; ; r_drawa.asm -- for MASM ; x86 assembly-language edge clipping and emission code ; ; Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. ; ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ; of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ; ; See the GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with this program; if not, write to: ; Free Software Foundation, Inc. ; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ; .386P .model FLAT ; externs from C code externdef _r_refdef:dword externdef _ycenter:dword externdef _xcenter:dword externdef _r_leftclipped:dword externdef _r_leftenter:dword externdef _r_rightclipped:dword externdef _r_rightenter:dword externdef _modelorg:dword externdef _xscale:dword externdef _yscale:dword externdef _r_leftexit:dword externdef _r_rightexit:dword externdef _r_lastvertvalid:dword externdef _cacheoffset:dword externdef _newedges:dword externdef _removeedges:dword externdef _r_pedge:dword externdef _r_framecount:dword externdef _r_u1:dword externdef _r_emitted:dword externdef _edge_p:dword externdef _surface_p:dword externdef _surfaces:dword externdef _r_lzi1:dword externdef _r_v1:dword externdef _r_ceilv1:dword externdef _r_nearzi:dword externdef _r_nearzionly:dword externdef _vright:dword externdef _vup:dword externdef _vpn:dword ; externs from ASM-only code externdef float_point5:dword externdef float_1:dword externdef float_minus_1:dword externdef float_0:dword externdef fp_1m:dword externdef fp_1m_minus_1:dword externdef fp_8:dword externdef fp_16:dword externdef fp_64k:dword externdef fp_64kx64k:dword externdef ceil_cw:dword externdef single_cw:dword _DATA SEGMENT Ld0 dd 0.0 Ld1 dd 0.0 Lstack dd 0 Lfp_near_clip dd 0.01 Lceilv0 dd 0 Lv dd 0 Lu0 dd 0 Lv0 dd 0 Lzi0 dd 0 _DATA ENDS _TEXT SEGMENT align 4 public _R_ClipEdge _R_ClipEdge: push esi push edi push ebx mov ds:dword ptr[Lstack],esp mov ebx,ds:dword ptr[12+12+esp] mov esi,ds:dword ptr[4+12+esp] mov edx,ds:dword ptr[8+12+esp] test ebx,ebx jz Lemit Lcliploop: fld ds:dword ptr[0+0+esi] fmul ds:dword ptr[0+0+ebx] fld ds:dword ptr[0+4+esi] fmul ds:dword ptr[0+4+ebx] fld ds:dword ptr[0+8+esi] fmul ds:dword ptr[0+8+ebx] fxch st(1) faddp st(2),st(0) fld ds:dword ptr[0+0+edx] fmul ds:dword ptr[0+0+ebx] fld ds:dword ptr[0+4+edx] fmul ds:dword ptr[0+4+ebx] fld ds:dword ptr[0+8+edx] fmul ds:dword ptr[0+8+ebx] fxch st(1) faddp st(2),st(0) fxch st(3) faddp st(2),st(0) faddp st(2),st(0) fsub ds:dword ptr[12+ebx] fxch st(1) fsub ds:dword ptr[12+ebx] fxch st(1) fstp ds:dword ptr[Ld0] fstp ds:dword ptr[Ld1] mov eax,ds:dword ptr[Ld0] mov ecx,ds:dword ptr[Ld1] or ecx,eax js Lp2 Lcontinue: mov ebx,ds:dword ptr[16+ebx] test ebx,ebx jnz Lcliploop Lemit: fldcw ds:word ptr[ceil_cw] cmp ds:dword ptr[_r_lastvertvalid],0 jz LCalcFirst mov eax,ds:dword ptr[_r_lzi1] mov ecx,ds:dword ptr[_r_u1] mov ds:dword ptr[Lzi0],eax mov ds:dword ptr[Lu0],ecx mov ecx,ds:dword ptr[_r_v1] mov eax,ds:dword ptr[_r_ceilv1] mov ds:dword ptr[Lv0],ecx mov ds:dword ptr[Lceilv0],eax jmp LCalcSecond LCalcFirst: call near ptr LTransformAndProject fst ds:dword ptr[Lv0] fxch st(2) fstp ds:dword ptr[Lu0] fstp ds:dword ptr[Lzi0] fistp ds:dword ptr[Lceilv0] LCalcSecond: mov esi,edx call near ptr LTransformAndProject fld ds:dword ptr[Lu0] fxch st(3) fld ds:dword ptr[Lzi0] fxch st(3) fld ds:dword ptr[Lv0] fxch st(3) fist ds:dword ptr[_r_ceilv1] fldcw ds:word ptr[single_cw] fst ds:dword ptr[_r_v1] fxch st(4) fcom st(1) fnstsw ax test ah,1 jz LP0 fstp st(0) fld st(0) LP0: fxch st(1) fstp ds:dword ptr[_r_lzi1] fxch st(1) fst ds:dword ptr[_r_u1] fxch st(1) fcom ds:dword ptr[_r_nearzi] fnstsw ax test ah,045h jnz LP1 fst ds:dword ptr[_r_nearzi] LP1: mov eax,ds:dword ptr[_r_nearzionly] test eax,eax jz LP2 LPop5AndDone: mov eax,ds:dword ptr[_cacheoffset] mov edx,ds:dword ptr[_r_framecount] cmp eax,07FFFFFFFh jz LDoPop and edx,07FFFFFFFh or edx,080000000h mov ds:dword ptr[_cacheoffset],edx LDoPop: fstp st(0) fstp st(0) fstp st(0) fstp st(0) fstp st(0) jmp Ldone LP2: mov ebx,ds:dword ptr[Lceilv0] mov edi,ds:dword ptr[_edge_p] mov ecx,ds:dword ptr[_r_ceilv1] mov edx,edi mov esi,ds:dword ptr[_r_pedge] add edx,32 cmp ebx,ecx jz LPop5AndDone mov eax,ds:dword ptr[_r_pedge] mov ds:dword ptr[28+edi],eax fstp ds:dword ptr[24+edi] jc LSide0 LSide1: fsubp st(3),st(0) fsub st(0),st(1) fdivp st(2),st(0) mov ds:dword ptr[_r_emitted],1 mov ds:dword ptr[_edge_p],edx mov eax,ds:dword ptr[edx] mov eax,ecx lea ecx,ds:dword ptr[-1+ebx] mov ebx,eax mov eax,ds:dword ptr[_surface_p] mov esi,ds:dword ptr[_surfaces] sub edx,edx sub eax,esi shr eax,6 mov ds:dword ptr[16+edi],edx mov ds:dword ptr[16+2+edi],eax sub esi,esi mov ds:dword ptr[Lv],ebx fild ds:dword ptr[Lv] fsubrp st(1),st(0) fmul st(0),st(1) fadd ds:dword ptr[_r_u1] jmp LSideDone LSide0: fsub st(0),st(3) fxch st(2) fsub st(0),st(1) fdivp st(2),st(0) mov ds:dword ptr[_r_emitted],1 mov ds:dword ptr[_edge_p],edx mov eax,ds:dword ptr[edx] dec ecx mov eax,ds:dword ptr[_surface_p] mov esi,ds:dword ptr[_surfaces] sub edx,edx sub eax,esi shr eax,6 mov ds:dword ptr[16+2+edi],edx mov ds:dword ptr[16+edi],eax mov esi,1 mov ds:dword ptr[Lv],ebx fild ds:dword ptr[Lv] fsubrp st(1),st(0) fmul st(0),st(1) faddp st(2),st(0) fxch st(1) LSideDone: fmul ds:dword ptr[fp_1m] fxch st(1) fmul ds:dword ptr[fp_1m] fxch st(1) fadd ds:dword ptr[fp_1m_minus_1] fxch st(1) fistp ds:dword ptr[4+edi] fistp ds:dword ptr[0+edi] mov eax,ds:dword ptr[0+edi] mov edx,ds:dword ptr[_r_refdef+76] cmp eax,edx jl LP4 mov edx,ds:dword ptr[_r_refdef+80] cmp eax,edx jng LP5 LP4: mov ds:dword ptr[0+edi],edx mov eax,edx LP5: add eax,esi mov esi,ds:dword ptr[_newedges+ebx*4] test esi,esi jz LDoFirst cmp ds:dword ptr[0+esi],eax jl LNotFirst LDoFirst: mov ds:dword ptr[12+edi],esi mov ds:dword ptr[_newedges+ebx*4],edi jmp LSetRemove LNotFirst: LFindInsertLoop: mov edx,esi mov esi,ds:dword ptr[12+esi] test esi,esi jz LInsertFound cmp ds:dword ptr[0+esi],eax jl LFindInsertLoop LInsertFound: mov ds:dword ptr[12+edi],esi mov ds:dword ptr[12+edx],edi LSetRemove: mov eax,ds:dword ptr[_removeedges+ecx*4] mov ds:dword ptr[_removeedges+ecx*4],edi mov ds:dword ptr[20+edi],eax Ldone: mov esp,ds:dword ptr[Lstack] pop ebx pop edi pop esi ret Lp2: test eax,eax jns Lp1 mov eax,ds:dword ptr[Ld1] test eax,eax jns Lp3 mov eax,ds:dword ptr[_r_leftclipped] mov ecx,ds:dword ptr[_r_pedge] test eax,eax jnz Ldone mov eax,ds:dword ptr[_r_framecount] and eax,07FFFFFFFh or eax,080000000h mov ds:dword ptr[_cacheoffset],eax jmp Ldone Lp1: fld ds:dword ptr[Ld0] fld ds:dword ptr[Ld1] fsubr st(0),st(1) mov ds:dword ptr[_cacheoffset],07FFFFFFFh fdivp st(1),st(0) sub esp,12 fld ds:dword ptr[0+8+edx] fsub ds:dword ptr[0+8+esi] fld ds:dword ptr[0+4+edx] fsub ds:dword ptr[0+4+esi] fld ds:dword ptr[0+0+edx] fsub ds:dword ptr[0+0+esi] mov edx,esp mov eax,ds:dword ptr[20+ebx] test al,al fmul st(0),st(3) fxch st(1) fmul st(0),st(3) fxch st(2) fmulp st(3),st(0) fadd ds:dword ptr[0+0+esi] fxch st(1) fadd ds:dword ptr[0+4+esi] fxch st(2) fadd ds:dword ptr[0+8+esi] fxch st(1) fstp ds:dword ptr[0+0+esp] fstp ds:dword ptr[0+8+esp] fstp ds:dword ptr[0+4+esp] jz Ltestright mov ds:dword ptr[_r_leftclipped],1 mov eax,ds:dword ptr[0+0+esp] mov ds:dword ptr[_r_leftexit+0+0],eax mov eax,ds:dword ptr[0+4+esp] mov ds:dword ptr[_r_leftexit+0+4],eax mov eax,ds:dword ptr[0+8+esp] mov ds:dword ptr[_r_leftexit+0+8],eax jmp Lcontinue Ltestright: test ah,ah jz Lcontinue mov ds:dword ptr[_r_rightclipped],1 mov eax,ds:dword ptr[0+0+esp] mov ds:dword ptr[_r_rightexit+0+0],eax mov eax,ds:dword ptr[0+4+esp] mov ds:dword ptr[_r_rightexit+0+4],eax mov eax,ds:dword ptr[0+8+esp] mov ds:dword ptr[_r_rightexit+0+8],eax jmp Lcontinue Lp3: mov ds:dword ptr[_r_lastvertvalid],0 fld ds:dword ptr[Ld0] fld ds:dword ptr[Ld1] fsubr st(0),st(1) mov ds:dword ptr[_cacheoffset],07FFFFFFFh fdivp st(1),st(0) sub esp,12 fld ds:dword ptr[0+8+edx] fsub ds:dword ptr[0+8+esi] fld ds:dword ptr[0+4+edx] fsub ds:dword ptr[0+4+esi] fld ds:dword ptr[0+0+edx] fsub ds:dword ptr[0+0+esi] mov eax,ds:dword ptr[20+ebx] test al,al fmul st(0),st(3) fxch st(1) fmul st(0),st(3) fxch st(2) fmulp st(3),st(0) fadd ds:dword ptr[0+0+esi] fxch st(1) fadd ds:dword ptr[0+4+esi] fxch st(2) fadd ds:dword ptr[0+8+esi] fxch st(1) fstp ds:dword ptr[0+0+esp] fstp ds:dword ptr[0+8+esp] fstp ds:dword ptr[0+4+esp] mov esi,esp jz Ltestright2 mov ds:dword ptr[_r_leftclipped],1 mov eax,ds:dword ptr[0+0+esp] mov ds:dword ptr[_r_leftenter+0+0],eax mov eax,ds:dword ptr[0+4+esp] mov ds:dword ptr[_r_leftenter+0+4],eax mov eax,ds:dword ptr[0+8+esp] mov ds:dword ptr[_r_leftenter+0+8],eax jmp Lcontinue Ltestright2: test ah,ah jz Lcontinue mov ds:dword ptr[_r_rightclipped],1 mov eax,ds:dword ptr[0+0+esp] mov ds:dword ptr[_r_rightenter+0+0],eax mov eax,ds:dword ptr[0+4+esp] mov ds:dword ptr[_r_rightenter+0+4],eax mov eax,ds:dword ptr[0+8+esp] mov ds:dword ptr[_r_rightenter+0+8],eax jmp Lcontinue LTransformAndProject: fld ds:dword ptr[0+0+esi] fsub ds:dword ptr[_modelorg+0] fld ds:dword ptr[0+4+esi] fsub ds:dword ptr[_modelorg+4] fld ds:dword ptr[0+8+esi] fsub ds:dword ptr[_modelorg+8] fxch st(2) fld st(0) fmul ds:dword ptr[_vpn+0] fld st(1) fmul ds:dword ptr[_vright+0] fxch st(2) fmul ds:dword ptr[_vup+0] fld st(3) fmul ds:dword ptr[_vpn+4] fld st(4) fmul ds:dword ptr[_vright+4] fxch st(5) fmul ds:dword ptr[_vup+4] fxch st(1) faddp st(3),st(0) fxch st(3) faddp st(4),st(0) faddp st(2),st(0) fld st(3) fmul ds:dword ptr[_vpn+8] fld st(4) fmul ds:dword ptr[_vright+8] fxch st(5) fmul ds:dword ptr[_vup+8] fxch st(1) faddp st(2),st(0) fxch st(4) faddp st(3),st(0) fxch st(1) faddp st(3),st(0) fcom ds:dword ptr[Lfp_near_clip] fnstsw ax test ah,1 jz LNoClip fstp st(0) fld ds:dword ptr[Lfp_near_clip] LNoClip: fdivr ds:dword ptr[float_1] fxch st(1) fld ds:dword ptr[_xscale] fmul st(0),st(2) fmulp st(1),st(0) fadd ds:dword ptr[_xcenter] fcom ds:dword ptr[_r_refdef+68] fnstsw ax test ah,1 jz LClampP0 fstp st(0) fld ds:dword ptr[_r_refdef+68] LClampP0: fcom ds:dword ptr[_r_refdef+84] fnstsw ax test ah,045h jnz LClampP1 fstp st(0) fld ds:dword ptr[_r_refdef+84] LClampP1: fld st(1) fmul ds:dword ptr[_yscale] fmulp st(3),st(0) fxch st(2) fsubr ds:dword ptr[_ycenter] fcom ds:dword ptr[_r_refdef+72] fnstsw ax test ah,1 jz LClampP2 fstp st(0) fld ds:dword ptr[_r_refdef+72] LClampP2: fcom ds:dword ptr[_r_refdef+88] fnstsw ax test ah,045h jnz LClampP3 fstp st(0) fld ds:dword ptr[_r_refdef+88] LClampP3: ret _TEXT ENDS END