/** @page fal_enum_ref Falagard XML Enumeration Reference @section fal_enum_ref_sec_0 Section Contents @ref fal_enum_ref_sec_1
@ref fal_enum_ref_sec_2
@ref fal_enum_ref_sec_3
@ref fal_enum_ref_sec_4
@ref fal_enum_ref_sec_5
@ref fal_enum_ref_sec_6
@ref fal_enum_ref_sec_7
@ref fal_enum_ref_sec_8
@ref fal_enum_ref_sec_9
@ref fal_enum_ref_sec_10
@ref fal_enum_ref_sec_11
@ref fal_enum_ref_sec_12
@section fal_enum_ref_sec_1 DimensionOperator Enumeration @arg @c "Noop" does nothing. @arg @c "Add" Adds two dimensions. @arg @c "Subtract" Subtracts two dimensions. @arg @c "Multiply" Multiplies two dimensions. @arg @c "Divide" Divides two dimensions. @section fal_enum_ref_sec_2 DimensionType Enumeration @arg @c "LeftEdge" specifies the left edge of the target item. @arg @c "TopEdge" specifies the top edge of the target item. @arg @c "RightEdge" specifies the right edge of the target item. @arg @c "BottomEdge" specifies the bottom edge of the target item. @arg @c "XPosition" specifies the x position co-ordinate of the target item (same as ?LeftEdge?). @arg @c "YPosition" specifies the y position co-ordinate of the target item (same as ?TopEdge?). @arg @c "Width" specifies the width of the target item. @arg @c "Height" specifies the height of the target item. @arg @c "XOffset" specifies the x offset of the target item (only applies to Images). @arg @c "YOffset" specifies the y offset of the target item (only applies to Images). @section fal_enum_ref_sec_3 FontMetricType Enumeration @arg @c "LineSpacing" gets the vertical line spacing value of the font. @arg @c "Baseline" get the vertical baseline value of the font. @arg @c "HorzExtent" gets the horizontal extent of a string of text. @section fal_enum_ref_sec_4 FrameImageComponent Enumeration @arg @c "TopLeftCorner" specifies the image be used for the frame's top-left corner. @arg @c "TopRightCorner" specifies the image be used for the frame's top-right corner. @arg @c "BottomLeftCorner" specifies the image be used for the frame's bottom-left corner. @arg @c "BottomRightCorner" specifies the image be used for the frame's bottom-right corner. @arg @c "LeftEdge" specifies the image be used for the frame' left edge. @arg @c "RightEdge" specifies the image be used for the frame's right edge. @arg @c "TopEdge" specifies the image be used for the frame's top edge. @arg @c "BottomEdge" specifies the image be used for the frame bottom edge. @arg @c "Background" specifies the image be used for the frame's background (area formed within all edges). @section fal_enum_ref_sec_5 HorizontalAlignment Enumeration @arg @c "LeftAligned" x position is an offset of element's left edges. @arg @c "CentreAligned" x position is an offset of element's horizontal centre points. @arg @c "RightAligned" x position is an offset of element's right edges. @section fal_enum_ref_sec_6 HorizontalFormat Enumeration @arg @c "LeftAligned" Image is left aligned within the prescribed area. @arg @c "CentreAligned" Image is horizontally centred within the prescribed area. @arg @c "RightAligned" Image is right aligned within the prescribed area. @arg @c "Stretched" Image is horizontally stretched to fill the prescribed area. @arg @c "Tiled" Image is horizontally tiled to fill the prescribed area. @section fal_enum_ref_sec_7 HorizontalTextFormat Enumeration @arg @c "LeftAligned" lines of text are left aligned within the prescribed area. @arg @c "CentreAligned" lines of text are horizontally centred within the prescribed area. @arg @c "RightAligned" lines of text are right aligned within the prescribed area. @arg @c "Justified" lines of text are justified to the prescribed area. @arg @c "WordWrapLeftAligned" text wraps, with lines left aligned within the prescribed area. @arg @c "WordWrapCentreAligned" text wraps, with lines horizontally centred in the prescribed area. @arg @c "WordWrapRightAligned" text wraps, with lines right aligned within the prescribed area. @arg @c "WordWrapJustified" text wraps, within lines justified to the prescribed area. @section fal_enum_ref_sec_8 PropertyType Enumeration @arg @c "Generic" specifies a general purpose property (accessed as CEGUI::String). @arg @c "Colour" specifies a property that accesses a single CEGUI::Colour value. @arg @c "ColourRect" specifies a property that accesses a CEGUI::ColourRect value. @arg @c "UBox" specifies a property that accesses a CEGUI::UBox value. @arg @c "URect" specifies a property that accesses a CEGUI::URect value. @arg @c "USize" specifies a property that accesses a CEGUI::USize value. @arg @c "UDim" specifies a property that accesses a CEGUI::UDim value. @arg @c "UVector2" specifies a property that accesses a CEGUI::UVector2 value. @arg @c "Sizef" specifies a property that accesses a CEGUI::Sizef value. @arg @c "Vector2f" specifies a property that accesses a CEGUI::Vector2f value. @arg @c "Vector3f" specifies a property that accesses a CEGUI::Vector3f value. @arg @c "Rectf" specifies a property that accesses a CEGUI::Rectf value. @arg @c "Font" specifies a property that accesses a font via its name string. @arg @c "Image" specifies a property that accesses an image via its name string. @arg @c "Quaternion" specifies a property that accesses a CEGUI::Quaternion value. @arg @c "AspectMode" specifies a property that accesses a CEGUI::AspectMode value. @arg @c "HorizontalAlignment" specifies a property that accesses a CEGUI::HorizontalAlignment enumerated value. @arg @c "VerticalAlignment" specifies a property that accesses a CEGUI::VerticalAlignment enumerated value. @arg @c "HorizontalTextFormatting" specifies a property that accesses a CEGUI::HorizontalTextFormatting enumerated value. @arg @c "VerticalTextFormatting" specifies a property that accesses a CEGUI::VerticalTextFormatting enumerated value. @arg @c "WindowUpdateMode" specifies a property that accesses a CEGUI::WindowUpdateMode enumerated value. @arg @c "bool" specifies a property that accesses a simple boolean value. @arg @c "uint" specifies a property that accesses a simple unsigned integer value. @arg @c "unsigned long" specifies a property that accesses a simple unsigned long value. @arg @c "int" specifies a property that accesses a simple signed integer value. @arg @c "float" specifies a property that accesses a simple single precision floating point value. @arg @c "double" specifies a property that accesses a simple double precision floating point value. @arg @c "TabControl::TabPanePosition" specifies a property that accesses a CEGUI::TabControl::TabPanePosition enumerated value. @arg @c "Spinner::TextInputMode" specifies a property that accesses a CEGUI::Spinner::TextInputMode enumerated value. @arg @c "ItemListBase::SortMode" specifies a property that accesses a CEGUI::ItemListBase::SortDirection enumerated value. @arg @c "ListHeaderSegment::SortDirection" specifies a property that accesses a CEGUI::ListHeaderSegment::SortDirection enumerated value. @arg @c "MultiColumnList::SelectionMode" specifies a property that accesses a CEGUI::MultiColumnList::SelectionMode enumerated value. @arg @c "String" specifies a property that accesses a CEGUI::String value. @arg @c "VertFormatting" specifies a property that accesses a CEGUI::VertFormatting enumerated value. @arg @c "HorzFormatting" specifies a property that accesses a CEGUI::HorzFormatting enumerated value. @section fal_enum_ref_sec_9 VerticalAlignment Enumeration @arg @c "TopAligned" y position is an offset of element's top edges. @arg @c "CentreAligned" y position is an offset of element's vertical centre points. @arg @c "BottomAligned" y position is an offset of element's bottom edges. @section fal_enum_ref_sec_10 VerticalFormat Enumeration @arg @c "TopAligned" Image is aligned with the top of the prescribed area. @arg @c "CentreAligned" Image is vertically centred within the prescribed area. @arg @c "BottomAligned" Image is aligned with the bottom of the prescribed area. @arg @c "Stretched" Image is vertically stretched to fill the prescribed area. @arg @c "Tiled" Image is vertically tiled to fill the prescribed area. @section fal_enum_ref_sec_11 VerticalTextFormat Enumeration @arg @c "TopAligned" Text line block is aligned with the top of the prescribed area. @arg @c "CentreAligned" Text line block is vertically centred within the prescribed area. @arg @c "BottomAligned" Text line block is aligned with the bottom of the prescribed area. @section fal_enum_ref_sec_12 ChildEventAction Enumeration @arg @c "Redraw" When the event is fired on the child widget, the containing widget will be redrawn (non-recursive). @arg @c "Layout" When the event is fired on the child widget, the containing widget will re-layout its child widget content. */