/***********************************************************************/ /* Open Visualization Data Explorer */ /* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1989,1999 */ /* ALL RIGHTS RESERVED */ /* This code licensed under the */ /* "IBM PUBLIC LICENSE - Open Visualization Data Explorer" */ /***********************************************************************/ #include /* * Header: /usr/people/gresh/code/svs/src/libdx/RCS/invalid.c,v 5.1 93/01/20 14:26:14 gda Exp Locker: gresh * */ #include #include #include static Array CullArray(Array, int, int, InvalidComponentHandle); static Array _dxfReRef(Array, int *); static int *MakeMap(InvalidComponentHandle, int, int *); static Object C_Field(Field); static Object C_Field_Standard(Field); static Object C_Field_PE(Field); static Object C_Field_FLE(Field); static Object IC_Field(Field); static Object IC_Field_Standard(Field); static Object IC_Field_PE(Field); static Object IC_Field_FLE(Field); static Object IUP_Field(Field); static Object IUP_Field_Standard(Field); static Object IUP_Field_PE(Field); static Object IUP_Field_FLE(Field); /* --FIXME * Never defined --remove after determining not used * static Object C_Object(Object); static Object IC_Object(Object); static Object IUP_Object(Object); */ static Field DeleteFieldContents(Field); /* * The following checks to find the maximum point reference in the * connections array and whether the references skip any in the * range. This is a fast out for InvalidateUnreferencedPositions... * if the max. reference matches the length of the positions array * and no holes were found, then no points are unreferenced. */ #define ERROR_OCCURRED -1 #define HOLES_FOUND -2 static int GridSize(Array); #ifndef TRUE #define TRUE 1 #endif #ifndef FALSE #define FALSE 0 #endif /* * DEP ARRAY lower-bound thresholds * DEP_STORAGE_THRESHOLD - When to switch to a DEP ARRAY when writing a field * component (< -- SORTED_LIST; >= -- DEP_ARRAY) * DEP_MEM_THRESHOLD - When to use a DEP for in-memory * (i.e. InvalidComponentHandle) operations * * These are different because one should favor storage size, while the * other should favors fast processing. */ #define DEP_STORAGE_THRESHOLD(nItems) ( 0.20*(nItems) ) #define DEP_MEM_THRESHOLD(nItems) ( 1024 ) #define TRAVERSE(objectMethod, fieldMethod) \ { \ switch(DXGetObjectClass(object)) \ { \ case CLASS_FIELD: \ return (fieldMethod)((Field)object); \ \ case CLASS_GROUP: \ { \ int i = 0; \ Group g = (Group)object; \ Object c; \ while(NULL != (c = DXGetEnumeratedMember(g, i++, NULL))) \ { \ if (NULL == (objectMethod)(c)) \ return NULL; \ } \ return object; \ } \ \ case CLASS_XFORM: \ { \ Object c; \ if (! DXGetXformInfo((Xform)object, &c, NULL)) \ return NULL; \ c = (objectMethod)(c); \ if (! c) \ return NULL; \ return object; \ } \ \ case CLASS_CLIPPED: \ { \ Object c; \ if (! DXGetClippedInfo((Clipped)object, &c, NULL)) \ return NULL; \ c = (objectMethod)(c); \ if (! c) \ return NULL; \ return object; \ } \ \ default: \ return object; \ } \ } Object DXCull(Object object) { TRAVERSE(DXCull, C_Field); } Object DXInvalidateConnections(Object object) { TRAVERSE(DXInvalidateConnections, IC_Field); } Object DXInvalidateUnreferencedPositions(Object object) { TRAVERSE(DXInvalidateUnreferencedPositions, IUP_Field); } Object DXCullConditional(Object object) { return DXCull(object); } static Object C_Field(Field field) { if (DXGetComponentValue(field, "polylines")) { return C_Field_PE(field); } else if (DXGetComponentValue(field, "faces")) { return C_Field_FLE(field); } else { return C_Field_Standard(field); } } static Object C_Field_PE(Field field) { Array pArray, plArray, eArray; Array child, newChild; int nPositions, nPolylines, nEdges, nInvP, nInvPl; int nNewPositions, nNewPolylines; int i, j, k, knt; int *validPositionsMap, *validPolylinesMap; Object attr; char *reference, *dependence; char *name; char *toDelete[32]; int nDelete = 0; InvalidComponentHandle vpHandle = NULL; InvalidComponentHandle vplHandle = NULL; Array nPlArray = NULL, nEArray = NULL; int *polylines, *npolylines; int *edges, *nedges; if (DXEmptyField(field)) return (Object)field; vplHandle = NULL; vpHandle = NULL; validPolylinesMap = NULL; validPositionsMap = NULL; child = NULL; pArray = (Array)DXGetComponentValue(field, "positions"); if (! pArray) { DXSetError(ERROR_MISSING_DATA, "positions component"); goto error; } if (! DXGetArrayInfo(pArray, &nPositions, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) goto error; plArray = (Array)DXGetComponentValue(field, "polylines"); if (plArray) { if (! DXGetArrayInfo(plArray, &nPolylines, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) goto error; } else nPolylines = 0; eArray = (Array)DXGetComponentValue(field, "edges"); if (eArray) { if (! DXGetArrayInfo(eArray, &nEdges, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) goto error; } else nEdges = 0; vpHandle = DXCreateInvalidComponentHandle((Object)field, NULL, "positions"); if (! vpHandle) goto error; nInvP = DXGetInvalidCount(vpHandle); if (nInvP) { if (NULL == (validPositionsMap = MakeMap(vpHandle, nPositions, &nNewPositions))) goto error; if (nNewPositions == 0) { if (! (Object)DeleteFieldContents(field)) goto error; goto done; } } else { DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vpHandle); vpHandle = NULL; } if (plArray) { vplHandle = DXCreateInvalidComponentHandle((Object)field, NULL, "polylines"); if (! vplHandle) goto error; nInvPl = DXGetInvalidCount(vplHandle); } else nInvPl = 0; if (nInvPl) { if (NULL == (validPolylinesMap = MakeMap(vplHandle, nPolylines, &nNewPolylines))) goto error; } else { DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vplHandle); vplHandle = NULL; } if (nInvP == 0 && nInvPl == 0) { DXDeleteComponent(field, "invalid polylines"); DXDeleteComponent(field, "invalid positions"); return (Object)field; } /* * Handle polylines and edges components */ polylines = (int *)DXGetArrayData(plArray); edges = (int *)DXGetArrayData(eArray); /* * count the resulting edges */ for (i = 0, knt = 0; i < nPolylines; i++) { if (DXIsElementValid(vplHandle, i)) { int start = polylines[i]; int end = (i == nPolylines-1) ? nEdges : polylines[i+1]; knt += end - start; } } nPlArray = DXNewArray(TYPE_INT, CATEGORY_REAL, 0); nEArray = DXNewArray(TYPE_INT, CATEGORY_REAL, 0); if (! nPlArray || ! nEArray) goto error; if (! DXAddArrayData(nPlArray, 0, (nPolylines-nInvPl), NULL)) goto error; if (! DXAddArrayData(nEArray, 0, knt, NULL)) goto error; npolylines = (int *)DXGetArrayData(nPlArray); nedges = (int *)DXGetArrayData(nEArray); for (i = 0, j = 0, k = 0; i < nPolylines; i++) { if (DXIsElementValid(vplHandle, i)) { int start = polylines[i]; int end = (i == nPolylines-1) ? nEdges : polylines[i+1]; int n = end - start; int ii; npolylines[j++] = k; for (ii = 0; ii < n; ii++) nedges[k + ii] = edges[start + ii]; k += n; } } if (! DXSetAttribute((Object)nPlArray, "ref", (Object)DXNewString("edges"))) goto error; if (! DXSetComponentValue(field, "polylines", (Object)nPlArray)) goto error; nPlArray = NULL; if (! DXSetAttribute((Object)nEArray, "ref", (Object)DXNewString("positions"))) goto error; if (! DXSetComponentValue(field, "edges", (Object)nEArray)) goto error; nEArray = NULL; i = 0; while (NULL != (child = (Array)DXGetEnumeratedComponentValue(field, i, &name))) { if (! strncmp(name, "invalid ", 8)) { toDelete[nDelete++] = name; i++; continue; } if (! strcmp(name, "polylines")) { i++; continue; } attr = DXGetEnumeratedComponentAttribute(field, i, NULL, "der"); if (attr && strcmp(name, "neighbors")) { toDelete[nDelete++] = name; i++; continue; } DXReference((Object)child); dependence = NULL; if (! strcmp(name, "positions")) dependence = "positions"; else if (! strcmp(name, "polylines")) dependence = "polylines"; else { attr = DXGetEnumeratedComponentAttribute(field, i, NULL, "dep"); if (attr) dependence = DXGetString((String)attr); } /* * If the component is dependent on something, then do to the * component whatever is appropriate for the component on which * it is dependent. */ if (dependence) { /* * If its dependent on positions... */ if (! strcmp(dependence, "positions")) { /* * and there are invalidated positions, cull the component */ if (vpHandle) { if (nNewPositions == 0) { toDelete[nDelete++] = name; DXDelete((Object)child); child = NULL; i++; continue; } else { newChild = CullArray(child, nPositions, nNewPositions, vpHandle); if (! newChild) goto error; DXDelete((Object)child); child = (Array)DXReference((Object)newChild); } } } /* * Else if its dependent on polylines... */ else if (! strcmp(dependence, "polylines")) { if (! plArray) { DXSetError(ERROR_DATA_INVALID, "component dependent on nonexistent polylines"); goto error; } /* * and there is a validPolylines array, cull the component. */ if (vplHandle) { if (nNewPolylines == 0) { toDelete[nDelete++] = name; DXDelete((Object)child); child = NULL; i++; continue; } else { newChild = CullArray(child, nPolylines, nNewPolylines, vplHandle); if (! newChild) goto error; DXDelete((Object)child); child = (Array)DXReference((Object)newChild); } } } } /* * Now we consider components that ref. If the component they ref * has been culled, we need to renumber the references to reflect * the culled referenced array. */ attr = DXGetEnumeratedComponentAttribute(field, i, NULL, "ref"); if (attr) { reference = DXGetString((String)attr); /* * If it references polylines... */ if (!strcmp(reference, "polylines")) { if (! plArray) { DXSetError(ERROR_DATA_INVALID, "component refers to nonexistent polylines"); goto error; } /* * And polylines have been culled, renumber the references. */ if (validPolylinesMap) { newChild = _dxfReRef(child, validPolylinesMap); if (! newChild) goto error; DXDelete((Object)child); child = (Array)DXReference((Object)newChild); } } /* * Else if it references positions... */ else if (!strcmp(reference, "positions")) { /* * And positions have been culled, renumber the references. */ if (validPositionsMap) { newChild = _dxfReRef(child, validPositionsMap); if (! newChild) goto error; DXDelete((Object)child); child = (Array)DXReference((Object)newChild); } } } if (! DXSetComponentValue(field, name, (Object)child)) goto error; /* * Remove local reference */ DXDelete((Object)child); child = NULL; i++; } for (nDelete--; nDelete >= 0; nDelete--) DXDeleteComponent(field, toDelete[nDelete]); field = DXEndField(field); done: DXFree((Pointer)validPolylinesMap); DXFree((Pointer)validPositionsMap); DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vpHandle); DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vplHandle); return (Object)field; error: DXDelete((Object)nPlArray); DXDelete((Object)nEArray); DXDelete((Object)child); DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vpHandle); DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vplHandle); DXFree((Pointer)validPolylinesMap); DXFree((Pointer)validPositionsMap); return NULL; } static Object C_Field_FLE(Field field) { Array pArray, fArray, lArray, eArray; Array child, newChild; int nPositions, nFaces, nLoops; int nEdges, nInvP, nInvF; int nNewPositions, nNewFaces; int i, f, nfknt, nlknt, neknt; int *validPositionsMap, *validFacesMap; Object attr; char *reference, *dependence; char *name; char *toDelete[32]; int nDelete = 0; InvalidComponentHandle vpHandle = NULL; InvalidComponentHandle vfHandle = NULL; Array nLArray = NULL, nFArray = NULL, nEArray = NULL; int *faces, *nfaces; int *loops, *nloops; int *edges, *nedges; if (DXEmptyField(field)) return (Object)field; vfHandle = NULL; vpHandle = NULL; validFacesMap = NULL; validPositionsMap = NULL; child = NULL; pArray = (Array)DXGetComponentValue(field, "positions"); if (! pArray) { DXSetError(ERROR_MISSING_DATA, "positions component"); goto error; } if (! DXGetArrayInfo(pArray, &nPositions, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) goto error; fArray = (Array)DXGetComponentValue(field, "faces"); if (fArray) { if (! DXGetArrayInfo(fArray, &nFaces, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) goto error; } else nFaces = 0; lArray = (Array)DXGetComponentValue(field, "loops"); if (lArray) { if (! DXGetArrayInfo(lArray, &nLoops, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) goto error; } else nLoops = 0; eArray = (Array)DXGetComponentValue(field, "edges"); if (eArray) { if (! DXGetArrayInfo(eArray, &nEdges, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) goto error; } else nEdges = 0; vpHandle = DXCreateInvalidComponentHandle((Object)field, NULL, "positions"); if (! vpHandle) goto error; nInvP = DXGetInvalidCount(vpHandle); if (nInvP) { if (NULL == (validPositionsMap = MakeMap(vpHandle, nPositions, &nNewPositions))) goto error; if (nNewPositions == 0) { if (! (Object)DeleteFieldContents(field)) goto error; goto done; } } else { DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vpHandle); vpHandle = NULL; } if (fArray) { vfHandle = DXCreateInvalidComponentHandle((Object)field, NULL, "faces"); if (! vfHandle) goto error; nInvF = DXGetInvalidCount(vfHandle); } else nInvF = 0; if (nInvF) { if (NULL == (validFacesMap = MakeMap(vfHandle, nFaces, &nNewFaces))) goto error; } else { DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vfHandle); vfHandle = NULL; } if (nInvP == 0 && nInvF == 0) { DXDeleteComponent(field, "invalid faces"); DXDeleteComponent(field, "invalid positions"); return (Object)field; } /* * Handle polylines and edges components */ faces = (int *)DXGetArrayData(fArray); loops = (int *)DXGetArrayData(lArray); edges = (int *)DXGetArrayData(eArray); /* * count the resulting loops and edges */ for (f = 0, nfknt = nlknt = neknt = 0; f < nFaces; f++) { if (!vfHandle || DXIsElementValid(vfHandle, f)) { int lstart = faces[f]; int lend = (f == nFaces-1) ? nLoops : faces[f+1]; int l; for (l = lstart; l < lend; l++) { int estart = loops[l]; int eend = (l == nLoops-1) ? nEdges : loops[l+1]; neknt += eend - estart ; } nlknt += lend - lstart; nfknt ++; } } nFArray = DXNewArray(TYPE_INT, CATEGORY_REAL, 0); nLArray = DXNewArray(TYPE_INT, CATEGORY_REAL, 0); nEArray = DXNewArray(TYPE_INT, CATEGORY_REAL, 0); if (! nFArray || ! nEArray || ! nLArray) goto error; if (! DXAddArrayData(nFArray, 0, nfknt, NULL)) goto error; if (! DXAddArrayData(nLArray, 0, nlknt, NULL)) goto error; if (! DXAddArrayData(nEArray, 0, neknt, NULL)) goto error; nfaces = (int *)DXGetArrayData(nFArray); nloops = (int *)DXGetArrayData(nLArray); nedges = (int *)DXGetArrayData(nEArray); for (f = 0, nfknt = neknt = nlknt = 0; f < nFaces; f++) { if (!vfHandle || DXIsElementValid(vfHandle, f)) { int lstart = faces[f]; int lend = (f == nFaces-1) ? nLoops : faces[f+1]; int l; nfaces[nfknt++] = nlknt; for (l = lstart; l < lend; l++) { int estart = loops[l]; int eend = (l == nLoops-1) ? nEdges : loops[l+1]; int e; nloops[nlknt++] = neknt; for (e = estart; e < eend; e++) nedges[neknt++] = edges[e]; } } } if (! DXSetAttribute((Object)nFArray, "ref", (Object)DXNewString("loops"))) goto error; if (! DXSetComponentValue(field, "faces", (Object)nFArray)) goto error; nFArray = NULL; if (! DXSetAttribute((Object)nLArray, "ref", (Object)DXNewString("edges"))) goto error; if (! DXSetComponentValue(field, "loops", (Object)nLArray)) goto error; nLArray = NULL; if (! DXSetAttribute((Object)nEArray, "ref", (Object)DXNewString("positions"))) goto error; if (! DXSetComponentValue(field, "edges", (Object)nEArray)) goto error; nEArray = NULL; i = 0; while (NULL != (child = (Array)DXGetEnumeratedComponentValue(field, i, &name))) { if (! strncmp(name, "invalid ", 8)) { toDelete[nDelete++] = name; i++; continue; } if (! strcmp(name, "faces") || ! strcmp(name, "loops")) { i++; continue; } attr = DXGetEnumeratedComponentAttribute(field, i, NULL, "der"); if (attr && strcmp(name, "neighbors")) { toDelete[nDelete++] = name; i++; continue; } DXReference((Object)child); dependence = NULL; if (! strcmp(name, "positions")) dependence = "positions"; else if (! strcmp(name, "faces")) dependence = "faces"; else { attr = DXGetEnumeratedComponentAttribute(field, i, NULL, "dep"); if (attr) dependence = DXGetString((String)attr); } /* * If the component is dependent on something, then do to the * component whatever is appropriate for the component on which * it is dependent. */ if (dependence) { /* * If its dependent on positions... */ if (! strcmp(dependence, "positions")) { /* * and there are invalidated positions, cull the component */ if (vpHandle) { if (nNewPositions == 0) { toDelete[nDelete++] = name; DXDelete((Object)child); child = NULL; i++; continue; } else { newChild = CullArray(child, nPositions, nNewPositions, vpHandle); if (! newChild) goto error; DXDelete((Object)child); child = (Array)DXReference((Object)newChild); } } } /* * Else if its dependent on faces... */ else if (! strcmp(dependence, "faces")) { if (! fArray) { DXSetError(ERROR_DATA_INVALID, "component dependent on nonexistent faces"); goto error; } /* * and there is a validFaces array, cull the component. */ if (vfHandle) { if (nNewFaces == 0) { toDelete[nDelete++] = name; DXDelete((Object)child); child = NULL; i++; continue; } else { newChild = CullArray(child, nFaces, nNewFaces, vfHandle); if (! newChild) goto error; DXDelete((Object)child); child = (Array)DXReference((Object)newChild); } } } } /* * Now we consider components that ref. If the component they ref * has been culled, we need to renumber the references to reflect * the culled referenced array. */ attr = DXGetEnumeratedComponentAttribute(field, i, NULL, "ref"); if (attr) { reference = DXGetString((String)attr); /* * If it references faces... */ if (!strcmp(reference, "faces")) { if (! fArray) { DXSetError(ERROR_DATA_INVALID, "component refers to nonexistent faces"); goto error; } /* * And faces have been culled, renumber the references. */ if (validFacesMap) { newChild = _dxfReRef(child, validFacesMap); if (! newChild) goto error; DXDelete((Object)child); child = (Array)DXReference((Object)newChild); } } /* * Else if it references positions... */ else if (!strcmp(reference, "positions")) { /* * And positions have been culled, renumber the references. */ if (validPositionsMap) { newChild = _dxfReRef(child, validPositionsMap); if (! newChild) goto error; DXDelete((Object)child); child = (Array)DXReference((Object)newChild); } } } if (! DXSetComponentValue(field, name, (Object)child)) goto error; /* * Remove local reference */ DXDelete((Object)child); child = NULL; i++; } for (nDelete--; nDelete >= 0; nDelete--) DXDeleteComponent(field, toDelete[nDelete]); field = DXEndField(field); done: DXFree((Pointer)validFacesMap); DXFree((Pointer)validPositionsMap); DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vpHandle); DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vfHandle); return (Object)field; error: DXDelete((Object)nFArray); DXDelete((Object)nLArray); DXDelete((Object)nEArray); DXDelete((Object)child); DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vpHandle); DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vfHandle); DXFree((Pointer)validFacesMap); DXFree((Pointer)validPositionsMap); return NULL; } static Object C_Field_Standard(Field field) { Array pArray, cArray; Array child, newChild; int nPositions, nConnections, nInvP, nInvC; int nNewPositions, nNewConnections; int i; int *validPositionsMap, *validConnectionsMap; Object attr; char *reference, *dependence; char *name; char *toDelete[32]; int nDelete = 0; InvalidComponentHandle vpHandle = NULL; InvalidComponentHandle vcHandle = NULL; if (DXEmptyField(field)) return (Object)field; vcHandle = NULL; vpHandle = NULL; validConnectionsMap = NULL; validPositionsMap = NULL; child = NULL; pArray = (Array)DXGetComponentValue(field, "positions"); if (! pArray) { DXSetError(ERROR_MISSING_DATA, "positions component"); goto error; } if (! DXGetArrayInfo(pArray, &nPositions, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) goto error; cArray = (Array)DXGetComponentValue(field, "connections"); if (cArray) { if (! DXGetArrayInfo(cArray, &nConnections, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) goto error; } else nConnections = 0; vpHandle = DXCreateInvalidComponentHandle((Object)field, NULL, "positions"); if (! vpHandle) goto error; nInvP = DXGetInvalidCount(vpHandle); if (nInvP) { if (NULL == (validPositionsMap = MakeMap(vpHandle, nPositions, &nNewPositions))) goto error; if (nNewPositions == 0) { if (! (Object)DeleteFieldContents(field)) goto error; goto done; } } else { DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vpHandle); vpHandle = NULL; } if (cArray) { vcHandle = DXCreateInvalidComponentHandle((Object)field, NULL, "connections"); if (! vcHandle) goto error; nInvC = DXGetInvalidCount(vcHandle); } else nInvC = 0; if (nInvC) { if (NULL == (validConnectionsMap = MakeMap(vcHandle, nConnections, &nNewConnections))) goto error; } else { DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vcHandle); vcHandle = NULL; } if (nInvP == 0 && nInvC == 0) { DXDeleteComponent(field, "invalid connections"); DXDeleteComponent(field, "invalid positions"); return (Object)field; } i = 0; while (NULL != (child = (Array)DXGetEnumeratedComponentValue(field, i, &name))) { if (! strncmp(name, "invalid ", 8)) { toDelete[nDelete++] = name; i++; continue; } attr = DXGetEnumeratedComponentAttribute(field, i, NULL, "der"); if (attr && strcmp(name, "neighbors")) { toDelete[nDelete++] = name; i++; continue; } DXReference((Object)child); dependence = NULL; if (! strcmp(name, "positions")) dependence = "positions"; else if (! strcmp(name, "connections")) dependence = "connections"; else { attr = DXGetEnumeratedComponentAttribute(field, i, NULL, "dep"); if (attr) dependence = DXGetString((String)attr); } /* * If the component is dependent on something, then do to the * component whatever is appropriate for the component on which * it is dependent. */ if (dependence) { /* * If its dependent on positions... */ if (! strcmp(dependence, "positions")) { /* * and there are invalidated positions, cull the component */ if (vpHandle) { if (nNewPositions == 0) { toDelete[nDelete++] = name; DXDelete((Object)child); child = NULL; i++; continue; } else { newChild = CullArray(child, nPositions, nNewPositions, vpHandle); if (! newChild) goto error; DXDelete((Object)child); child = (Array)DXReference((Object)newChild); } } } /* * Else if its dependent on connections... */ else if (! strcmp(dependence, "connections")) { if (! cArray) { DXSetError(ERROR_DATA_INVALID, "component dependent on nonexistent connections"); goto error; } /* * and there is a validConnections array, cull the component. */ if (vcHandle) { if (nNewConnections == 0) { toDelete[nDelete++] = name; DXDelete((Object)child); child = NULL; i++; continue; } else { newChild = CullArray(child, nConnections, nNewConnections, vcHandle); if (! newChild) goto error; DXDelete((Object)child); child = (Array)DXReference((Object)newChild); } } } } /* * Now we consider components that ref. If the component they ref * has been culled, we need to renumber the references to reflect * the culled referenced array. */ attr = DXGetEnumeratedComponentAttribute(field, i, NULL, "ref"); if (attr) { reference = DXGetString((String)attr); /* * If it references connections... */ if (!strcmp(reference, "connections")) { if (! cArray) { DXSetError(ERROR_DATA_INVALID, "component refers to nonexistent connections"); goto error; } /* * And connections have been culled, renumber the references. */ if (validConnectionsMap) { newChild = _dxfReRef(child, validConnectionsMap); if (! newChild) goto error; DXDelete((Object)child); child = (Array)DXReference((Object)newChild); } } /* * Else if it references positions... */ else if (!strcmp(reference, "positions")) { /* * And positions have been culled, renumber the references. */ if (validPositionsMap) { newChild = _dxfReRef(child, validPositionsMap); if (! newChild) goto error; DXDelete((Object)child); child = (Array)DXReference((Object)newChild); } } } if (! DXSetComponentValue(field, name, (Object)child)) goto error; /* * Remove local reference */ DXDelete((Object)child); child = NULL; i++; } for (nDelete--; nDelete >= 0; nDelete--) DXDeleteComponent(field, toDelete[nDelete]); field = DXEndField(field); done: DXFree((Pointer)validConnectionsMap); DXFree((Pointer)validPositionsMap); DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vpHandle); DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vcHandle); return (Object)field; error: DXDelete((Object)child); DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vpHandle); DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vcHandle); DXFree((Pointer)validConnectionsMap); DXFree((Pointer)validPositionsMap); return NULL; } static Array CullArray(Array oldArray, int nOld, int nNew, InvalidComponentHandle handle) { Array newArray; Type type; Category cat; int rank; int shape[100]; Pointer buf = NULL; ArrayHandle aHandle = NULL; DXGetArrayInfo(oldArray, NULL, &type, &cat, &rank, shape); if (DXQueryConstantArray(oldArray, NULL, NULL)) { newArray = (Array)DXNewConstantArrayV(nNew, DXGetConstantArrayData((Array)oldArray), type, cat, rank, shape); } else { int itemSize, i, nKnt; ubyte *nPtr; itemSize = DXGetItemSize(oldArray); buf = DXAllocate(itemSize); aHandle = DXCreateArrayHandle(oldArray); newArray = DXNewArrayV(type, cat, rank, shape); if (! buf || ! aHandle || ! newArray) goto error; if (! DXAddArrayData(newArray, 0, nNew, NULL)) goto error; nPtr = (ubyte *)DXGetArrayData(newArray); for (i = 0, nKnt = 0; i < nOld; i++) if (! DXIsElementInvalidSequential(handle, i)) { memcpy(nPtr, DXGetArrayEntry(aHandle, i, buf), itemSize); nPtr += itemSize; if (++nKnt > nNew) { DXSetError(ERROR_INTERNAL, "invalid count mismatch"); goto error; } } DXFree(buf); buf = NULL; DXFreeArrayHandle(aHandle); aHandle = NULL; } return newArray; error: DXFree(buf); DXFreeArrayHandle(aHandle); DXDelete((Object)newArray); return NULL; } static Array _dxfReRef(Array oldArray, int *map) { Array newArray; Type type; Category cat; int rank, shape[32]; int *oldPtr, *newPtr; int i, itemSize; int nElements; if (! DXGetArrayInfo(oldArray, &nElements, &type, &cat, &rank, shape)) return NULL; if (type != TYPE_INT || cat != CATEGORY_REAL) { DXSetError(ERROR_DATA_INVALID, "invalid data array is not int/real"); return NULL; } itemSize = 1; for(i = 0; i < rank; i++) itemSize *= shape[i]; if (NULL == (oldPtr = (int *)DXGetArrayData(oldArray))) return NULL; if (NULL == (newArray = DXNewArrayV(type, cat, rank, shape))) return NULL; if (! DXAddArrayData(newArray, 0, nElements, NULL)) { DXDelete((Object)newArray); return NULL; } if (NULL == (newPtr = (int *)DXGetArrayData(newArray))) { DXDelete((Object)newArray); return NULL; } if (NULL == (oldPtr = (int *)DXGetArrayData(oldArray))) { DXDelete((Object)newArray); return NULL; } for (i = 0; i < nElements*itemSize; i++) { if (*oldPtr != -1) *newPtr = map[*oldPtr]; else *newPtr = -1; oldPtr++; newPtr++; } return newArray; } static int * MakeMap(InvalidComponentHandle handle, int nIn, int *nNew) { int *map; int i, j; map = (int *)DXAllocate(nIn * sizeof(int)); if (! map) return NULL; for (i = 0, j = 0; i < nIn; i++) if (DXIsElementInvalidSequential(handle, i)) map[i] = -1; else map[i] = j++; *nNew = j; return map; } /* * Any connections referencing invalidated positions are invalidated. */ static Object IC_Field(Field field) { if (DXGetComponentValue(field, "polylines")) { return IC_Field_PE(field); } else if (DXGetComponentValue(field, "faces")) { return IC_Field_FLE(field); } else { return IC_Field_Standard(field); } } /* * Any polylines referencing invalidated positions are invalidated. */ static Object IC_Field_PE(Field field) { Array plArray, eArray; InvalidComponentHandle vp = NULL, vplIn = NULL, vplOut = NULL; int i, j; int nPl, nE; int *polylines = NULL, *edges = NULL; if (DXEmptyField(field)) return (Object)field; /* * If there are no polylines, then there are none to invalidate */ if (NULL == (plArray = (Array)DXGetComponentValue(field, "polylines"))) return (Object)field; if (! DXGetArrayInfo(plArray, &nPl, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) goto error; if (nPl == 0) return (Object)field; eArray = (Array)DXGetComponentValue(field, "edges"); if (! eArray) { DXSetError(ERROR_DATA_INVALID, "polylines with no edges"); goto error; } if (! DXGetArrayInfo(eArray, &nE, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) goto error; vplIn = NULL; vplOut = NULL; /* * Get the valid positions array. If there isn't one, then we * assume all positions are valid and there's nothing to do. */ vp = DXCreateInvalidComponentHandle((Object)field, NULL, "positions"); if (! vp) goto error; if (DXGetInvalidCount(vp) == 0) { DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vp); return (Object)field; } vplIn = DXCreateInvalidComponentHandle((Object)field, NULL, "polylines"); if (! vplIn) goto error; if (DXGetInvalidCount(vplIn) == 0) { DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vplIn); vplIn = NULL; } polylines = (int *)DXGetArrayData(plArray); edges = (int *)DXGetArrayData(eArray); /* * For each connections element, consider each referent. If its * invalid, invalidate the connections element. */ for (i = 0; i < nPl; i++) { int valid = !vplIn || !DXIsElementInvalidSequential(vplIn, i); if (valid) { int start = polylines[i]; int end = (i == nPl-1) ? nE - 1 : polylines[i+1] - 1; for (j = start; j <= end && valid; j++) valid = ! DXIsElementInvalid(vp, edges[start+j]); } if (! valid) { /* * If we haven't invalidated anything yet, * we need to set up the invalid connections * array, creating one and initializing it * if necessary. */ if (! vplOut) { vplOut = DXCreateInvalidComponentHandle((Object)field, NULL, "polylines"); if (! vplOut) goto error; } if (! DXSetElementInvalid(vplOut, i)) goto error; } } if (vplOut) { if (! DXSaveInvalidComponent(field, vplOut)) goto error; } DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vp); DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vplIn); DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vplOut); return (Object)field; error: DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vp); DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vplIn); DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vplOut); return NULL; } /* * Any faces referencing invalidated positions are invalidated. */ static Object IC_Field_FLE(Field field) { Array fArray, lArray, eArray; InvalidComponentHandle vp = NULL, vfIn = NULL, vfOut = NULL; int face; int nF, nL, nE; int *faces = NULL, *loops = NULL, *edges = NULL; if (DXEmptyField(field)) return (Object)field; /* * If there are no faces, then there are none to invalidate */ if (NULL == (fArray = (Array)DXGetComponentValue(field, "faces"))) return (Object)field; if (! DXGetArrayInfo(fArray, &nF, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) goto error; if (nF == 0) return (Object)field; lArray = (Array)DXGetComponentValue(field, "loops"); if (! lArray) { DXSetError(ERROR_DATA_INVALID, "faces with no loops"); goto error; } if (! DXGetArrayInfo(lArray, &nL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) goto error; eArray = (Array)DXGetComponentValue(field, "edges"); if (! eArray) { DXSetError(ERROR_DATA_INVALID, "faces with no edges"); goto error; } if (! DXGetArrayInfo(eArray, &nE, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) goto error; vfIn = NULL; vfOut = NULL; /* * Get the valid positions array. If there isn't one, then we * assume all positions are valid and there's nothing to do. */ vp = DXCreateInvalidComponentHandle((Object)field, NULL, "positions"); if (! vp) goto error; if (DXGetInvalidCount(vp) == 0) { DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vp); return (Object)field; } vfIn = DXCreateInvalidComponentHandle((Object)field, NULL, "faces"); if (! vfIn) goto error; if (DXGetInvalidCount(vfIn) == 0) { DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vfIn); vfIn = NULL; } faces = (int *)DXGetArrayData(fArray); loops = (int *)DXGetArrayData(lArray); edges = (int *)DXGetArrayData(eArray); /* * For each connections element, consider each referent. If its * invalid, invalidate the connections element. */ for (face = 0; face < nF; face++) { int valid = !vfIn || !DXIsElementInvalidSequential(vfIn, face); if (valid) { int lstart = faces[face]; int lend = (face == nF-1) ? nL : faces[face+1]; int loop; for (loop = lstart; loop < lend && valid; loop++) { int estart = loops[loop]; int eend = (loop == nL-1) ? nE : loops[loop+1]; int edge; for (edge = estart; edge < eend && valid; edge++) valid = ! DXIsElementInvalid(vp, edges[edge]); } } if (! valid) { /* * If we haven't invalidated anything yet, * we need to set up the invalid connections * array, creating one and initializing it * if necessary. */ if (! vfOut) { vfOut = DXCreateInvalidComponentHandle((Object)field, NULL, "faces"); if (! vfOut) goto error; } if (! DXSetElementInvalid(vfOut, face)) goto error; } } if (vfOut) { if (! DXSaveInvalidComponent(field, vfOut)) goto error; } DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vp); DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vfIn); DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vfOut); return (Object)field; error: DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vp); DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vfIn); DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vfOut); return NULL; } /* * Any connections referencing invalidated positions are invalidated. */ static Object IC_Field_Standard(Field field) { Array cArray; InvalidComponentHandle vp = NULL, vcIn = NULL, vcOut = NULL; int ptsPerPrim; int *cPtr = NULL; int i, j, nCons; ArrayHandle cHandle = NULL; Pointer cBuf = NULL; if (DXEmptyField(field)) return (Object)field; /* * If there are no connections, then there are none to invalidate */ if (NULL == (cArray = (Array)DXGetComponentValue(field, "connections"))) return (Object)field; vcIn = NULL; vcOut = NULL; /* * Get the valid positions array. If there isn't one, then we * assume all positions are valid and there's nothing to do. */ vp = DXCreateInvalidComponentHandle((Object)field, NULL, "positions"); if (! vp) goto error; if (DXGetInvalidCount(vp) == 0) { DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vp); return (Object)field; } vcIn = DXCreateInvalidComponentHandle((Object)field, NULL, "connections"); if (! vcIn) goto error; if (DXGetInvalidCount(vcIn) == 0) { DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vcIn); vcIn = NULL; } cBuf = DXAllocate(DXGetItemSize(cArray)); if (! cBuf) goto error; cHandle = DXCreateArrayHandle(cArray); if (! cHandle) goto error; if (! DXGetArrayInfo(cArray, &nCons, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ptsPerPrim)) goto error; /* * For each connections element, consider each referent. If its * invalid, invalidate the connections element. */ for (i = 0; i < nCons; i++) { int valid = !vcIn || !DXIsElementInvalidSequential(vcIn, i); if (valid) { cPtr = (int *)DXGetArrayEntry(cHandle, i, (Pointer)cBuf); for (j = 0; j < ptsPerPrim && valid; j++) valid = ! DXIsElementInvalid(vp, cPtr[j]); } if (! valid) { /* * If we haven't invalidated anything yet, * we need to set up the invalid connections * array, creating one and initializing it * if necessary. */ if (! vcOut) { vcOut = DXCreateInvalidComponentHandle((Object)field, NULL, "connections"); if (! vcOut) goto error; } if (! DXSetElementInvalid(vcOut, i)) goto error; } } if (vcOut) { if (! DXSaveInvalidComponent(field, vcOut)) goto error; } DXFree(cBuf); DXFreeArrayHandle(cHandle); DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vp); DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vcIn); DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vcOut); return (Object)field; error: DXFree(cBuf); DXFreeArrayHandle(cHandle); DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vp); DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vcIn); DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vcOut); return NULL; } /* * Any connections referencing invalidated positions are invalidated. */ static Object IUP_Field(Field field) { if (DXGetComponentValue(field, "polylines")) { return IUP_Field_PE(field); } else if (DXGetComponentValue(field, "faces")) { return IUP_Field_FLE(field); } else { return IUP_Field_Standard(field); } } static Object IUP_Field_Standard(Field field) { Array pArray, cArray; InvalidComponentHandle vpHandle = NULL, vcHandle = NULL; int *refs = NULL, *cons; int i, j, ptsPerPrim, nCons, nPts; int unReffedPositions; ArrayHandle cHandle = NULL; Pointer cBuf = NULL; if (DXEmptyField(field)) return (Object)field; if (NULL == (pArray = (Array)DXGetComponentValue(field, "positions"))) return (Object)field; if (! DXGetArrayInfo(pArray, &nPts, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) goto error; /* * Allow for no connections component... If none are present, all * positions are invalidated */ if (NULL == (cArray = (Array)DXGetComponentValue(field, "connections"))) { Array invPos; byte valid; valid = DATA_INVALID; invPos = (Array)DXNewConstantArray(nPts, (Pointer)&valid, TYPE_UBYTE, CATEGORY_REAL, 0); if (! invPos) goto error; if (! DXSetComponentValue(field, "invalid positions", (Object)invPos)) goto error; if (! DXSetComponentAttribute(field, "invalid positions", "dep", (Object)DXNewString("positions"))) goto error; goto done; } /* * Get the valid connections information */ vcHandle = DXCreateInvalidComponentHandle((Object)field, NULL, "connections"); if (! vcHandle) goto error; /* * If no connections are invalidated, we have regular positions and * connections and the counts match, all are valid - take the fast * path. */ if (DXGetInvalidCount(vcHandle) == 0) { int nRef = GridSize(cArray); if (nRef == ERROR_OCCURRED) goto error; else if (nRef != HOLES_FOUND && nRef == nPts) goto done; } if (! DXGetArrayInfo(cArray, &nCons, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ptsPerPrim)) return NULL; cHandle = DXCreateArrayHandle(cArray); if (! cHandle) goto error; cBuf = DXAllocate(DXGetItemSize(cArray)); if (! cBuf) goto error; if (NULL == (refs = (int *)DXAllocateZero(nPts*sizeof(int)))) return NULL; /* * Assume that we have already invalidated the connections. * If there's no valid connections input info, assume all connection * elements are valid. Otherwise, test on an element by element basis */ for (i = 0; i < nCons; i++) { if (! DXIsElementInvalidSequential(vcHandle, i)) { cons = (int *)DXGetArrayEntry(cHandle, i, cBuf); for (j = 0; j < ptsPerPrim; j++) refs[*cons++]++; } } /* * See if we have any unreffed positions */ for (i = 0; i < nPts; i++) if (! refs[i]) break; if (i != nPts) unReffedPositions = 1; else unReffedPositions = 0; vpHandle = DXCreateInvalidComponentHandle((Object)field, NULL, "positions"); if (! vpHandle) goto error; /* * Invalidate unreferenced positions */ if (unReffedPositions) { for (i = 0; i < nPts; i++) if (! refs[i]) DXSetElementInvalid(vpHandle, i); } if (! DXSaveInvalidComponent(field, vpHandle)) goto error; done: DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vcHandle); DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vpHandle); DXFreeArrayHandle(cHandle); DXFree(cBuf); DXFree((Pointer)refs); return (Object)field; error: DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vcHandle); DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vpHandle); DXFreeArrayHandle(cHandle); DXFree(cBuf); DXFree((Pointer)refs); return NULL; } static Object IUP_Field_PE(Field field) { Array pArray, plArray, eArray; InvalidComponentHandle vpHandle = NULL, vplHandle = NULL; ubyte *refs = NULL; int i, j, nPls, nEs, nPts; int unReffedPositions; ArrayHandle plHandle = NULL, eHandle = NULL; if (DXEmptyField(field)) return (Object)field; if (NULL == (pArray = (Array)DXGetComponentValue(field, "positions"))) return (Object)field; if (! DXGetArrayInfo(pArray, &nPts, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) goto error; /* * We wouldn't get here unless we found a polylines component */ plArray = (Array)DXGetComponentValue(field, "polylines"); eArray = (Array)DXGetComponentValue(field, "edges"); if (! eArray) { DXSetError(ERROR_DATA_INVALID, "polylines with no edges component"); goto error; } plHandle = DXCreateArrayHandle(plArray); eHandle = DXCreateArrayHandle(eArray); if (! plHandle || ! eHandle) goto error; DXGetArrayInfo(plArray, &nPls, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); DXGetArrayInfo(eArray, &nEs, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); DXGetArrayInfo(pArray, &nPts, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); refs = (ubyte *)DXAllocateZero(nPts*sizeof(ubyte)); if (! refs) goto error; /* * Get the valid connections information */ vplHandle = DXCreateInvalidComponentHandle((Object)field, NULL, "polylines"); if (! vplHandle) goto error; /* * Assume that we have already invalidated the connections. * If there's no valid connections input info, assume all connection * elements are valid. Otherwise, test on an element by element basis */ for (i = 0; i < nPls; i++) { if (! DXIsElementInvalidSequential(vplHandle, i)) { int startBuf, *start; int endBuf, *end; start = (int *)DXGetArrayEntry(plHandle, i, (Pointer)&startBuf); if (i == (nPls-1)) end = &nEs; else end = (int *)DXGetArrayEntry(plHandle, i+1, (Pointer)&endBuf); for (j = *start; j < *end; j++) { int ptrBuf, *ptr; ptr = (int *)DXGetArrayEntry(eHandle, j, (Pointer)&ptrBuf); refs[*ptr] = 1; } } } /* * See if we have any unreffed positions */ for (i = 0; i < nPts; i++) if (! refs[i]) break; if (i != nPts) unReffedPositions = 1; else unReffedPositions = 0; vpHandle = DXCreateInvalidComponentHandle((Object)field, NULL, "positions"); if (! vpHandle) goto error; /* * Invalidate unreferenced positions */ if (unReffedPositions) { for (i = 0; i < nPts; i++) if (! refs[i]) DXSetElementInvalid(vpHandle, i); } if (! DXSaveInvalidComponent(field, vpHandle)) goto error; /* done: */ DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vpHandle); DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vplHandle); DXFreeArrayHandle(plHandle); DXFreeArrayHandle(eHandle); DXFree((Pointer)refs); return (Object)field; error: DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vpHandle); DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vplHandle); DXFreeArrayHandle(plHandle); DXFreeArrayHandle(eHandle); DXFree((Pointer)refs); return NULL; } static Object IUP_Field_FLE(Field field) { Array pArray, fArray, lArray, eArray; InvalidComponentHandle vpHandle = NULL, vfHandle = NULL; ubyte *refs = NULL; int f, e, i, nFs, nLs, nEs, nPts; int unReffedPositions; ArrayHandle fHandle = NULL, lHandle = NULL, eHandle = NULL; if (DXEmptyField(field)) return (Object)field; if (NULL == (pArray = (Array)DXGetComponentValue(field, "positions"))) return (Object)field; if (! DXGetArrayInfo(pArray, &nPts, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) goto error; /* * We wouldn't get here unless we found a polylines component */ fArray = (Array)DXGetComponentValue(field, "faces"); lArray = (Array)DXGetComponentValue(field, "loops"); eArray = (Array)DXGetComponentValue(field, "edges"); if (! eArray || ! lArray) { DXSetError(ERROR_DATA_INVALID, "faces with no edges or loops component"); goto error; } fHandle = DXCreateArrayHandle(fArray); lHandle = DXCreateArrayHandle(lArray); eHandle = DXCreateArrayHandle(eArray); if (! fHandle || ! lHandle || ! eHandle) goto error; DXGetArrayInfo(fArray, &nFs, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); DXGetArrayInfo(lArray, &nLs, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); DXGetArrayInfo(eArray, &nEs, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); DXGetArrayInfo(pArray, &nPts, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); refs = (ubyte *)DXAllocateZero(nPts*sizeof(ubyte)); if (! refs) goto error; /* * Get the valid connections information */ vfHandle = DXCreateInvalidComponentHandle((Object)field, NULL, "faces"); if (! vfHandle) goto error; /* * Assume that we have already invalidated the connections. * If there's no valid connections input info, assume all connection * elements are valid. Otherwise, test on an element by element basis */ for (f = 0; f < nFs; f++) { int lStartBuf, *lStart; int lEndBuf, *lEnd; int l; if (DXIsElementInvalidSequential(vfHandle, f)) continue; lStart = (int *)DXGetArrayEntry(fHandle, f, (Pointer)&lStartBuf); if (f == (nFs-1)) lEnd = &nLs; else lEnd = (int *)DXGetArrayEntry(fHandle, f+1, (Pointer)&lEndBuf); for (l = *lStart; l < *lEnd; l++) { int eStartBuf, *eStart; int eEndBuf, *eEnd; eStart = (int *)DXGetArrayEntry(lHandle, l, (Pointer)&eStartBuf); if (l == (nLs-1)) eEnd = &nEs; else eEnd = (int *)DXGetArrayEntry(lHandle, l+1, (Pointer)&eEndBuf); for (e = *eStart; e < *eEnd; e++) { int ptrBuf, *ptr; ptr = (int *)DXGetArrayEntry(eHandle, e, (Pointer)&ptrBuf); refs[*ptr] = 1; } } } /* * See if we have any unreffed positions */ for (i = 0; i < nPts; i++) if (! refs[i]) break; if (i != nPts) unReffedPositions = 1; else unReffedPositions = 0; vpHandle = DXCreateInvalidComponentHandle((Object)field, NULL, "positions"); if (! vpHandle) goto error; /* * Invalidate unreferenced positions */ if (unReffedPositions) { for (i = 0; i < nPts; i++) if (! refs[i]) DXSetElementInvalid(vpHandle, i); } if (! DXSaveInvalidComponent(field, vpHandle)) goto error; /* done: */ DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vpHandle); DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vfHandle); DXFreeArrayHandle(fHandle); DXFreeArrayHandle(lHandle); DXFreeArrayHandle(eHandle); DXFree((Pointer)refs); return (Object)field; error: DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vpHandle); DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(vfHandle); DXFreeArrayHandle(fHandle); DXFreeArrayHandle(lHandle); DXFreeArrayHandle(eHandle); DXFree((Pointer)refs); return NULL; } #define TYPE int #define LT(a,b) ((*(a))<(*(b))) #define GT(a,b) ((*(a))>(*(b))) #define QUICKSORT refsort #include "qsort.c" static Error SetMark(InvalidComponentHandle, int); static Error RemoveMark(InvalidComponentHandle, int); static int RemoveContents(InvalidComponentHandle); static Error IsElementMarked(InvalidComponentHandle, int); static Error MakeSortList(InvalidComponentHandle); static int GetNextMarked(InvalidComponentHandle); InvalidComponentHandle DXCreateInvalidComponentHandle(Object o, Array iarray, char *name) { Field field = NULL; Array array; int nItems, nInv; InvalidComponentHandle handle = NULL; if (o) { if (DXGetObjectClass(o) == CLASS_FIELD) { char sbuf[128]; field = (Field)o; if (! name) { DXSetError(ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER, "null invalid component name"); goto error; } if (name == NULL) { DXSetError(ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER, "component name required"); goto error; } array = (Array)DXGetComponentValue(field, name); if (! array) { DXSetError(ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER, "cannot create invalid component handle for component %s", name); goto error; } sprintf(sbuf, "invalid %s", name); if (! iarray) iarray = (Array)DXGetComponentValue(field, sbuf); } else if (DXGetObjectClass(o) == CLASS_ARRAY) { array = (Array)o; } else { DXSetError(ERROR_BAD_CLASS, "unknown object class"); goto error; } DXGetArrayInfo(array, &nItems, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); } else { nItems = -1; } handle = (InvalidComponentHandle) DXAllocateZero(sizeof(struct invalidComponentHandle)); if (! handle) goto error; handle->nItems = nItems; handle->sense = IC_MARKS_INDICATE_INVALID; if (name) { handle->iName = (char *)DXAllocate(strlen(name) + 1); if (! handle->iName) goto error; sprintf(handle->iName, "%s", name); } else handle->iName = NULL; /* * If there's any pre-existing invalid data, initialize with it. */ if (iarray) { Type type; Category cat; int rank, shape[100]; int i; ubyte *dPtr; DXGetArrayInfo(iarray, &nInv, &type, &cat, &rank, shape); /* * If there was no original array, then we can get a * dependency size here. */ nItems = nInv; /* * If so, is is dependent or referential? */ if (DXGetAttribute((Object)iarray, "dep")) { if ( nInv != nItems || (type != TYPE_UBYTE && type != TYPE_BYTE) || cat != CATEGORY_REAL || rank != 0) { DXSetError(ERROR_DATA_INVALID, "dependent invalid data component must be scalar bytes"); goto error; } /* * If its a constant array, then its either all valid or all * invalid. */ if (DXGetArrayClass(iarray) == CLASS_CONSTANTARRAY) { ubyte v = *(ubyte *)DXGetConstantArrayData(iarray); handle->array = NULL; if (v == DATA_INVALID) { handle->nMarkedItems = nInv; handle->type = IC_ALL_MARKED; } else if (v == DATA_VALID) { handle->nMarkedItems = 0; handle->type = IC_ALL_UNMARKED; } else { DXSetError(ERROR_DATA_INVALID, "invalid component array"); goto error; } } else { handle->type = IC_DEP_ARRAY; handle->array = (Array)DXReference((Object)iarray); handle->data = (byte *)DXGetArrayData(iarray); handle->nMarkedItems = 0; dPtr = (ubyte *)(handle->data); for (i = 0; i < nInv; i++) if (*dPtr++ == DATA_INVALID) handle->nMarkedItems ++; } } else if (DXGetAttribute((Object)iarray, "ref")) { int *iPtr, i; if ((type != TYPE_INT && type != TYPE_UINT) || cat != CATEGORY_REAL || rank != 0) { DXSetError(ERROR_DATA_INVALID, "referential invalid data component is wrong type, %s", "category, or not scalar"); goto error; } DXGetArrayInfo(iarray, &nInv, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (nInv == 0) { handle->type = IC_ALL_UNMARKED; handle->nMarkedItems = 0; } else { /* Accessing the elements of a large IC_SORTED_LIST via */ /* binary search is hideously slow. Use a HASH or DEP */ /* internally. */ if (handle->nItems != -1 && nInv >= DEP_MEM_THRESHOLD(handle->nItems)) { ubyte *data = (ubyte *)DXAllocate( handle->nItems*sizeof(ubyte)); if (!data) goto error; memset(data, IC_ELEMENT_UNMARKED, handle->nItems); handle->nMarkedItems = 0; iPtr = (int *)DXGetArrayData(iarray); for (i = 0; i < nInv; i++, iPtr++) { if (data[*iPtr] == IC_ELEMENT_UNMARKED) handle->nMarkedItems++; data[*iPtr] = IC_ELEMENT_MARKED; } handle->type = IC_DEP_ARRAY; handle->data = data; } else { long li; HashTable hash = DXCreateHash(sizeof(long), NULL, NULL); if (!hash) goto error; iPtr = (int *)DXGetArrayData(iarray); for (i = 0; i < nInv; i++, iPtr++) { li = *iPtr; if (! DXInsertHashElement(hash, (Element)&li)) goto error; } handle->nMarkedItems = 0; DXInitGetNextHashElement(hash); while (DXGetNextHashElement(hash)) handle->nMarkedItems++; handle->type = IC_HASH; handle->hash = hash; } } } else { DXSetError(ERROR_DATA_INVALID, "invalid component has neither dep nor ref attribute"); goto error; } } else { /* * Otherwise, the everything so far is assumed to be valid. */ handle->type = IC_ALL_UNMARKED; } return handle; error: DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(handle); return NULL; } Error DXFreeInvalidComponentHandle(InvalidComponentHandle handle) { if (handle) { if (handle->iName) DXFree((Pointer)handle->iName); if (handle->array) DXDelete((Object)handle->array); if (handle->hash) DXDestroyHash(handle->hash); if (handle->data && !handle->array) DXFree((Pointer)handle->data); if (handle->seglist) DXDeleteSegList(handle->seglist); DXFree((Pointer)handle->sortList); DXFree((Pointer)handle); } return OK; } Error DXSaveInvalidComponent(Field field, InvalidComponentHandle handle) { Array array; char sbuf[128]; if (! handle->iName) { DXSetError(ERROR_INTERNAL, "unknown invalid component name"); return ERROR; } sprintf(sbuf, "invalid %s", handle->iName); if (DXGetComponentValue(field, sbuf)) DXDeleteComponent(field, sbuf); if (handle->type == IC_ALL_UNMARKED && handle->sense == IC_MARKS_INDICATE_INVALID) { return OK; } if (handle->type == IC_ALL_MARKED && handle->sense == IC_MARKS_INDICATE_VALID) { return OK; } array = DXGetInvalidComponentArray(handle); if (! array) return ERROR; if (! DXSetComponentValue(field, sbuf, (Object)array)) return ERROR; return OK; } #define DEP_ARRAY 1 #define REF_ARRAY 2 Array DXGetInvalidComponentArray(InvalidComponentHandle handle) { Array array = NULL; Object attr; int nInvalid; int type = 0; long li; if (! handle) goto error; if (handle->array) return handle->array; if (handle->sense == IC_MARKS_INDICATE_VALID) nInvalid = handle->nItems - handle->nMarkedItems; else nInvalid = handle->nMarkedItems; if ((nInvalid == handle->nItems) || ((handle->type == IC_ALL_MARKED && handle->sense == IC_MARKS_INDICATE_INVALID)) || ((handle->type == IC_ALL_UNMARKED && handle->sense == IC_MARKS_INDICATE_VALID))) { ubyte value = DATA_INVALID; type = DEP_ARRAY; array = (Array)DXNewConstantArray(handle->nItems, &value, TYPE_UBYTE, CATEGORY_REAL, 0); if (! array) goto error; } else if (nInvalid == 0 || ((handle->type == IC_ALL_MARKED && handle->sense == IC_MARKS_INDICATE_VALID)) || ((handle->type == IC_ALL_UNMARKED && handle->sense == IC_MARKS_INDICATE_INVALID))) { ubyte value = DATA_VALID; type = DEP_ARRAY; array = (Array)DXNewConstantArray(handle->nItems, &value, TYPE_UBYTE, CATEGORY_REAL, 0); if (! array) goto error; } else if (handle->type == IC_DEP_ARRAY) { /* * If there are enough actually invalid, output a dep array. * Otherwise, create a sort list. */ if (handle->nItems != -1 && nInvalid >= DEP_STORAGE_THRESHOLD(handle->nItems)) { type = DEP_ARRAY; array = DXNewArray(TYPE_UBYTE, CATEGORY_REAL, 0); if (! array) goto error; /* * We may have to invert the byte vector to get the right sense. */ if (handle->sense == IC_MARKS_INDICATE_VALID) { int i; ubyte *ptr; ptr = (ubyte *)handle->data; for (i = 0; i < handle->nItems; i++, ptr++) if (*ptr == IC_ELEMENT_MARKED) *ptr = IC_ELEMENT_UNMARKED; else *ptr = IC_ELEMENT_MARKED; handle->sense = IC_MARKS_INDICATE_INVALID; } if (! DXAddArrayData(array, 0, handle->nItems, handle->data)) goto error; } else { ubyte target; int i; ubyte *bptr; int *iptr; type = REF_ARRAY; array = DXNewArray(TYPE_INT, CATEGORY_REAL, 0); if (! array) goto error; if (!DXAddArrayData(array, 0, nInvalid, NULL)) goto error; if (handle->sense == IC_MARKS_INDICATE_VALID) target = IC_ELEMENT_UNMARKED; else target = IC_ELEMENT_MARKED; iptr = (int *)DXGetArrayData(array); bptr = (ubyte *)handle->data; for (i = 0; i < handle->nItems; i++) if (*bptr++ == target) *iptr++ = i; } } else if (handle->type == IC_SORTED_LIST) { type = REF_ARRAY; array = DXNewArray(TYPE_INT, CATEGORY_REAL, 0); if (! array) goto error; if (!DXAddArrayData(array, 0, nInvalid, handle->data)) goto error; } else if (handle->type == IC_HASH) { /* * If its a hash table, then we may return either a dep * or ref result, depending on which will be larger. * This depends on the number actually invalid, regardless * of the sense of the hash table. */ int *dPtr; if (handle->nItems != -1 && nInvalid >= DEP_STORAGE_THRESHOLD(handle->nItems)) { ubyte *data; long *sPtr; type = DEP_ARRAY; array = DXNewArray(TYPE_UBYTE, CATEGORY_REAL, 0); if (! array) goto error; if (! DXAddArrayData(array, 0, handle->nItems, NULL)) goto error; data = (ubyte *)DXGetArrayData(array); /* * If marks indicate invalid, then initialize the array * to valid, then traverse the hash list setting the * array entries corresponding to the hash table * contents to INVALID. Otherwise, do it the opposite * way. */ if (handle->sense == IC_MARKS_INDICATE_INVALID) { memset(data, DATA_VALID, handle->nItems*sizeof(ubyte)); DXInitGetNextHashElement(handle->hash); while(NULL != (sPtr = (long *)DXGetNextHashElement(handle->hash))) { data[*sPtr] = DATA_INVALID; } } else { memset(data, DATA_INVALID, handle->nItems*sizeof(ubyte)); DXInitGetNextHashElement(handle->hash); while(NULL != (sPtr = (long *)DXGetNextHashElement(handle->hash))) { data[*sPtr] = DATA_VALID; } } } else { long *sPtr; type = REF_ARRAY; array = DXNewArray(TYPE_INT, CATEGORY_REAL, 0); if (! array) goto error; if (! DXAddArrayData(array, 0, nInvalid, NULL)) goto error; dPtr = (int *)DXGetArrayData(array); /* * If the marks indicate valid, then we need to * determine the elements that DO NOT reside in the * hash table. We do this by trying all of them. * This ain't great, but nothing better comes to * mind. If the marks indicate invalid, then we have * the easy case. */ if (handle->sense == IC_MARKS_INDICATE_VALID) { for (li = 0; li < handle->nItems; li++) { if (! DXQueryHashElement(handle->hash, (Key)&li)) *dPtr++ = li; } } else { DXInitGetNextHashElement(handle->hash); while(NULL != (sPtr = (long *)DXGetNextHashElement(handle->hash))) { *dPtr++ = *sPtr; } } } } else { DXSetError(ERROR_INTERNAL, "bad invalid component handle"); goto error; } if (handle->iName) { attr = (Object)DXNewString(handle->iName); if (! attr) goto error; if (type == DEP_ARRAY) DXSetAttribute((Object)array, "dep", attr); else if (type == REF_ARRAY) DXSetAttribute((Object)array, "ref", attr); else { DXSetError(ERROR_INTERNAL, "unknown invalid array type"); goto error; } } return array; error: DXDelete((Object)array); return NULL; } int DXIsElementInvalid(InvalidComponentHandle handle, int index) { if (handle->sense == IC_MARKS_INDICATE_VALID) return ! IsElementMarked(handle, index); else return IsElementMarked(handle, index); } int DXIsElementValid(InvalidComponentHandle handle, int index) { if (handle->sense == IC_MARKS_INDICATE_INVALID) return ! IsElementMarked(handle, index); else return IsElementMarked(handle, index); } static int IsElementMarked(InvalidComponentHandle handle, int index) { switch(handle->type) { case IC_ALL_MARKED: { return TRUE; } case IC_ALL_UNMARKED: { return FALSE; } case IC_DEP_ARRAY: { if (((ubyte *)(handle->data))[index] == IC_ELEMENT_MARKED) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } case IC_HASH: { long li = index; if (DXQueryHashElement(handle->hash, (Key)&li)) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } case IC_SORTED_LIST: { int *base = (int *)handle->data; int max = handle->nMarkedItems-1; int min = 0, mid; if (handle->nMarkedItems == 0 || base[0] > index || base[max] < index) { return FALSE; } for (mid = (max + min) >> 1; mid != min; mid = (min + max) >> 1) if (base[mid] > index) max = mid; else if (base[mid] < index) min = mid; else return TRUE; if (base[min] == index || base[max] == index) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } } /* Function should always short circuit, but just incase */ return FALSE; } Error DXSetElementInvalid(InvalidComponentHandle handle, int index) { if (handle->sense == IC_MARKS_INDICATE_VALID) return RemoveMark(handle, index); else return SetMark(handle, index); } Error DXSetElementValid(InvalidComponentHandle handle, int index) { if (handle->sense == IC_MARKS_INDICATE_VALID) return SetMark(handle, index); else return RemoveMark(handle, index); } static Error SetMark(InvalidComponentHandle handle, int index) { long li; if (handle->type == IC_ALL_MARKED) return OK; /* * If this is the first invalidation, then we need to set up * a hash table to swallow invalidations until the threshold */ if (handle->type == IC_ALL_UNMARKED) { handle->nMarkedItems = 0; handle->type = IC_HASH; /* * Hashing will use a straight key */ handle->hash = DXCreateHash(sizeof(long), NULL, NULL); if (! handle->hash) goto error; } /* * Now save the invalidation */ switch(handle->type) { case IC_DEP_ARRAY: { if (handle->array) { ubyte *tmp = DXAllocate(handle->nItems*sizeof(ubyte)); if (! tmp) goto error; memcpy(tmp, handle->data, handle->nItems*sizeof(ubyte)); DXDelete((Object)handle->array); handle->array = NULL; handle->data = tmp; } if (((ubyte *)(handle->data))[index] != IC_ELEMENT_MARKED) { ((ubyte *)(handle->data))[index] = IC_ELEMENT_MARKED; handle->nMarkedItems ++; } break; } case IC_HASH: { li = index; if (! DXQueryHashElement(handle->hash, (Key)&li)) { if (! DXInsertHashElement(handle->hash, (Element)&li)) goto error; handle->nMarkedItems ++; } break; } case IC_SORTED_LIST: { /* * If the thing is currently a sorted list and we are * doing an insert, transform to a hash table */ int i, *iPtr; HashTable hash = DXCreateHash(sizeof(long), NULL, NULL); if (! hash) goto error; for (i = 0, iPtr = (int *)handle->data; i < handle->nMarkedItems; i++) { li = *iPtr++; if (! DXInsertHashElement(hash, (Element)&li)) goto error; } if (handle->array) { DXDelete((Object)handle->array); handle->array = NULL; handle->data = NULL; } else { DXFree((Pointer)handle->data); handle->data = NULL; } handle->hash = hash; handle->type = IC_HASH; /* * Now add to hash table */ li = index; if (! DXQueryHashElement(handle->hash, (Key)&li)) { if (! DXInsertHashElement(handle->hash, (Element)&li)) goto error; handle->nMarkedItems ++; } break; } default: { DXSetError(ERROR_INTERNAL, "unknown handle type"); goto error; } } /* * If not already a dependent array and we have passed the threshold, * convert to a dependent array. IF we know the overall size. */ if ((handle->type != IC_DEP_ARRAY) && (handle->nItems != -1) && (handle->nMarkedItems >= DEP_MEM_THRESHOLD(handle->nItems))) { ubyte *depArray = (ubyte *)DXAllocate(handle->nItems*sizeof(ubyte)); if (! depArray) goto error; memset(depArray, IC_ELEMENT_UNMARKED, handle->nItems); /* * At this point, if we came in with a sorted list we will already * have converted to a hash table, so if its not dependent, it * must be hash. */ if (handle->type == IC_HASH) { long *iPtr; DXInitGetNextHashElement(handle->hash); while(NULL != (iPtr = (long *)DXGetNextHashElement(handle->hash))) depArray[*iPtr] = IC_ELEMENT_MARKED; DXDestroyHash(handle->hash); handle->hash = NULL; } else { DXSetError(ERROR_INTERNAL, "attempting to expand an invalid type of invalid component"); goto error; } handle->data = depArray; handle->array = NULL; handle->type = IC_DEP_ARRAY; } return OK; error: return ERROR; } static Error RemoveMark(InvalidComponentHandle handle, int index) { if (handle->type == IC_ALL_UNMARKED) return OK; /* * If this is the first invalidation, then we need to set up * a hash table to swallow invalidations until the threshold */ if (handle->type == IC_ALL_MARKED) { handle->type = IC_HASH; handle->nMarkedItems = 0; handle->sense = !handle->sense; /* * Hashing will use a straight key */ handle->hash = DXCreateHash(sizeof(long), NULL, NULL); if (! handle->hash) goto error; if (! SetMark(handle, index)) goto error; return OK; } /* * Now save the invalidation */ switch(handle->type) { case IC_DEP_ARRAY: { if (handle->array) { ubyte *tmp = DXAllocate(handle->nItems*sizeof(ubyte)); if (! tmp) goto error; memcpy(tmp, handle->data, handle->nItems*sizeof(ubyte)); DXDelete((Object)handle->array); handle->array = NULL; handle->data = tmp; } if (((ubyte *)(handle->data))[index] != IC_ELEMENT_UNMARKED) { ((ubyte *)(handle->data))[index] = IC_ELEMENT_UNMARKED; handle->nMarkedItems --; } break; } case IC_HASH: { long li = index; if (DXQueryHashElement(handle->hash, (Key)&li)) { if (! DXDeleteHashElement(handle->hash, (Element)&li)) goto error; handle->nMarkedItems --; } break; } case IC_SORTED_LIST: { /* * If the thing is currently a sorted list and we are * doing an deletion, transform to a hash table */ int i, *iPtr; long li; HashTable hash = DXCreateHash(sizeof(long), NULL, NULL); if (! hash) goto error; iPtr = (int *)handle->data; for (i = 0; i < handle->nMarkedItems; i++) { li = *iPtr++; if (! DXInsertHashElement(hash, (Element)&li)) goto error; } if (handle->array) { DXDelete((Object)handle->array); handle->array = NULL; handle->data = NULL; } else { DXFree((Pointer)handle->data); handle->data = NULL; } handle->hash = hash; handle->type = IC_HASH; /* * Now add to hash table */ li = index; if (DXQueryHashElement(handle->hash, (Key)&li)) { if (! DXDeleteHashElement(handle->hash, (Element)&li)) goto error; handle->nMarkedItems --; } break; } default: { DXSetError(ERROR_INTERNAL, "unknown handle type"); goto error; } } /* * If not already a dependent array and we have passed the threshold, * convert to a dependent array. */ if ((handle->type != IC_DEP_ARRAY) && (handle->nItems != -1) && (handle->nMarkedItems >= DEP_MEM_THRESHOLD(handle->nItems))) { ubyte *depArray = (ubyte *)DXAllocate(handle->nItems*sizeof(ubyte)); if (! depArray) goto error; memset(depArray, IC_ELEMENT_UNMARKED, handle->nItems); /* * At this point, if we came in with a sorted list we will already * have converted to a hash table, so if its not dependent, it * must be hash. */ if (handle->type == IC_HASH) { long *lPtr; DXInitGetNextHashElement(handle->hash); while(NULL != (lPtr = (long *)DXGetNextHashElement(handle->hash))) depArray[*lPtr] = IC_ELEMENT_MARKED; DXDestroyHash(handle->hash); handle->hash = NULL; } else { DXSetError(ERROR_INTERNAL, "attempting to expand an invalid type of invalid component"); goto error; } handle->data = depArray; handle->array = NULL; handle->type = IC_DEP_ARRAY; } return OK; error: return ERROR; } int DXIsElementInvalidSequential(InvalidComponentHandle handle, int index) { /* if (handle->type == IC_ALL_UNMARKED) return FALSE; else if (handle->type == IC_ALL_MARKED) return TRUE; else if (handle->type == IC_SORTED_LIST) { int *data; if (index == 0) handle->next = 0; if (handle->next >= handle->nMarkedItems) return FALSE; data = (int *)(handle->data); do { if (index < data[handle->next]) return FALSE; if (index == data[handle->next]) return TRUE; } while (++(handle->next) < handle->nMarkedItems); return FALSE; } else */ if(handle) return DXIsElementInvalid(handle, index); return 0; } int DXIsElementValidSequential(InvalidComponentHandle handle, int index) { /* if (handle->type == IC_ALL_UNMARKED) return FALSE; else if (handle->type == IC_ALL_MARKED) return TRUE; else if (handle->type == IC_SORTED_LIST) { int *data; if (index == 0) handle->next = 0; if (handle->next >= handle->nMarkedItems) return FALSE; data = (int *)(handle->data); do { if (index < data[handle->next]) return FALSE; if (index == data[handle->next]) return TRUE; } while (++(handle->next) < handle->nMarkedItems); return FALSE; } else */ return DXIsElementValid(handle, index); } int DXGetInvalidCount(InvalidComponentHandle handle) { if (handle->sense == IC_MARKS_INDICATE_VALID) return handle->nItems - handle->nMarkedItems; else return handle->nMarkedItems; } int DXGetValidCount(InvalidComponentHandle handle) { if (handle->sense == IC_MARKS_INDICATE_INVALID) return handle->nItems - handle->nMarkedItems; else return handle->nMarkedItems; } static Field DeleteFieldContents(Field f) { char *cNames[1000]; int n; for (n = 0; DXGetEnumeratedComponentValue(f, n, cNames+n); n++); while (--n >= 0) DXDeleteComponent(f, cNames[n]); return DXEndField(f); } Error DXSetAllValid(InvalidComponentHandle handle) { if (! RemoveContents(handle)) return ERROR; handle->type = IC_ALL_UNMARKED; handle->sense = IC_MARKS_INDICATE_INVALID; return OK; } Error DXSetAllInvalid(InvalidComponentHandle handle) { if (! RemoveContents(handle)) return ERROR; handle->type = IC_ALL_UNMARKED; handle->sense = IC_MARKS_INDICATE_VALID; return OK; } static Error RemoveContents(InvalidComponentHandle handle) { switch(handle->type) { case IC_ALL_UNMARKED: case IC_ALL_MARKED: { break; } case IC_DEP_ARRAY: case IC_SORTED_LIST: { if (handle->array) { DXDelete((Object)handle->array); handle->array = NULL; handle->data = NULL; } else { DXFree((Pointer)handle->data); handle->data = NULL; } break; } case IC_HASH: { DXDestroyHash(handle->hash); handle->hash = NULL; break; } default: DXSetError(ERROR_INTERNAL, "unknown invalid component handle type"); goto error; } return OK; error: return ERROR; } Error DXInitGetNextInvalidElementIndex(InvalidComponentHandle handle) { handle->nextCand = 0; handle->nextSlot = 0; handle->nextMarkI = -1; if (handle->type == IC_HASH) if (! MakeSortList(handle)) goto error; handle->nextMark = GetNextMarked(handle); return OK; error: return ERROR; } Error DXInitGetNextValidElementIndex(InvalidComponentHandle handle) { return DXInitGetNextInvalidElementIndex(handle); } int DXGetNextValidElementIndex(InvalidComponentHandle handle) { if (handle->sense == IC_MARKS_INDICATE_VALID) { int next = handle->nextMark; handle->nextMark = GetNextMarked(handle); return next; } else { /* * While there remain marks and our next candidate is marked, bump * them both. */ while (handle->nextMark != -1 && handle->nextCand == handle->nextMark) { handle->nextCand ++; handle->nextMark = GetNextMarked(handle); } /* * If there are no remaining marks and we are not done... */ if (handle->nextCand < handle->nItems) return handle->nextCand++; else return -1; } } int DXGetNextInvalidElementIndex(InvalidComponentHandle handle) { if (handle->sense == IC_MARKS_INDICATE_INVALID) { int next = handle->nextMark; handle->nextMark = GetNextMarked(handle); return next; } else { /* * While there remain marks and our next candidate is marked, bump * them both. */ while (handle->nextMark != -1 && handle->nextCand == handle->nextMark) { handle->nextCand ++; handle->nextMark = GetNextMarked(handle); } /* * If there are no remaining marks and we are not done... */ if (handle->nextCand < handle->nItems) return handle->nextCand++; else return -1; } } Error DXInvertValidity(InvalidComponentHandle handle) { if (handle->sense == IC_MARKS_INDICATE_INVALID) handle->sense = IC_MARKS_INDICATE_VALID; else handle->sense = IC_MARKS_INDICATE_INVALID; return OK; } static Error MakeSortList(InvalidComponentHandle handle) { int i; long *p; if (handle->sortListSize != handle->nMarkedItems) { DXFree((int *)handle->sortList); handle->sortList = (int *)DXAllocate(handle->nMarkedItems*sizeof(int)); if (! handle->sortList) goto error; handle->sortListSize = handle->nMarkedItems; } DXInitGetNextHashElement(handle->hash); i = 0; while (NULL != (p = (long *)DXGetNextHashElement(handle->hash))) { if (i == handle->sortListSize) { DXSetError(ERROR_INTERNAL, "sort list too short!"); goto error; } handle->sortList[i++] = *p; } if (i != handle->sortListSize) { DXSetError(ERROR_INTERNAL, "sort list wrong size!"); goto error; } refsort(handle->sortList, handle->sortListSize); return OK; error: return ERROR; } static int GetNextMarked(InvalidComponentHandle handle) { if (handle->nextMarkI >= handle->nItems) return -1; switch(handle->type) { case IC_ALL_MARKED: { if (handle->nextMarkI >= handle->nItems - 1) return -1; else return (++(handle->nextMarkI)); } case IC_ALL_UNMARKED: { return -1; } case IC_SORTED_LIST: { if (handle->nextSlot == handle->nMarkedItems) return -1; else return ((int *)(handle->data))[handle->nextSlot++]; } case IC_HASH: { if (handle->nextSlot == handle->sortListSize) return -1; else return ((int *)(handle->sortList))[handle->nextSlot++]; } case IC_DEP_ARRAY: { int i; ubyte *ptr = (ubyte *)handle->data + handle->nextMarkI + 1; for (i = handle->nextMarkI+1; i < handle->nItems; i++) if (*ptr++ == IC_ELEMENT_MARKED) { handle->nextMarkI = i; return i; } return -1; } } /* Function should be already returned, but just incase */ return -1; } static int GridSize(Array grid) { switch(DXGetArrayClass(grid)) { case CLASS_PATHARRAY: { int count; DXGetPathArrayInfo((PathArray)grid, &count); return count; } case CLASS_ARRAY: { byte *map = NULL; int max, i, n, *elts, *e, nElements, nVerts, r; Type t; Category c; DXGetArrayInfo((Array)grid, &nElements, &t, &c, &r, &nVerts); if (t != TYPE_INT || c != CATEGORY_REAL || r != 1) { DXSetError(ERROR_DATA_INVALID, "connections"); return -1; } elts = (int *)DXGetArrayData(grid); n = nElements*nVerts; for (i = 0, e = elts, max = -1; i < n; i++, e++) if (*e > max) max = *e; map = (byte *)DXAllocateZero((max+1)*sizeof(byte)); if (! map) return ERROR_OCCURRED; for (i = 0, e = elts; i < n; i++, e++) if (*e >= 0) map[*e] = 1; for (i = 0; i < max; i++) if (map[i] == 0) { DXFree((Pointer)map); return HOLES_FOUND; } DXFree((Pointer)map); return max + 1; } case CLASS_MESHARRAY: { int nTerms, i, max; Array terms[100]; int rtn; DXGetMeshArrayInfo((MeshArray)grid, &nTerms, terms); for (max = 1, i = 0; i < nTerms; i++) { rtn = GridSize(terms[i]); if (rtn < 0) return rtn; max *= rtn; } return max; } default: { DXSetError(ERROR_DATA_INVALID, "connections component"); return ERROR_OCCURRED; } } }