{ "FLAVOUR_0_BODY": { "description": "This is a very rare string, that's part of an 'Easter egg'. This specific one is a reference to the song by AC/DC", "message": "Just ring 36 24 36, I'm always home. I deal in:\n - Concrete shoes,\n - Cyanide,\n - TNT,\n - Neck ties,\n - Contracts,\n - High voltage,\n\n ...or just make a social call." }, "FLAVOUR_0_TITLE": { "description": "The 'all caps' title should probably not be translated, as it's an AC/DC song title reference. Either way, it's a very rare 'Easter egg'", "message": "DIRTY DEEDS DONE DIRT CHEAP, if you're having trouble, call me any time" }, "FLAVOUR_1_BODY": { "description": "This is a very rare string, that's part of an 'Easter egg'. This specific one is a reference to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/867-5309/Jenny", "message": "You don't know me, but call me; 867-5309 / Jenny" }, "FLAVOUR_1_TITLE": { "description": "A very rare Easter egg, and reference to a line from a famous song.", "message": "NEED SOMEONE TO TURN TO?" } }