/* * This file is a modified port of RGB Noise plug-in from Gimp. * It contains code from plug-ins/common/noise-rgb.c, see that for copyrights. * * rgbnoise.c * Copyright 2012 Janne Liljeblad * * This file is a Frei0r plugin. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include "frei0r.h" #include "frei0r_math.h" static int MY_MAX_RAND = 32767;// I assume RAND_MAX to be at least this big. static double gaussian_lookup[32767]; static int TABLE_INITED = 0; static int next_gaussian_index = 0; static int last_in_range = 32766; typedef struct rgbnoise_instance { unsigned int width; unsigned int height; double noise; } rgbnoise_instance_t; void f0r_deinit() {} void f0r_get_plugin_info(f0r_plugin_info_t* rgbnoiseInfo) { rgbnoiseInfo->name = "rgbnoise"; rgbnoiseInfo->author = "Janne Liljeblad"; rgbnoiseInfo->plugin_type = F0R_PLUGIN_TYPE_FILTER; rgbnoiseInfo->color_model = F0R_COLOR_MODEL_RGBA8888; rgbnoiseInfo->frei0r_version = FREI0R_MAJOR_VERSION; rgbnoiseInfo->major_version = 0; rgbnoiseInfo->minor_version = 9; rgbnoiseInfo->num_params = 1; rgbnoiseInfo->explanation = "Adds RGB noise to image."; } void f0r_get_param_info(f0r_param_info_t* info, int param_index) { switch ( param_index ) { case 0: info->name = "noise"; info->type = F0R_PARAM_DOUBLE; info->explanation = "Amount of noise added"; break; } } f0r_instance_t f0r_construct(unsigned int width, unsigned int height) { rgbnoise_instance_t* inst = (rgbnoise_instance_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(*inst)); inst->width = width; inst->height = height; inst->noise = 0.2; return (f0r_instance_t)inst; } void f0r_destruct(f0r_instance_t instance) { free(instance); } void f0r_set_param_value(f0r_instance_t instance, f0r_param_t param, int param_index) { rgbnoise_instance_t* inst = (rgbnoise_instance_t*)instance; switch (param_index) { case 0: inst->noise = *((double*)param); break; } } void f0r_get_param_value(f0r_instance_t instance, f0r_param_t param, int param_index) { rgbnoise_instance_t* inst = (rgbnoise_instance_t*)instance; switch (param_index) { case 0: *((double*)param) = inst->noise; break; } } //-------------------------------------------------------- filter methods static inline double nextDouble() { double val = ((double) rand()) / ((double) RAND_MAX); return val; } static inline double gauss() { double u, v, x; do { v = nextDouble(); do u = nextDouble(); while (u == 0); x = 1.71552776992141359295 * (v - 0.5) / u; } while ( x * x > -4.0 * log(u) ); return x; } static void create_new_lookup_range() { int first, last, tmp; first = rand() % (MY_MAX_RAND - 1); last = rand() % (MY_MAX_RAND - 1); if (first > last) { tmp = last; last = first; first = tmp; } next_gaussian_index = first; last_in_range = last; } static inline double next_gauss() { next_gaussian_index++; if (next_gaussian_index >= last_in_range) { create_new_lookup_range(); } return gaussian_lookup[next_gaussian_index]; } static inline int addNoise(int sample, double noise) { int byteNoise = 0; int noiseSample = 0; byteNoise = (int) (noise * next_gauss()); noiseSample = sample + byteNoise; noiseSample = CLAMP(noiseSample, 0, 255); return noiseSample; } int f0r_init() { if (TABLE_INITED == 0) { int i; for( i = 0; i < MY_MAX_RAND; i++) { gaussian_lookup[i] = gauss() * 127.0; } TABLE_INITED = 1; } return 1; } void rgb_noise(f0r_instance_t instance, double time, const uint32_t* inframe, uint32_t* outframe) { rgbnoise_instance_t* inst = (rgbnoise_instance_t*)instance; unsigned int len = inst->width * inst->height; unsigned char* dst = (unsigned char*)outframe; const unsigned char* src = (unsigned char*)inframe; int sample; double noise = inst->noise; while (len--) { sample = *src++; *dst++ = addNoise(sample, noise); sample = *src++; *dst++ = addNoise(sample, noise); sample = *src++; *dst++ = addNoise(sample, noise); *dst++ = *src++; } } //---------------------------------------------------- update void f0r_update(f0r_instance_t instance, double time, const uint32_t* inframe, uint32_t* outframe) { assert(instance); rgb_noise(instance, time, inframe, outframe); }