/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/ Copyright (c) 2000-2014 Torus Knot Software Ltd Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "OgreStableHeaders.h" #include "OgreInstanceManager.h" #include "OgreInstanceBatch.h" #include "OgreInstancedEntity.h" #include "OgreRenderQueue.h" #include "OgreLodListener.h" namespace Ogre { InstanceBatch::InstanceBatch( InstanceManager *creator, MeshPtr &meshReference, const MaterialPtr &material, size_t instancesPerBatch, const Mesh::IndexMap *indexToBoneMap, const String &batchName ) : Renderable(), MovableObject(), mInstancesPerBatch( instancesPerBatch ), mCreator( creator ), mMaterial( material ), mMeshReference( meshReference ), mIndexToBoneMap( indexToBoneMap ), mBoundingRadius( 0 ), mBoundsDirty( false ), mBoundsUpdated( false ), mCurrentCamera( 0 ), mMaterialLodIndex( 0 ), mDirtyAnimation(true), mTechnSupportsSkeletal( true ), mCachedCamera( 0 ), mTransformSharingDirty(true), mRemoveOwnVertexData(false), mRemoveOwnIndexData(false) { assert( mInstancesPerBatch ); //Force batch visibility to be always visible. The instanced entities //have individual visibility flags. If none matches the scene's current, //then this batch won't rendered. mVisibilityFlags = std::numeric_limits::max(); if( indexToBoneMap ) { assert( !(meshReference->hasSkeleton() && indexToBoneMap->empty()) ); } mFullBoundingBox.setExtents( -Vector3::ZERO, Vector3::ZERO ); mName = batchName; if (mCreator != NULL) { mCustomParams.resize( mCreator->getNumCustomParams() * mInstancesPerBatch, Ogre::Vector4::ZERO ); } } InstanceBatch::~InstanceBatch() { deleteAllInstancedEntities(); //Remove the parent scene node automatically SceneNode *sceneNode = getParentSceneNode(); if( sceneNode ) { sceneNode->detachAllObjects(); sceneNode->getParentSceneNode()->removeAndDestroyChild( sceneNode ); } if( mRemoveOwnVertexData ) OGRE_DELETE mRenderOperation.vertexData; if( mRemoveOwnIndexData ) OGRE_DELETE mRenderOperation.indexData; } void InstanceBatch::_setInstancesPerBatch( size_t instancesPerBatch ) { if( !mInstancedEntities.empty() ) { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INVALID_STATE, "Instances per batch can only be changed before" " building the batch.", "InstanceBatch::_setInstancesPerBatch"); } mInstancesPerBatch = instancesPerBatch; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool InstanceBatch::checkSubMeshCompatibility( const SubMesh* baseSubMesh ) { if( baseSubMesh->operationType != RenderOperation::OT_TRIANGLE_LIST ) { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Only meshes with OT_TRIANGLE_LIST are supported", "InstanceBatch::checkSubMeshCompatibility"); } if( !mCustomParams.empty() && mCreator->getInstancingTechnique() != InstanceManager::HWInstancingBasic ) { //Implementing this for ShaderBased is impossible. All other variants can be. OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, "Custom parameters not supported for this " "technique. Do you dare implementing it?" "See InstanceManager::setNumCustomParams " "documentation.", "InstanceBatch::checkSubMeshCompatibility"); } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void InstanceBatch::_updateBounds(void) { mFullBoundingBox.setNull(); InstancedEntityVec::const_iterator itor = mInstancedEntities.begin(); InstancedEntityVec::const_iterator end = mInstancedEntities.end(); Real maxScale = 0; while( itor != end ) { InstancedEntity* ent = (*itor); //Only increase the bounding box for those objects we know are in the scene if( ent->isInScene() ) { maxScale = std::max(maxScale, ent->getMaxScaleCoef()); mFullBoundingBox.merge( ent->_getDerivedPosition() ); } ++itor; } Real addToBound = maxScale * _getMeshReference()->getBoundingSphereRadius(); mFullBoundingBox.setMaximum(mFullBoundingBox.getMaximum() + addToBound); mFullBoundingBox.setMinimum(mFullBoundingBox.getMinimum() - addToBound); mBoundingRadius = Math::boundingRadiusFromAABBCentered( mFullBoundingBox ); if (mParentNode) { mParentNode->needUpdate(); } mBoundsUpdated = true; mBoundsDirty = false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void InstanceBatch::updateVisibility(void) { mVisible = false; InstancedEntityVec::const_iterator itor = mInstancedEntities.begin(); InstancedEntityVec::const_iterator end = mInstancedEntities.end(); while( itor != end && !mVisible ) { //Trick to force Ogre not to render us if none of our instances is visible //Because we do Camera::isVisible(), it is better if the SceneNode from the //InstancedEntity is not part of the scene graph (i.e. ultimate parent is root node) //to avoid unnecessary wasteful calculations mVisible |= (*itor)->findVisible( mCurrentCamera ); ++itor; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void InstanceBatch::createAllInstancedEntities() { mInstancedEntities.reserve( mInstancesPerBatch ); mUnusedEntities.reserve( mInstancesPerBatch ); for( size_t i=0; i(num)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void InstanceBatch::deleteAllInstancedEntities() { InstancedEntityVec::const_iterator itor = mInstancedEntities.begin(); InstancedEntityVec::const_iterator end = mInstancedEntities.end(); while( itor != end ) { if( (*itor)->getParentSceneNode() ) (*itor)->getParentSceneNode()->detachObject( (*itor) ); OGRE_DELETE *itor++; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void InstanceBatch::deleteUnusedInstancedEntities() { InstancedEntityVec::const_iterator itor = mUnusedEntities.begin(); InstancedEntityVec::const_iterator end = mUnusedEntities.end(); while( itor != end ) OGRE_DELETE *itor++; mUnusedEntities.clear(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void InstanceBatch::makeMatrixCameraRelative3x4( float *mat3x4, size_t numFloats ) { const Vector3 &cameraRelativePosition = mCurrentCamera->getDerivedPosition(); for( size_t i=0; i> 2; i += 3 ) { const Vector3 worldTrans( mat3x4[(i+0) * 4 + 3], mat3x4[(i+1) * 4 + 3], mat3x4[(i+2) * 4 + 3] ); const Vector3 newPos( worldTrans - cameraRelativePosition ); mat3x4[(i+0) * 4 + 3] = (float)newPos.x; mat3x4[(i+1) * 4 + 3] = (float)newPos.y; mat3x4[(i+2) * 4 + 3] = (float)newPos.z; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- RenderOperation InstanceBatch::build( const SubMesh* baseSubMesh ) { if( checkSubMeshCompatibility( baseSubMesh ) ) { //Only triangle list at the moment mRenderOperation.operationType = RenderOperation::OT_TRIANGLE_LIST; mRenderOperation.srcRenderable = this; mRenderOperation.useIndexes = true; setupVertices( baseSubMesh ); setupIndices( baseSubMesh ); createAllInstancedEntities(); } return mRenderOperation; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void InstanceBatch::buildFrom( const SubMesh *baseSubMesh, const RenderOperation &renderOperation ) { mRenderOperation = renderOperation; createAllInstancedEntities(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- InstancedEntity* InstanceBatch::createInstancedEntity() { InstancedEntity *retVal = 0; if( !mUnusedEntities.empty() ) { retVal = mUnusedEntities.back(); mUnusedEntities.pop_back(); retVal->setInUse(true); } return retVal; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void InstanceBatch::removeInstancedEntity( InstancedEntity *instancedEntity ) { if( instancedEntity->mBatchOwner != this ) { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, "Trying to remove an InstancedEntity from scene created" " with a different InstanceBatch", "InstanceBatch::removeInstancedEntity()"); } if( !instancedEntity->isInUse() ) { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INVALID_STATE, "Trying to remove an InstancedEntity that is already removed!", "InstanceBatch::removeInstancedEntity()"); } if( instancedEntity->getParentSceneNode() ) instancedEntity->getParentSceneNode()->detachObject( instancedEntity ); instancedEntity->setInUse(false); instancedEntity->stopSharingTransform(); //Put it back into the queue mUnusedEntities.push_back( instancedEntity ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void InstanceBatch::getInstancedEntitiesInUse( InstancedEntityVec &outEntities, CustomParamsVec &outParams ) { InstancedEntityVec::const_iterator itor = mInstancedEntities.begin(); InstancedEntityVec::const_iterator end = mInstancedEntities.end(); while( itor != end ) { if( (*itor)->isInUse() ) { outEntities.push_back( *itor ); for( unsigned char i=0; igetNumCustomParams(); ++i ) outParams.push_back( _getCustomParam( *itor, i ) ); } ++itor; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void InstanceBatch::defragmentBatchNoCull( InstancedEntityVec &usedEntities, CustomParamsVec &usedParams ) { const size_t maxInstancesToCopy = std::min( mInstancesPerBatch, usedEntities.size() ); InstancedEntityVec::iterator first = usedEntities.end() - maxInstancesToCopy; CustomParamsVec::iterator firstParams = usedParams.end() - maxInstancesToCopy * mCreator->getNumCustomParams(); //Copy from the back to front, into m_instancedEntities mInstancedEntities.insert( mInstancedEntities.begin(), first, usedEntities.end() ); //Remove them from the array usedEntities.resize( usedEntities.size() - maxInstancesToCopy ); mCustomParams.insert( mCustomParams.begin(), firstParams, usedParams.end() ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void InstanceBatch::defragmentBatchDoCull( InstancedEntityVec &usedEntities, CustomParamsVec &usedParams ) { //Get the the entity closest to the minimum bbox edge and put into "first" InstancedEntityVec::const_iterator itor = usedEntities.begin(); InstancedEntityVec::const_iterator end = usedEntities.end(); Vector3 vMinPos = Vector3::ZERO, firstPos = Vector3::ZERO; InstancedEntity *first = 0; if( !usedEntities.empty() ) { first = *usedEntities.begin(); firstPos = first->_getDerivedPosition(); vMinPos = first->_getDerivedPosition(); } while( itor != end ) { const Vector3 &vPos = (*itor)->_getDerivedPosition(); vMinPos.x = std::min( vMinPos.x, vPos.x ); vMinPos.y = std::min( vMinPos.y, vPos.y ); vMinPos.z = std::min( vMinPos.z, vPos.z ); if( vMinPos.squaredDistance( vPos ) < vMinPos.squaredDistance( firstPos ) ) { firstPos = vPos; } ++itor; } //Now collect entities closest to 'first' while( !usedEntities.empty() && mInstancedEntities.size() < mInstancesPerBatch ) { InstancedEntityVec::iterator closest = usedEntities.begin(); InstancedEntityVec::iterator it = usedEntities.begin(); InstancedEntityVec::iterator e = usedEntities.end(); Vector3 closestPos; closestPos = (*closest)->_getDerivedPosition(); while( it != e ) { const Vector3 &vPos = (*it)->_getDerivedPosition(); if( firstPos.squaredDistance( vPos ) < firstPos.squaredDistance( closestPos ) ) { closest = it; closestPos = vPos; } ++it; } mInstancedEntities.push_back( *closest ); //Now the custom params const size_t idx = closest - usedEntities.begin(); for( unsigned char i=0; igetNumCustomParams(); ++i ) { mCustomParams.push_back( usedParams[idx + i] ); } //Remove 'closest' from usedEntities & usedParams using swap and pop_back trick *closest = *(usedEntities.end() - 1); usedEntities.pop_back(); for( unsigned char i=1; i<=mCreator->getNumCustomParams(); ++i ) { usedParams[idx + mCreator->getNumCustomParams() - i] = *(usedParams.end() - 1); usedParams.pop_back(); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void InstanceBatch::_defragmentBatch( bool optimizeCulling, InstancedEntityVec &usedEntities, CustomParamsVec &usedParams ) { //Remove and clear what we don't need mInstancedEntities.clear(); mCustomParams.clear(); deleteUnusedInstancedEntities(); if( !optimizeCulling ) defragmentBatchNoCull( usedEntities, usedParams ); else defragmentBatchDoCull( usedEntities, usedParams ); //Reassign instance IDs and tell we're the new parent uint32 instanceId = 0; InstancedEntityVec::const_iterator itor = mInstancedEntities.begin(); InstancedEntityVec::const_iterator end = mInstancedEntities.end(); while( itor != end ) { (*itor)->mInstanceId = instanceId++; (*itor)->mBatchOwner = this; ++itor; } //Recreate unused entities, if there's left space in our container assert( (signed)(mInstancesPerBatch) - (signed)(mInstancedEntities.size()) >= 0 ); mInstancedEntities.reserve( mInstancesPerBatch ); mUnusedEntities.reserve( mInstancesPerBatch ); mCustomParams.reserve( mCreator->getNumCustomParams() * mInstancesPerBatch ); for( size_t i=mInstancedEntities.size(); i_addDirtyBatch( this ); mBoundsDirty = true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const String& InstanceBatch::getMovableType(void) const { static String sType = "InstanceBatch"; return sType; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void InstanceBatch::_notifyCurrentCamera( Camera* cam ) { mCurrentCamera = cam; //See DistanceLodStrategy::getValueImpl() //We use our own because our SceneNode is just filled with zeroes, and updating it //with real values is expensive, plus we would need to make sure it doesn't get to //the shader Real depth = Math::Sqrt(getSquaredViewDepth(cam)) - getBoundingRadius(); depth = std::max( depth, Real(0) ); Real lodValue = depth * cam->_getLodBiasInverse(); //Now calculate Material LOD /*const LodStrategy *materialStrategy = m_material->getLodStrategy(); //Calculate LOD value for given strategy Real lodValue = materialStrategy->getValue( this, cam );*/ //Get the index at this depth unsigned short idx = mMaterial->getLodIndex( lodValue ); //TODO: Replace subEntity for MovableObject // Construct event object /*EntityMaterialLodChangedEvent subEntEvt; subEntEvt.subEntity = this; subEntEvt.camera = cam; subEntEvt.lodValue = lodValue; subEntEvt.previousLodIndex = m_materialLodIndex; subEntEvt.newLodIndex = idx; //Notify LOD event listeners cam->getSceneManager()->_notifyEntityMaterialLodChanged(subEntEvt);*/ // Change LOD index mMaterialLodIndex = idx; mBeyondFarDistance = false; if (cam->getUseRenderingDistance() && mUpperDistance > 0) { if (depth > mUpperDistance) mBeyondFarDistance = true; } if (!mBeyondFarDistance && cam->getUseMinPixelSize() && mMinPixelSize > 0) { Real pixelRatio = cam->getPixelDisplayRatio(); Ogre::Vector3 objBound = getBoundingBox().getSize() * getParentNode()->_getDerivedScale(); objBound.x = Math::Sqr(objBound.x); objBound.y = Math::Sqr(objBound.y); objBound.z = Math::Sqr(objBound.z); float sqrObjMedianSize = std::max( std::max(std::min(objBound.x, objBound.y), std::min(objBound.x, objBound.z)), std::min(objBound.y, objBound.z)); // If we have a perspective camera calculations are done relative to distance Real sqrDistance = 1; if (cam->getProjectionType() == PT_PERSPECTIVE) sqrDistance = getSquaredViewDepth(cam->getLodCamera()); // it's ok mBeyondFarDistance = sqrObjMedianSize < sqrDistance * Math::Sqr(pixelRatio * mMinPixelSize); } if (mParentNode) { MovableObjectLodChangedEvent evt; evt.movableObject = this; evt.camera = cam; cam->getSceneManager()->_notifyMovableObjectLodChanged(evt); } mRenderingDisabled = mListener && !mListener->objectRendering(this, cam); // MovableObject::_notifyCurrentCamera( cam ); // it does not suit } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const AxisAlignedBox& InstanceBatch::getBoundingBox(void) const { return mFullBoundingBox; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Real InstanceBatch::getBoundingRadius(void) const { return mBoundingRadius; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Real InstanceBatch::getSquaredViewDepth( const Camera* cam ) const { unsigned long currentFrameNumber = Root::getSingleton().getNextFrameNumber(); if (mCameraDistLastUpdateFrameNumber != currentFrameNumber || mCachedCamera != cam) { mCachedCameraDist = getBoundingBox().getCenter().squaredDistance(cam->getDerivedPosition()); mCachedCamera = cam; mCameraDistLastUpdateFrameNumber = currentFrameNumber; } return mCachedCameraDist; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const LightList& InstanceBatch::getLights( void ) const { return queryLights(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique* InstanceBatch::getTechnique( void ) const { return mMaterial->getBestTechnique( mMaterialLodIndex, this ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void InstanceBatch::_updateRenderQueue( RenderQueue* queue ) { /*if( m_boundsDirty ) _updateBounds();*/ mDirtyAnimation = false; //Is at least one object in the scene? updateVisibility(); if( mVisible ) { if( mMeshReference->hasSkeleton() ) { InstancedEntityVec::const_iterator itor = mInstancedEntities.begin(); InstancedEntityVec::const_iterator end = mInstancedEntities.end(); while( itor != end ) { mDirtyAnimation |= (*itor)->_updateAnimation(); ++itor; } } queue->addRenderable( this, mRenderQueueID, mRenderQueuePriority ); } //Reset visibility once we skipped addRenderable (which saves GPU time), because OGRE for some //reason stops updating our render queue afterwards, preventing us to recalculate visibility mVisible = true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void InstanceBatch::visitRenderables( Renderable::Visitor* visitor, bool debugRenderables ) { visitor->visit( this, 0, false ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void InstanceBatch::_setCustomParam( InstancedEntity *instancedEntity, unsigned char idx, const Vector4 &newParam ) { mCustomParams[instancedEntity->mInstanceId * mCreator->getNumCustomParams() + idx] = newParam; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const Vector4& InstanceBatch::_getCustomParam( InstancedEntity *instancedEntity, unsigned char idx ) { return mCustomParams[instancedEntity->mInstanceId * mCreator->getNumCustomParams() + idx]; } }