-- add this: reuire "dbg" -- in your project -- for debug tools require "input" local function _xref_escape(n) local delim = ':' if stead.api_atleast(1, 2, 2) then delim = stead.delim; end if xact then n = n:gsub("\\?[\\"..delim.."]", { [delim] = "\\"..delim } ) end return n end local function ordered_n(t) local ordered = {}; local max = 0 for i, v in stead.pairs(t) do local o = { k = i; v = v }; stead.table.insert(ordered, o); max = max + 1; end stead.table.sort(ordered, function(a, b) if isObject(a.v) and not isObject(b.v) then return true end if not isObject(a.v) and isObject(b.v) then return false end if isObject(a.v) and isObject(b.v) then local n = stead.call(a.v, 'nam'); local m = stead.call(b.v, 'nam'); if stead.type(n) ~= 'string' and stead.type(m) ~= 'string' then return false end if stead.type(n) ~= 'string' then return true end if stead.type(m) ~= 'string' then return false end if n == m then local o1, o2 o1 = stead.deref(a.v) o2 = stead.deref(b.v) if stead.type(o1) == 'string' and stead.type(o2) == 'string' then return o1 < o2 end end return n < m; end return false end) ordered.i = 1; ordered.max = max; return ordered; end local function snext(t, k) local v if not k then k = ordered_n(t); end if k.i > k.max then return nil end v = k[k.i] k.i = k.i + 1 return k, v.v, v.k; end local function spairs(s, var) return snext, s, nil; end function dbg_disp_obj() local v = obj { nam = 'disp', act = true, dsc = function(s) local r = s._txt s._txt = nil; return r end; save = function(self, name, h, need) if need then h:write(stead.string.format("%s = dbg_disp_obj();\n", name)); end stead.savemembers(h, self, name, false); end } return v; end dbg_dump_obj = function(w) w = stead.ref(w) if stead.type(w) ~= 'table' then seen('disp')._txt = '^^No such object.'; return true end local n local rc = '' for i, o in stead.pairs(w) do local t = stead.tostring(o); if t == i then t = stead.tostr(o); end if t then if rc ~='' then rc = rc..'^' end local n = ''; if isObject(o) then n = stead.call(o, 'nam'); if stead.type(n) ~= 'string' then n = '' else n = ' : '..n; end end rc = stead.cat(rc, stead.par(' ', stead.tostr(i)..' : '..t..n)); end end seen('disp')._txt = stead.cat('^^', rc) return true; end dbg_dump_globals = function() local rc='' if stead.type(variables) ~= 'table' then return end for i, o in stead.ipairs(variables) do local v = stead.rawget(_G, o); local t = stead.tostring(v); if t then if rc ~='' then rc = rc..'^' end rc = stead.cat(rc, stead.par(' ', stead.tostr(o)..' : '..t)); end end seen('disp')._txt = stead.cat('^^', rc) return true; end dbg_here = function() return debug_tool._here end dbg_list_objects = function() local dis = function(o) if isDisabled(o) then return ", disabled" end return '' end local rc = stead.par(' ', 'Room:'..stead.tostr(stead.deref(dbg_here())), 'Nam:'..stead.tostr(stead.call(dbg_here(),'nam'))); for i, o in stead.opairs(objs(dbg_here())) do rc = rc..'^'; o = stead.ref(o) rc = stead.cat(rc, stead.par(' ', 'Id: '..stead.tostr(o.id)..', '.. stead.tostr(stead.deref(o))..': '..stead.tostr(stead.call(o, 'nam'))..dis(o))); end -- seen('disp')._txt = rc return rc end dbg_list_inv = function() local rc = '' local dis = function(o) if isDisabled(o) then return ", disabled" end return '' end local tak = function(o) if taken(o) then return ", taken" end return '' end for i, o in stead.opairs(inv()) do if rc ~='' then rc = rc..'^' end o = stead.ref(o) rc = stead.cat(rc, stead.par(' ', 'Id: '..stead.tostr(o.id)..', '.. stead.tostr(stead.deref(o))..': '..stead.tostr(stead.call(o, 'nam'))..dis(o)..tak(o))); end if rc == '' then return end -- seen('disp')._txt = rc return rc end dbg_execute_cmd = room { nam = "Execute Lua code", debug = true, pic = true, system_type = true, forcedsc = true, dsc = "Enter Lua code here to exec.", inp_enter = function(s) if stead.type(s.obj[1]._txt) == 'string' then local f = stead.eval(s.obj[1]._txt); if f then seen('disp')._txt = stead.cat('^^', f()); return true end seen('disp')._txt = "^^Error in exec."; return true end return stead.back(); end, obj = { inp('inp', '{Enter cmd}: ', 'return "Hello World!"'), obj { nam = 'Back', dsc = '^{Back}', act = code [[ stead.back() ]] }, dbg_disp_obj(), }, exit = function(s) s.obj[1]:state(false) end; } dbg_dump_object = room { nam = "Dump object", debug = true, pic = true, system_type = true, forcedsc = true, dsc = "Enter object name here to dump.", inp_enter = function(s) local w = s.obj[1]._txt if stead.type(w) == 'string' then if not stead.ref(w) then w = objs(dbg_here()):srch(w); end return dbg_dump_obj(w); end return stead.back(); end, obj = { inp('inp', '{Enter object}: ', 'main'), obj{nam = 'Here', dsc = '^{Dump here}', act = code[[ return dbg_dump_obj(dbg_here())]]}, obj{nam = 'Player',dsc = '^{Dump player}', act = code[[ return dbg_dump_obj(stead.me())]]}, obj{nam = 'Lifes', dsc = '^{Dump lifes}', act = code[[ return dbg_dump_obj(debug_tool.lifes)]]}, obj{nam = 'Ways', dsc = '^{Dump ways}', act = code[[ return dbg_dump_obj(ways(dbg_here()))]]}, obj{nam = 'Globals', dsc = '^{Dump globals}', act = code [[return dbg_dump_globals()]] }, obj{nam = 'Back', dsc = '^{Back}', act = code [[ return stead.back() ]] }, dbg_disp_obj() }, exit = function(s) s.obj[1]:state(false) end; } dbg_choose_location = dlg { debug = true, pic = true, system_type = true, forcedsc = true, nam = 'Go to', dsc = 'Select location.', gen = function(s) objs(s):zap(); for k, v, kk in spairs(_G) do if isRoom(v) and not v.debug then local n = stead.tostr(stead.call(v, 'nam')); local o = kk; if stead.type(o) == 'string' then n = n..' : '..o; n = _xref_escape(n); put(phr(n, true, [[timer:set(debug_tool._timer); game.lifes:cat(debug_tool.lifes); return stead.walk(]]..o..[[)]]), s); end end end put (phr('Back',true, 'return stead.back()'), s) end } dbg_choose_object = dlg { debug = true, pic = true, system_type = true, forcedsc = true, nam = 'Get object', dsc = 'Select object to get.', gen = function(s) objs(s):zap(); for k, v, kk in spairs(_G) do if isObject(v) and not isPhrase(v) and not isRoom(v) and not isPlayer(v) and not v.debug and not have(v) and not isStatus(v) then local n = stead.tostr(stead.call(v, 'nam')); local o = kk; if stead.type(o) == 'string' then n = n..' : '..o; n = _xref_escape(n); put(phr(n, true, o..':enable(); return take('..o..')'), s); end end end put (phr('Back',true, 'return stead.back()'), s) end } dbg_drop_object = dlg { debug = true, pic = true, forcedsc = true, system_type = true, nam = 'Drop object', dsc = 'Select object to drop.', gen = function(s) objs(s):zap(); for k, v in stead.ipairs(inv()) do v = stead.ref(v); if not v.debug then local n = stead.tostr(stead.call(v, 'nam')); local o = stead.deref(v); if stead.type(o) == 'string' then n = n..' : '..o; n = _xref_escape(n); put (phr(n, true, o..':enable(); drop('..o..','..stead.deref(dbg_here())..')'), s) end end end put (phr('Back', true, 'return stead.back()'), s) end } function dbg_exit() local r if not stead.api_atleast(1, 2, 0) then r = stead.call(dbg_here(), 'dsc'); end game.lifes:cat(debug_tool.lifes); timer:set(debug_tool._timer); return stead.par ('^^', stead.back(), r); end debug_dlg = dlg { debug = true, pic = true, system_type = true, forcedsc = true, nam = 'Debug Tool', dsc = 'Select tool.', obj = { phr('Go to location...', true, [[pon(); dbg_choose_location:gen(); return stead.walk('dbg_choose_location')]]), phr('Get object...', true, [[pon(); dbg_choose_object:gen(); return stead.walk('dbg_choose_object')]]), phr('Put object...', true, [[pon(); dbg_drop_object:gen(); return stead.walk('dbg_drop_object')]]), phr('Current scene...', true, [[pon(); return dbg_list_objects();]]), phr('Inventory...', true, [[pon(); return dbg_list_inv();]]), phr('Dump object...', true, [[pon(); return stead.walk(dbg_dump_object);]]), phr('Exec Lua string...', true, [[pon(); return stead.walk('dbg_execute_cmd')]]), phr('Exit',true , [[pon(); return dbg_exit()]]), }, }; debug_tool = menu { debug = true, system_type = true, forcedsc = true, nam = txtb('debug'), lifes = list {}, inv = function(s) if stead.here().debug then return nil, true --nothing todo end debug_dlg.__from__ = stead.here(); s._timer = timer:get(); timer:stop(); s.lifes:zap(); s.lifes:cat(game.lifes); game.lifes:zap(); s._here = stead.here(); stead.me().where = 'debug_dlg'; -- force to go return stead.walk(self.where); end, }; game.action = stead.hook(game.action, function (f, s, cmd, ...) if cmd == 'use_debug' then return debug_tool:inv() elseif cmd == 'exit_debug' then stead.me().where = 'debug_dlg'; dbg_execute_cmd.obj[1]:state(false) dbg_dump_object.obj[1]:state(false) return dbg_exit() end return f(s, cmd, ...) end) stead.module_init(function() input.key = stead.hook(input.key, function(f, s, down, key, ...) if down and key == 'f7' then if stead.here().debug then return 'exit_debug' else return 'use_debug' end end return f(s, down, key, ...) end) putf('debug_tool', stead.me()); end) -- vim:ts=4