/* * OpenClonk, http://www.openclonk.org * * Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Matthes Bender * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH, http://www.clonk.de/ * Copyright (c) 2009-2016, The OpenClonk Team and contributors * * Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file * "COPYING" for details. * * "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission. * See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details. * * To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts * for the above references. */ /* Text messages drawn inside the viewport */ #include "C4Include.h" #include "gui/C4GameMessage.h" #include "graphics/C4Draw.h" #include "graphics/C4GraphicsResource.h" #include "object/C4Def.h" #include "object/C4Object.h" #include "player/C4Player.h" #include "player/C4PlayerList.h" const int32_t ObjectMsgDelayFactor = 2, GlobalMsgDelayFactor = 3; // frames per char message display time C4GameMessage::C4GameMessage() = default; C4GameMessage::~C4GameMessage() { delete pFrameDeco; } void C4GameMessage::Init(int32_t iType, const StdStrBuf & sText, C4Object *pTarget, int32_t iPlayer, int32_t iX, int32_t iY, uint32_t dwClr, C4ID idDecoID, C4PropList *pSrc, uint32_t dwFlags, int width) { // safety! if (pTarget && !pTarget->Status) pTarget = nullptr; // Set data Text.Copy(sText); Target=pTarget; X=iX; Y=iY; Wdt=width; Hgt=0; Player=iPlayer; ColorDw=dwClr; Type=iType; Delay=std::max(C4GM_MinDelay, Text.getLength() * (Target ? ObjectMsgDelayFactor : GlobalMsgDelayFactor)); DecoID=idDecoID; this->dwFlags=dwFlags; PictureDef=nullptr; PictureDefVal.Set0(); if (pSrc) { // retain special width/height properties when using a message box on an object-local message if (Target) { C4Value val; if (pSrc->GetProperty(P_Wdt, &val)) Wdt = val.getInt(); if (pSrc->GetProperty(P_Hgt, &val)) Hgt = val.getInt(); } // retain object or definition from the proplist PictureDef = pSrc->GetObject(); if (!PictureDef) PictureDef = pSrc->GetDef(); if (!PictureDef && pSrc->GetPropertyPropList(P_Source)) { PictureDef = pSrc; PictureDefVal.SetPropList(pSrc); } } // Permanent message if ('@' == Text[0]) { Delay=-1; Text.Move(1, Text.getLength()); Text.Shrink(1); } // frame decoration delete pFrameDeco; pFrameDeco = nullptr; if (DecoID) { pFrameDeco = new C4GUI::FrameDecoration(); if (!pFrameDeco->SetByDef(DecoID)) { delete pFrameDeco; pFrameDeco = nullptr; } } } void C4GameMessage::Append(const char *szText, bool fNoDuplicates) { // Check for duplicates if (fNoDuplicates) for (const char *pPos = Text.getData(); *pPos; pPos = SAdvancePast(pPos, '|')) if (SEqual2(pPos, szText)) return; // Append new line Text.AppendFormat("|%s", szText); Delay += SLen(szText) * (Target ? ObjectMsgDelayFactor : GlobalMsgDelayFactor); } bool C4GameMessage::Execute() { // Delay / removal if (Delay>0) Delay--; if (Delay==0) return false; // Done return true; } int32_t DrawMessageOffset = -35; // For finding the optimum place to draw startup info & player messages... int32_t PictureWidth = 64; int32_t PictureIndent = 10; void C4GameMessage::Draw(C4TargetFacet &cgo, int32_t iPlayer) { // Globals or player if (Type == C4GM_Global || ((Type == C4GM_GlobalPlayer) && (iPlayer == Player))) { int32_t iTextWdt,iTextHgt; StdStrBuf sText; int32_t x,y,wdt; if (dwFlags & C4GM_XRel) x = X * cgo.Wdt / 100; else x = X; if (dwFlags & C4GM_YRel) y = Y * cgo.Hgt / 100; else y = Y; if (dwFlags & C4GM_WidthRel) wdt = Wdt * cgo.Wdt / 100; else wdt = Wdt; if (~dwFlags & C4GM_NoBreak) { // Word wrap to cgo width if (PictureDef) { if (!wdt) wdt = Clamp(cgo.Wdt/2, 50, std::min(500, cgo.Wdt-10)); int32_t iUnbrokenTextWidth = ::GraphicsResource.FontRegular.GetTextWidth(Text.getData(), true); wdt = std::min(wdt, iUnbrokenTextWidth+10); } else { if (!wdt) wdt = Clamp(cgo.Wdt-50, 50, 500); else wdt = Clamp(wdt, 10, cgo.Wdt-10); } iTextWdt = wdt * cgo.Zoom; iTextHgt = ::GraphicsResource.FontRegular.BreakMessage(Text.getData(), iTextWdt, &sText, true); } else { ::GraphicsResource.FontRegular.GetTextExtent(Text.getData(), iTextWdt, iTextHgt, true); sText.Ref(Text); } int32_t iDrawX = cgo.X+x; int32_t iDrawY = cgo.Y+y; // draw message if (PictureDef) { // message with portrait // bottom-placed portrait message: Y-Positioning 0 refers to bottom of viewport if (dwFlags & C4GM_Bottom) iDrawY += cgo.Hgt; else if (dwFlags & C4GM_VCenter) iDrawY += cgo.Hgt/2; if (dwFlags & C4GM_Right) iDrawX += cgo.Wdt; else if (dwFlags & C4GM_HCenter) iDrawX += cgo.Wdt/2; // draw decoration if (pFrameDeco) { iDrawX *= cgo.Zoom; iDrawY *= cgo.Zoom; C4Rect rect(iDrawX-cgo.TargetX, iDrawY-cgo.TargetY, iTextWdt + PictureWidth + PictureIndent + pFrameDeco->iBorderLeft + pFrameDeco->iBorderRight, std::max(iTextHgt, PictureWidth) + pFrameDeco->iBorderTop + pFrameDeco->iBorderBottom); if (dwFlags & C4GM_Bottom) { rect.y -= rect.Hgt; iDrawY -= rect.Hgt; } else if (dwFlags & C4GM_VCenter) { rect.y -= rect.Hgt/2; iDrawY -= rect.Hgt/2; } if (dwFlags & C4GM_Right) { rect.x -= rect.Wdt; iDrawX -= rect.Wdt; } else if (dwFlags & C4GM_HCenter) { rect.x -= rect.Wdt/2; iDrawX -= rect.Wdt/2; } pFrameDeco->Draw(cgo, rect); iDrawX += pFrameDeco->iBorderLeft; iDrawY += pFrameDeco->iBorderTop; } else iDrawY -= iTextHgt; // draw picture // can only be def or object because has been checked on assignment C4Facet facet(cgo.Surface, iDrawX, iDrawY, PictureWidth, PictureWidth); if(PictureDef->GetObject()) PictureDef->GetObject()->DrawPicture(facet); else if (PictureDef->GetDef()) PictureDef->GetDef()->Draw(facet); else Game.DrawPropListSpecImage(facet, PictureDef); // draw message pDraw->TextOut(sText.getData(),::GraphicsResource.FontRegular,1.0,cgo.Surface,iDrawX+PictureWidth+PictureIndent,iDrawY,ColorDw,ALeft); } else { // message without picture iDrawX += (cgo.Wdt/2) * cgo.Zoom; iDrawY += (2 * cgo.Hgt / 3 + 50) * cgo.Zoom; if (!(dwFlags & C4GM_Bottom)) iDrawY += DrawMessageOffset; pDraw->TextOut(sText.getData(),::GraphicsResource.FontRegular,1.0,cgo.Surface,iDrawX,iDrawY,ColorDw,ACenter); } } // Positioned else if (Type == C4GM_Target || ((Type == C4GM_TargetPlayer) && (iPlayer == Player))) { // adjust position by object; care about parallaxity float iMsgX, iMsgY, newzoom; Target->GetDrawPosition(cgo, iMsgX, iMsgY, newzoom); if(~dwFlags & C4GM_YRel) iMsgY -= Target->Def->Shape.Hgt/2+5; iMsgX+=X; iMsgY+=Y; // check output bounds if (Inside((iMsgX - cgo.X) * newzoom, 0, cgo.Wdt * cgo.Zoom - 1) || (dwFlags & C4GM_XRel)) if (Inside((iMsgY - cgo.Y) * newzoom, 0, cgo.Hgt * cgo.Zoom - 1) || (dwFlags & C4GM_YRel)) { // if the message is attached to an object and the object // is invisible for that player, the message won't be drawn if (Type == C4GM_Target) if (!Target->IsVisible(iPlayer, false)) return; // Word wrap to cgo width StdStrBuf sText; if (~dwFlags & C4GM_NoBreak) { // standard break width int breakWdt = Clamp(cgo.Wdt * cgo.Zoom, 50, 200); // user supplied width? if (Wdt) breakWdt = Wdt; ::GraphicsResource.FontRegular.BreakMessage(Text.getData(), breakWdt, &sText, true); } else sText.Ref(Text); // vertical placement if (dwFlags & C4GM_Bottom) iMsgY += Hgt; // iTHgt will be substracted below else if (dwFlags & C4GM_Top) ; else if (dwFlags & C4GM_VCenter) iMsgY += Hgt / 2; // horizontal placement int alignment = ACenter; if (dwFlags & C4GM_Left) alignment = ALeft; else if (dwFlags & C4GM_Right) { alignment = ARight; iMsgX += Wdt; } else if (dwFlags & C4GM_HCenter) iMsgX += Wdt / 2; // calculate display position and adjust position by output boundaries float iTX, iTY; iTX = (iMsgX - cgo.X) * newzoom; iTY = (iMsgY - cgo.Y) * newzoom; int iTWdt, iTHgt; ::GraphicsResource.FontRegular.GetTextExtent(sText.getData(),iTWdt,iTHgt,true); // adjust zoom if needed float zoom = 1.0; if(dwFlags & C4GM_Zoom) zoom = cgo.Zoom; if (dwFlags & C4GM_Bottom) iTY -= zoom * float(iTHgt); else if (dwFlags & C4GM_VCenter) iTY -= zoom * float(iTHgt/2); else if (~dwFlags & C4GM_Top) iTY -= zoom * float(iTHgt); // above object is standard if (dwFlags & C4GM_Right) iTX += 0.25f * float(iTWdt) * (1.0f - zoom); // adjustment for objects at border of screen? // +0.5f for proper rounding; avoids oscillations near pixel border: if (~dwFlags & C4GM_XRel) iTX = Clamp(iTX, iTWdt/2, cgo.Wdt * cgo.Zoom - iTWdt / 2) + 0.5f; if (~dwFlags & C4GM_YRel) iTY = Clamp(iTY, 0, cgo.Hgt * cgo.Zoom - iTHgt) + 0.5f; // Draw pDraw->TextOut(sText.getData(), ::GraphicsResource.FontRegular, zoom, cgo.Surface, cgo.X + iTX, cgo.Y + iTY, ColorDw, alignment); return; } } } void C4GameMessage::UpdateDef(C4ID idUpdDef) { // frame deco might be using updated/deleted def if (pFrameDeco) { if (!pFrameDeco->UpdateGfx()) { delete pFrameDeco; pFrameDeco = nullptr; } } } C4GameMessageList::C4GameMessageList() { Default(); } C4GameMessageList::~C4GameMessageList() { Clear(); } void C4GameMessageList::Default() { First=nullptr; } void C4GameMessageList::ClearPointers(C4Object *pObj) { C4GameMessage *cmsg,*next,*prev=nullptr; for (cmsg=First; cmsg; cmsg=next) { next=cmsg->Next; if (cmsg->Target==pObj) { delete cmsg; if (prev) prev->Next=next; else First=next; } else prev=cmsg; } } void C4GameMessageList::Clear() { C4GameMessage *cmsg,*next; for (cmsg=First; cmsg; cmsg=next) { next=cmsg->Next; delete cmsg; } First=nullptr; } void C4GameMessageList::Execute() { C4GameMessage *cmsg,*next,*prev=nullptr; for (cmsg=First; cmsg; cmsg=next) { next=cmsg->Next; if (!cmsg->Execute()) { delete cmsg; if (prev) prev->Next=next; else First=next; } else prev=cmsg; } } bool C4GameMessageList::New(int32_t iType, const char *szText, C4Object *pTarget, int32_t iPlayer, int32_t iX, int32_t iY, uint32_t dwClr, C4ID idDecoID, C4PropList *pSrc, uint32_t dwFlags, int32_t width) { return New(iType, StdStrBuf(szText), pTarget, iPlayer, iX, iY, dwClr, idDecoID, pSrc, dwFlags, width); } bool C4GameMessageList::New(int32_t iType, const StdStrBuf & sText, C4Object *pTarget, int32_t iPlayer, int32_t iX, int32_t iY, uint32_t dwClr, C4ID idDecoID, C4PropList *pSrc, uint32_t dwFlags, int32_t width) { if (!(dwFlags & C4GM_Multiple)) { // Clear messages with same target if (pTarget) ClearPointers(pTarget); // Clear other global messages for the given player if (iType == C4GM_Global || iType == C4GM_GlobalPlayer) ClearPlayers(iPlayer, dwFlags & C4GM_PositioningFlags); } // Object deleted? if (pTarget && !pTarget->Status) return false; // Empty message? (only deleting old message) if (!sText.getLength()) return true; // Add new message C4GameMessage *msgNew = new C4GameMessage; msgNew->Init(iType, sText,pTarget,iPlayer,iX,iY,dwClr, idDecoID, pSrc, dwFlags, width); msgNew->Next=First; First=msgNew; return true; } bool C4GameMessageList::Append(int32_t iType, const char *szText, C4Object *pTarget, int32_t iPlayer, int32_t iX, int32_t iY, uint32_t bCol, bool fNoDuplicates) { C4GameMessage *cmsg = nullptr; if (iType == C4GM_Target) { for (cmsg=::Messages.First; cmsg; cmsg=cmsg->Next) if (pTarget == cmsg->Target) break; } if (iType == C4GM_Global || iType == C4GM_GlobalPlayer) { for (cmsg=::Messages.First; cmsg; cmsg=cmsg->Next) if (iPlayer == cmsg->Player) break; } if (!cmsg || pTarget!=cmsg->Target) { New(iType, szText, pTarget, iPlayer, iX, iY, bCol); } else { cmsg->Append(szText, fNoDuplicates); } return true; } void C4GameMessageList::ClearPlayers(int32_t iPlayer, int32_t dwPositioningFlags) { C4GameMessage *cmsg,*next,*prev=nullptr; for (cmsg=First; cmsg; cmsg=next) { next=cmsg->Next; if ( (cmsg->Type == C4GM_Global || cmsg->Type == C4GM_GlobalPlayer) && cmsg->Player==iPlayer && cmsg->GetPositioningFlags() == dwPositioningFlags) { delete cmsg; if (prev) prev->Next=next; else First=next; } else prev=cmsg; } } void C4GameMessageList::UpdateDef(C4ID idUpdDef) { C4GameMessage *cmsg; for (cmsg=First; cmsg; cmsg=cmsg->Next) cmsg->UpdateDef(idUpdDef); } void C4GameMessageList::Draw(C4TargetFacet &gui_cgo, C4TargetFacet &cgo, int32_t iPlayer) { C4GameMessage *cmsg; for (cmsg=First; cmsg; cmsg=cmsg->Next) { if ((cmsg->Target && (cmsg->Target->Category & C4D_Foreground)) || cmsg->Type == C4GM_Global || cmsg->Type == C4GM_GlobalPlayer) cmsg->Draw(gui_cgo,iPlayer); else cmsg->Draw(cgo,iPlayer); } } void GameMsgObjectError(const char *szText, C4Object *pTarget, bool Red) { ::Messages.New(C4GM_TargetPlayer,szText,pTarget,pTarget->Controller,0,0, Red ? C4RGB(0xca, 0, 0) : C4RGB(0xff, 0xff, 0xff)); } C4GameMessageList Messages;