#region Copyright & License Information /* * Copyright 2007-2020 The OpenRA Developers (see AUTHORS) * This file is part of OpenRA, which is free software. It is made * available to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. For more * information, see COPYING. */ #endregion using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using OpenRA.Effects; using OpenRA.Primitives; using OpenRA.Traits; namespace OpenRA.GameRules { public class ProjectileArgs { public WeaponInfo Weapon; public int[] DamageModifiers; public int[] InaccuracyModifiers; public int[] RangeModifiers; public int Facing; public Func CurrentMuzzleFacing; public WPos Source; public Func CurrentSource; public Actor SourceActor; public WPos PassiveTarget; public Target GuidedTarget; } public class WarheadArgs { public WeaponInfo Weapon; public int[] DamageModifiers = { }; public WPos? Source; public Actor SourceActor; public Target WeaponTarget; public WarheadArgs(ProjectileArgs args) { Weapon = args.Weapon; DamageModifiers = args.DamageModifiers; Source = args.Source; SourceActor = args.SourceActor; WeaponTarget = args.GuidedTarget; } // Default empty constructor for callers that want to initialize fields themselves public WarheadArgs() { } } public interface IProjectile : IEffect { } public interface IProjectileInfo { IProjectile Create(ProjectileArgs args); } public sealed class WeaponInfo { [Desc("The maximum range the weapon can fire.")] public readonly WDist Range = WDist.Zero; [Desc("First burst is aimed at this offset relative to target position.")] public readonly WVec FirstBurstTargetOffset = WVec.Zero; [Desc("Each burst after the first lands by this offset away from the previous burst.")] public readonly WVec FollowingBurstTargetOffset = WVec.Zero; [Desc("The sound played each time the weapon is fired.")] public readonly string[] Report = null; [Desc("Sound played only on first burst in a salvo.")] public readonly string[] StartBurstReport = null; [Desc("The sound played when the weapon is reloaded.")] public readonly string[] AfterFireSound = null; [Desc("Delay in ticks to play reloading sound.")] public readonly int AfterFireSoundDelay = 0; [Desc("Delay in ticks between reloading ammo magazines.")] public readonly int ReloadDelay = 1; [Desc("Number of shots in a single ammo magazine.")] public readonly int Burst = 1; [Desc("What types of targets are affected.")] public readonly BitSet ValidTargets = new BitSet("Ground", "Water"); [Desc("What types of targets are unaffected.", "Overrules ValidTargets.")] public readonly BitSet InvalidTargets; [Desc("Delay in ticks between firing shots from the same ammo magazine. If one entry, it will be used for all bursts.", "If multiple entries, their number needs to match Burst - 1.")] public readonly int[] BurstDelays = { 5 }; [Desc("The minimum range the weapon can fire.")] public readonly WDist MinRange = WDist.Zero; [Desc("Does this weapon aim at the target's center regardless of other targetable offsets?")] public readonly bool TargetActorCenter = false; [FieldLoader.LoadUsing("LoadProjectile")] public readonly IProjectileInfo Projectile; [FieldLoader.LoadUsing("LoadWarheads")] public readonly List Warheads = new List(); public WeaponInfo(string name, MiniYaml content) { // Resolve any weapon-level yaml inheritance or removals // HACK: The "Defaults" sequence syntax prevents us from doing this generally during yaml parsing content.Nodes = MiniYaml.Merge(new[] { content.Nodes }); FieldLoader.Load(this, content); } static object LoadProjectile(MiniYaml yaml) { MiniYaml proj; if (!yaml.ToDictionary().TryGetValue("Projectile", out proj)) return null; var ret = Game.CreateObject(proj.Value + "Info"); FieldLoader.Load(ret, proj); return ret; } static object LoadWarheads(MiniYaml yaml) { var retList = new List(); foreach (var node in yaml.Nodes.Where(n => n.Key.StartsWith("Warhead"))) { var ret = Game.CreateObject(node.Value.Value + "Warhead"); FieldLoader.Load(ret, node.Value); retList.Add(ret); } return retList; } public bool IsValidTarget(BitSet targetTypes) { return ValidTargets.Overlaps(targetTypes) && !InvalidTargets.Overlaps(targetTypes); } /// Checks if the weapon is valid against (can target) the target. public bool IsValidAgainst(Target target, World world, Actor firedBy) { if (target.Type == TargetType.Actor) return IsValidAgainst(target.Actor, firedBy); if (target.Type == TargetType.FrozenActor) return IsValidAgainst(target.FrozenActor, firedBy); if (target.Type == TargetType.Terrain) { var cell = world.Map.CellContaining(target.CenterPosition); if (!world.Map.Contains(cell)) return false; var cellInfo = world.Map.GetTerrainInfo(cell); if (!IsValidTarget(cellInfo.TargetTypes)) return false; return true; } return false; } /// Checks if the weapon is valid against (can target) the actor. public bool IsValidAgainst(Actor victim, Actor firedBy) { var targetTypes = victim.GetEnabledTargetTypes(); if (!IsValidTarget(targetTypes)) return false; // PERF: Avoid LINQ. foreach (var warhead in Warheads) if (warhead.IsValidAgainst(victim, firedBy)) return true; return false; } /// Checks if the weapon is valid against (can target) the frozen actor. public bool IsValidAgainst(FrozenActor victim, Actor firedBy) { if (!IsValidTarget(victim.TargetTypes)) return false; if (!Warheads.Any(w => w.IsValidAgainst(victim, firedBy))) return false; return true; } /// Applies all the weapon's warheads to the target. public void Impact(Target target, WarheadArgs args) { var world = args.SourceActor.World; foreach (var warhead in Warheads) { if (warhead.Delay > 0) world.AddFrameEndTask(w => w.Add(new DelayedImpact(warhead.Delay, warhead, target, args))); else warhead.DoImpact(target, args); } } /// Applies all the weapon's warheads to the target. Only use for projectile-less, special-case impacts. public void Impact(Target target, Actor firedBy) { // The impact will happen immediately at target.CenterPosition. var args = new WarheadArgs { Weapon = this, SourceActor = firedBy, WeaponTarget = target }; if (firedBy.OccupiesSpace != null) args.Source = firedBy.CenterPosition; Impact(target, args); } } }