/***************************************************************************** ** $Source: /cygdrive/d/Private/_SVNROOT/bluemsx/blueMSX/Src/SoundChips/DAC.c,v $ ** ** $Revision: 1.9 $ ** ** $Date: 2008-03-30 18:38:45 $ ** ** More info: http://www.bluemsx.com ** ** Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Daniel Vik ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. ** ****************************************************************************** */ #include "DAC.h" #include "Board.h" #include #include #define OFFSETOF(s, a) ((int)(&((s*)0)->a)) static Int32* dacSyncMono(DAC* dac, UInt32 count); static Int32* dacSyncStereo(DAC* dac, UInt32 count); static void dacSyncChannel(DAC* dac, UInt32 count, int ch, UInt32 index, UInt32 delta); struct DAC { Mixer* mixer; Int32 handle; DacMode mode; Int32 enabled; Int32 sampleVolume[2]; Int32 oldSampleVolume[2]; Int32 sampleVolumeSum[2]; Int32 count[2]; Int32 ctrlVolume[2]; Int32 daVolume[2]; Int32 defaultBuffer[AUDIO_STEREO_BUFFER_SIZE]; Int32 buffer[AUDIO_STEREO_BUFFER_SIZE]; }; void dacReset(DAC* dac) { dac->oldSampleVolume[DAC_CH_LEFT] = 0; dac->sampleVolume[DAC_CH_LEFT] = 0; dac->ctrlVolume[DAC_CH_LEFT] = 0; dac->daVolume[DAC_CH_LEFT] = 0; dac->oldSampleVolume[DAC_CH_RIGHT] = 0; dac->sampleVolume[DAC_CH_RIGHT] = 0; dac->ctrlVolume[DAC_CH_RIGHT] = 0; dac->daVolume[DAC_CH_RIGHT] = 0; } DAC* dacCreate(Mixer* mixer, DacMode mode) { DAC* dac = (DAC*)calloc(1, sizeof(DAC)); dac->mixer = mixer; dac->mode = mode; dacReset(dac); if (mode == DAC_MONO) { dac->handle = mixerRegisterChannel(mixer, MIXER_CHANNEL_PCM, 0, dacSyncMono, NULL, dac); } else { dac->handle = mixerRegisterChannel(mixer, MIXER_CHANNEL_PCM, 1, dacSyncStereo, NULL, dac); } return dac; } void dacDestroy(DAC* dac) { mixerUnregisterChannel(dac->mixer, dac->handle); free(dac); } void dacWrite(DAC* dac, DacChannel channel, UInt8 value) { if (channel == DAC_CH_LEFT || channel == DAC_CH_RIGHT) { Int32 sampleVolume = ((Int32)value - 0x80) * 256; mixerSync(dac->mixer); dac->sampleVolume[channel] = sampleVolume; dac->sampleVolumeSum[channel] += sampleVolume; dac->count[channel]++; dac->enabled = 1; } } static Int32* dacSyncMono(DAC* dac, UInt32 count) { if (!dac->enabled || count == 0) { return dac->defaultBuffer; } dacSyncChannel(dac, count, DAC_CH_MONO, 0, 1); dac->enabled = dac->buffer[count - 1] != 0; return dac->buffer; } static Int32* dacSyncStereo(DAC* dac, UInt32 count) { if (!dac->enabled || count == 0) { return dac->defaultBuffer; } dacSyncChannel(dac, count, DAC_CH_LEFT, 0, 2); dacSyncChannel(dac, count, DAC_CH_RIGHT, 1, 2); dac->enabled = dac->buffer[2 * count - 1] != 0 || dac->buffer[2 * count - 2] != 0; return dac->buffer; } static void dacSyncChannel(DAC* dac, UInt32 count, int ch, UInt32 index, UInt32 delta) { count *= delta; if (dac->count[ch] > 0) { Int32 sampleVolume = dac->sampleVolumeSum[ch] / dac->count[ch]; dac->count[ch] = 0; dac->sampleVolumeSum[ch] = 0; dac->ctrlVolume[ch] = sampleVolume - dac->oldSampleVolume[ch] + 0x3fe7 * dac->ctrlVolume[ch] / 0x4000; dac->oldSampleVolume[ch] = sampleVolume; dac->ctrlVolume[ch] = 0x3fe7 * dac->ctrlVolume[ch] / 0x4000; dac->daVolume[ch] += 2 * (dac->ctrlVolume[ch] - dac->daVolume[ch]) / 3; dac->buffer[index] = 6 * 9 * dac->daVolume[ch] / 10; index += delta; } dac->ctrlVolume[ch] = dac->sampleVolume[ch] - dac->oldSampleVolume[ch] + 0x3fe7 * dac->ctrlVolume[ch] / 0x4000; dac->oldSampleVolume[ch] = dac->sampleVolume[ch]; for (; index < count; index += delta) { /* Perform DC offset filtering */ dac->ctrlVolume[ch] = 0x3fe7 * dac->ctrlVolume[ch] / 0x4000; /* Perform simple 1 pole low pass IIR filtering */ dac->daVolume[ch] += 2 * (dac->ctrlVolume[ch] - dac->daVolume[ch]) / 3; dac->buffer[index] = 6 * 9 * dac->daVolume[ch] / 10; } }