#pragma once #include "tilecell.h" #include "coord-def.h" struct screen_cell_t { // Console output part. #ifndef USE_TILE_LOCAL char32_t glyph; unsigned short colour; // TODO: check if this is real colour (8 bit) #endif // Tiles output part. #ifdef USE_TILE unsigned short flash_colour; packed_cell tile; #endif }; class crawl_view_buffer { public: crawl_view_buffer(); crawl_view_buffer(const coord_def &sz); crawl_view_buffer(const crawl_view_buffer &rhs); ~crawl_view_buffer(); coord_def size() const { return m_size; } bool empty() const; operator screen_cell_t * () { return m_buffer; } operator const screen_cell_t * () const { return m_buffer; } const crawl_view_buffer & operator =(crawl_view_buffer rhs); template screen_cell_t& operator () (const Indexer &i) { ASSERT(i.x >= 0 && i.y >= 0 && i.x < m_size.x && i.y < m_size.y); return m_buffer[i.y*m_size.x + i.x]; } void fill(const screen_cell_t& value); void clear(); void draw(); private: void resize(const coord_def &sz); coord_def m_size; screen_cell_t *m_buffer; }; struct crawl_view_geometry { public: coord_def termp; // Left-top pos of terminal. coord_def termsz; // Size of the terminal. coord_def viewp; // Left-top pos of viewport. coord_def viewsz; // Size of the viewport (play area). coord_def hudp; // Left-top pos of status area. coord_def hudsz; // Size of the status area. coord_def msgp; // Left-top pos of the message pane. coord_def msgsz; // Size of the message pane. coord_def mlistp; // Left-top pos of the monster list. coord_def mlistsz; // Size of the monster list. coord_def vgrdc; // What grid pos is at the centre of the view // usually you.pos(). coord_def viewhalfsz; coord_def glos1, glos2; // LOS limit grid coords (inclusive) coord_def vlos1, vlos2; // LOS limit viewport coords (inclusive) coord_def mousep; // Where the mouse is. private: coord_def last_player_pos; public: crawl_view_geometry(); void init_geometry(); void init_view(); void set_player_at(const coord_def &c, bool force_centre = false); // Set new location, but preserve scrolling as if the player didn't move. void shift_player_to(const coord_def &c); // Recalculate vlos1 and vlos2. void calc_vlos(); inline coord_def view2grid(const coord_def &pos) const { return pos - viewhalfsz + vgrdc - coord_def(1, 1); } inline coord_def grid2view(const coord_def &pos) const { return pos - vgrdc + viewhalfsz + coord_def(1, 1); } inline coord_def view2show(const coord_def &pos) const { return pos - vlos1; } inline coord_def show2view(const coord_def &pos) const { return pos + vlos1; } inline coord_def grid2show(const coord_def &pos) const { return view2show(grid2view(pos)); } inline coord_def show2grid(const coord_def &pos) const { return view2grid(show2view(pos)); } inline coord_def screen2view(const coord_def& pos) const { return pos - viewp + termp; } inline coord_def view2screen(const coord_def& pos) const { return pos + viewp - termp; } inline coord_def screen2grid(const coord_def& pos) const { return view2grid(screen2view(pos)); } inline coord_def grid2screen(const coord_def& pos) const { return view2screen(grid2view(pos)); } coord_def glosc() const { return (glos1 + glos2) / 2; } bool in_los_bounds_g(const coord_def &c) const { return c.x >= glos1.x && c.x <= glos2.x && c.y >= glos1.y && c.y <= glos2.y; } bool in_los_bounds_v(const coord_def &c) const { return in_los_bounds_g(view2grid(c)); } bool in_viewport_v(const coord_def &c) const { return c.x > 0 && c.y > 0 && c.x <= viewsz.x && c.y <= viewsz.y; } bool in_viewport_s(const coord_def &c) const { return in_viewport_v(screen2view(c)); } bool in_viewport_g(const coord_def &c) const { return in_viewport_v(grid2view(c)); } }; extern crawl_view_geometry crawl_view; static inline coord_def view2grid(const coord_def &pos) { return crawl_view.view2grid(pos); } static inline coord_def grid2view(const coord_def &pos) { return crawl_view.grid2view(pos); } static inline coord_def view2show(const coord_def &pos) { return crawl_view.view2show(pos); } static inline coord_def show2view(const coord_def &pos) { return crawl_view.show2view(pos); } static inline coord_def grid2show(const coord_def &pos) { return crawl_view.grid2show(pos); } static inline coord_def show2grid(const coord_def &pos) { return crawl_view.show2grid(pos); } static inline bool in_los_bounds_v(const coord_def& pos) { return crawl_view.in_los_bounds_v(pos); } static inline bool in_los_bounds_g(const coord_def& pos) { return crawl_view.in_los_bounds_g(pos); }