ "compress_access_log_days_before=%d, " \ "rotate_error_log=%d, " \ "error_log_rotate_time=%02d:%02d, " \ "compress_old_error_log=%d, " \ "compress_error_log_days_before=%d, " \ "rotate_access_log_size=%"PRId64", " \ "rotate_error_log_size=%"PRId64", " \ "log_file_keep_days=%d, " \ "file_sync_skip_invalid_record=%d, " \ "use_connection_pool=%d, " \ "g_connection_pool_max_idle_time=%ds, " \ "compress_binlog=%d, " \ "compress_binlog_time=%02d:%02d, " \ "check_store_path_mark=%d", \ g_fdfs_version.major, g_fdfs_version.minor, \ g_fdfs_base_path, g_fdfs_store_paths.count, \ g_subdir_count_per_path, \ g_group_name, g_run_by_group, g_run_by_user, \ g_fdfs_connect_timeout, g_fdfs_network_timeout, \ g_server_port, bind_addr, \ g_client_bind_addr, g_max_connections, \ g_accept_threads, g_work_threads, g_disk_rw_separated, \ g_disk_reader_threads, g_disk_writer_threads, \ g_disk_recovery_threads, g_buff_size / 1024, \ g_heart_beat_interval, g_stat_report_interval, \ g_tracker_group.server_count, g_sync_wait_usec / 1000, \ g_sync_interval / 1000, \ g_sync_start_time.hour, g_sync_start_time.minute, \ g_sync_end_time.hour, g_sync_end_time.minute, \ g_write_mark_file_freq, \ g_allow_ip_count, g_file_distribute_path_mode, \ g_file_distribute_rotate_count, \ g_fsync_after_written_bytes, g_sync_log_buff_interval, \ g_sync_binlog_buff_interval, g_sync_stat_file_interval, \ g_thread_stack_size/1024, g_upload_priority, \ g_if_alias_prefix, g_check_file_duplicate, \ g_file_signature_method == STORAGE_FILE_SIGNATURE_METHOD_HASH \ ? "hash" : "md5", g_group_array.group_count, g_group_array.server_count, \ g_key_namespace, g_keep_alive, \ g_http_port, g_http_domain, g_use_access_log, \ g_rotate_access_log, g_access_log_rotate_time.hour, \ g_access_log_rotate_time.minute, g_compress_old_access_log, \ g_compress_access_log_days_before, \ g_rotate_error_log, g_error_log_rotate_time.hour, \ g_error_log_rotate_time.minute, g_compress_old_error_log, \ g_compress_error_log_days_before, \ g_access_log_context.rotate_size, \ g_log_context.rotate_size, g_log_file_keep_days, \ g_file_sync_skip_invalid_record, \ g_use_connection_pool, g_connection_pool_max_idle_time, \ g_compress_binlog, g_compress_binlog_time.hour, \ g_compress_binlog_time.minute, g_check_store_path_mark); #ifdef WITH_HTTPD if (!g_http_params.disabled) { logInfo("HTTP supported: " \ "server_port=%d, " \ "http_trunk_size=%d, " \ "default_content_type=%s, " \ "anti_steal_token=%d, " \ "token_ttl=%ds, " \ "anti_steal_secret_key length=%d, " \ "token_check_fail content_type=%s, " \ "token_check_fail buff length=%d", \ g_http_params.server_port, \ g_http_trunk_size, \ g_http_params.default_content_type, \ g_http_params.anti_steal_token, \ g_http_params.token_ttl, \ g_http_params.anti_steal_secret_key.length, \ g_http_params.token_check_fail_content_type, \ g_http_params.token_check_fail_buff.length); } #endif } while (0); iniFreeContext(&iniContext); if (result != 0) { return result; } if ((result=init_my_result_per_tracker()) != 0) { return result; } if ((result=storage_get_my_tracker_client_ip()) != 0) { return result; } if ((result=storage_check_and_make_data_dirs()) != 0) { logCrit("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "storage_check_and_make_data_dirs fail, " \ "program exit!", __LINE__); return result; } if ((result=storage_get_params_from_tracker()) != 0) { return result; } if ((result=tracker_get_my_server_id()) != 0) { logCrit("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "get my server id from tracker server fail, " \ "errno: %d, error info: %s", __LINE__, \ result, STRERROR(result)); return result; } if (g_use_storage_id) { if ((result=fdfs_get_storage_ids_from_tracker_group( \ &g_tracker_group)) != 0) { return result; } } if ((result=storage_check_ip_changed()) != 0) { return result; } if ((result=storage_trunk_binlog_compress_check_recovery()) != 0) { return result; } if ((result=init_pthread_lock(&sync_stat_file_lock)) != 0) { return result; } return storage_open_stat_file(); } int storage_func_destroy() { int i; int result; int close_ret; if (g_fdfs_store_paths.paths != NULL) { for (i=0; iid, g_my_server_id_str) == 0; } else { return is_local_host_ip(pStorageBrief->ip_addr); } } bool storage_id_is_myself(const char *storage_id) { if (g_use_storage_id) { return strcmp(storage_id, g_my_server_id_str) == 0; } else { return is_local_host_ip(storage_id); } } static int storage_get_my_ip_from_tracker(ConnectionInfo *conn, char *ip_addrs, const int buff_size) { char out_buff[sizeof(TrackerHeader) + FDFS_GROUP_NAME_MAX_LEN]; TrackerHeader *pHeader; int result; int64_t in_bytes; memset(out_buff, 0, sizeof(out_buff)); pHeader = (TrackerHeader *)out_buff; long2buff(FDFS_GROUP_NAME_MAX_LEN, pHeader->pkg_len); pHeader->cmd = TRACKER_PROTO_CMD_STORAGE_GET_MY_IP; strcpy(out_buff + sizeof(TrackerHeader), g_group_name); if((result=tcpsenddata_nb(conn->sock, out_buff, sizeof(out_buff), g_fdfs_network_timeout)) != 0) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " "tracker server %s:%d, send data fail, " "errno: %d, error info: %s.", __LINE__, conn->ip_addr, conn->port, result, STRERROR(result)); return result; } if ((result=fdfs_recv_response(conn, &ip_addrs, buff_size - 1, &in_bytes)) != 0) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " "tracker server %s:%d, recv response fail, " "errno: %d, error info: %s.", __LINE__, conn->ip_addr, conn->port, result, STRERROR(result)); return result; } *(ip_addrs + in_bytes) = '\0'; return 0; } int storage_set_tracker_client_ips(ConnectionInfo *conn, const int tracker_index) { char my_ip_addrs[256]; char error_info[256]; FDFSMultiIP multi_ip; int result; int i; if (g_my_report_status[tracker_index].get_my_ip_done) { return 0; } if ((result=storage_get_my_ip_from_tracker(conn, my_ip_addrs, sizeof(my_ip_addrs))) != 0) { return result; } if ((result=fdfs_parse_multi_ips_ex(my_ip_addrs, &multi_ip, error_info, sizeof(error_info), false)) != 0) { return result; } for (i = 0; i < multi_ip.count; i++) { result = storage_insert_ip_addr_to_multi_ips(&g_tracker_client_ip, multi_ip.ips[i].address, multi_ip.count); if (result == 0) { if ((result=fdfs_check_and_format_ips(&g_tracker_client_ip, error_info, sizeof(error_info))) != 0) { logCrit("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " "as a client of tracker server %s:%d, " "my ip: %s not valid, error info: %s. " "program exit!", __LINE__, conn->ip_addr, conn->port, multi_ip.ips[i].address, error_info); return result; } insert_into_local_host_ip(multi_ip.ips[i].address); } else if (result != EEXIST) { char ip_str[256]; fdfs_multi_ips_to_string(&g_tracker_client_ip, ip_str, sizeof(ip_str)); logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " "as a client of tracker server %s:%d, " "my ip: %s not consistent with client ips: %s " "of other tracker client. program exit!", __LINE__, conn->ip_addr, conn->port, multi_ip.ips[i].address, ip_str); return result; } } g_my_report_status[tracker_index].get_my_ip_done = true; return 0; } int storage_logic_to_local_full_filename(const char *logic_filename, const int logic_filename_len, int *store_path_index, char *full_filename, const int filename_size) { int result; int filename_len; char true_filename[128]; filename_len = logic_filename_len; if ((result=storage_split_filename_ex(logic_filename, &filename_len, true_filename, store_path_index)) != 0) { return result; } if ((result=fdfs_check_data_filename(true_filename, filename_len)) != 0) { return result; } snprintf(full_filename, filename_size, "%s/data/%s", g_fdfs_store_paths.paths[*store_path_index].path, true_filename); return 0; } /* int write_serialized(int fd, const char *buff, size_t count, const bool bSync) { int result; int fsync_ret; if ((result=pthread_mutex_lock(&fsync_thread_mutex)) != 0) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "call pthread_mutex_lock fail, " \ "errno: %d, error info: %s", \ __LINE__, result, STRERROR(result)); return result; } while (fsync_thread_count >= g_max_write_thread_count) { if ((result=pthread_cond_wait(&fsync_thread_cond, \ &fsync_thread_mutex)) != 0) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "pthread_cond_wait failed, " \ "errno: %d, error info: %s", \ __LINE__, result, STRERROR(result)); return result; } } fsync_thread_count++; if ((result=pthread_mutex_unlock(&fsync_thread_mutex)) != 0) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "call pthread_mutex_unlock fail, " \ "errno: %d, error info: %s", \ __LINE__, result, STRERROR(result)); } if (fc_safe_write(fd, buff, count) == count) { if (bSync && fsync(fd) != 0) { fsync_ret = errno != 0 ? errno : EIO; logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "call fsync fail, " \ "errno: %d, error info: %s", \ __LINE__, fsync_ret, STRERROR(fsync_ret)); } else { fsync_ret = 0; } } else { fsync_ret = errno != 0 ? errno : EIO; logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "call write fail, " \ "errno: %d, error info: %s", \ __LINE__, fsync_ret, STRERROR(fsync_ret)); } if ((result=pthread_mutex_lock(&fsync_thread_mutex)) != 0) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "call pthread_mutex_lock fail, " \ "errno: %d, error info: %s", \ __LINE__, result, STRERROR(result)); } fsync_thread_count--; if ((result=pthread_mutex_unlock(&fsync_thread_mutex)) != 0) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "call pthread_mutex_unlock fail, " \ "errno: %d, error info: %s", \ __LINE__, result, STRERROR(result)); } if ((result=pthread_cond_signal(&fsync_thread_cond)) != 0) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "pthread_cond_signal failed, " \ "errno: %d, error info: %s", \ __LINE__, result, STRERROR(result)); } return fsync_ret; } int fsync_serialized(int fd) { int result; int fsync_ret; if ((result=pthread_mutex_lock(&fsync_thread_mutex)) != 0) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "call pthread_mutex_lock fail, " \ "errno: %d, error info: %s", \ __LINE__, result, STRERROR(result)); return result; } while (fsync_thread_count >= g_max_write_thread_count) { if ((result=pthread_cond_wait(&fsync_thread_cond, \ &fsync_thread_mutex)) != 0) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "pthread_cond_wait failed, " \ "errno: %d, error info: %s", \ __LINE__, result, STRERROR(result)); return result; } } fsync_thread_count++; if ((result=pthread_mutex_unlock(&fsync_thread_mutex)) != 0) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "call pthread_mutex_unlock fail, " \ "errno: %d, error info: %s", \ __LINE__, result, STRERROR(result)); } if (fsync(fd) == 0) { fsync_ret = 0; } else { fsync_ret = errno != 0 ? errno : EIO; logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "call fsync fail, " \ "errno: %d, error info: %s", \ __LINE__, fsync_ret, STRERROR(fsync_ret)); } if ((result=pthread_mutex_lock(&fsync_thread_mutex)) != 0) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "call pthread_mutex_lock fail, " \ "errno: %d, error info: %s", \ __LINE__, result, STRERROR(result)); } fsync_thread_count--; if ((result=pthread_mutex_unlock(&fsync_thread_mutex)) != 0) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "call pthread_mutex_unlock fail, " \ "errno: %d, error info: %s", \ __LINE__, result, STRERROR(result)); } if ((result=pthread_cond_signal(&fsync_thread_cond)) != 0) { logError("file: "__FILE__", line: %d, " \ "pthread_cond_signal failed, " \ "errno: %d, error info: %s", \ __LINE__, result, STRERROR(result)); } return fsync_ret; } int recv_file_serialized(int sock, const char *filename, \ const int64_t file_bytes) { int fd; char buff[FAST_WRITE_BUFF_SIZE]; int64_t remain_bytes; int recv_bytes; int result; fd = open(filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644); if (fd < 0) { return errno != 0 ? errno : EACCES; } remain_bytes = file_bytes; while (remain_bytes > 0) { if (remain_bytes > sizeof(buff)) { recv_bytes = sizeof(buff); } else { recv_bytes = remain_bytes; } if ((result=tcprecvdata_nb(sock, buff, recv_bytes, \ g_fdfs_network_timeout)) != 0) { close(fd); unlink(filename); return result; } if (recv_bytes == remain_bytes) //last buff { if (write_serialized(fd, buff, recv_bytes, true) != 0) { result = errno != 0 ? errno : EIO; close(fd); unlink(filename); return result; } } else { if (write_serialized(fd, buff, recv_bytes, false) != 0) { result = errno != 0 ? errno : EIO; close(fd); unlink(filename); return result; } if ((result=fsync_serialized(fd)) != 0) { close(fd); unlink(filename); return result; } } remain_bytes -= recv_bytes; } close(fd); return 0; } */