/* Copyright (c) 2012, Sean Heber. All rights reserved. Copyright (c) 2013, Cong Xu. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of Sean Heber nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL SEAN HEBER BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "AStar.h" #include #include #include #include "sys_specifics.h" #include "utils.h" struct __ASNeighborList { const ASPathNodeSource *source; size_t capacity; size_t count; float *costs; void *nodeKeys; }; struct __ASPath { size_t nodeSize; size_t count; float cost; int8_t nodeKeys[1]; }; typedef struct { unsigned isClosed:1; unsigned isOpen:1; unsigned isGoal:1; unsigned hasParent:1; unsigned hasEstimatedCost:1; float estimatedCost; float cost; size_t openIndex; size_t parentIndex; int8_t nodeKey[1]; } NodeRecord; struct __VisitedNodes { const ASPathNodeSource *source; void *context; size_t nodeRecordsCapacity; size_t nodeRecordsCount; void *nodeRecords; size_t *nodeRecordsIndex; // array of nodeRecords indexes, kept sorted by nodeRecords[i]->nodeKey using source->nodeComparator size_t openNodesCapacity; size_t openNodesCount; size_t *openNodes; // binary heap of nodeRecords indexes, sorted by the nodeRecords[i]->rank }; typedef struct __VisitedNodes *VisitedNodes; typedef struct { VisitedNodes nodes; int index; } Node; static const Node NodeNull = {NULL, -1}; /********************************************/ static VisitedNodes VisitedNodesCreate(const ASPathNodeSource *source, void *context) { VisitedNodes nodes; CCALLOC(nodes, sizeof(struct __VisitedNodes)); nodes->source = source; nodes->context = context; return nodes; } static void VisitedNodesDestroy(VisitedNodes visitedNodes) { CFREE(visitedNodes->nodeRecordsIndex); CFREE(visitedNodes->nodeRecords); CFREE(visitedNodes->openNodes); CFREE(visitedNodes); } static int NodeIsNull(Node n) { return (n.nodes == NodeNull.nodes) && (n.index == NodeNull.index); } static Node NodeMake(VisitedNodes nodes, size_t idx) { Node n; memset(&n, 0, sizeof n); n.nodes = nodes; n.index = (int)idx; return n; } static NodeRecord *NodeGetRecord(Node node) { return (NodeRecord *)((char *)node.nodes->nodeRecords + (node.index * (node.nodes->source->nodeSize + sizeof(NodeRecord)))); } static void *GetNodeKey(Node node) { return NodeGetRecord(node)->nodeKey; } static int NodeIsInOpenSet(Node n) { return NodeGetRecord(n)->isOpen; } static int NodeIsInClosedSet(Node n) { return NodeGetRecord(n)->isClosed; } static void RemoveNodeFromClosedSet(Node n) { NodeGetRecord(n)->isClosed = 0; } static void AddNodeToClosedSet(Node n) { NodeGetRecord(n)->isClosed = 1; } static float GetNodeRank(Node n) { NodeRecord *record = NodeGetRecord(n); return record->estimatedCost + record->cost; } static float GetNodeCost(Node n) { return NodeGetRecord(n)->cost; } static void SetNodeEstimatedCost(Node n, float estimatedCost) { NodeRecord *record = NodeGetRecord(n); record->estimatedCost = estimatedCost; record->hasEstimatedCost = 1; } static int NodeHasEstimatedCost(Node n) { return NodeGetRecord(n)->hasEstimatedCost; } static void SetNodeIsGoal(Node n) { if (!NodeIsNull(n)) { NodeGetRecord(n)->isGoal = 1; } } static int NodeIsGoal(Node n) { return !NodeIsNull(n) && NodeGetRecord(n)->isGoal; } static Node GetParentNode(Node n) { NodeRecord *record = NodeGetRecord(n); if (record->hasParent) { return NodeMake(n.nodes, record->parentIndex); } else { return NodeNull; } } static int NodeRankCompare(Node n1, Node n2) { const float rank1 = GetNodeRank(n1); const float rank2 = GetNodeRank(n2); if (rank1 < rank2) { return -1; } else if (rank1 > rank2) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } static float GetPathCostHeuristic(Node a, Node b) { if (a.nodes->source->pathCostHeuristic && !NodeIsNull(a) && !NodeIsNull(b)) { return a.nodes->source->pathCostHeuristic(GetNodeKey(a), GetNodeKey(b), a.nodes->context); } else { return 0; } } static int NodeKeyCompare(Node node, void *nodeKey) { if (node.nodes->source->nodeComparator) { return node.nodes->source->nodeComparator(GetNodeKey(node), nodeKey, node.nodes->context); } else { return memcmp(GetNodeKey(node), nodeKey, node.nodes->source->nodeSize); } } static Node GetNode(VisitedNodes nodes, void *nodeKey) { size_t first; Node node; NodeRecord *record; if (!nodeKey) { return NodeNull; } // looks it up in the index, if it's not found it inserts a new record in the sorted index and the nodeRecords array and returns a reference to it first = 0; if (nodes->nodeRecordsCount > 0) { size_t last = nodes->nodeRecordsCount-1; while (first <= last) { const size_t mid = (first + last) / 2; const int comp = NodeKeyCompare(NodeMake(nodes, nodes->nodeRecordsIndex[mid]), nodeKey); if (comp < 0) { first = mid + 1; } else if (comp > 0 && mid > 0) { last = mid - 1; } else if (comp > 0) { break; } else { return NodeMake(nodes, nodes->nodeRecordsIndex[mid]); } } } if (nodes->nodeRecordsCount == nodes->nodeRecordsCapacity) { nodes->nodeRecordsCapacity = 1 + (nodes->nodeRecordsCapacity * 2); CREALLOC(nodes->nodeRecords, nodes->nodeRecordsCapacity * (sizeof(NodeRecord) + nodes->source->nodeSize)); CREALLOC(nodes->nodeRecordsIndex, nodes->nodeRecordsCapacity * sizeof(size_t)); } node = NodeMake(nodes, nodes->nodeRecordsCount); nodes->nodeRecordsCount++; memmove(&nodes->nodeRecordsIndex[first+1], &nodes->nodeRecordsIndex[first], (nodes->nodeRecordsCapacity - first - 1) * sizeof(size_t)); nodes->nodeRecordsIndex[first] = node.index; record = NodeGetRecord(node); memset(record, 0, sizeof(NodeRecord)); memcpy(record->nodeKey, nodeKey, nodes->source->nodeSize); return node; } static void SwapOpenSetNodesAtIndexes(VisitedNodes nodes, size_t index1, size_t index2) { if (index1 != index2) { NodeRecord *record1 = NodeGetRecord(NodeMake(nodes, nodes->openNodes[index1])); NodeRecord *record2 = NodeGetRecord(NodeMake(nodes, nodes->openNodes[index2])); const size_t tempOpenIndex = record1->openIndex; const size_t tempNodeIndex = nodes->openNodes[index1]; record1->openIndex = record2->openIndex; record2->openIndex = tempOpenIndex; nodes->openNodes[index1] = nodes->openNodes[index2]; nodes->openNodes[index2] = tempNodeIndex; } } static void DidRemoveFromOpenSetAtIndex( VisitedNodes nodes, size_t idx) { size_t smallestIndex = idx; do { size_t leftIndex; size_t rightIndex; if (smallestIndex != idx) { SwapOpenSetNodesAtIndexes(nodes, smallestIndex, idx); idx = smallestIndex; } leftIndex = (2 * idx) + 1; rightIndex = (2 * idx) + 2; if (leftIndex < nodes->openNodesCount && NodeRankCompare(NodeMake(nodes, nodes->openNodes[leftIndex]), NodeMake(nodes, nodes->openNodes[smallestIndex])) < 0) { smallestIndex = leftIndex; } if (rightIndex < nodes->openNodesCount && NodeRankCompare(NodeMake(nodes, nodes->openNodes[rightIndex]), NodeMake(nodes, nodes->openNodes[smallestIndex])) < 0) { smallestIndex = rightIndex; } } while (smallestIndex != idx); } static void RemoveNodeFromOpenSet(Node n) { NodeRecord *record = NodeGetRecord(n); if (record->isOpen) { const size_t idx = record->openIndex; record->isOpen = 0; n.nodes->openNodesCount--; SwapOpenSetNodesAtIndexes(n.nodes, idx, n.nodes->openNodesCount); DidRemoveFromOpenSetAtIndex(n.nodes, idx); } } static void DidInsertIntoOpenSetAtIndex(VisitedNodes nodes, size_t idx) { while (idx > 0) { const size_t parentIndex = (size_t)floorf((float)(idx-1) / 2); if (NodeRankCompare(NodeMake(nodes, nodes->openNodes[parentIndex]), NodeMake(nodes, nodes->openNodes[idx])) < 0) { break; } else { SwapOpenSetNodesAtIndexes(nodes, parentIndex, idx); idx = parentIndex; } } } static void AddNodeToOpenSet(Node n, float cost, Node parent) { NodeRecord *record = NodeGetRecord(n); const size_t openIndex = n.nodes->openNodesCount; if (!NodeIsNull(parent)) { record->hasParent = 1; record->parentIndex = parent.index; } else { record->hasParent = 0; } if (n.nodes->openNodesCount == n.nodes->openNodesCapacity) { n.nodes->openNodesCapacity = 1 + (n.nodes->openNodesCapacity * 2); CREALLOC(n.nodes->openNodes, n.nodes->openNodesCapacity * sizeof(size_t)); } n.nodes->openNodes[openIndex] = n.index; n.nodes->openNodesCount++; record->openIndex = openIndex; record->isOpen = 1; record->cost = cost; DidInsertIntoOpenSetAtIndex(n.nodes, openIndex); } static int HasOpenNode(VisitedNodes nodes) { return nodes->openNodesCount > 0; } static Node GetOpenNode(VisitedNodes nodes) { return NodeMake(nodes, nodes->openNodes[0]); } static ASNeighborList NeighborListCreate(const ASPathNodeSource *source) { ASNeighborList list; CCALLOC(list, sizeof(struct __ASNeighborList)); list->source = source; return list; } static void NeighborListDestroy(ASNeighborList list) { CFREE(list->costs); CFREE(list->nodeKeys); CFREE(list); } static float NeighborListGetEdgeCost(ASNeighborList list, size_t idx) { return list->costs[idx]; } static void *NeighborListGetNodeKey(ASNeighborList list, size_t idx) { return (char *)list->nodeKeys + (idx * list->source->nodeSize); } /********************************************/ void ASNeighborListAdd(ASNeighborList list, void *node, float edgeCost) { if (list->count == list->capacity) { list->capacity = 1 + (list->capacity * 2); CREALLOC(list->costs, sizeof(float) * list->capacity); CREALLOC(list->nodeKeys, list->source->nodeSize * list->capacity); } list->costs[list->count] = edgeCost; memcpy((char *)list->nodeKeys + (list->count * list->source->nodeSize), node, list->source->nodeSize); list->count++; } ASPath ASPathCreate(const ASPathNodeSource *source, void *context, void *startNodeKey, void *goalNodeKey) { VisitedNodes visitedNodes; ASNeighborList neighborList; Node current; Node goalNode; ASPath path = NULL; if (!startNodeKey || !source || !source->nodeNeighbors || source->nodeSize == 0) { return NULL; } visitedNodes = VisitedNodesCreate(source, context); neighborList = NeighborListCreate(source); current = GetNode(visitedNodes, startNodeKey); goalNode = GetNode(visitedNodes, goalNodeKey); // mark the goal node as the goal SetNodeIsGoal(goalNode); // set the starting node's estimate cost to the goal and add it to the open set SetNodeEstimatedCost(current, GetPathCostHeuristic(current, goalNode)); AddNodeToOpenSet(current, 0, NodeNull); // perform the A* algorithm while (HasOpenNode(visitedNodes) && !NodeIsGoal((current = GetOpenNode(visitedNodes)))) { size_t n; if (source->earlyExit) { const int shouldExit = source->earlyExit(visitedNodes->nodeRecordsCount, GetNodeKey(current), goalNodeKey, context); if (shouldExit > 0) { SetNodeIsGoal(current); break; } else if (shouldExit < 0) { break; } } RemoveNodeFromOpenSet(current); AddNodeToClosedSet(current); neighborList->count = 0; source->nodeNeighbors(neighborList, GetNodeKey(current), context); for (n=0; ncount; n++) { const float cost = GetNodeCost(current) + NeighborListGetEdgeCost(neighborList, n); Node neighbor = GetNode(visitedNodes, NeighborListGetNodeKey(neighborList, n)); if (!NodeHasEstimatedCost(neighbor)) { SetNodeEstimatedCost(neighbor, GetPathCostHeuristic(neighbor, goalNode)); } if (NodeIsInOpenSet(neighbor) && cost < GetNodeCost(neighbor)) { RemoveNodeFromOpenSet(neighbor); } if (NodeIsInClosedSet(neighbor) && cost < GetNodeCost(neighbor)) { RemoveNodeFromClosedSet(neighbor); } if (!NodeIsInOpenSet(neighbor) && !NodeIsInClosedSet(neighbor)) { AddNodeToOpenSet(neighbor, cost, current); } } } if (NodeIsNull(goalNode)) { SetNodeIsGoal(current); } if (NodeIsGoal(current)) { size_t count = 0; Node n = current; size_t i; while (!NodeIsNull(n)) { count++; n = GetParentNode(n); } CMALLOC(path, sizeof(struct __ASPath) + (count * source->nodeSize)); path->nodeSize = source->nodeSize; path->count = count; path->cost = GetNodeCost(current); n = current; for (i=count; i>0; i--) { memcpy(path->nodeKeys + ((i - 1) * source->nodeSize), GetNodeKey(n), source->nodeSize); n = GetParentNode(n); } } NeighborListDestroy(neighborList); VisitedNodesDestroy(visitedNodes); return path; } void ASPathDestroy(ASPath path) { CFREE(path); } ASPath ASPathCopy(ASPath path) { if (path) { const size_t size = sizeof(struct __ASPath) + (path->count * path->nodeSize); ASPath newPath; CMALLOC(newPath, size); memcpy(newPath, path, size); return newPath; } else { return NULL; } } size_t ASPathGetCount(ASPath path) { return path? path->count : 0; } void *ASPathGetNode(ASPath path, size_t idx) { return (path && idx < path->count)? (path->nodeKeys + (idx * path->nodeSize)) : NULL; }