/* * lftp - file transfer program * * Copyright (c) 1996-2016 by Alexander V. Lukyanov (lav@yars.free.net) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef FILESET_H #define FILESET_H #include #include "xarray.h" #undef TYPE class TimeInterval; class Range; #define NO_SIZE ((off_t)-1L) #define NO_SIZE_YET ((off_t)-2L) #define NO_DATE ((time_t)-1L) #define NO_DATE_YET ((time_t)-2L) struct FileTimestamp { time_t ts; int ts_prec; FileTimestamp() : ts(NO_DATE_YET), ts_prec(0) {} void set(time_t ts1,int ts1_prec) { ts=ts1; ts_prec=ts1_prec; } bool is_set() { return ts!=NO_DATE && ts!=NO_DATE_YET; } operator time_t() const { return ts; } time_t operator=(time_t t) { set(t,0); return t; } }; class FileInfo { void def(unsigned m) { defined|=m; need&=~m; } public: xstring name; xstring longname; xstring_c symlink; xstring_c uri; mode_t mode; FileTimestamp date; off_t size; xstring data; const char *user, *group; int nlinks; enum type { UNKNOWN=0, DIRECTORY, SYMLINK, NORMAL, REDIRECT, }; type filetype; enum defined_bits { NAME=001,MODE=002,DATE=004,TYPE=010,SYMLINK_DEF=020, SIZE=0100,USER=0200,GROUP=0400,NLINKS=01000, IGNORE_SIZE_IF_OLDER=02000, // for ignore mask IGNORE_DATE_IF_OLDER=04000, // for ignore mask ALL_INFO=NAME|MODE|DATE|TYPE|SYMLINK_DEF|SIZE|USER|GROUP|NLINKS }; unsigned defined; unsigned need; int rank; void Init(); FileInfo() { Init(); } FileInfo(const FileInfo &fi); FileInfo(const char *n) { Init(); SetName(n); } FileInfo(const xstring& n) { Init(); SetName(n); } ~FileInfo(); void SetName(const char *n) { name.set(n); def(NAME); } void SetName(const xstring& n) { name.set(n); def(NAME); } void SetUser(const char *n); void SetGroup(const char *n); void LocalFile(const char *name, bool follow_symlinks); static FileInfo *parse_ls_line(const char *line,int line_len,const char *tz); static FileInfo *parse_ls_line(const char *line,const char *tz) { return parse_ls_line(line,strlen(line),tz); } void SetMode(mode_t m) { mode=m; def(MODE); } void SetDate(time_t t,int prec) { date.set(t,prec); def(DATE); } void SetType(type t) { filetype=t; def(TYPE); } void SetSymlink(const char *s) { symlink.set(s); filetype=SYMLINK; def(TYPE|SYMLINK_DEF); } void SetRedirect(const char *s) { symlink.set(s); filetype=REDIRECT; def(TYPE|SYMLINK_DEF); } const char *GetRedirect() const { return symlink; } void SetSize(off_t s) { size=s; def(SIZE); } void SetNlink(int n) { nlinks=n; def(NLINKS); } void Merge(const FileInfo&); void MergeInfo(const FileInfo& f,unsigned mask); bool SameAs(const FileInfo *,int ignore) const; bool OlderThan(time_t t) const; bool NewerThan(time_t t) const; bool NotOlderThan(time_t t) const; bool NotNewerThan(time_t t) const; bool SizeOutside(const Range *r) const; bool TypeIs(type t) const { return (defined&TYPE) && filetype==t; } void SetAssociatedData(const void *d,int len) { data.nset((const char*)d,len); } const void *GetAssociatedData() const { return data; } void SetRank(int r) { rank=r; } int GetRank() const { return rank; } void MakeLongName(); void SetLongName(const char *s) { longname.set(s); } const char *GetLongName() { if(!longname) MakeLongName(); return longname; } operator const char *() const { return name; } bool Has(unsigned m) const { return defined&m; } bool HasAny(unsigned m) const { return defined&m; } bool HasAll(unsigned m) const { return (defined&m)==m; } void Need(unsigned m) { need|=m; } void NoNeed(unsigned m) { need&=~m; } }; class PatternSet; class FileSet { public: enum sort_e { BYNAME, BYSIZE, DIRSFIRST, BYRANK, BYDATE, BYNAME_FLAT }; private: RefArray files; /* indexes when sort != NAME: */ xarray sorted; sort_e sort_mode; int ind; void Sub(int); FileInfo *Borrow(int); void add_before(int pos,FileInfo *fi); void assert_sorted() const; public: FileSet(); FileSet(const FileSet *s); ~FileSet(); void Empty(); int get_fnum() const { return files.count(); } int count() const { return files.count(); } int curr_index() const { return ind; } int curr_pct() const { return count()==0 ? 100 : ind*100/count(); } void Add(FileInfo *); void Merge(const FileSet *); void Merge_insert(const FileSet *set); void SubtractSame(const FileSet *,int ignore); void SubtractAny(const FileSet *); void SubtractTimeCmp(bool (FileInfo::*cmp)(time_t) const,time_t); void SubtractOlderThan(time_t t) { SubtractTimeCmp(&FileInfo::OlderThan,t); } void SubtractNewerThan(time_t t) { SubtractTimeCmp(&FileInfo::NewerThan,t); } void SubtractNotOlderThan(time_t t) { SubtractTimeCmp(&FileInfo::NotOlderThan,t); } void SubtractNotNewerThan(time_t t) { SubtractTimeCmp(&FileInfo::NotNewerThan,t); } void SubtractSizeOutside(const Range *r); void SubtractDirs(); void SubtractNotDirs(); void SubtractNotIn(const FileSet *); void SubtractSameType(const FileSet *); void SubtractDirs(const FileSet *); void SubtractNotOlderDirs(const FileSet *); void SubtractCurr(); bool SubtractByName(const char *name); void Sort(sort_e newsort, bool casefold=false, bool reverse=false); void Unsort(); void SortByPatternList(const char *list_c); void ReverseSort(); void UnsortFlat(); void Exclude(const char *prefix,const PatternSet *x,FileSet *fsx=0); void ExcludeDots(); void ExcludeCompound(); void ExcludeUnaccessible(const char *user=0); void rewind() { ind=0; } FileInfo *curr(); FileInfo *next(); FileInfo *borrow_curr() { return Borrow(ind--); } void LocalRemove(const char *dir); void LocalUtime(const char *dir,bool only_dirs=false,bool flat=false); void LocalChmod(const char *dir,mode_t mask=0,bool flat=false); void LocalChown(const char *dir,bool flat=false); void Count(int *d,int *f,int *s,int *o) const; void CountBytes(long long *b) const; int FindGEIndByName(const char *name) const; FileInfo *FindByName(const char *name) const; void SetSize(const char *name,off_t size) { FileInfo *f=FindByName(name); if(f) f->SetSize(size); } void SetDate(const char *name,time_t date,int prec) { FileInfo *f=FindByName(name); if(f) f->SetDate(date,prec); } /* add a path to all files */ void PrependPath(const char *path); /* get all defined_bits used by this fileset */ int Have() const; FileInfo * operator[](int i) const; size_t EstimateMemory() const; void Dump(const char *tag) const; }; #endif // FILESET_H