{ "ABOVE_AVERAGE": { "description": "", "message": "Cuibheasach ’s a chòrr" }, "ACTIVE": { "description": "", "message": "Gnìomhach" }, "ADD_JUMP": { "description": "UI-button: Add hyper jump to list of planned jumps", "message": "Cuir leum ris" }, "AFTER_TRADE_IN": { "description": "", "message": "Às dèidh malairt" }, "ALLEGIANCE": { "description": "", "message": "Dìlseachd:" }, "ALL_UP_WEIGHT": { "description": "", "message": "Cuideam iomlan" }, "AMOUNT": { "description": "", "message": "Uiread" }, "ANISOTROPIC_FILTERING_DESC": { "description": "", "message": "Gabhaidh seo sampallan o inneach air iomadh leibheil mip ach am faigh thu inneach mòran nas soilleire nuair a choimheadas tu orra air ceàrnan staoine. Cha bhi uiread a sgleò air na h-innich an uairsin ach tha an t-àireamhachadh glè chosgail." }, "AN_ERROR_HAS_OCCURRED": { "description": "", "message": "Thachair mearachd" }, "ARRIVAL_DATE": { "description": "Time of arrival, used in flight log", "message": "Là ruigsinn" }, "ATMOSPHERIC_SHIELDING": { "description": "Used in ShipInfo view, followed by a yes/no depending on if the ship can carry atmospheric shields", "message": "Dìonadh àile" }, "ATMO_PRESS_LIMIT": { "description": "Base external pressure limit of a ship (without atmo shield)", "message": "Brùthadh-àile as àirde" }, "ATTEMPT_TO_REPAIR_HULL": { "description": "", "message": "Feuchaibh ris an t-slige a chàradh" }, "AUTO_ROUTE": { "description": "Automatically find shortest jump route (measured in time) in star map", "message": "Cùrsa fèin-obrachail" }, "AVAILABLE_FOR_PURCHASE": { "description": "", "message": "Ri cheannach" }, "AVERAGE": { "description": "", "message": "Cuibheasach" }, "BACKWARD_ACCEL": { "description": "", "message": "Luathachadh air ais" }, "BULLETIN_BOARD": { "description": "", "message": "Bòrd-brath" }, "BUY": { "description": "Commodities and equipment prices", "message": "Ceannaich" }, "BUY_SHIP": { "description": "", "message": "Ceannaich" }, "CABINS": { "description": "For passengers", "message": "Cèibinnean" }, "CABIN_FREE": { "description": "Free capacity for passengers", "message": "{amount} saor" }, "CABIN_USED": { "description": "Passengers using cabins", "message": "{amount} ’ga chleachdadh" }, "CANCEL": { "description": "", "message": "Sguir dheth" }, "CANNOT_SELL_ITEM": { "description": "", "message": "Chan urrainn dhut an nì seo a reic" }, "CAPACITY": { "description": "Capacity of ship to fit more equipment", "message": "Tomhas-lìonaidh" }, "CAPACITY_USED": { "description": "", "message": "Tomhas ’ga chleachdadh" }, "CARGO": { "description": "", "message": "Carago" }, "CARGO_SPACE": { "description": "", "message": "Rùm airson carago" }, "CARGO_SPACE_USED": { "description": "", "message": "Rùm a chleachdas an carago" }, "CARGO_T_FREE": { "description": "t for tonne", "message": "{amount}t saor" }, "CARGO_T_USED": { "description": "t for tonne", "message": "{amount}t ’ga chleachdadh" }, "CASH": { "description": "", "message": "Airgead" }, "CASH_N": { "description": "", "message": "Airgead: {money}" }, "CENTER_ON_SYSTEM": { "description": "Center on selected star system", "message": "Meadhanaich air an t-siosam" }, "CHANGE": { "description": "Face feature option", "message": "Atharraich:" }, "CHANGE_BINDING": { "description": "Key binding option", "message": "Atharraich an nasgadh" }, "CHIEF_MECHANIC": { "description": "", "message": "Prìomh innleadair" }, "CIRCULAR_ORBIT_SPEED": { "description": "", "message": "Luaths cuairteach na reul-chuairte" }, "CITY_DETAIL_LEVEL": { "description": "Game graphics option", "message": "Leibheil mion-shealladh nam bailtean" }, "CLEAN": { "description": "Legal status of player", "message": "Glan" }, "CLEAR": { "description": "Clear an option in game settings/options menu", "message": "Falamhaich" }, "CLEAR_ROUTE": { "description": "Clear a planned route of hyperjumps", "message": "Falamhaich an cùrsa" }, "CLIENT": { "description": "", "message": "Ceannaiche" }, "CLOSE": { "description": "", "message": "Dùin" }, "COMBAT": { "description": "Headline for kills and combat rating", "message": "Còmhrag" }, "COMMANDER": { "description": "", "message": "Comandair" }, "COMMODITY_MARKET": { "description": "", "message": "Margadh bhatharan" }, "COMMODITY_TRADE_ANALYSIS": { "description": "", "message": "Sgrùdadh air malart bhatharan ann an:" }, "COMPACT_RADAR": { "description": "Game settings option", "message": "Rèidear teannta" }, "COMPETENT": { "description": "Combat rating", "message": "Comasach" }, "COMPLETED": { "description": "", "message": "Coileanta" }, "COMPRESS_TEXTURES": { "description": "graphics option in game settings menu ", "message": "Dùmhlaich na h-innich" }, "CONFIRM_PURCHASE": { "description": "", "message": "Dearbhaich an ceannach" }, "CONFIRM_SALE": { "description": "", "message": "Dearbhaich an reic" }, "CONSTABLE": { "description": "", "message": "Constabal" }, "CONTINUE_GAME": { "description": "", "message": "Lean air a’ gheama" }, "CONTRACT_FRAUD": { "description": "Crime committed by intentionally breaking a contract", "message": "Foill cùmhnaint" }, "CONTROLS": { "description": "", "message": "Uidheaman-smachd" }, "CONTROL_OPTIONS": { "description": "", "message": "Roghainnean an stiùiridh" }, "COULD_NOT_LOAD_GAME": { "description": "", "message": "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an geama a luchdadh:" }, "CREDIBLE": { "description": "For player reputation", "message": "Creideasach" }, "CREDITS": { "description": "in game currency", "message": "Urram" }, "CREW_CABINS": { "description": "", "message": "Cèibinnean sgioba" }, "CREW_ROSTER": { "description": "", "message": "Clàr an sgioba" }, "CRIMINAL": { "description": "Legal status of player", "message": "Eucoireach" }, "CRIMINAL_RECORD": { "description": "Past crimes / crime history of character", "message": "Clàr nan eucoir" }, "CURRENT_FUEL": { "description": "For hyperjump planner", "message": "An connadh a th’ agad:" }, "CURRENT_SYSTEM": { "description": "For hyperjump planner", "message": "An siostam làithreach" }, "DANGEROUS": { "description": "Player combat rating", "message": "Cunnartach" }, "DATE": { "description": "Date of an event, used in flight log", "message": "Ceann-là" }, "DEADLY": { "description": "Player combat rating", "message": "Marbhtach" }, "DECREASE": { "description": "Decrease something.", "message": "Ìslich" }, "DELTA_V": { "description": "", "message": "Delta-v" }, "DELTA_V_EMPTY": { "description": "Delta-v capacity of a ship with no cargo or upgrades", "message": "Delta-v (falamh)" }, "DELTA_V_FULL": { "description": "Delta-v capacity of a ship with maximum cargo", "message": "Delta-v (làn)" }, "DELTA_V_MAX": { "description": "Delta-v capacity of a ship with cargo bay fully loaded with propellant", "message": "Delta-v (as motha)" }, "DEPARTURE_DATE": { "description": "Time of departure, used in flight log", "message": "Ceann-là fhàgail" }, "DESCENT_TO_GROUND_SPEED": { "description": "", "message": "Luaths teàrnadh dhan làr:" }, "DESTROY_ENEMY_SHIP": { "description": "", "message": "Millibh soitheach an nàmhaid" }, "DETAIL_DESC": { "description": "tooltip description in settings menu", "message": "Bidh roghainn nas ìsle nas luaithe ach chan ann cho eireachdail" }, "DISABLE_SCREENSHOT_INFO": { "description": "", "message": "Falaich fiosrachadh air glacaidhean-sgrìn" }, "DISABLE_SCREENSHOT_INFO_DESC": { "description": "", "message": "Falaich gach fiosrachadh a tha ’ga shealltainn, a’ gabhail a-staigh co-chomharran nan siostaman, nuair a bhios glacadh-sgrìn ’ga thogail (toglaich modh an t-seallaidh fiosrachaidh)." }, "DISMISS": { "description": "Terminate crew memeber's contract", "message": "Leig seachad" }, "DISPLAY_HUD_TRAILS": { "description": "", "message": "Seall staranan san t-sealladh fiosrachaidh" }, "DISPLAY_HUD_TRAILS_DESC": { "description": "tooltip description in settings menu", "message": "Seallaidh seo uileann tilgidh nan soitheach leis an t-sealladh fiosrachaidh mar thaic dha do shùilean" }, "DISPLAY_NAV_TUNNELS": { "description": "Settings option: hyperspace tunnel effect", "message": "Seall tunailean seòladaireachd" }, "DISPLAY_NAV_TUNNELS_DESC": { "description": "tooltip description in settings menu", "message": "Seallaidh seo tunail biortail gun amas a thagh thu air an t-sealladh fiosrachaidh" }, "DISPLAY_SPEED_LINES": { "description": "Settings option: effect when travelling in space", "message": "Seall loidhnichean luaiths" }, "DISPLAY_SPEED_LINES_DESC": { "description": "tooltip description in settings menu", "message": "Cuiridh seo taic ris a’ mhothachadh air comhair a’ ghluasaid san fhànas" }, "DOCKED_AT": { "description": "", "message": "Docaichte aig" }, "DOCK_AT_CURRENT_TARGET": { "description": "", "message": "Docaichibh aig an targaid làithreach" }, "DRIVE_ACTIVE": { "description": "Ship jump status", "message": "Tha an draibh gnìomhach" }, "DUE": { "description": "mission deadline date", "message": "Ceann-latha pàighidh" }, "DUMPING": { "description": "The illegal act of dumping waste", "message": "Dumpadh" }, "D_DAYS_LEFT": { "description": "", "message": "Làithean air am fàgail: %d" }, "ECONOMY_TRADE": { "description": "", "message": "Eaconamaidh ⁊ malart" }, "EDIT": { "description": "Tooltip, to edit a flight log entry", "message": "Deasaich" }, "EFFECTS": { "description": "", "message": "Èifeachdan:" }, "ELITE": { "description": "Player combat rating", "message": "SEANN-EÒLACH" }, "EMPLOYMENT": { "description": "", "message": "Obair" }, "ENABLE_ANISOTROPIC_FILTERING": { "description": "Use Anisotropic Filtering", "message": "Criathradh an-iosa-tropach" }, "ENABLE_AUTOSAVE": { "description": "Allow the game to autosave when docking", "message": "Cuir fèin-sàbhaladh an comas" }, "ENABLE_AUTOSAVE_DESC": { "description": "tooltip description in settings menu", "message": "Sàbhail an cor rè an docaidh, dh’fhaoidte gun adhbharaich seo dàil a-rèir dè cho luath ’s a tha an clàr-cruaidh agad" }, "ENABLE_COCKPIT": { "description": "Game settings option: to use a cockpit 3D model", "message": "Cuir cockpit an comas (DEUCHAINNEACH)" }, "ENABLE_COCKPIT_DESC": { "description": "tooltip description in settings menu", "message": "Seall modail 3D de cockpit a’ phaidhleit. (Chan eil an deas-bhòrd ach ’na ghlèidheadair-àite aig an àm seo)" }, "ENABLE_JOYSTICK": { "description": "", "message": "Cuir joystick an comas" }, "END_GAME": { "description": "", "message": "Cuir crìoch air a’ gheama" }, "ENGINEERING": { "description": "Engineering skills of crew", "message": "Innleadaireachd:" }, "ENTRY": { "description": "A note/entry/record into the flight log", "message": "Nì" }, "EQUIPMENT": { "description": "", "message": "Uidheamachd" }, "EQUIPMENT_MARKET": { "description": "", "message": "Margadh uidheamachd" }, "EQUIPPED": { "description": "", "message": "Uidheamaichte" }, "ERROR": { "description": "", "message": "Mearachd" }, "ERROR_LANDING_GEAR_DOWN": { "description": "", "message": "Cha ghabh leum os-fhànais a thòiseachadh; cha deach an uidheamachd landaidh a chur suas" }, "ESCAPE_SPEED": { "description": "", "message": "Luaths teichidh:" }, "EXIT_THIS_GAME": { "description": "", "message": "Fàg an geama seo" }, "EXPERIENCED": { "description": "For player reputation", "message": "Eòlach" }, "EXPERT": { "description": "For player reputation", "message": "Fiosrachail" }, "FAILED": { "description": "When failed mission", "message": "Air fhàilligeadh" }, "FEATURE_ACCESSORIES": { "description": "Face feature for FaceGenerator in the PersonalInfo view", "message": "Buill-maise" }, "FEATURE_ARMOUR": { "description": "Face feature for FaceGenerator in the PersonalInfo view", "message": "Armachd" }, "FEATURE_CLOTHES": { "description": "Face feature for FaceGenerator in the PersonalInfo view", "message": "Aodach" }, "FEATURE_EYES": { "description": "Face feature for FaceGenerator in the PersonalInfo view", "message": "Sùilean" }, "FEATURE_GENDER": { "description": "Face feature for FaceGenerator in the PersonalInfo view", "message": "Gnè" }, "FEATURE_HAIRSTYLE": { "description": "Face feature for FaceGenerator in the PersonalInfo view", "message": "Falt" }, "FEATURE_HEAD": { "description": "Face feature for FaceGenerator in the PersonalInfo view", "message": "Ceann" }, "FEATURE_MOUTH": { "description": "Face feature for FaceGenerator in the PersonalInfo view", "message": "Beul" }, "FEATURE_NOSE": { "description": "Face feature for FaceGenerator in the PersonalInfo view", "message": "Sròn" }, "FEATURE_RACE": { "description": "Face feature for FaceGenerator in the PersonalInfo view", "message": "Cinneadh" }, "FEATURE_SPECIES": { "description": "Face feature for FaceGenerator in the PersonalInfo view", "message": "Seòrsa" }, "FEMALE": { "description": "", "message": "Boireann" }, "FINAL_TARGET": { "description": "Hyperjump planner, referring to star system target", "message": "An ceann-uidhe:" }, "FINANCE": { "description": "Financial statement of player, e.g. cash", "message": "Ionmhas" }, "FLIGHTLOG_DOCKING": { "description": "Used in Flight Log, to indicate player's position. 'primary_info' is a station name", "message": "A’ docadh aig {primary_info}" }, "FLIGHTLOG_FLYING": { "description": "Used in Flight Log, to indicate player's position. 'primary_info' is the name of a space body", "message": "San fhànas, dàimheil ri {primary_info}" }, "FLIGHTLOG_HYPERSPACE": { "description": "Used in Flight Log, to indicate player's position. 'primary_info' is the star system targeted for hyperspace jump.", "message": "San os-fhànas, a’ dol gu {primary_info}" }, "FLIGHTLOG_JUMPING": { "description": "Used in Flight Log, to indicate player's position. 'primary_info' is the star system targeted for hyperspace jump.", "message": "Ri leum os-fhànais gu {primary_info}" }, "FLIGHTLOG_LANDED": { "description": "Used in Flight Log, to indicate player's position, 'primary_info' is the name of a space body, typically a planet, the other two variables are latitude and longitude as floating point number, e.g. 'Landed on Trantor, position (-43.23, 67.89)'", "message": "Air tìr {primary_info}, ionad ({secondary_info}, {tertiary_info})" }, "FLIGHTLOG_STARPORT_ORBITAL": { "description": "Used in Flight Log, to indicate player's position. 'primary_info' is a station name, 'secondary_info' is a space body (planet, moon/satelite, star) name", "message": "Aig doca {primary_info} mu {secondary_info}" }, "FLIGHTLOG_STARPORT_SURFACE": { "description": "Used in Flight Log, to indicate player's position. 'primary_info' is a station name, 'secondary_info' is a space body (planet, moon/satelite, star) name", "message": "Aig doca {primary_info} air {secondary_info}" }, "FLIGHTLOG_UNDOCKING": { "description": "Used in Flight Log, to indicate player's position. 'primary_info' is a station name", "message": "A’ fàgail {primary_info}" }, "FLIGHT_LOG": { "description": "Title for flight log screen, in info view", "message": "Loga nan iteal" }, "FLIGHT_STATE": { "description": "", "message": "Staid an iteil" }, "FLYING": { "description": "", "message": "Ag itealadh" }, "FORWARD_ACCEL": { "description": "", "message": "Luathachadh air adhart" }, "FORWARD_ACCEL_EMPTY": { "description": "", "message": "Luathachadh air adhart (falamh)" }, "FORWARD_ACCEL_FULL": { "description": "", "message": "Luathachadh air adhart (làn)" }, "FRACTAL_DETAIL": { "description": "", "message": "Mion-shealladh fractalach" }, "FREE": { "description": "Used in Ship Information view as in Capacity: 10t (5t free)", "message": "saor" }, "FRONT_WEAPON": { "description": "", "message": "Arm beulaibh" }, "FUEL": { "description": "", "message": "Connadh" }, "FUEL_TANK_FULL": { "description": "", "message": "Tha an tanca-connaidh làn." }, "FUEL_WEIGHT": { "description": "", "message": "Cuideam a’ connaidh" }, "FUGITIVE": { "description": "Legal status of player", "message": "Fon choill" }, "FULL_SCREEN": { "description": "", "message": "Làn-sgrìn" }, "GAME_TIME": { "description": "", "message": "Àm a’ gheama" }, "GENERAL_CREW": { "description": "", "message": "Sgioba coitcheann" }, "GIVE_ORDERS_TO_CREW": { "description": "", "message": "Thoir òrduighean dhan sgioba" }, "GOOD_RIDDANCE_TO_YOU_TOO": { "description": "", "message": "’S math cuidhteas fhaighinn dhutsa cuideachd." }, "GO_BACK": { "description": "", "message": "Till" }, "GPU_JOBS": { "description": "", "message": "Obraichean GPU" }, "GPU_JOBS_DESC": { "description": "", "message": "Cleachd an GPU airson cuid a ghnìomhan le beagan buannachd air an dèanadas, ’s docha." }, "HANG_UP": { "description": "", "message": "Cuir crìoch air a’ ghairm." }, "HARMLESS": { "description": "Player combat rating", "message": "Neoichiontach" }, "HEAVY_CARGO_SHUTTLE": { "description": "", "message": "Aiseag carago trom" }, "HEAVY_COURIER": { "description": "", "message": "Teachdaire trom" }, "HEAVY_FIGHTER": { "description": "", "message": "Soitheach-cogaidh trom" }, "HEAVY_FREIGHTER": { "description": "", "message": "Soitheach-carago trom" }, "HEAVY_PASSENGER_SHUTTLE": { "description": "", "message": "Aiseag thaistealach trom" }, "HEAVY_PASSENGER_TRANSPORT": { "description": "", "message": "Soitheach thaistealach trom" }, "HIGH": { "description": "Game settings option: for graphics resolution", "message": "Àrd" }, "HUD_2D_RADAR": { "description": "Popup text: the name of the azimuthal equidistant projection radar", "message": "Tilg-shealladh co-astarail azimuthach 2D" }, "HUD_3D_RADAR": { "description": "Popup text: the name of the planar projection radar (traditional frontier-style)", "message": "Tilg-shealladh plèanach 3D" }, "HUD_ATMOSPHERIC_PRESSURE": { "description": "Tooltip: Atmospheric Pressure.", "message": "Brùthadh an àile" }, "HUD_BACKWARD_GUN_TEMPERATURE": { "description": "Tooltip: Backward Gun Temperature.", "message": "Teothachd a’ ghunna-cùil" }, "HUD_BRAKE_DISTANCE_MAIN_THRUSTERS": { "description": "Tooltip: The braking distance using the main thrusters.", "message": "Astar brèigidh a’ cleachdadh nam prìomh-phutairean" }, "HUD_BUTTON_AUTOPILOT_DOCKING": { "description": "Tooltip: Autopilot docking", "message": "Docadh fèin-stiùiridh" }, "HUD_BUTTON_AUTOPILOT_ENTERING_ORBIT": { "description": "Tooltip: Autopilot entering orbit", "message": "Tha am fèin-stiùireadh a’ tòiseachadh air reul-chuairt" }, "HUD_BUTTON_AUTOPILOT_FLYING_TO_TARGET": { "description": "Tooltip: Autopilot flying to target", "message": "Tha am fèin-stiùireadh a’ sgiathadh dhan amas" }, "HUD_BUTTON_BLASTOFF": { "description": "Tooltip: Blastoff", "message": "Losgadh" }, "HUD_BUTTON_EQUIPMENT": { "description": "Tooltip: Equipment", "message": "Uidheamachd" }, "HUD_BUTTON_EXTERNAL_VIEW": { "description": "Tooltip: External camera view", "message": "Sealladh on taobh a-muigh" }, "HUD_BUTTON_FIX_ANTINORMAL": { "description": "Tooltip: fix heading antinormal", "message": "Ceartaich an-àbhaisteach na comhair" }, "HUD_BUTTON_FIX_NORMAL": { "description": "Tooltip: fix heading normal", "message": "Ceartaich àbhaisteach na comhair" }, "HUD_BUTTON_FIX_PROGRADE": { "description": "Tooltip: fix heading prograde", "message": "Ceartaich ceum air adhart na comhair" }, "HUD_BUTTON_FIX_RADIAL_IN": { "description": "Tooltip: fix heading radially inward", "message": "Ceartaich rèideal a-steach na comhair" }, "HUD_BUTTON_FIX_RADIAL_OUT": { "description": "Tooltip: fix heading radially outward", "message": "Ceartaich rèideal a-mach na comhair" }, "HUD_BUTTON_FIX_RETROGRADE": { "description": "Tooltip: fix heading retrograde", "message": "Ceartaich ceum air ais na comhair" }, "HUD_BUTTON_FLYBY_VIEW": { "description": "Tooltip: Flyby camera view", "message": "Sealladh sgiathaidh" }, "HUD_BUTTON_HYPERDRIVE_DISABLED": { "description": "Tooltip: Hyperdrive disabled (docked or landed)", "message": "Tha an draibh os-fhànais à comas" }, "HUD_BUTTON_INITIATE_HYPERJUMP": { "description": "Tooltip: Initiate legal hyperjump", "message": "Tòisich air leum os-fhànais" }, "HUD_BUTTON_INITIATE_ILLEGAL_HYPERJUMP": { "description": "Tooltip: Initiate illegal hyperjump", "message": "Tòisich air leum os-fhànais mì-laghail" }, "HUD_BUTTON_INTERNAL_VIEW": { "description": "Tooltip: Internal camera view", "message": "Sealladh a-mach" }, "HUD_BUTTON_KILL_ROTATION": { "description": "Tooltip: kill rotation", "message": "Stad an cuairteachadh" }, "HUD_BUTTON_LANDING_GEAR_IS_DOWN": { "description": "Tooltip: Landing gear is down", "message": "Tha an uidheamachd landaidh shìos" }, "HUD_BUTTON_LANDING_GEAR_IS_MOVING": { "description": "Tooltip: Landing gear is moving", "message": "Tha an uidheamachd landaidh a’ gluasad" }, "HUD_BUTTON_LANDING_GEAR_IS_UP": { "description": "Tooltip: Landing gear is up", "message": "Tha an uidheamachd landaidh shuas" }, "HUD_BUTTON_MANUAL_CONTROL": { "description": "Tooltip: Manual control", "message": "Stiùireadh a làimh" }, "HUD_BUTTON_ROTATION_DAMPING_IS_OFF": { "description": "Tooltip: Rotation damping is off", "message": "Tha lasachadh a’ chuairteachaidh dheth" }, "HUD_BUTTON_ROTATION_DAMPING_IS_ON": { "description": "Tooltip: Rotation damping is on", "message": "Tha lasachadh a’ chuairteachaidh air" }, "HUD_BUTTON_SCANNER": { "description": "Tooltip: Scanner", "message": "Sganair" }, "HUD_BUTTON_SET_SPEED": { "description": "Tooltip: set speed", "message": "Suidhich an luaths" }, "HUD_BUTTON_SHOW_COMMS": { "description": "Tooltip: Show comms", "message": "Conaltradh" }, "HUD_BUTTON_SHOW_PERSONAL_INFO": { "description": "Tooltip: Show personal info", "message": "Soitheach ⁊ sgioba" }, "HUD_BUTTON_SIDEREAL_VIEW": { "description": "Tooltip: Sidereal camera view", "message": "Sealladh o ùine nan reul" }, "HUD_BUTTON_SWITCH_TO_GALAXY_MAP": { "description": "Tooltip: Switch to galaxy map", "message": "Mapa a’ reul-chriosa" }, "HUD_BUTTON_SWITCH_TO_SECTOR_MAP": { "description": "Tooltip: Switch to sector map", "message": "Mapa na roinne" }, "HUD_BUTTON_SWITCH_TO_SYSTEM_MAP": { "description": "Tooltip: Switch to system map", "message": "Mapa an t-siostaim" }, "HUD_BUTTON_SWITCH_TO_SYSTEM_OVERVIEW": { "description": "Tooltip: Switch to system overview", "message": "Foir-shealladh an t-siostaim" }, "HUD_BUTTON_SWITCH_TO_WORLD_VIEW": { "description": "Tooltip: Switch to world view", "message": "Sealladh an t-saoghail" }, "HUD_BUTTON_UNDOCK": { "description": "Tooltip: Undock", "message": "Dì-dhocaich" }, "HUD_CARGO_MASS": { "description": "Cargo Mass", "message": "Tomad a’ charago" }, "HUD_CURRENT_COMBAT_TARGET": { "description": "Tooltip: The current combat target.", "message": "Amas làithreach na còmhraige" }, "HUD_CURRENT_FRAME": { "description": "Tooltip: The current frame of reference.", "message": "Am frèam-lorgaidh làithreach" }, "HUD_CURRENT_HEADING": { "description": "Tooltip: the current heading.", "message": "A’ chomhair làithreach" }, "HUD_CURRENT_NAV_TARGET": { "description": "Tooltip: The current navigational target.", "message": "Amas làithreach na seòladaireachd" }, "HUD_CURRENT_PITCH": { "description": "Tooltip: the current pitch.", "message": "A’ phids làithreach" }, "HUD_CURRENT_ROLL": { "description": "Tooltip: the current roll.", "message": "An roiligeadh làithreach" }, "HUD_DELTA_V": { "description": "Tooltip: The remaining Δv.", "message": "Δv air fhàgail" }, "HUD_DELTA_V_OF_MANEUVER_BURN": { "description": "Tooltip: The Δv for the maneuver burn.", "message": "Δv airson an losgaidh-obrachaidh" }, "HUD_DELTA_V_PERCENT": { "description": "Tooltip: The remaining Δv in percent.", "message": "% dhen Δv as motha" }, "HUD_DISTANCE_TO_SURFACE_OF_FRAME": { "description": "Tooltip: Distance to the surface of the frame of reference.", "message": "An t-astar gu uachdar an fhrèam-lorgaidh" }, "HUD_DISTANCE_TO_SURFACE_OF_TARGET": { "description": "Tooltip: Distance to the surface of the target.", "message": "An t-astar gu uachdar an amais" }, "HUD_DURATION_OF_MANEUVER_BURN": { "description": "Tooltip: The approximate duration of the maneuver burn with main thrusters.", "message": "An ùine thuaireamach a bheir an losgadh-obrachaidh leis na prìomh-phutairean" }, "HUD_DURATION_UNTIL_MANEUVER_BURN": { "description": "Tooltip: The duration until the middle of the maneuver burn.", "message": "An ùine gu meadhan an losgaidh-obrachaidh" }, "HUD_FORWARD_GUN_TEMPERATURE": { "description": "Tooltip: Forward Gun Temperature.", "message": "Teothachd a’ ghunna-bheòil" }, "HUD_HULL_STRENGTH": { "description": "Tooltip: Hull Strength.", "message": "Neart na slige" }, "HUD_HULL_TEMPERATURE": { "description": "Tooltip: Hull Temperature.", "message": "Teothachd na slige" }, "HUD_HYPERSPACING_TO_N_IN_N_SECONDS": { "description": "", "message": "Gu bhith dol dhan os-fhànais gu {destination} an ceann {countdown} diog(an)" }, "HUD_INDICATOR_AWAY_FROM_FRAME": { "description": "Indicator: Away from the current frame.", "message": "Air falbh on fhrèam làithreach" }, "HUD_INDICATOR_COMBAT_TARGET_PROGRADE": { "description": "Indicator: Prograde direction relative to the current combat target.", "message": "Gabh ceum air adhart an dàimh ri amas làithreach na còmhraige" }, "HUD_INDICATOR_COMBAT_TARGET_RETROGRADE": { "description": "Indicator: Retrograde direction relative to the current combat target.", "message": "Gabh ceum air ais an dàimh ri amas làithreach na còmhraige" }, "HUD_INDICATOR_FRAME_PROGRADE": { "description": "Indicator: Prograde direction relative to the current frame.", "message": "Gabh ceum air adhart gu dàimheil ris an fhrèam-lorgaidh làithreach" }, "HUD_INDICATOR_FRAME_RETROGRADE": { "description": "Indicator: Retrograde direction relative to the current frame.", "message": "Gabh ceum air ais gu dàimheil ris an fhrèam-lorgaidh làithreach" }, "HUD_INDICATOR_MANEUVER_PROGRADE": { "description": "Indicator: The prograde direction for the maneuver burn.", "message": "Gabh ceum air adhart airson losgadh-obrachaidh" }, "HUD_INDICATOR_NAV_TARGET_PROGRADE": { "description": "Indicator: Prograde direction relative to the current navigational target.", "message": "Gabh ceum air adhart gu dàimheil ri amas làithreach na seòladaireachd" }, "HUD_INDICATOR_NAV_TARGET_RETROGRADE": { "description": "Indicator: Retrograde direction relative to the current navigational target.", "message": "Gabh ceum air ais gu dàimheil ri amas làithreach na seòladaireachd" }, "HUD_IN_TRANSIT_TO_N_X_X_X": { "description": "", "message": "A’ siubhal gu {system} [{x},{y},{z}]" }, "HUD_JUMP_COMPLETE": { "description": "", "message": "Adhartas an leuma: {percent}%" }, "HUD_MASS": { "description": "Mass", "message": "Tomad" }, "HUD_RADAR_DISTANCE": { "description": "Tooltip: Current distance of the radar.", "message": "Rainse ghnìomhach an rèideir" }, "HUD_REQUEST_TIME_ACCEL": { "description": "Tooltip: Request time acceleration {time}", "message": "Dèan nas luaithe: {time}" }, "HUD_SHIELD_STRENGTH": { "description": "Tooltip: Shield Strength.", "message": "Neart na sgèithe" }, "HUD_SHOW_COMBAT_TARGET": { "description": "Tooltip: Show the current combat target.", "message": "Seall amas làithreach na còmhraige" }, "HUD_SHOW_FRAME": { "description": "Tooltip: Show the current frame of reference.", "message": "Seall am frèam-lorgaidh làithreach" }, "HUD_SHOW_NAV_TARGET": { "description": "Tooltip: Show current navigational target.", "message": "Seall amas làithreach na seòladaireachd" }, "HUD_SPEED_OF_APPROACH_TO_FRAME": { "description": "Tooltip: The speed of approach towards the frame of reference.", "message": "Luaths an teannaidh an comhair an fhrèam-lorgaidh" }, "HUD_SPEED_OF_APPROACH_TO_TARGET": { "description": "Tooltip: The speed of approach relative to target.", "message": "Luaths an teannaidh dàimheil ris an amas" }, "HUD_SPEED_RELATIVE_TO_TARGET": { "description": "Tooltip: The speed relative to the target.", "message": "An luaths dàimheil ris an amas" }, "HUD_THRUST_INDICATOR": { "description": "Tooltip: describe what the thrust/velocity indicator shows", "message": "Seall an luaths làithreach air gach comhair (loidhnichean tana) ’s am putadh (cùlaibh tiugh)" }, "HUD_WARNING_DESCENT_RATE": { "description": "Shown on HUD as a warning flasher", "message": "LUATHS an TEÀRNAIDH" }, "HUD_WARNING_IMPACT": { "description": "Alert tooltip", "message": "Rabhadh bualaidh" }, "HUD_WARNING_IMPACT_IMMINENT": { "description": "Alert tooltip", "message": "Gu bhith bualadh" }, "HULL_DOES_NOT_REQUIRE_REPAIR": { "description": "", "message": "Chan eil càradh a dhìth air an t-slige." }, "HULL_INTEGRITY": { "description": "", "message": "Cor na slige" }, "HULL_REPAIRED_BY_NAME_NOW_AT_N_PERCENT": { "description": "", "message": "Chaidh an t-slige a chàradh le {name}, air {repairPercent}% a-nis" }, "HULL_REPAIR_ATTEMPT_FAILED_HULL_SUFFERED_MINOR_DAMAGE": { "description": "", "message": "Dh’fhàillig le càradh na slige. Fhuair an t-slige beagan dochainn." }, "HYPERDRIVE": { "description": "", "message": "Draibh os-fhànais" }, "HYPERDRIVE_FITTED": { "description": "", "message": "Draibh os-fhànais suidhichte:" }, "HYPERJUMP_ROUTE": { "description": "", "message": "Cùrsa os-leum" }, "HYPERSPACE_RANGE": { "description": "", "message": "Rainse os-fhànais" }, "ILLEGAL_IN_SYSTEM": { "description": "An illegal action or commodity", "message": "Mì-laghail san t-siostam" }, "ILLEGAL_JUMP": { "description": "A finable crime", "message": "Chaidh os-leum cion-umhail a chlàradh" }, "IM_TIRED_OF_WORKING_FOR_NOTHING_DONT_YOU_KNOW_WHAT_A_CONTRACT_IS": { "description": "", "message": "Tha mi sgìth dhen a bhith ’g obair gun phàigheadh. Nach eil fhios agaibh dè th’ ann an cùmhnant?" }, "INACTIVE": { "description": "", "message": "Neo-ghnìomhach" }, "INCOMPETENT": { "description": "For player reputation", "message": "Neo-chomasach" }, "INCREASE": { "description": "Increase something.", "message": "Meudaich" }, "INEXPERIENCED": { "description": "For player reputation", "message": "Aineolach" }, "INITIATED": { "description": "Ship jump status", "message": "Air a thòiseachadh" }, "INSUFFICIENT_FUEL": { "description": "Ship jump status", "message": "Chan eil connadh gu leòr agad" }, "INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS": { "description": "", "message": "Chan eil airgead gu leòr agad." }, "INVERT_MOUSE_Y": { "description": "", "message": "Ais-thionndaidh Y na luchaige" }, "IN_CARGO_HOLD": { "description": "", "message": "San roinn carago" }, "IN_STOCK": { "description": "", "message": "San stoc" }, "IN_SYSTEM": { "description": "Used in flight log, show which star system we are/were in", "message": "San t-siostam" }, "ITEM_IS_OUT_OF_STOCK": { "description": "", "message": "Chan eil an nì seo san stoc tuilleadh." }, "ITS_BEEN_GREAT_WORKING_FOR_YOU_IF_YOU_NEED_ME_AGAIN_ILL_BE_HERE_A_WHILE": { "description": "", "message": "Chòrd e rium obair air ur son. Bidh mi an-seo greis fhathast ma bhios feum agaibh orm a-rithist." }, "JETTISON": { "description": "", "message": "Tilg a-mach" }, "JUMPING": { "description": "Flight State", "message": "Leum" }, "KILLS": { "description": "", "message": "Air a mhilleadh" }, "LANGUAGE": { "description": "", "message": "Cànan" }, "LANGUAGE_RESTART_GAME_TO_APPLY": { "description": "", "message": "Cànan (tòisich an geama às ùr gus a chur an sàs)" }, "LAUNCH_PERMISSION_DENIED_BUSY": { "description": "", "message": "Chaidh an t-iarrtas itealaidh a dhiùltadh: tha an t-ionad docaidh trang." }, "LAUNCH_PERMISSION_DENIED_CREW": { "description": "", "message": "Chaidh cead itealaidh a dhiùltadh: tha an sgioba agad ro bheag gus an soitheach seo a làimhseachadh." }, "LAUNCH_PERMISSION_DENIED_FINED": { "description": "", "message": "Chaidh cead itealaidh a dhiùltadh: tha cìsean againn ort." }, "LAUNCH_PERMISSION_GRANTED": { "description": "", "message": "Fhuair sibh cead itealaidh." }, "LAUNCH_PERMISSION_GRANTED_DEPART_QUICK": { "description": "", "message": "Fhuair sibh cead. Feuchaibh am fàg sibh gu luath on a tha an raon-laighe trang." }, "LAUNCH_PERMISSION_GRANTED_WATCH_TRAFFIC": { "description": "", "message": "Fhuair sibh cead. Thoiribh sùil a-mach air an trafaig nuair a dh’fhàgas sibh." }, "LEGAL_STATUS": { "description": "", "message": "Laghail" }, "LIGHT_CARGO_SHUTTLE": { "description": "", "message": "Aiseag carago aotrom" }, "LIGHT_COURIER": { "description": "", "message": "Teachdaire aotrom" }, "LIGHT_FIGHTER": { "description": "", "message": "Soitheach-cogaidh aotrom" }, "LIGHT_FREIGHTER": { "description": "", "message": "Soitheach-carago aotrom" }, "LIGHT_PASSENGER_SHUTTLE": { "description": "", "message": "Aiseag thaistealach aotrom" }, "LIGHT_PASSENGER_TRANSPORT": { "description": "", "message": "Soitheach thaistealach aotrom" }, "LOAD": { "description": "", "message": "Luchdaich" }, "LOAD_GAME": { "description": "", "message": "Luchdaich geama" }, "LOBBY": { "description": "", "message": "Lobaidh" }, "LOCAL_ARM": { "description": "Arm of the Milky Way galaxy", "message": "Gobhal ionadail" }, "LOCATED_N_KM_FROM_THE_CENTRE_OF_NAME": { "description": "", "message": "{distance}km air falbh o mheadhan {name}:" }, "LOCATION": { "description": "", "message": "Ionad" }, "LOG_CUSTOM": { "description": "Label tab for showing custom logged events", "message": "Loga pearsanta" }, "LOG_NEW": { "description": "Indicate to make an entry into flight log system", "message": "Nì ùr" }, "LOG_STATION": { "description": "Label tab for showing logged station events", "message": "Loga an stèisein" }, "LOG_SYSTEM": { "description": "Label tab for showing logged system events", "message": "Loga an t-siostaim" }, "LOW": { "description": "", "message": "Ìseal" }, "LY": { "description": "Light year", "message": "bl-shol" }, "MAJOR_EXPORT": { "description": "For displaying commodity information", "message": "Prìomh às-mhalairt" }, "MAJOR_EXPORTS_ITEM": { "description": "", "message": "Prìomh às-mhalairt" }, "MAJOR_IMPORT": { "description": "For displaying commodity information", "message": "Prìomh ion-mhalairt" }, "MAJOR_IMPORTS_ITEM": { "description": "", "message": "Prìomh ion-mhalairt" }, "MAKE_NEW_FACE": { "description": "", "message": "Cruthaich aodann ùr" }, "MALE": { "description": "", "message": "Fireann" }, "MARKET_BUYLINE": { "description": "", "message": "Ceannaich {amount} aonad(an) air {price}" }, "MARKET_SELLINE": { "description": "", "message": "Reic {amount} aonad(an) air {price}" }, "MASS": { "description": "", "message": "Tomad" }, "MASTER": { "description": "For player reputation", "message": "Maighstir" }, "MASTER_VOL": { "description": "Master sound in settings option", "message": "Iomlan:" }, "MAX": { "description": "", "message": "as motha" }, "MAXIMUM_CREW": { "description": "", "message": "An sgioba as motha" }, "MEDIUM": { "description": "Game settings option: graphics resolution", "message": "Meadhanach" }, "MEDIUM_CARGO_SHUTTLE": { "description": "", "message": "Aiseag carago meadhanach" }, "MEDIUM_COURIER": { "description": "", "message": "Teachdaire meadhanach" }, "MEDIUM_FIGHTER": { "description": "", "message": "Soitheach-cogaidh meadhanach" }, "MEDIUM_FREIGHTER": { "description": "", "message": "Soitheach-carago meadhanach" }, "MEDIUM_PASSENGER_SHUTTLE": { "description": "", "message": "Aiseag thaistealach meadhanach" }, "MEDIUM_PASSENGER_TRANSPORT": { "description": "", "message": "Soitheach thaistealach meadhanach" }, "METAL_ALLOYS": { "description": "", "message": "Co-mheatailtean" }, "MILITARY": { "description": "", "message": "An t-arm" }, "MINIMAL_TRADE": { "description": "Indicates a system does not have a significant amount of trade in a commodity.", "message": "Beagan malairt" }, "MINIMUM_CREW": { "description": "", "message": "An sgioba as lugha" }, "MINOR_EXPORT": { "description": "For displaying commodity information", "message": "Beagan às-mhalairt" }, "MINOR_EXPORTS_ITEM": { "description": "", "message": "Beagan às-mhalairt" }, "MINOR_IMPORT": { "description": "For displaying commodity information", "message": "Beagan ion-mhalairt" }, "MINOR_IMPORTS_ITEM": { "description": "", "message": "Beagan ion-mhalairt" }, "MISSILE_MOUNTS": { "description": "", "message": "Ionadan astais" }, "MISSIONS": { "description": "", "message": "Miseanan" }, "MISSION_DETAILS": { "description": "", "message": "Fiosrachadh a’ mhisein" }, "MORE_INFO": { "description": "", "message": "Barrachd fiosrachaidh…" }, "MOSTLY_HARMLESS": { "description": "", "message": "Cha mhòr neo-chiontach" }, "MOVE_DOWN": { "description": "move selection down in list", "message": "Gluais sìos" }, "MOVE_UP": { "description": "move selection up in list", "message": "Gluais suas" }, "MULTISAMPLING": { "description": "", "message": "Ioma-shamplachadh" }, "MULTISAMPLING_DESC": { "description": "", "message": "Gleusadh na grafaigeachd a chleachdar gus oir-loidhnichean nas rèidhe fhaighinn. Dh’fhaoidte gum bi seo cosgail air an stòras." }, "MURDER": { "description": "", "message": "Murt" }, "MUSIC": { "description": "", "message": "Ceòl:" }, "MUTE": { "description": "", "message": "Mùch" }, "NAME_OBJECT": { "description": "For an item or object", "message": "Ainm" }, "NAME_PERSON": { "description": "For a person", "message": "Ainm" }, "NAVIGATION": { "description": "", "message": "Seòladaireachd:" }, "NAVIGATOR": { "description": "", "message": "Seòladair" }, "NEGOTIATE": { "description": "", "message": "Rèitich" }, "NEXT_FACE_FEATURE": { "description": "Face feature switch button for FaceGenerator in the PersonalInfo view", "message": "Air adhart" }, "NEXT_PAID": { "description": "", "message": "An t-ath phàigheadh" }, "NO": { "description": "Negative answer to a question", "message": "Chan eil" }, "NOBODY": { "description": "For player reputation", "message": "Gun urram" }, "NONE": { "description": "", "message": "Chan eil gin" }, "NONE_FOR_SALE_IN_THIS_STATION": { "description": "", "message": "Chan eil gin ’ga reic san stèisean seo." }, "NORMA_ARM": { "description": "Arm of the Milky Way galaxy", "message": "Gobhal na Riaghailte" }, "NOTES": { "description": "", "message": "Nòtaichean:" }, "NOT_ENOUGH_ALLOY_TO_ATTEMPT_A_REPAIR": { "description": "", "message": "Chan eil {alloy} gu leòr agad gus feuchainn ris a chàradh" }, "NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SHIP": { "description": "", "message": "Cha chuir am modal soithich seo taic ri {equipment}" }, "NO_DRIVE": { "description": "Ship jump status", "message": "Gun draibh" }, "NO_FILTER_MATCHES": { "description": "No matches to this filter.", "message": "Chan eil dad a’ freagairt ris a’ chriathrag" }, "NO_MISSIONS": { "description": "", "message": "Chan eil misean agad." }, "NO_VALID_ROUTE": { "description": "Message in the sector map, issued by the autoroute function.", "message": "Chan eil slighe dhligheach dhan t-siostam a thagh thu ann." }, "N_LIGHT_YEARS_N_MAX": { "description": "", "message": "{range} bl-sholais ({maxRange} as motha)" }, "N_OCCUPIED_PASSENGER_CABINS": { "description": "", "message": "{quantity} cèibinn(ean) taistealaich air an còmhnadh" }, "N_SHIELD_GENERATORS": { "description": "", "message": "{quantity} gineadairean sgèithe" }, "N_UNOCCUPIED_PASSENGER_CABINS": { "description": "", "message": "{quantity} cèibinn(ean) taistealaich gun chòmhnadh" }, "OFF": { "description": "", "message": "Dheth" }, "OFFENDER": { "description": "Legal status of player", "message": "Ciontach" }, "OK": { "description": "", "message": "Ceart ma-thà" }, "OPEN_USER_FOLDER": { "description": "", "message": "Pasgan cleachdaiche" }, "OPTIONS": { "description": "", "message": "Roghainnean" }, "ORBIT": { "description": "", "message": "Reul-chuairt" }, "ORBITAL_ANALYSIS": { "description": "", "message": "Sgrùdadh na reul-chuairte" }, "ORBITAL_ANALYSIS_NOTES": { "description": "", "message": "Thèid luaths cearcallach na reul-cuairte a shealltainn mar luaths beantanach. Mu chòir dhan t-soitheach a bhith a’ siubhal le 90° an comhair aiseal an t-soithich/{name}.\n\nTha an luaths teàrnaidh cho beag ’s a ghabhas agus tha e beantanach cuideachd. Bheir luaths as ìsle le ceum as ìsle cùrsa dhut a dh’eadar-ghearras ris an uachdar aig {name}.\n\nBu chòir don luaths teichidh obrachadh air comhair sam bith cho fad ’s nach buail an soitheach ri {name} air an t-slighe.\n\t\t" }, "OUTER_ARM": { "description": "Arm of the Milky Way galaxy", "message": "Gobhal a-muigh" }, "OUTLAW": { "description": "Legal status of player", "message": "Fògarrach" }, "OUTSTANDING_FINES": { "description": "Unpaid fines for crimes committed", "message": "Càintean ri am pàigheadh" }, "OUT_OF_RANGE": { "description": "Ship jump status", "message": "Ro fhad air falbh" }, "OVERVIEW_NAME_FILTER": { "description": "Filter overview window entries by name", "message": "Criathraich nithean uinneag an fhoir-sheallaidh a-rèir ainm" }, "OWED": { "description": "Player owing money to crew members", "message": "Fiachan" }, "PAY": { "description": "Pay for a transaction of services, e.g. for paying fines, (or repairs)", "message": "Pàigh" }, "PAY_FINE_OF_N": { "description": "", "message": "Pàigh càin de {amount}" }, "PERSEUS_ARM": { "description": "Arm of the Milky Way galaxy", "message": "Gobhal Pherseus" }, "PERSONAL_INFORMATION": { "description": "", "message": "Fiosrachadh pearsanta" }, "PILOT": { "description": "", "message": "Paidhleat" }, "PILOTING": { "description": "", "message": "Stiùireadh:" }, "PILOT_SEAT_IS_NOW_OCCUPIED_BY_NAME": { "description": "", "message": "Tha {name} ’na phaidhleat a-nis" }, "PIRACY": { "description": "", "message": "Spùinneadaireachd" }, "PLANET_DETAIL_DISTANCE": { "description": "", "message": "Astar mion-shealladh nam planaidean" }, "PLANET_TEXTURES": { "description": "", "message": "Innich nam planaidean" }, "PLEASE_REPORT_THIS_ERROR": { "description": "Informational text mentioning the error and asking the player to report it.", "message": "Oops, something went wrong here! Please report the steps to reproduce this error, the output log, and your save file to the Pioneer issue tracker on Github.\nYou can find your output log at: {path}/output.txt" }, "POLICE": { "description": "", "message": "A’ phoileas" }, "POOR": { "description": "Player combat rating", "message": "Bochd" }, "POSITION": { "description": "The job title/position of crew memeber", "message": "Dreuchd" }, "PRESS_A_KEY_OR_CONTROLLER_BUTTON": { "description": "", "message": "Brùth air iuchair no putan uidheim-smachd no air escape airson fhalamhachadh" }, "PREVIOUS_FACE_FEATURE": { "description": "Face feature switch button for FaceGenerator in the PersonalInfo view", "message": "Air ais" }, "PRICE": { "description": "", "message": "Prìs" }, "PROFESSIONAL": { "description": "For player reputation", "message": "Ceàirdeach" }, "PROFITABLE_TRADE": { "description": "Indicates a profitable trade route.", "message": "Malairt tharbhach" }, "PUMP_DOWN": { "description": "Drain the fuel tank", "message": "Pùmp sìos" }, "QUALIFICATION_SCORES": { "description": "", "message": "Sgòran teisteanais" }, "QUIT": { "description": "", "message": "Fàg an-seo" }, "QUIT_CONFIRMATION": { "description": "For the checkbox in settings window", "message": "Dearbhadh an fhàgail" }, "RANDOM_FACE": { "description": "Generate random face", "message": "Air thuaiream" }, "RANK": { "description": "", "message": "Rang:" }, "RATING": { "description": "", "message": "Rangachadh:" }, "REAR_WEAPON": { "description": "", "message": "Arm cùlaibh" }, "REFUEL": { "description": "", "message": "Tog connadh" }, "REFUEL_FULL": { "description": "", "message": "Connadh làn" }, "REGISTRATION_NUMBER": { "description": "", "message": "Àireamh clàraidh" }, "RELIABLE": { "description": "For player reputation", "message": "Earbsach" }, "REMOVE": { "description": "Remove, e.g. deleting a log entry", "message": "Thoir air falbh" }, "REMOVE_JUMP": { "description": "UI-button: remove hyper jump from list of planned jumps", "message": "Thoir air falbh an leum" }, "REMOVE_WHEN_COMPLETED": { "description": "For UI hyperjump planner, referring to jump target system", "message": "Thoir air falbh an leum nuair a bhios e deiseil" }, "REPAIR_X_HULL_DAMAGE_FOR_X": { "description": "", "message": "Càraich {damage}% dhen dochann air an t-slige le {price}" }, "REPUTATION": { "description": "", "message": "Cliù" }, "REQUEST_LAUNCH": { "description": "", "message": "Iarr cead itealaidh" }, "REQUIRED_FUEL": { "description": "Fuel usage for traveling to star system", "message": "Connadh air a bheil feum:" }, "RESET": { "description": "", "message": "Ath-shuidhich" }, "RESET_ORIENTATION_AND_ZOOM": { "description": "", "message": "Ath-shuidhich a’ chomhair agus an sùm" }, "RETURN_TO_GAME": { "description": "", "message": "Till dhan gheama" }, "RETURN_TO_MENU": { "description": "", "message": "Till dhan chlàr-taice" }, "REVERSE_ACCEL_EMPTY": { "description": "", "message": "Luathachadh air ais (falamh)" }, "REVERSE_ACCEL_FULL": { "description": "", "message": "Luathachadh air ais (làn)" }, "REWARD": { "description": "", "message": "Duais" }, "ROTATE_VIEW": { "description": "Indicates that the button must be kept pressed down, to rotate camera view with mouse", "message": "Cùm sìos a chuairteachadh an t-seallaidh" }, "ROUTE_INFO": { "description": "For hyperjump planner", "message": "Fiosrachadh a’ chùrsa" }, "ROUTE_JUMPS": { "description": "For hyperjump planner", "message": "Leuman a’ chùrsa" }, "SAFETY_LOCKOUT": { "description": "Ship jump status", "message": "Glasadh a-mach sàbhailteachd" }, "SAGITTARIUS_ARM": { "description": "Arm of the Milky Way galaxy", "message": "Gobhal a’ Bhoghadair" }, "SAVE": { "description": "", "message": "Sàbhail" }, "SCOOP_MOUNTS": { "description": "How many slots or mounts exist on the ship for fitting SCOOPS (e.g. cargo scoop, fuel scoop, multi-scoop) ", "message": "Tàthaidhean sgioba" }, "SCUTUM_CENTAURUS_ARM": { "description": "Arm of the Milky Way galaxy", "message": "Gobhal Scutum-Centaurus" }, "SELECT": { "description": "", "message": "Tagh" }, "SELECT_A_FILE_TO_SAVE_TO_OR_ENTER_A_NEW_FILENAME": { "description": "", "message": "Tagh faidhle airson sàbhaladh no cuir a-steach ainm faidhle ùr" }, "SELECT_FILE": { "description": "", "message": "Tagh faidhle…" }, "SELECT_GAME_TO_LOAD": { "description": "", "message": "Tagh geama gus a luchdadh…" }, "SELL": { "description": "Commodities and equipment prices", "message": "Reic" }, "SENSORS": { "description": "", "message": "Mothaichearan:" }, "SENSORS_AND_DEFENCE": { "description": "", "message": "Mothaichearan ’s dìon" }, "SETTINGS": { "description": "UI option", "message": "Roghainnean" }, "SET_AS_TARGET": { "description": "", "message": "Suidhich an ceann-uidhe mar cheann-uidhe na seòladaireachd." }, "SET_RETURN_ROUTE": { "description": "", "message": "Suidhich cùrsa tillidh" }, "SHIP": { "description": "", "message": "Soitheach" }, "SHIPS_ENGINEER": { "description": "", "message": "Innleadair luinge" }, "SHIP_INFORMATION": { "description": "", "message": "Fiosrachadh an t-soithich" }, "SHIP_IS_ALREADY_FULLY_REPAIRED": { "description": "", "message": "Tha cor do shoitheach foirfe." }, "SHIP_IS_FULLY_EQUIPPED": { "description": "", "message": "Tha an soitheach agad uidheamaichte gu slàn." }, "SHIP_IS_FULLY_LADEN": { "description": "", "message": "Tha an soitheach agad làn." }, "SHIP_MARKET": { "description": "", "message": "Margadh shoithichean" }, "SHIP_REPAIRS": { "description": "", "message": "Càradh shoithich" }, "SHIP_TYPE": { "description": "", "message": "Seòrsa an t-soithich" }, "SHIP_VIEWING_WAS_SOLD": { "description": "", "message": "Tha an soitheach a bha thu a’ coimhead air rèic" }, "SIMULATING_UNIVERSE_EVOLUTION_N_BYEARS": { "description": "", "message": "A’ cruthachadh gnè an domhain: {age} billean bliadhna ;-)" }, "SOUND": { "description": "", "message": "Fuaim" }, "START_AT_BARNARDS_STAR": { "description": "", "message": "Tòisich air Reul Bharnard" }, "START_AT_BARNARDS_STAR_DESC": { "description": "", "message": "Seo toiseach doirbh o stèisean prìosain aig riaghaltas siostam Resting." }, "START_AT_EARTH": { "description": "", "message": "Tòisich air an Talamh" }, "START_AT_EARTH_DESC": { "description": "", "message": "Seo toiseach furasta o Lunnainn air an Talamh ann an siostam Sol." }, "START_AT_MARS": { "description": "", "message": "Tòisich air a’ Chorg" }, "START_AT_MARS_DESC": { "description": "", "message": "Seo toiseach furasta o Cydonia air a’ Chorg ann an siostam Sol." }, "START_AT_NEW_HOPE": { "description": "New Hope is an in game location", "message": "Tòisich air Dòchas Ùr" }, "START_AT_NEW_HOPE_DESC": { "description": "", "message": "Seo toiseach le duilgheas meadhanach o Itzalean air Dòchas Ùr ann an siostam Epsilon." }, "START_LOG_ENTRY_1": { "description": "First custom log message when starting a new game, giving backstory to the character. Importantly we here hint at what actions the player is best to take: buy fuel, get reputation, ask for take off clearance.", "message": "Gu mì-fhortanach, cha do sheall bràthair mo mhàthair nach maireann domh a-riamh mar a tha an seann soitheach seo ag obair ach saoilidh mu gu bheil mi a’ cur ri loga an t-soithich an-dràsta. Tha e neònach gu bheil mi a’ fhaireachdainn a làthaireachd fhathast mar an robh e am broinn ballachan an t-soithich seo. ’S dòcha gun déid e ’na co-phaidhleat domh ach an lorg sinn ar dàn san fhànas mhòr. Ach feumaidh mi haidridean a cheannach dhan draibh leuma an toiseach, cùrsa a threòrachadh gu cothroman malairt tarbhach agus ùrnaigh dha na speuran gun leig an sgioba stiùiridh trafaige leam fhàgail a dh’aindeoin cion eòlais. Chì sinn dè na comasan a th’ air an t-soitheach seo an uairsin. Gun coisinninn cliù!" }, "START_LOG_ENTRY_2": { "description": "First custom log message when starting a new game, giving backstory to the character, here going for a Blade Runner feeling", "message": "Tha na bòtannan agam fhathast fliuch on dìle bàthte ’nam bhaile a-raoir. Bha an làr cho fliuch gun do lìon e - mar an robh e ri dìoghaltas - speur na h-oidhche le faileas nan sanasan nìtheon os cionn na sràide fluich. Gidheadh, fhuair mi seachad air an uisge is ràinig mi an t-iteal dhan reul-port far an robh an soitheach ùr agam a’ feitheamh orm. Thug oifigear an reul-phuirt sùil gheur orm nuair a dh’innis mi dha gun robh mi airson soitheach a thogail. Cha chreid mi gu bheil coltas an speuradair cheirt orm is mi air a h-uile càil a bh’ agam airson an seann soitheach meirgeach seo a cheannach agus bòtannan fliuch orm. Co-dhiù, tha mi làn-chinnteach gur e na reultan a tha san dàn dhomh. Nise, càit a bheil an iuchair-thòiseachaidh?" }, "START_LOG_ENTRY_3": { "description": "First custom log message when starting a new game, giving backstory to the character. Here explaining why there's no hyperdrive in the ship, and what to do about it.", "message": "Às dèidh tuilleadh ’s a chòrr oifigealachd fhulang, nuair mi an soitheach agam air ais on ath-ghabhail mu dheireadh thall. Gidheadh, cha do dh’fhàg iad dhomh ach an t-slige, a’ tairgsinn gun robh “fiachan” agam orra. Chan ann a-mhàin gun do thog iad an t-inneal-cofaidh a b’ fheàrr leam ach tog na slaightearan sin an draibh os-fhànais cuideachd agus tha mi stuicte san t-siosta seo a-nis gus an reic mi na tha air fhàgail san t-soitheach airson draibh ùr a mhaoineachadh. Ach mar a thuirt am bodach eile: cha robh latha gun dà latha agus thèid an latha leam fhathast. A dh’aindeoin dìth a’ chofaidh. Gabhaidh mi gach cothrom is ruigidh mi na reultan fhathast." }, "STAR_FIELD_DENSITY": { "description": "", "message": "Dùmhlachd an reul-raoin" }, "STATION": { "description": "Flight log info, will refer to a station by name", "message": "Stèisean" }, "STATION_DOCKS": { "description": "Information shown in the station lobby, for total number of docking pads", "message": "Padaichean docaidh iomlan: {total_docking_pads}." }, "STATION_LOCAL_GRAVITY": { "description": "", "message": "Is %.2f g an iom-tharraing ionadail." }, "STATION_LOCAL_GRAVITY_PRESSURE": { "description": "", "message": "Is %.2f g an iom-tharraing agus %.2f atm am brùthadh-àile ionadail." }, "STATION_MANAGER": { "description": "", "message": "Stiùiriche an stèisein" }, "STATION_ORBIT": { "description": "Information shown in the station loby", "message": "Tha sinn a’ reul-chuairteachadh {parent_body} gach {orbit_period} là(ithean)." }, "STATION_TECH_TOO_LOW": { "description": "", "message": "Chan fhoghainn teicneolas an stèisean seo gus an nì a reic" }, "STATUS": { "description": "", "message": "Staid" }, "TECH_CERTIFIED": { "description": "Lobby screen shows the tech level (an integer number) of the station", "message": "Tha teisteanas teicneolais ìre {tech_level} aig an stèisean seo." }, "TECH_CERTIFIED_MILITARY": { "description": "Lobby screen shows the tech level of the station", "message": "Tha cead airson teicneolas-airm aig an ionad seo." }, "TEXTURE_COMPRESSION": { "description": "", "message": "Saoraidh seo barrachd chuimhne dhan chairt-ghrafaigeachd is tha sinn an dùil gur e seo am modh nas fheàrr dhut ged a bheir e barrachd ùine an geama a thòiseachadh on a thèid nithean a dhùmhlachadh." }, "THANKS_AND_REMEMBER_TO_BUY_FUEL": { "description": "", "message": "Mòran taing airson ur ceannach. Na dìochnaichibh uidheamachd a shuidheachadh agus connadh a cheannach mus fhalbh sibh." }, "THERE_IS_NOBODY_ELSE_ON_BOARD_ABLE_TO_FLY_THIS_SHIP": { "description": "", "message": "Chan eil duine sam bith eile air bòrd air a bhiodh comas gus an soitheach seo a stiùireadh." }, "THE_SHIP_IS_UNDER_STATION_CONTROL_COMMANDER": { "description": "", "message": "Tha an soitheach fo smachd an stèisein, a Chomandair." }, "THIS_IS_FACTION_POLICE": { "description": "Greeting message in police station. 'faction' is one of (English, non-translatable) strings: 'Solar Federation', 'Commonwealth of Independent Worlds', or 'Haber Corporation', and 'faction_police' is one of: 'SolFed Police Force', 'Confederal Police' or, 'Haber Enforcement Division'", "message": "Seo {faction_police} aig {faction}" }, "THREE_KPC_ARM": { "description": "Arm of the Milky Way galaxy", "message": "Gobhal 3kpc" }, "TOGGLE_FULL_COMMS_WINDOW": { "description": "on world view / main screen", "message": "Toglaich uinneag shlàn a’ chonaltraidh" }, "TOGGLE_MALE_FEMALE": { "description": "player gender", "message": "Toglaich fireann/boireann" }, "TOGGLE_OVERVIEW_SHOW_MOONS": { "description": "toggle whether the overview window shows moons or not", "message": "Toglaich an nochd gealaichean air an foir-shealladh gus nach nochd" }, "TOGGLE_OVERVIEW_SHOW_STATIONS": { "description": "toggle whether the overview window shows stations or not", "message": "Toglaich an nochd stèiseanan air an foir-shealladh gus nach nochd" }, "TOGGLE_OVERVIEW_SORT_BY_PLAYER_DISTANCE": { "description": "toggle whether the overview window sorts by distance from the player or from the system center", "message": "Geàrr leum eadar seòrsachadh a-rèir astar on chluicheadair is astar o mheadhan an t-siostaim" }, "TOGGLE_OVERVIEW_WINDOW": { "description": "show/hide the overview window / navigation window", "message": "Toglaich uinneag an fhoir-sheallaidh" }, "TOO_SMALL_FOR_CURRENT_CREW": { "description": "", "message": "Tha an soitheach ro bheag airson an sgioba agad." }, "TOO_SMALL_TO_TRANSSHIP": { "description": "Ship market error message", "message": "Chan eil rùm aig soithichean ùra airson a’ charago ’s draibh os-fhànais seo." }, "TOTAL": { "description": "", "message": "Iomlan:" }, "TOTAL_DISTANCE": { "description": "Total distance of a (possibly series) of hyper jump(s)", "message": "An t-astar iomlan:" }, "TOTAL_DURATION": { "description": "Total duration of a (possibly series) of hyper jump(s)", "message": "Am fad iomlan:" }, "TOTAL_MASS": { "description": "", "message": "Tomad iomlan" }, "TRADING_FROM": { "description": "Indicates the source system of a commodity trade.", "message": "O {system}:" }, "TRADING_ILLEGAL_GOODS": { "description": "", "message": "Malart bathar mì-laghail" }, "TRADING_TO": { "description": "Indicates the destination system of a commodity trade.", "message": "Gu {system}:" }, "TRUSTWORTHY": { "description": "For player reputation", "message": "Urrasach" }, "TYPE": { "description": "", "message": "Seòrsa" }, "UNLAWFUL_WEAPONS_DISCHARGE": { "description": "", "message": "Losgadh airm mì-laghail" }, "UNPROFITABLE_TRADE": { "description": "Indicates an unprofitable trade route.", "message": "Malairt neo-tharbhach" }, "UNRELIABLE": { "description": "", "message": "Neo-earbsach" }, "UP_ACCEL": { "description": "", "message": "Luathachadh suas" }, "USED": { "description": "", "message": "’ga chleachdadh" }, "VERY_HIGH": { "description": "Game settings option: graphic resolution", "message": "Glè àrd" }, "VERY_LOW": { "description": "Game settings option: graphic resolution", "message": "Glè ìseal" }, "VICINITY_OF": { "description": "", "message": "Faisg air" }, "VIDEO": { "description": "", "message": "Video" }, "VIDEO_CONFIGURATION_RESTART_GAME_TO_APPLY": { "description": "", "message": "Rèiteachadh video (bidh feum air ath-thòiseachadh)" }, "VIDEO_RESOLUTION": { "description": "", "message": "Dùmhlachd-bhreacaidh" }, "VIDEO_RESOLUTION_DESC": { "description": "Tooltip for video mode/resultion setting", "message": "Seallaidh dùmhlachd-bhreacaidh nas àirde barrachd fiosrachaidh air meud nas lugha is dh’fhaoidte gum bi nithean nas slaodaiche." }, "VSYNC": { "description": "For the checkbox in settings window", "message": "VSync" }, "VSYNC_DESC": { "description": "", "message": "Dh’fhaoidte gun càraich an sioncronachadh inghearach reubadh no fuighill lèirsinneach agus dàil ion-chuir." }, "WAGE": { "description": "Salary of crew shown in crew roster", "message": "Tuarastal" }, "WEIGHT_EMPTY": { "description": "", "message": "Cuideam falamh" }, "WEIGHT_FULLY_LOADED": { "description": "", "message": "Cuideam làn" }, "WE_ARE_IN_HYPERSPACE_COMMANDER": { "description": "", "message": "Tha sinn san os-fhànais, a Chomandair." }, "WE_HAVE_NO_BUSINESS_WITH_YOU": { "description": "Said by the police to law abiding player", "message": "Chan eil gnothach againn ribh aig an àm seo." }, "X_CANNOT_BE_TOLERATED_HERE": { "description": "Message to be sent over comms by police when crime is committed by player", "message": "Chan fhulaing sinn {crime} ann a sheo!" }, "YES": { "description": "Positive answer to a question", "message": "Tha" }, "YOURE_GOING_TO_REGRET_SACKING_ME": { "description": "", "message": "Bidh sibh duilich gun dug sibh a’ bhròg dhomh!" }, "YOUR_HULL_IS_AT_X_INTEGRITY": { "description": "", "message": "Tha {value}% a dh’iomlanachd aig an t-slige agad." }, "YOU_DONT_HAVE_ENOUGH_MONEY_FOR_THAT_OPTION": { "description": "", "message": "Chan eil airgead gu leòr agad airson na roghainn seo." }, "YOU_HAVE_X_UNITS_IN_YOUR_CARGOHOLD": { "description": "", "message": "Tha {units} aonad(an) san roinn carago agad." }, "YOU_MUST_FIRST_SELECT_A_COMBAT_TARGET_COMMANDER": { "description": "", "message": "Feumaidh sibh targaid còmhraige a thaghadh an toiseach, a Chomandair." }, "YOU_MUST_FIRST_SELECT_A_SUITABLE_NAVIGATION_TARGET_COMMANDER": { "description": "", "message": "Feumaidh sibh targaid seòladaireachd a thaghadh an toiseach, a Chomandair." }, "YOU_MUST_LAUNCH_FIRST_COMMANDER": { "description": "", "message": "Feumaidh sibh itealadh an toiseach, a Chomandair." }, "YOU_MUST_REQUEST_LAUNCH_CLEARANCE_FIRST_COMMANDER": { "description": "", "message": "Feumaidh sibh cead itealaidh iarraidh an toiseachd, a Chomandair." }, "YOU_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY": { "description": "", "message": "Chan eil airgead gu leòr agad" }, "ZOOM": { "description": "Label for a zoom (magnification) control bar.", "message": "Sùm" } }