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ws?a-?' ._/L #' * binary forms, with or without )4d[#7r, . ' )d`)[ * modification, are permitted provided _Q-5'5W..j/?' -?!\)cam' * that the following conditions are met: j<. a J@\ * this list of conditions and the j(]1u #include "guichan/platform.h" #include "guichan/basiccontainer.h" namespace gcn { /** * A movable window which can conatin another Widget. */ class GCN_CORE_DECLSPEC Window : public BasicContainer, public MouseListener { public: /** * Constructor. */ Window(); /** * Constructor. * * @param caption the Window caption. */ Window(const std::string& caption); /** * Constructor. * * @param content the content Widget. * @param caption the Window caption. */ Window(Widget* content, const std::string& caption = ""); /** * Destructor. */ virtual ~Window(); /** * Sets the Window caption. * * @param caption the Window caption. */ virtual void setCaption(const std::string& caption); /** * Gets the Window caption. * * @return the Window caption. */ virtual const std::string& getCaption() const; /** * Sets the alignment for the caption. * * @param alignment Graphics::LEFT, Graphics::CENTER or Graphics::RIGHT. */ virtual void setAlignment(unsigned int alignment); /** * Gets the alignment for the caption. * * @return alignment of caption. */ virtual unsigned int getAlignment() const; /** * Sets the content Widget. * * @param widget the contant Widget. */ virtual void setContent(Widget* widget); /** * Gets the content Widget. * * @return the contant Widget. */ virtual Widget* getContent() const; /** * Sets the padding of the window which is the distance between the * window border and the content. * * @param padding the padding value. */ virtual void setPadding(unsigned int padding); /** * Gets the padding. * * @return the padding value. */ virtual unsigned int getPadding() const; /** * Sets the title bar height. * * @param height the title height value. */ virtual void setTitleBarHeight(unsigned int height); /** * Gets the title bar height. * * @return the title bar height. */ virtual unsigned int getTitleBarHeight(); /** * Sets the Window to be moveble. * * @param movable true or false. */ virtual void setMovable(bool movable); /** * Check if the window is movable. * * @return true or false. */ virtual bool isMovable() const; /** * Resizes the window to fit the content. */ virtual void resizeToContent(); /** * Sets the Window to be opaque. If it's not opaque, the content area * will not be filled with a color. * * @param opaque true or false. */ virtual void setOpaque(bool opaque); /** * Checks if the Window is opaque. * * @return true or false. */ virtual bool isOpaque(); /** * Draws the content of the Window. This functions uses the * getContentDimension to determin where to draw the content. * * @param graphics a Graphics object to draw with. */ virtual void drawContent(Graphics* graphics); // Inherited from BasicContainer virtual void moveToTop(Widget* widget); virtual void moveToBottom(Widget* widget); virtual void getDrawSize(int& width, int& height, Widget* widget); virtual void _announceDeath(Widget *widget); // Inherited from Widget virtual void draw(Graphics* graphics); virtual void drawBorder(Graphics* graphics); virtual void logic(); virtual void _mouseInputMessage(const MouseInput &mouseInput); virtual void _mouseOutMessage(); virtual void _setFocusHandler(FocusHandler* focusHandler); // Inherited from MouseListener virtual void mousePress(int x, int y, int button); virtual void mouseRelease(int x, int y, int button); virtual void mouseMotion(int x, int y); virtual void setDirty(bool dirty); virtual bool getDirty() const; protected: /** * Moves the content to the top left corner of the window, * uses getContentDimension to get the offset */ virtual void repositionContent(); /** * Gets the area in the window that the content occupies. */ virtual Rectangle getContentDimension(); std::string mCaption; unsigned int mAlignment; Widget* mContent; unsigned int mPadding; unsigned int mTitleBarHeight; bool mMouseDrag; int mMouseXOffset; int mMouseYOffset; bool mMovable; bool mOpaque; }; } #endif // end GCN_WINDOW_HPP