SET EDGAR HEALTH MAX SET EDGAR FACE RIGHT WAIT 120 TALK Edgar Nowhere left to hide TALK Sorceror You defeated Grimlore? Impossible! TALK Edgar He submitted to my sword just like everything else in this foul place TALK Edgar This is your last chance, tell me where my father is! TALK Sorceror I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT! TALK Edgar LIAR! I've run out of patience, prepare to die! MUSIC FADE_DOWN 3000 TALK Sorceror Very well. If that is your wish TALK Sorceror Many have suffered at my hand TALK Sorceror Your death will be quick, but extremely painful TALK Sorceror I will add your head to the long line of foolish adventurers who have tried to best me MUSIC LOAD SORCEROR_MUSIC TALK Sorceror Prepare yourself, Edgar ACTIVATE_OBJECTIVE SORCEROR