/* This file is part of darktable, Copyright (C) 2021 darktable developers. darktable is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. darktable is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with darktable. If not, see . */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "bauhaus/bauhaus.h" #include "develop/imageop.h" #include "develop/imageop_gui.h" #include "gui/color_picker_proxy.h" #include "gui/gtk.h" #include "iop/iop_api.h" #include "common/gaussian.h" #include "common/fast_guided_filter.h" #include #include DT_MODULE_INTROSPECTION(1, dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_params_t) /** * Description of the approach * ** The problem * chromatic aberration appear when: * (1) channels are misaligned * (2) or if some channel is more blurry than another. * * example case (1): * _________ * _________| first channel * _______ * ___________| second channel * ^^ chromatic aberration * * other example case (1): * _________ * _________| first channel * ___________ * |_______ second channel * ^^ chromatic aberration * * example case (2): * _________ * | first channel * _________| * ________ * / second channel * / * ________/ * ^^^ chromatic aberration * * note that case (1) can already be partially corrected using the lens * correction module. * ** Requirements for the solution * - handle both cases * - preserve borders as much as possible * - be fast to compute * ** The solution * The main idea is to represent 2 channels as a function of the third one. * * a very simple function is: guided = a * guide * where a = blur(guided) / blur(guide) * But this function is too simple to cope with borders. * * We stick with the idea of having guided channel as a factor of * the guide channel, but instead of having a locally constant factor * a, we use a factor that depends on the value of the guide pixel: * guided = a(guide) * guide * * Our function a(guide) is pretty simple, it is a weighted average * between 2 values (one high and one low), where the weights are * dependent on the guide pixel value. * * Now, how do we determine these high and low value. * * We compute 2 manifolds. * manifolds are partial local averages: * some pixels are not used in the averages. * * for the lower manifold, we average only pixels whose guide value are below * a local average of the guide. * for the higher manifold, we average only pixels whose guide value are above * a local average of the guide. * * for example here: * _________ * _ _ _ _ _| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ average * _________| * * ^^^^^^^^^ pixels below average (will be used to compute lower manifold) * * ^^^^^^^^^ pixels above average (will be used to compute higher manifold) * * As we want to write the guided channel as a ratio of the guide channel, * we compute the manifolds on: * - the guide channel * - log difference between guide and guided * * using the log difference gives much better result than using directly the * guided channel in the manifolds computation and computing the ratio after * that, because averaging in linear makes lower manifolds harder to estimate * accurately. * Note that the repartition of pixels into higher and lower manifold * computation is done by taking into account ONLY the guide channel. * * Once we have our 2 manifolds, with an average log difference for each of them * (i.e. an average ratio), we can do a weighted mean to get the result. * We weight more one ratio or the other depending to how close the guide pixel * is from one manifold or another. * **/ typedef enum dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_guide_channel_t { DT_CACORRECT_RGB_R = 0, // $DESCRIPTION: "red" DT_CACORRECT_RGB_G = 1, // $DESCRIPTION: "green" DT_CACORRECT_RGB_B = 2 // $DESCRIPTION: "blue" } dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_guide_channel_t; typedef enum dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_mode_t { DT_CACORRECT_MODE_STANDARD = 0, // $DESCRIPTION: "standard" DT_CACORRECT_MODE_DARKEN = 1, // $DESCRIPTION: "darken only" DT_CACORRECT_MODE_BRIGHTEN = 2 // $DESCRIPTION: "brighten only" } dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_mode_t; typedef struct dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_params_t { dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_guide_channel_t guide_channel; // $DEFAULT: DT_CACORRECT_RGB_G $DESCRIPTION: "guide" float radius; // $MIN: 1 $MAX: 500 $DEFAULT: 5 $DESCRIPTION: "radius" float strength; // $MIN: 0 $MAX: 4 $DEFAULT: 0.5 $DESCRIPTION: "strength" dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_mode_t mode; // $DEFAULT: DT_CACORRECT_MODE_STANDARD $DESCRIPTION: "correction mode" gboolean refine_manifolds; // $MIN: FALSE $MAX: TRUE $DEFAULT: FALSE $DESCRIPTION: "very large chromatic aberration" } dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_params_t; typedef struct dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_gui_data_t { GtkWidget *guide_channel, *radius, *strength, *mode, *refine_manifolds; } dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_gui_data_t; const char *name() { return _("chromatic aberrations"); } const char *description(struct dt_iop_module_t *self) { return dt_iop_set_description(self, _("correct chromatic aberrations"), _("corrective"), _("linear, raw, scene-referred"), _("linear, raw"), _("linear, raw, scene-referred")); } int flags() { return IOP_FLAGS_INCLUDE_IN_STYLES | IOP_FLAGS_SUPPORTS_BLENDING; } int default_group() { return IOP_GROUP_CORRECT | IOP_GROUP_TECHNICAL; } int default_colorspace(dt_iop_module_t *self, dt_dev_pixelpipe_t *pipe, dt_dev_pixelpipe_iop_t *piece) { return iop_cs_rgb; } void commit_params(dt_iop_module_t *self, dt_iop_params_t *p1, dt_dev_pixelpipe_t *pipe, dt_dev_pixelpipe_iop_t *piece) { memcpy(piece->data, p1, self->params_size); } static void normalize_manifolds(const float *const restrict blurred_in, float *const restrict blurred_manifold_lower, float *const restrict blurred_manifold_higher, const size_t width, const size_t height, const dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_guide_channel_t guide) { #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp parallel for default(none) \ dt_omp_firstprivate(blurred_in, blurred_manifold_lower, blurred_manifold_higher, width, height, guide) \ schedule(simd:static) #endif for(size_t k = 0; k < width * height; k++) { const float weighth = fmaxf(blurred_manifold_higher[k * 4 + 3], 1E-2f); const float weightl = fmaxf(blurred_manifold_lower[k * 4 + 3], 1E-2f); // normalize guide const float highg = blurred_manifold_higher[k * 4 + guide] / weighth; const float lowg = blurred_manifold_lower[k * 4 + guide] / weightl; blurred_manifold_higher[k * 4 + guide] = highg; blurred_manifold_lower[k * 4 + guide] = lowg; // normalize and unlog other channels for(size_t kc = 0; kc <= 1; kc++) { const size_t c = (kc + guide + 1) % 3; const float highc = blurred_manifold_higher[k * 4 + c] / weighth; const float lowc = blurred_manifold_lower[k * 4 + c] / weightl; blurred_manifold_higher[k * 4 + c] = exp2f(highc) * highg; blurred_manifold_lower[k * 4 + c] = exp2f(lowc) * lowg; } // replace by average if weight is too small if(weighth < 0.05f) { // we make a smooth transition between full manifold at // weighth = 0.05f to full average at weighth = 0.01f const float w = (weighth - 0.01f) / (0.05f - 0.01f); for_each_channel(c,aligned(blurred_manifold_higher,blurred_in)) { blurred_manifold_higher[k * 4 + c] = w * blurred_manifold_higher[k * 4 + c] + (1.0f - w) * blurred_in[k * 4 + c]; } } if(weightl < 0.05f) { // we make a smooth transition between full manifold at // weightl = 0.05f to full average at weightl = 0.01f const float w = (weightl - 0.01f) / (0.05f - 0.01f); for_each_channel(c,aligned(blurred_manifold_lower,blurred_in)) { blurred_manifold_lower[k * 4 + c] = w * blurred_manifold_lower[k * 4 + c] + (1.0f - w) * blurred_in[k * 4 + c]; } } } } #define DT_CACORRECTRGB_MAX_EV_DIFF 2.0f static void get_manifolds(const float* const restrict in, const size_t width, const size_t height, const float sigma, const float sigma2, const dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_guide_channel_t guide, float* const restrict manifolds, gboolean refine_manifolds) { float *const restrict blurred_in = dt_alloc_align_float(width * height * 4); float *const restrict manifold_higher = dt_alloc_align_float(width * height * 4); float *const restrict manifold_lower = dt_alloc_align_float(width * height * 4); float *const restrict blurred_manifold_higher = dt_alloc_align_float(width * height * 4); float *const restrict blurred_manifold_lower = dt_alloc_align_float(width * height * 4); dt_aligned_pixel_t max = {INFINITY, INFINITY, INFINITY, INFINITY}; dt_aligned_pixel_t min = {-INFINITY, -INFINITY, -INFINITY, 0.0f}; // start with a larger blur to estimate the manifolds if we refine them // later on const float blur_size = refine_manifolds ? sigma2 : sigma; dt_gaussian_t *g = dt_gaussian_init(width, height, 4, max, min, blur_size, 0); if(!g) return; dt_gaussian_blur_4c(g, in, blurred_in); // construct the manifolds // higher manifold is the blur of all pixels that are above average, // lower manifold is the blur of all pixels that are below average // we use the guide channel to categorize the pixels as above or below average #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp parallel for default(none) \ dt_omp_firstprivate(in, blurred_in, manifold_lower, manifold_higher, width, height, guide) \ schedule(simd:static) #endif for(size_t k = 0; k < width * height; k++) { const float pixelg = fmaxf(in[k * 4 + guide], 1E-6f); const float avg = blurred_in[k * 4 + guide]; float weighth = (pixelg >= avg); float weightl = (pixelg <= avg); float logdiffs[2]; for(size_t kc = 0; kc <= 1; kc++) { const size_t c = (kc + guide + 1) % 3; const float pixel = fmaxf(in[k * 4 + c], 1E-6f); const float log_diff = log2f(pixel / pixelg); logdiffs[kc] = log_diff; } // regularization of logdiff to avoid too many problems with noise: // we lower the weights of pixels with too high logdiff const float maxlogdiff = fmaxf(fabsf(logdiffs[0]), fabsf(logdiffs[1])); if(maxlogdiff > DT_CACORRECTRGB_MAX_EV_DIFF) { const float correction_weight = DT_CACORRECTRGB_MAX_EV_DIFF / maxlogdiff; weightl *= correction_weight; weighth *= correction_weight; } for(size_t kc = 0; kc <= 1; kc++) { const size_t c = (kc + guide + 1) % 3; manifold_higher[k * 4 + c] = logdiffs[kc] * weighth; manifold_lower[k * 4 + c] = logdiffs[kc] * weightl; } manifold_higher[k * 4 + guide] = pixelg * weighth; manifold_lower[k * 4 + guide] = pixelg * weightl; manifold_higher[k * 4 + 3] = weighth; manifold_lower[k * 4 + 3] = weightl; } dt_gaussian_blur_4c(g, manifold_higher, blurred_manifold_higher); dt_gaussian_blur_4c(g, manifold_lower, blurred_manifold_lower); dt_gaussian_free(g); normalize_manifolds(blurred_in, blurred_manifold_lower, blurred_manifold_higher, width, height, guide); // note that manifolds were constructed based on the value and average // of the guide channel ONLY. // this implies that the "higher" manifold in the channel c may be // actually lower than the "lower" manifold of that channel. // This happens in the following example: // guide: 1_____ // |_____0 // guided: _____1 // 0_____| // here the higher manifold of guide is equal to 1, its lower manifold is // equal to 0. The higher manifold of the guided channel is equal to 0 // as it is the average of the values where the guide is higher than its // average, and the lower manifold of the guided channel is equal to 1. if(refine_manifolds) { g = dt_gaussian_init(width, height, 4, max, min, sigma, 0); if(!g) return; dt_gaussian_blur_4c(g, in, blurred_in); // refine the manifolds // improve result especially on very degraded images // we use a blur of normal size for this step #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp parallel for default(none) \ dt_omp_firstprivate(in, blurred_in, manifold_lower, manifold_higher, blurred_manifold_lower, blurred_manifold_higher, width, height, guide) \ schedule(simd:static) #endif for(size_t k = 0; k < width * height; k++) { // in order to refine the manifolds, we will compute weights // for which all channels will have a contribution. // this will allow to avoid taking too much into account pixels // that have wrong values due to the chromatic aberration // // for example, here: // guide: 1_____ // |_____0 // guided: 1______ // |____0 // ^ this pixel makes the estimated lower manifold erroneous // here, the higher and lower manifolds values computed are: // _______|_higher_|________lower_________| // guide | 1 | 0 | // guided | 1 |(1 + 4 * 0) / 5 = 0.2 | // // the lower manifold of the guided is 0.2 if we consider only the guide // // at this step of the algorithm, we know estimates of manifolds // // we can refine the manifolds by computing weights that reduce the influence // of pixels that are probably suffering from chromatic aberrations const float pixelg = log2f(fmaxf(in[k * 4 + guide], 1E-6f)); const float highg = log2f(fmaxf(blurred_manifold_higher[k * 4 + guide], 1E-6f)); const float lowg = log2f(fmaxf(blurred_manifold_lower[k * 4 + guide], 1E-6f)); const float avgg = log2f(fmaxf(blurred_in[k * 4 + guide], 1E-6f)); float w = 1.0f; for(size_t kc = 0; kc <= 1; kc++) { const size_t c = (guide + kc + 1) % 3; // weight by considering how close pixel is for a manifold, // and how close the log difference between the channels is // close to the wrong log difference between the channels. const float pixel = log2f(fmaxf(in[k * 4 + c], 1E-6f)); const float highc = log2f(fmaxf(blurred_manifold_higher[k * 4 + c], 1E-6f)); const float lowc = log2f(fmaxf(blurred_manifold_lower[k * 4 + c], 1E-6f)); // find how likely the pixel is part of a chromatic aberration // (lowc, lowg) and (highc, highg) are valid points // (lowc, highg) and (highc, lowg) are chromatic aberrations const float dist_to_ll = fabsf(pixelg - lowg - pixel + lowc); const float dist_to_hh = fabsf(pixelg - highg - pixel + highc); const float dist_to_lh = fabsf((pixelg - pixel) - (highg - lowc)); const float dist_to_hl = fabsf((pixelg - pixel) - (lowg - highc)); float dist_to_good = 1.0f; if(fabsf(pixelg - lowg) < fabsf(pixelg - highg)) dist_to_good = dist_to_ll; else dist_to_good = dist_to_hh; float dist_to_bad = 1.0f; if(fabsf(pixelg - lowg) < fabsf(pixelg - highg)) dist_to_bad = dist_to_hl; else dist_to_bad = dist_to_lh; // make w higher if close to good, and smaller if close to bad. w *= 1.0f * (0.2f + 1.0f / fmaxf(dist_to_good, 0.1f)) / (0.2f + 1.0f / fmaxf(dist_to_bad, 0.1f)); } if(pixelg > avgg) { float logdiffs[2]; for(size_t kc = 0; kc <= 1; kc++) { const size_t c = (guide + kc + 1) % 3; const float pixel = fmaxf(in[k * 4 + c], 1E-6f); const float log_diff = log2f(pixel) - pixelg; logdiffs[kc] = log_diff; } // regularization of logdiff to avoid too many problems with noise: // we lower the weights of pixels with too high logdiff const float maxlogdiff = fmaxf(fabsf(logdiffs[0]), fabsf(logdiffs[1])); if(maxlogdiff > DT_CACORRECTRGB_MAX_EV_DIFF) { const float correction_weight = DT_CACORRECTRGB_MAX_EV_DIFF / maxlogdiff; w *= correction_weight; } for(size_t kc = 0; kc <= 1; kc++) { const size_t c = (kc + guide + 1) % 3; manifold_higher[k * 4 + c] = logdiffs[kc] * w; } manifold_higher[k * 4 + guide] = fmaxf(in[k * 4 + guide], 0.0f) * w; manifold_higher[k * 4 + 3] = w; // manifold_lower still contains the values from first iteration // -> reset it. for_four_channels(c) { manifold_lower[k * 4 + c] = 0.0f; } } else { float logdiffs[2]; for(size_t kc = 0; kc <= 1; kc++) { const size_t c = (guide + kc + 1) % 3; const float pixel = fmaxf(in[k * 4 + c], 1E-6f); const float log_diff = log2f(pixel) - pixelg; logdiffs[kc] = log_diff; } // regularization of logdiff to avoid too many problems with noise: // we lower the weights of pixels with too high logdiff const float maxlogdiff = fmaxf(fabsf(logdiffs[0]), fabsf(logdiffs[1])); if(maxlogdiff > DT_CACORRECTRGB_MAX_EV_DIFF) { const float correction_weight = DT_CACORRECTRGB_MAX_EV_DIFF / maxlogdiff; w *= correction_weight; } for(size_t kc = 0; kc <= 1; kc++) { const size_t c = (kc + guide + 1) % 3; manifold_lower[k * 4 + c] = logdiffs[kc] * w; } manifold_lower[k * 4 + guide] = fmaxf(in[k * 4 + guide], 0.0f) * w; manifold_lower[k * 4 + 3] = w; // manifold_higher still contains the values from first iteration // -> reset it. for(size_t c = 0; c < 4; c++) { manifold_higher[k * 4 + c] = 0.0f; } } } dt_gaussian_blur_4c(g, manifold_higher, blurred_manifold_higher); dt_gaussian_blur_4c(g, manifold_lower, blurred_manifold_lower); normalize_manifolds(blurred_in, blurred_manifold_lower, blurred_manifold_higher, width, height, guide); dt_gaussian_free(g); } dt_free_align(manifold_lower); dt_free_align(manifold_higher); // store all manifolds in the same structure to make upscaling faster #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp parallel for simd default(none) \ dt_omp_firstprivate(manifolds, blurred_manifold_lower, blurred_manifold_higher, width, height, guide) \ schedule(simd:static) aligned(manifolds, blurred_manifold_lower, blurred_manifold_higher:64) #endif for(size_t k = 0; k < width * height; k++) { for(size_t c = 0; c < 3; c++) { manifolds[k * 6 + c] = blurred_manifold_higher[k * 4 + c]; manifolds[k * 6 + 3 + c] = blurred_manifold_lower[k * 4 + c]; } } dt_free_align(blurred_in); dt_free_align(blurred_manifold_lower); dt_free_align(blurred_manifold_higher); } #undef DT_CACORRECTRGB_MAX_EV_DIFF static void apply_correction(const float* const restrict in, const float* const restrict manifolds, const size_t width, const size_t height, const float sigma, const dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_guide_channel_t guide, const dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_mode_t mode, float* const restrict out) { #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp parallel for default(none) \ dt_omp_firstprivate(in, width, height, guide, manifolds, out, sigma, mode) \ schedule(simd:static) #endif for(size_t k = 0; k < width * height; k++) { const float high_guide = fmaxf(manifolds[k * 6 + guide], 1E-6f); const float low_guide = fmaxf(manifolds[k * 6 + 3 + guide], 1E-6f); const float log_high = log2f(high_guide); const float log_low = log2f(low_guide); const float dist_low_high = log_high - log_low; const float pixelg = fmaxf(in[k * 4 + guide], 0.0f); const float log_pixg = log2f(fminf(fmaxf(pixelg, low_guide), high_guide)); // determine how close our pixel is from the low manifold compared to the // high manifold. // if pixel value is lower or equal to the low manifold, weight_low = 1.0f // if pixel value is higher or equal to the high manifold, weight_low = 0.0f float weight_low = fabsf(log_high - log_pixg) / fmaxf(dist_low_high, 1E-6f); // if the manifolds are very close, we are likely to introduce discontinuities // and to have a meaningless "weight_low". // thus in these cases make dist closer to 0.5. // we set a threshold of 0.25f EV min. const float threshold_dist_low_high = 0.25f; if(dist_low_high < threshold_dist_low_high) { const float weight = dist_low_high / threshold_dist_low_high; // dist_low_high = threshold_dist_low_high => dist // dist_low_high = 0.0 => 0.5f weight_low = weight_low * weight + 0.5f * (1.0f - weight); } const float weight_high = fmaxf(1.0f - weight_low, 0.0f); for(size_t kc = 0; kc <= 1; kc++) { const size_t c = (guide + kc + 1) % 3; const float pixelc = fmaxf(in[k * 4 + c], 0.0f); const float ratio_high_manifolds = manifolds[k * 6 + c] / high_guide; const float ratio_low_manifolds = manifolds[k * 6 + 3 + c] / low_guide; // weighted geometric mean between the ratios. const float ratio = powf(ratio_low_manifolds, weight_low) * powf(ratio_high_manifolds, weight_high); const float outp = pixelg * ratio; switch(mode) { case DT_CACORRECT_MODE_STANDARD: out[k * 4 + c] = outp; break; case DT_CACORRECT_MODE_DARKEN: out[k * 4 + c] = fminf(outp, pixelc); break; case DT_CACORRECT_MODE_BRIGHTEN: out[k * 4 + c] = fmaxf(outp, pixelc); break; } } out[k * 4 + guide] = pixelg; out[k * 4 + 3] = in[k * 4 + 3]; } } static void reduce_artifacts(const float* const restrict in, const size_t width, const size_t height, const float sigma, const dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_guide_channel_t guide, const float safety, float* const restrict out) { // in_out contains the 2 guided channels of in, and the 2 guided channels of out // it allows to blur all channels in one 4-channel gaussian blur instead of 2 float *const restrict DT_ALIGNED_PIXEL in_out = dt_alloc_align_float(width * height * 4); #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp parallel for default(none) \ dt_omp_firstprivate(in, out, in_out, width, height, guide) \ schedule(simd:static) #endif for(size_t k = 0; k < width * height; k++) { for(size_t kc = 0; kc <= 1; kc++) { const size_t c = (guide + kc + 1) % 3; in_out[k * 4 + kc * 2 + 0] = in[k * 4 + c]; in_out[k * 4 + kc * 2 + 1] = out[k * 4 + c]; } } float *const restrict blurred_in_out = dt_alloc_align_float(width * height * 4); dt_aligned_pixel_t max = {INFINITY, INFINITY, INFINITY, INFINITY}; dt_aligned_pixel_t min = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; dt_gaussian_t *g = dt_gaussian_init(width, height, 4, max, min, sigma, 0); if(!g) return; dt_gaussian_blur_4c(g, in_out, blurred_in_out); dt_gaussian_free(g); dt_free_align(in_out); // we consider that even with chromatic aberration, local average should // be close to be accurate. // thus, the local average of output should be similar to the one of the input // if they are not, the algorithm probably washed out colors too much or // may have produced artifacts. // we do a weighted average between input and output, keeping more input if // the local averages are very different. // we use the same weight for all channels, as using different weights // introduces artifacts in practice. #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp parallel for default(none) \ dt_omp_firstprivate(in, out, blurred_in_out, width, height, guide, safety) \ schedule(simd:static) #endif for(size_t k = 0; k < width * height; k++) { float w = 1.0f; for(size_t kc = 0; kc <= 1; kc++) { const float avg_in = log2f(fmaxf(blurred_in_out[k * 4 + kc * 2 + 0], 1E-6f)); const float avg_out = log2f(fmaxf(blurred_in_out[k * 4 + kc * 2 + 1], 1E-6f)); w *= expf(-fmaxf(fabsf(avg_out - avg_in), 0.01f) * safety); } for(size_t kc = 0; kc <= 1; kc++) { const size_t c = (guide + kc + 1) % 3; out[k * 4 + c] = fmaxf(1.0f - w, 0.0f) * fmaxf(in[k * 4 + c], 0.0f) + w * fmaxf(out[k * 4 + c], 0.0f); } } dt_free_align(blurred_in_out); } static void reduce_chromatic_aberrations(const float* const restrict in, const size_t width, const size_t height, const size_t ch, const float sigma, const float sigma2, const dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_guide_channel_t guide, const dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_mode_t mode, const gboolean refine_manifolds, const float safety, float* const restrict out) { const float downsize = fminf(3.0f, sigma); const size_t ds_width = width / downsize; const size_t ds_height = height / downsize; float *const restrict ds_in = dt_alloc_align_float(ds_width * ds_height * 4); // we use only one variable for both higher and lower manifolds in order // to save time by doing only one bilinear interpolation instead of 2. float *const restrict ds_manifolds = dt_alloc_align_float(ds_width * ds_height * 6); // Downsample the image for speed-up interpolate_bilinear(in, width, height, ds_in, ds_width, ds_height, 4); // Compute manifolds get_manifolds(ds_in, ds_width, ds_height, sigma / downsize, sigma2 / downsize, guide, ds_manifolds, refine_manifolds); dt_free_align(ds_in); // upscale manifolds float *const restrict manifolds = dt_alloc_align_float(width * height * 6); interpolate_bilinear(ds_manifolds, ds_width, ds_height, manifolds, width, height, 6); dt_free_align(ds_manifolds); apply_correction(in, manifolds, width, height, sigma, guide, mode, out); dt_free_align(manifolds); reduce_artifacts(in, width, height, sigma, guide, safety, out); } void process(struct dt_iop_module_t *self, dt_dev_pixelpipe_iop_t *piece, const void *const ivoid, void *const ovoid, const dt_iop_roi_t *const roi_in, const dt_iop_roi_t *const roi_out) { if (!dt_iop_have_required_input_format(4 /*we need full-color pixels*/, self, piece->colors, ivoid, ovoid, roi_in, roi_out)) return; // ivoid has been copied to ovoid and the module's trouble flag has been set dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_params_t *d = (dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_params_t *)piece->data; // used to adjuste blur level depending on size. Don't amplify noise if magnified > 100% const float scale = fmaxf(piece->iscale / roi_in->scale, 1.f); const int ch = piece->colors; const size_t width = roi_out->width; const size_t height = roi_out->height; const float* in = (float*)ivoid; float* out = (float*)ovoid; const float sigma = fmaxf(d->radius / scale, 1.0f); const float sigma2 = fmaxf(d->radius * d->radius / scale, 1.0f); // whether to be very conservative in preserving the original image, or to // keep algorithm result even if it overshoots const float safety = powf(20.0f, 1.0f - d->strength); reduce_chromatic_aberrations(in, width, height, ch, sigma, sigma2, d->guide_channel, d->mode, d->refine_manifolds, safety, out); } void gui_update(dt_iop_module_t *self) { dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_gui_data_t *g = (dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_gui_data_t *)self->gui_data; dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_params_t *p = (dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_params_t *)self->params; dt_bauhaus_combobox_set_from_value(g->guide_channel, p->guide_channel); dt_bauhaus_slider_set_soft(g->radius, p->radius); dt_bauhaus_slider_set_soft(g->strength, p->strength); dt_bauhaus_combobox_set_from_value(g->mode, p->mode); gtk_toggle_button_set_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(g->refine_manifolds), p->refine_manifolds); } void reload_defaults(dt_iop_module_t *module) { dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_params_t *d = (dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_params_t *)module->default_params; d->guide_channel = DT_CACORRECT_RGB_G; d->radius = 5.0f; d->strength = 0.5f; d->mode = DT_CACORRECT_MODE_STANDARD; d->refine_manifolds = FALSE; dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_gui_data_t *g = (dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_gui_data_t *)module->gui_data; if(g) { dt_bauhaus_combobox_set_default(g->guide_channel, d->guide_channel); dt_bauhaus_slider_set_default(g->radius, d->radius); dt_bauhaus_slider_set_soft_range(g->radius, 1.0, 20.0); dt_bauhaus_slider_set_default(g->strength, d->strength); dt_bauhaus_combobox_set_default(g->mode, d->mode); gtk_toggle_button_set_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(g->refine_manifolds), d->refine_manifolds); } } void gui_init(dt_iop_module_t *self) { dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_gui_data_t *g = IOP_GUI_ALLOC(cacorrectrgb); self->widget = gtk_box_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, DT_BAUHAUS_SPACE); g->guide_channel = dt_bauhaus_combobox_from_params(self, "guide_channel"); gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text(g->guide_channel, _("channel used as a reference to\n" "correct the other channels.\n" "use sharpest channel if some\n" "channels are blurry.\n" "try changing guide channel if you\n" "have artifacts.")); g->radius = dt_bauhaus_slider_from_params(self, "radius"); gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text(g->radius, _("increase for stronger correction")); g->strength = dt_bauhaus_slider_from_params(self, "strength"); gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text(g->strength, _("balance between smoothing colors\n" "and preserving them.\n" "high values can lead to overshooting\n" "and edge bleeding.")); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(self->widget), dt_ui_section_label_new(_("advanced parameters")), TRUE, TRUE, 0); g->mode = dt_bauhaus_combobox_from_params(self, "mode"); gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text(g->mode, _("correction mode to use.\n" "can help with multiple\n" "instances for very damaged\n" "images.\n" "darken only is particularly\n" "efficient to correct blue\n" "chromatic aberration.")); g->refine_manifolds = dt_bauhaus_toggle_from_params(self, "refine_manifolds"); gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text(g->refine_manifolds, _("runs an iterative approach\n" "with several radii.\n" "improves result on images\n" "with very large chromatic\n" "aberrations, but can smooth\n" "colors too much on other\n" "images.")); }